
The Maturational Process and the Facilitating Environment

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... care. Even though theology has traditionally used the image of God as Father, psychoanalytically inspired pastoral care has viewed pastors in the role of the good-enough mother (Winnicott, 1965). The pastor's active listening images the basic capability in the goodenough mother, who provides "a holding environment" (Winnicott, 1965). ...
... Even though theology has traditionally used the image of God as Father, psychoanalytically inspired pastoral care has viewed pastors in the role of the good-enough mother (Winnicott, 1965). The pastor's active listening images the basic capability in the goodenough mother, who provides "a holding environment" (Winnicott, 1965). This means that the carer offers a secure environment in the relation to the child and its development. ...
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Climate change evokes many kinds of feelings, including anxiety, inadequacy, guilt, shame, and despair. Scholars have found that hidden desires for reparation may be found in the midst of these eco-emotions. In pastoral care conversations with students, climate change adds extra pressure to the students’ underlying stress. The chaplains, who often represent “parental qualities” to the students, are challenged to navigate complex and powerful dynamics within pastoral conversations, where the sporadically expressed climate change stressors are entangled in other kinds of challenges in student life. These are experienced through a multiplicity of feelings, relations, values, cultures, views of life, and religious beliefs. Such complexities call for a pastoral care that encounters climate matters, requiring that chaplains be capable of moving between theology and psychology while differentiating between self and other, to process healthy and resilient meaning-making. Based on an ethnographic-theological study of chaplains’ pastoral care with students, this article argues that relief and strength may lie within an often implicit “theology of love” taken as the heart of the pastoral care practice. Using Sallie McFague’s theology on “God as Mother” and Melanie Klein’s psychology on the “love” and “reparation” of the “mother,” this article presents a practice-oriented model that may open up deeper understandings of the stress-relieving function of pastoral care in the era of climate change.
... Object relations (Winnicott, 1960(Winnicott, , 1963 8 1 ...
... Theoretical influences from psychodynamics were seen as well, including Winnicott's (1971) holding (12%, n = 2). Meanwhile, Jung's (1953) analytical psychology, Winnicott's (1960Winnicott's ( , 1963 object relations, and Berne's (1958) transactional analysis were each mentioned in one study (6%, n = 1). Behavioral psychology was an influence as well, with several studies drawing on Skinner's (1948) operant conditioning (24%, n = 4). ...
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Objective This configurative systematic review analyzed family-centered creative arts therapies for children with autism to understand why and how they are done. Background Creative arts therapies and family-centered practice are both beneficial for children with autism. Research combining both approaches—that is, family-centered creative arts therapies—is emerging, and reported findings are promising. A deeper understanding of the theoretical influences and mechanisms of these therapies may generate new ways of thinking and working with families with children with autism. Methods Following registration with PROSPERO and in accordance with PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines, a literature search was performed, resulting in 17 studies. Thematic analysis considered the studies in terms of theoretical influences, creative arts therapy components, and family-centered components. Results The development-in-context perspective was a key theoretical influence. In addition to music and singing, body movement/physical activity was a prominent component of creative arts therapies. Verbal support as well as modeling behaviors and strategies to parents were salient family-centered components. Conclusion This systematic review reveals common principles, practices, and gaps in the existing literature and their relevance for families with children with autism. Implications These findings bear implications for families, therapists, Certified Family Life Educators, and other professionals working with families with children with autism.
... Acredito que em nosso cenário tivemos menos influência da técnica de Anna Freud na prática de psicanálise com crianças, embora tenha nos trazido valiosas contribuições, como a teoria dos mecanismos de defesa do ego. Winnicott (1962Winnicott ( /1990b) foi um discípulo de Klein, mas a partir de 1944 foi expelido do grupo kleiniano e manteve uma posição independente. Segundo Abram e Hinshelwood (2018), o trabalho dele centrou-se na experiência subjetiva do ambiente e em sua influência no desenvolvimento da mente e do sentido do self. ...
