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Electromagnetic Radiation: Influences on Honeybees (Apis mellifera)
Kimmel, Stefan1*; Kuhn, Jochen2; Harst, Wolfgang3; Stever, Hermann3
1 Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Koblenz-Landau/Campus Landau, Germany
2 Institute of Science and Science Education (ISSE), Department of Physics, University of Koblenz-Landau/Campus
Landau, Germany
3 Institute of Educational Informatics, University of Koblenz-Landau/Campus Landau, Germany
* Author for correspondence (e-mail:
Focussing on the influences of non-ionizing radiation towards the behaviour of the honeybee (Apis
mellifera), the here presented study reports partially significant results. Nowadays, there is a certain
increase of radiation impact in today’s environmental ecosystems, and the influence of higher
frequencies on honey bees is analyzed by the workgroup “educational informatics” since 2001
(Stever & Kuhn 2001; Kuhn & Stever 2001; Kuhn & Stever 2002). In ecotoxicology, the honeybee
(Apis mellifera) is of great importance as a tested species for agricultural chemicals, e. g. plant
protection products and pesticides. In this case, significant variations in the behaviour of Apis
mellifera under the influence of non-ionizing radiation were tested. The presented data set is based
on earlier studies from 2005, which showed significant differences in returning, 39.7% of the non-
irradiated bees came back compared to 7.3% of the irradiated ones.
Standard commercial DECT telephones were used as exposition source. Concerning possible
variations in behaviour an experimental setup with irradiated and non-irradiated bee hives was
assembled. The main emphasis of this study was the investigation on significant changes in the
foraging flight under electromagnetic radiation influence.
Keywords: Honeybees, electromagnetic radiation, learning process, changing behaviour,
This study focuses on the effects of an electromagnetic exposition caused by DECT Telephones on
the behaviour of the honeybee. All researches and tests have been carried out at the
Dienstleistungszentrum Ländlicher Raum (DLR), Fachzentrum Bienen und Imkerei, in Mayen
during June/July 2006. There have been several scientific investigations throughout the past years
concerning the electromagnetic radiation and its effects (Greenberg et al., 1981; Hartsgrove et al.,
1987; Eulitz et al., 1998; Rothmana, 2000). In context of the increasing non-ionising radiation, this
study focus on the effects of electromagnetic exposition on the behaviour of the honeybee.
Especially towards crop pesticide testing, Apis mellifera is a confirmed test species in
ecotoxicological researches. Furthermore the honeybee shows an effective learning behaviour,
resulting in olfactory amenities and even forms, structures and faces and also in training abilities on
certain plants (Vareschi & Kaissling, 1970; Hoefer & Lindauer, 1976; Dyer et al 2005). Apis
mellifera is well suited as a bioindicator, because its brain anatomy as well as the learning regions
of the bee brain are well known (Menzel & Müller, 1996; Zhang et al., 1999; Schwärzel & Müller,
2006) and the brain structure of the honeybee concerning associative learning is comparable to
those of vertebrates (Bliss & Collinridge, 1993; Eichenbaum, 2004; Giurfa, 2003; Schwärzel &
Müller, 2006). Concerning the effects of electromagnetic radiation it might be possible to draw
conclusions towards other organisms based on the results according to the monitoring of honeybees.
2.1 Physical aspects
In this case, base stations of everyday used DECT telephones (Digital Enhanced Cordless
Telecommunications) were fixed as radiation sources. Investigating on non-thermal influences of
electromagnetic fields towards the learning behaviour of bees requires an exposition with an
appropriate radiation frequency. The stations send out continually electromagnetic radiation with a
frequency fS 1900 MHz and an average transmitting power PS of 10 mW. The peak power is 250
mW and the sending signal throughout a talk is frequency modulated and pulsed with a frequency fp
of 100 Hz. For this study the base station is used as radiation source at a permanent standby mode
reached with an average transmitting power of PS = 2.5 mW. To analyze a possible effect of the
radiation intensity, cubic radiation shields made of reed and clay were build around some of the
DECT base stations (experimental group 2, EG2, refer to 2.2), which is completely permeable to the
low-frequency pulse mentioned above, but enables a reduction of the high-frequency sending
radiation about 50% (Moldan & Pauli, 2000). We also installed metal lattices (width 1x1 mm)
between the exposed bee hives (experimental group) in order to avoid possible influences of the
radiation on the non-exposed bee hives (control group, CG).
