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Development strategies for the French construction sector


Abstract and Figures

In 2008, Europe entered a deep recession causing the industrial production to drop by 20%. In an attempt to redress the situation, many strategies were set by industrials to gain market share. The construction sector, however, still struggles to secure a positive margin. Furthermore, this sector is known to be the least efficient in terms of industrialization, process improvements, procedures, and technology application. In other words, waste is generated throughout the construction value chain. All these factors tend to predict a great development potential, estimated at 70% in 2025. This paper presents an overview on the construction field and the applied research conducted in this sector to improve its efficiency and productivity. The paper also investigates the future trends of the construction industry, particularly in the French market.
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Zakaria DAKHLI and Zoubeir LAFHAJ, JMTI Vol 3 Issue 1 2015
The Journal of MacroTrends in
Technology and Innovation
Development strategies for the French
construction sector
Zakaria DAKHLI and Zoubeir LAFHAJ
Ecole Centrale de Lille, Lille, France
In 2008, Europe entered a deep recession causing the industrial production to drop by
20%. In an attempt to redress the situation, many strategies were set by industrials to
gain market share. The construction sector, however, still struggles to secure a
positive margin. Furthermore, this sector is known to be the least efficient in terms of
industrialization, process improvements, procedures, and technology application. In
other words, waste is generated throughout the construction value chain. All these
factors tend to predict a great development potential, estimated at 70% in 2025. This
paper presents an overview on the construction field and the applied research
conducted in this sector to improve its efficiency and productivity. The paper also
investigates the future trends of the construction industry, particularly in the French
Keywords: construction, buildings, France, trends, strategy
1. Introduction
While France is known for its industrial performance through the development made thanks to
the first and the second industrial revolution, a less recognized prowess are also achieved
during the same period of time. For instance reinforced concrete was introduced in the late 20
century by François Hennebique (1841 1921). It was, at that time, a technical breakthrough.
While concrete has excellent compressive strength, it lacked tensile strength. The latter is
essential for many structural like floors and Beams that are more likely to be subjected to
flexion generated by the applied constraint. Reinforced concrete solve the problem thanks to
the incorporated steel rebars, responsible of taking traction efforts.
During this period of time, French administration was governed by strict regulations. In addition,
it wasn’t impressed by the introduction of this new material and lacked a clear understanding of
Zakaria DAKHLI and Zoubeir LAFHAJ, JMTI Vol 3 Issue 1 2015
what could bring to its edifices. In 1892, François Hennebique patented the first beams with
Another French achievement concerns the invention of pre-cast concrete by Eugène
Freyssinet (1928) who saw a key improvement in the use of concrete- steel mixture. He felt that
the reinforced concrete could still be improved by subjecting the concrete to a tension during its
manufacturing. The concrete is subjected to prior permanent compression stress. Once in
service, the concrete will oppose more effectively to traction stress applied to the structure.
Many applications are now using pre-cast concrete, especially in bridge construction.
Currently, the construction sector in France generates more than 201 Billion euros in 2013
(source FFB & FNTP). In 2013, 67% of total turnover is realized in the building sector, 33% in civil
Considered as one of the leading sector in France in terms of worldwide recognition (many
construction companies among top 10 world ranking), construction has the lowest productivity
among all the existing industries. UK studies indicated that up to 30% of construction is rework,
only 4060% of potential labor efficiency, accidents can account for 36% of total costs, and at
least 10% of materials are wasted. The cost of rework in Australian construction projects has
been reported as being up to 35% of total project costs and contributes as much as 50% of a
project’s total overrun costs (Aziz & Hafez 2013).
Azambuja M. and V. O'Brien (O’Brien et al. 2008, chap.1) highlighted the differences between
manufacturing and construction (Table 1). The gap results in different characteristics: the
manufacturing industry relies on mass production, variability of supply reduced, continuous
improvement and integration of efficient logistics while construction is limited production (a
few projects a year) and highly fragmented (Fulford & Standing 2014): several actors working on
the same project which makes managing and precise definition more subtle process. The
improved performance has never been the main concern of the construction sector, probably
because there was until recently no model (philosophy, methodology, tools) that take into
account all the components of the act of building as complex, as spatially and temporally
extended. Currently, the construction sector is about to know a decisive period: are introduced
rapidly, however, the understanding of the construction as global process (not separate phases)
should be in line with the introduction of technical innovations and technologies.
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Table 1. Differences between the manufacturing industry and construction (O’Brien et al. 2008)
Manufacturing SCs
Construction SCs
Highly Consolidated
High barriers to entry
Fixed locations
High interdependency
Predominantly global market
Highly fragmented
Low barriers to entry
Transient locations
Low interdependency
Predominantly local markets
Information flow
Highly integrated
Highly shared
SCM tools (factory planning
and scheduling,
procurement, SC planning)
Recreated several times between
Lack of sharing across firms
Lack of IT tools to support SC (no real
data and workflow integration)
Long-term relationships
Shared benefits, incentives
Adversarial practices
Product demand
Very uncertain (seasonality,
competition, innovation, etc.)
