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Teachers’ Perceptions of Using
Movement in the Classroom
Sarah Benes, Kevin E. Finn, Eileen C. Sullivan, Zi Yan
A mixed-methods design was employed to explore classroom
teachers’ perceptions of using movement in the classroom. Questions
on a written survey and in interviews were focused on gaining un-
derstandings of teachers’ knowledge of the connections between
movement and learning, their perceptions about movement as a
teaching strategy, and the role of schools in addressing physical in-
activity. Teachers reported a lack of knowledge related to movement
in the classroom but were willing to learn more and add movement
to their “teaching toolbox” with support and training. They also be-
lieve that schools should have a role in increasing physical activity
opportunities in youth.
Children throughout the world are facing an unprecedented
obesity epidemic. Obesity is one of the most signicant public health
issues facing the international community in this century (World
Health Organization [WHO], 2014). According to Onis, Blossner,
and Borghi (2010), 43 million preschool children worldwide are
estimated to be overweight or obese and 92 million are at risk for
overweight (p. 1259). Despite that obesity data can be challenging
to compile, the International Association for the Study of Obesity
(IASO, n.d.) provides statistics for various countries. Selected sta-
Sarah Benes is program director, Physical and Health Education Programs, Boston
University. Kevin E. Finn is an associate professor, Department of Health Sciences, School
of Science and Engineering, Merrimack College. Eileen C. Sullivan is interim dean of
Academic Affairs at The National Graduate School of Quality Management. Zi Yan is
assistant professor, Department of Health Sciences, Merrimack College. Please send
author correspondence to
e Physical Educator Vol. 73 • pp. 110–135 • 2016
Benes, Finn, Sullivan, Yan 111
tistics from the international community include 21.1% of girls
and 23.1% of boys are overweight or obese in Brazil, 24.0% of girls
and 22.0% of boys are overweight or obese in Australia, and 34.7%
of girls and 32.7% of boys are overweight or obese in Italy (IASO,
n.d.). Obesity is a problem aecting signicant numbers of children
around the world.
Obesity is a condition mediated by genetic, behavioral, and en-
vironmental factors (Daniels et al., 2005). Data from the National
Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) collected
in 1976–1980 and 2009–2010 show the prevalence of obesity in
the United States has more than tripled for those aged 2 to 19 years
(5.0% to 17%; Ogden, Carroll, Curtin, Lamb, & Flegal, 2010). e
potential health eects of obesity on the well-being of youth are dev-
astating. Excess body fat is associated with high blood pressure, type
2 diabetes, high cholesterol, stroke, several cancers, and some forms
of arthritis (Dietz, 1998; Singh, Mulder, Twisk, Van Mechelen, &
Chinapaw, 2008). Health risks are not the only concerns; in several
large-scale studies, BMI has been shown to have a signicant nega-
tive correlation with academic performance in children (Castelli,
Hillman, Buck, & Erwin, 2007; Datar, Sturm, & Magnabosco, 2004).
Recent progress has been made in the ght against obesity, but more
work still needs to be done, especially in light of the signicant ef-
fects overweight and obesity can have on children and the adults
they become.
A major factor contributing to childhood obesity is a lack of
physical activity. It is recommended that children and adolescents
participate in daily physical activity for at least 60 min; however,
the physical activity patterns of youth have been on a steady de-
cline nationwide. Results from the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC, 2012) Youth Risk Behavior Survey, which collects
data from students in Grades 9–12 in the United States, indicate that
13.8% of students had not participated in physical activity on any day
in the past 7 days and only 49.5% reported that they were physically
active 5 or more days in the past 7 days. Only 28.7% reported meet-
ing the recommended amount of physical activity in the past week.
Clearly, adolescents are not meeting the recommended amounts of
physical activity.
Schools have been identied as ideal settings to help young people
improve and maintain healthy eating and physical activity behaviors
112 Movement in the Classroom
to prevent or reverse obesity (Institute of Medicine of the National
Academies [IOM], 2013; Lagarde et al., 2008; Pate et al., 2006). Aer
the family, school is one of the most inuential institutions in chil-
dren’s social, emotional, and cognitive development. Schools are also
a place where students are physically inactive, with up to potentially
6 hr a day of sedentary behavior (Donnelly et al., 2009). e WHO
and more recently the IOM and the White House Task Force have
called upon schools to adopt policies and implement strategies to
increase the physical activity levels of students (IOM, 2013; Lagarde
et al., 2008; White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity, 2010).
