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Abstract and Figures

The position of Xenacoelomorpha in the tree of life remains a major unresolved question in the study of deep animal relationships. Xenacoelomorpha, comprising Acoela, Nemertodermatida, and Xenoturbella, are bilaterally symmetrical marine worms that lack several features common to most other bilaterians, for example an anus, nephridia, and a circulatory system. Two conflicting hypotheses are under debate: Xenacoelomorpha is the sister group to all remaining Bilateria (= Nephrozoa, namely protostomes and deuterostomes) or is a clade inside Deuterostomia. Thus, determining the phylogenetic position of this clade is pivotal for understanding the early evolution of bilaterian features, or as a case of drastic secondary loss of complexity. Here we show robust phylogenomic support for Xenacoelomorpha as the sister taxon of Nephrozoa. Our phylogenetic analyses, based on 11 novel xenacoelomorph transcriptomes and using different models of evolution under maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses, strongly corroborate this result. Rigorous testing of 25 experimental data sets designed to exclude data partitions and taxa potentially prone to reconstruction biases indicates that long-branch attraction, saturation, and missing data do not influence these results. The sister group relationship between Nephrozoa and Xenacoelomorpha supported by our phylogenomic analyses implies that the last common ancestor of bilaterians was probably a benthic, ciliated acoelomate worm with a single opening into an epithelial gut, and that excretory organs, coelomic cavities, and nerve cords evolved after xenacoelomorphs separated from the stem lineage of Nephrozoa.
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4 FEBRUARY 2016 | VOL 530 | NATURE | 89
LETTER doi:10.1038/nature16520
Xenacoelomorpha is the sister group to Nephrozoa
Johanna Taylor Cannon1, Bruno Cossermelli Vellutini2, Julian Smith III3, Fredrik Ronquist1, Ulf Jondelius1 & Andreas Hejnol2
The position of Xenacoelomorpha in the tree of life remains a major
unresolved question in the study of deep animal relationships1.
Xenacoelomorpha, comprising Acoela, Nemertodermatida, and
Xenoturbella, are bilaterally symmetrical marine worms that lack
several features common to most other bilaterians, for example
an anus, nephridia, and a circulatory system. Two conflicting
hypotheses are under debate: Xenacoelomorpha is the sister group
to all remaining Bilateria (= Nephrozoa, namely protostomes
and deuterostomes)2,3 or is a clade inside Deuterostomia4. Thus,
determining the phylogenetic position of this clade is pivotal for
understanding the early evolution of bilaterian features, or as a
case of drastic secondary loss of complexity. Here we show robust
phylogenomic support for Xenacoelomorpha as the sister taxon
of Nephrozoa. Our phylogenetic analyses, based on 11 novel
xenacoelomorph transcriptomes and using different models of
evolution under maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference
analyses, strongly corroborate this result. Rigorous testing of
25 experimental data sets designed to exclude data partitions and
taxa potentially prone to reconstruction biases indicates that long-
branch attraction, saturation, and missing data do not influence
these results. The sister group relationship between Nephrozoa and
Xenacoelomorpha supported by our phylogenomic analyses implies
that the last common ancestor of bilaterians was probably a benthic,
ciliated acoelomate worm with a single opening into an epithelial
gut, and that excretory organs, coelomic cavities, and nerve cords
evolved after xenacoelomorphs separated from the stem lineage of
Acoela have an essential role in hypotheses of bilaterian body plan
evolution5. Acoels have been compared to cnidarian planula larvae
because they possess characters such as a blind gut, a net-like nervous
system, and they lack nephridia. However, they also share apomorphies
with Bilateria such as bilateral symmetry and a mesodermal germ layer
that gives rise to circular and longitudinal muscles. Classic systematics
placed acoels in Platyhelminthes6, or as a separate early bilaterian lin-
eage7,8. When nucleotide sequence data became available, Acoela were
placed as the sister group of Nephrozoa9. Nemertodermatida were orig
inally classified within Acoela, but were soon recognized as a separate
clade on morphological grounds
. Subsequently, nucleotide sequence
data fuelled a debate on whether nemertodermatids and acoels form a
monophyletic group, the Acoelomorpha, or if nemertodermatids and
acoels are independent early bilaterian lineages as suggested by several
studies, for example refs 11 and 12. The enigmatic Xenoturbella was
first placed together with Acoela and Nemertodermatida13,14; then an
ultrastructural appraisal supported its position as sister group of all
other bilaterians
. The first molecular study suggested Xenoturbella
to be closely related to molluscs
, whereas other analyses proposed
a deuterostome affiliation
. Recent analyses of molecular data reu-
nited Xenoturbella with acoels and nemertodermatids
to form a clade
called Xenacoelomorpha (Fig. 1a).
Current conflicting hypotheses suggest that Xenacoelomorpha are
the sister group of Deuterostomia4, are nested within Deuterostomia4,
are the sister group of Nephrozoa2,3, or are polyphyletic, with
Xenoturbella included within Deuterostomia and the Acoelomorpha
as sister taxon to remaining Bilateria
(Fig. 1b–e). The deuterostome
affiliation derives support from three lines of evidence4: an analysis
of mitochondrial gene sequences, microRNA complements, and a
phylogenomic data set. Analyses of mitochondrial genes recovered
Xenoturbella within deuterostomes18. However, limited mitochon-
drial data (typically ~16 kilobase total nucleotides, 13 protein-coding
genes) are less efficient in recovering higher-level animal relationships
than phylogenomic approaches, especially in long-branching taxa1.
The one complete and few partial mitochondrial genomes for acoelo-
morphs are highly divergent in terms of both gene order and nucleotide
sequence19,20. Analyses of new complete mitochondrial genomes of
Xenoturbella spp. do not support any phylogenetic hypothesis for this
taxon21. Ref. 4 proposes that microRNA data support Xenacoelomorpha
within the deuterostomes; however, microRNA distribution is better
explained by a sister relationship between Xenacoelomorpha and
Nephrozoa both under parsimony
and under Bayesian inference
Phylogenomic analyses recovering xenacoelomorph taxa within
Deuterostomia show branching patterns that differ significantly
1Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, PO Box 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden. 2Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, University of Bergen, Thormøhlensgate 55, 5008 Bergen,
Norway. 3Department of Biology, Winthrop University, 701 Oakland Avenue, Rock Hill, South Carolina 29733, USA.
Bilateria Xenacoelomorpha
Nemertodermatida Acoela
Figure 1 | Phylogenetic hypotheses concerning Xenacoelomorpha from
previous molecular studies. a, Relationships among Xenacoelomorpha.
Xenoturbella is sister to Acoelomorpha (Acoela + Nemertodermatida).
Illustrated species from left to right: Flagellophora apelti, Diopisthoporus
psammophilus, X. bocki. b, Xenacoelomorpha is sister taxon to
Nephrozoa (phylogenomic analyses2,3). c, Xenacoelomorpha is sister
taxon to Ambulacraria within deuterostomes (phylogenomic analyses4).
d, Xenacoelomorpha is sister taxon to Ambulacraria + Chordata
(mitochondrial protein analyses4,19). e, Xenoturbella is within
Deuterostomia, while Acoelomorpha form two separate clades outside
Nephrozoa (molecular systematic analyses11), or its sister group
(some mitochondrial protein analyses19). Colours in be indicate
Xenacoelomorpha (red), Protostomia (blue), Deuterostomia (green).
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
90 | NATURE | VOL 530 | 4 FEBRUARY 2016
between alternative models of evolution
. Conflicting results in stud-
ies that used the same expressed sequence tag data for xenacoelo-
morphs2,4 suggest some degree of model misspecification, missing
data generating positively misleading signal, or long-branch attrac-
tion (LBA) in either or both of these studies. Testing of hypotheses
under alternative models of evolution, data set partitioning, and
taxon selection schemes can identify possible weaknesses of a data
set. Here, we use this approach to test the phylogenetic position of
Acoela, Nemertodermatida, and Xenoturbella.
Novel Illumina RNaseq data were collected for six acoel spe-
cies, four nemertodermatids, Xenoturbella bocki, and six additional
diverse metazoans (Supplementary Table 1). Acoel and nemertoder-
matid species were selected to broadly represent the diversity of these
two clades, including two representatives of the earliest-branching
clade of Acoela, Diopisthoporidae23. With the exception of
Hofstenia miamia in ref. 3, previous phylogenomic analyses of
acoels have included only representatives of Convolutidae and
Isodiametridae, which possess several highly derived morpho-
logical characters. Our data sets include 76 diverse metazoan taxa
and 2 choanoflagellate outgroups (Supplementary Table 1). Our
primary data set consists of 212 orthologous groups, 44,896 ami-
no-acid positions, and 31% missing data (Extended Data Table 1).
Terebratalia transversa
Capitella teleta
Novocrania anomala
Oscarella carmela
Macrodasys sp.
Crassostrea gigas
Botryllus schlosseri
Loxosoma pectinaricola
Xenoturbella bocki
Astrotomma agassizi
Sterreria sp.
Pomatoceros lamarckii
Brachionus calyciflorus
Dumetocrinus sp.
Euplokamis dunlapae
Membranipora membranacea
Isodiametra pulchra
Amphimedon queenslandica
Ciona intestinalis
Lottia gigantea
Childia submaculatum
Salpingoeca rosetta
Lineus longissimus
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
Agalma elegans
Trichoplax adhaerens
Diopisthoporus gymnopharyngeus
Megadasys sp.
