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Case Study on Inventory Management Improvement


Abstract and Figures

Inventory management is a challenging problem area in supply chain management. Companies need to have inventories in warehouses in order to fulfil customer demand, meanwhile these inventories have holding costs and this is frozen fund that can be lost. Therefore, the task of inventory management is to find the quantity of inventories that will fulfil the demand, avoiding overstocks. This paper presents a case study for the assembling company on inventory management. It is proposed to use inventory management in order to decrease stock levels and to apply an agent system for automation of inventory management processes.
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Information Technology and Management Science doi: 10.1515/itms-2015-0014
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Case Study on Inventory Management Improvement
Darya Plinere1, Arkady Borisov2
1, 2 Riga Technical University
Abstract Inventory management is a challenging problem
area in supply chain management. Companies need to have
inventories in warehouses in order to fulfil customer demand,
meanwhile these inventories have holding costs and this is frozen
fund that can be lost. Therefore, the task of inventory
management is to find the quantity of inventories that will fulfil
the demand, avoiding overstocks. This paper presents a case
study for the assembling company on inventory management. It
is proposed to use inventory management in order to decrease
stock levels and to apply an agent system for automation of
inventory management processes.
Keywords ABC classification, demand forecasting methods,
inventory management, replenishment policies.
Inventory is the stock of any item or resource used in an
organisation [1]. There are three types of manufacturing
inventories: raw materials, work in progress and finished
goods (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Types of manufacturing inventories.
The author [2] mentions several reasons why it is needed to
have inventories:
To meet anticipated demand;
To smooth production requirements;
To protect against stock-outs;
To take advantage of order cycles;
To hedge against price increases or to take advantage of
quantity discounts;
To permit operations;
To decouple components of the production-distribution
Otherwise, it will lead to production delays, shortages
and/or dissatisfied customers [3]. The paradox of inventory
management is that having inventory is needed, but it is not
desirable to have inventory due to inventory keeping costs.
This situation makes inventory management a challenging
problem area in supply chain management. This paper
presents a continuation of the research [3], [4] adding new
experiments and forecasting algorithms on the same analysing
This paper is organised as follows: at first, the task is
presented, after that the existing situation is analysed, then the
solution is proposed, after that the experiments are shown and,
finally, conclusions are presented.
Inventory management is not the novelty, but still not every
company uses it in order to reduce inventory costs. The
inventory management task is to find out how much and when
to order:
Objective: To keep enough inventory to meet customer
Purpose: To determine the amount of inventory to keep
in stock how much to order and when to order.
The task of the research takes place within the company,
which deals with assembling of microchips from raw materials
and selling them to customers. Therefore, there are raw
materials and finished goods warehouses with
inventories (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Assembling company’s inventories.
The authors [5] state that only 8 % of the companies have
the trained personnel for inventory management. Companies
are used to have big safety stock in order to fulfil the
demand [3].
The task of this research is to analyse existing inventory
management situation for finished goods inventories, to
propose the improvement on it and to compare the proposed
results with real demand data.
The company’s data on sales, inventories in warehouses
were analysed for the period of 2014. The data analysis of
previous year’s microchip quantity fluctuation revealed that
there were items in stock with no sale in 2014. The results for
these items were the following: 16.69 % of total inventories
Raw materials
Work in
Work in
Finished goods
Work in
Production Suppliers Assembling company Customers
Company A
Company B
Raw material
warehouse Finished goods
©2015 Darya Plinere and Arkady Borisov. This is an open access article licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
NoDerivs License (, in the manner agreed with De Gruyter Open.
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(at the end of 2014) in warehouse did not have any movement
that year, 3.95 % of total inventories reduced their quantity
due to expiration of time, 5.13 % of total inventories having
no sale for the year of 2014 increased their quantity due to
production of new ones.