... Acredito que em nosso cenário tivemos menos influência da técnica de Anna Freud na prática de psicanálise com crianças, embora tenha nos trazido valiosas contribuições, como a teoria dos mecanismos de defesa do ego. Winnicott (1962Winnicott ( /1990b) foi um discípulo de Klein, mas a partir de 1944 foi expelido do grupo kleiniano e manteve uma posição independente. Segundo Abram e Hinshelwood (2018), o trabalho dele centrou-se na experiência subjetiva do ambiente e em sua influência no desenvolvimento da mente e do sentido do self. ...
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A psicanálise com crianças, como pensada e praticada hoje em dia, se desenvolveu a partir de muitas contribuições desde os primeiros artigos de pioneiras como Melanie Klein e Anna Freud. Nesse percurso, a autora escolhe escrever sobre o trabalho psicanalítico com os pais, tanto por sua relevância para os que trabalham com crianças quanto por entender que houve mudanças significativas nessa área. Apresenta um recorte da literatura, desde autores basilares até contribuições mais recentes, juntamente com dois relatos clínicos, com o objetivo de discutir e tecer considerações sobre o tema.
... Acolher emocionalmente as pessoas envolveu oferecer um lugar onde elas pudessem sentir-se seguras para compartilhar, se assim quisessem, qualquer aspecto relacionado, seja, suas perdas e incertezas. Segundo Winnicott (1965), em momentos de grande vulnerabilidade, como os vividos após um desastre, a presença de um "ambiente suficientemente bom" é essencial para que o indivíduo recupere a sensação de segurança. ...
Este relato de experiência descreve uma intervenção psicológica realizada no Parque Farroupilha (Parque Redenção), na cidade de Porto Alegre, RS, em resposta às enchentes que assolaram o estado do Rio Grande do Sul em 2024. A ação, conduzida por onze estudantes e professora do curso de Psicologia como parte de um projeto de extensão, teve como foco o acolhimento emocional e psicoeducação das pessoas impactadas pelo desastre. A partir de recursos técnicos como a escuta ativa, suporte psicossocial e a distribuição de uma cartilha informativa sobre saúde mental e locais de apoio psicológico, buscou-se acolher e sensibilizar a população sobre a importância do cuidado com a saúde emocional em situações de crise. Foram distribuídas cem unidades da cartilha informativa, alcançando um número significativo de pessoas diretamente impactadas pela iniciativa. A partir dos feedbacks recebidos in loco, foi possível avaliar que a atividade teve respostas favoráveis e demonstrou a importância deste projeto como rede de apoio para essa comunidade. Este relato também reflete sobre as contribuições dessa experiência para o desenvolvimento acadêmico e profissional dos participantes, destacando a relevância da formação teórica e metodológica em Psicologia na área de desastres.
... Nevertheless, music therapy does not claim to cure autism or to simply alter behaviors [23][24][25][26][27]. Rather it provides the polyphonic space for the formation of a more functional and healthier structure of the psyche based on the client's strengths. ...
... Because of social, economic, institutional, legal and historical-cultural determinants, imprisoned mothers are faced with a situation that needs to be changed, considering a fundamental respect for humankind. Caring for a baby under sufficiently good living conditions (Winnicott, 1960(Winnicott, /2018) necessarily requires to give strong consideration to caregivers who assume parental tasks, father and mother roles, through cultivating a sufficiently good social environment in which respect, solidarity and equalitarian values prevail, while at the same time social distress with the potential to cause helplessness, humiliation, injustice and guilt are minimized. ...
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This study is part of a larger set of studies addressing maternal suffering and its objective is to investigate the collective imaginary concerning imprisoned mothers from a concrete psychoanalytical perspective. This qualitative study uses the psychoanalytical method to analyze online newspaper news that specifically addressed motherhood in prison. The psychoanalytical investigation of 49 news stories resulted in the interpretative production of three affective-emotional fields: "The O.R. is yours"; "Do you think you're a mother?"; and "Redeeming motherhood". The results in general suggest that the idealization of mothers persists even in adverse contexts, such as that of a penitentiary setting, while at the same time mothers are censured for having had a child. This situation aggravates the suffering of these women and impedes recognition of the humanity of these women-mothers.
