
The network society: A cross-cultural perspective



'The Network Society stimulates the reader to think about the network society in an innovative way. Because of its analytical aims and a well-balanced presentation of empirical findings and theoretical insights coming from a remarkable variety of authors, this is a book that might become a model for collaborative research in the years to come, as well as an invaluable reference for teaching and research on networking as an organizational form.' - International Sociology - Review of Books.
... The authority expressed through the establishment of these spatial boundaries also affects different forms of people's mobility, restricting access to spaces and resources to some groups, while at the same enabling access for other groups (Leutloff-Grandits, 2023). Seen as such the fluidity of global extractive and conservation sectors, based on networks and flows (Castells, 2004(Castells, , 2009, remains tied to the spatially fixity of territories. ...
... I first examine the role of 'switching' in the Yagán alliance by focusing on the ability of network participants to connect networks extending within and between local and national scales (Bush & Oosterveer, 2019;Castells, 2004). In doing so I specifically focus on how Indigenous people, local bureaucrats, national and international scientists and environmental NGOs exercise counterterritorialisation by defining a new networked actor (Castells, 2011). ...
... The case of the Yagán alliance demonstrates how programming and switching strategies embedded in networks of resistance enabled the Yagán to counter-territorialise their maritory against encroachment from the global salmon industry. In line with Castells' (2004Castells' ( , 2011 wider network society theory, the case provides empirical evidence of how local embedded network-making power can also reshape a global commodity frontier (c.f Moore, 2000). Counter-territorialisation by the Yagán alliance redefined global flows (materials, money, people) that enables the salmon farming industry to remain globally mobile, by (re) asserting customary mobility of a marginalised Indigenous group. ...
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This thesis analyses how social networks, spatial boundaries, and mobilities are implicated in the production of terrestrial and marine frontiers. By analysing the encounter between global expansionary networks of extractive sectors and nature conservation, and place-based networks of actors, this thesis explores the ways in which processes of boundary formation and mobilities are shaped and challenged. The concepts of territorialisation and counter-territorialisation are used to frame processes of boundary formation and channelling of mobilities by global and place-based networks. Territorialisation refers to the attempts of global networks to assert spatial boundaries and patterns of mobility to expand form of extraction and nature conservation, while counter-territorialisation refers to the different ways in which place-based networks use boundaries and mobilities to shape and challenge original processes of territorialisation. To meet this objective, concepts and frameworks from territoriality, mobilities, and networks are brought together and used as theoretical basis to analyse three case studies in the Chilean Southern Patagonia. The research developed in this thesis is based on data collected from interviews and participant observation developed in different periods of fieldwork between 2016 to 2019, and a review of secondary sources. The overarching research question of this thesis is: In what ways do interactions between spatial boundaries and mobilities shape existing and new forms of environmental governance in globally connected frontier spaces? This overarching question is divided into two sub-questions. The first sub-question is: In what ways are global networks implicated in processes of boundary formation and mobilities in frontier spaces?, and the second is: In what ways does counter-territorialisation by place-based networks incorporate boundary formation and mobilities in terrestrial and marine frontiers, and with what effect on prevailing forms of territorial control? The thesis is organised in six chapters, three of them empirical. Chapter 1 opens with a general introduction. In this chapter the Chilean Southern Patagonia is introduced as a frontier space in which various sectors and networked actors including Indigenous people, nature conservation, nature-based tourism, and marine salmon farming, are disputing access and use of spaces and resources through strategies related to boundary formation and mobilities. Subsequently I present the research objective, research questions, and the research methodology. Chapter 2 presents the theoretical framework of the thesis based on networks, boundaries, and mobilities. Tracing the advance of processes of territorialisation of frontier spaces from land to sea by global networks, the chapter proposes three possible interactions between boundaries and mobilities: boundaries shaping mobilities, mobilities shaping boundaries, and countering through boundaries. These three possible interactions are illustrated by taking the case of Chilean Southern Patagonia. Chapter 3, 4 and 5 present the three empirical cases of the thesis. Chapter 3 analyses the mobility of nature-based tourism in the most iconic national park of Chilean Patagonia, Torres del Paine. By using routes, rhythms, and frictions as three elements of nature-based tourism’s mobility, the chapter analyses how the inherent mobile character of nature-based tourism challenges territorial forms of conservation governance based on the existence of fixed spatial boundaries. Chapter 4, analyses three chronologically order processes of marine (counter)territorialisation in the Patagonian Archipelago, a marine space claimed by the Kawésqar Indigenous people. The chapter presents a typology of boundary-mobility relations in the context of marine territorialisation. It provides a novel understanding on the ways in which boundaries and mobilities relate in the marine space, especially exploring how imposed boundaries can be used to counter processes of marine territorialisation. by seemingly disempowered local groups in the face of the expansion of global industries such as marine salmon farming. Chapter 5 delves into marine counter-territorialisation in the context of the global expansion of marine salmon farming, by analysing the case of the Beagle Channel and the organised resistance exerted by a network of actors led by the Yagán Indigenous community of Navarino Island. The chapter examines how this network, labelled as the Yagán Alliance, counters the establishment of marine enclosures by global salmon farming network in the Beagle Channel by creating connections and (re)programming the goals of environmental governance in the marine frontier of Chilean Southern Patagonia. Finally, Chapter 6 provides the answers to the overarching research question and the two sub-questions of the thesis, synthetizing the findings of the three study cases of Chilean Southern Patagonia. I propose that the attempts at territorialisation by global networks in Chilean Southern Patagonia lead to the production of two type of frontiers: the nature frontier and the blue frontier. The first is characterised by different projects of nature conservation materialised through the establishment of protected areas in connection with the growing flows of nature-based tourists. The second entails the expansion and deepening of exploitation and extraction of marine resources by global industries such as marine salmon farming. I posit that nature and blue frontiers overlap producing different forms of conflict and collaboration among social networks involve in processes of territorialisation and counter-territorialisation.
... Pero estas transformaciones informáticas traspasaron rápidamente las fronteras de lo político y lo comercial y se asentaron en la base misma del sistema social. Así, los avances tecnológicos dieron lugar a una sociedad en red (network society [Castells 2002;) cuyo funcionamiento ya no consistía en el traspaso tardío de información a través de un único canal de transmisión, sino por medio de varios dispositivos que, gracias a sus desarrollos microelectrónicos, permitían una mayor fluidez de mensajes entre emisores y receptores (Monge y Contractor 2003). ...
... En conclusión, a diferencia de otros componentes referenciales (cultura, economía, conocimiento), la comunicación juega un rol fundamental dentro de la sociedad posmoderna, pues es la encargada de transformar los códigos culturales y los imaginarios colectivos en significados que puedan ser distribuidos fácilmente en la sociedad en red. De hecho, paradigmas como el consumismo, el individualismo en red, el cosmopolitanismo o el multuculturalismo solo son posibles gracias a ciertos protocolos de comunicación como la publicidad, la digitalización, la coexistencia de marcas o la creación de una red hipertextual que terminan integrando múltiples procesos comunicativos (Castells 2009). Por ello, no se habla de una comunicación que se basa en el intercambio de cultura, sino todo lo contario, de una comunicación que asume la cultura del intercambio de información de manera rápida, flexible y constante. ...
... Además de ello, lo considera como un fenómeno más amplio que involucra, por ejemplo, la organización específica de la fuerza laboral basada en la imposición de ciertas prerrogativas Por su parte, el posfordismo, como su nombre lo indica, se originó en la década del 70 como una forma de organización económica posterior al fordismo que buscaba superar los fracasos de una producción precaria y un mercado de consumo saturado. Aunque se discute si verdaderamente existe como una categoría autónoma dentro de la historia económica reciente (otros prefieren emplear términos menos peyorativos como toyotismo, fujitsuismo, sonyismo [Wood 1991], o de una manera más amplia, capitalismo informacional [Ignatow 2017], capitalismo basado en el conocimiento [Foray y Lundvall 1998], o economía en red [Castells 2004]), lo cierto es que el posfordismo puede resumirse como una fase de transición económica del capitalismo industrializado hacia el capitalismo posindustrializado. Esto es, en otras palabras, la sustitución de la producción clásica de bienes manufacturados por la innovación de sectores tecnológicos, comunicacionales o científicos. ...
