
Treatment of Typhus Fever at Present Prevailing

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... In 1799, during an epidemic of scarlet fever [21], Hahnemann used 'diluted and agitated doses' for the first time to reduce the pathogenetic power of the medication and thus avoid the occurrence of 'aggravations' [22]. In 1814, during the treatment of typhus or hospital fever [23], Hahnemann outlined the method of potentization (serial dilutions with strong agitation), while the 'theory of potentization' in strict sense only is formulated in 1827 [24], when Hahnemann incorporated trituration and succussion in the 'potentization process' to develop and exalt the "dynamic medicinal powers of natural substances". However, even after having provided sound foundations to his 'theory of potentization', Hahnemann continued prescribing remedies in ponderable doses for the treatment or prevention of diseases [25,26], as well as in pathogenetic studies. ...
... Thursday, Nov. 14, 1907, began powders, three each day for eight days, then two daily for two days. Nov. 23 A. M., then was restless and wakeful; moved and changed position, moved arms and legs often, snored and fan-like motion of ala nasi. Skin seemed dry, forehead moist along edge of hair, when first falling asleep." ...
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Homeopathy might be employed for the prevention of epidemic diseases (homeoprophylaxis) provided remedies are selected on an individual basis in compliance with the ‘principle of symptom-based similitude’ and according to the totality of symptoms peculiar to a given epidemic (remedy of the ‘epidemic genius’ or ‘genus epidemicus’), as countless examples in the literature show. The use of nosodes for the prevention of epidemic diseases (isoprophylaxis), i.e., selected based on the ‘principle of etiological identity’ with full neglect of symptom-based individualization and pathogenetic trials, is not supported by the homeopathic epistemological model. As long as there are no reliable scientific evidences attesting to its efficacy and safety, ‘isopathic immunization’ might not be indicated as a regular replacement of classical immunization, as it would mean a transgression of the bioethical principles of ‘beneficence’ and ‘non-maleficence’. Although many homeopathic practitioners systematically indicate that practice, it is condemned by homeopathic institutions worldwide. In this article, I elaborate on epistemological, ethical and scientific features of these disparate approaches to prophylaxis, which I had summarily addressed in a previous review.
... Historically, homoeopathic treatment with indicated homoeopathic remedy based on individualisation has helped relieve and save lives in epidemics of diarrhoea, typhus or hospital fever in 1813, [42] diphtheria in 1862-1864 [43] (84% mortality rate for conventional treatment and 16% for Homoeopathy) and keratoconjunctivitis in Cuba in 1995 etc. [9] In the recent years, successes of adjunct homoeopathic treatment in epidemics of dengue and acute encephalitis syndrome have been reported in studies conducted by CCRH. Adjuvant homoeopathic treatment given to dengue haemorrhagic cases at a tertiary care hospital during the dengue outbreak in 2015 in Delhi showed that patients who received Homoeopathy had rapid rise in platelet count and less number of days of hospital stay compared to those who received standard care alone. ...
Background and Objectives: While the world is grappling with the current pandemic of COVID-19, medical fraternity and policy makers are still trying to find ways to control its spread in the absence of any definite treatment protocol. The escalating medical costs of infrastructural requirements in health care as well as development of vaccine are but a few challenges being faced. Alternative approaches to handle the situation require to be explored. This article reviews the role homoeopathy has played in controlling epidemics afflicting the mankind in the past while summarizing the scope of this approach in the current COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A literature search was conducted using various bibliographic databases like PubMed etc, google search engines to collect all relevant research and review articles, reports, archived texts, you tube recordings, webpages etc. in English language published uptil March 2020. Results: Scientific evidence in various epidemics clearly showcase that Homoeopathy can be used both therapeutically and/or as prophylactic with success using approaches like Genus epidemicus, nosodes etc. Its greatest successes have been recorded in the prevention & treatment of flu like illnesses. Conclusion: Homoeopathy has stood the test of time over centuries as a notable approach in controlling morbidity as well as mortality in epidemics. Administration of the homoeopathic 'Genus epidemicus' as a prophylactic for general public or adjuvant homoeopathic treatment in symptomatic cases can be an inexpensive, safe and feasible approach to manage and alleviate the compounding fear and panic that COVID-19 is creating across the globe. National polices & strategies to tackle the pandemic need to be revisited. © 2020 Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy | Published by Wolters Kluwer-Medknow.