In addition, there were some items, whose assembled
quantity was higher than the sold one, meanwhile having big
amount of inventory in stock (Fig. 3). There were also items,
whose inventory level was high, meanwhile company
assembled new ones, therefore inventory level was higher than
the quantity of annual sales at the end of 2014 (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3. Annual operations of two microchips.
It was also detected that an inventory level was too high for
items, whose quantity on monthly sales was less than their
safety stock (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4. Inventory levels of two microchips.
In addition, it was noticed that an inventory level for one
item fell down to zero, which indicated out-of-stock situation
(Fig. 4). Therefore, inventory management was highly
recommended for this company.
In order to improve the existing situation of company’s
inventory control, it was proposed, firstly, to use inventory
management for inventory control, and secondly, to apply
agent system for inventory management [3], [4].
Effective inventory management consists of ABC
classification, demand forecasting algorithms and
replenishment policies [3]. Meanwhile, an agent system can
provide automatization of inventory management and timely
react to demand deviation from the forecasted demand, by
making corrections on replenishment policies.
The proposed system can be used in two modes: completely
autonomous mode, when an agent performs all of the
inventory management operations: ABC classification, future
demand forecasting, replenishment policy definition and
assembling order making, or it works as a decision support
system for a human inventory manager performing all the
mentioned activities except ordering by providing the
achieved results to an inventory manager and he decides
whether to accept or not these recommendations.
A. ABC Classification
ABC classification (or ABC analysis) is a basic supply
chain technique, often carried out by inventory
controllers/materials managers, and the starting point in
inventory control. This classification allows assigning
priorities to management time and financial resources. The
ABC analysis is based on the Pareto analysis, which says
that 20 % of the items contribute to 80 % of sales [6]. It
implies that a small portion of items in inventory contribute to
maximum sales (Table I). Typically less than 20 % of items
classified as class A contribute to as much as 80 % of the
revenue. Class B items do the next 15 % (80 %95 %)
contribution to revenue. Items classified as class C generate
the last 5 % revenue.
Number of items
Number of annual sales
Class A items
About 20 %
About 80 %
Class B items
About 30 %
About 15 %
Class C items
About 50 %
About 5 %
ABC classification usually categorises company’s products
into three classes in order to assign priorities in inventory
control [7]:
Class A items are the most critical ones. These items
require tight inventory controls, frequent review of
demand forecasts and usage rates, highly accurate part
data and frequent cycle counts to verify perpetual
inventory balance accuracy;
Class B items are of lesser criticality. These items require
nominal inventory controls, occasional reviews of
demand forecasts and usage rates, reasonably accurate
part data and less frequent but regular cycle counting;
Class C items have the least impact in terms of
warehouse activity and financials and therefore require
minimum inventory controls.
The inventory management starting point is the definition of
class A items microchips that represent the top 80 % of total
annual revenue; class B items are the next 15 % and class C
mchipcode20 mchipcode71
Quantity, pcs
Sold Assembled Stock on the end of the year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Quantity, pcs
mchipcode40 mchipcode38
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items are the last 5 %. Please, refer to [8], [9], [10] in order to
better understand calculations of ABC classification.
The results of ABC classification for the analysed company
by total annual revenue is presented in Table II.
ABC classification
For class C items with low (or zero) demand volume it is
proposed to use make-to-order production strategy [11].
B. Demand Forecasting Methods
Demand forecasting is used to determine the quantity of
goods or services that will be purchased by customers in the
near future. Demand forecasting methods fall under these
Qualitative forecasting;
Quantitative forecasting.
Qualitative forecasting methods are typically used when
historical data are limited, unavailable, or not currently
relevant to perform a quantitative method for forecasting.
Forecast depends on skills and experience of forecaster(s) and
available information. This is a subjective method used and is
based upon how customers and experts think or feel a product
will sell [12], [13]. Many new businesses use this method
when writing business plans and projecting first year sales
[13]. Four qualitative models are as follows [12]:
Jury of executive opinion;
Sales force composite;
Delphi method;
Consumer market survey.