Less uncertain (the amount of
material is known somewhat in
Highly automated
environment (machines,
robots), standardization,
production routes are
defined lower variability
Labor availability and productivity,
tools, open environment (weather),
lack of standardization and tolerance
management, space availability,
material and trade flows are complex
higher variability
Inventory models
(EOQ, safety inventory, etc...)
No models
Inventory on site to reduce risks
Use of floats (scheduling)
Capacity planning
Aggregate planning
Optimization models
Independent planning
Infinite capacity assumptions
Reactive approach (respond to
unexpected situations, for example,
The next sections present the major trends of the construction industry in France with the
purpose of addressing its substantial faced problems.
2. Emergence of Lean Construction to rationalize construction processes
“Lean (or lean thinking)” is the English name popularized by MIT researchers (Womack et al.
(Womack et al. 2008)) in 1990 to describe the system now known as the Toyota Way inside
the company that created it. The original name was Respect for Humanity System. Some called
Zakaria DAKHLI and Zoubeir LAFHAJ, JMTI Vol 3 Issue 1 2015
it The Thinking Way (R. Jadhav et al. 2014). Lean management describes the culture of Toyota,
an automobile Japanese company that started to rethink its processes in terms of reducing
waste since the 50’s: lean takes its principles from Toyota Production System (TPS).
It all started when Kiichiro Toyoda, Taiichi Ohno, and others at Toyota looked at Ford industrial
process, based on massive production lines in the 30s. While Ford production system enables
massive production, it lacks flexibility and contains many waste throughout the production
chains. First, Ford system does not allow the production of different product types: only Ford T
model was produced and the whole world had the same vehicle circulating. Second, Ford
system was based on a push flow where the production isn’t pulled based on the client’s
demand. As a consequence, a large quantity of stocks is required implying a significant cost. In
addition, the system does not right-size machines for the actual volume needed and no control
and monitoring so that each process notifies the previous one of its current needs for materials.
Toyota Production System (TPS) tries to create a continuous flow by eliminating of waste
(Mudas) throughout the value chain. Waste is defined as every activity that adds no value to the
client. Client could be internal (H.R., technical service, financial service, etc.) or external (in the
case of outsourcing, another manufacturer or the consumer). The idea is to deliver what the
client wants, when he wants it and in the right quality and quantity. In this perspective, seven
types of waste are commonly recognized by the lean community (Liker & Meier 2005) :
- Inventory: The idea behind having an inventory is to be sure the production isn’t
compromised. In a lean point of view, it means lacks continuous flow and process
- Transport: unless the value asked by the client is transportation, transport (inward and
outward factory flow as well as the flow inside the factory) should be minimized.
- Motion: motion is more related to the flow inside the factory. Moving to grab or check
materials could also be considered as a waste if not optimized. This means that the
worker should find all the necessary tools in the right place and at the right quantity.
- Waiting: waiting for work to be processed before handling or waiting for a worker to
finish the task before taking it to the next phase is a type of waste.
- Over-Processing: when the degree of involvement and time-spend isn’t in line with
customer demand, one would surely suspect an over-processing waste. This type of
waste deals with over-sized equipment for instance or giving a product more
sophisticated than required by the client. It also includes over-quality.
- Overproduction: When the quantity required by the client isn’t what is produced, a
waste is automatically generated. Even if the products will be sold or shipped later, a
certain list of tasks is required to manage over-production, considered as a waste.
- Defect (Non quality): the most obvious type of waste is defective products or service. A
rework is generated and is considered as a non-value added activity.
While Lean consists of improving performance at the operational level (Pool et al. 2011), it could
also drive strategic decisions (Perez et al. 2010). Many research studied Lean implementation
issues. In order to be fully grasped, Lean takes many years to be fully grasped and understood.
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That is why, a strategic move is needed to take all of its benefits. In addition, Lean management
should also be integrated into the company’s culture. Thus, an effort to understand how Lean
principles could complement the company’s practices and way of doing business is critical to for
a successful implementation.
Toyota’s financial scores raised drastically after maturing their new elaborated system. This
achievement was recognized worldwide and lots of companies from different sectors,
aeronautics shipping, etc. (Bhamu & Singh Sangwan 2014). For the construction sector, the
reflection on how to integrate Lean management principles in construction was initiated by
Koskela (Koskela 1992) where he discussed the application of new production philosophy to
construction. He stated that information and material flows as well as work flows of design and
construction should be identified and measured. In this perspective, he conceptualized the
production process using the TFV model: 1) Transformation; (2) Flow; and (3) Value generation;
flow is generated based on the value asked by the client through a series of transformation. An
illustration of this model could: raw materials are transformed into a products, packed and
delivered to the client. In construction, however, things start to get more complex: while
manufacturing is a based on a large products quantities, more or less comparable in term of
design, construction however, is unique at a certain level and is created in different location
(not in a centralized location). In addition, many stakeholders are involved in a construction
project and are different from one project to another. All those factors make it difficult to
rationalize construction processes throughout project lifecycle.