Ptychodera bahamensis
Acropora digitifera
Adineta vaga
Peripatopsis capensis
Daphnia pulex
Convolutriloba macropyga
Adineta ricciae
Phoronis psammophila
Schizocardium braziliense
Schistosoma mansoni
Helobdella robusta
Prostheceraeus vittatus
Pleurobrachia bachei
Eunicella cavolinii
Leptochiton rugatus
Labidiaster annulatus
Barentsia gracilis
Halicryptus spinulosus
Gallus gallus
Eumecynostomum macrobursalium
Strigamia maritima
Nematostella vectensis
Ixodes scapularis
Cliona varians
Mnemiopsis leidyi
Diopisthoporus longitubus
Meara stichopi
Craspedacusta sowerby
Leucosolenia complicata
Monosiga brevicollis
Priapulus caudatus
Hemithiris psittacea
Ascoparia sp.
Cephalothrix hongkongiensis
Hofstenia miamia
Saccoglossus mereschkowskii
Aphrocallistes vastus
Taenia pisiformes
Petromyzon marinus
Sycon ciliatum
Lepidodermella squamata
Nemertoderma westbladi
Schmidtea mediterranea
Drosophila melanogaster
Cephalodiscus gracilis
Stomolophus meleagris
Homo sapiens
Leptosynapta clarki
Branchiostoma floridae
Macrostomum lignano
(Phoronida + Brachiopoda)
BS support =100% all models, ProtTest/LG4X/LG
Figure 2 | Maximum likelihood topology of metazoan relationships
inferred from 212 genes. Maximum likelihood tree is shown as inferred
using the best-fitting amino-acid substitution model for each gene.
Bootstrap support values from analyses inferred under alternative
models of amino-acid substitution are indicated at the nodes (best-fitting
model for each orthologous group selected by ProtTest/LG4X across
all partitions/LG + I + Γ across all partitions, 100 bootstrap replicates).
Filled blue circles represent 100% bootstrap support under all models of
evolution. Species indicated in bold are new transcriptomes published
with this study.
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Letter reSeArCH
4 FEBRUARY 2016 | VOL 530 | NATURE | 91
Sequences were taken entirely from Illumina transcriptomes or pre-
dicted transcripts from genomic data. Gene occupancy per taxon
ranged from 100% for Homo sapiens and Drosophila melanogaster to
8% for the nemertodermatid Sterreria sp., with median per-taxon gene
occupancy of 90% and an average of 80% (Supplementary Table 2).
Notably, gene coverage for key taxa is enhanced over previous phy-
logenomic analyses: X. bocki, six acoels, and two nemertodermatids
have > 90% gene occupancy in our 212 orthologous group data set,
whereas the best represented acoelomorph terminal in ref. 4 had an
occupancy of 63%.
Maximum likelihood analyses were conducted under the best-
fitting model for each individual gene partition, or the LG model, or
the LG4X model
over each independent partition. The LG4X model
is composed of four substitution matrixes designed to improve mod-
elling of site heterogeneity24. Bayesian analyses were conducted with
the site-heterogeneous CAT + GTR + Γ model and GTR + Γ. To fur-
ther validate the robustness of our results to variations in substitution
model specification, we performed Bayesian inference analyses under
an independent substitution model using a back-translated nucleotide
data set derived from our amino-acid alignment. To test whether any
Leptochiton rugatus
Oscarella carmela
Botryllus schlosseri
Strigamia maritima
Astrotomma agassizi
Eumecynostomum macrobursalium
Branchiostoma floridae
Hofstenia miamia
Adineta ricciae
Stomolophus meleagris
Drosophila melanogaster
Leptosynapta clarki
Priapulus caudatus
Meara stichopi
Schistosoma mansoni
Homo sapiens
Cephalothrix hongkongiensis
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
Gallus gallus
Acropora digitifera
Convolutriloba macropyga
Eunicella cavolinii
Hemithiris psittacea
Phoronis psammophila
Lineus longissimus
Diopisthoporus gymnopharyngeus
Membranipora membranacea
Megadasys sp.
Taenia pisiformes
Peripatopsis capensis
Sycon ciliatum
Macrostomum lignano
Nematostella vectensis
Childia submaculatum
Diopisthoporus longitubus
Saccoglossus mereschkowskii
Terebratalia transversa
Macrodasys sp.
Mnemiopsis leidyi
Dumetocrinus sp.
Ascoparia sp.
Aphrocallistes vastus
Pleurobrachia bachei
Leucosolenia complicata
Amphimedon queenslandica
Monosiga brevicollis
Capitella teleta
Halicryptus spinulosus
Adineta vaga
Petromyzon marinus
Isodiametra pulchra
Labidiaster annulatus
Prostheceraeus vittatus
Lepidodermella squamata
Daphnia pulex
Barentsia gracilis
Craspedacusta sowerby
Schmidtea mediterranea
Nemertoderma westbladi
Cliona varians
Agalma elegans
Euplokamis dunlapae
Sterreria sp.
Ciona intestinalis
Ptychodera bahamensis
Xenoturbella bocki
Helobdella robusta
Pomatoceros lamarckii
Salpingoeca rosetta
Cephalodiscus gracilis
Brachionus calyciflorus
Ixodes scapularis
Schizocardium c.f. braziliense
Trichoplax adhaerens
Lottia gigantea
Novocrania anomala
Loxosoma pectinaricola
Crassostrea gigas
Figure 3 | Bayesian inference topology of metazoan relationships
inferred from 212 genes under the CAT + GTR + Γ model. Filled blue
circles indicate posterior probabilities of 1.0. Shown is the majority rule
consensus tree of two independent chains of > 17,000 cycles each and
burn-in of 5,000 cycles. Convergence of the two chains was indicated by
a ‘maxdiff’ value of 0.25. Position of Xenacoelomorpha was unchanged
in two additional independent chains, which did not converge with the
chains shown above owing to alternative positions of Trichoplax adhaerens
and Membranipora membranacea.
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
92 | NATURE | VOL 530 | 4 FEBRUARY 2016
particular taxon was biasing our analyses owing to artefacts such as
LBA, we conducted a series of taxon-pruning experiments. Additional
data sets were analysed that minimized missing data, excluded taxa and
individual genes identified to be potentially more subject to LBA arte-
facts, and genes or positions that were more saturated. Using our stand-
ard pipeline, for the best-sampled 56 taxa, we also generated a data
set with 336 orthologous groups, 81,451 amino acids, and 11% miss-
ing data. Lastly, using an independent pipeline for orthologous gene
selection, we generated a set of 881 orthologous groups. This larger
data set contained 77 operational taxonomic units, 337,954 amino-
acid positions, and 63% matrix occupancy. In all, we generated
25 unique data matrixes to address the robustness of phylogenetic
signal and sensitivity of our results to parameter changes (Extended
Data Table 1).
Our analyses consistently supported monophyletic Xenacoelo-
morpha as sister group of Nephrozoa (Figs 2–4, Extended Data Figs 1–4
and Extended Data Table 1). Within Xenacoelomorpha, Xenoturbella
is the sister taxon of Acoela + Nemertodermatida. Maximum likeli-
hood analyses under all models (Fig. 2), Bayesian analyses under the
site-heterogeneous CAT + GTR + Γ model (Fig. 3), as well as analyses
of back-translated nucleotides (Extended Data Fig. 5) all recover
this topology. We found no evidence of LBA influencing the posi-
tion of Xenacoelomorpha or any other group in the tree. Differing
outgroup schemes do not affect the position of Xenacoelomorpha
(Supplementary Figs 4–9); neither does exclusion of taxa or genes
more subject to LBA (Supplementary Figs 14–17). Monophyletic
Deuterostomia (excluding Xenoturbella), Ecdysozoa, and Spiralia are
robustly recovered, with Ctenophora as the earliest branching meta-
zoan in all maximum likelihood analyses, while Porifera holds this
position in Bayesian analyses under the CAT + GTR + Γ model (Fig. 3).
Taxon-exclusion analyses, where Acoelomorpha alone (Supplementary
Fig. 1) or Xenoturbella alone (Extended Data Fig. 3) were included,
recovered these taxa as the first branch of Bilateria. Approximately
unbiased tests strongly reject the alternative hypothesis constraining
Xenacoelomorpha within Deuterostomia. Leaf stability indices for
all taxa in the primary 212 orthologous group analysis were > 97%
(Supplementary Table 2), suggesting that improved matrix and taxon
coverage in our analyses had a positive effect on overall taxon stability
compared with ref. 25, where both included acoels had leaf stability
indices of 78%. In our own calculations of leaf stability index from the
data set of ref. 4, the six representative xenacoelomorph species have
the six lowest leaf stabilities of all included taxa, ranging from 88% to
79% (Supplementary Table 3).
To assess gene conflict, we conducted decomposition analyses using
ASTRAL26, which calculates the species tree that agrees with the larg-
est number of quartets derived from each gene tree and their respective
bootstrap replicates (Extended Data Fig. 4). This analysis finds strong
support for the position of Xenacoelomorpha (bootstrap 99%). Refs 27
and 28 pointed to issues with incongruence in phylogenomic analyses
of ribosomal protein genes versus other protein-coding genes. Notably,
in our 212 orthologous group set, only five ribosomal protein genes
were retained after screening for paralogous groups. To investigate
if this gene class may have biased previous results, we generated an
additional data matrix composed of 52 ribosomal protein genes that
passed through our other filters for gene length and taxon presence.