Quantitative forecasting methods take numbers or quantities
sold in the past to forecast how much will be sold in the near
future. Usually this forecast provides quantities for the next
sales year. Some examples of quantitative forecasting methods
include last period demand, multiplicative seasonal indices,
and simple and weighted moving averages. Each of these
methods use past data in different types of mathematical
formulas to determine how many products or services will be
sold at the same times in the future that is being
predicted [13].
Here, the following quantitative forecasting methods are
used in order to predict future demand using historical data on
demand for the period of 2014:
Naïve forecasting method;
Simple moving average forecast;
Weighted moving average forecast;
Exponential smoothing method;
Single moving average.
The forecasting accuracy can be measured using forecasting
errors defined as the difference between actual demand
quantity and the forecasted demand. Several measures of
forecasting accuracy are as follows: Mean Absolute
Deviation (MAD), Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE),
Mean Squared Error (MSE), Running Sum of Forecast
Errors (RSFE) indicates bias in the forecasts or the tendency
of a forecast to be consistently higher or lower than actual
demand. Tracking signal determines if forecast is within
acceptable control limits. If the tracking signal falls outside
the pre-set control limits, there is a bias problem with the
forecasting method and an evaluation of the way forecasts are
generated is warranted [12]. More detailed explanation of
forecasting methods and accuracy measures is presented
in [3], [12].
Fig. 5. The real demand and forecasted demand for one microchip.
The inventory level graph with forecasting results for one
class A microchip is shown in Fig. 5. The calculations of
forecasting accuracy measures have given the appropriate
forecasting algorithm for this kind of microchip. The above-
mentioned forecasting methods have been applied to all
company’s microchips.
C. Replenishment Policies
An inventory system provides the organisational structure
and the operating policies for maintaining and controlling
goods to be stocked. The system is responsible for ordering
and receiving of goods: timing the order placement and
Quantity, pcs
weighted moving average
Single moving average
exponential smoothing a = 0.3
simple average forecasting method
exponential smoothing a = 0.2
weighted moving average II
Real Demand
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keeping track of what has been ordered, how much, and from
whom [14].
There are a single-period and multi-period inventory
systems [15]:
In a single-period inventory system, the items unsold at
the end of the period are not carried over to the next
period (for example, newspapers). The unsold items,
however, may have some salvage values.
In a multi-period inventory system, all the items unsold
at the end of one period are available in the next period.
Here, the talk is about a multi-period inventory system.
There are two types of multi-period inventory systems: fixed-
order quantity models and fixed-time period models [14]. A
fixed-order quantity model initiates an order when the
specified reorder level is reached. This model requires
continual monitoring of inventories. In contrast, in the fixed-
time period model placing orders is available only at the end
of a predetermined time period [14].
Fixed-order quantity models attempt to determine the
reorder point, R, at which an order, Q, will be placed and the
quantity of Q. An order Q is placed when the inventory level
(currently in stock and on order) reaches the reorder point R.
Inventory position is defined as follows: on-hand plus on-
order minus backordered quantities [14].
In a fixed-time period model, inventory is counted only at
particular times, such as every week or every month. Counting
inventory and placing orders periodically are desirable in
situations such as when buyers want to combine orders to save
transportation costs. Fixed-time period models generate order
quantities that vary from period to period depending on the
usage rates. These generally require a higher level of safety
stock than a fixed-order quantity system [14]. Safety stock can
be defined as the amount of inventory carried in addition to
the expected demand. Safety stock must protect against stock-
outs during the review period and also during the lead time
from order placement to order receipt.
Some concluding remarks are the following:
If demand is constant, reorder point is the same as the
demand during the lead time.
If demand is uncertain, reorder point is usually set above
the expected demand during the lead time.
Reorder point = Expected demand + Safety stock [15].