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Lo «posmoderno», así como ocurre con otros términos dentro de las ciencias sociales, es un concepto ambiguo, equívoco e, inclusive, contradictorio. Por un lado, puede hacer alusión a un periodo histórico, la posmodernidad, caracterizada por una marcada transformación de las estructuras económicas, sociales y culturales. En efecto, desde mediados del siglo XX, el capitalismo posindustrializado, la revolución tecnológica, la cultura del consumo o la psicología personalista, se han convertido en los nuevos pilares de una sociedad, a su vez, cambiante, inestable y globalizada. Por el otro, puede hacer referencia simultáneamente ya sea a una corriente de pensamiento o a un enfoque analítico, el posmodernismo. En palabras sencillas, busca develar, deconstruir y relativizar aquellas metanarrativas que han sido impuestas dogmáticamente desde la Ilustración para conservar el statu quo; así como cuestionar la razón, la lógica y el método científico como los únicos instrumentos válidos para explorar, describir y explicar la realidad. En este contexto, la presente disertación doctoral tiene como propósito estudiar las transformaciones del Estado en la era posmoderna a partir del estudio pormenorizado de sus elementos constitutivos. Más concretamente, pretende analizar cómo y en qué medida diversas fuerzas posmodernas han transformado los conceptos políticos tradicionales en los que se ha sustentado el modelo estatal moderno: la nación, el territorio, la soberanía, el gobierno, la democracia y la ciudadanía. Como el objetivo primordial de la investigación es el estudio de un concepto político fundamental (el Estado) a partir de unos ideales normativos determinados (derivados de la posmodernidad), la metodología que se ha utilizado es de índole evaluativa, haciendo énfasis en los valores, reglas y procedimientos que rigen su funcionamiento. Lo anterior, sin omitir la aplicación del enfoque posmoderno constituido por sus propios conceptos, preguntas, presuposiciones y reglas de inferencia. A manera de conclusión, aún con las profundas alteraciones de las dimensiones espaciotemporales y la reconfiguración de las relaciones sociales, políticas y culturales, el Estado sigue conservando su papel hegemónico como la principal estructura de organización política. Ello no implica, claro está, que haya permanecido incólume ante el influjo de dichas fuerzas posmodernas. Desde una perspectiva dialéctica, más que desaparecer por completo, el Estado se enfrenta a un drástico proceso de reconfiguración institucional. Allí, nuevos actores políticos tanto de naturaleza pública (organizaciones internacionales gubernamentales, subunidades político-administrativas, entidades descentralizadas, etc.) como privada (organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro, medios de comunicación, empresas transnacionales, etc.), han venido acumulando, ejerciendo y monopolizando funciones que tradicionalmente le han correspondido al Estado desde su creación.
... We first examine the role of 'switching' in the Yagán alliance by focusing on the ability of network participants to connect networks extending within and between local and national scales (Bush and Oosterveer, 2019;Castells, 2004). In doing so we specifically focus on how Indigenous people, local bureaucrats, national and international scientists and environmental NGOs exercise counter-territorialisation by defining a new networked actor (Castells, 2011). ...
... We first examine the role of 'switching' in the Yagán alliance by focusing on the ability of network participants to connect networks extending within and between local and national scales (Bush and Oosterveer, 2019;Castells, 2004). In doing so we specifically focus on how Indigenous people, local bureaucrats, national and international scientists and environmental NGOs exercise counter-territorialisation by defining a new networked actor (Castells, 2011). ...
... The case of the Yagán alliance demonstrates how programming and switching strategies embedded in networks of resistance enabled the Yagán to counter-territorialise their maritory against encroachment from the global salmon industry. In line with Castells' (2004Castells' ( , 2011 wider network society theory, the case provides empirical evidence of how local embedded network-making power can also reshape a global commodity frontier (c.f Moore, 2000). Counter-territorialisation by the Yagán alliance redefined global flows (materials, money, people) that enables the salmon farming industry to remain globally mobile, by (re) asserting customary mobility of a marginalised Indigenous group. ...
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Promoted by the state, and national and international companies, salmon farming has spread to the south of Chile over the last three decades. This expansion has been resisted by local groups as social and environmental impacts in expanded territories of production and processing have been identified. Informed by a counter-territorialisation and network theory lens, we analyse how strategies by the state and national and international companies to expand salmon aquaculture have been resisted by a global network led by the Indigenous nomadic Yagán people. Data was obtained through participant observation and interviews gathered during three periods of fieldwork in the Region of Magallanes. Our research shows how network-making power was employed to resist state territorialisation at sea to reconfigure spatial boundaries and power relations at the border of the Chilean state. These findings extend an understanding of marine counter-territorialisation and contribute to a reorientation of marine policies to recognise networked spatial claims and territorial rights of Indigenous people of the sea.
... Theoretical frameworks such as the Network Society Theory by Castells (2004) and the Public Sphere Theory by Habermas (1991) provide valuable lenses through which to analyze the implications of social media on communication and society. Castells' theory offers insights into how digital networks facilitate the formation of new social structures and behaviours, emphasizing the decentralization of media power and the democratization of information. ...
... The literature on digital communication, particularly in the context of social media, is enriched by theoretical and empirical studies that explore its multifaceted impacts. The Network Society Theory (Castells, 2004) posits that digital networks are central to modern social structures, influencing how information is shared and communities are built. This theory is pivotal in understanding the decentralized nature of online interactions as facilitated by social media platforms. ...
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This literature review aims to comprehensively explore the impact of social media on communication paradigms and societal structures in the digital age. The review adopts a qualitative approach, analyzing existing literature to understand the multifaceted implications of social media on various aspects of life and society. Social media platforms, rooted in Web 2.0, have transformed communication by enabling the creation and exchange of user-generated content. The functional building blocks of social media, including sharing, presence, relationships, identity, conversations, and reputation, play a critical role in shaping information dissemination and perception. The rapid adoption of social media has significantly impacted industries such as public relations, journalism, and marketing, necessitating adaptive strategies to address real-time communication demands. The findings of this review have practical implications for policymakers, educators, businesses, and society as a whole. They emphasize the importance of responsible and strategic use of social media in the digital age.
... De la noticia centralizada a la pluralidad de voces Las dinámicas generadas en la comunicación digital han desatado una serie de prácticas y reflexiones emergentes en torno a la distribución de la información. Unos más optimistas (Castells, 2008;Jenkins, 2008), más pesimistas otros (Morozov, 2011), lo cierto es que la lógica distribuida de la comunicación digital tiende a reconfigurar la agenda pública, desde nuevas oportunidades tecnológicas (Briceño, 2014). ...
... Durante este período de tres días el mensaje más viral en el hashtag #ColombiaDecide fue publicado por la cuenta @guenmecu del activista de izquierda Gustavo Enrique Mestres Cubillos. 10 El mensaje, publicado el mismo día de las elecciones (19 de junio), obtuvo un número de 3276 réplicas o RT. El texto, como puede verse en la figura 8, hace alusión al proceso de votación en El Tambo (departamento de Arauca, Colombia); inicia con "Esto está imparable" y enfatiza una reivindicación de la población local frente a la "oligarquía" colombiana. ...
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Esta investigación se propuso revisar la evolución de la dinámica de interacción y circulación de contenidos derivados del hashtag electoral #ColombiaDecide en Twitter (ahora X), cuya iniciativa original fue impulsada por el espacio informativo Noticias Caracol. Desde un enfoque cuantitativo se analizó el corpus de más de 60 000 mensajes derivados del hashtag #ColombiaDecide en el año 2022 y se aplicó una metodología de análisis de contenido comparada con lo ocurrido en el año 2015, según una investigación que habría revisado en sus inicios a usuarios líderes, partiendo del rt como unidad de análisis. Desde una mirada cualitativa también se revisaron los mensajes de la etiqueta que en el año 2022 alcanzaron más viralidad. Los resultados permiten reconocer que la estrategia informativa del hashtag #ColombiaDecide ha sufrido una transformación en las voces que la ocupan, aunque los medios de comunicación siguen manteniendo una participación activa en el período analizado. Los cambios demuestran que actores y activistas políticos han logrado entrenarse para incidir en X y han ido desapareciendo usuarios líderes calificados como ‘ciudadanos’. En el contexto electoral 2022 se destaca que la tendencia ideológica de izquierda logra en Colombia un espacio de activismo en la plataforma X con una viralidad generada desde la emocionalidad, centrada discursivamente en el cambio.
... "Las redes", escribe Castells (2004), "constituyen el patrón fundamental de la vida, de todo tipo de vida" (p. 4) 6 . ...