... This crucial aspect of maternal availability also plays a role in the disillusionment process. However, this requires not just any mother, but a "sufficiently good mother" (Winnicott 1960(Winnicott , 1965. Such a mother is no longer fully available to meet the child's needs. ...
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Whereas Marion's earlier articulation of givenness has received a widespread hermeneutical critic justifiable within the framework of his two major initial texts on the issue ("Reduction and Givenness" and "Being Given"), in recent works he has reacted in diverse writings in view of reposi-tioning hermeneutics within his phenomenology of givenness. Following Gadamer and Heidegger, this reaction culminated in the outline of an enigmatic structure of givenness where understanding is situated within the dynamic of call and response (Levinas, Chrétien). Yet, despite the reciprocity of call and response in hermeneutical understanding, Marion still seems to have reinforced his previous position in which meaning is that of the sole givenness, thereby compromising the point of view of the witness (the hermeneutic gaze). We shall defend not only this "hermeneutic gaze"-which is rooted in the symbolic ground of the witness as what s/he brings to bear on what is received in a network of relationships that transforms him,-but also demonstrate how the reciprocity between givenness and the gifted dynamically plays out in call and response (St. Paul). In addition, the hermeneutic gaze is indispensable since only it can explain an illusion that cohabits with givenness, i.e., with the phenomena. In the context of religious experience, the hermeneutical gaze is capable of modulating the way the divine word (aesthetic) is given: either as an illusion (ecstatic), which reverts him back to himself, or as meaning, which inscribes him into a faith community (symbolic).
... In the hands of the child, the play object is a receptacle for internal potentialities (Jung, 2008). Only in playing can the child be creative and use the whole personality, and only through creativity is the self discovered (Winnicott, 1990). Play transcends pre-verbal trauma and improves verbal and non-verbal communication (Ferreira et al., 2014). ...
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Background: This paper describes the effect of silent group Sandplay (SP) with early adolescents as observed and reported in circumstances of deprivation, neglect and abuse. Objective: The objective was to explore with childcare staff, group SP as an intervention with early adolescent participants. Participants and setting: Nine childcare staff participated in an in-depth SP exploration involving a series of six group SP sessions with five children at a child protection organisation in a resource-constrained context. Methods: Group SP offered in a particular way in a protective child and youth care environment facilitated an opportunity for inner processing and self-discovery. In-depth semi-structured interviews with childcare staff conducted both before and after group SP provided descriptions of the SP experience for both children and adult participants. Results: The before-SP reports of the children's behaviour and demeanour highlighted wounding and after-SP observations indicated healing patterns. The before-SP topics included overwhelmedness, vulnerability, constrained resources, the need for change and culturally appropriate, accessible interventions. Themed descriptions after SP included a newfound desire to play and activation of healing for both child and adult participants. Healing processes indicated a desire to play, cooperation, openness, increased awareness, adaptation, grounding and belonging. The implications are potentially far-reaching in terms of the accessibility, efficiency and cultural suitability of providing group SP in child protection and community-based settings, particularly in contexts of deprivation, neglect and abuse.
... The tendency to try to please and adapt to their surroundings has stayed with them in adulthood. Thus, beyond the difficulty of developing a sense of belonging in a conditional parenting environment, there is also the risk of forming a "false self-identity" (Winnicott, 1960), driven by the constant need to meet the foster parents' expectations and the consequent loss of authenticity. ...