The stations were put at the bottom of a beehive, right under the honeycombs (Fig. 1).
Wooden frames with bee cells
DECT-base station
Bee hive
Cubic radiation shield of reed
around the DECT base
Fig. 1: Position of DECT base station within a bee hive
2.2 test objects and method
Overall, 16 Bee colonies of Apis mellifera carnica were used as test objects. With a permanent
connection establishment between the wireless cells and the DECT base stations, the average
sending power Ps could be estimated. Five of eight exposed hives were under fully electromagnetic
exposure (experimental group EG 1), while in three of the exposed colonies the radiation was
shielded down to 50% (experimental group EG 2, see Fig. 1). The following figure shows the whole
experimental set-up:
Fig. 2: Experimental set up
For one test run, 15 bees flying out of the hive were trapped with the help of plastic tubes at the hive
entrance. All catched bees were short term paralyzed (using CO2) and got marked with a marker dot
on the thorax. At a distance of about 500 m to the hive all marked bees were set free simultaneously
and got timed from that moment. Concerning the returning behaviour, in every test run irradiated
bees were checked against non-exposed ones (EG 1 vs. CG; EG 1 vs. EG 2; EG 2 vs. CG). Time of
flight for every single bee as well as certain aspects like weather, temperature and hive activity in
common was reported. The returning bees were intercepted at the bee hive's entrance and the
returning time was documented. The observation time lasted 45 minutes, bees that came back
afterwards were disregarded in order to avoid possible mistakes for following test runs.
All results are based on collected data from June, 28.–29., and July, 9.-19., in 2006.
3.1 statistics
52 paired comparisons had to be taken into consideration, 31 pairs of bee colonies “EG 1 vs. CG”,
15 pairs “EG 2 vs. CG” and finally 6 pairs ”EG 1 vs. EG 2”. In 22 of the 31 tested pairs “EG 1 vs.
CG” more of the non-exposed bees (CG) returned to their colonies. With the total amount of
returned bees (non-exposed 293 = 63.0%, exposed 229 = 49.2%) the tendency of earlier researches
(Stever et al., 2005) could be confirmed.
Overall, 482 (63%) bees of the CG, 203 (56.4%) bees of the EG 2 and 365 (54.1%) bees of the EG
1 returned to their hive. These differences between the groups were not significant (Kruskal-Wallis
H test).
One of the main problems of the statistical analysis was to combine the amount of returning bees
with their returning time in one single value (tnr), which reflects the predominate circumstances and
enables a comparison between different testing properties. The following term presents a possible
solution to this problem:
tnR = nR * 46 – Σ tR
In this term the amount of returning bees nR is multiplied by the maximum observation time + 1,
then the sum of the returning time of each bee tR, which were actually returned, is subtracted from
this product. To standardize the tnR-Index its term is related to the maximum value (for this study
(nRmax = 15 bees * [45min + 1]), the tnmax is up to 690):
tn = tnR * 100 / tnmax
CG Non-studied bee hive
North/west South/east
Metal lattice EG 1 EG 2
It became obvious that in 29 of 31 tested pairs the tn-index was higher for non-exposed bees, with
tn-index-mean ratio of 48.97 (SD 20.74) for non-exposed bees against a tn-index-mean ratio of
38.48 (SD 16.41) for exposed bees.
The comparison in pairs between bees of the EG 1 with bees of the CG is presented in Fig. 3:
non-exposed - fully exposed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314 151617 181920212223242526 272829 3031
Fig. 3: tn-Index comparison CG (green) vs. EG 1 (red), decreasing ranks
3.2 tn-index mean comparisons for all tested groups
All deviations concerning the mean ratio for each compared group are tested for significant
differences by conducting the t-test for independent variables.