... Adquiriendo nuevas dimensiones, mediante las nTIC, las redes posibilitan el estar "aquí" estando "allá", encarnando la fortaleza compresora del glocal en aparatos cada vez más potentes y portátiles. Uno puede llevar su "pasado", en su bolsillo y convivir en territorios desterritorializados y transnacionales simultánea y paralelamente (Castells, 2004). Por lo tanto, "las redes se convirtieron en la forma organizativa más eficiente como resultado de tres características principales de las redes, que se beneficiaron del nuevo entorno tecnológico: flexibilidad, escalabilidad y capacidad de supervivencia" (Castells, 2004, p. 5) 7 . ...
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Resumen Las redes sociales constituyen vínculos esenciales para la construcción de campos migratorios que unifican y posicionan migrantes con familiares y relaciones potencializado por la aceleración de campos transnacionales y la expresión globalizadora. Son las redes sociales que mantienen dinámico las relaciones de migrantes en un contexto trasnacional, posibilitando la circulación de la expresión glocal en la constitución de comunidades de migrantes. Considerando el curso histórico de la migración internacional mexicana hacia Estados Unidos, presento una discusión y análisis de la constitución, papel e implicación de la creación de comunidades sin propincuidad del campo migratorio México-EE. UU. atravesado por una articulación del glocal y prácticas transnacionales enmarcado en el concepto de la “historia enredada”.
... The changes in innovation processes have also led to changes in the structure of human capital in innovation activities. Sociologist Castells vividly describes the process of innovation as the entire process of transferring innovation value from one node to another, and objectifying human capital value from knowledge to goods (Castells, 2009). In this process, the lack or inefficiency of human capital at any node can lead to the inefficiency of the entire innovation system (Oyinlola et al., 2021). ...
... Although the research on the relationship between human capital structure and innovation has attracted extensive attention from scholars, neither theoretical mechanism analysis nor empirical analysis has been able to provide a convincing explanation for the discrepancy between human capital input and innovation output. To help advance this discussion, this paper combines the innovation value chain theory (Hansen & Birkinshaw, 2007) and the flow space theory (Castells, 2009), arguing that innovation in the information age is a highly collaborative organizational behavior of multiple types of human capital. These human capital include scientist human capital, information human capital, transportation human capital, business service human capital and entrepreneur human capital. ...
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This paper innovatively defines the structure of human capital based on existing theories and use the heterogeneous stochastic frontier model to test the relationship between various types of human capital and innovation. It is found that with the progress of technology, the structure of human capital and the mechanism of promoting innovation have undergone profound changes. Together with commercial leasing human capital, financial human capital, and entrepreneurs, information human capital and transportation human capital participate in innovation activities and create a new collaborative space, which in turn helps to spread the value of innovation and influence the effectiveness of the entire innovation system. This study enriches the theoretical research on the mechanism of human capital promoting innovation in the information age and provides new insight to explain the imbalance between human capital input and innovation output. Based on the theory of innovation chain value and flow space, this study redefines the connotation of innovative human capital structure by distinguishing the nature of innovation activities. This study also reveals the difference in the influence of human capital structure on different types of innovation activities. This study partly explains the problem of increasing human capital input but decreasing innovation efficiency in developing countries. Therefore, from a macro perspective, our research provides guidance for understanding the transformation of innovation under the background of technological progress and formulating effective urban innovation strategies for managers.
... Didukung ekspansi penggunaan teknologi internet yang cepat, serta meningkatnya penetrasi layanan seluler 4G, kemajuan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi ini telah memunculkan jenis masyarakat baru. Yakni masyarakat yang berinteraksi dan kesehariannya identik dengan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi mutakhir, yang selanjutnya disebut masyarakat digital (society community) atau digital community (Castells, 2004). ...
... Yaitu masyarakat yang struktur sosialnya adalah jaringan mikro-elektronik berbasis informasi digital dan teknologi komunikasi. Masyarakat yang identik dengan kebiasaan interaksi dengan media baru melalui konsep metode baru dalam berkomunikasi di dunia digital, yang memungkinkan orang-orang dari kelompokkelompok kecil berkumpul secara online, berbagi, menjual, dan atau menukar barang serta informasi secara maya (Castells, 2004 Kehadiran teknologi informasi dan komunikasi di bidang pariwisata telah memudahkan masyarakat mendapatkan informasi terkait kepariwisataan, sekaligus merencanakan perjalanan liburan mereka. Misalnya memesan tiket perjalanan, hotel, memilih tempat wisata, bertransaksi, dan lain sebagainya. ...
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AbstrakPerkembangan dan kemajuan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi di abad 21 telah membawa perubahan mendasar dalam berbagai segi kehidupan umat manusia, termasuk di sektor pariwisata. Hadirnya teknologi dalam industri pariwisata telah menciptakan lingkungan baru dalam dunia pariwisata, tak terkecuali di Indonesia. Dewasa ini istilah Sustainable Smart Tourism (wisata cerdas berkelanjutan) mulai dikembangkan oleh para pengelola pariwisata dan telah menjadi bagian integral dari pengembangan kepariwisataan dunia. Pemerintah Indonesia sendiri melalui Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif sejak 2020 tahun lalu telah mencanangkan kegiatan virtual reality (VR) tourism sebagai bagian dari konsep sustainable smart tourism.Konsep ini dinilai tepat dalam situasi pandemik saat ini. Selain sebagai solusi dalam mengatasi keterbatasan ruang gerak akibat kebijakan PSBB hingga PPKM dalam rangka memutus mata rantai pandemik Covid 19, konsep ini juga dapat menjadi media promosi jitu mengkomunikasikan potensi wisata Indonesia di mata dunia yang kini mengarah pada global digital community. Sustainable Smart Tourism sebagai platform pariwisata adalah jalan cepat untuk mengintegrasikan peran teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam memberikan layanan informasi yang efisien dan memuaskan kepada wisatawan, sekaligus sarana untuk mengakomodasikan isu-isu global dan lokal dalam pengembangan kepariwisataan Indonesia, seperti masalah sosial budaya, lingkungan, dan juga persoalan kearifan lokal.Artikel ini bertujuan mengetahui program kebijakan Pemerintah Kota Parepare dan kesiapan masyarakatnya dalam mengembangkan pariwisata Kota Parepare sebagawai destinasi wisata Habibie dari perspektif Sustainable Smart Tourism. Kebijakan dan langkah-langkah apa saja yang telah dilakukan pemerintah kota dalam memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Artikel ini menganalisis sejauhmana inisiasi pengelolaan kepariwisataan secara berkelanjutan yang didasarkan pada inovasi pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi diterapkan dalam pengelolaan pariwisata Kota Parepare. Juga bagaimana kesiapan masyarakatnya dalam mewujudkan digital community yang kini menjadi tren komunitas masyarakat global. Beberapa waktu lalu Pemerintah Kota Parepare meluncurkan aplikasi I’M Yours guna memberikan kemudahan pelayanan pariwisata bagi para wisatawan. Namun dalam perkembangannya, pemanfaatan aplikasi ini masih belum sepenuhnya optimal. Selain faktor sosialisasi, fitur-fitur yang dimiliki juga sifatnya masih terbatas.Keywords: Sustainable Smart Tourism, Digital Community, City Branding, I’M Yours.AbstractThe rapid development of information technology and communication in 21st century has brought fundamental changes to human life, for instance tourism. The existence of technology in tourism industry has created new environment in whole tourism sector around the globe include Indonesia. The term of Sustainable Smart Tourism has been introduced by tourism stakeholders and considered as an integral part of the world tourism development lately. Since 2020, Indonesian government under the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has administered Virtual Reality Tourism as part of Sustainable Smart Tourism concept.The concept is appropriate to be administered by considering the pandemic situation as what are happening now. Not only as a solution to overcome the movement space limitation due to PSBB and PPKM in order to alleviate the Covid-19 pandemic chain, but also as an effective media to promote potential tourism destination of Indonesia to the world which is now shifting to global digital community. Sustainable Smart Tourism as tourism platform is a shortcut to integrate the use of ICT in providing efficient and satisfying information services to the tourists, as well as accommodating global and local issues in Indonesia tourism development such as social, culture, environment, and local wisdom.The objectives of this article are to determine the policy program of Parepare and society readiness in developing the tourism in Parepare as Habibie tourism destination seen from Sustainable Smart Tourism perspective; The policies and ways that the Government of Pareare has taken to utilize the advancement of ICT; The society readiness in creating digital community which now trending worldwide. Few moments ago, the government of Parepare launched I’M Yours App to provide a practical tourism services. However, in the development, the usage of this app is not optimal yet and the features are still limited.
... Branch managers described taking a leap through the pandemic crises management into something more like the network society described 20 years ago (Castells, 2004). This chapter uses our survey results to demonstrate that Nordic municipalities had sufficient digital resources to meet the new demands of the pandemic but that the learning curve was steep. ...