Summary Placement with a foster family is one of the care arrangements available for children who cannot live at home. Many of those in foster care are teenagers. The complexity of the development during adolescence poses major challenges and may ultimately lead to what is known in the literature as “foster breakdown.” Most of the research in this area focuses on the point of view of social workers or foster parents. The current study examines this experience through a retrospective view of those who were teenagers at the time of foster care breakdown. To this end, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 Israeli young individuals (16–30 years old) who had experienced foster breakdown at various stages of adolescence. Findings The findings paint a complex and multidimensional picture of breakdown. While most of the interviewees described it as a sudden, unexpected event, closer examination revealed a dynamic process of collapse. This process comprised various factors, including those associated with the welfare system, the foster family, and characteristics related to the developmental stage of adolescence of the research participants. The combination of these factors led to the premature termination of the foster arrangement. Applications This study opens a window to the complex experience of foster breakdown in adolescence, an issue that has received very little research attention thus far. Understanding the dynamics of foster breakdown from the perspective of young individuals can improve professional foster care practices and policy and can benefit social workers in their work with foster families.
... Клайн (Klein, 1952) подчертава важната роля, която родителят играе -да успокои вродените страхове и тревоги на бебето и малкото дете, както и други емоционални състояния. Уиникът и Бион със съответните им понятия за "подкрепяща среда" (Winnicott, 1965) и "майчина унесеност" (от англ. -maternal reverie) 2 (Bion, 1962) поставят голям акцент върху значението на взаимността в първичните отношения на привързаност. ...
... Nelle persone TGD, il processo di embodiment è complesso, poiché la ricerca di una 'casa corporea' per la mente (Winnicott, 1965) non rappresenta un recupero di qualcosa che è stato perso, ma la scoperta di una casa mai conosciuta. Quando il corpo è vissuto come non familiare o 'invaso dall'altro', la fantasia inconscia più profonda è quella di reclamare il proprio corpo, liberare il Sé dai confini limitanti del corpo e 'decolonizzare' l'Io dall'invasione che abita la carne materiale attraverso una trasformazione corporea concreta, una ri-scrittura del corpo (Suchet, 2011). ...
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Negli ultimi anni, il tema della diversità di genere ha acquisito una sempre maggiore visibilità, promuovendo la diffusione di narrazioni riguardanti le persone transgender e di genere diverso (TGD). Purtroppo, questa popolarità ha anche generato misconcezioni, stereotipi e pregiudizi, alimentati dalla combinazione di narrative unidimensionali, patologizzanti e stigmatizzanti provenienti da varie fonti, compresa la psicoanalisi. Tuttavia, recenti studi di genere hanno portato allo sviluppo di una prospettiva più affermativa delle variazioni di genere non considerandole più disturbi, ma espressioni legittime dell’identità individuale, plasmate dalla cultura e dalla società. A partire da tali premesse, questo articolo si propone di esplorare l’intreccio delle narrazioni che contribuiscono alla formazione delle identità TGD. Attraverso una lente psicoanalitica, vengono descritte le narrazioni principali che, intrecciandosi con le diverse realtà intrapsichiche, linee evolutive e circostanze di vita, si trasformano in ‘trans-narrative psicoanalitiche’, ovvero in soluzioni narrative e dinamiche che le persone appartenenti a queste popolazioni adottano per cercare di diventare un soggetto autentico e coeso. Alcune di queste narrative riguardano i contesti di vita (famiglia, scuola, sistema sanitario, ecc.), altre tappe evolutive comuni, altre le narrazioni corporee, altre ancora la diagnosi di disforia di genere e le narrazioni stereotipiche associate (‘being trans-enough’, ‘it gets better’ e ‘imperativo del coming-out’). Sebbene analizzate separatamente, queste narrazioni si intrecciano in una rete narrativa, o ‘master trans-narrative’, all’interno della quale le persone TGD si posizionano in base a diverse variabili, anch’esse oggetto di questo lavoro.
... Regression can be manifested by a group's conscious or unconscious search for something or someone on whom to depend, which normally hampers carrying out the primary task adequately. However, as the miners' case illustrates, whether regression is functional or dysfunctional depends on the circumstances and the nature of the task and not on something inherent to the process (Reed, 1996;Winnicott, 1965). ...