In maximum likelihood analyses of this data set, Xenacoelomorpha,
Acoelomorpha, Nemertodermatida, Deuterostomia and Spiralia are
all non-monophyletic (Supplementary Fig. 21). Ribosomal protein
genes are heavily represented in the xenacoelomorph data in previous
studies, comprising > 50% of the gene occupancy in most cases. Gene
partition information was not made available for the study proposing
a deuterostome position for Xenacoelomorpha4, so re-analysis of the
data without ribosomal protein genes was not possible. We suggest
that insufficient data for key taxa and a reliance on ribosomal protein
genes were biasing the results, causing Xenacoelomorpha to group
within Deuterostomia.
Within Xenacoelomorpha, morphological complexity differs among
the three groups, as should be expected in a clade of the same age as
Nephrozoa. The simplest organization is evident in Xenoturbella, with
a sac-like epithelial gut opening to a simple mouth, a basiepidermal
nervous system, and no gonopores or secondary reproductive
. Nemertodermatida also have an epithelial gut, but the mouth
appears to be a transient structure
. Furthermore, the position and
anatomy of the nervous system and the male copulatory organ are
variable. The more than 400 nominal species of Acoela (compared
with 18 nemertodermatids and 5 Xenoturbella species) exhibit con-
siderable morphological variation: acoels have no intestinal lumen
although a mouth opening and sometimes a pharynx is present
. The
nervous system is highly variable, there are one or two gonopores, and
often accessory reproductive organs
. The morphological evolution
that occurred within Xenacoelomorpha provides an interesting par-
allel case to Nephrozoa.
The sister group relationship between Xenacoelomorpha and
Nephrozoa allows us to infer the order in which bilaterian features
were evolved
. The bilaterian ancestor was probably a soft-bodied,
small ciliated benthic worm5,23,29,30. Mesoderm and body axis were
established before the split between Xenacoelomorpha and Nephrozoa,
whereas nephridia evolved in the stem lineage of nephrozoans (Fig. 4).
Centralization of the nervous system appears to have evolved in parallel
in the Xenacoelomorpha and Nephrozoa. Further investigations of the
genomic architecture and biology of xenacoelomorphs will provide
insights into molecular, developmental, and cellular building blocks
used for evolving complex animal body plans and organ systems.
= Maximal support in analyses
of 212, 336, and 881 genes
epithelial gut
>70% >99%
Figure 4 | Summary of metazoan relationships as inferred in this study.
a, Summary of phylogenomic results based on analyses of 212, 336, and
881 genes. Xenacoelomorpha is a monophyletic clade sister to Nephrozoa
with > 99% support in all analyses. b, Interrelationships among four
major animal clades, Cnidaria, Xenacoelomorpha, Protostomia, and
Deuterostomia, with selected morphological characters mapped onto the
tree as ancestral states for each of the four clades.
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Letter reSeArCH
4 FEBRUARY 2016 | VOL 530 | NATURE | 93
Online Content Methods, along with any additional Extended Data display items and
Source Data, are available in the online version of the paper; references unique to
these sections appear only in the online paper.
Received 19 September; accepted 7 December 2015.
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Supplementary Information is available in the online version of the paper.
Acknowledgements The Swedish Research Council provided funding for U.J.
and J.T.C. (grant 2012-3913) and F.R. (grant 2014-5901). A.H. received support
from the Sars Core budget and Marie Curie Innovative Training Networks
‘NEPTUNE’ (FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN 317172) and FP7-PEOPLE-2009-RG
256450. We thank N. Lartillot and K. Kocot for discussions. Hejnol laboratory
members K. Pang and A. Børve assisted with RNA extraction; A. Boddington,
J. Bengtsen and A. Elde assisted with culture for Isodiametra pulchra and
Convolutriloba macropyga. Thanks to W. Sterrer for collection of Sterreria sp.
and Ascoparia sp., and to R. Janssen for finding X. bocki. The Sven Lovén
Centre of Marine Sciences Kristineberg, University of Gothenburg, and the
Interuniversity Institute of Marine Sciences in Eilat provided logistical support
for field collection. S. Baldauf assisted with laboratory space and resources
for complementary DNA synthesis. We thank K. Larsson for the original
illustrations. Computations were performed on resources provided by the
Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC). Transcriptome assembly,
data set construction, RAxML and PhyloBayes analyses were performed using
resources provided through Uppsala Multidisciplinary Center for Advanced
Computational Science (UPPMAX) under project b2013077, and MrBayes
analyses were run under project snic2014-1-323.
Author Contributions J.T.C., U.J., B.C.V., and A.H. conceived and designed
the study. U.J. and A.H. collected several specimens and J.S. III collected
Diopisthoporus gymnopharyngeus specimens. J.T.C. and B.C.V. performed
molecular work and RNA sequencing assembly. J.T.C. assembled the datasets
and performed phylogenetic analyses. F.R. conducted Bayesian phylogenetic
analyses using MrBayes. All authors contributed to writing the manuscript.
Author Information Sequence data have been deposited in the NCBI Sequence
Read Archive under BioProject PRJNA295688. Data matrices and trees from
this study are available from the Dryad Digital Repository (
under DOI 10.5061/dryad.493b7. Reprints and permissions information is
available at The authors declare no competing
financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of
the paper. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to
J.T.C. ( or A.H. (
22. Thomson, R. C., Plachetzki, D. C., Mahler, D. L. & Moore, B. R. A critical appraisal
of the use of microRNA data in phylogenetics. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 111,
E3659–E3668 (2014).
23. Jondelius, U., Wallberg, A., Hooge, M. & Raikova, O. I. How the worm got its
pharynx: phylogeny, classication and Bayesian assessment of character
evolution in Acoela. Syst. Biol. 60, 845–871 (2011).
24. Le, S. Q., Dang, C. C. & Gascuel, O. Modeling protein evolution with several
amino acid replacement matrices depending on site rates. Mol. Biol. Evol. 29,
2921–2936 (2012).
25. Dunn, C. W. et al. Broad phylogenomic sampling improves resolution of the
animal tree of life. Nature 452, 745–749 (2008).
26. Mirarab, S. et al. ASTRAL: genome-scale coalescent-based species tree
estimation. Bioinformatics 30, i541–i548 (2014).
27. Bleidorn, C. et al. On the phylogenetic position of Myzostomida: can 77 genes
get it wrong? BMC Evol. Biol. 9, 150 (2009).
28. Whelan, N. V., Kocot, K. M., Moroz, L. L. & Halanych, K. M. Error, signal, and the
placement of Ctenophora sister to all other animals. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA
112, 5773–5778 (2015).
29. Hejnol, A. & Martindale, M. Q. Acoel development supports a simple
planula-like urbilaterian. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 363, 1493–1501
30. Laumer, C. E. et al. Spiralian phylogeny informs the evolution of microscopic
lineages. Curr. Biol. 25, 2000–2006 (2015).
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
No statistical methods were used to predetermine sample size. The experiments
were not randomized. The investigators were not blinded to allocation during
experiments and outcome assessment.
Molecular methods and sequencing. We generated novel RNA-seq data from
six acoels, four nemertodermatids, X. bocki, and six additional diverse metazo-
ans (Supplementary Table 1). Total RNA was extracted from fresh or RNAlater
(Ambion) preserved specimens using TRI Reagent Solution (Ambion) or the
RNeasy Micro Kit (Qiagen), prepared using the SMART complementary DNA
library construction kit (Clontech), and sequenced as 2 × 100 paired end runs
with Illumina HiSeq 2000 at SciLifeLab (Stockholm, Sweden) or GeneCore (EMBL
Genomics Core Facilities). Illumina data were supplemented with publically avail
able RNaseq and genome data (Supplementary Table 1) to generate a final data set
including 76 diverse metazoans and 2 choanoflagellate outgroup taxa.
Data set assembly. Both novel RNA-seq data and raw Illumina sequences taken
from the NCBI Sequence Read Archive were assembled using Trinity31. Assembled
data were translated using Transdecoder ( To deter-
mine orthologous genes, we used two methods: a more restrictive and standard
approach using HaMStR (Hidden Markov Model based Search for Orthologues
using Reciprocity)32, as well as an approach designed to generate a broader set of
genes for phylogenetic inference, using the software ProteinOrtho
. Protocols for
gene selection using HaMStR followed refs 34 and 35. Translated unigenes for all
taxa were searched against the model organisms core orthologue set of HaMStR
using the strict option and D. melanogaster as the reference taxon. Sequences
shorter than 50 amino acids were deleted, and orthologous groups sampled for
fewer than 30 taxa were excluded to reduce missing data. To trim mistranslated
ends, if one of the first or last 20 characters of sequences was an X, all charac-
ters between that X and the end of the sequence were removed. The orthologous
groups were then aligned using MAFFT36 and trimmed using Aliscore37 and Alicut
( At this
stage, sequences that were greater than 50% gaps and alignments shorter than 100
amino acids were discarded. To remove potentially paralogous genes, we gener-
ated single gene trees using FastTree38 and filtered these using PhyloTreePruner39.
For 78 taxa, this protocol retained 212 orthologous groups, 44,896 amino acids,
with 31% missing data. This protocol was repeated with the 56 taxa with highest
percentage of gene coverage, resulting in a data matrix of 336 genes, 81,451 amino
acids, and 11% missing data.
To generate the ProteinOrtho data set, Sterreria sp. was excluded owing to its
small library size. Translated assemblies were filtered to remove mistranslated ends
as described above, and only sequences longer than 50 amino acids were retained
for clustering in ProteinOrtho. In ProteinOrtho, we used the steps option, the
default E-value for BLAST, and minimum coverage of best BLAST alignments of
33%. Resulting clusters were filtered to include only putative orthologous groups
containing greater than 40 taxa, then aligned as above with MAFFT. For each align-
ment a consensus sequence was inferred using the EMBOSS program infoalign40.