... 14 In 1799, during an epidemic of scarlet fever, 15 Hahnemann used for the first time diluted and agitated doses in order to decrease the pathogenetic power of doses and thus avoid aggravation. 16 In 1814, during the treatment of ty-phus or hospital fever, 17 Hahnemann outlined the method of potentiation (serial dilutions with strong agitation). The theory of potentisation strictly speaking only appeared in 1827, 18 when Hahnemann incorporated the processes of trituration and succussion in order to develop and exalt the 'dynamic medicinal powers of natural substances'. ...
The homeopathic method is based on the application of the principle of therapeutic similitude (similia similibus curentur), using medicines that cause effects similar to the symptoms of disease in order to stimulate the reaction of the organism against disturbances. Such vital, homeostatic or paradoxical reaction of the organism can be scientifically explained on the basis of the rebound effect of modern drugs. This article presents the conclusion of a study aiming at a method to use modern drugs with homeopathic criteria. Adverse effects as catalogued in United States Pharmacopoeia Dispensing Information Drug monographs were collected. A homeopathic materia medica and repertory comprising 1251 modern drugs to be employed according to the principle of therapeutic similitude was developed. Besides supplying a basis for homeopathy as a medical rationale related to scientific pharmacology, this study makes available a method that may broaden the scope of intervention of homeopathy in present day diseases.
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Homeopathy might be employed for the prevention of epidemic diseases (homeoprophylaxis) provided remedies are selected on an individual basis in compliance with the 'principle of symptom-based similitude' and according to the totality of symptoms peculiar to a given epidemic (remedy of the 'epidemic genius' or 'genus epidemicus'), as countless examples in the literature show. The use of nosodes for the prevention of epidemic diseases (isoprophylaxis), i.e., selected based on the 'principle of etiological identity' with full neglect of symptom-based individualization and pathogenetic trials, is not supported by the homeopathic epistemological model. As long as there are no reliable scientific evidences attesting to its efficacy and safety, 'isopathic immunization' might not be indicated as a regular replacement of classical immunization, as it would mean a transgression of the bioethical principles of 'beneficence' and 'non-maleficence'. Although many homeopathic practitioners systematically indicate that practice, it is condemned by homeopathic institutions worldwide. In this article, I elaborate on epistemological, ethical and scientific features of these disparate approaches to prophylaxis, which I had summarily addressed in a previous review. Available at:
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Aplicando el principio de similitud terapéutica, la Homeopatía busca estimular al organismo para que reaccione en contra de su propia perturbación. Para que los medicamentos homeopáticos puedan despertar respuestas homeostáticas efica-ces deben ser individualizados, esto significa que deben ser elegidos en función de su similitud con el conjunto de síntomas característicos de los pacientes. De esta manera, teniendo el propósito de disminuir la susceptibilidad individual que predis-pone a la enfermedad, los medicamentos homeopáticos curan y generan efectos preventivos en muchas enfermedades humanas. Por otra parte, los medicamentos homeopáticos pueden tener indicaciones específicas en el tratamiento y prevención de enfermedades epidémicas, con la condición de que también se elijan de acuerdo con el conjunto particular de sínto-mas peculiares de una epidemia determinada, a saber, el llamado "genio epidémi-co", como lo muestran varios ejemplos históricos. En este trabajo se analiza la ac-tualización de las bases epistemológicas de la Homeopatía de Hahnemann desde el enfoque médico preventivo, las evidencias científicas que apoyan su aplicación clínica y los requisitos mínimos para emplearla tanto terapéutica como preventiva-mente en las epidemias.
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