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This article analyses the role that hope and spirituality play in enhancing the capacity of work teams and organisations to face extreme contexts of crisis and disasters. The study utilises Bion’s concept of sophisticated work‐group mentality to examine how these phenomena can contribute to the generation of new capabilities within the group to address the dilemmas and challenges that emerge in times of crisis. It addresses an iconic case of catastrophe–the case of the Chilean miners rescued in 2010 after surviving entrapment for almost seventy days–in order to analyse the relationships that unfold within and around the hopeful endurance of disaster. This article empirically examines the constructive dimension of basic assumptions mentalities, contrary to the predominant view in the socio‐analytic field that emphasises the regressive and disabling nature these phenomena have on the achievement of the group’s task. For this purpose, the concept of work‐group pairing (French & Simpson, 2010) is used to show the productive nature of hope on the group members’ psychic functioning. Thus, this article contributes original insights on the role of hope in the psychosocial construction of pathways for organisational recovery and resilience during and after a crisis.
Storytelling refers to the oral tradition of transmitting knowledge in a social group. Since antiquity there have been storytellers who helped transmit customs, values and traditions among individuals in a community. In the period when there were no written records or information and communication technologies like nowadays, orality was the quintessential resource for communicational interaction in societies. The storytellers promoted information, entertainment, built an affective bond with the group and incentived an inclusive interaction between the participants of the listening group. Group belonging is a humanizing factor that has great social reach, as it promotes security and responsibility toward the group. Belonging is a feeling that strengthens social cohesion and provides the basis for significant exchanges in interpersonal relationships. In the Human History we find several examples of the importance of storytelling for children, such as the Tales of the Brothers Grimm and the stories of Scheherazade in “A Thousand and One Nights”. Considering that the human being builds himself human through the interaction between him and the cultural environment, and that during childhood builds a personal foundation based on his experiences and richness of stimuli, this chapter discusses the importance of the mother’s presence and other social actors that make up his network of interactive relationships, while going through this period. Telling stories to children represents an important socio-affective event, because at the same time that the humanizing content of a cultural nature is transmitted, it offers a psycho-emotional atmosphere of experiential richness that the child will use as a stimulus for his imagination and creativity. Winnicott describes in his Theory of Play the process in which the child experiences the development of his creativity and proposes the concept of Potential Space, to configure the place where creative living and the construction of culture take place. The author’s vision is presented, as he values the role of Otherness in human development and qualifies it as “good enough” insofar as it fulfils its role as a facilitator.
Vengono introdotti i principali temi discussi in un libro in preparazione, dal titolo Psy-choanalytic Perspectives on Human Nature: Critique, Research, and Clinical Impli-cations ("Prospettive psicoanalitiche sulla natura umana: critica, ricerca e implica-zioni cliniche"), nel quale viene sostenuto che diverse teorie o "scuole" psicoanalitiche comportano differenti teorie sulla natura umana. In particolare, viene discussa la teo-ria freudiana della natura umana, e argomentato che vi sono "due Freud" riguardo alle concettualizzazioni della funzione della coscienza, della natura degli stati e dei processi mentali inconsci, del rapporto tra la coscienza e gli stati e i processi inconsci, e del rapporto tra l'Es e l'Io. Inoltre viene discussa la concezione "standard" della teoria psicoanalitica c del Freud che è nascosto sotto gli occhi di tutti. Vengono anche discusse le implicazioni cliniche delle formulazioni di questi due Freud.
In this research, I explored how five accomplished Chinese Malaysian navigated and overcame adversities and achieved creative heights within an inherently precarious and exploitive profession-the food and beverage industry. I focused on one specific ethnic group-Chinese Malaysians-an ethnic group notoriously known as second-class citizens in Malaysia's overall social structure. I used a case study methodology and sampled five participants with ten-years of industry experience in a dedicated field of expertise (i.e., oenology, specialty coffee, pâtisserie, mixology). I interviewed each participant on three separate occasions over a five-month period (January to May 2022). Content analysis yielded four themes (1) ten percent rule, (2) mastery and the role of kiasuism, (3) loss of Malaysianness, and (4) gradual climb towards creative autonomy. In the first theme, I described the disproportionately few meaningful moments of each participant's respective domains which helped them persevere during a time of high exploitations. In the second theme, I discussed the concept of kiasu (惊输/怕输), a Chinese Malaysian cultural practice that translates as the fear of failure, losing out, and not being good enough. I portrayed how each participant practiced kiasuism to attain mastery in a particular domain. Theme three is a counter narrative to themes one and two. I discussed how the meaningful moments that my participants latched onto (in theme one) and invested considerable effort in mastering (in theme two) came at a cost of their Malaysian identity, as each participant seemingly suppressed parts of their Malaysian selves in pursuing a highly Western F&B crafts (i.e., oenology, specialty coffee, pâtisserie, mixology). Lastly, in theme four, I discussed the idea of an autonomous and emancipated mind, showing how each participant embraced qualities of their Malaysianness and interjected them into facets of their careers. Implications to both theory and practice are discussed.