Having forecasted demand, it is possible to calculate safety
stock and reorder points for every microchip (see Table III).
Please, refer to [14], [15] for more details in calculations of
safety stock and reorder points.
Having calculations on future demand and replenishment
policies, the proposed inventory management result check on
real data is of interest. The real data is the demand data on
first 5 months of 2015.
The idea of this experiment is that the proposed quantities
of inventories with replenishment policy results are compared
with real demand, and the quantities of inventories are
compared with company’s inventories (Fig. 6).
The experiment has shown the following results: inventory
level has decreased (Fig. 6), real data average inventory level
is 20860 pcs, the proposed inventory management system’s
average inventory level is 11705. It was not an out-of-stock
situation in both cases.
Fig. 6. Comparison of the inventory management system with real data.
Quantity, pcs
real data as of 2015
stock level using
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The experiment for another microchip has shown that
safety stock has been used during the lead time because of
unpredictably high demand having average monthly
demand of 9800 pcs, that month demand is 17789 pcs. This
demand will be taken into account in further safety stock
calculations. Company’s average inventory level based on
real data is 6964 pcs, average inventory level of the
proposed inventory management system is 5955 pcs.
An improvement of company’s inventory management
situation is twofold: inventory management process
application and agent system realisation [3], [4]. Agent
system can provide the following benefits to the proposed
It can learn from the past inventory, forecasting and
replenishment histories;
It can change demand forecasting techniques,
inventory control constants and replenishment policies
if needed;
It can ensure monitoring and control of large amount
of SKUs;
It can provide autonomy and pro-activeness.
This paper presents part of the ongoing research on
AEMAS (Assembling Enterprise Multi-Agent System);
therefore, it is related to the inventory management
agent [3], [4]. One of the functions of inventory
management agent is to make decisions on when and how
many microchips to assemble. It has the information of the
possible minimum reserves safety stock, the future
demand forecasting algorithm and the production capacity.
Inventory management agent has the following behaviours:
ABC classification algorithm, future demand forecasting
algorithms and replenishment policies in order to avoid out-
of-stock situations, meanwhile decreasing the inventory
levels and their holding costs.
Fig. 7. The idea of agent system application for inventory management.
Excel file is provided as input data for agent system’s
ABC classification algorithm, then the forecasting methods
are applied to microchips and forecasting errors are
calculated, according to achieved results the best
forecasting method is chosen for every microchip that is
intended to be used subsequently. Replenishment algorithm
uses forecasting results, calculates safety stock and reorder
points. Meeting real demand, the agent-based inventory
management system compares it with the forecasted
demand and makes modifications in future orders to
assemble if needed. This inventory management system can
be fully automated or work as a decision support system for
an inventory manager [3]. The output of a fully automated
system is an agent decision, alternatively, if the system
works as a decision support system, then a manager decides
whether to agree or not with the proposed system
Fig. 8. Comparison of the inventory management agent system with real data.
classification Forecasting
Agent system Inventory Management Agent
Microchips Forecasted
Demand Safety
Stock Reorder
mchipcode33 1688 2081 3769
mchipcode40 12249 9096 21345
mchipcode20 1508 1603 3111
Forecasted demand
Demand comparison
Replenishment policies
modification if needed
Quantity, pcs
real data as of 2015
stock level using agent
system for inventory
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The idea of the second experiment is that meeting the real
demand it is possible to change replenishment
policies (Fig. 7). Again, the comparison of inventory levels’
quantities is presented (Fig. 8).
The experiment has shown the following results: for the
first type of microchips the inventory level has decreased
compared with company’s real inventory level. Company’s
average inventory level is 20860 pcs; the average inventory
level proposed by the agent system is 11461 pcs.
Another microchip type has the following results:
company’s average inventory level is 6964 pcs; the average
inventory level proposed by the agent system is 5405 pcs.