Selected recommendations from these documents include conduct-
ing needs assessment, implementing schoolwide policies, support-
ing quality physical education, engaging all stakeholders within the
school environment, and increasing opportunities for physical ac-
tivity in the classroom. Schools have one of the most promising op-
portunities to address the global issue of physical inactivity in youth
Schools should be considered as one of the main institutions for
addressing physical inactivity not only because of the amount of time
spent at school and the inuence schools can have on student devel-
opment, but also because of the increased amounts of research that
suggest that physical activity can have positive benets on academ-
ic outcomes. Evidence from multiple studies and research reviews
suggests that physical activity improves many academic outcomes,
including overall academic success, cognitive performance, read-
ing and math skills, increased on-task classroom behavior, creation
of positive learning experiences for students, and improved levels
of concentration (CDC, 2010; Fredericks, Kokot, & Krog, 2006;
Lowden, Powney, Davidson, & James, 2001; Mellecker, Witherspoon,
& Watterson, 2013; Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2009).
Regardless of the method to increase physical activity in schools,
classroom teachers are critical stakeholders (Lagarde et al., 2008).
Bringing teachers on board with movement initiatives is essential,
but can be dicult (Lagarde et al., 2008). Given the signicant op-
portunity schools have to aect physical inactivity and the obesity
epidemic, it is critical to understand teachers’ perceptions about
movement to increase movement in schools. To date, there have
been recommendations about the need for movement in schools,
Benes, Finn, Sullivan, Yan 113
studies in which specic movement curricula and/or programs
(some of which include teacher perceptions) are examined, but lim-
ited research on broader teacher perceptions about using movement
in the classroom. erefore, the purpose of this study was to exam-
ine classroom teachers’ perceptions about integrating movement in
the classroom to gain a better understanding of the extent to which
physical activity is being used in classrooms, teachers’ understand-
ing and opinions of using movement in the classroom, and potential
resources necessary to assist teachers in increasing the use of move-
ment in the classroom.
Methodological Design
A mixed-methods research design with an emphasis on quali-
tative methods was implemented to examine classroom teachers’
perceptions about integrating movement in the classroom. e re-
searchers used an exploratory approach, based on grounded theory
methodology and principles, for the qualitative portion of the study
to gain a deeper understanding of the perceptions and needs of a
particular group, in this case classroom teachers (Creswell, 1998;
Strauss & Corbin, 1990). e quantitative portion of the design
(Movement Survey described below) was used to support the main
qualitative methodology.
Aer participants submitted the Movement Survey, one re-
searcher conducted individual semistructured interviews with par-
ticipants, allowing for the researchers to gain an in-depth under-
standing of classroom teachers’ perceptions about using movement
in the classroom. e semistructured interview format aorded the
researchers the opportunity to probe more deeply into participants’
responses and ask follow-up questions, leading to richer, more ro-
bust data. Having one researcher conduct all the interviews allowed
for consistency in the data collection process and enhanced the qual-
ity of the data. is also provided an opportunity for independent
analysis of the data by each researcher, which minimized bias.
Seventeen participants enrolled in the study (15 females, two
males). Aer data analysis was completed, the researchers deter-
114 Movement in the Classroom
mined that data saturation had been reached, and no additional par-
ticipants were recruited. e average age of the participants was 39.7
(± 10.7) years, and the teachers had an average of 11.3 (± 6.8) years
of teaching experience. Selected demographic data of participants
are provided in Table 1.
Table 1
Subject Demographics
Gender (Female) 88%
Age 39.7 (± 10.7)
Number of Years Teaching 11.3 (± 6.8)
Grade Level 47% High School
24% Middle
29% Elementary
Subject Area 24% Science
18% Health Education
17% Health Education and
Physical Educationa
24% History/Social Studies
6% Mathematics
6% Foreign Language
Level of Education (Master’s Degree) 77%
Previous Professional Development 82%
aese participants were included because they taught health education in
a traditional classroom setting in addition to physical education.
