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Faecal sampling using detection dogs to study reproduction and health in North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis)


Abstract and Figures

Conservation and management of many cetaceans is hindered by the difficulty of acquiring samples from free-swimming individuals to obtain essential data on health, diet, reproduction and physiological impacts of environmental and anthropogenic stressors. This is particularly true for large whales, which are logistically difficult to live-capture for sampling. In North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis), a significant decline in reproduction and health in the 1990s led to the application of faecal-based analyses to study stress and reproductive endocrinology, marine biotoxin exposure and prevalence of disease-causing protozoa. However, this approach was limited by low sample acquisition rates with opportunistic faecal (scat) collection methods. The work presented here evaluates the relative sampling efficiency of scent detection dogs trained to locate North Atlantic right whale scat versus opportunistic scat collection during photoidentification surveys. Three years of sample collection using both detection dogs and opportunistic methods are summarised. Faecal sample collection rates using detection dogs were over four times higher than opportunistic methods. The use of detection dogs for scat collection from free-swimming right whales has for the first time provided adequate numbers of samples for statistical analyses. The endocrine, disease, genetic and biotoxin studies currently being performed on these samples markedly improve the ability to address fundamental questions vital to effective conservation and management of highly endangered right whales.
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Effective conservation and management of many cetaceans
has been hindered by insufficient non-lethal methods to
acquire data on feeding ecology, reproductive parameters,
individual and population health and the physiological
impacts of environmental and anthropogenic stressors (e.g.
marine biotoxins, contaminants, global climate change).
This has been particularly problematic for large whales,
which are elusive and extremely difficult to live-capture for
sampling of blood or tissues. While remote biopsy darting
provides samples for genetic, contaminant and fatty acid
analyses, the data that can be obtained from skin and
blubber cores are limited.
A significant decline in reproduction and health in the
western North Atlantic right whale population (Eubalaena
glacialis) in the late 1990s raised concern among managers
and researchers (Kraus et al., 2001; Pettis et al., 2004;
Hamilton and Marx, 2005). In response, the International
Whaling Commission (IWC) Workshops on the
Comprehensive Assessment of Right Whales, and Status
and Trends of Western North Atlantic Right Whales (IWC,
2001a; b) gave priority recommendations to develop
methods for assessing health, stress and reproductive
failure. Subsequently, a suite of faecal-based studies were
validated and applied to northern right whales to assess the
reproductive status of individual whales, and to study
factors potentially affecting health and fecundity.
Measurement of faecal metabolites of steroid hormones
has now been used to determine reproductive status of free-
swimming right whales (Rolland et al., 2005). That study
showed that concentrations of reproductive hormone
metabolites were reliable predictors of gender, pregnancy
and lactation in females and sexual maturity in males.
Current extensions to this work involve identifying
individuals by creating genetic profiles using right whale
DNA isolated from their faeces (R. Gillett, unpublished
data) and measuring metabolites of adrenal hormones to
assess relative stress levels (Hunt et al., 2006). Faecal
parasitology studies have shown that right whales have the
highest prevalence of infection with potentially pathogenic
protozoa (Giardia spp. and Cryptosporidium spp.) of any
marine mammal yet examined (Hughes-Hanks et al., 2005).
In that study, over 70% of the faecal samples collected from
right whales were Giardia spp. positive and 24% were
positive for Cryptosporidium spp. Finally, faecal
measurements of the paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP)
toxins produced by the ‘red tide’ organism Alexandrium
showed that sampled right whales were being exposed to
this potent neurotoxin by feeding. In some cases, toxin
levels reached 0.5mg saxitoxin equivalents g
faeces, near
the levels at which human advisories for shellfish are issued,
although the biological effects on right whales remain
unknown (Doucette et al., 2006). All of these studies were
derived from multiple assays of the same faecal (scat)
samples where the individual whale can frequently be
identified either photographically (by comparison with the
North Atlantic Right Whale Catalogue; Hamilton and
Martin, 1999) or genetically (by comparing scat DNA
profiles to biopsy DNA profiles of known whales).
Preliminary results show that at least 14 whales have been
sampled more than once within a field season and/or in
multiple years (R. Rolland, unpublished data). These studies
represent the foundation of an individual-based profile of
health and reproductive status, that when integrated with
the Right Whale Catalogue, provide insights into
population-based models of reproduction, health, mortality
and trends.
J. CETACEAN RES. MANAGE. 8(2):121–125, 2006
Faecal sampling using detection dogs to study reproduction and
health in North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis)
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Conservation and management of many cetaceans is hindered by the difficulty of acquiring samples from free-swimming individuals to
obtain essential data on health, diet, reproduction and physiological impacts of environmental and anthropogenic stressors. This is
particularly true for large whales, which are logistically difficult to live-capture for sampling. In North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena
glacialis), a significant decline in reproduction and health in the 1990s led to the application of faecal-based analyses to study stress and
reproductive endocrinology, marine biotoxin exposure and prevalence of disease-causing protozoa. However, this approach was limited by
low sample acquisition rates with opportunistic faecal (scat) collection methods. The work presented here evaluates the relative sampling
efficiency of scent detection dogs trained to locate North Atlantic right whale scat versus opportunistic scat collection during photo-
identification surveys. Three years of sample collection using both detection dogs and opportunistic methods are summarised. Faecal sample
collection rates using detection dogs were over four times higher than opportunistic methods. The use of detection dogs for scat collection
from free-swimming right whales has for the first time provided adequate numbers of samples for statistical analyses. The endocrine,
disease, genetic and biotoxin studies currently being performed on these samples markedly improve the ability to address fundamental
questions vital to effective conservation and management of highly endangered right whales.