At the end of May 2015, inventory levels had the following
results: the lowest inventory level was typical of the agent-
based inventory management system (due to timely reaction to
demand comparison), the highest one was shown by
company’s data. Agent-based inventory management system
showed the best results in comparison with simple inventory
management application and real data. The difference between
the results provided by the agent system and that of the
inventory management (Fig. 6, Fig. 8) was not so
considerable, as it was between real data and agent-based
inventory management system. This could be explained by the
following: at the end of 2014 the demand had an increasing
trend, but in February it started to decrease; therefore, the
agent system took into account this demand shift.
Inventory management is essential to every company,
having inventories. Companies need to have stock, but in such
amount to avoid out-of-stock and overstock situations.
Inventory management can improve company’s inventory
control existing situation and decrease costs of the company.
Agent system, in turn, proposes the automation of this
process, it can support several forecasting methods and it
reacts to changes in the environment.
In this paper, the existing inventory management situation
is analysed, twofold improvement is proposed to use
inventory management with the aim to decrease company’s
inventory level and holding costs by avoiding overstocks and
to apply the agent system in order to automate the inventory
management processes and to timely react to demand
deviations from the forecasted demand by making corrections
in replenishment policies.
According to experiments, it can be concluded that timely
reaction to changes in the environment can propose better
results. This can be done by a human or decision support
system comparing the forecasted demand with real and
making corrections in orders, or this can be done by an agent
as it is proposed here.
The next step of the present research will be the application
of achieved results of demand forecasts, safety stock and
reorder points into simulation software in order to achieve
more accurate results.
[1] L. Ling, Supply chain management: concepts, techniques and practices
enhancing the value through collaboration. NJ: World Scientific, 2007.
372 p.
[2] M. Leseure, Key Concepts in Operations Management, 2010.
[3] D. Plinere, L. Aleksejeva, “Agent system application as a tool for
inventory management improvement, in 8th Int. Conf. on Soft
Computing, Computing with Words and Perceptions in System Analysis,
Decision and Control, 34 Sep., 2015. Antalya, Turkey, pp. 157166.
[4] D.S. Plinere, A.N. Borisov, L. Ya. Aleksejeva, Interaction of Software
Agents in the Problem of Coordinating Orders, Automatic Control and
Computer Sciences, 2015, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 268276.
[5] D.C.U. Cadavid, C.C. Zuluaga, “A framework for decision support
system in inventory management area, Ninth LACCEI Latin American
and Caribbean Conf., LACCEI’2011, Aug. 35, 2011, Medellin,
[6] D. Dhoka, Y.L. Choudary “ABC Classification for Inventory
Optimization, IOSR Journal of Business and Management, vol. 15,
Issue 1, Nov. Dec. 2013, pp. 3841.
[7] Life cycle engineering [Online] Available:
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[8] ABC analysis (Inventory) By Joffrey Collignon, Joannes Vermorel,
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[9] ABC Inventory Analysis using Excel. Posted on October 1st, 2014.
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[10] ABC analysis. [Online] Available:
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[11] J.J. Liu, Supply Chain Management and Transport Logistics. Routledge,
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[12] Demand Forecasting. [Online] Available:
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[13] Demand Forecasting Methods. [Online] Available:
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[14] R.B. Chase, F.R. Jacobs, N.J. Aquilano, Operations Management for
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s3e_sample_ch11.pdf [Accessed: Sept. 25, 2015]
[15] Chapter 15: Inventory Models [Online] Available:
694c005e3040/$FILE/Lecture4_Inv_f06_604.ppt [Accessed: Sept. 25,
Darya Plinere received her Mg. sc. ing. from Riga Technical University in
2006. She is a Research Senior Assistant at the Faculty of Computer Science
and Information Technology, Riga Technical University. Her research
interests include multi-agent systems, ontology engineering and supply chain
Arkady Borisov received his Doctoral degree in Technical Cybernetics from
Riga Polytechnic Institute in 1970 and Dr. habil. sc. comp. degree in
Technical Cybernetics from Taganrog State Radio Engineering University in
1986. He is a Professor of Computer Science at the Faculty of Computer
Science and Information Technology, Riga Technical University. His research
interests include fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, computational intelligence and
bioinformatics. He has 235 publications in the field. He is a member of IFSA
European Fuzzy System Working Group, Russian Fuzzy System and Soft
Computing Association, honorary member of the Scientific Board, member of
the Scientific Advisory Board of the Fuzzy Initiative Nordrhein-Westfalen
(Dortmund, Germany).