Infoalign’s ‘change’ calculation computes the percentage of positions within each
sequence in each alignment that differ from the consensus. Sequences with a
‘change’ value larger than 75 were deleted, helping to exclude incorrectly aligned
sequences. orthologous groups were then realigned with MAFFT, trimmed with
Aliscore and Alicut, and processed as above. After filtering for paralogous groups
with PhyloTreePruner, 881 orthologous groups were retained.
Owing to the smaller size of the data set and amount of computational resources
required, taxon pruning and signal dissection analyses were performed solely on
the primary HaMStR gene set. For taxon exclusion experiments, individual ort-
hologous group alignments were realigned using MAFFT following the removal of
selected taxa. TreSpEx
was used to assess potential sources of misleading signal,
including standard deviation of branch-length heterogeneity (LB) and satura-
tion. Sites showing evidence of saturation and compositional heterogeneity were
removed using Block Mapping and Gathering with Entropy (BMGE)42, using the
‘fast’ test of compositional heterogeneity (-s FAST) and retaining gaps (-g 1).
Phylogenetic analysis. Maximum likelihood analyses of the complete 212 ort-
hologous group data matrix were performed using RAxML version 8.0.20-mpi43
under the best-fitting models for each gene partition determined by ProtTest
version 3.4 (ref. 44). The best fitting model for all but 3 of the 212 orthologous
groups was LG, so further maximum likelihood analyses were performed using
the PROTGAMMAILG option. Bootstrapped trees from the 212-gene data set
were used to calculate leaf stability indices of each operational taxonomic unit
using the Roguenarok server ( Bayesian analyses were
conducted using PhyloBayes-MPI
version 1.5a under the CAT + GTR + Γ model
or GTR + Γ with four independent chains per analysis. Analyses ran for >12,000
cycles, until convergence of at least two chains was reached as assessed by maxdiff.
Further Bayesian analyses were conducted in MrBayes version 3.2 (ref. 46). For
the MrBayes analyses, we back-translated the aligned amino-acid data to nucleo-
tides for first and second codon positions using the universal genetic code. Third
codon position data were ignored. When the back translation was ambiguous, we
preserved the ambiguity in the nucleotide data. For instance, serine is coded by
TC{A, C, G, T} or AG{T, C}, where {…} denotes alternative nucleotides for a single
codon site. Thus, for Serine the back translation is {A,T}{C, G}. This is the only
back translation that is ambiguous both for the first and for the second codon
positions. The back translation for arginine and leucine are also ambiguous but
only for the first codon position. All other back translations are unambiguous for
both the first and second codon sites. Thus, the back translation of first and sec-
ond codon sites results in negligible information loss compared with the original
nucleotide data.
We analysed the resulting nucleotide data in MrBayes 3.2.6-svn(r1037)
using a
model with two partitions: one for first codon positions and one for second codon
positions. For each partition we employed an independent substitution model, mod-
elling rate variation across sites using a discrete gamma distribution (four catego-
ries) with a proportion of invariable sites (‘lset rates = invgamma’), and nucleotide
substitutions with independent stationary state frequencies and a reversible-
jump approach to the partitioning of exchangeability rates (‘lset nst = mixed’).
We also uncoupled the partition rates (‘prset ratepr = variable’). All other set-
tings were left at their defaults. For each analysis, we used four independent runs
with four Metropolis-coupled chains each and ran them for 4,000,000 genera-
tions, sampling every 500 generations (‘mcmcp nrun = 4 nch = 4 ngen = 4000000
samplefreq = 500’). The analyses finished with an average standard deviation of
split frequencies of 0.033 or less, and a potential scale reduction factor of 1.003
or less. The MrBayes data files and run scripts are provided at the Dryad Digital
We additionally used ASTRAL
to calculate an optimal bootstrapped species
tree from individual RAxML gene trees decomposed into quartets.
31. Grabherr, M. al. Full-length transcriptome assembly from RNA-Seq data
without a reference genome. Nature Biotechnol. 29, 644–652 (2011).
32. Ebersberger, I., Strauss, S. & von Haeseler, A. HaMStR: prole hidden markov
model based search for orthologs in ESTs. BMC Evol. Biol. 9, 157 (2009).
33. Lechner, M. et al. Proteinortho: detection of (co-)orthologs in large-scale
analysis. BMC Bioinformatics 12, 124 (2011).
34. Kocot, K. M. et al. Phylogenomics reveals deep molluscan relationships. Nature
477, 452–456 (2011).
35. Cannon, J. T. et al. Phylogenomic resolution of the hemichordate and
echinoderm clade. Curr. Biol. 24, 2827–2832 (2014).
36. Katoh, K., Kuma, K., Toh, H. & Miyata, T. MAFFT version 5: improvement in
accuracy of multiple sequence alignment. Nucleic Acids Res. 33, 511–518
37. Misof, B. & Misof, K. A Monte Carlo approach successfully identies
randomness in multiple sequence alignments: a more objective means of data
exclusion. Syst. Biol. 58, 21–34 (2009).
38. Price, M. N., Dehal, P. S. & Arkin, A. P. FastTree 2—approximately maximum-
likelihood trees for large alignments. PLoS One 5, e9490 (2010).
39. Kocot, K. M., Citarella, M. R., Moroz, L. L. & Halanych, K. M. PhyloTreePruner:
a phylogenetic tree-based approach for selection of orthologous sequences for
phylogenomics. Evol. Bioinform. Online 9, 429–435 (2013).
40. Rice, P., Longden, I. & Bleasby, A. EMBOSS: the European Molecular Biology
Open Software Suite. Trends Genet. 16, 276–277 (2000).
41. Struck, T. H. TreSpEx-Detection of misleading signal in phylogenetic
reconstructions based on tree information. Evol. Bioinform. Online 10, 51–67
42. Criscuolo, A. & Gribaldo, S. BMGE (Block Mapping and Gathering with
Entropy): a new software for selection of phylogenetic informative regions from
multiple sequence alignments. BMC Evol. Biol. 10, 210 (2010).
43. Stamatakis, A. RAxML version 8: a tool for phylogenetic analysis and
post-analysis of large phylogenies. Bioinformatics 30, 1312–1313 (2014).
44. Darriba, D., Taboada, G. L., Doallo, R. & Posada, D. ProtTest 3: fast selection of
best-t models of protein evolution. Bioinformatics 27, 1164–1165 (2011).
45. Lartillot, N., Rodrigue, N., Stubbs, D. & Richer, J. PhyloBayes MPI: phylogenetic
reconstruction with innite mixtures of proles in a parallel environment.
Syst. Biol. 62, 611–615 (2013).
46. Ronquist, F. et al. MrBayes 3.2: ecient Bayesian phylogenetic inference and
model choice across a large model space. Syst. Biol. 61, 539–542 (2012).
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Letter reSeArCH
Adineta ricciae
Gallus gallus
Macrostomum lignano
Diopisthoporus longitubus
Hofstenia miamia
Homo sapiens
Dumetocrinus sp.
Childia submaculatum
Drosophila melanogaster
Sycon ciliatum
Adineta vaga
Convolutriloba macropyga
Branchiostoma floridae
Ptychodera bahamensis
Brachionus calyciflorus
Strigamia maritima
Stomolophus meleagris
Xenoturbella bocki
Saccoglossus mereschkowskii
Membranipora membranacea
Botryllus schlosseri
Daphnia pulex
Agalma elegans
Craspedacusta sowerby
Nemertoderma westbladi
Ciona intestinalis
Halicryptus spinulosus
Novocrania anomala
Crassostrea gigas
Amphimedon queenslandica
Isodiametra pulchra
Priapulus caudatus
Oscarella carmela
Phoronis psammophila
Lepidodermella squamata
Salpingoeca rosetta
Leptochiton rugatus
Monosiga brevicollis
Lottia gigantea
Lineus longissimus
Macrodasys sp.
Meara stichopi
Cliona varians
Helobdella robusta
Nematostella vectensis
Terebratalia transversa
Aphrocallistes vastus
Prostheceraeus vittatus
Trichoplax adhaerens
Hemithiris psittacea
Mnemiopsis leidyi
Capitella teleta
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
Ixodes scapularis
Schistosoma mansoni
Leucosolenia complicata
Extended Data Figure 1 | Maximum likelihood topology of metazoan
relationships inferred from 336 genes from the best-sampled 56 taxa.
Maximum likelihood tree is shown as inferred using the LG + I + Γ model
for each gene partition, and 100 bootstrap replicates. Filled blue circles
represent 100% bootstrap support. The length of the matrix is 81,451
amino acids and overall matrix completeness is 89%.
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Ixodes scapularis
Ciona intestinalis
Amphimedon queenslandica
Adineta vaga
Schizocardium c.f. braziliense
Cliona varians
Taenia pisiformes
Mnemiopsis leidyi
Lineus longissimus
Ascoparia sp.
Phoronis psammophila
Membranipora membranacea
Childia submaculatum
Salpingoeca rosetta
Hemithiris psittacea
Monosiga brevicollis
Adineta ricciae
Macrostomum lignano
Priapulus caudatus
Agalma elegans
Brachionus calyciflorus
Botryllus schlosseri
Terebratalia transversa
Megadasys sp.
