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Ayurveda and its role in sexual health



Vaajikarna is one among astangas. Sexuality is not just sexual activity. Vrishya chikitsa of Ayurveda addresses the reasons for sexual inefficiency and directs the use of sexual aphrodisiac herbs, minerals and treatments to enhance the vitality.
Chandramouleeswaran P et al / IJRAP 3(4), Jul Aug 2012
Review Article
Chandramouleeswaran P1*, Govadhan K2
1Reader, Dept. of Panchakarma, Ayurveda College, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
2Principal, University College of Ayurveda, Jodhpur Ayurveda University Campus, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
Received on: 12/03/12 Revised on: 25/05/12 Accepted on: 11/06/12
*Corresponding author
Vaajikarna is one among astangas. Sexuality is not just sexual activity. Vrishya chikitsa of Ayurveda addresses the reasons for sexual inefficiency and
directs the use of sexual aphrodisiac herbs, minerals and treatments to enhance the vitality.
Keywords: sex, kama, antistress, libido, snehapana, virechana, vasti
The frame work of Ayurveda is wide enough to include
all that is very essential to make the humans healthy and
happy. It includes study of kaamaa or the desire which is
very essential for producing the healthy progeny which in
turn produce the healthy society. Further it deals with the
philosophical aspect of life, the knowledge of which
greatly contributes to the comfort and happiness of all
Ayurveda which is not only a system of medicine but a
way of life, advocating prevention of diseases as its
primary aim and following holistic approach in dealing
with different diseases.
Vaajikarna is one among astangas which deals totally
about sexual health. As said by Charaka the man without
child is said to be the tree without any branches. The main
aim of vajeekarana is to produce the quality progeny
which in turn produces the healthy society
Sexuality, what does it mean
It would not be wrong to state that the sustenance of the
human race is based on its sexuality. Sexuality is not just
sexual activity. But is rather the sum total mans existential
presence in the world. Based on his sense of sexual
identity with which he identifies his sex roles and
modulates his interaction with the society around him. A
person recognises his sex role through three means-his
family ties, his social standing and codes of behaviour, his
sexual values and priorities. it can be generally said that
the climax aim of the bodily activity brought about by
coordinated functioning of the autonomous nervous
system, hormones and muscle groups is procreation.
Perspective of Vajeekarna
The wisdom of Ayurveda certainly was not delivered in a
day. It is the sum total of the collective wisdom of sages
gathered over period of time. The gray areas where light
of knowledge merged indistinctly with darkness of
ignorance had provided the most exciting scientific
speculations to the ancient sages as they do for todays
students of Ayurveda. Sexual health in Ayurveda is
indeed one such area, which has, by virtue of some recent
advances in allopathic medicine, come centre stage and
about which all Ayurvedic vaidyas would definitely like
to know more, especially as to what their own science has
to say about it.
There are many ways to approach a contemporary topic to
give its Ayurvedic perspective. Any approach however
would have to be aware of the pitfalls of unnecessary
unjustified and erroneous correlation. It has also to
provide a comprehensive view of the Ayurvedic outlook
which can be only possible, if all references from possible
sources are analysed critically.
Vrishya chikitsa of Ayurveda addresses the reasons for
sexual inefficiency and directs the use of sexual
aphrodisiac herbs, minerals and treatments to enhance the
Androsemenological perspective
The super speciality practice of Ayurveda which deals
with diagnosis and management of defective
spermatogenesis is accordance with vajeekarana. Alpa
retas treated with sukra Apyayana chiktsa, dushta retas
with shukra prasadana, ksheena retas with shukra
upachaya and vishukra retas with shukra jarana
vajeekarana chiktsa. This perspective of vajeekarana is
missing in common notion and during the emperors. The
vajeekarana was promoted as only sex medicine
Kama: The Instinct
In charaka samhitha it is stated that rishiputra is the
product subha ashubakarma impelled by moha ichha and
dwesha. Pravrtti is possible only by moha, ichha and
devesha. Kama is the product of the above three1.