New England Aquarium, Central Wharf, Boston, MA 02110-3399, USA.
Packleader Detector Dogs, 14401 Crews Road KPN, Gig Harbor, WA 98329-4192, USA.
Natural Resources DNA Profiling and Forensic Centre, Department of Biology, Trent University, 1600 East Bank Drive, Peterborough, Ontario K9J
7B8, Canada.
Center for Conservation Biology, Department of Biology, Box 351800, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-1800, USA.
Despite the wealth of data available from these analyses,
this approach has been restricted by the difficulty of
opportunistically locating scat at sea, limiting the number of
available samples. This led to evaluating the use of domestic
dogs (Canis familiaris) professionally trained to detect
wildlife scat (Wasser et al., 2004) to increase sample
collections from right whales. In terrestrial studies,
detection dogs significantly increased scat collection rates
from kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis mutica; Smith, D.A. et al.,
2003), grizzly (Ursus arctos) and black bears (U.
americanus; Wasser et al., 2004). In those studies, dogs
located scat from targeted wildlife with 100% accuracy
(based on genetic species confirmation), and increased
sampling rates four-fold, compared to experienced human
observers. This paper describes the use of detection dogs to
locate faecal samples from right whales over three years.
Faecal sampling efficiency of surveys with dogs is
compared to opportunistic methods and species identity is
confirmed genetically for a subset of samples.
Study area and survey methods
This work was conducted during August and September,
2003-05 in the waters around Lubec, Maine (training) and in
the Bay of Fundy, Canada (surveys), where right whales
congregate seasonally to feed (Murison and Gaskin, 1989).
Faecal sample collection surveys using detection dogs were
conducted aboard a 6.4m boat with a global positioning
system (GPS) chart plotter. The chart plotter was used to
mark the location of tracklines and positions where dogs
detected scent from right whale scat, and helped orient the
boat relative to wind and tide direction to locate samples.
The crew included one dog and three to four people (dog
handler, driver, photographer/data recorder). In addition,
opportunistic faecal sample collections occurred aboard a
9.0m vessel with a crew of six to eight people conducting
standardised right whale photo-identification surveys.
Surveys used two detection dogs alternately in 2003 and
2004, and a single dog in 2005. Given the demands of
working on a boat, dogs that had good physical stability,
persistence in locating samples and a calm disposition were
selected. Scat detection dog training follows techniques
used for narcotic, search and rescue and bomb detection
dogs (Wasser et al., 2004). When the dog detects the
targeted scent there is a characteristic change in behaviour
(recognised by tense body posture and ear position),
motivated by the expectation of a reward. Scent from right
whale scat was added to these dogs’ repertoires through
initial exposure using a scent box (Wasser et al., 2004),
followed first by searches on land, then from the bow of a
boat. Previously collected scat samples from male and
female right whales of varied ages were used for training.
Initial training occurred over a period of nine days, and
‘refresher’ work for both handlers and dogs occurred
annually for one or two days prior to the start of each field
All surveys using dogs were conducted with a Beaufort
sea state 53 and wind speeds 510 knots. Boat transects
were conducted perpendicular to the wind direction at a
speed of five to seven knots, downwind from aggregations
of right whales or areas where right whales had been
previously sighted. The dogs were positioned on the bow for
the duration of the trial. On land, the dog leads the handler
directly to the sample by following the scent cone along an
increasing odour gradient. On the water, since the dog could
not lead the handler, the helmsman steered according to the
direction indicated by the dog (as interpreted by the handler)
until the sample was located (Fig. 1). If the dog lost the scent
during the approach, perpendicular transects were resumed
until the dog’s behaviour indicated that the vessel was back
in the scent cone from the sample (Fig. 2). When faecal
samples were successfully collected, the dog was rewarded
immediately by playing with a tennis ball on a string.
Sample collection
Floating pieces of clumped right whale scat were collected
using a 300mm nylon dipnet (Sea-Gear Corp., Melbourne,
Florida, USA; Rolland et al., 2005). Scat samples were
identified in the field by size, shape, brown-orange colour,
characteristic odour and presence of fine baleen hairs. Salt
water was drained off the faeces, samples were stored in
polypropylene jars and placed on ice until frozen at 220°C
for subsequent analyses. The date, time and position of
collection were recorded for each sample. When defecation
was witnessed, the whale was photographed for subsequent
photo-identification analysis (Kraus et al., 1986).
Comparison of sample collection methods
The sampling efficiency of the detection dog surveys was
calculated by dividing the number of faecal samples
collected per day by the total time that the dog was working.