Referring to the results of the t-test, mean differences between non-exposed and exposed honeybees
(CG vs. EG 1) were significant (p = 0.031), whereas the other two tested pairs (CG vs. EG 2; EG 1
vs. EG 2) showed no significant differences.
Furthermore no correlations of uncontrollable factors like weather, temperature and flight frequency
with the tn-Index were found, which shows that there is no influence of these uncontrollable factors
concerning our results.
Obviously certain factors concerning the experimental set up are hard to control, but aspects such as
homogenous bee colonies, the location of the tested hives and the interaction between studied bee
colonies and disregarded neighbour colonies must be observed and controlled before starting a
following study. Also the testing place should be selected as soon as possible, in order to allow the
bees selecting a preferred region for collecting food.
The results of this study are much more heterogenic compared to our examination in 2005. But
despite this aspect, still a significant difference between exposed and non-exposed bee colonies
could be observed. A correlation between the independent factors weather, flight frequency and
temperature on the tn-index could not be determined. A possible influence of the radiation intensity
could not be proven by this study, because no significant differences between the group-pairs CG
and EG 2 as well as EG 2 and EG 1 could be detected. Also, a clear distinction between the low-
frequency pulse of the DECT base station and its high-frequency sending radiation could not be
drawn, despite the fact that a significant difference between the non-exposed bees and the fully
irradiated ones can be counted as a result of the influence of high-frequency electromagnetic
A certain method to improve the experimental set up can be found in automating the testing
intervals, e.g. by using a lock at the hive entrance for automatically collecting the bees. Finally, it
would be also very important to measure the exact radiation intensity within the hives as well as the
concrete character of the used radiation.
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... Numerous studies are devoted to depicting the relationship between radio waves and alterations of biological and behavioural functions or their ecological effects (for review, see Cucurachi et al. 2013). Although a direct relationship has not been established between radio wave exposure and health problems (Krewski et al. 2007; Vanderstraetan and Verschaeve 2008 ), behavioural and spatial memory disorders in humans (D'Andrea et al. 2003; Wiholm et al. 2009) and orientation disorders in honeybees and birds (Warnke 2007) have been suspected and a negative effect of radio waves on the in-hive behaviour and homing flight of honeybees has been reported (Harst et al. 2006; Kimmel et al. 2007). Cell phone radiations were suspected of affecting the reproductive capacity of Drosophila (Panagopoulos et al. 2004) and the egg laying rate of the honeybees' queen (Sharma and Kumar 2010) and inducing the worker piping signal in the hive (Favre 2011). ...
... Several studies have reported the effects of cell phone radiations on insect biology or strength of the hive, but the physical parameters of the radio waves (frequency , power density, field strength) or the exposure conditions are so variable that comparisons are difficult. For example, sub-lethal effects of radio waves were evaluated by Harst et al. (2006) and Kimmel et al. (2007) by exposing honeybees to 1900-MHz radiation emitted by a Digital Enhanced Cordless Telephone-base station set at the base of the hive. A tendency to reduced honeycomb building and increased homing flight duration was noticed in exposed honeybees compared to non-exposed animals. ...
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Recent studies succeeded in developing a method to automatically record honeybees going in and out of the hive. Honeybees were individualized with radio frequency identification (RFID) tags glued onto their dorsal surface and detected at the hive entrance by readers emitting high-frequency (HF) radio waves. In this work we search for a possible adverse effect of HF on honeybees’ survival. Eight-day-old honeybees were exposed to HF (13.56 MHz) or ultra-high-frequency (UHF, 868 MHz) radio waves for 2 h split into ON and OFF periods. The ON/OFF ratio was 1:3 (OFF duration 3, 90, 180, 370 and 360 s) or 1:5 (OFF duration 300 s). Dead individuals were counted every day, and the cumulative mortality rates of exposed and non-exposed honeybees were compared 7 days after exposure. Out of the five experimental conditions, we observed an increase in mortality in two conditions, once after HF and once after UHF exposure, with OFF duration of 5 min or more. We then recommend limiting exposure of honeybees to radio waves to less than 2 h per day, and we conclude that the RFID parameters, like those we used in the field for monitoring hive activity, present no adverse effects for honeybees.