Sexological perspective - Sexual potentiation of the
person practicing sex with his legal partner or the persons
with sexual dysfunction at the same are treated with
vajeekarana chikitsa. Enhancement of sexual vigour,
desire, libido, penile erectile capacity, sexual substance
power, modulation of ejaculation, repeated sexual
performance etc are the benefits of vajeekarana therapy
but to be prescribed for the needy.
Nutritional perspective
Vajeekarana phytopharamacopoeia, animal sources and
minerallo metallaceutics have been found to possesses
abundant energy and nutritional potent. To name a few
milk products, ghee sugar etc.
Antistress, adaptogenic and immunological
Classically vajeekarana yoga is said to be best on the
recipients with tushti, pushti, jeevana Bruhamana, Balya
Chandramouleeswaran P et al / IJRAP 3(4), Jul Aug 2012
yasha and manoharsha properties. It is intended to note
the antistress, antiageing, adaptogenic, psychotropic, life
promoting, anabolic and immune enhancing effects which
can also be contextually prescribed in vatavyadi,
balakshya, jara and other clinical condition.
A person should always seek the intake of aphrodisiacs to
earn dharma, artha priti, and yasas through tjis therapy
alone. A person gets these benefits through his progeny
and the aphrodisiac therapy enables him to procreate
children. (Charaka)
As said in Ayurveda stree is the best aphrodisiac. Each
beautiful thing gives immense pleasure to an individual.
All objects of beauty are assembled in women in compact
form and nowhere else. All the objects of senses found in
the person of women evoke the maximum delight in a
man. Above things can be enjoyed only if the women
cooperate. The following conditions can make the women
unfit for sexual act or she refuses to cooperate.
Loss of libido
Loss of libido is common problem that women face from
time to time. Recent research shows that female sexual
dysfunction often is the result of low hormones in the
body. Hormones are directly responsible for female
sexual drive and libido. The women usually experience
deficit arousal and orgasm. Loss of libido leads to
difficulty in intimate relationship and contributes to
marital problems. This problem can be treated with some
medicated herbal oils like Dhanwantaram, bala
ashwagandadhi etc (for ext application). Internally herbs
like sathavaree, punarnava, vidhri, ashtavargam drugs can
be administered.
Menopause is perhaps the greatest physical change a
women faces in the old age. Many women experience a
change in their sexual functions immediately before and
after menopause this is due to decrease in oestrogen and
testosterone levels. There will be decreased blood flow in
the genitals. Common complaints like loss of desire, low
sexual arousal, thinning and drying of the vagina leads to
difficulty in penile penetration. In this case herbs which
improves the blood circulation, balance the hormones and
increase he desire can be administered.
To increase the beauty of the patient which is the prime
important in attracting the man, some beauty treatments
with various drugs and panchakarma treatment can be
Female infertility
There are lots of condition leads to female infertility main
one is PCOD. Usually this condition is treated with
contraceptive pills, metformin and with ovulation
inducers. In Ayurveda this condition is easily treated with
kashayams like punarnavadi, varanadhi etc. Tablets like
kanchanara gugglu, chandraprabhavati etc can be used.
Sexual dysfunction in man
Premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation is the term used when the ejaculates
the semen just before the coitus or quick leakage of semen
with in short time before orgasm or in other words
ejaculation occurs before the persons desire. It may occur
before or after foreplay. Many times this leads to anxiety
depression, tension and personal distress. In contemporary
medicine both the partners are educated especially the
wife and treatments like stop and start technique by wife,
pelvic floor exercise, local anaesthetics and some anti-
psychotic drugs are used in Ayurveda it can be treated in
vataja shukra dhushti lines, panchakarmas like uttravasti ,
matravasti and mrudu virchana can be advocated,
preparations like aakarakara bhathi vati,
madhanakameshwari lehyam2 kamini vidranava ras, etc
can be used and some market preparations are also
Delayed ejaculation
It is uncommon form of sexual dysfunction which can
affect some man. Shukra pravrithikara drugs can be very
useful in this condition.
Erectile dysfunction
We can say erectile dysfunction is the problem in which
the penis does not become firm enough to enter the vagina
or failure of ejaculation or maintaining erection till the
end of the sexual act. It may be due to some physical
disease such as Diabetes, psychological or emotional
problems. Also diseases like Prostate cancer,
atherosclerosis, urological condition, hepatic failure etc.