G. Howell and G Ballard (Howell & Ballard 1994) also contributed to LC genesis by stressing the
crucial lack of collaboration. They noted that only half of the planned actions are performed on
site per week. A collaborative system called Last Planner System® was then developed by
(Ballard 2000) (Ballard 2000) to remedy this problem.
Last Planner system is a collaborative production planning tool designed to improve
collaboration among stakeholders in the construction industry. Since construction is a “people”
business where different construction actors collaborate to design and construct, the LPS is an
efficient way to foster communication in project team. LPS is based on 4 integrated planning
elements presented in Figure 3:
- Master schedule: provide an overall overview on project milestones,
- Phase plan: called revers Phase Scheduling. It is based on a pull planning where
stakeholders design the project in a reverse chronology.
- Look ahead Planning: It’s a six week planning with constraint analysis.
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- Weekly Work Plan (WWP): preparation of next week work. WWP helps calculate the
Planned Percentage Completed (PPC) which describes the percentage of tasks
accomplished in a certain week and track its variance throughout project lifecycle.
Figure 1. Last Planner System functioning (Aziz & Hafez 2013)
In France, the emergence of Lean Construction is still at the beginning. Like any technology, first
adopters embraced Lean Construction early in 2008 to try to find ways to improve their margin.
Currently in 2015, every known company has experienced Lean in a way or another. Lean
Implementation differ from one company to another due to several factors: external consultant
competencies, level of understanding of lean theory, the level of implication of top managers,
etc. However, it is worth noting that in practice, Lean approach in Construction is different from
that of manufacturing. This crucial point isn’t yet grasped by construction community and the
differences should be well defined, clarified and communicated by the scientific community and
by practitioners as well.
3. First attempts to integrate BIM as a new way to for collaboration
Building Image Modeling (BIM) is inscribed in the context of integrating Information Systems (IS)
in the construction sector. (ArandaMena et al. 2009) stated: “For some, BIM is a software
application; for others it is a process for designing and documenting building in- formation; for
others it is a whole new approach to practice and advancing the profession which requires the
implementation of new policies, contracts and relationships amongst project stakeholders.”
One thing is for sure: BIM isn’t just a software but a way of collaboration and could even be
considered as revolution of the way construction projects are managed. BIM is based on a 3D
digital modeling of the construction. A dynamic is created around the model since all the
stakeholders add their knowledge and advancement in the 3D model (Figure 4).
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Figure 2. Every stakeholders adds its understanding and knowledge of the project through BIM.
Implementing BIM requires passing by a series of maturity levels. 4 maturity levels are
commonly used to describe the maturity of BIM implementation (Figure 5). Level 0 is often
referred to as 2D CAO which is an unmanaged and unstructured level. Collaboration is difficult.
Projects are not geo-referenced and do not have the same units and models. Everyone is
working alone with his own tools and standard. Level 1 adds a 3D model with a structured
database containing the necessary information (database). It is in level 2 where one can
mention the practice of a real collaboration since every stakeholder manage his work and
produces a 3D digital model in his corner (architect, engineers, MEP, etc.) before synchronizing
the work with a common server. Level 3 is the optimal way of collaboration and changes in the
3D digital model are instantaneous. Stakeholders work directly in a single model stored on a
centralized server, accessible throughout the life of a book via IFC / IFD / IDM. Tracking and
monitoring the advancement of the different parts of construction follows is continuous during
all project phases (design / construction). Standards and contracts are not available for level 3
BIM this is why most governments aren’t yet supporting a full implementation of Level 3. In this
perspective, UK is the most developed in terms of lean maturity level (reached level 2).
However, France is still in level 1until now. This is mainly due to the politic followed by the two
countries: UK invested and financed BIM initiatives for many years and obliged public tenders to
use BIM. Overall, an assessment of a 2-year gap exists.
Contractor (s)
Engineering trades
Sub-contractor (s)
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Figure 3. BIM maturity levels (Barlish & Sullivan 2012)
The use of BIM started during the last decade. Many countries embraced BIM early and others
were obliged to follow the trend to stay competitive. In general, North America is advanced in
BIM implementation compared to Europe (Figure 6). France holds the highest rate of BIM
adoption in 2010 among professionals of the construction sector, with 38%. It means that a real
interest raises among construction actors to rethink the way construction is conducted.
However, the level of BIM maturity is still to be developed compared to other European
countries (UK and Scandinavian countries).