... The widespread adoption of digital technologies allows individuals from different geographical locations to form a "cosmopolitan community" that bridges local and global (Delanty, 2009). These communities take shape as people engage in collective action to address shared concerns, such as environmental sustainability, human rights, or social justice (Castells, 2004(Castells, , 2015. ...
... Gradually, these practices have expanded to various sectors and organizational sizes. (Castells, 2004). ...
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Finalidade – o objetivo geral do estudo apresentado neste artigo foi descrever e analisar como uma instituição hospitalar de alta complexidade implementou a prática do home office em sua operação em meio à pandemia. Metodologia – adotou-se uma abordagem qualitativa e de natureza exploratória. A coleta dos dados ocorreu por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com seis gestores do Hospital Gama e aplicação de questionário com questões de múltipla escolha e dissertativas preenchidos de forma online por colaboradores das esquipes desses gestores. Constatações – os resultados apontaram que: (1) para a migração de modalidade de trabalho houve a aplicação de elementos facilitadores proporcionados pelo hospital, gestores e colaboradores; (2) identificaram-se vários desafios à nova modalidade, cuja superação, poderá fomentar a transformação da cultura do hospital em médio e longo prazo; (3) o hospital não estava preparado quanto à tecnologia e aos recursos humanos para o processo de transição, mas houve um conjunto de rápidas ações para tornar possível a migração do trabalho presencial para o home office; (4) as vantagens indicadas pelos Interviewee s sobre a nova modalidade corrobora a literatura que serviu como fundamento teórico para esta pesquisa; e (5) o nível de engajamento dos colaboradores durante o processo de mudança parece ter se mantido igual ou aumentado, de acordo com as percepções dos participantes da pesquisa. Originalidade – apresenta um estudo de caso único que descreve e analisa o processo de migração do trabalho presencial para o teletrabalho, como consequência da pandemia da COVID-19, em um hospital de referência em operações complexas do município de São Paulo.
... With the radical shift in how digital technology affects information dissemination in the modern world (Castells, 2004), technologies have been positioned as 'powerful mediating artefacts' (Scanlon et al., 2013, p.49). They are recognised as fundamentally transforming the way scholarly research is conducted across disciplines (Dutton and Jeffreys, 2010;Meyer and Schroeder, 2015). ...
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There has been a growing awareness of interdisciplinary collaboration as a means of addressing new challenges within academic research, and digital technology has been a core underlying support in these endeavours (Scanlon et al., 2013, p.49; Haythornthwaite et al., 2003, p.144). ‘Digital technologies will be a core aspect of interaction and cooperation between different fields of expertise’ (Costa, 2011, p.84). This paper investigates the process of technology-mediated knowledge co-production in interdisciplinary research in Higher Education, and explores how researchers from different disciplines appropriate technology to break down disciplinary boundaries. Through the presentation of findings from a collective case study of two interdisciplinary research projects based at the University of Oxford - the Ashmolean Latin Inscriptions Project (AshLi) and Poetry Visualisation: Imagery Lens for Visualising Text Corpora (PVis) - this paper aims to challenge conventional approaches to investigating the use of technology in interdisciplinary scholarship, responding to the paucity of research at the intersection of interdisciplinarity, collaborative research and technology in academia. Findings from interviews with academic researchers, and a visual analysis of project artefacts, elucidate a mutually shaping relationship between innovative research technologies and new interdisciplinary research practices. Technology can be constructed through the integration of disciplinary perspectives. Researchers from different disciplines both adopt and adapt technologies, and through these processes, disciplinary boundaries are broken down, and knowledge is co-created. This iterative process of mutual shaping assumes different nuances according to the disciplinary ‘make-up’ of a project, the technologies involved, and the ways in which the researchers appropriate technologies according to their disciplinary backgrounds. Using the social construction of technology (SCOT) as a theoretical framework illuminates researchers’ diverse perceptions of technologies and interdisciplinary practices, and highlights the importance of interpretation in the use of technology within these contexts. This paper contributes to the area of networked learning by highlighting that collaboration around research technologies has not been explored very much in the field, nor has the potential for building on other concepts from the area of science and technology studies (STS) such as Actor-Network Theory (Clough et al., 2010; Adams and Thompson, 2014). In this way, the findings hold broad implications for substantive promotion of a more nuanced view of modern interdisciplinary practices.
... Secondly, while Shaligrams are certainly embedded within oral traditions that give context and content to their interpretation, 1 Ref. for reading landscapes in Nepal (and South Asia): Craig 2008, Fisher 2001, van der Geer 2008, Lucia 2020, and Walters 2022 Ref. for object-text: Ridington 1993, Weagel 2011, Severi 2018, Haberman 2020 Ref. for South Asian personhood: Lamb 1997 and 2000, Carsten 2000, Franklin and McKinnon 2001, Uberoi 1993 Ref. for material temporality: Mieu 2015, Hodges 2008, Munn 1992, Hanks 1990, Parmentier 1987, Geertz 1975, and Evans-Pritchard 1940 for 'living objects: Eck 1986and 1998a, Walters 2020, Gell 1998, Freedberg 1998, Kohn 2013, de la Cadena 2015, Aronsson et. al. 2020 Ref. for object-personhood: Gentry 2016, Geismar 2011, Hoskins 2006, Schattschneider 2003 Ref. for cultural linking: de Bruijn and van Dijk 2012, Sakazar 2010, Horst and Miller 2005, Castells 2004, Appadurai 1986 much like popular divination manuals also common in Himalayan spirituality (Poupard 2018, Smith 2011), Shaligrams are not like divination objects in that they do not offer a "prognosis" for the future, nor are their sign combination interpretations generated at the time of the reading (like dice). Rather, Shaligram interpretation relies both on access to the oral traditions that explain the methods by which each stone's characteristics are read and on familiarity with other texts, such as certain Puranic stories, that record the meanings of combinations of characteristics for determining the precise form that the Shaligram deity has taken and why. ...
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Shaligrams are the sacred fossil ammonites of the Himalayas. Viewed primarily as manifestations of Hindu gods, Shaligrams are obtained by pilgrimage to Himalayan Nepal and are then brought home to families and communities all over South Asia and the Diaspora as household deities. But Shaligrams also contain a variety of natural characteristics that are read and interpreted through long-standing oral traditions that use these features to both determine which specific deity is manifest within the stone and to link each Shaligram with a body of religious stories and local folklore. Therefore, the semiotic interpretation of Shaligrams instantiates ritual practices by which each stone becomes both an object and a text; able to be read by those fluent in its symbolic language. This practice then blurs the line between categories of object and archive; where fossils become literal texts and stones become storytellers.
... Manuel Castells introduces the concept of the network society, positing that the values within this culture are intricately shaped by dominant global forces, notably capitalism (Castells 2004). Within the globalized landscape, the prevailing value worldwide establishes the value system of the network society. ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic wrought havoc across various facets of human life, inducing transformative disruptions, notably in the domain of theatre. The traditional paradigm of live indoor performances, characterized by the dynamic interactions among actors, was rendered unsafe. In response, the digital space emerged as a viable alternative, not only in Indonesia but globally. This paradigm shift necessitates and begets new theories intrinsic to theatre in the digital realm. This article traces the historical trajectory and the ensuing transformations in digital theatre, offering insights into the anticipated outcomes of these changes within the realm of theatre and performance studies. The evolution of theatre in the digital space challenges established boundaries, rules, and theories, fundamentally altering conceptions related to actor relationships, the juxtaposition of physical and digital bodies, delineations between stage and backstage, considerations of identity, ideology, and the very essence of this nascent digital domain.
... This trend presents difficulties for authoritative assertions. In the context of the network society Castells (2005), citizen journalism has introduced novel forms of information decentralisation and the documentation of war experiences. The ubiquity of conflict citizen journalism has significantly diminished mainstream media's exclusive influence over 'conflict-related imagery' (Andén-Papadopoulos, 2014). ...
This article explores how Palestinian and Kashmiri civilians engage with the everyday reality of war. The focus is on understanding how citizens temporarily adopt the roles of war correspondents, contributing to the broader conflict narrative. Employing an inductive approach, the study integrates ethnography, phenomenology, and reflexive thematic analysis (RTA) to gain insights into how citizen journalists shape war narratives. Analysing the interview data through RTA reveals six key themes: “Emerging citizen journalism practices,” “Community Consciousness,” “Challenges in media perception,” “Self-expression and Social cohesion,” Responding to Authoritarian Falsehoods”, “Teen journalism”, and “Self-protection and safety”. The findings suggest that the citizen journalism practices in Palestine and Kashmir strategically report the war narratives, representing a progressive journalism practice. The results underline that citizen journalism practices in these regions purposefully present war narratives and represent a form of constructive journalism, which responds to authoritarian regimes’ extensive control over mainstream media and facilitates reconciliation and peace. Such citizen journalism practices act as an equipoise to data imbalances in information architecture for the consumers. The research underscores how conflict citizen journalism embodies activist and collaborative models with robust potential for replication in other conflict-ridden areas.