Cephalothrix hongkongiensis
Diopisthoporus longitubus
Lepidodermella squamata
Halicryptus spinulosus
Leptosynapta clarki
Homo sapiens
Euplokamis dunlapae
Nemertoderma westbladi
Diopisthoporus gymnopharyngeus
Nematostella vectensis
Trichoplax adhaerens
Helobdella robusta
Macrodasys sp.
Schmidtea mediterranea
Barentsia gracilis
Drosophila melanogaster
Convolutriloba macropyga
Peripatopsis capensis
Ptychodera bahamensis
Petromyzon marinus
Saccoglossus mereschkowskii
Craspedacusta sowerby
Isodiametra pulchra
Pomatoceros lamarckii
Cephalodiscus gracilis
Strigamia maritima
Branchiostoma floridae
Schistosoma mansoni
Gallus gallus
Astrotomma agassizi
Daphnia pulex
Capitella teleta
Leptochiton rugatus
Acropora digitifera
Meara stichopi
Lottia gigantea
Novocrania anomala
Stomolophus meleagris
Leucosolenia complicata
Hofstenia miamia
Eunicella cavolinii
Pleurobrachia bachei
Crassostrea gigas
Dumetocrinus sp.
Prostheceraeus vittatus
Loxosoma pectinaricola
Xenoturbella bocki
Labidiaster annulatus
Aphrocallistes vastus
Sycon ciliatum
Eumecynostomum macrobursalium
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
Oscarella carmela
Extended Data Figure 2 | Maximum likelihood topology of metazoan
relationships inferred from 881 genes and 77 taxa. Maximum likelihood
tree is shown as inferred using the LG + I + Γ model for each gene
partition, and 100 bootstrap replicates. Filled blue circles represent 100%
bootstrap support. The length of the matrix is 337,954 amino acids and
overall matrix completeness is 62%.
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Letter reSeArCH
Priapulus caudatus
Trichoplax adhaerens
Euplokamis dunlapae
Sycon ciliatum
Leptochiton rugatus
Loxosoma pectinaricola
Saccoglossus mereschkowskii
Leptosynapta clarki
Ptychodera bahamensis
Adineta vaga
Cephalodiscus gracilis
Lepidodermella squamata
Mnemiopsis leidyi
Labidiaster annulatus
Leucosolenia complicata
Amphimedon queenslandica
Strigamia maritima
Megadasys sp.
Terebratalia transversa
Macrodasys sp.
Macrostomum lignano
Astrotomma agassizi
Membranipora membranacea
Gallus gallus
Branchiostoma floridae
Hemithiris psittacea
Halicryptus spinulosus
Taenia pisiformes
Daphnia pulex
Agalma elegans
Phoronis psammophila
Novocrania anomala
Botryllus schlosseri
Crassostrea gigas
Schmidtea mediterranea
Monosiga brevicollis
Barentsia gracilis
Stomolophus meleagris
Adineta ricciae
Schizocardium c.f. braziliense
Aphrocallistes vastus
Pleurobrachia bachei
Xenoturbella bocki
Peripatopsis capensis
Lottia gigantea
Cliona varians
Pomatoceros lamarckii
Cephalothrix hongkongiensis
Nematostella vectensis
Petromyzon marinus
Craspedacusta sowerby
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
Helobdella robusta
Ciona intestinalis
Oscarella carmela
Prostheceraeus vittatus
Dumetocrinus sp.
Schistosoma mansoni
Drosophila melanogaster
Capitella teleta
Ixodes scapularis
Brachionus calyciflorus
Acropora digitifera
Eunicella cavolinii
Salpingoeca rosetta
Lineus longissimus
Homo sapiens
Extended Data Figure 3 | Maximum likelihood topology of metazoan
relationships inferred from 212 genes with Acoelomorpha removed.
Maximum likelihood tree is shown as inferred using the LG + I + Γ model
for each gene partition, and 100 bootstrap replicates. Filled blue circles
represent 100% bootstrap support. The length of the matrix is 43,942
amino acids and overall matrix completeness is 70%.
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Childia submaculatum
Petromyzon marinus
Stomolophus meleagris
Prostheceraeus vittatus
Agalma elegans
Pomatoceros lamarckii
Drosophila melanogaster
Acropora digitifera
Strigamia maritima
Macrodasys sp.
Phoronis psammophila
Amphimedon queenslandica
Diopisthoporus gymnopharyngeus
Xenoturbella bocki
Loxosoma pectinaricola
Astrotomma agassizi
Mnemiopsis leidyi
Nemertoderma westbladi
Salpingoeca rosetta
Peripatopsis capensis
Adineta ricciae
Euplokamis dunlapae
Gallus gallus
Leptosynapta clarki
Isodiametra pulchra
Ixodes scapularis
Terebratalia transversa
Macrostomum lignano
Adineta vaga
Branchiostoma floridae
Hemithiris psittacea
Schmidtea mediterranea
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
Meara stichopi
Sterreria sp.
Priapulus caudatus
Lepidodermella squamata
Leucosolenia complicata
Labidiaster annulatus
Ascoparia sp.
Cephalothrix hongkongiensis
Ciona intestinalis
Trichoplax adhaerens
Oscarella carmela
Lineus longissimus
Diopisthoporus longitubus
Helobdella robusta
Novocrania anomala
Aphrocallistes vastus
Cliona varians
Leptochiton rugatus
Pleurobrachia bachei
Brachionus calyciflorus
Eumecynostomum macrobursalium
Schistosoma mansoni
Megadasys sp.
Dumetocrinus sp.
Saccoglossus mereschkowskii
Schizocardium c.f. braziliense
Hofstenia miamia
Capitella teleta
Halicryptus spinulosus
Monosiga brevicollis
Lottia gigantea
Eunicella cavolinii
Taenia pisiformes
Nematostella vectensis
Crassostrea gigas
Membranipora membranacea
Ptychodera bahamensis
Barentsia gracilis
Sycon ciliatum
Homo sapiens
Cephalodiscus gracilis
Daphnia pulex
Craspedacusta sowerby
Convolutriloba macropyga
Botryllus schlosseri
Extended Data Figure 4 | ASTRAL species tree, constructed from 212 input partial gene trees inferred in RAxML version 8.0.20. Nodal support
values reflect the frequency of splits in trees constructed by ASTRAL from 100 bootstrap replicate gene trees.
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Letter reSeArCH
Xenoturbella bocki
Diopisthoporus longitubus
Diopisthoporus gymnopharyngeus
Hofstenia miamia
Convolutriloba macropyga
Childia submaculatum
Eumecynostomum macrobursalium
Isodiametra pulchra
Meara stichopi
Sterreria sp.
Nemertoderma westbladi
Ascoparia sp.
Halicryptus spinulosus
Priapulus caudatus
Drosophila melanogaster
Daphnia pulex
Ixodes scapularis
Strigamia maritima
Peripatopsis capensis
Crassostrea gigas
Lottia gigantea
Leptochiton rugatus
Hemithiris psittacea
Terebratalia transversa
Novocrania anomala
Phoronis psammophila
Cephalotrix hongkonggiensis
Lineus longissimus
Capitella teleta
Pomatoceros lamarckii
Helobdella robusta
Taenia pisiformes
Schistosoma mansoni
Schmidtea mediterranea
Prostheceraeus vittatus
Macrostomum lignano
Lepidodermella squamata
Macrodasys sp.
Megadasys sp.
Brachionus calyciflorus
Adineta ricciae
Adineta vaga
Barentsia gracilis
Loxosoma pectinaricola
Membranipora membranacea
Labidiaster annulatus
Astrotomma agassizi
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
Leptosynapta clarki
Dumetocrinus sp.
Ptychodera bahamensis
Schizocardium c.f. braziliense
Saccoglossus merschkowskii
Cephalodiscus gracilis
Homo sapiens
Gallus gallus
Petromyzon marinus
Botryllus schlosseri
Ciona intestinalis
Branchiostoma floridae
Eunicella cavolinii
Acropora digitifera
Nematostella vectensis
Agalma elegans
Craspedacusta sowerby
Stomolophus meleagris
Trichoplax adhaerens
Sycon ciliatum
Leucosolenia complicata
Oscarella carmela
Amphimedon queenslandica
Cliona varians
Aphrocallistes vastus
Euplokamis dunlapae
Mnemiopsis leidyi
Pleurobrachia bachei
Salpingoeca rosetta
Monosiga brevicollis
Extended Data Figure 5 | Bayesian inference topology of metazoan
relationships inferred on the basis of 212 genes and 78 taxa. Results are
shown from MrBayes analyses of four independent Metropolis-coupled
chains run for 4,000,000 generations, with sampling every 500 generations.
Amino-acid data were back-translated to nucleotides and analysed under
an independent substitution model.
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Extended Data Table 1 | Summary of data sets analysed in this study and support for monophyly of major groups
Bootstrap support values given from RAxML analyses inferred with the LG + I + Γ model from 100 rapid bootstrap replicates. Bayesian posterior probabilities are listed from MrBayes analyses inferred
under an independent substitution model using a back-translated nucleotide data set derived from our amino-acid alignment, and PhyloBayes analyses under the CAT + GTR + Γ model.