Hours of dog survey effort were defined as the total time the
dog was working ‘on watch’ during transects. These results
were compared with opportunistic faecal sample collections
made during right whale photo-identification surveys.
Opportunistic collections occurred when whales were
observed defecating at the surface or observers detected scat
by odour. Hours of opportunistic effort were defined as the
time observers were ‘on watch’ between the first and last
whale photographed that day. Samples collected per hour of
survey effort were calculated over three years (2003-05).
Comparisons between opportunistic surveys and detection
dog surveys were only made on days when both vessels
were working to control for variability in weather conditions
and whale density.
Data analysis was performed using SPSS 13.0 (SPSS Inc.,
Chicago, Illinois, USA). The data were not normally
distributed, thus non-parametric tests were used. Differences
Fig. 1. The dog handler signalling to the helmsman the direction to
steer as indicated by the detection dog during a search for a right
whale scat sample.
et al.:
were considered significant if p<0.05. The number of
samples collected per day and the sampling efficiency using
detection dogs were compared to results from opportunistic
collection methods using a Mann-Whitney U test.
Differences in sampling efficiency between years were
analysed for each method separately using the Kruskal-
Wallis test. The detection distance for each sample located
by the dogs was estimated by calculating the distance
between the GPS positions of the first observed change of
behaviour (indicating scent acquisition) and the location of
sample collection. These are estimates of distance because
tidal motion may have moved the scat (closer or farther
depending on the stage) relative to the location of the dog’s
first detection.
Genetic analyses
Species identity was determined genetically for 54 samples
collected in 2003 by extraction and amplification of
mitochondrial control region DNA. DNA was extracted in
duplicate from frozen, lyophilised faecal samples using a
modified Qiagen DNeasy extraction protocol (Qiagen,
Valencia, CA). Nucleic Acid Purification Grade Lysis Buffer
(1X, 1.6ml; ABI) was added to ~70-90mg of the each
sample, then samples were vortexed (1min) and incubated
(65°C, 1hr). Following incubation, 25ml Proteinase K
(>600mAU ml
; Qiagen) and 600mL AL buffer (Qiagen)
were added. Tubes were inverted and incubated for an
additional hour. Ethanol was added (100%, 600ml), the tubes
were mixed, and the contents were run through a silica spin
column. Samples were washed and eluted following steps
four through seven of the Qiagen DNeasy protocol,
incubated (65°C, 10min) to evaporate any residual ethanol
and frozen at 220°C.
The mitochondrial control region was amplified using the
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with the primers UP098
and LP282 (Malik et al., 2000; Rastogi et al., 2004).
Amplification consisted of a 25ml reaction (0.3mg bovine
serum albumin, 1X PCR Buffer, 0.2mM of dNTP mix, 2mM
magnesium chloride, 0.3mM each primer, 0.1U Taq DNA
polymerase and ~1.5ng template DNA) with the following
cycling conditions: 94°C for 5min; 50 cycles of 94°C for
30s, 52°C for 60s, 72°C for 60s; 60°C for 45min. Extraction
and PCR negative controls were included to test for
Results from the detection dog and photo-identification
surveys were compared for 19 days (2003-05) on which
both detection dog and opportunistic survey vessels were
working. Detection dog surveys located significantly more
samples (n=97) compared to the opportunistic method
(n=30; Mann-Whitney U test, Z=-3.418, p<0.001).
Detection dogs located many scat samples in areas where
the human crew did not observe whales in close proximity.
The mass of faeces collected varied from approximately 20g
to 0.5kg or more. Mean sampling efficiency of the detection
dog surveys from 2003-05 was 1.1 samples hr
(range: 0.80
to 1.43 samples hr
), significantly greater than 0.25
samples hr
(range: 0.15 to 0.32 samples hr
) for
J. CETACEAN RES. MANAGE. 8(2):121–125, 2006
Fig. 2. An example of the search pattern the research vessel followed (?) to locate a right whale scat sample
with a detection dog. As the vessel enters the scent cone coming from the sample (striped area), the dog
detects the odour (0) as indicated by a change in the dog’s ear set and body position, prompting the boat
driver to steer into the wind. The dog loses the odour when the vessel leaves the scent cone (X). The
vessel then resumes a transect perpendicular to the wind until the dog has another detection, turning into
the wind again to find the sample. The human crew smelled the sample just before it was collected (4).
The distance from the first scent detection by the dog to the final position of sample collection was
opportunistic surveys (Table 1; Mann-Whitney U=5.000,
Z=-5.129, p<0.001). Although the sampling efficiency of
both methods appeared to be higher in 2005 (Table 1), there
were no significant differences between years for either
method, indicating consistency in the survey methodologies.
Estimated detection distances for the dogs ranged 22m to
1.93km (just over one nautical mile). In 2003, the only year
that this was measured, humans detected seven samples (by
smell) at 56-359m, while the dogs detected the same
samples at 150-563m. All faecal samples found by the dogs
and humans in 2003 have been confirmed to be from right
whales by mitochondrial DNA analyses, and the remainder
are currently undergoing analysis.