Data Collection Procedures
e researchers obtained institutional review board approval
from Boston University. Merrimack College entered into an autho-
rization agreement with Boston University. e researchers imple-
mented convenience, purposeful sampling to recruit classroom
teachers currently practicing in the eld. e researchers directly
contacted teachers known to them and requested participants to
recommend colleagues (snowball sampling). Teachers interested
in the study returned informed consents to one of the researchers
Benes, Finn, Sullivan, Yan 115
and enrolled in the study. Upon enrollment, teachers completed a
Movement Survey, which included demographic information, a se-
ries of Likert scale questions related to movement in the classroom,
and an open-ended question for further comments. e interviews
lasted 15–30 min, were conducted over the phone or in person, and
were recorded for data transcription.
e researchers designed the Movement Survey to help support
the data collected during the interviews as a means of data triangula-
tion. e survey included basic demographic information (age, years
teaching, grade level taught, etc.) as well as a series of statements. In
the rst six questions, participants were asked to rate their knowl-
edge about movement and physical activity (responses ranging from
1 = no knowledge to 5 = very knowledgeable), and in the next 10 ques-
tions, they were asked to rate their feelings and attitudes about using
movement in the classroom (responses ranging from 1 = strongly
disagree to 5 = strongly agree). Likert scale questions are included in
a table in the Results section. Space was provided for participants to
include additional comments. Responses for this section were lim-
ited, so data are included with the interview data.
e researchers designed the interview guide using a semistruc-
tured format because they wanted to maintain consistency through-
out the interviews to enhance the integrity of the data without los-
ing the opportunity to follow up with questions and/or delve more
deeply into responses. One researcher conducted all interviews to
further support the quality of the data. e researchers developed
the interview guide specically for this study. Teachers answered
open-ended questions regarding their use of movement, their un-
derstanding of connections between movement and learning, and
the role of schools in addressing students’ lack of physical activity.
Selected questions from the interview guide are presented in Table 2.
116 Movement in the Classroom
Table 2
Questions From the Interview Guide
Questions related to movement in the classroom
What do you think of when you hear the phrase “movement in
the classroom” or “classroom-based physical activity”?
Do you use movement in your classroom?
What is your understanding of the connections between move-
ment and learning?
What do you think are the benets of using movement in the
What do you think are the barriers and/or challenges of using
movement in the classroom?
Do you think that teachers should integrate movement into the
classroom? Why or why not?
What types of supports or resources would you want and/or
need in order to incorporate movement into your classroom?
Questions related to movement in schools
Do you believe that lack of movement and physical activity in
schools is a problem? Why or why not?
Do you think that schools should have a role in increasing stu-
dents’ physical activity levels outside of physical education and
recess? Why or why not?
What practices does your school currently use to get children
active during the school day?
Data Analysis
For the quantitative data, basic descriptive statistics—mean and
standard deviation—were calculated for the Likert scale question.
In addition, the total score of knowledge of movement and attitude
Benes, Finn, Sullivan, Yan 117
toward movement was calculated by adding the score for each item
together (i.e., the range for the knowledge score was 6–30 and for
the attitude score was 10–50). Internal consistency for each scale
was calculated. To explore which demographic factors were related
to knowledge and attitude scores, ANOVA and correlations analyses
were performed using SPSS 21.0, with alpha set at p < .05.
e qualitative data were analyzed using the general inductive
process, as described by omas (2006), which allowed the research-
ers to uncover the most dominant themes from the data as they re-
lated to the purpose. Initially, both researchers read the transcripts
independently and in their entirety to gain a sense of the data and
to evaluate the data without bias. e researchers continued this ho-
listic evaluation of the data multiple times, and during the second
and third “read-throughs,” the researchers assigned labels for emerg-
ing themes that they then organized into the major themes. Upon
completion of the independent reviews by the lead authors, the re-
searchers reviewed the themes and supporting data via phone and
e-mail. Both researchers discovered the same themes in the data, so
minimal discussion was needed to come to consensus. e research-
ers shared the results with the third author, who was not a researcher
on the project, but served as an independent reviewer with knowl-
edge of the subject matter of the study. e third author conrmed
the themes.
Data Credibility
A minimum of two strategies should be implemented during
a qualitative investigation (Creswell, 1998). Four were used in this
study: peer review, multiple analyst, member checks, and the sur-
vey. e third author, who reviewed all transcripts, nal themes, and
conclusions, conducted the peer review. e multiple analyst trian-
gulation was completed by the two lead authors when they inde-
pendently completed data analysis. Participants reviewed the nal
transcripts before analysis, serving as the member check. Finally,
the survey, which was a second form of data collected in the study,
served as triangulation for the interview data.