This paper explores the exploitation of caregiving dynamics by individuals exhibiting narcissistic and psychopathic traits, with a focus on how societal norms around empathy and caregiving are manipulated for personal gain. Narcissists and psychopaths often leverage their charm and deception to fabricate or exaggerate illness, eliciting sympathy and control from those around them. Factitious disorders, such as Factitious Disorder Imposed on Self (Munchausen Syndrome) and Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another (Munchausen by Proxy), serve as extreme manifestations of this behaviour, particularly in maternal caregivers who harm dependents to gain validation. The analysis draws on psychological theories, including Paul Ekman’s research on deception and microexpressions, to illustrate the sophisticated manipulation tactics employed by these individuals. The emotional, physical, and financial toll on victims, ranging from children in MBP cases to strained family members and overwhelmed healthcare systems, is examined, along with the ethical challenges faced by medical professionals in identifying and addressing such deception. Prevention and intervention strategies emphasise recognising red flags, setting boundaries, improving diagnostic accuracy in healthcare, and promoting public education. By addressing these manipulative dynamics, the paper highlights the importance of fostering accountability and awareness in caregiving relationships to protect victims and maintain the integrity of caregiving as an altruistic act (NB: open for peer review, please contact).
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Resumo Este artigo explora a integração da ontologia de Spinoza e da epistemologia de Winnicott como uma estrutura teórica para entender a interação dinâmica entre organizações contemporâneas e indivíduos. Com base no monismo de Spinoza e na ênfase de Winnicott no papel do ambiente no desenvolvimento humano, esta estrutura oferece uma abordagem abrangente e centrada no ser humano para o desenvolvimento organizacional. Destaca a importância da adaptabilidade, inovação e capacidade de resposta em desafiar noções tradicionais da estrutura organizacional. Reconhecer a interconectividade de todos os aspectos da organização e promover a colaboração permite que os responsáveis aproveitem a conectividade para resolução criativa de problemas e inovação. Espaços de transição, inspirados por Winnicott, permitem que os indivíduos se envolvam em pensamento criativo e experimentação, fomentando inovação e crescimento pessoal. Criar um ambiente de suporte é crucial para apoiar o bem-estar dos funcionários, desenvolvimento pessoal e promover a inclusividade. Alinhar os objetivos individuais e organizacionais promove a tomada de decisões participativa e comunicação transparente. A sensibilidade emocional e o envolvimento afetivo nutrem uma paisagem emocional positiva que fomenta a criatividade e o bem-estar. Empoderar a autonomia e mentalidades empreendedoras permite que os indivíduos atuem de forma empreendedora dentro da organização. Incorporar flexibilidade nas estruturas organizacionais aprimora a capacidade de resposta e agilidade. Oportunidades contínuas de aprendizado e desenvolvimento reforçam o impulso dos indivíduos para a autorrealização. Medir e refletir sobre o impacto das estratégias, juntamente com a priorização do envolvimento da comunidade e das partes interessadas, aumentam ainda mais a interconectividade organizacional. Ao incorporar essas recomendações, os responsáveis organizacionais podem desenvolver organizações mais adaptáveis, inovadoras e responsivas, considerando a interconectividade de indivíduos, organizações e sociedade.