Statistical comparisons only included a subset of samples
collected on days when both research vessels were working
in the Bay of Fundy. Another 72 faecal samples were
obtained between 2003-05 on other survey days, in other
habitats or by other vessels in the Bay of Fundy (total
samples from 2003-05 = 199). Prior to using detection dogs
(1999-2002), an additional 86 samples were collected
opportunistically, bringing the total samples for all faecal-
based studies to 285. All samples were collected for
reproductive and stress hormone analyses. In many cases
sufficient faecal material was collected to allow for sub-
dividing of samples for multiple assays, so that 128 of these
samples are also being examined for marine biotoxins, and
111 for parasites. Additionally, all samples will eventually
be characterised genetically using mitochondrial and
nuclear markers to confirm the species of origin and
determine individual whale identity.
These results demonstrate that scat detection dogs can work
from boats to dramatically increase faecal sampling rates
from free-swimming right whales. Sampling efficiency of
detection dogs was over four times higher than opportunistic
collection methods over a three-year period. In addition,
dogs detected samples from as far as one nautical mile away,
greatly increasing the area that can be sampled. The success
of this method depended upon the involvement of a
professional dog trainer, an experienced handler and dogs
and a boat driver with intimate knowledge of the local tide
and wind patterns. It also involved use of a dedicated vessel
for detection dog surveys, because of methodological
conflicts between visually-based photo-identification
surveys and detection dog survey protocols. Nevertheless,
using dogs to collect large numbers of scat samples from
right whales has significantly increased sample sizes,
enhancing the utility of the diversity of faecal analyses in
quantitatively assessing this population’s status.
These assays and faecal collection methods are
potentially useful in multiple species, and can address a
wide array of questions. Faeces have been collected
opportunistically from bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops
truncatus) for genetic studies (Parsons et al., 2003), sperm
whales (Physeter macrocephalus) for feeding ecology
research (Smith and Whitehead, 2000), blue whales
(Balaenoptera musculus) and humpback whales (Megaptera
novaeangliae) to study marine biotoxin exposure (Lefebvre
et al., 2002) and North Atlantic right whales for
environmental toxicology (Weisbrod et al., 2000). Faecal
analyses provide estimates of exposure to synthetic
chemicals and biotoxins, both issues of concern to cetaceans
worldwide because of increasing human impacts on the
marine environment.
In addition to the assays described here, DNA markers
from prey species in scat are being used in cetaceans to
identify dietary components and diversity to understand
marine food webs with more accuracy than previous work
relying on analysis of hard parts of prey in faeces or stomach
contents (e.g. Jarman et al., 2002). Recent advances in
extraction and amplification of host nuclear and
mitochondrial DNA from scat samples permits PCR-based
studies using genetic markers to determine species, sex and
individual identity (Wasser et al., 2004). Although faecal
DNA tends to be more degraded than that obtained by
biopsy, in this study 100% of the faecal samples analysed
yielded sufficient DNA for species determination.
Many cetaceans are at-risk or poorly studied, and
researchers require physiological and biomedical data to
assess population health and reproductive status. Such
information is not easily obtained using conventional
methods. Enhanced sampling of cetacean scat by using
detection dogs, coupled with endocrine, toxicological and
molecular analyses, opens a new window into the
physiology, health and genetic status of free-swimming
whales that can contribute greatly to their conservation and
The authors are very grateful to Phillip Clapham for his
early support for this work. We are indebted to the New
England Aquarium Right Whale Research team, Laurie
Murison and many other researchers and assistants who
collected samples in the Bay of Fundy for these studies.
Special thanks to Kerry Lagueux for assistance with
graphics. Fisheries and Oceans Canada granted permits to
approach and photograph right whales in the Bay of Fundy.
Our thanks to the North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium
for access to the North Atlantic Right Whale Catalogue and
database and to Todd O’Hara and Nick Gales for helpful
comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by
contracts (to RMR) from NOAA Fisheries.
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Date received: November 2005
Date accepted: April 2006
J. CETACEAN RES. MANAGE. 8(2):121–125, 2006
... To assist carnivore conservation and management, ecological data including population density, habitat use, home-range size, and resource use information is needed and predator scat surveys can facilitate these outcomes (Wasser et al. 2004;Davidson et al. 2014). Additionally, scat can provide species and gender identification (Harrison 2006;Hollerbach et al. 2018), as well as insights on reproduction and health (Rolland et al. 2006). Scat samples can also be used to determine a predator's diet which is a vital tool to evaluate human-wildlife conflict situations (Marker et al. 2003b). ...
... In another study costs per scat sample were US$ 1479 when using a dog and only US$ 224 when using human searchers (Arandjelovic et al. 2015). However, this cost can be offset by an increased sample detection rate (Rolland et al. 2006;Arandjelovic et al. 2015) and more precise sample identification (accuracy rate) (Cristescu et al. 2015). Because funding resources are often limited in conservation research (Orkin et al. 2016), studies need to be designed to promote the potential of the individual dog-handler team (MacKay et al. 2008). ...