118 Movement in the Classroom
Quantitative Data
Quantitative data were used primarily as a method of triangula-
tion to support the qualitative data. A summary of the knowledge and
attitude scales is presented in Table 3. Table 4 shows the means and
standard deviations of both scales by demographic factors. Internal
consistency was calculated for both scales. Alpha for the knowledge
scale was .76 and for the attitude scale was .84.
Table 3
Likert Scale Question Results
Question MSD
Teacher Perceptions of Knowledge of Movement in the Classroom
Response choices were 1 = no knowledge, 2 = little knowledge, 3 = neutral,
4 = some knowledge, 5 = very knowledgeable.
e health benets of physical activity. 4.7 0.5
e relationship between movement and learning. 3.8 0.8
e benets of integrating movement into the classroom. 3.7 0.8
e relationship between movement and student behavior
in the classroom.
3.6 0.6
Student attitudes toward movement in the classroom. 3.1 1.0
Methods for integrating movement into the classroom. 3.1 1.2
Teacher Attitudes (Feelings) Toward Movement in the Classroom
Response choices were 1=strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral,
4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree.
I believe that students would benet from movement in
my classroom.
4.7 0.6
In the future, I would like to integrate movement into the
4.6 0.6
I believe that my administration would support integrat-
ing movement into the classroom.
4.5 0.6
Benes, Finn, Sullivan, Yan 119
Question MSD
I think that integrating movement into my classroom
would be a positive experience for both my students and
4.5 0.6
I believe that my students would enjoy if I integrated
movement into my classroom.
4.4 0.9
I think that with training and support, I would integrate
movement into my classroom.
4.4 0.7
I would like training or professional development about
integrating movement into the classroom.
4.2 0.7
I am comfortable integrating movement into the curricu-
3.6 1.1
I currently utilize movement to help teach concepts in the
2.8 1.3
I think that integrating movement into my classroom
would cause class management issues and would be dis-
2.5 0.9
Table 4
Teacher Perceptions of Knowledge of and Attitudes Toward
Movement in the Classroom
Knowledge Attitude
Demographic information M (SD) M (SD)
Male 20.00 (7.07) 37.50 (14.85)
Female 22.33 (2.97) 40.53 (4.05)
Grade level
Elementary school 22.75 (4.50) 40.75 (2.87)
Middle school 22.00 (2.83) 43.00 (0.00)
High school 21.82 (3.34) 39.45 (6.47)
Subject taught
Health/PE 22.67 (2.52) 42.33 (1.51)
Health 24.67 (.58) 42.67 (1.53)
Other 21.18 (3.74) 39.00 (6.42)
Table 3 (cont.)
120 Movement in the Classroom
Level of education
Bachelor 21.25 (4.79) 39.75 (9.00)
Master 22.31 (3.03) 40.31 (4.31)
Professional Development
Yes 23.00 (2.83) 42.50 (3.87)
No 21.77 (3.59) 39.46 (5.72)
e descriptive statistics showed that teachers were knowledge-
able about the health benets of physical activity but reported limited
knowledge related to movement and learning in the classroom. e
teachers were the least knowledgeable in the statements about stu-
dent attitudes toward movement in the classroom and methods for
integrating movement into the classroom. In terms of teacher atti-
tudes, they expressed a strong interest in integrating movement even
though most were not currently using it. ANOVA analysis showed
no dierences of knowledge and attitude scores in terms of gender,
grade level, subject taught, level of education, and professional de-
velopment opportunities. Teachers with previous professional devel-
opment opportunities also showed a higher trend of scores on both
Correlation analysis showed that teacher age was negatively cor-
related to the knowledge score, r = −0.52, p < .05, indicating that the
younger the teacher is, the more knowledge of movement in class-
room the teacher has. In addition, years of teaching was negatively
correlated to the attitude score, r = −.59, p < .05. is indicates that
teachers with less teaching experience tend to have better attitudes
toward movement in classroom.
Qualitative Data
An overview of the major themes and subthemes is provided in
Figure 1. In-depth descriptions with data from the interviews are
presented next.