Contact information: 1 Kalku Str., Riga, LV-1658.
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... According to Li (2007), inventory is defined as "the stock of any item or resource utilized in an organization" and it is one of the most important components of logistic processes (Mesjasz-Lech, 2011). Inventory management is critical for any company and has a direct impact on businesses (Plinere & Borisov, 2015;Xi & Sha, 2014). Inventory management is critical for the company because stock levels affect customer service and are required to ensure the continuity of the production process (Kourentzes et al., 2020;Mesjasz-Lech, 2011). ...
... According to Plinere and Borisov (2015), companies require inventory planning to avoid out-of-stock and overstock problems. Too large or too small inventories might pose issues for the firm. ...
... Overstock inventories will generate inventory costs (Plinere & Borisov, 2015). The higher the order quantity, the higher the inventory holding cost (Rizaldi et al., 2018). ...
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... With more than 800 stores nationwide, the company has expanded beyond coffee to include food and retail products. As PT ABC continues to grow, it faces increasing challenges in managing its supply chain, particularly in inventory management (Plinere & Borisov, 2015). Managing inventory effectively is essential to keeping operations running smoothly and ensuring that the company can meet customer demand without overstocking, which can lead to financial strain. ...
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... Inventory management aims to find the number of inventories that will fulfill the demand, avoiding overstock. [13,14,15] The cost of the items in inventory at an agreement of an accounting period is known as their inventory value. Based on the expenses required to purchase and prepare the inventory for sale, a value is assigned to it. ...
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Pharmacies and related supplies must always be available at the required location, in the requisite amount, and with the necessary quality for health facilities to offer comprehensive care. Efficient inventory management improves pharmaceutical product profitability by reducing procurement costs and preventing long-term storage, while poor inventory management hinders essential drug availability. The current study aims to assess the knowledge, practice, and challenges in applying inventory management methods. A mixed-method study design with sampling techniques of purposive and snowball methods was used. A semi-structured questionnaire was implemented for quantitative data and an open-ended question was employed to explore more information as qualitative data. The collected qualitative data were transcribed and identified as five major themes knowledge about inventory management, challenges faced by pharmacists in managing inventory, purchasing methods, stocking, and expiry, and the purpose of inventory control management. Most pharmacists employ the inventory management method based on their experience and the customer needs. Among the basic inventory management tools like ABC, VED, FSN, or XYZ, the use of VED and FSN methods for purchasing and stocking is high. It is noted that they lack professional training but gained more knowledge and skills through the experience. When they were asked about the inventory control methods, about 70% of them were not aware, and of those who said yes 20 % were able to answer at least 1 method and 10 % were not able to correctly mention the name. To conclude the pharmacist should start considering the modern methods along with the current methods for effective marginal profit and competitive management of the pharmacies.
... Companies need strategy inventories in warehouses to fulfil customer demand. These strategy inventories create costs and it means financially no liquid items [3]. Inventory management partially mediates the relationship between managerial competence and financial performance [4]. ...