... This blurring challenges the perception of reality, similar to how virtual realities and digital identities function in modern society. Manuel Castells' idea of the network society further emphasizes how individuals navigate and negotiate their identities in these interconnected, virtual spaces [11]. The phenomenon of creating and experiencing different identities in digital spaces, much like the characters in the film exploring their identities in dreams, reflects the era's redefinition of the boundaries between the real and the virtual, raising new questions about identity and mental health. ...
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Paprika is a film that intricately explores the boundaries between dreams and reality, drawing heavily on Freudian psychoanalytic theory. This paper examines how the film employs the characters' dreams to investigate their unconscious minds, reflecting hidden desires and internal conflicts. By focusing on three primary characters--Chiba Atsuko, Officer Konakawa, and the Chairman--the analysis highlights the film's portrayal of identity and self-discovery through the process of psychological integration. Chiba's dual persona, Paprika, exemplifies the dynamic interplay between the id, ego, and superego, while Konakawa's journey illustrates his reconciliation with his fragmented self. Conversely, the Chairman's quest for control symbolizes his illusion of freedom and ultimate failure to achieve integration. The paper argues that Paprika ultimately conveys a profound message about the necessity of integrating disparate aspects of the self to attain personal growth and healing, resonating with broader themes of mental health, creativity, and the blurred lines between virtual and real worlds.
... The schools located in the suburb and towns were more accepting of sexual diversity compared to village-located schools. Authors such as Castells (2004) and Burke (2004) wrote that our positions within the social structures on which identities are tied are defined by culture hence, identity construction is based on the cultural and social perspectives. The SIP and transformative paradigm used in this study are based on assumptions that individuals deal with issues from their own socially constructed views of reality (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2017;Mertens, 2012). ...
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This paper aimed at establishing the treatment of gender-nonconforming learners in Namibian schools. The provision of education in Namibia is based on the principles of non-discrimination and equal access to quality education for all as stipulated in the Namibian constitution. Even though there is growing evidence on the mistreatment of gender-nonconforming learners in schools world wide, there is a paucity of literature on the treatment of gender-nonconforming learners in the Namibian education context. This paper employed a case study design as a transformative research method informed by the social identity perspective. One hundred and eighty-two teachers were randomly sampled into the study, and one deputy Director of Special Programs and Schools, one deputy Director of Diagnostic, Assessment and Training Services, one regional school counsellor and one inclusive education officer at the National Institute for Educational Development were purposively sampled. The findings revealed that societal, religious, and cultural beliefs in schools were determinants of how gender-nonconforming learners were treated in some schools. A supplementary framework for the implementation of inclusive education policy (SFIIEP) was developed from the findings of this study. It is recommended that the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture align the SFIIEP to the inclusive education policy implementation to enable open discussion of sex education topics during life skills lessons, creation of supportive learning environments, and establishment of anti-bullying policies with specific measures on curbing homophobic bullying as well as strengthening the psychological support to learners.
... Social media has become an arena for exchanging information in contemporary society which can be explained through the concept of Network Society (Castells, 2004). Currently, information does not require space (space of places) like industrial goods in general. ...
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This article discusses the propagation and narrative of "Islam Nusantara" conveyed by NU Online, as a social media managed by the Nahdlatul Ulama or NU Executive Board. The NU Online channel has a number of platforms, including websites, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and YouTube. This study discusses how the implementation of Indonesian Islamic da'wah on NU social media. This study uses a qualitative method with a digital discourse analysis approach. The results of this research show that, as an organization that claims to be moderate and aware of current developments, NU uses digital media to conduct da'wah. Social media is also used to counterattack and/or defend major religious narratives that have been spread in public spaces for a long time. The narrative in question is Islam Nusantara or a religious method based on moderation and pluralism in Indonesian society. In the current era of social media, debates about matters concerning Islam cannot be avoided. Therefore, each Islamic community group tries to carry out its activities while maintaining its ideology.
... Based on the DataReportal report, as of January 2022 there were 204.7 million Internet users and 191.4 million social media users in Indonesia. This figure is equivalent to 68.9 percent, or more than half of Indonesia's population, and it also shows how some of Indonesian society has developed and transformed into what we previously recognized as the information society (Castells 2004). With an enormous number of Internet and social media users, Indonesia ranks fourth as the country with the largest population of Internet users in the world, with high information traffic. ...
The purpose of this research is to know the cyberthreat faced by Indonesian society and understand how the government responds towards this threat. This study employs two types of data. The first came from the literature for building the theoretical linkage, and the second came from an online survey of 328 respondents about cyberthreats that they experience, as well as the respondents’ perception regarding the government’s response. The results were then analyzed systematically along with the literature review analysis. The results show that 64 percent of Indonesian respondents have modest knowledge in terms of cyberthreats and regulations made for it. There are three main arguments for this condition. First, low level of knowledge in cyberthreat within the society. Second, Indonesian people unprepared to face the cyberthreat surrounding their daily life. Third, an inadequate Indonesian government response to prevent and tackle the cyberthreat.
... Castells asserts this in his book. It showcases its adaptability in real-world applications as a communication platform, information repository, and driver of innovations like e-commerce and social media (Castells, 2004). ...
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A "new economy" has been developing for almost a decade, with various indicators suggesting a shift in the American economy. The significant growth of labor and total factor productivity in the latter part of the 1990s was remarkable, leading many to interpret it as an essential development. Some indicators are less cyclical and seem to be more enduring. We argue that the advancements in digital information and the Internet represent a new form of technology that, when integrated, forms a highly innovative system known as the new economy. Actors and concepts are increasingly intertwined. We can only start to measure the complete impact of its influence at this early phase. The new or digital economy emphasizes dynamic efficiency over static efficiency. New and innovative activities and products are more important than producing more. The Internet's growing popularity has significantly increased diverse ideas and participants and enhanced connectivity. This has initiated a genuine economic revolution. While there are noticeable impacts on efficiency and output, the more significant long-term effects are incalculable.
... Businesses and institutions are embracing digital communication platforms to inform, engage, and motivate their workforces, thereby enhancing overall organizational effectiveness. With the evolution of communication tools, internal communication is evolving from a mere informationsharing process to a dynamic and inclusive co-creation of meaning that adapts to the demands of the contemporary "network society" (Castells, 2000(Castells, , 2004. It has become essential for organizations to embrace digitalization in internal communication if they seek to thrive in this digitally driven era in which staying connected and agile is critical for success. ...
... A második világháborút követően, az USA által az 1970-es évekig dominált multilaterális nemzetközi pénzügyi-gazdasági tér az 1980-as évektől jelentős változásokon ment át: a világ perifériáira szorult/szorított fejlődő államok adósságspirálba kerültek, Kína a nemzetközi kereskedelem óriásává nőtte ki magát, technológiai fejlesztéseken keresztül a geopolitikai gondolkodás számára egyre jelentősebb kibertér terebélyesedésével valamennyi aktor egy globalizált arénában találta magát. Mára már nem csupán az államok, hanem a transznacionális nemállami szereplők is mérvadó tételei e globális térnek, ahol magának az államnak -egyúttal természetesen valamennyi szereplőnek -Castells (2004-Castells ( , 2010 nyomán a mindenkit körülölelő "hálózati társadalomban" (network society) szükséges új stratégiákkal előállnia, a globalizált viszonyokhoz alkalmazkodnia. Az állam szintjéhez képest az államok feletti transznacionális, illetve az államok alatti szubnacionális szintek, valamint az azokon található szereplők és komplex, interdependens módon értelmezhető interakcióik egyaránt fontosak ahhoz, hogy a 21. ...