Table 4 (cont.)
Knowledge Attitude
Demographic information M (SD) M (SD)
Benes, Finn, Sullivan, Yan 121
Student Outcomes
• Enjoyment
• Engagement
• Students on board
• Planning
• Exposure
Change in
Purpose of
• Focus
• Improve learning
Role of Schools
Movement in the
Figure 1. emes and subthemes.
Positive student outcomes. Many teachers discussed that stu-
dents enjoy moving in the classroom and that movement increases
students’ engagement with their academic content. Teachers re-
ported that they use movement to give the students a break before
returning to academic content. ey also felt that movement helps
refocus students. Finally, teachers also felt that the students enjoy
using movement in the classroom.
Participants felt that students enjoy the use of movement in the
classroom. Tennis Girl explained,
Movement helps learning for a lot of dierent reasons,
because I think kids are excited to move and they feel good
122 Movement in the Classroom
about moving and because their brains are stimulated and
that helps their learning and just that they have positive
attitudes towards doing anything besides just sitting in their
Tracy supported this: “I saw the kids getting excited about what
they were doing on a dierent level than it would be before.” Many
participants discussed that students nd movement fun and that it
provides a unique element to the class that students and teachers
nd enjoyable.
Teachers in this study who use movement shared that they be-
lieve that physical activity increases student engagement. Kelly ex-
plained, “I would say the biggest thing is engagement, because the
kids can’t just sit there and disengage if their main goal is to move
around and to engage with each other and with the content.” Tracy
expressed a similar view: “I think of kids being engaged in what they
are doing . . . And I see them, basically engaged would be the word
that comes to my mind.”
Purpose of movement. Participants in this study described
that they use movement primarily to focus students and to improve
learning. Most participants reported that they use movement in
their classrooms, but most do not use it on a regular basis. However,
all explained that they use movement when they feel students need
to refocus or when they need to reinforce or improve learning out-
Carol explained that movement “makes them a little alert, I
think, if they have to get up and move around.” Veronica said, “If I
don’t give them a break, then they check out, they get antsy; I notice
more behavioral problems.” Veronica further explained, “It’s mostly
for relief from the academics. I use it as rewards, too.” In her survey,
Carol wrote,
I teach double period science classes (100 min) to sixth grade
students. (I see students for a double period, every other day.)
ey NEED to move during that time period. Having them
sit for this much time is not a good option. . . . especially in
the aernoons.
Benes, Finn, Sullivan, Yan 123
Marcie summarized this theme: “e attention, like I said, is the
number one thing.” Participants in this study felt that a primary pur-
pose of movement in the classroom is to help students focus and/or
to increase attention.
Many participants also discussed a connection between the use
of movement and student learning outcomes. Emma and Gabriella
discussed using movement to help with retention: “Certain move-
ments can be associated with certain vocabulary words or training,
like its reminders, associations” and “e word with a movement to
help them remember things, and it’s especially good for kinesthetic
learners, but it’s really, I think, good for everybody.” Patricia men-
tioned a similar example with her elementary school students:
Last week, the word was sprang, and we tried to talk about
what that sprang meant, so acting out what does that mean
and having them actually act out to move quickly. I think it
just makes them remember it more.
Kate explained that she feels that movement helps student learn be-
cause “they can sort of replay it in their mind because they made a
more meaningful memory about it versus just kind of studying the
ash card.” Overall, teachers explained that they believe that using
movement can help students retain the information and increase
their ability to learn and remember material.
Change in teaching practice. Teachers described that to inte-
grate movement into their classrooms in a meaningful way would
require a change in the way they think about teaching or in the way
they teach. For example, Tracy mentioned that aer using movement
in her classroom, “I see that I am losing kids now. I’m much more
aware of it than I used to be.” Emma discussed a similar thought: “I
think it lets me see students in a dierent light that maybe I hadn’t
seen before that are successful.”
Many participants also discussed that using movement requires
a shi in the way teaching and learning is viewed. Elizabeth ex-
plained, “I’m always up for some new way of thinking about teach-
ing and learning, so I’m always happy to hear about some new way
to think about learning a complicated idea through physical activity.”