Full-text available
The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), like many other terrestrial large carnivores, exhibits elusive behaviour, occurs in low numbers over large home ranges, and has experienced population decline and range contraction. Therefore, long-term conservation strategies are needed which rely on accurate ecological data. Surveys using scat collection and analysis can generate these data and using scat detection dogs (Canis familiaris) is an effective method to gather scat samples. However, transect dimensions, local weather conditions and vegetation can influence the scat detection success. We conducted an experiment evaluating the influence of these factors on a scat detection dog-handler team, to assist the planning of optimal survey designs. We placed cheetah scat along transects of varying sizes established in different vegetation conditions and recorded environmental parameters during searches. Additionally, we evaluated the dog’s performance compared to that of human searchers on one identical set of transects. The dog had an average detection rate of 45% and an accuracy rate of 100% over all trials. Increasing search time and decreasing transect width had the strongest positive influences on the detection rate. If transect dimensions did not exceed 100 m in length and 25 m in width, the dog achieved a detection rate of 93.3%, resembling the effective search area. We found no significant influences of weather conditions and vegetation cover. Human searchers achieved a detection rate of 22% and an accuracy rate of 55% compared to a 75% detection rate and 100% accuracy rate for the dog on the identical transects. To increase sample return, we recommend the calibration of study designs for individual dog-handler teams, as well as more frequent use of scat detection dogs for surveying populations of rare carnivores.
... Scat sampling has been proposed as a health-monitoring methodology that can be (1) deployed at a largescale, (2) cost effective, and (3) less invasive compared to direct sampling of wildlife [13][14][15][16] . Scat surveys may also reduce biases associated with capture and sighting probability, and those associated with "convenience sampling", which relies on samples from wildlife hospitals or carcasses 17 . ...
Full-text available
Wildlife diseases are major players in local and global extinctions. Effective disease surveillance, management and conservation strategies require accurate estimates of pathogen prevalence. Yet pathogen detection in wild animals remains challenging. Current gold standards often require samples collected through veterinary examination, but this method is costly, intensive, invasive, and requires specialised staff and equipment. Collection of non-invasive samples, such as scats, is an effective monitoring tool which can be deployed at large scale, as scats contain DNA of both host and pathogens. The koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) is listed as ‘endangered’ under the EPBC Act 1999, with chlamydial disease representing a major threat. Here, we present a new approach that combines restriction-enzyme associated sequencing and targeted-sequence-capture genotyping, namely DArTcap, to detect Chlamydia pecorum in koala scats. We found this method has similar accuracy to current gold standards (qPCR of swab samples), with a sensitivity of 91.7% and a specificity of 100%. This method can be incorporated into existing koala genetic studies using marker panels, where population attributes can be estimated alongside C. pecorum presence, using the same scat samples, with the option to add further markers of interest. Such a one-stop-shop panel would considerably reduce processing times and cost. Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1038/s41598-024-76873-1.
... Scent-detection dogs have been used to successfully locate floating fecal samples (Ayres et al., 2012;Rolland et al., 2006), with an additional benefit of maintaining a greater distance from the whales than when using visual detection techniques alone (Wasser et al., 2017). The use of unoccupied aerial vehicles (UAV, or drones) is another tool to reduce impacts from vessel proximity and aid in visualization of samples (Baird et al., 2022;Torres et al., 2018). ...
... desert tortoise, Gopherus agassizii (Cablk and Heaton, 2006)), and aquatic species (e.g. North Atlantic right whales, Eubalaena glacialis (Rolland et al., 2006)). ...
... Non-invasive techniques, such as aerial photogrammetry, have been used to track body condition of known individuals, which is linked with reproductive output in eastern North Pacific killer whales and North Atlantic right whales (Fearnbach et al. 2018;Stewart et al. 2022). Fecal steroid hormone assays from samples collected with the assistance of feces-sniffing dogs have been used to determine occurrence, stage and health of pregnancy in females, and the onset of sexual maturation and reproductive seasonality in males (Rolland et al. 2007;Wasser et al. 2017). Endocrine evaluations of biopsies from free-ranging cetaceans have been used to show high pregnancy rates consistent with population recovery in Australian humpback whales (Pallin et al. 2018) and to assess reproductive health in bottlenose dolphin stocks in the Gulf of Mexico following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill (Kellar et al. 2017). ...
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The world’s cetaceans (like most of biodiversity) are in crisis, and the need for well-informed conservation action has never been greater. Scientific advancements over the last few decades have provided much insight on the reproductive anatomy, physiology, and behavior of whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Our goal in this chapter is to link scientific findings to practical actions that will improve resilience and conservation prospects of cetaceans. We provide an overview of human activities and their impacts on cetacean reproduction and review the progress (or lack thereof) toward conserving species, with a particular focus on those for which sociality and culture may be important to population recovery. For all cetaceans, it is important to preserve or, where necessary and feasible, reestablish the ecological, demographic, and social conditions that allow the animals to reproduce successfully in their natural environment. The better we understand and integrate knowledge concerning cetacean reproductive health into conservation strategies, the better the chances of achieving species recovery, protecting biodiversity, and preventing future extinctions.