Even some medications, alcohol, smoking aging and
trauma can cause this problem. It can be diagnosed by
Physical examination, Pudendal angiography,
cavernosonography. In contemporary science it is
managed with professional counselling, hormonal
treatments and oral medication such as Yohimbine,
Trazadone, Methylated testosterone sildinafill citrate4 etc.
It is also treated with Penial implants, injectables. It can
be said in ayurveda as klaibya all the Acharyas have
elaborately explained about klaibya extensively. Nidanas
like Shukraoporodha, Jarasambhava, K shaya,
Bjaopaghatsambhava, Marmachedha etc. Main symptom
mentioned is Divijapatatyadhonrnam3.
This condition can be treated with;
Pathya: Ahara plays very important role in klaibya.
Lavana and kshara should be avoided. All ground cereals
except yava and godhuma. Use of shali, meat of varthaka,
chataka, kukuta, tittri, harinat, fruits like draksha karjoora,
amra, jambu, dadima etc are mentioned.5
Treatment: Panchakarma treatments like vrishya yapana
vasti, matravasti, snehapana, mild virechana can be
advocated. Herbs like ashwaganda, bala, kapikachoo,
masha, shashtika, sathavaree, madhuka. Vegetables like
dhanyaka, aardhraka, jivaka, sarshapa, ajamodha, mulaka,
alabu, soorana, agnimantha, lasuna, varthaka dhadima ect
can be advocated. Also ksheera, dadhi, girutha ikshu,
takra etc can also be used. Bhasmas like swarnavanga,
rasa sindoora, abraka, swarnamakshika etc can be used.
Lehyams like madhanakameshwari, shathavaree,
ashwagandhadhi, amritha prasham can be used. Rasa
oushadies like manmathaabra ras, pushpadhanavaras,
bruath vangeshwara ras, sidha makaradwaja ras,
makaradwajaras etc can also be used. Plenty of market
preparations are also available both externally and
Male Infertility
Approximately 15% of couples attempting their first
pregnancy meet with failure. These patients are primarily
infertile if they have been unable to achieve a pregnancy
wit in a year of unprotected intercourse. Conception
normally achieved with in twelve months in couples who
Chandramouleeswaran P et al / IJRAP 3(4), Jul Aug 2012
use no contraceptive measures and persons presenting
after this time to recognise as possible infertile and should
be evaluated. 30% pathology found in male partner in
infertile couple. Usually oligospermia, azoosspermia,
sluggish motility, non motility of sperms, damaged
sperms are the main cause. This should be carefully
diagnosed with physical examination, Doppler- to rule out
vericoceel, pelvic scan to rule out any anatomical
pathology. History must be carefully taken both present
and past to rule out dreadful diseases of the past and
recent time which can give some clue if the patient had
any disease whic would affect the spermetogenesis or
sperm. The treatment normally includes clomiphen
citrate, Tamoxifen, FSH and LH injections, injections etc.
And surgery for vareecoceel, intra utrine insemination and
IVF. In Ayurveda it can be categorized under klaibya and
the treatment can be followed after proper evaluation of
dosha dooshyas.
Upasta, the male organ, it has two function they are
pleasure and excretion. Klaibya affects physical and
mental wellbeing of a man. Klaibya is not only an erectile
dysfunction it covers the entire sexual dysfunction.
Rasayana and vajeekarana oushadies plays very important
role in treating klaibya.
Both male and female sexual dysfunctions under various
headings are commonly present in the society, urging the
victims to approach to the Ayurvedic physicians believing
that Ayurveda has the answer for it. As an Ayurvedic
physician we should say our strength and limitation to
them and professional counselling with proper
investigation and proper treatment will definitely give the
good result.
The author is thankful Dr.Chakko. Principal, Ayurveda
College, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Banglore, Bio-grand publishing team
  • K Venkatraman
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Venkatraman,k,erectile Dysfunction,Banglore, Bio-grand publishing team.2001.p.6
92.sloka5. varanasi:krishnadas academy:1982
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Bhaishjyaratnavali. Chikitsaprakaranam.chapter.92.sloka5. varanasi:krishnadas academy:1982.p.821