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Absztrakt A 20. század harmadik harmadában alakult ki egyrészt az a világgazdasági és-politikai feltételrendszer, másrészről a városok organikus fejlődésében az a stáció, amely ezeket az egyre nagyobbá váló népességtömörüléseket nem csak saját nemzeti, hanem már a nemzetközi hálózatokban tették értelmezhetővé. A globálisnak tekinthető városok köre azóta folyamatosan gyarapszik és differenciálódik, hagyományosan a nagy centrumtérségekhez kötődik. A felemelkedő országokban is egyre több nagyváros támaszkodik a szupranacionális kapcsolatrendszerére, így írásunkban egy sok szempontból nagyon nemzetközi központot, Fokvárost vetettük vizsgálat alá, amely érdekes módon több dimenzióban másod-és harmadlagos szerepet játszik saját településhálózatában, elsősorban a Johannesburggal történő összevetésben. Elemzésünk történeti kontextusban indul, hiszen a protoglobalizációs szakaszban Fokváros a nemzetközi kereskedelem és geopolitikai hatalmi verseny egyik különleges színtere, több tekintetben Afrika legfejletteb városa. A jelen várost környezetével együtt, a globális központokra jellemző adottságok vizsgálata mentén, saját terepi tapasztalatainkra támaszkodva próbáljuk bemutatni. Ebből következően is szubjektív az a meglátásunk, miszerint Fokváros hagyományos értelemben talán nem globális erőközpont, ugyanakkor számos olyan adottsága van, ami miatt globálisnak tekinthető, így a világ városversenyében kiváló adottságokkal néz a gyorsan és gyakran változó megmérettetések elé. Abstract The late 20th century saw the emergence of a world economic and political context, on the one hand, and a stage in the organic development of cities, on the other, which made these ever-increasing population concentrations meaningful not only in their own national but also in the international system of networks. Since then, the pool of prestigious cities that can be considered global has been constantly growing and differentiating, traditionally linked to highly developed states. Recently, in emerging countries, too, more and more cities rely on their supranational linkages, so in our paper, we have examined a very international centre in many respects, Cape Town, which interestingly plays a secondary and tertiary role in its own network of settlements in several dimensions, especially in comparison with Johannesburg. Our analysis starts in a historical context, as Cape Town was one of the focus areas of international trade and geopolitical power competition in the proto-globalisation era, and in many respects the primate city in Africa. We try to describe the present city and its agglomeration by examining the characteristics of global centres, significantly relying on our first-hand field experience. Consequently, our view that Cape Town may not be considered a global power centre in the traditional sense is rather subjective, however, it does have many of the attributes that make it a global city, and thus an excellent position in facing the rapidly and ever-changing urban competition of the world.
... Nevertheless, the organization was earlier mainly based on vertical production firms and hierarchical state apparatuses. Inter-nodal organization is not a solely contemporary occurrence, albeit networks' ability to introduce fresh actors and content into the social organization procedure has been enabled by the sudden emergence of communication technologies (Castells 2004(Castells , 2010. ...
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In the first phase, the eruption of the Internet was embraced by academics who saw it as a way of involving young people in politics who had suffered from disaffection and rejection. They emphasized its emancipatory, horizontal, and participatory qualities. Decades later, a wave of disenchantment, apathy, and rejection of platforms has swept through the academy. The previous generation of technological determinists, who welcomed it with open arms, left the arena to their counterparts: the ones that claimed that we had no chance of participation and perpetuated industrial age exploitation. In this article, we will present the two opposite visions, but first, we will briefly review the Internet’s beginnings, its motivations, and its technical characteristics in order to better understand the two antagonistic positions.
... La revolución tecnológica y cambios producidos en la comunicación con la llegada de la Web 2.0 han desembocado en un mundo altamente conectado y en una economía basada en la información (Castells, 2004). Desde hace más de una década, se ha estado alertando del papel transformador de las incipientes redes sociales, el producto más reconocible y notable de la Web 2.0 (Grabner-Kräuter, 20009), y su impacto en la comunicación tradicional (Campos Freire, 2008). ...
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Resumen Se presenta un estudio sobre la adopción de redes sociales por parte de las revistas científicas de mayor impacto (Q1) según el indicador Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) en las categorías de Communication y Library and Information Sciences (LIS). Se ha seguido una metodología descriptiva con un enfoque cuantitativo a través de la revisión de los sitios webs y las redes sociales de las revistas. Se han identificado los perfiles y la actividad de estas en las plataformas X, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn y YouTube, se ha analizado su actividad según tipos de editoriales en relación a su tamaño y se han comparado los resultados entre las dos áreas, mostrando sus similitudes y diferencias. Entre las principales aportaciones se evidencia un comportamiento diferente entre las dos categorías estudiadas, con una mayor adopción de los medios sociales en el área de Communication, un claro predominio de la plataforma X en todos los casos y una mayor presencia en redes de las revistas de editoriales pequeñas e independientes que de las editoriales grandes y gigantes. Entre las limitaciones de esta investigación se puede señalar la ausencia de un análisis de contenido de las publicaciones, que se propone para futuros estudios. Palabras clave Comunicación de la ciencia; Revistas científicas; Redes sociales; Editoriales; Comunicación; Ciencia de la información.
... Authors such as Manuel Castells have been writing about the emergence of the networked society and convergence of technology and globalisation for almost two decades now, showing how the advance of communication technology and the technological progress is not onlytransforming the economy but also restructuring the process of social organisation(Castells 2004, 5). Castells argues that the revolution in the information technology that started with the creation of microchips and the ARPANET, the project that laid down the technical foundation for the Internet more than 50 years ago, did not only transform the way we communicate but completely shifted the hierarchical structure of the modern state and society from vertical to horizontal, leading to the emergence of social and economic networks that often operate independently from centres of authority(Castells 2010;Sey and Castells 2015;Castells 2004). In this vein, authors such as Thomas Faist, Nina Glick Schiller, Cristina Szanton Blanc, Peggy Levitt, Dana Diminescu and others have outlined how these transformations reflect on the transnational lives that many migrants choose to lead today. ...
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Throughout this research we reflect on how the convergence of technology and migration is changing highly skilled labour mobility and the relationship between place and value production. We reflect on the impact of these transformations on the tech sector and IT labour market in Cluj-Napoca. We aim to understand how the pandemic coupled with the current trends in labour mobility and value production have affected labour markets and highly skilled labour migration. The paper stems as reflection from a fieldwork which are currently conducting in Romania with a focus on transnational entrepreneurship, social networks of innovation and labour migration in the tech industry. The article brings forward findings from the field, drawing on the developments that accelerated and changed the way we work in the post-pandemic period and analysing what implications these trends could have on the nature of migration and the connection between value production and place.
As relações e os conflitos internacionais relacionados ao consumo e à produção de combustíveis derivados do petróleo promoveram a partir do século XX uma série de dinâmicas globais e mudanças na configuração territorial de diversos países, regiões e localidades. Na escala nacional, o estado da Bahia teve uma participação estratégica para o desenvolvimento da cadeia dos combustíveis para o Brasil. A partir das relações globalizadas de consumo do petróleo e da ascensão do movimento ambientalista, a Bahia também passou a ser palco de dinâmicas relacionadas à produção de biodiesel. Estas dinâmicas representaram mudanças em diversas localidades, entre elas o oeste baiano e a região da Chapada Diamantina. Este trabalho busca analisar por meio de metodologia integrativa as décadas de 2000 a 2010 enquanto período fundamental para compreender a evolução da matriz do setor de produção dos biocombustíveis na Bahia.
A benevolent reader will certainly notice that by now the practice of music sociology has been lurking on every page. The first chapter introduced the Whos, Whens, and Whats, the second chapter concentrated on Whats and Wheres in music sociology, the third focused on Hows that explain Whys in the field. The overview of sociology of music is thus roughly rounded-off. However, many issues have been left out of the skeleton of music sociology sketched so far. Between historical knowledge, theoretical perspectives, methodological ideals, and practice there are many in-between spaces that emerge only through close observation of concrete research questions and heuristic procedures—practice.