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Figure 4. Adoption of BIM in Europe and North America among construction actors (adapted
from: Mc Graw Hill Construction 2010)
With the advent of BIM, a rethinking of Construction Company’s organization is required. For
Human Ressources, a new job is created: “BIM manager”. His role is manage workflow and
coordination under the BIM platform. For planning department, a shift in responsibility occurs
since the focus would be more directed towards gathering models and synthetizing
stakeholder’s models. BIM definitely affects every corner of the construction business. The real
stake is to anticipate those changes and to prepare for the next step most effectively.
4. Future trends and vision of the French construction sector
4.1 Project delivery shift towards more collaborative system
Project delivery system describes the relationship between project stakeholders and the client.
According to (Qiang et al. 2015), clients select PDSs to define the roles of project participants,
share authority and responsibility, allocate profit and risk, and organize and incentive
participants to fulfill the clients' project objectives.
In the French construction industry, several project delivery systems exist. The main ones are:
- Design-Bid-Build (D/B/B): It is the most common delivery system in France. It is
characterized by a sequential process. The architect team starts by designing the project.
Afterwards, tender is launched in order to select a contractor (builder) using some criteria
(price, technical feasibility, sustainability). However, the main criteria of selection usually is
the price. This phase is called the bidding phase. The selected contractor can begin the
construction with a complete design and clear schedule.
- Construction Management at risk: the client secures the services of a construction manager
to work with the design team and the trade contractors as well. However, in this
configuration, the risk is now taken by the construction manager. The latter is responsible of
the project success according to the design fixed with respect to the schedule and the
budget. This way of building has been introduced in France in 1992 by the Federation of the
European Construction Industry (FIEC).
North America
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- Public Private Partnership: this type of procurement system concerns offers provided by the
public sector designated to the private sector. The contractor is in charge of the
construction, maintenance and management of the public work. The contractor can receive
direct payment from the public partner or he can use the public installation (example:
highway) for a certain period of time as a payment method. Public Private Partnership
(PPP), born in Anglo-Saxon countries have taken reality in France since the order of 17 June
2004. This type of delivery system is considered by major AEC French companies as possibly
having an impact on the future markets. This formula allows private financing of public
works and services, associating a private third party to a public project, and beyond the
usual duration of public service delegation.
Figure 7 reveals the repartition of delivery systems in the U.S. construction vertical market. The
US market is mainly directed by the use of D/B/B configuration. However, an increase of
Construction Management at risk is also noticed in the last years. Another important aspect is
the introduction of IPD (Integrated Project Delivery) which is associated to Lean Construction
Practice. IPD is a project delivery system based on collaboration and partnership from at an
early stage of the project. It is also based on a shared gain-loss model for project stakeholders.
(Jones 2014) describes IPD as follow: At a very early stage (project development, pre-draft
phase) the entire planning (design) is carried out by a team that involves not only an architect
and a structural engineer, but also consultants in the areas of construction management, MEP
engineering, energy technology, building physics, acoustics, façade construction and, depending
on the type of project, other specialists”.
Figure 5. Repartition of delivery systems in the U.S. construction vertical market (adapted from:
CMAA 2012)
Design-Bid-Build (60%)
Construction Management at Risk (25%)
Design-Build (15%)
Integrated Project Delivery (>1%)
Zakaria DAKHLI and Zoubeir LAFHAJ, JMTI Vol 3 Issue 1 2015
For France, construction stakeholders (client and construction companies) start to assess the
limitations of current project delivery systems and the need to go for a more collaborative
project delivery systems from project genesis. More than 70% of building project in France are
based on a D-B-B (Rabot Dutilleul 2015). This kind of project fragmentizes the construction
project into separate phases in which each phase is realized by a different set of actors. Thus,
loss of information and rework is common. Finding performance levers seems out of reach due
to the nature of project delivery system.
IPD practice, however, isn’t yet introduced and applied in France. In the next decade,
rearranged in the favor of more cooperative systems.
4.2 Renovation as a niche market in France
A key feature of the building sector is its excessive energy consumption. In 2007, residential and
commercial buildings consumed 67.6 mtoe (adjusted consumption climate effects), or 44% of
final energy consumed in France. This consumption is up 42% since 1970 (Ministère de
l’écologie du développement durable et de l'énergie 2007).
To remedy this problem, France has set a reduction target of 2% per year in final energy
intensity by 2015, and 2.5% per year to 2030 as part of the POPE law (Legifrance 2005).
However, the average annual decrease in energy intensity since 2005 stands at 1.3% (ADEME
2012). The reduction of energy consumption implicitly involves the construction sector as it is
largely the largest consumer of energy in France.
The building sector (new building construction) in France is saturated. A study conducted by
(Insee 2015) among real estate home developers in France reveals that the number of new
building constructions is decreasing year after year.
Zakaria DAKHLI and Zoubeir LAFHAJ, JMTI Vol 3 Issue 1 2015
Figure 6: Real estate’s developers Balance of opinion for launch of new buildings in France
(Insee 2015)
Figure 8 describes the balance of opinion (The balance of opinion is defined as the difference
between the proportion of respondents expressed a positive opinion and the proportion of
respondents expressed a negative opinion) of new home buildings launch in France. Overall,
real estate developers experience a clear decrease of home building launch, related to a
demand decrease. There is a slightly decrease for home sale, however, rental homes demand
knows an aggresse decrease.