... In addition, the run studies on the effects of electromagnetic fields on honey bees had shown that initiation or/and cessation of foraging, i.e., the number of incoming foragers are negatively affected (Harst et al., 2006;Kimmel et al., 2007;Stefan et al., 2013;Sharma and Kumar, 2010;Pattazhy, 2011;Darney et al., 2016;Taye et al. 2017), as well as the number of outgoing foragers (Valberg, 2010;Sharma and Kumar, 2010); the successful return of marked feeders (Harst et al., 2006;Stefan et al., 2013). ...
... Like other organisms, bees are exposed to the electromagnetic effects of electric power towers and cell phone towers, some of which carry electric charges that affect organisms, since these bodies carry self-charged electrical charges, they will be negatively or positively affected by the emitted waves and thus will affect the behavior of the honeybee colonies, this effect will put pressure on the specific genes of this behavior, over time, and these changes may lead to the emergence of CCD, although this hypothesis requires accurate scientific and genetic evidence (Kimmel et al., 2007). Navigational for bees, birds and butterflies where the sun is used as a compass for navigation and bees can be discharged to gum food in cloudy days because it depends on ultraviolet radiation, the presence of electromagnetic rays affect this activity. ...
... However, different researchers have reported that few to 50 % of the EMR exposed foragers returned to the hive (Harst et al, 2006;Kimmel et al, 2007). ...
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The experiment was conducted in order to study the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the foraging activity of Apis mellifera L. at G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar (Uttarakhand). All colonies were kept under the influence of tower radiation. The activity of outgoing bees was not affected by the cell phone tower at Pantnagar. During the experiment, there is no impact of mobile tower radiation on the foraging activity of A. mellifera L.
... The work by Harst et al. (2006) and Kimmel et al. (2007) from a German research group seems to support the previously described findings, but do not provide any statistical measure of the effects found and did not report any system of control or sham-exposure. ...
Conference Paper
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Badania pozostałości środków ochrony roślin akredytowaną metodą multipozostałościową LC-MS/MS wykonano w Zakładzie Badania Bezpieczeństwa Żywności Instytutu Ogrodnictwa w Skierniewicach. Łącznie przebadano 18 próbek miodu rzepakowego, 3 próbki plastrów pszczelich, 2 próbki odsklepin oraz 1 próbkę pyłku. Pochodzenie botaniczne próbek zweryfikowano metodą mikroskopowej analizy pyłkowej w Laboratorium Badania Jakości Produktów Pszczelich Zakładu Pszczelnictwa IO w Puławach. We wszystkich próbkach produktów pszczelich stwierdzono obecność środków ochrony roślin. Wykryto następujące substancje czynne stosowane w środkach grzybobójczych: karbendazym, azoksystrobinę, boskalid, pentiopirad, tebukonazol. Z grupy środków owadobójczych stosowanych w formie oprysków stwierdzono obecność neonikotynoidów: acetamiprydu i tiachloprydu. W piętnastu próbkach miodu oznaczono acetamipryd (Mospilan), którego poziom w pięciu próbkach przekroczył najwyższy dopuszczalny poziom (NDP EU). W czternastu próbkach miodu wykryto obecność tiachloprydu (Proteus, Calypso). Ponadto aż w jedenastu próbkach miodu stwierdzono obecność amitrazu (substancji aktywnej leków stosowanych do zwalczania pasożyta pszczół V. destructor) oraz metabolitów jego rozkładu – 2,4-dimetyloforpszczelich natomiast wykryto acetamipryd i tiachlopryd, a w odsklepinach – DMF (metabolit amitrazu). Słowa kluczowe | miód rzepakowy, produkty pszczele, pozostałości pestycydów, metoda QuEChERS, LC-MS/MS Abstract | Tests of residues of plant protection products by the accredited multi-residue method LC-MS/MS were carried out at the Food Safety Laboratory, Research Institute of Horticulture in Skierniewice. A total of 18 rape honey samples, 3 wax comb samples, 2 honey capping wax samples and 1 pollen sample were tested. The botanical origin of honey samples was verified by pollen microscopic method in Bee Products Quality Testing Laboratory Apicultural Division Research Institute of Horticulture in Puławy. Active