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana politik identitas melayu malaysia dan multikulturalisme pada Film “Upin & Ipin”. Metode menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisis konten sebagai metode utama. Data diperoleh melalui pengamatan mendalam terhadap narasi, karakter, dan simbol-simbol budaya yang muncul dalam film. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa politik identitas melayu Malaysia pada film Upin-Ipin adalah berbahasa Melayu, berbudaya Melayu, Islam, geneologi melayu Malaysia. Multikulturalisme pada Film Upin dan Ipin adalah perpaduan antara budaya melayu Malaysia, budaya India, Budaya Cina, Budaya Indonesia. Politik identitas melayu Malaysia dan multikulturalisme ada dalam lembaga pendidikan di Malaysia yang memperkenalkan nilai-nilai toleransi dan penghargaan terhadap keberagaman budaya. Film ini berhasil mempromosikan pesan persatuan dan keharmonisan melalui representasi positif dari berbagai identitas etnis melayu Malaysia dan etnis budaya lainnya, seperti Melayu, Tionghoa, dan India, yang hidup berdampingan di Malaysia. Kata Kunci: Politik Identitas, Multikulturalisme, Upin-ipin
This research explores the future trends of K-pop by analyzing the genre's trajectory in the context of globalization, technological innovations, cultural dynamics, and sustainability. The study provides a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing K-pop's global expansion and the implications for various stakeholders, including music industry professionals, cultural analysts, and scholars of global pop culture. Through a descriptive and analytical research design, utilizing secondary data from existing literature, online resources, and industry reports, the study identifies key themes such as cultural hybridization, technological advancements, fan engagement, and ethical practices. The findings reveal that K-pop's success is driven by its ability to blend diverse cultural elements, leverage digital platforms and VR/AR technologies, foster participatory fan culture, and adopt sustainable practices. These insights offer theoretical, managerial, and practical implications for the future of the K-pop industry, highlighting the need for an integrative approach to understanding its global impact and sustainability.
Human history depicts that man always endeavored to build relations with other human beings as well as societies. Because of technological advancement and improvements in means of communication, the speed to build relationships with other nations or people has been increased which gives birth to globalization. Advanced technologies of means of communication for example internet and satellite television have joined the people globally. Media is playing a role in the emergence of global culture and urban regions of the world have a resemblance and cosmopolitan culture is emerging. The whole world has been transformed into a global village. The media process of homogenizing the World Cultures is continuing. This study revolves around the media as an agent of globalization of culture. This research explores how media has played a role in the transformation of world cultures into global cultures. The study is qualitative in nature so, qualitative methods are used for data collection. It is analytical and descriptive in nature. For the analysis of data, analytical model is used. Secondary data is used for research. A different point of view is taken from previous studies. This technique is supported to construct an objective approach to the problem and to derive a conclusion to give recommendations.
As the use of technological objects to mediate intimate partner abuse rises, further considerations into the scope of research and knowledge construction possibilities are required. This chapter aims to position research into the field of technologically mediated abuse within a pluralistic theoretical paradigm centralised on system thinking as a building block to other ways of seeing and doing research. The chapter is developed through several key ideas: fundamental theoretical paradigms are outlined and considered in line with the topic before application to a pertinent and challenging area of intimate abuse research: language and definition possibilities, prior to drawing the chapter to a close focusing on a particular typology of system thinking. Overall, the chapter will provide the justification for a system-thinking approach to ground further research within the field of technology-mediated intimate partner abuse.
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Objective: The study of religious media from the aspect of intercultural communication is a very important motive and an important resource regarding postmodern and postruthian media. The purpose of the study is to highlight a void that exists on the religious media in Kosovo and their role in building and strengthening the cultural and national identity, in different and very delicate periods of history, as well as cultural transformations and that aims to fill the created gap. Theoric Framework: Studies identify and analyze the report of the religious media in relation to the identity and the objective recognition of the role of the press in the formation and intercultural, educational, social and national transformations. Methods: The method used in this research is the quantitative method in the form of content analysis of works published in the field of media studies. Results and Conclusions: This study demonstrate a strong stance in favor of media influence in Kosovo, believing that this contributes to the development, preservation and maintenance of national identity. They contain articles that reflect the idea of harmony, coexistence, interfaith respect, and, above all, national interests are placed at the top of editorial policies and are closely related to national identity, standing as a protective wall of Albanian interests in the territories ethnic or anywhere in the world where Albanians live. Implications of research: This study is focused on nationwide internal needs, to emphasize those features that unite Albanians and to preserve their identity from external influences. Originality/value: The study included a range of 501 respondents from different age groups and the analysis of questionnaires on this topic.
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Saat ini, terdapat kelangkaan studi literatur yang tentang perkembangan masyarakat jaringan di Indonesia. Kajian untuk mengetahui topik-topik yang seharusnya mendapat perhatian lebih dari para akademisi dalam bidang ini, harus dilakukan. Studi terkait masyarakat jaringan yang ada saat ini masih cenderung bersifat umum dan tidak membahas detail dari topik dan isu yang mempengaruhi masyarakat jaringan di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi keberadaan masyarakat jaringan dan isu-isu yang ada dalam masyarakat jaringan di Indonesia dari tahun 1977 hingga 2022 dari sudut pandang para akademisi melalui publikasi mereka dengan menggunakan studi literatur berbasis database Scopus dengan visualisasi data. Penelitian dilakukan melalui studi pustaka dengan fokus pada data bibliografis. Visualisasi data akan disajikan menggunakan program Vos Viewer, dengan pengambilan data menggunaan program Publish or Perish. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa fokus dari masyarakat jaringan di Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh fenomena yang pernah terjadi dan masih ada di dalam negeri. Artikel ini diharapkan dapat menjadi titik awal bagi riset-riset yang bertujuan untuk menemukan tren dalam masyarakat jaringan di Indonesia, dan juga menyediakan acuan untuk bentuk penelitian yang membahas mengenai masyarakat jaringan di Indonesia dengan lebih detail dan terkait fokus topik seperti isu keamanan, pendidikan, dan sebagainya. Currently, there is a scarcity of a proper literature study on the development of network society in Indonesia. A study to examine this field, as well as to know the topics which have gained more attention from the scholars, should be done. This serves as a purpose to scrutinize the existence of network society in Indonesia. The projected study should also be conducted based on reliable data from time to time as a result of scientific thinking. Therefore, this study aims to identify the existence of network society in Indonesia from 1977 to 2022 from the perspective of the scholars through their publication by using literature study based on Scopus database with data visualization. Data visualization will be presented using the Vos Viewer program. Thus, this paper can be used to discover the trends within network society in Indonesia, and also provide a checkpoint to similar forms of research.
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The nature of informal networks in various societies, and particularly whether they recede or tend to persist over time, has long been a subject of discussion in international business studies. However, empirical research on trust in network-oriented societies, where individuals typically maintain somewhat different relationships with their in-group, out-group, and non-specified others, remains limited. Drawing on insights from informal network research and intergroup contact theory to model trust relationships in network societies, 882 respondents from three network societies-China, Russia, and South Korea-were surveyed, and confirmatory factor and path analyses applied. The results suggest that as network importance increases, both in-group trust and out-group trust also increase. Individuals who more commonly draw upon out-group trust ties attach less importance to in-group trust ties. Increases in non-specific trust, however, are associated with increases in both in-group and out-group trust, pointing towards the boundary spanning function of non-specific trust. Consequently, rather than finding a clear indication of whether informal networks persist or recede, ambivalent trust relationships were observed. This calls for a reexamination of the conventional 'either/or' perspective on the nature of informal networks. This network heterogeneity can be attributed to individuals, especially in developing network societies, utilizing a 'both/and' approach to trust and networking, and yielding more economic opportunities.
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Les crises migratoires provoquent des débats politiques houleux sur la manière d’éviter leur répétition. Si certaines voix privilégient le renforcement de la lutte contre la migration irrégulière pour préserver la souveraineté des États, d’autres plaident au contraire pour l’ouverture des frontières nationales au nom d’un droit universel à la libre circulation. Bien qu’elles concentrent l’attention des partis politiques, des médias et des universitaires, ces positions ne sont pas les seules présentes dans le débat. La gestion migratoire représente une troisième option souvent méconnue qui préconise l’ouverture régulée des frontières et une gouvernance migratoire dépolitisée et technocratique pour perpétuer les flux de la mondialisation. Or, en l’absence d’un régime international qui imposerait la gestion migratoire, des institutions doivent la formuler, la diffuser, et la mettre en œuvre pour qu’elle transforme la gouvernance migratoire. C’est pourquoi cet ouvrage examine les trois moments de l’émergence, de la sélection et du maintien de la gestion migratoire au sein de l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM). Fort de l’analyse de réunions et de documents de l’OIM entre le début des années 2000 et 2018, l’ouvrage illustre comment cette organisation développa la gestion migratoire pour réduire la complexité des migrations, critiquer et corriger l’exercice de la souveraineté des États, et protéger la mondialisation des crises migratoires et humanitaires. L’ouvrage nuance les conceptions qui réduisent l’OIM au rôle de sous-traitant de la lutte contre la migration irrégulière privilégiée par les États du Nord. En s’appuyant sur la gestion migratoire, l’OIM renforça son autorité et son autonomie vis-à-vis des États, étendit ses activités au champ humanitaire, rejoignit l’ONU en tant qu’organisation apparentée en 2016, et façonna l’adoption du Pacte mondial pour les migrations en 2018. Ne s’arrêtant pas au constat de la prééminence de la souveraineté des États au sein de la gouvernance migratoire, l’ouvrage démontre l’importance de considérer les manières dont les organisations internationales problématisent les migrations, conçoivent des interventions technocratiques, et poursuivent des objectifs sociaux « désirables ».