... Fecal plumes of wild cetaceans can be identified by observation when following behind pods of cetaceans, by using specially trained scent detection dogs to find floating whale feces and through the use of drones (Ayres et al., 2012;Baird et al., 2022;Rolland et al., 2006). Fecal samples are typically collected with a dip net, container, or bag and contain significant amounts of seawater (Hunt et al., 2013 (Dunshea et al., 2013;Ford et al., 2016;Smith & Whitehead, 2006) as well as to identify parasites, microbiome communities, and organic pollutants, but the identification of fecal pathogens in cetaceans is limited to enteric pathogens when surveying the gut microbiome of fin and sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus; Hunt et al., 2013;Marangi et al., 2021). ...
... Steroid hormones have been measured in a variety of tissues in multiple marine mammal species, including baleen whales [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]. When available, blood serum, blubber, and feces are the matrices of choice for investigating endocrine response to relatively recent events (minutes to days) in living marine mammals [10][11][12][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25]. ...
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Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Southeast Alaska have been studied for over 50 years, and are largely considered a recovery success since the cessation of commercial whaling. Reproductive physiology is an important factor to consider in studying population health and can provide important insights into the drivers contributing to population abundance fluctuations. Validated assays for progesterone and testosterone were used on blubber biopsies from humpback whales (N = 33 whales, 71 samples) near Juneau, Alaska, in 2020 and 2021. Long-term sighting histories were used to confirm detected pregnancies with calf sightings the following year. Blubber samples were divided into two seasonal bins (early and late summer). Pregnant females sampled in both early and late summer of both 2020 and 2021 showed elevated progesterone concentrations compared to other reproductive states (p
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Conservation detection dogs (CDD) use their exceptional olfactory abilities to assist a wide range of conservation projects through the detection of target specimens or species. CDD are generally quicker, can cover wider areas and find more samples than humans and other analytical tools. However, their efficacy varies between studies; methodological and procedural standardisation in the field is lacking. Considering the cost of deploying a CDD team and the limited financial resources within conservation, it is vital that their performance is quantified and reliable. This review aims to summarise what is currently known about the use of scent detection dogs in conservation and elucidate which factors affect efficacy. We describe the efficacy of CDD across species and situational contexts like training and fieldwork. Reported sensitivities (i.e. the proportion of target samples found out of total available) ranged from 23.8% to 100% and precision rates (i.e. proportion of alerts that are true positives) from 27% to 100%. CDD are consistently shown to be better than other techniques, but performance varies substantially across the literature. There is no consistent difference in efficacy between training, testing and fieldwork, hence we need to understand the factors affecting this. We highlight the key variables that can alter CDD performance. External effects include target odour, training methods, sample management, search methodology, environment and the CDD handler. Internal effects include dog breed, personality, diet, age and health. Unfortunately, much of the research fails to provide adequate information on the dogs, handlers, training, experience and samples. This results in an inability to determine precisely why an individual study has high or low efficacy. It is clear that CDDs can be effective and applied to possibly limitless conservation scenarios, but moving forward researchers must provide more consistent and detailed methodologies so that comparisons can be conducted, results are more easily replicated and progress can be made in standardising CDD work.
Dogs as research assistants in wildlife conservation have been used since the twentieth century. The experimental and quasi-experimental research on their efficiency, accuracy, and reliability is more recent and does not exceed a few decades. We start by discussing the potential and overlooked conceptual and methodological contributions of psychophysics to the training and assessment of wildlife conservation canines. We then briefly discuss issues around transects in search and question the validity and relevance of this anthropocentric approach. The remainder of this chapter is a comprehensive and critical review of the literature. An important part of this review is a summary table (appendix) of the main research we collated identifying the specific goals, species, methods, and the overall results and conclusions of each peer-reviewed publication.
