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Verhage, A., Ponsaers, P. (2011). “Do secretário de Policia à Unidade de Justiça Criminal : as relações entre o Ministerio Público e a Policia nos Paises Baixos e na Inglaterra”, in Revista do CNMP, O Ministério Público e as Policias - Em uma perspectiva comparada, V.1, n°2, Julho/Decembro, Brasilia, 125-145.

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The views expressed in this report are those of the authors, not necessarily those of the Home Office (nor do they reflect Government policy).
Livro de fundamental importância em meio aos debates mais atuais do cenário sociopolítico nacional, Judicialização de Políticas Públicas no Brasil levanta debates e contribuições para “a compreensão dos processos pelos quais nosso sistema de justiça tornou-se um protagonista da política e das políticas, bem como de seus impactos sobre uma gama variada de direitos individuais e coletivos”, afirma a professora titular de Ciência Política da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Marta Arretche. A obra reúne 12 artigos de juristas e especialistas nos campos das ciências sociais e política e do direito, dialogando sobre temas como as bases institucionais dos processos de judicialização das políticas públicas no país, além de casos e desafios ligados à judicialização, englobando o direito à saúde e à moradia, questões de política habitacional e preservação ambiental, renda, assistência social, aborto, educação, igualdade de gênero e união homoafetiva. No time de renomados pesquisadores que compõem os estudos apresentados no livro estão Conrado Hübner Mendes, Fabiana Luci de Oliveira, Rogério Arantes, Luciana Gross Cunha e a organizadora, Vanessa Elias de Oliveira, doutora em Ciência Política pela USP e professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Políticas Públicas da Universidade Federal do ABC (PGPP/UFABC). Para o professor da Escola de Direito de São Paulo da Fundação Getulio Vargas, Oscar Vilhena Vieira, a coletânea “apresenta uma contribuição fundamental para melhor compreender o papel das agências de aplicação, impulsionadas por uma constituição de natureza transformadora, na determinação das políticas públicas no campo social”.
Ethics and regulation have become catchwords of the late 1990s, yet relatively little has been written about the ethical discourse and regulation of the legal professions in England and Wales. This book represents the first attempt to subject the ethical discourse of the English legal professions to in-depth analysis and sustained critique. Drawing on insights from moral philosophy, social theory, the sociology of the legal profession, public law theories of regulation, and the extensive American literature on lawyers' ethics, it argues that, in seeking to provide definitive answers to particular problems of professional conduct, professional legal ethics has failed to deliver an approach which requires lawyers actively to engage with the ethical issues raised by legal practice. Through an analysis of the core issues facing lawyers, the authors locate this failure in the profession's reliance on a liberal and adversarial role morality that conceptualises the ethical values of human dignity, autonomy and equality in a formalistic and narrowly legalistic manner. This encourages lawyers to overlook the real invasions of these values so often wrought by upholding clients legal rights, and to ignore the competing claims of affected third parties, the wider community and the environment. In seeking to move beyond critique, the authors develop throughout the book a contextual approach to individual ethical decision-making and outline a range of institutional, regulatory and educational reforms which, they suggest, could form the basis for a more ethical brand of professionalism.
This is the text of the Liverpool Law Review Annual Lecture 1999. Mr. Justice Hooper speaks about the need for a radical reform of the practices and procedures and rules of evidence in the Criminal Courts in England and Wales. Radical reform is needed at all stages of the process including the investigation stage, the pre-trial stage and at the trial itself. Substantive law reform is also long overdue and there is a real need to consider a new approach by the adoption of a comprehensive criminal code.
Following recommendations in the Auld Report the Government has determined that the function of charging suspects in England and Wales will be transferred incrementally from the polie to the Crown Prosecution Service who will become involved in an early stage in the direction of criminal investigations. This article sets out the background to this important development and describes how it is intended to work in practice. It looks at the possible legal challenges that the new procedure might face before discussing some of the practical issues which will have to be resolved if the initiative is to achieve its aims.
Plea bargaining was banned by Alaska's Attorney General in August of 1975. The ban extended to all crimes, and forbade both charge and sentence negotiations. Its effects, evaluated by the Alaska Judicial Council in a two-year study, were to increase some sentences, increase trials modestly, and-surprisingly-increase the productivity of the criminal justice system. Explicit plea bargaining appears to have been substantially reduced, without any noticeable commensurate increase in implicit bargaining. The Alaska experience strongly suggests the need to reexamine contemporary thinking about plea bargaining.