Dataset description Number
of OGs
Number of
Xenacoelomorpha Nephrozoa Bilateria
HaMStR all taxa 212 78 44896 31 100/100/100 99/100/100 100/100/100
HaMStR best coverage taxa 336 56 81451 11 100 100 100
ProteinOrtho 881 77 337954 38 100 100 100
Remove Acoelomorpha 212 67 43942 30 N/A 81 100
Remove Xenoturbella 212 77 43510 31 (Acoelomorpha 100) 70 100
Remove Acoela 212 71 43451 31 100/100 100/1.0 100/100
Remove Nemertodermatida 212 74 45054 30 100 100 100
Remove Ctenophora 212 75 47011 30 100 100 100
Remove Cnidaria 212 72 44990 31 100 100 100
Remove Porifera 212 72 43829 31 100 100 100
Remove Placozoa 212 77 43940 31 100 100 100
Porifera only non-bilaterian
212 68 47115 30 100 100 100
Remove non-metazoans 212 76 43764 31 100 100 100
Reduce deuterostomes 210 74 46101 29 100 100 100
Taxa >80% gene occupancy
212 52 43868 16 100 99 100
Taxa >90% gene occupancy
212 40 42840 11 100 99 100
Remove taxa with LB score
212 59 43247 30 100 98 100
Remove taxa with LB score
212 73 44260 30 100 100 100
Genes with best LB scores 106 78 22295 30 100 71 100
Genes with poor LB scores 106 78 22601 32 100 99 100
Genes with lowest
106 78 23414 29 100 95 100
Genes with highest
106 78 21482 34 100 100 100
Only non-ribosomal protein
207 78 44715 32 100 100 100
Ribosomal protein genes,
LG all partitions
53 78 9010 19 non-monophyletic non-monophyletic 88
BMGE trimming Merged 78 33323 34 100 100 100
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... The sperm of one species of Solenogastres, Epimenia australis (Thiele, 1897), has been described in detail and exhibits a suite of characters shared with introsperm of several other animal groups, including the basal bilaterian taxon Nemertodermatida (Xenacoelomorpha) (Buckland-Nicks 1995;Buckland-Nicks and Scheltema 1995;Buckland-Nicks et al. 2019). These remarkably similar characters are considered by most to be homoplasies (Bieler et al. 2014), as they predict a different ancestry than that indicated by molecular analyses (Cannon et al. 2016;Meyer-Wachsmuth and Jondelius 2016;Ruiz-Trillo and Paps 2016;Kocot et al. 2019;Mulhair et al. 2022;Yap-Chiongco et al. 2024). However, recent analyses have found that long branch attraction and other artifacts have created some false associations, leading to different interpretations of the Tree of Life, including the relationship between Xenacoelomorpha, Protostomia and Deuterostomia (Abalde et al. 2023;Paps et al. 2023;Steenwyk et al. 2023;Redmond 2024). ...
... Wallberg et al. (2007) stated (based on their detailed study of 18S and 28S RNA sequences): "Acoela and Nemertodermatida are separate bilaterian clades" and they dismissed the Acoelomorpha. However, the Phylum Xenacoelomorpha, which connects Xenoturbellida with Acoelomorpha, has been widely accepted as an important link to our bilaterian ancestry and is supported by numerous molecular analyses (Bourlat et al. 2003(Bourlat et al. , 2006Achatz et al. 2013;Cannon et al. 2016;Rouse et al. 2016;Hejnol and Pang 2016;Philippe et al. 2019;Kapli and Telford 2020;Mulhair et al. 2022;Schiffer et al. 2022;Paps et al. 2023), to name a few. Several scientists have recently found that Long Branch Attraction, as well as Compositional Bias and other phenomena have been corrupting the accuracy of molecular analyses (Mulhair et al. 2022;Steenwyk et al. 2023;Redmond 2024). ...
... Furthermore, Abalde et al. (2023) have shown that "Xenacoela" and Nemertodermatida are united by the lack of the Osr gene, which appears to have enabled the production of discrete excretory organs like nephridia and nephrons, present in both Protostomia and Deuterostomia but not in Xenacoelomorpha. This suggests that Xenacoelomorpha is ancestral to both Deuterostomia and Protostomia and once again lends credence to a sister relationship between Xenacoelomorpha and the rest of Bilateria (Nephrozoa hypothesis), which is supported by some recent morphological and phylogenomic analyses (Cannon et al. 2016;reviews by Jondelius et al. 2019 andPaps et al. 2023;Abalde et al. 2023) while others have dismissed the Nephrozoa hypothesis in favour of Xenacoelomorpha within Deuterostomia (Bourlat et al. 2003(Bourlat et al. , 2006Telford 2008;Philippe et al. 2011;Nakano 2015;Mulhair et al. 2022;Schiffer et al. 2022;Redmond 2024). It is true that the sperm of Xenoturbella closely resembles that of the hemichordate Schizocardium (Franzén 2001) but sperm structure also suggests that both Acoela and Nemertodermatida are ancestral to Xenoturbellida. ...
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Sperm structure among species in each class of Aplacophora is highly conserved but between the two classes, is radically different. This together with numerous morphological differences between the two groups, suggests a long evolutionary separation. In the past a paraphyletic relationship was proposed but is not supported by current molecular analyses. All Caudofoveata examined have unique externally-fertilizing ect-aquasperm found nowhere else in the Animal Kingdom. The nucleus is capped by the apical horn which projects into a hollow apical dense tube that terminates in a simple acrosome vesicle. Exposure to egg water causes the apical dense tube to elongate by 1.5 × its length, suggesting an unusual mechanism of egg penetration. Solenogastres fertilize internally with introsperm like those described for Epimenia australis but differ in details of length and number of specific components, providing insights to relationships among them. Furthermore, the solenogaster introsperm shares at least nine characters with introsperm of the bilaterian lineage Nemertodermatida, but shares none of these characters with the sperm of Caudofoveata, Polyplacophora (chitons), or Xenoturbellida and few with Acoela, which are considered sister to Xenoturbellida. A recent re-analysis of molecular data points to the artificial nature of the Acoelomorpha (Acoela + Nemertodermatida), as a product of long-branch attraction. Shared sperm characters of Solenogastres and Nemertodermatida rather than being homoplasies may instead provide an important evolutionary link between early Bilateria and Protostomia, placing Solenogastres near the base of the tree of extant Mollusca.
... Although morphological similarity has long been noted between Xenoturbella and Acoelomorpha [13][14][15][16], their confident joining within Xenacoelomorpha is a relatively recent phylogenomic discovery [3,[17][18][19]. While the original assignment of these lineages as 'turbellarian' flatworms has been rejected alongside any close relationship to Platyhelminthes [3,4,11,15,17,18,[20][21][22][23][24], consensus on the placement of Xenacoelomorpha within Bilateria has not been reached. ...
... Although morphological similarity has long been noted between Xenoturbella and Acoelomorpha [13][14][15][16], their confident joining within Xenacoelomorpha is a relatively recent phylogenomic discovery [3,[17][18][19]. While the original assignment of these lineages as 'turbellarian' flatworms has been rejected alongside any close relationship to Platyhelminthes [3,4,11,15,17,18,[20][21][22][23][24], consensus on the placement of Xenacoelomorpha within Bilateria has not been reached. Some studies favour Xenacoelomorpha as the sister group to all other bilaterians ('Nephrozoa') [17,18,25,26], which could potentially indicate that their apparently simple morphology may represent the early bilaterian state (figure 1a), while others argue that Xenacoelomorpha is the sister group to Ambulacraria ('Xenambulacraria') [3,[28][29][30], which could be more consistent with their simplicity being degenerate (figure 1a). ...
... While the original assignment of these lineages as 'turbellarian' flatworms has been rejected alongside any close relationship to Platyhelminthes [3,4,11,15,17,18,[20][21][22][23][24], consensus on the placement of Xenacoelomorpha within Bilateria has not been reached. Some studies favour Xenacoelomorpha as the sister group to all other bilaterians ('Nephrozoa') [17,18,25,26], which could potentially indicate that their apparently simple morphology may represent the early bilaterian state (figure 1a), while others argue that Xenacoelomorpha is the sister group to Ambulacraria ('Xenambulacraria') [3,[28][29][30], which could be more consistent with their simplicity being degenerate (figure 1a). Proponents of Xenambulacraria implicate Nephrozoa to be a systematic error induced by the fast-evolving and long-branching Acoelomorpha [3,[28][29][30][31][32]. ...
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Acoelomorpha is a broadly accepted clade of bilaterian animals made up of the fast-evolving, morphologically simple, mainly marine flatworm lineages Acoela and Nemertodermatida. Phylogenomic studies support Acoelomorpha’s close relationship with the slowly evolving and similarly simplistic Xenoturbella, together forming the phylum Xenacoelomorpha. The phylogenetic placement of Xenacoelomorpha amongst bilaterians is controversial, with some studies supporting Xenacoelomorpha as the sister group to all other bilaterians, implying that their simplicity may be representative of early bilaterians. Others propose that this placement is an error resulting from the fast-evolving Acoelomorpha, and instead suggest that they are the degenerate sister group to Ambulacraria. Perhaps as a result of this debate, internal xenacoelomorph relationships have been somewhat overlooked at a phylogenomic scale. Here, I employ a highly targeted approach to detect and overcome possible phylogenomic error in the relationship between Xenoturbella and the fast-evolving acoelomorph flatworms. The results indicate that the subphylum Acoelomorpha is a long-branch attraction artefact obscuring a previously undiscovered clade comprising Xenoturbella and Acoela, which I name Xenacoela. The findings also suggest that Xenacoelomorpha is not the sister group to all other bilaterians. This study provides a template for future efforts aimed at discovering and correcting unrecognized long-branch attraction artefacts throughout the tree of life.
... Xenacoelomorpha, a group without a through-gut, plays a pivotal role in this discussion. Phylogenomic analyses suggest Xenacoelomorpha may be sister to Nephrozoa, implying their simple body plans might reflect either ancestral traits or secondary simplification [5][6][7][8] . Clarifying their phylogenetic position is essential for understanding the evolution of the through-gut and other bilaterian features in future. ...