World War II buildings in France needs to be renovated since their life cycle is reached (building
lifetime is 50 years on average for Post World War II buildings). The French government is
investing in renovation projects and new technologies for renovation as well.
A trend shift in building renovation is noticed by Fédération Francaise de Bâtiment”: a 53%
increase in building renovation in 2013 against 51% in 2012. In contrast, new building
construction decreased from 43% in 2012 to 41% in 2013.
According to (Direccte 2014), an increase of 60% is expected in the renovation market in France
by 2020 and a 75% increase by 2030 based on 2010 index. As a consequence of this new trend,
other industry markets are flourishing. For instance, thermal insulation is needed for almost all
renovation projects. The insulation market generates an annual turnover of nearly € 1.3 billion
in France, with an increase of 174 million from 1 January 2014 (Planetoscope 2014). The
insulation market represents nearly 1% of the turnover of the French construction companies.
4.3 Big data in Construction
The construction industry is now connected to seemingly infinite amounts of information that
can be accessed in a matter of seconds thanks to BIM and technology introduction (Hardin &
Balance of Opinion (%)
Zakaria DAKHLI and Zoubeir LAFHAJ, JMTI Vol 3 Issue 1 2015
McCool 2015). The current project delivery systems used (mainly D/B/B) impose a fragmented
information flow among project stakeholders. The interest in using Information Systems (IS) in
the construction sector is more evident than ever. The objective is to create a continuous flow
of information throughout all project lifecycle.
Big data is now entering the construction sector in different forms. From augmented reality
(Meža et al. 2015) to creating a system evaluation for tender price evaluation (Zhang et al.
2015), the use of Big Data is now more prevalent. The real stake, however, is to assess the
return on investment of Big Data integration. This lack of ROI evidence hinders the adoption of
Big Data and its integration as a strategic axis.
4.4 Technology integration
France occupies the 21th position in the ranking of innovative countries, according to the
"Global Innovation Index". This observation seems no capital importance since the priorities are
oriented towards the most critical issues, such as employment, cost cutting and economic
A critical look at the current situation raises the speed of change experienced by the world
today. Technological advances are now more than ever flowering. The economy also follows
fluctuating and following the most promising market.
While economic indicators such as GDP or the rate of investment in infrastructure and societal
as the employment rate and education appear most critical, one-sided view of these indicators
will reach the objectives targeted by the forces policies.
Several countries have wagered on other themes to create the activity. For example, Sweden
has for decades invested on infrastructure, now collects the fruit of these efforts is the
European leader in modular construction and recycling of waste. Sweden was aware of its
geographical position, climate factor and consequently has developed solutions adapted to their
situation for the good of the people. The example of Germany is also speaking, having invested
more than 200 billion euros to the son of time to allow German industry to position in strategic
markets. The birth of the "Industry 4.0" in German factories has now become commonplace and
these factories are conducting margins contradict those of the traditional competition.
4.5 Introduction of Robotics
A robotic system is an advanced classification of a machine characterized by certain abilities
such as programmability, autonomy, flexibility and sensitivity to external conditions. By
observing the technological advances of robotics, it is expected that this area will experience a
similar development to that of personal computers in the 90s. Experts and governments
worldwide (such as South Korea) announced the era of robotics. Currently robots are becoming
more user-friendly, cheaper, adaptable to different spots, smaller, widely distributed and
integrated into the work process. With this continual evolution in this area, new research and
technical skills were explored as modularity, light design, technology mobile robots. Over time,
the capacity of robots have evolved to function in unstructured environments similar to those of
Zakaria DAKHLI and Zoubeir LAFHAJ, JMTI Vol 3 Issue 1 2015
working men. This development led to a conclusion; apart from the traditional manufacturing
industries, this technology can be introduced and operated in several areas such as aeronautics,
medicine, agriculture, the construction industry ... In fact, the new skills of robots will not only
expand the areas of their applications but also allow them to operate in environments similar to
the manufacturing or construction sites.
The construction sector productivity is unfortunately very slowly for several reasons.
(Warszawski & Navon 1998) reports the main problem the construction industry faces. Labor
efficiency is low compared to other industries. Work quality and control are insufficient and
accident rate at construction sites is high. Robotics offers process automation and reliability.
The lack of robotics in civil engineering could be linked to product features and complexity (size,
diversity, long project life, and the fixed nature of construction sites vs. in manufacturing ...) and
the weak capital budgets in research and development and the reluctance of strategies related
to construction automation.
4.6 Genesis of 3D printing in construction
3D printing is a technology that allows printing of objects in three dimensions from various
materials according to layer by layer manufacturing technique. To date, the most used for 3D
printing materials are plastic and metal, but other objects can be printed using ceramics and
organic materials.