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This article explores the integration of Spinoza’s ontology and Winnicott’s epistemology as a theoretical framework for understanding the dynamic interplay between contemporary organizations and individuals. Drawing on Spinoza’s monism and Winnicott’s emphasis on the environment’s role in human development, this framework offers a comprehensive and human-centric approach to organizational development. It highlights the importance of adaptability, innovation, and responsiveness in challenging traditional notions of organizational structure. Recognizing the interconnectedness of all aspects of the organization and promoting collaboration helps leverage connectivity for creative problem-solving and innovation. Inspired by Winnicott, transitional spaces allow individuals to engage in creative thinking and experimentation, fostering innovation and personal growth. Creating a supportive holding environment becomes crucial for supporting employee well-being, personal development, and fostering inclusivity. Aligning individual and organizational goals promotes participative decision-making and transparent communication. Emotional responsiveness and affective engagement nurture a positive emotional landscape that fosters creativity and well-being. Empowering autonomy and entrepreneurial mindsets enable individuals to act entrepreneurially within the organization. Incorporating flexibility in organizational structures enhances responsiveness and agility. Continuous learning and development opportunities reinforce individuals’ drive for self-actualization. Measuring and reflecting on the impact of strategies, along with prioritizing community and stakeholder engagement, further enhance organizational interconnectedness. By incorporating these recommendations, organizational holders can develop more adaptive, innovative, and responsive organizations, considering the interconnectedness of individuals, organizations, and society.
Vengono poste due domande interconnesse. La prima riguarda il modo con cui ogni psicoanalista costruisce il proprio sistema teorico, e viene proposta l'idea che questa costruzione sia composta da tre elementi: il patrimonio teorico ricevuto; la propria personalità e la propria storia, sia perso-nale che psicoanalitica; l'atmosfera socioculturale, cioè il tessuto di sensibilità, credenze, aspira-zioni e preoccupazioni specifiche dell'area geografica e del periodo storico. Il risultato è un edificio teorico molto personale, spesso eterogeneo, in gran parte inconscio e intriso di affetti. La se-conda domanda riguarda cosa succede quando si incontrano analisti con background teorici diversi. Un dettagliato caso clinico mostra la tensione tra teorie ufficiali e teorie private nell'analista nonché l'inevitabile presenza di un certo grado di non-comunicazione come invariante antropologica.
Oggi abbiamo a che fare sempre più spesso con pazienti che soffrono di confusione Io-tu, ci vediamo esposti non solo a identificazioni proiettive ma anche a dissolvimenti psicotici dell'Io. Per comprendere meglio i processi di identificazione, l'autore presenterà il concetto freudiano di Besetzung nella sua diversità. Purtroppo, il termine Besetzung è stato reso quasi inutilizzabile dalle traduzioni cathexis o investissement. Ci sono parole come Doppelgänger che non possono essere tradotte in un'altra lingua senza perdere il loro significato. Besetzung ha tre significati in tedesco: Questa sedia è occupata è un'affermazione neutra. Un oggetto non è più disponibile. Un uso positivo è, ad esem-pio, Il ruolo di Amleto è interpretato da Mel Gibson. L'attore viene scelto dal regista per interpretare un ruolo particolare. L'uso ostile si trova in una frase come: Il paese A occu-pa il paese B. Le conseguenze di questa Besetzung sono la perdita di autonomia e identità. Con questo significato l'identificazione come Besetzung non ha solo a che fare con il diventare lo stesso con un altro oggetto, ma anche con il diventare diverso da un oggetto. L'autore illustrerà la teoria presentando l'analisi di una ragazza che desiderava disperatamente essere un maschio
Vengono proposte definizioni di organizzazioni specifiche per gli sviluppi del transfert nelle strutture del carattere nevrotico, borderline, narcisistico, schizoide, simbiotico e psicotico. A queste distinte organizzazioni di sviluppo del transfert corrispondono le caratteristiche alla base delle relazioni oggettuali interiorizzate che derivano da implicazioni conflittuali delle rappresentazioni del Sé e dell'oggetto scissi, idealizzati e persecutori. Le strutture di transfert descritte hanno implicazioni per l'applicazione della tecnica psicoanalitica corrispondente. I casi clinici illustrano la relazione tra struttura di personalità, organizzazione del transfert e tecniche psicoanalitiche.