However, she also felt, “It hasn’t sort of fully integrated itself into the
way I think about my classroom,” which again suggests the need for
124 Movement in the Classroom
a change in teaching practice. Tennis Girl discussed a slightly dier-
ent angle to this idea when she explained why people may not use
Probably just because it’s too much work to think of ways
and maybe they’re just old school and they don’t want to take
kids out of the classrooms; they want to be able to control
them more easily in their desks.
Kate described a similar thought:
I’m just going to pour my information into you, you’re an
empty vessel and I’m pouring the information into you,
I think that those people, if they were to walk past my
classroom, they might look in and say, “What . . . is going on
there? ere’s nothing but chaos going on in there. You can’t
possibly tell me that those kids are learning.” But they are.
Teachers discussed this theme from dierent angles (their own
teaching, teaching practice, teaching and learning), but all discussed
that integrating movement into their classrooms, or into classrooms
in general, takes a signicant shi in the way teachers think about
teaching and learning and/or their own teaching practice.
Challenges. Participants discussed challenges to using move-
ment in the classroom. ree major challenges were discussed: get-
ting students on board with movement in the classroom, planning
for movement, and a lack of exposure on how to use movement in
the classroom.
Teachers who use movement described that it can be challenging
to get students to “buy into” using movement during class. Nicole
explained, “As a teacher, you want to build relationships and trust
with your students, not having them think your activities are stupid,
as if you’re a loser.” Marcus shared a similar sentiment: “I think for
me it would be more of how can I convince my students to take this
seriously.” Gabriella brought up another point:
When kids aren’t used to it, then they can be reticent,
resistant; if they feel uncomfortable about their bodies,
maybe they don’t want to do it. If they are very particular
Benes, Finn, Sullivan, Yan 125
about their clothes or their hair depending on how active the
movement, it depends on how much jumping around you
are doing, I guess.
Helping students understand the importance of movement and nd-
ing ways to integrate movement that can reach all students are two
components of getting students on board.
Participants in the study felt that planning for movement is a sig-
nicant challenge. ey felt that teachers have many demands placed
on them and that integrating movement is another “thing” that they
would have to try and “t into” their curriculum. ey also men-
tioned the barrier of “logistics,” including classroom management
and space. In her written survey, Veronica explained that she teaches
in a school with an “open-classroom” concept where she cannot “do
the physical activity movements with my student because it disturbs
other classrooms.” In terms of movement as an addition to the cur-
riculum, Marcus explained, “at with my academic discipline, it
is hard to think of that in a planned way.” Gabriella explained, “It
can be hard to think of how to incorporate it curricularly so it’s not
just a break.” Emma also discussed, “ere is so much curriculum
to cover, and there are so many things I am supposed to be doing
with the kids, I need to make sure that I can double up.” A number
of participants also mentioned that physical space can be a problem:
“You have to be able to control the kids and you’ve got to be able to
control just where you were able to do movement . . . or just kind of
the logistics of it can be an issue” (Tennis Girl) and “I think the big-
gest thing is just behavior management and then refocusing them
aer” (Kelly).
Participants in this study described a lack of exposure on how
to integrate movement into the classroom. One participant wrote in
the survey,
Little research has been passed around to the “people who
matter” for it to become a norm. I believe that if articles from
well-respected educational magazines/websites/research
were presented to administration, it could be passed down
the appropriate chain and become a norm in the classroom.
126 Movement in the Classroom
Samantha stated, “So, I just would love to see them move more,
but I don’t have a lot of ideas as to what I can do as part of my class
to do that.” Stacy explained that she does not regularly include move-
ment “probably because I don’t have more training and more ideas
and more activities in what to do.” Marcus explained, “I don’t have
a good sense of how it would make my class better or what I could
do to make it productive.” In her written survey, Nicole stated, “I
am very excited about learning more about how to add this into my
classroom routine and help my students ‘engage’ in the classroom
materials.” It seems that many teachers identied not only a need for
further information and examples of how to increase the amount of
movement in the classroom, but also that they are willing to learn
more about how to integrate movement eectively.
Role of movement. Participants felt that schools should have
a role in addressing the movement needs of students. Marcus said,
I think the short answer is yes . . . I don’t think we nd
enough avenues for kids to do things physical in general . . . I
think it would be better for them to have more active outlets,
and therefore if the school can provide them, that [would]
be good.