This research summarizes the results of the scientific discussion about the logistic chain and its order penetration point and influences on the costs of stocks. The main goal of this article is to point out determining the order penetration point of the logistics chain and differentiation of stocks according to importance from the point of view of optimizing costs and securing liquid financial resources. The object of the research was the industrial company. In this research, methods focused on using ABC analysis and Pareto analysis. The results of this research show 5 order penetration points (OPP1-OPP5) and a Push and Pull system to manage material flows for order penetration point of the logistics chain at the customer's order point. Cost optimization was solved by classifying the stocks into categories A, B, and C which is an important fact for planning and inventory management. ABC method divided 100 types of inventories with costs €5 million into categories A, B, C. Critical types of stocks in category A represents the group of stocks 38,92,7,52,13,54,90 that were reduced. This reduction of critical stocks led to the release of funds tied up in stocks. This change has a positive effect on the financial side of the company's cash flow – financial flows.
... Having inventory management system within an organization is important because the business can monitor and control their product stock and business revenue that is going on within the organization. At the same time, it is also to determine the suitable product quantity to restock according to customer and market demand which will reduce business loss of overstocking (Plinere & Borisov, 2016). Without having good inventory management system within organization, it can cause many businesses risk especially for retail store such as out of stock and product that is not sold due to market demand which will bring a dissatisfaction to customer and business lost (Patil & Divekar, 2014). ...
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This study aims to develop an Inventory Management Systems (IMS) that can provide better control and handling of product stock, customer order, customer service and order delivery that relates to company inventory information. The target user is the owner and employee in Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) retail store that stills manages inventory manually in Malaysia. IMS helps retail store to track down the next arrival of product stocks and record customer order for reservation for the product in the store inventory. In this study, the developer used PHP for backend system development and HTML, CSS, JavaScript for frontend system development. This study also applies Rapid Application Development (RAD) software methodology that emphasize on iterative development process. Even though the inventory management system has been fully developed by the developer, there are still limitations found and future enhancement that can be made towards the system.
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One of the awareness that has arisen in Indonesia in response to the challenges of Industry 4.0 is the awareness to be able to meet domestic logistics needs through improving and strengthening the national logistics system. This is mandated through the Center of Excellence, where Logistics is one of the areas of expertise included as a target for the Indonesian government. The socialization and demands of Industry and the World of Work (IDUKA) continue to develop and change so the Vocational High School (SMK)'s ability to fulfill them needs to be improved. The purpose of this research is to compile SMK E-modules that need to be aligned with the needs of IDUKA, especially in the field of logistics. This study used a mixed methods approach by conducting interviews (qualitative) and using questionnaires (quantitative) and studies using secondary data in the form of the SMK Logistics curriculum. The output of this research is in the form of the results of graduate training needed by IDUKA in the form of scientific articles published in indexed international journals for the dissemination of results at international scientific seminars, IPRs, and E-modules.
An inventory management system (IMS) is a software program or device that helps organizations effectively track and handle their inventory. It deliver a way to grapple (with) product-related activities such as placing orders, receiving products, maintaining inventory, tracking products, and selling products. Inventory shows the inventory the company has on hand. It tracks each item's quantity, location in the warehouse, and additional information such as batch number or expiration date. Without going into the details of inventory management, we can use this theory to manage inventory levels, maximize potential, and prevent inventory depletion. The sales component entails making product sales to clients. It contains specifics on transaction data, quantities, prices, sold goods, and client information. We are able to concentrate on the sales process, income development, and customer. satisfaction without delving into certain marketing tactics or sales channels. Firstly, the product component is a representation of the different products or commodities that are in the inventory. A product's name, SKU, description, cost, quantity, and supplier details are only a few of its properties. Without delving into the specifics of a product's source or production, this abstraction enables us to concentrate on its most important aspects. Secondly, the ordering component manages the procurement of goods from vendors. It entails establishing orders that include information on the things being ordered, the quantities, the dates of delivery, and any special instructions. We can make the complicated processes of maintaining contracts, supplier relationships, and price negotiations simpler with the help of this abstraction. Key elements of an inventory management system are products, ordering, inventory, sales, reporting, and integration. By taking this approach, inventory management's complexity is reduced, enabling developers to create scalable, modular IMS solutions that are tailored to each company's specific requirements
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Inventory management is an essential component of business operations including academic institutions. Using a quantitative descriptive research design, this study analyzed the processes involved in the use of the University of Baguio Requisition, Procurement, and Inventory System (UBRPIS), a software that automates inventory management by streamlining the operations required to efficiently maintain inventory and manage recording and updating records. The paper specifically determined the employees’ familiarity of the inventory management, identified the system limitations and proposed necessary adjustments and modifications. The majority of respondents are familiar with the various processes involved in the use of UBRPIS, such as the request for non-consumable items, the use of barcodes, accountability transfer, the withdrawal of condemned non-consumable items, and physical inventory of accounted non-consumable items. On the other hand, nearly half of the respondents identified limitations in the process itself, while 38.60% and 46.50% identified the location of the barcodes and the lack of non-consumable items as the primary issues, respectively. Despite respondents’ familiarity with the system, users face challenges in the processes involved in system use. It is therefore recommended that the University invests in inventory management system technology that best meets the requirements of all system users. Periodic staff training on the use of UBRPIS is likewise recommended.