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Two forms of killer whale (Orcinus orca), resident and transient, occur sympatrically in coastal waters of British Columbia, Washington State, and southeastern Alaska. The two forms do not mix, and differ in seasonal distribution, social structure, and behaviour. These distinctions have been attributed to apparent differences in diet, although no comprehensive comparative analysis of the diets of the two forms had been undertaken. Here we present such an analysis, based on field observations of predation and on the stomach contents of stranded killer whales collected over a 20-year period. In total, 22 species of fish and 1 species of squid were documented in the diet of resident-type killer whales; 12 of these are previously unrecorded as prey of O. orca. Despite the diversity of fish species taken, resident whales have a clear preference for salmon prey. In field observations of feeding, 96% of fish taken were salmonids. Six species of salmonids were identified from prey fragments, with chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha ) being the most common. The stomach contents of stranded residents also indicated a preference for chinook salmon. On rare occasions, resident whales were seen to harass marine mammals, but no kills were confirmed and no mammalian remains were found in the stomachs of stranded residents. Transient killer whales were observed to prey only on pinnipeds, cetaceans, and seabirds. Six mammal species were taken, with over half of observed attacks involving harbour seals (Phoca vitulina). Seabirds do not appear to represent a significant prey resource. This study thus reveals the existence of strikingly divergent prey preferences of resident and transient killer whales, which are reflected in distinctive foraging strategies and related sociobiological traits of these sympatric populations. 1471
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Reproductive failure in mammals due to exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) can occur either through endocrine disrupting effects or via immunosuppression and increased disease risk. To investigate further, full necropsies and determination of summed 25 poly-chlorinated biphenyls congeners (∑PCBs lipid weight) in blubber were undertaken on 329 UK-stranded female harbour porpoises (1990-2012). In sexually mature females, 25/127 (19.7%) showed direct evidence of reproductive failure (foetal death, aborting, dystocia or stillbirth). A further 21/127 (16.5%) had infections of the reproductive tract or tumours of reproductive tract tissues that could contribute to reproductive failure. Resting mature females (non-lactating or non-pregnant) had significantly higher mean ∑PCBs (18.5 mg/kg) than both lactating (7.5 mg/kg) and pregnant females (6 mg/kg), though not significantly different to sexually immature females (14.0 mg/kg). Using multinomial logistic regression models ΣPCBs was found to be a significant predictor of mature female reproductive status, adjusting for the effects of confounding variables. Resting females were more likely to have a higher PCB burden. Health status (proxied by " trauma " or " infectious disease " causes of death) was also a significant predictor, with lactating females (i.e. who successfully reproduced) more likely to be in good health status compared to other individuals. Based on contaminant profiles (>11 mg/kg lipid), at least 29/60 (48%) of resting females had not off-loaded their pollutant burden via gestation and primarily lactation. Where data were available , these non-offloading females were previously gravid, which suggests foetal or newborn mortality. Furthermore, a lower pregnancy rate of 50% was estimated for " healthy " females that died of traumatic causes of death, compared to other populations. Whether or not PCBs are part of an underlying mechanism, we used individual PCB burdens to show further evidence of reproductive failure in the Northeast Atlantic harbour porpoise population , results that should inform conservation management.
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The North Atlantic right whale, Eubalaena glacialis (Muller, 1776), is one of the world's most endangered large cetaceans. It is widely believed that Basque whalers caused the most dramatic decline of this species in the western North Atlantic during the early-16th and 17th centuries. Previous osteological analysis of 17 historic bones suggested that 50% of the Basque harvest consisted of right whales and 50% of bowhead whales, Balaena mysticetus L., 1758. This 50:50 ratio has been used to estimate pre-exploitation population size, which has subsequently formed the basis of recovery goals and plans for the North Atlantic right whale. Genetic analysis of 21 bones, 13 identified as right whales and 8 as bowhead whales through osteological examination, indicates that in fact only 1 bone was a right whale and 20 were bowhead whales. Additionally, preliminary microsatellite analyses of this specimen are not consistent with the hypothesis that whaling resulted in the low genetic variation found in this species today. These results differ from what would be expected based on any previous view of Basque whaling, and raise questions regarding the impact of Basque whaling on this species.
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Intensive study of the highly endangered western North Atlantic right whale Eubalaena glacialis over the past 25 yr has yielded evidence of reproductive dysfunction and compromised health, particularly in the late 1990s. Among the factors identified as potentially contributing to this phenomenon, exposure to marine biotoxins associated with harmful algal blooms has received little consideration, We assessed the occurrence of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins (saxitoxin [STX] analogues) in E. glacialis and in the co-occurring zooplankton assemblage dominated by Calanus finmarchicus, the primary food for this whale species in the North Atlantic. Samples of E. glacialis feces collected during August/September 2001 from at least 11 different whales in the Bay of Fundy, Canada, tested positive for PSP toxins using a receptor binding assay and were also quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection, indicating concentrations as high as 0.5 mu g STX equivalents g(-1) of feces. Zooplankton samples collected in the Bay of Fundy during the same period contained similar levels of PSP toxins by weight using both methods. Additional data from the Bay of Fundy revealed the presence of PSP toxin-producing dinoflagellates, Alexandrium spp., immediately before and during the sampling period. Associated PSP toxin levels in shellfish from nearby Cheney Passage, New Brunswick, exceeded regulatory limits over the same time frame. These findings provide direct evidence for the occurrence of PSP toxins in E. glacialis and suggest that trophic transfer of marine algal toxins is a factor contributing to the failure of the endangered North Atlantic right whale population to recover.