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This article provides a comprehensive review of the intersection of beyond 5G and Smart Grids, focusing on the potential of Vehicle-to-Fog as an industrial alternative for addressing energy efficiency challenges in data processing. This study aims to investigate relevant publications and patents to understand the collaborative potential between 5G and Smart Grids. It explores establishing new regulatory standards within the 5G framework to facilitate decentralized data processing and remodel energy consumption patterns. The hypothesis suggests that decentralized 5G architecture and Smart Grids can be most effectively applied through Vehicular Fog powered by solar energy. A combined quantitative and qualitative methodology guides the exploration of publications and patents. The study concludes by advocating for new standards that embrace decentralized 5G data processing, emphasizing the potential of Vehicle-to-Fog and the future deployment of 6G technology in Smart Grids. These advancements can significantly enhance energy efficiency in the context of 5G and pave the way for future innovations.
This book presents the first major initiative to introduce workshop-based Digital Storytelling to digitally dynamic and engaged youth, both in China and internationally. Conceived nearly three decades ago, the participatory and creative practice of Digital Storytelling has been embraced by public institutions, advocates, and researchers as a media democratisation intervention that empowers non-professionals to actively contribute to the media. Drawing on data from ten workshops conducted with Chinese young migrants in Australia and China, this work investigates the extent to which Chinese youth’s participation in Digital Storytelling constitutes media citizenship in both home and destination societies. The findings show that their digital self-expressions construct “alternative stories” that resist dominant discourses of place, mobility, education, and language. This book provides nuanced insights into the experiences of young educational migrants through bottom-up autobiographical narratives. As the first major study of its kind after decades of China’s reform era, it sheds light on Chinese society from a unique perspective on the interrelationships between state-mandated subjectivity, personal aspirations, and digitally mediated narrativity.
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Монография посвящена проблематике развития 5G-технологий в странах Африки, Азии и Латинской Америки. Вопрос исследован с политической точки зрения и в контексте конкуренции США и КНР. Уделяется существенное внимание техническим моментам 5G-технологий, конъюнктуре отраслевых телекоммуникационных рынков регионов развивающихся стран и конкретным компаниям на микроуровне (экономическим агентам рынка). Подготовлена в рамках проекта, профинансированного Российским университетом дружбы народов имени Патриса Лумумбы (РУДН) в рамках конкурса «Совместный старт: сделаем науку вместе» в 2022-2023 учебном году. Цель проекта — выявить факторы трансфера технологий 5G в развивающихся странах Африки, Азии и Латинской Америки. Исследованы постсоветское пространство, Центральная и Восточная Европа, Латинская Америка, Юго-Западная Азия, Юго-Восточная Азия, Южная Азия, Юго-Восточная Азия, Северная Африка и Африка Южнее Сахары. В рамках проекта подготовлен и опубликован ряд работ, в том числе в журналах «Постсоветские исследования» и «Полис. Политические исследования». Созданы база данных «Распространение 5G-технологий в странах Африки, Азии и Латинской Америки», а также научно-аналитический web-портал. Проект был представлен на многочисленных научных и грантовых конкурсах, в том числе «Умник», грантовый конкурс для физических лиц Федерального агентства по делам молодежи «Росмолодежь», конференция «Цели устойчивого развития» РУДН, «Конгресс молодых исследователей» Санкт-Петербурского государственного университета, NSGS Московского государственного института международных отношений (университета) Министерства иностранных дел Российской Федерации.
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Homo villicus у сучасному екранному середовищі [Homo villicus in the modern screen environment] Чміль Г. П., Корабльова Н. С., Безручко О. В. Homo villicus у сучасному екранному середовищі // Мистецтвознавство. Соціальні комунікації. Медіапедагогіка: колективна монографія [наук. ред. : О. В. Безручко]. Київ : Видав. центр КНУКіМ, 2024. Т. 10. С. 214–240 A collective monograph prepared by the faculty of the Faculty of Cinema and Television of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Department of Film and Television Arts of Kyiv University, culture with the participation of Ukrainian and foreign specialists, reveals a complex of the most relevant general theoretical, historical, and practical issues in art history, social communications, and media pedagogy. For screen arts teachers and students in the specialties of "Filmmaking", "Theatrical Art", "Television Journalism", "Culturology", "Pedagogy". Колективна монографія, підготовлена професорсько-викладацьким складом факультету кіно і телебачення Київського національного університету культуру і мистецтв, кафедри кіно-, телемистецтва Київського університету культуру за участю українських і закордонних фахівців, розкриває комплекс найактуальніших загальнотеоретичних, історичних, практичних питань з мистецтвознавства, соціальних комунікацій та медіапедагогіки. Для викладачів екранних мистецтв і студентів, що навчаються за спеціальностями «Кінотелемистецтво», «Театральне мистецтво», «Тележурналістика», «Культурологія»,«Педагогіка».
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A collective monograph prepared by the faculty of the Faculty of Cinema and Television of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Department of Film and Television Arts of Kyiv University, culture with the participation of Ukrainian and foreign specialists, reveals a complex of the most relevant general theoretical, historical, and practical issues in art history, social communications, and media pedagogy. For screen arts teachers and students in the specialties of "Filmmaking", "Theatrical Art", "Television Journalism", "Culturology", "Pedagogy". Колективна монографія, підготовлена професорсько-викладацьким складом факультету кіно і телебачення Київського національного університету культуру і мистецтв, кафедри кіно-, телемистецтва Київського університету культуру за участю українських і закордонних фахівців, розкриває комплекс найактуальніших загальнотеоретичних, історичних, практичних питань з мистецтвознавства, соціальних комунікацій та медіапедагогіки. Для викладачів екранних мистецтв і студентів, що навчаються за спеціальностями «Кінотелемистецтво», «Театральне мистецтво», «Тележурналістика», «Культурологія», «Педагогіка». Безручко, Олександр, науковий редактор. Мистецтвознавство. Соціальні комунікації. Медіапедагогіка: колективна монографія. Том 10 [Bezruchko, Oleksandr, scientific editor. Art history. Social communications. Media pedagogy: collective monograph. Volume 10] Мистецтвознавство. Соціальні комунікації. Медіапедагогіка: колективна монографія [наук. ред. : О. В. Безручко]. Київ : Видав. центр КНУКіМ, 2024. Т. 10. 283 с.
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Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kebutuhan fundamental dalam mengelola tugas dan tanggung jawab pelayanan gerejawi di era postmodern, agar tersedia sumber daya manusia yang memiliki multi kompetensi di atas rata-rata. Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang sangat cepat memberikan dampak bagi kehidupan manusia dalam segala aspeknya. Secara khusus, kita saat ini dihadapkan pada isu kecerdasan buatan atau Artificial Intelligence (AI). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa era postmodern menuntut pemimpin gereja memiliki multi kompetensi. Kehadiran era postmodern telah mengubah dinamika sosial, budaya, dan spiritualitas dalam masyarakat. Pentingnya landasan Alkitab untuk mengembangkan upaya Multi Kompetensi Pendeta Gereja Bethel Indonesia guna meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya sebagai pemimpin yang sesuai di era postmodern . Kondisi masyarakat di era postmodern sangatlah sporadis dan dinamis, dengan ciri-ciri yang idealis dan individualis, serta kehidupan sosial yang cenderung maju, rasional, dan bahkan skeptis. Kepemimpinan pendeta juga memiliki dimensi keberlanjutan, mengingat kebutuhan manusia yang tergabung dalam komunitas gereja dan bangsa bersifat holistik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu membangun multi kompetensi pendeta gereja bethel indonesia untuk memiliki multi kompetensi di era postmodern ini.
The information society requires new mechanisms for controlling government and injustice in order to be efficient. Social networks are powerful tools of the modern era, the use of which has contributed to the strengthening of civic awareness of the spread of influence through their platforms. Many examples in the world have shown how people gathered and organized protests through social networks in order to achieve basic civil rights. The Internet sphere has enabled the emergence of networked social movements that have proven to be very effective for achieving unity, respectively, starting, gathering and organizing various social movements for the purpose of solving significant problems and representing the interests of citizens. One of the main goals of this paper is to point out the democratic potential of the Internet and social networks. The paper first presents some of the previous researches related to the topic of the paper, then significant examples of networked social movements in the world are presented and analyzed.
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