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The Enterprise Resource Planning's (ERP´s) are computer systems that help companies to standardize operations integrating business information. For inventory management these packages have some models for control and management purposes that require the definition of several parameters, which in many cases are set arbitrarily by the inventory managers ignoring the impact that these have over the inventories, costs and service levels. In order to help inventory managers to define, in a more technical way the parameters of inventory control policies, this paper presents a framework for decision support system for inventory management area. The model's outline includes the underlying inputs, a general description of the morel and the expected outputs, which allow companies to define more technically all the information that an inventory control model requires to improve the effectiveness of the system.
Inventory Classification is very important to manage inventory efficiently. Popular concept - Importance and Exception (CIE) is employed to ensure that efficiency is maximized with least effort .For inventory optimization and Inventory Forecasting, products need to be classified appropriately. There are several methods used for categorization of products and items in inventory. Most common classification used is the Pareto Analysis. The focus of this paper is to check if some assumptions for ABC Analysis are taken for granted.
This text provides informative, short introductions to the core concepts of Operations Management. This text contains more than 50 concept entries and is fully cross-referenced.An outstanding reference for Operations Management students at all levels.
This article considers one of supply chain problems—procurement and inventory management. As part of this task, the main problem is the coordination of an order between the supplier and customer, in particular, the timely coordination of the name and number of component parts, prices, and delivery time. The current manual approach has a number of disadvantages related to noncompliance with the production plan, which cause financial losses. To automate this process, we propose a multiagent software system. The choice of approach is caused by the properties of agent systems— autonomy, pro-activeness, sociability, and reactivity. Agents communicate via message exchange with reference to the common ontology for agents participating in the negotiations. This ontology forms the basis of interaction between agents and means of structuring domain knowledge allows software agents to share available knowledge and identify new knowledge. The object of study is an enterprise that produces microchips. Software agents are developed within the JADE platform.
Integrating theory and practices of supply chain management, this book incorporates more than 15 years of supply chain and operations management research and industry consulting experience to both government and industry firms.The coverage focuses on how to build a competitive supply chain using viable management strategies, operational models, decision-making techniques, and information technology. It includes a core presentation on supply chain management and new initiatives such as e-commerce, collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR), data mining, knowledge management, and business intelligence.
Agent system application as a tool for inventory management improvement
  • D Plinere
  • L Aleksejeva
D. Plinere, L. Aleksejeva, "Agent system application as a tool for inventory management improvement," in 8th Int. Conf. on Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perceptions in System Analysis, Decision and Control, 3-4 Sep., 2015. Antalya, Turkey, pp. 157-166.
Supply Chain Management and Transport Logistics
  • J J Liu
J.J. Liu, Supply Chain Management and Transport Logistics. Routledge, 2012. 560 p.