... Xenacoelomorphs is characterized primarily by an amphistomic blind gut, rather than a definitive through-gut 8,45,46 . As such, it is conceivable that their regulatory mechanisms for the digestive system fundamentally differ from those of protostomes and deuterostomes (Fig. 7). ...
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The development of a continuous digestive tract, or through-gut, represents a key milestone in bilaterian evolution. However, the regulatory mechanisms in ancient bilaterians (urbilaterians) are not well understood. Our study, using larval sea urchins as a model, reveals a sophisticated system that prevents the simultaneous opening of the pylorus and anus, entry and exit points of the gut. This regulation is influenced by external light, with blue light affecting the pylorus via serotonergic neurons and both blue and longer wavelengths controlling the anus through cholinergic and dopaminergic neurons. These findings provide new insights into the neural orchestration of sphincter control in a simplified through-gut, which includes the esophagus, stomach, and intestine. Here, we propose that the emergence of the earliest urbilaterian through-gut was accompanied by the evolution of neural systems regulating sphincters in response to light, shedding light on the functional regulation of primordial digestive systems.
... В ходе изучения паразитофауны прибрежного краба в созревающей икре под абдоменом были впервые в Приморском крабе диагностированы комменсалы, относящиеся не к эпибионтам, а к свободноживущим видам: планария Mirostylohus striatus [11] и червеобразное животное, предположительно принадлежащее к типу Xenaсoelomorpha и классу Nemertodermatida [12] (рис. 5). ...
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The parasitofauna of Hemigrapsus sanguineus crabs in three bays of Peter the Great Bay has been studied. During the study, the following parasites were diagnosed: Heliconema anguillae, Polyascus polygenea and Cercaria fluviocinguli II, crab infestation indices adopted in parasitology by statistical methods were calculated. Commensals have been found: planaria Mirostylohus striatus and Xenacoelomorpha, presumably of the Nemertodermatida class. Indicators of species diversity and dominance were calculated for parasites and commensals.
... Acoelomorph transcriptomes have hitherto been used in genome-wide phylogenomics to infer the position of this clade among bilaterians but with limited taxon sampling within the group (Cannon et al. 2016;Philippe et al. 2019) . These analyses are generally congruent with our results, but they lacked several important taxa (e.g. ...
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Xenacoelomorpha are mostly microscopic, morphologically simple worms, lacking many structures typical of other bilaterians. Xenacoelomorphs –which include three main groups: Acoela, Nemertodermatida, and Xenoturbella– have been proposed to be an early diverging Bilateria, sister to protostomes and deuterostomes, but other phylogenomic analyses have recovered this clade nested within the deuterostomes, as sister to Ambulacraria. The position of Xenacoelomorpha within the metazoan tree has understandably attracted a lot of attention, overshadowing the study of phylogenetic relationships within this group. Given that Xenoturbella includes only six species whose relationships are well understood, we decided to focus on the most speciose Acoelomorpha (Acoela + Nemertodermatida). Here, we have sequenced 29 transcriptomes, doubling the number of sequenced species, to infer a backbone tree for Acoelomorpha based on genomic data. The recovered topology is mostly congruent with previous studies. The most important difference is the recovery of Paratomella as the first off-shoot within Acoela, dramatically changing the reconstruction of the ancestral acoel. Besides, we have detected incongruence between the gene trees and the species tree, likely linked to incomplete lineage sorting, and some signal of introgression between the families Dakuidae and Mecynostomidae, which hampers inferring the correct placement of this family and, particularly, of the genus Notocelis. We have also used this dataset to infer for the first time diversification times within Acoelomorpha, which coincide with known bilaterian diversification and extinction events. Given the importance of morphological data in acoelomorph phylogenetics, we tested several partitions and models. Although morphological data failed to recover a robust phylogeny, phylogenetic placement has proven to be a suitable alternative when a reference phylogeny is available.
... We used the taxonomy of invertebrates by Telford et al. (2015) for phyla, and the one in the NCBI Taxonomy database for subclassification. The evolutionary position of Xenacoelomorpha is controversial (Cannon et al., 2016;Philippe et al., 2019); we tentatively categorized it as a diverged deuterostome. ...
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The cell cycle is driven by cyclin‐dependent kinases (Cdks). The decision whether the cell cycle proceeds is made during G1 phase, when Cdk4/6 functions. Cyclin‐dependent kinase inhibitor 2 (Cdkn2) is a specific inhibitor of Cdk4/6, and their interaction depends on D84 in Cdkn2 and R24/31 in Cdk4/6. This knowledge is based mainly on studies in mammalian cells. Here, we comprehensively analyzed Cdk4/6 and Cdkn2 in invertebrates and found that Cdk4/6 was present in most of the investigated phyla, but the distribution of Cdkn2 was rather uneven among and within the phyla. The positive charge of R24/R31 in Cdk4/6 was conserved in all analyzed species in phyla with Cdkn2. The presence of Cdkn2 and the conservation of the positive charge were statistically correlated. We also found that Cdkn2 has been tightly linked to Fas associated factor 1 ( Faf1 ) during evolution. We discuss potential interactions between Cdkn2 and Cdk4/6 in evolution and the possible cause of the strong conservation of the microsynteny.
... Asterisks indicate Wnt genes with uncertain orthology. The tree topology is based on [105,106]. B Schematic drawings illustrating the expression of Wnt signaling components at the late gastrula stage of different metazoan species. The receptor (lighter shades of gray) and antagonist (darker shades of gray) subregions are superimposed on the embryo (left). ...
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Background Wnt signaling pathways play crucial roles in animal development. They establish embryonic axes, specify cell fates, and regulate tissue morphogenesis from the early embryo to organogenesis. It is becoming increasingly recognized that these distinct developmental outcomes depend upon dynamic interactions between multiple ligands, receptors, antagonists, and other pathway modulators, consolidating the view that a combinatorial “code” controls the output of Wnt signaling. However, due to the lack of comprehensive analyses of Wnt components in several animal groups, it remains unclear if specific combinations always give rise to specific outcomes, and if these combinatorial patterns are conserved throughout evolution. Results In this work, we investigate the combinatorial expression of Wnt signaling components during the axial patterning of the brachiopod Terebratalia transversa. We find that T. transversa has a conserved repertoire of ligands, receptors, and antagonists. These genes are expressed throughout embryogenesis but undergo significant upregulation during axial elongation. At this stage, Frizzled domains occupy broad regions across the body while Wnt domains are narrower and distributed in partially overlapping patches; antagonists are mostly restricted to the anterior end. Based on their combinatorial expression, we identify a series of unique transcriptional subregions along the anteroposterior axis that coincide with the different morphological subdivisions of the brachiopod larval body. When comparing these data across the animal phylogeny, we find that the expression of Frizzled genes is relatively conserved, whereas the expression of Wnt genes is more variable. Conclusions Our results suggest that the differential activation of Wnt signaling pathways may play a role in regionalizing the anteroposterior axis of brachiopod larvae. More generally, our analyses suggest that changes in the receptor context of Wnt ligands may act as a mechanism for the evolution and diversification of the metazoan body axis.
The timescale of animal diversification has been a focus of debate over how evolutionary history should be calibrated to geologic time. Molecular clock analyses have invariably estimated a Cryogenian or Tonian origin of animals while unequivocal animal fossils first occur in the Ediacaran. However, redating of key Ediacaran biotas and the discovery of several Ediacaran crown-Metazoa prompt recalibration of molecular clock analyses. We present revised fossil calibrations and use them in molecular clock analyses estimating the timescale of metazoan evolutionary history. Integrating across uncertainties including phylogenetic relationships, clock model, and calibration strategy, we estimate Metazoa to have originated in the early Ediacaran, Eumetazoa in the middle Ediacaran, and Bilateria in the upper Ediacaran, with many crown-phyla originating across the Ediacaran-Cambrian interval or elsewise fully within the Cambrian. These results are in much closer accord with the fossil record, coinciding with marine oxygenation, but they reject a literal reading of the fossil record.
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As phylogenomic datasets have grown in size, researchers have developed new ways to measure biological variation and to assess statistical support for specific branches. Larger datasets have more sites and loci, and therefore less sampling variance. While we can more accurately measure the mean signal in these datasets, lower sampling variance is often reflected in uniformly high measures of branch support—such as the bootstrap and posterior probability—limiting their utility. Larger datasets have also revealed substantial biological variation in the topologies found across individual loci, such that the single species tree inferred by most phylogenetic methods represents a limited summary of the data for many purposes. In contrast to measures of statistical support, the degree of underlying topological variation among loci should be approximately constant regardless of the size of the dataset. “Concordance factors” and similar statistics have therefore become increasingly important tools in phylogenetics. In this review, we explain why concordance factors should be thought of as descriptors of topological variation rather than as measures of statistical support, and argue that they provide important information about the predictive power of the species tree not contained in measures of support. We review a growing suite of statistics for measuring concordance, compare them in a common framework that reveals their interrelationships, and demonstrate how to calculate them using an example from birds. We also discuss how measures of topological variation might change in the future as we move beyond estimating a single “tree of life” towards estimating the myriad evolutionary histories underlying genomic variation.