The first 3D printer, the SLA-250, dates from 1988 and is the property of 3D Systems Company.
It prints objects using a material sensitive to ultraviolet rays. In 1996 with the launch of three
printers - the Genisys Stratasys, the Actua 2100 3D Systems and Z Corporation Z402 - starts a
new generation rapid prototyping printers. 3D printing in construction is now evolving rapidly.
First used by promoters to create 3D model prototypes for marketing purposes, 3D printing
currently is tested for a large-scale production of full house printing.
As a consequence of 3D printing introduction in construction, material (used for construction
printing) market is expected to elaborate a turnover of over 600 million dollars by 2025
(MarketsandMarkets 2014). In this perspective, the market for 3D construction printing
materials may be the one where economic impacts are the greatest.
3D printing is an inherent part of the "Industry 4.0". Indeed, the transformation of industrial
production involves customization, personalization and flexibility of production. The era of mass
production (introduced by Henry Ford in late 1930s), is no longer adequate to the needs of
modern people today. Germany appears to be the leader in the industry 4.0 thanks to the
policies taken by its government, dedicating a total of 200 billion euros of investments. The
objective is to maximize the use of robots, automation and connection in the internal and
external processes of the industrial park.
Meanwhile, France is currently deploying its finances to advance Industry 4.0 concept. The
objective is to adopt robotic, industrialization and digitalization for all its industries
(construction included). According to (Bpifrance 2010), 1.2 billion euros of research &
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Development tax Credit are issued and 730 million euros of capital-investment grants for
industrial projects.
Construction advancement in France depends on a broader ambition of the modernization of
the production tools in order to assist companies in the transformation of their business
models, their organizations, their methods of design and marketing, in a world where
digitalization is commonplace.
5. Conclusion
While the construction industry is considered as one of the prominent market in France, it still
lacks efficiency in terms of quality and technology integration. The objective of this paper is to
present the future trends of the French Construction. The aim of the followed trend is to bring
each construction company to take a step towards the modernization of its production facilities
and the transformation of its business model by digital technology. Lean construction, Building
Image Modeling (BIM), robotics, bid data are identified as the main trend enablers. Regarding
French market status, it is dominated by a more divided project delivery system and a more
integrated and collaborative system is starting to raise the concern of construction
stakeholders. Finally, a shift from new building construction to renovation is introduced slowly
in the French market due to the need to reassess Post World War II buildings. The real stake
now is to switch toward a more collaboration system and early integration of project
stakeholders earlier in the project lifecycle to make a substantial gain in in project performance
(quality, cost and time). For this to happen, the major change should be instilled by the
government (policies) and the client (prioritize integrated project delivery approaches).
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... Dans le cas de notre recherche, "Conception / Appel d'offre / Réalisation" sont les coureurs. Le marché français est plus axé sur ce type de système d'exécution de projets de construction (Dakhli & Lafhaj 2015). C/R sont des répéteurs. ...
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La théorie du Lean est une forme d’organisation et de management communément adoptée dans l’industrie manufacturière et qui a fait ses preuves depuis plusieurs décennies. Le Lean apporte une philosophie basée sur la chasse aux gaspillages et supportée par des principes traduits en méthodes opérationnelles à appliquer pour gagner en efficacité. Alors que la recherche de l’efficacité a toujours été d’actualité chez les constructeurs, le Lean Construction apporte une nouvelle forme d’organisation opérationnelle et managériale. La littérature sur le Lean Construction fournit et explique les principes du « Lean en industrie » pour gagner en performance. En revanche, un gap existe encore entre ces principes et leur application effective en construction. On explorera l’adaptabilité des principes du Lean tout au long de la chaîne de construction avec des cas d’application concrets. Le premier et le deuxième chapitre introduisent le Lean en promotion immobilière en mettant en évidence le combat que mènent la plupart des entreprises de construction pour assurer la livraison en temps et en budget de leurs projets et ainsi assurer la satisfaction du client. Le troisième chapitre illustre un cadre structuré d’application du Lean en Etude de Prix. Les chapitres 4, 5 et 6 investiguent le Lean en phase de « Construction » et en particulier la logistique chantier au travers la pratique du Kitting. Cette pratique émergente en construction sera liée à la théorie du Lean et le chapitre proposera un modèle d’implémentation du Kitting avec une application sur 3 chantiers-tests expérimentaux.
... The French market is more focused on this type of project delivery system (Dakhli & Lafhaj 2015). "Design/Build are repeaters. ...