Gabriella believes that “if you can incorporate physical activity in
small ways throughout the day, it’s probably helpful because every
little bit counts and helps you.” Finally, Kelly stated,
Why not? I mean . . . I think it’s that important. Like I said,
there [are] the obvious benets of it in a classroom, and I
think that we’re teaching these kids in general how to
succeed in life. And I think that it’s important at least to have
small movement things and to have conversations about
it, just teaching these kids how to live a healthy life and be
successful. Because if we’re not doing it in school, there is a
chance that these kids aren’t hearing it . . . but yeah I think it’s
really important.
We examined classroom teachers’ perceptions about integrating
movement in the classroom to gain a better understanding of the ex-
Benes, Finn, Sullivan, Yan 127
tent to which physical activity is being used in classrooms, teachers’
understanding and opinions of using movement in the classroom,
and potential resources necessary to assist teachers in increasing the
use of movement in the classroom. Despite a lack of using move-
ment in the classroom, teachers reported positive associations with
movement in the classroom and a desire to learn more about move-
ment as a strategy in the classroom. Signicantly, teachers in the
study believe that schools should have a role in addressing physical
inactivity in youth.
Teachers who were younger had higher knowledge and more
positive attitudes toward movement in the classroom. is may be
due to younger teachers feeling that physical activity is important
for health and educational outcomes in children and perhaps due
to preservice program faculty beginning to address physical activ-
ity and to increasing awareness (Goh et al., 2013; Webster, 2011;
Webster, Monsma, & Erwin, 2010). In addition, teachers who had
professional development opportunities showed the trend of higher
scores on both scales compared to those who did not have those op-
portunities. is is supported by recent research in which teachers
who received increased facilitator support and a social marketing
campaign reported increased exposure and self-ecacy in regard to
movement breaks and more frequent regular use of physical activity
breaks (Delk, Springer, Kelder, & Grayless, 2014). Support, in the
form of professional development or more direct support, increases
the likelihood of increasing movement in the classroom. Together,
these ndings suggest that an increase in preservice training as well
as professional development opportunities about using movement
in the classroom may help prepare them to be more knowledgeable
and condent to implement movement in the classroom.
No dierence was found in the knowledge or attitude scales for
health and physical education teachers. is nding is surprising
because PE and health teachers’ coursework and professional train-
ing include a focus on physical activity and being physically active
(Dyson, 2014). In turn, teachers in these elds seem more likely to
use movement in their classrooms; however, our results do not sup-
port this idea. Perhaps this provides further support of the paradigm
shi that many participants discussed as necessary to use movement
in the classroom. Even teachers with more knowledge about physi-
128 Movement in the Classroom
cal activity may nd it challenging to transfer that into the class-
room and/or may not have the skills or condence to apply their
knowledge from the gym into the classroom in the specic context
of movement and learning. is area should be explored further as
health and physical educators, because of the training they receive,
are poised to be leaders for increasing physical activity in schools.
Participants in this study overwhelmingly reported either expe-
riencing positive benets from using movement in their classroom
or believing that using movement can lead to positive outcomes.
Teachers also identied outcomes such as enjoyment in the class-
room and engagement, which supports previous research (Ahamed
et al., 2007; Fredericks et al., 2006; Lowden et al., 2001). Teachers
also reported that movement improves learning through improved
retention; however, at this point, researchers have not provided
strong evidence to support this specic connection of understand-
ings related to procedural knowledge and implicit learning (Jensen,
2000). Teachers appear to have mainly anecdotal evidence for using
movement in the classroom and may not realize or have been ex-
posed to current research in the eld.
Implementing movement in the classroom is a behavior change
for many teachers. Social cognitive theory (Bandura, 2004) suggests
that knowledge is one determinant of behavior change, along with
variables such as self-ecacy, outcome expectations, and facilitators
and impediments. e data imply that the current level of aware-
ness of benets of movement is not enough to change behaviors.
Teachers do not have knowledge of current research related to out-
comes such as improvements in reading and math, cognitive be-
haviors, academic achievement, and meeting the needs of multiple
learners, and they do not appear to be able to articulate the neuro-
logical connections between movement and learning (CDC, 2010;
Donnelly & Lambourne, 2011; Fredericks et al., 2006; IOM, 2013;
Lowden et al., 2001; Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2009). is
is similar to previous research conducted by Cothran, Kulinna, and
Garn (2010), who found that teachers were “rarely able to articulate
a direct connection between physical activity and learning and rarely
spoke about the specics of academic integration” (p. 1385). To sup-
port global recommendations for movement in schools, teachers,
especially those who are not using movement, should receive infor-
Benes, Finn, Sullivan, Yan 129
mation related to movement and learning as one way of facilitating
behavior change.