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The discovery of four new Xenoturbella species from deep waters of the eastern Pacific Ocean is reported here. The genus and two nominal species were described from the west coast of Sweden1,2, but their taxonomic placement remains unstable3,4. Limited evidence placed Xenoturbella with molluscs5,6, but the tissues can be contaminated with prey7,8. They were then considered deuterostomes9–13. Further taxon sampling and analysis have grouped Xenoturbella with acoelomorphs (=Xenacoelomorpha) as sister to all other Bilateria (=Nephrozoa)14,15, or placed Xenacoelomorpha inside Deuterostomia with Ambulacraria (Hemichordata + Echinodermata)16. Here we describe four new species of Xenoturbella and reassess those hypotheses. A large species (>20 cm long) was found at cold-water hydrocarbon seeps at 2,890 m depth in Monterey Canyon and at 1,722 m in the Gulf of California (Mexico). A second large species (~10 cm long) also occurred at 1,722 m in the Gulf of California. The third large species (~15 cm long) was found at ~3,700 m depth near a newly discovered carbonate-hosted hydrothermal vent in the Gulf of California. Finally, a small species (~2.5 cm long), found near a whale carcass at 631 m depth in Monterey Submarine Canyon (California), resembles the two nominal species from Sweden. Analysis of whole mitochondrial genomes places the three larger species as a sister clade to the smaller Atlantic and Pacific species. Phylogenomic analyses of transcriptomic sequences support placement of Xenacoelomorpha as sister to Nephrozoa or Protostomia.
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Despite rapid advances in the study of metazoan evolutionary history [1], phylogenomic analyses have so far neglected a number of microscopic lineages that possess a unique combination of characters and are thus informative for our understanding of morphological evolution. Chief among these lineages are the recently described animal groups Micrognathozoa and Loricifera, as well as the two interstitial "Problematica" Diurodrilus and Lobatocerebrum [2]. These genera show a certain resemblance to Annelida in their cuticle and gut [3, 4]; however, both lack primary annelid characters such as segmentation and chaetae [5]. Moreover, they show unique features such as an inverted body-wall musculature or a novel pharyngeal organ. This and their ciliated epidermis have led some to propose relationships with other microscopic spiralians, namely Platyhelminthes, Gastrotricha, and in the case of Diurodrilus, with Micrognathozoa [6, 7]-lineages that are grouped by some analyses into "Platyzoa," a clade whose status remains uncertain [1, 8-11]. Here, we assess the interrelationships among the meiofaunal and macrofaunal members of Spiralia using 402 orthologs mined from genome and transcriptome assemblies of 90 taxa. Lobatocerebrum and Diurodrilus are found to be deeply nested members of Annelida, and unequivocal support is found for Micrognathozoa as the sister group of Rotifera. Analyses using site-heterogeneous substitution models further recover a lophophorate clade and position Loricifera + Priapulida as sister group to the remaining Ecdysozoa. Finally, with several meiofaunal lineages branching off early in the diversification of Spiralia, the emerging concept of a microscopic, acoelomate, direct-developing ancestor of Spiralia is reviewed. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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In recent years, scientists have made remarkable progress reconstructing the animal phylogeny. There is broad agreement regarding many deep animal relationships, including the monophyly of animals, Bilateria, Protostomia, Ecdysozoa, and Spiralia. This stability now allows researchers to articulate the diminishing number of remaining questions in terms of well-defined alternative hypotheses. These remaining questions include relationships at the base of the animal tree, the position of Xenacoelomorpha, and the internal relationships of Spiralia. Recent progress in the field of animal phylogeny has important implications for our understanding of the evolution of development, morphology, genomes, and other characters. A remarkable pattern emerges—there is far more homoplasy for all these characters than had previously been anticipated, even among many complex characters such as segmentation and nervous systems. The fossil record dates most deep branches of the animal tree to an evolutionary radiation in the early Cambrian with roots in the Late Neoproterozoic.
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Motivation: Species trees provide insight into basic biology, including the mechanisms of evolution and how it modifies biomolecular function and structure, biodiversity and co-evolution between genes and species. Yet, gene trees often differ from species trees, creating challenges to species tree estimation. One of the most frequent causes for conflicting topologies between gene trees and species trees is incomplete lineage sorting (ILS), which is modelled by the multi-species coalescent. While many methods have been developed to estimate species trees from multiple genes, some which have statistical guarantees under the multi-species coalescent model, existing methods are too computationally intensive for use with genome-scale analyses or have been shown to have poor accuracy under some realistic conditions. Results: We present ASTRAL, a fast method for estimating species trees from multiple genes. ASTRAL is statistically consistent, can run on datasets with thousands of genes and has outstanding accuracy—improving on MP-EST and the population tree from BUCKy, two statistically consistent leading coalescent-based methods. ASTRAL is often more accurate than concatenation using maximum likelihood, except when ILS levels are low or there are too few gene trees. Availability and implementation: ASTRAL is available in open source form at Datasets studied in this article are available at Contact: Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
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Significance As progress toward a highly resolved tree of life continues, evolutionary relationships that defy resolution continue to be identified. Recently, the presence/absence of microRNA families has emerged as a potentially ideal source of information to resolve these difficult phylogenetic problems, and these data have been used to address several long-standing problems in the metazoan phylogeny. To our knowledge, this study performs the first rigorous statistical assessment of the phylogenetic utility of microRNAs and finds that a high incidence of homoplasy and sampling error renders published phylogenies based on microRNA data highly biased or uncertain. This study casts serious doubt on the central phylogenetic conclusions of several previous analyses of microRNA datasets.
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Whole-body regeneration is widespread in the Metazoa, yet little is known about how underlying molecular mechanisms compare across phyla. Acoels are an enigmatic phylum of invertebrate worms that can be highly informative about many questions in bilaterian evolution, including regeneration. We developed the three-banded panther worm, Hofstenia miamia, as a new acoelomorph model system for molecular studies of regeneration. Hofstenia were readily cultured, with accessible embryos, juveniles, and adults for experimentation. We developed molecular resources and tools for Hofstenia, including a transcriptome and robust systemic RNAi. We report the identification of molecular mechanisms that promote whole-body regeneration in Hofstenia. Wnt signaling controls regeneration of the anterior-posterior axis, and Bmp-Admp signaling controls regeneration of the dorsal-ventral axis. Perturbation of these pathways resulted in regeneration-abnormal phenotypes involving axial feature duplication, such as the regeneration of two heads following Wnt perturbation or the regeneration of ventral cells in place of dorsal ones following bmp or admp RNAi. Hofstenia regenerative mechanisms are strikingly similar to those guiding regeneration in planarians. However, phylogenetic analyses using the Hofstenia transcriptome support an early branching position for acoels among bilaterians, with the last common ancestor of acoels and planarians being the ancestor of the Bilateria. Therefore, these findings identify similar whole-body regeneration mechanisms in animals separated by more than 550 million years of evolution.
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Phylogenies of species or genes are commonplace nowadays in many areas of comparative biological studies. However, for phylogenetic reconstructions one must refer to artificial signals such as paralogy, long-branch attraction, saturation, or conflict between different datasets. These signals might eventually mislead the reconstruction even in phylogenomic studies employing hundreds of genes. Unfortunately, there has been no program allowing the detection of such effects in combination with an implementation into automatic process pipelines. TreSpEx (Tree Space Explorer) now combines different approaches (including statistical tests), which utilize tree-based information like nodal support or patristic distances (PDs) to identify misleading signals. The program enables the parallel analysis of hundreds of trees and/or predefined gene partitions, and being command-line driven, it can be integrated into automatic process pipelines. TreSpEx is implemented in Perl and supported on Linux, Mac OS X, and MS Windows. Source code, binaries, and additional material are freely available at
Significance Traditional interpretation of animal phylogeny suggests traits, such as mesoderm, muscles, and neurons, evolved only once given the assumed placement of sponges as sister to all other animals. In contrast, placement of ctenophores as the first branching animal lineage raises the possibility of multiple origins of many complex traits considered important for animal diversification and success. We consider sources of potential error and increase taxon sampling to find a single, statistically robust placement of ctenophores as our most distant animal relatives, contrary to the traditional understanding of animal phylogeny. Furthermore, ribosomal protein genes are identified as creating conflict in signal that caused some past studies to recover a sister relationship between ctenophores and cnidarians.
Ambulacraria, comprising Hemichordata and Echinodermata [1], is closely related to Chordata, making it integral to understanding chordate origins and polarizing chordate molecular and morphological characters [2-4]. Unfortunately, relationships within Hemichordata and Echinodermata have remained unresolved [1, 5-10], compromising our ability to extrapolate findings from the most closely related molecular and developmental models outside of Chordata (e.g., the acorn worms Saccoglossus kowalevskii and Ptychodera flava and the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus). To resolve long-standing phylogenetic issues within Ambulacraria, we sequenced transcriptomes for 14 hemichordates as well as 8 echinoderms and complemented these with existing data for a total of 33 ambulacrarian operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Examination of leaf stability values revealed rhabdopleurid pterobranchs and the enteropneust Stereobalanus canadensis were unstable in placement; therefore, analyses were also run without these taxa. Analyses of 185 genes resulted in reciprocal monophyly of Enteropneusta and Pterobranchia, placed the deep-sea family Torquaratoridae within Ptychoderidae, and confirmed the position of ophiuroid brittle stars as sister to asteroid sea stars (the Asterozoa hypothesis). These results are consistent with earlier perspectives concerning plesiomorphies of Ambulacraria, including pharyngeal gill slits, a single axocoel, and paired hydrocoels and somatocoels [1, 4, 11]. The resolved ambulacrarian phylogeny will help clarify the early evolution of chordate characteristics and has implications for our understanding of major fossil groups, including graptolites and somasteroideans. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.