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Purpose While many procurement systems govern the construction sector, Design/Bid/Build is still prominent among the French building actors. The research applies Lean thinking (via a Kaizen event) to the bidding phase of a building construction company in order to improve its bidding outputs. Design/methodology/approach The method used in this study is “Action-Research”. A two-month preparation phase was needed to prepare for the kaizen event. The results were based on an assessment conducted after 6 months of the Kaizen event. Performance was measured following selected indicators related to ‘Time”, “Economical Impact”, “Quality” and “Sustainability” Findings The Lean implementation had positive side-effects on the company’s organization and strategy as well. Practical implications The findings of this action-research project can be used to help researchers and practitioners assess the potential application of Lean in the bidding phase. It also provides insights into the importance of the cultural and existing practices for a successful Lean implementation Originality/value A few research projects investigated the application of Lean thinking in bidding since it is considered as a wasteful process. However, waste can also be organized. The research proves that bidding can benefit from Lean thinking.
... In the case of the conducted research, "Design/Bid/Build" are the runners. The French market is more focused on this type of project delivery system (Dakhli and Lafhaj, 2015). "Design/Build" are repeaters. ...
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Purpose Compared to the manufacturing industry, Lean Six Sigma (LSS) lacks a clear methodology for its application in the tertiary service. One reason is the difficulties to assess information flow compared to physical flow. Indeed, the use of information flow as a process entry in the LSS method is not well investigated, mainly due to the difficulties in collecting adequate and sufficient data. The purpose of this research study is to investigate the application of LSS in the tertiary service, in particular, real estate development. Design/methodology/approach The paper is based on an action research methodology where LSS methodology is applied to solve client-dissatisfaction issue. One of its main causes is found to be the late delivery time. The work describes how the method was applied. Findings LSS is an adequate approach for making well-thought-out improvement in real estate development. Practical implications The work provides an implementation of LSS in real estate development. It also gives new insights into the LSS application in the tertiary service. The work also suggests practical recommendations and solutions to address the main challenges faced by real estate development. Originality/value Construction is governed by many processes that are difficult to identify and, even more, to assess. LSS helps identifying those which create real value for the client.
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Tender price evaluation of construction project is one of the most important works for the clients to control project cost in the bidding stage. However,the previously underutilization of project cost data made the tender price evaluation of new projects lack of effective evaluation criterion, which brings challenge to cost control. With the improvement of companies’ information technology application and the advent of big data era, the project cost-related data can be completely and systematically recorded in real time, as well as fully utilized to support decision-making for construction project cost management. In this paper, a system for tender price evaluation of construction project based on big data is presented, aiming to use related technique of big data to analysis project cost data to give a reasonable cost range, which contributes to obtaining the evaluation criterion to support the tender price controls. The paper introduced the data sources, data extraction, data storage and data analysis of the system respectively. A case study is conducted in a metro station project to evaluate the system. The results show that the system based on big data is significant for tender price evaluation in construction project.
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Recently building information models have substantially improved the explicit semantic content of design information. Information models are used to integrate the initial phases of project development. On the construction site, however, the designs are still mostly represented as line-based paper drawings or projections on portable displays. A generic technology that can integrate information and situate it in time, place and context is augmented reality. The specific research issues addressed are (1) does augmented reality have a potential use in civil engineering, (2) how big – in comparison to other technologies - is this potential and (3) what are the main barriers to its adoption. The generic research issue was to develop a methodology for evaluation of potentials of technology. A prototype was built. It was tested on a real construction site to evaluate the potential of its use using the action-research method. A set of structured interviews with potential users was then conducted to compare the prototype to conventional presentation methods. Using this methodology it has been found out that augmented reality is expected to be as big a step as the transition from 2D line drawings to photorealistic 3D projections. The main barrier to the adoption is immature core virtual reality technology, conservative nature of construction businesses and size of building information models.
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The paper discusses a proposal for an integrating partnership for decision-making at pre-construction stages of major construction projects. IPD and BIM form essential tools and strategies in this decision environment. IPD linked to the “Big Room” concept will be discussed. The paper will focus on some of the challenges that are presented and ways that might assist in creating a safer, greener, more sustainable environment. The environment proposed is one that fully utilizes the strengths of intelligent collaborative computer agents that interact with the multi-discipline pre-construction team to interrogate and refine the design solution before construction commences. All contributors are collaboratively drawn into the design and pre-construction process. Time is saved because a concurrent problem-solving approach is adopted rather than a sequential problem-solving approach that has typified pre-construction activities in the past. In particular, the system proposed will assist the design process to deliver safely-built sustainable buildings. The presentation will also focus on the new “Living Building Challenge 2.0” strategy and look at some of the challenges that are presented and ways that might assist creating a safer, greener, more sustainable environment. The author's investigation measured the views of practitioners in the main building professions; architecture, engineering and construction management before proposing the collaborative system that is called for. The conclusion of the work is a conceptual model of the system proposed, a definition of the contractors’ construction management computer agents and a specification based on scenarios of how they would interact with design agents.