A few participants in the study use movement and have received
information about physical activity in schools. Teachers who use
movement reported using it mainly for focus and to improve learn-
ing. Many participants discussed the use of movement to provide
students a break during class and/or before returning to academic
content. is is in agreement with research showing improved on-
task behavior/concentration during academic instruction through
incorporating movement in the classroom (Barros, Silver, & Stein,
2009; Fredericks et al., 2006; Lowden et al., 2001; Mahar, 2011;
Mahar et al., 2006). However, this is a limited view of the outcomes
and benets to movement in the classroom. Teachers who use and
teachers who do not use movement do not appear to have an in-
depth understanding of the potential of movement when it is mean-
ingfully integrated into the school day and only use movement on a
limited basis for limited outcomes.
Even teachers who use movement are not taking advantage of
the potential benets. Some participants discussed that they are
dealing with pressures related to curriculum and planning as bar-
riers to movement. ese ndings support Cothran et al. (2010),
who found that scheduling and feeling that movement is an “ex-
tra,” along with the pressures of standardized testing, were “nega-
tive presses” for implementing movement. is may, in part, be due
to many teachers implementing movement on their own; it was not
part of a schoolwide initiative as suggested in recent reports (IOM,
2013; Lagarde et al., 2008; White House Task Force on Childhood
Obesity, 2010). Lack of administrative support and lack of an en-
vironment conducive to physical activity could serve as barriers to
using movement in the classroom. As suggested in the WHO School
Policy Framework, schools should work toward sustainable strate-
gies and policy development that engage stakeholders and support
implementation through training, support from administration, and
motivational strategies (Lagarde et al., 2008).
Not only did teachers in the study express an interest in learn-
ing more about movement in the classroom, every participant also
felt that schools should have a role in increasing students’ physical
activity levels. Similarly, Cox, Schoeld, and Kolt (2010) found that
130 Movement in the Classroom
adults (teachers and parents) believe that schools have a responsi-
bility to act as a “backstop” or “fallback” if parents fail to take re-
sponsibility for children’s physical activity (p. 50). Cox et al.’s study is
dierent from this study because the ndings suggest that teachers
view schools as a primary party responsible for addressing physi-
cal activity levels of students. erefore, the nding in this study is
unique and potentially signicant; teachers are essential stakehold-
ers who can inuence what happens in schools and in classrooms.
If the belief is that schools should have a role in addressing physical
inactivity, it could lead to advocacy eorts among stakeholders who
are able to make direct changes in the levels of physical activity for
their students. However, until research, materials, and professional
development are available, meaningful change will not likely occur.
is study has several limitations. Although participants rep-
resented teachers from a diverse range of grade levels, almost half
of the participants were high school teachers, which may have in-
uenced their experience with movement in the classroom. Also,
the teachers who participated in the study were not representative
of all subject areas that are taught in school. Furthermore, partici-
pants only represented school districts in Massachusetts and New
Hampshire. e generalizability of the study is limited to the teach-
ers in the states and content areas represented. is study was also
not gender balanced (15 women, two men), which may have altered
results. Convenience, purposeful sampling was implemented to re-
cruit classroom teachers currently practicing in the eld. Because
many of the participants were directly known to the researchers, this
may have aected the results as compared to a random sampling of
teachers. Nevertheless, this study is a rst step in gaining an in-depth
analysis of physical activity and movement in the classroom among
In summary, we found that work still needs to be done to make
movement a regular practice in schools. Teachers in this study un-
derstand that movement can be helpful in the classroom, but can-
not explain in detail the connections between movement and learn-
ing. Most explain that to use movement eectively, they would need
training and support and recognize that it would involve a change
in their teaching practice. Finally, teachers in this study believe that
schools should have a role in addressing physical inactivity in youth.
Benes, Finn, Sullivan, Yan 131
Stakeholders, including current school sta including physical edu-
cators, should begin the process of providing the training and sup-
port necessary to make movement a meaningful part of the educa-
tional system.
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