... Quite a lot has also been written about method of achieving this. Th e most commonly mentioned (8) methods are immersing in water (Cnotliwy 1956, 152-154; Edholm 1999, 74; Lindemann 2000, 8; MacGregor 1985, 63; Newcomer 1976, 293; Schibler 2001, 52) and boiling in water (Baales 1996; Cnotliwy 1973, 41; Izjumowa 1949, 19; Szafrański 1961, 44; Watts 1999, 62; Żurowski K. 1974, 3-23; Tamla Ü., Maldre L. 2001, 372; Zhilin M. G. 2001, 150). More rarely mentioned are: soft ening in sorrel (Kempisty A. 1961, 138; MacGregor 1985, 63-64; Żurowski 1950, 1974 Drzewicz A. 2004, 4852), sour milk (Żurowski 1974, 3-23; Drzewicz A. 2004, 48-52), formic acid (Pawlik A. 1992, 57), ashes or lye (9) (Bagniewski 1992, 18; Moszyński 1929, 338, Rajewski 1950), water with ashes (Bagniewski 1992, 18), oil (Hołubowicz 1956, 144 ) and, known only from ethnographic observations, in urine (Newcomer 1976, 293; Hanh J., Scheer A., Waibel O. 1991, 33). ...