Die Autor*innen arbeiten in Band 19 der Internationalen Psychoanalyse einen Schwerpunkt auf das Sein und die Bedingungen des Lebendig-Werdens heraus und bringen eine Vielfalt an Themen zusammen, die unter einem ontologischen Gesichtspunkt neu gedacht werden können. In Arbeiten zu Winnicotts Konzeption des Leibseelischen und der Bedeutung von »Unintegriertheit« ebenso wie in Berichten von klinischer Arbeit mit autistischen Patient*innen und mit einem psychotischen Adoleszenten während der Covid-19-Pandemie wird diese früheste leibseelische Ebene des going on being deutlich. Weitere Arbeiten befassen sich mit der Entstehung eines Kern-Selbst aus dem primären Masochismus, mit weiblicher Subjektivität und mit dem Thema des »verlorenen« Selbstanteils bei trans Patient*innen. Auch bei dem Blick auf gesellschaftliche Themen wie Rassismus, Traumatisierung durch ein autoritäres Regime oder die psychoanalytische Identität zwischen den Kulturen geht es weniger um das Erkennen und Deuten als darum, durch genaue Beschreibungen die Wahrnehmungsfähigkeiten für die Dimension des Seins und Werdens zu erweitern. Das International Journal of Psychoanalysis gilt als weltweit wichtigste Fachzeitschrift der Psychoanalyse. Aus diesem reichen Fundus versammelt Internationale Psychoanalyse jährlich ausgewählte Beiträge in deutscher Übersetzung. Mit Beiträgen von Lisa Baraitser, Dominique Bourdin, Eugênio Canesin Dal Molin, Nelson Ernesto Coelho Junior, Louise Gyler, Alessandra Lemma, Anat Tzur Mahalel, Sharon Numa, Thomas H. Ogden, Michael Parsons, Tami Pollak, Luca Quagelli, Joona Taipale und Renata Udler Cromberg
Die Autor*innen arbeiten in Band 19 der Internationalen Psychoanalyse einen Schwerpunkt auf das Sein und die Bedingungen des Lebendig-Werdens heraus und bringen eine Vielfalt an Themen zusammen, die unter einem ontologischen Gesichtspunkt neu gedacht werden können. In Arbeiten zu Winnicotts Konzeption des Leibseelischen und der Bedeutung von »Unintegriertheit« ebenso wie in Berichten von klinischer Arbeit mit autistischen Patient*innen und mit einem psychotischen Adoleszenten während der Covid-19-Pandemie wird diese früheste leibseelische Ebene des going on being deutlich. Weitere Arbeiten befassen sich mit der Entstehung eines Kern-Selbst aus dem primären Masochismus, mit weiblicher Subjektivität und mit dem Thema des »verlorenen« Selbstanteils bei trans Patient*innen. Auch bei dem Blick auf gesellschaftliche Themen wie Rassismus, Traumatisierung durch ein autoritäres Regime oder die psychoanalytische Identität zwischen den Kulturen geht es weniger um das Erkennen und Deuten als darum, durch genaue Beschreibungen die Wahrnehmungsfähigkeiten für die Dimension des Seins und Werdens zu erweitern. Das International Journal of Psychoanalysis gilt als weltweit wichtigste Fachzeitschrift der Psychoanalyse. Aus diesem reichen Fundus versammelt Internationale Psychoanalyse jährlich ausgewählte Beiträge in deutscher Übersetzung. Mit Beiträgen von Lisa Baraitser, Dominique Bourdin, Eugênio Canesin Dal Molin, Nelson Ernesto Coelho Junior, Louise Gyler, Alessandra Lemma, Anat Tzur Mahalel, Sharon Numa, Thomas H. Ogden, Michael Parsons, Tami Pollak, Luca Quagelli, Joona Taipale und Renata Udler Cromberg
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