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PCB contamination was measured in the milk and serum of grey seal Halichoerus grypus mothers and in the serum of their pups sampled from 2 to 5 times between parturition and weaning on the Isle of May, Scotland, in 1998 and 2000. Blubber biopsies were also taken from the lactating females at early and late lactation in 2000. Concentrations of PCBs in milk stayed constant during the first part of lactation (0.31 +/- 0.17 mug g milk(-1)) and then increased at late lactation (0.67 +/- 0.42 mug g milk(-1)). Curiously, it did not follow the changes of milk lipid content, which increased at early lactation and then stayed constant until the end of the nursing period. As a result, even when expressed per unit of milk lipids, PCBs underwent a rise at the end of lactation. The changes in milk PCBs were accompanied by similar dynamics in maternal serum as well as in pup serum. Increased concentrations of PCBs at late lactation in serum and milk may be explained in part by the changes observed in maternal blubber. PCB levels increased significantly between early and late lactation in inner blubber, suggesting that PCBs are less easily mobilised from blubber than lipids. At late lactation, the retention capacity of the reduced blubber layer for PCBs might have reached its maximum. The mobilization of less polar lipids from blubber might also occur at this stage. In both cases, this could result in a higher mobilization of PCBs at this time. While inner blubber was significantly less concentrated than outer blubber at early lactation (1.26 +/- 0.72 mug g lipids(-1) in inner blubber vs 3.16 +/- 1.34 mug g lipids(-1) in outer blubber), these variations disappeared at late lactation (3.24 +/- 2.60 mug g lipids(-1) in inner blubber vs 3.59 +/- 1.46 mug g(-1) lipids in outer blubber). Newborn pups already had significantly higher serum levels of PCBs than their mothers, revealing an important placental transfer (11.9 +/- 7.0 ng ml serum(-1) in pups vs 6.7 +/- 3.5 ng ml serum(-1) in mothers). These differences were even greater in late lactation, due to the ingestion of milk (27.9 +/- 18.1 ng ml serum(-1) in pups vs 12.2 +/- 7.2 ng ml serum(-1) in mothers). As lactation progressed, PCB levels in pup serum increased exponentially as compared to the levels in the serum of their mothers.
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We report the development and application of a method using domestic dogs (Canis familiaris Linnaeus, 1758) to systematically locate wildlife scat over large remote areas. Detection dogs are chosen for their strong object orientation, high play drive, and willingness to strive for a reward. Dogs were trained to detect grizzly bear (Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758) and black bear (Ursus americanus Pallas, 1780) scats over a 5200-km2 area of the Yellowhead Ecosystem, Alberta, Canada. DNA from scat provided the species and (for grizzly bears only) sex and individual identities of the animal at each location. Concentrations of fecal cortisol and progesterone metabolites from these same grizzly bear scats provided indices of physiological stress and reproductive activity (in females), respectively. Black and grizzly bears were most concentrated in the northern portion of the multiuse study area, where food is most abundant yet poaching-related mortality appears to be heaviest. Physiologic stress was also lowest and female reproductive activity correspondingly highest for grizzly bears in the north. The scat-based distributions corresponded to concurrently collected hair-snag data in 1999 and global positioning system radiotelemetry data (of grizzly bears) in 1999 and 2001. Results suggest that the scat dog detection methodology provides a promising tool for addressing a variety of management and research questions in the wildlife sciences.
Biologic sample collection in wild cetacean populations is challenging. Most information on toxicant levels is obtained from blubber biopsy samples; however, sample collection is invasive and strictly regulated under permit, thus limiting sample numbers. Methods are needed to monitor toxicant levels that increase temporal and repeat sampling of individuals for population health and recovery models. The objective of this study was to optimize measuring trace levels (parts per billion) of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), namely polychlorinated-biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated-diphenyl-ethers (PBDEs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs), and hexachlorocyclobenzene, in killer whale scat (fecal) samples. Archival scat samples, initially collected, lyophilized, and extracted with 70 % ethanol for hormone analyses, were used to analyze POP concentrations. The residual pellet was extracted and analyzed using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Method detection limits ranged from 11 to 125 ng/g dry weight. The described method is suitable for p,p'-DDE, PCBs-138, 153, 180, and 187, and PBDEs-47 and 100; other POPs were below the limit of detection. We applied this method to 126 scat samples collected from Southern Resident killer whales. Scat samples from 22 adult whales also had known POP concentrations in blubber and demonstrated significant correlations (p < 0.01) between matrices across target analytes. Overall, the scat toxicant measures matched previously reported patterns from blubber samples of decreased levels in reproductive-age females and a decreased p,p'-DDE/∑PCB ratio in J-pod. Measuring toxicants in scat samples provides an unprecedented opportunity to noninvasively evaluate contaminant levels in wild cetacean populations; these data have the prospect to provide meaningful information for vital management decisions.
Exposure to toxicants is one factor hypothesized to influence population growth of the northern right whale. Organochlorines in right whale skin, feces, and prey were measured and used to identify factors influencing exposure and bioaccumulation. Concentrations of 30 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and 20 pesticides in skin biopsies were consistent with other baleenopterids. Concentrations in feces and prey were two orders of magnitude less than in biopsies. In principal component analysis, organochlorines in biopsies matched those from Bay of Fundy, Canada, zooplankton, whereas feces were like Cape Cod, USA, copepods. Year of biopsy collection was the principal factor associated with differential accumulation of nonmetabolizable PCBs, 4,4{prime}-DDE, and dieldrin. Biopsies collected during winter had lower concentrations of lipid and metabolizable compounds than biopsies collected during summer. Concentrations of metabolizable PCBs increased with age in males. The bioaccumulation patterns implied that blubber burdens change annually because of the ingestion of different prey or prey from distinct locations and the release of some organochlorines stored in blubber during lipid depletion in winter. Because biopsy concentrations were lower than those found in marine mammals affected by PCBs and DDTs, the authors do not have evidence that the endangered whales bioaccumulate hazardous concentrations of organochlorines.