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Purpose – The advent of recession at the beginning of twenty-first century forced many organizations worldwide to reduce cost and to be more responsive to customer demands. Lean Manufacturing (LM) has been widely perceived by industry as an answer to these requirements because LM reduces waste without additional requirements of resources. This led to a spurt in LM research across the globe mostly through empirical and exploratory studies which resulted in a plethora of LM definitions with divergent scopes, objectives, performance indicators, tools/techniques/methodologies, and concepts/elements. The purpose of this paper is to review LM literature and report these divergent definitions, scopes, objectives, and tools/techniques/methodologies. Design/methodology/approach – This paper highlights various definitions by various researchers and practitioners. A total of 209 research papers have been reviewed for the research contribution, research methodology adopted, tools/techniques/methodologies used, type of industry, author profile, country of research, and year of publication. Findings – There are plethora of LM definitions with divergent objectives and scope. Theory verification through empirical and exploratory studies has been the focus of research in LM. Automotive industry has been the focus of LM research but LM has also been adopted by other types of industries also. One of the critical implementation factors of LM is simultaneous adoption of leanness in supply chain. LM has become an integrated system composed of highly integrated elements and a wide variety of management practices. There is lack of standard LM implementation process/framework. Originality/value – The paper reviews 209 research papers for their research contribution, research methodology, author profile, type of industry, and tools/techniques/methodology used. Various characteristics of LM definitions are also reviewed.
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present an analysis of research on lean focusing on barriers in its implementation through a systematic literature survey. Design/methodology/approach – A literature survey of peer-reviewed journal articles, survey reports, master theses, doctoral theses and paradigmatic books with managerial impact is used as the research methodology. Findings – The findings derived from the evaluation of the publications analyzed have led to the identification of 24 lean barriers. The success of lean implementation will not be entirely based on application of appropriate tools and techniques alone but also on the top managements' involvement and leadership, workers' attitude, resources and the organizational culture. Research limitations/implications – This literature survey is primarily focused on lean implementation in the manufacturing sector. Practical implications – This paper explores barriers for successful lean implementation and provides a concise description of the barriers that will be helpful for further studies in the domain of lean manufacturing. Social implications – Government of many countries around the world is encouraging and helping small- and medium-scale industries to understand and implement lean systems by preparing accessible database of lean consultants, providing financial assistance for training by professionals and establishing professional associations. However, many industries experienced failure in lean implementation. This research work provides a launching pad to develop a strategy to tackle barriers for successful lean implementation. Originality/value – This paper puts forward the key barriers that should be tackled for successful lean implementation. It might represent new opportunities for rigorous and relevant research that would contribute to more translucent knowledge of lean being gained.
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The productivity of the construction industry worldwide has been declining over the past 40 years. One approach for improving the situation is using lean construction. Lean construction results from the application of a new form of production management to construction. Essential features of lean construction include a clear set of objectives for the delivery process, aimed at maximizing performance for the customer at the project level, concurrent design, construction, and the application of project control throughout the life cycle of the project from design to delivery. An increasing number of construction academics and professionals have been storming the ramparts of conventional construction management in an effort to deliver better value to owners while making real profits. As a result, lean-based tools have emerged and have been successfully applied to simple and complex construction projects. In general, lean construction projects are easier to manage, safer, completed sooner, and cost less and are of better quality. Significant research remains to complete the translation to construction of lean thinking in Egypt. This research will discuss principles, methods, and implementation phases of lean construction showing the waste in construction and how it could be minimized. The Last Planner System technique, which is an important application of the lean construction concepts and methodologies and is more prevalent, proved that it could enhance the construction management practices in various aspects. Also, it is intended to develop methodology for process evaluation and define areas for improvement based on lean approach principles.
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The construction industry is widely recognised as a laggard in terms of productivity improvement. This research study identifies the factors inhibiting collaboration and provides a model for developing a collaborative network approach. The case studies conducted examine the factors impacting on collaboration in the project networks of three large construction organisations. It was found that excessive fragmentation in the industry together with disparate project management processes and non-standardised information is impeding efficiency gains. A panel of project experts reviewed the findings to explain the basis of the practices. This has led to four primary conclusions: (1.) the construction industry lacks the ‘strength’ of relationships necessary to create a network of organisations that trust and have shared values; (2.) design processes should include both value engineering and lifecycle costing; (3.) procedures and information need to be standardised; (4.) there should be more emphasis on value adding project management activities.
Comprehensively identifying factors governing project delivery system (PDS) selection is crucial for construction projects. This paper aims at constructing a holistic system of governing factors. Based on review of previous studies, project condition factors and performance objective factors were identified to construct the factor system. To explore the perspective divergences, content analyses on Chinese and developed countries' literature were performed. The emphasizing frequencies of factors were calculated. T tests were performed to compare the relative importance of factors. Principal component analysis was employed to identify key factors. The results show that three groups of factors, namely, internal project conditions, external project conditions and project performance objective factors are the main factors governing PDS selection. Some factors are of different importance in China and developed countries, mirroring the management maturity and philosophy gaps. The proposed factor system acts as a guidance to PDS selection and lays solid foundation for future studies.