substances of pesticides were found in all tested samples. The following active substances used in fungicides were found: carbendazim, azoxystrobin, boscalid, penthiopyrad and tebuconazole. From insecticides used as spraying, the presence of neonicotinoids acetamiprid and thiacloprid was found. Fifteen samples of honey were contaminated by acetamiprid (Mospilan), where five samples exceeded the maximum residue level (NDP EU). In fourteen honey samples the residues of thiacloprid (Proteus, Calypso) was detected. In addition, as much as eleven samples of honey were contaminated by amitraz (the active substance of drugs used to control the parasitic mite V. destructor) and the metabolites of its degradation – 2,4-dimethylformamide (DMF) and 2,4-dimethylphenyl-N’-methylformamidine (DMPF). In contrast, acetamiprid and thiacloprid were found in samples of combs, and DMF (the metabolite of amitraz) was found in the honey capping wax. Keywords | rape honey, bee products, pesticides residues, QuEChERS method, LC-MS/MS
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Geomagnetic field can be used by different magnetoreception mechanisms, for navigation and orientation by honeybees. The present study analyzed the effects of magnetic field on honeybees. This study was carried out in 2017 at the Bayburt University Beekeeping Application Station. In this study, the effect of Electro Magnetic field (EMF) and electric field (EF) on the time of finding the source of food of honeybees and the time of staying there were determined. The honeybees behaviors were analyzed in the presence of external magnetic fields generated by Helmholtz coils equipment. The Electro Magnetic field values of the coils were fixed to 0 μT (90mV/m), 50 μT (118 mV/m), 100 μT (151 mV/m), 150 μT (211 mV/m), 200 μT (264 mV/m). Petri dishes filled with sugar syrup were placed in the center of the coils. According to the study, honeybees visited at most U1 (mean =21.0±17.89 bees) and at least U5 (mean =10.82±11.77 bees). Honeybees waited for the longest time in U1 (mean =35.27±6.97 seconds) and at least in U5 (mean =12.28±5.58 seconds). According to the results obtained from this first study showed that honeybees are highly affected by electromagnetic radiation and electric field. Summary Honeybees uses the magnetic field of the earth to to determine their direction. Nowadays, the rapid spread of electrical devices and mobile towers leads to an increase in man-made EMF. This causes honeybees to lose their orientation and thus lose their hives.
This review examines the potential environmental impact of radiofrequency (RF) fields emitted by mobile phone base station antennas and other sources of RF radiation. Overall, many alarming investigations were found but most are characterised by severe methodological shortcomings. For this reason these studies do not provide any evidence that observed biological effects are associated with exposure to the electromagnetic fields. So far, the studies do not prove that environmental exposures to mobile phone base station radiation (and other environmental RF exposures) are harmful to wildlife.
Mit Hilfe des Rsselreflexes gelang es, nicht nur Arbeiterinnen, sondern auch Drohnen auf Duftstoffe zu dressieren. Jeder der sechs verwendeten Duftstoffe, darunter Kniginsubstanz und Sterzelduft, konnte als Dressurduft von den brigen Dften sicher unterschieden werden.The proboscis extension reflex was used for conditioning worker and drone bees to odours. Six odours, including queen substance and the scent to the Nassanoff gland were used as conditioning stimuli. The animals could clearly distinguish the odours from one another.
The waggle dance of the honeybee Apis mellifera, used to recruit nestmates to a food source, takes place on the surface of the combs in the dark hive. The mechanism of information transfer between dancer and follower bees is not entirely understood. The results presented here reveal a novel factor that must be brought into any consideration of this mechanism, namely that the nature of the floor on which the bees dance has a considerable influence on the recruitment of nestmates to a food source. Dancers on combs with open empty cells recruit three times as many nestmates to a food source as dancers on capped brood cells.
  • H Stever
  • J Kuhn
Stever, H. & Kuhn, J. (2001): Schutz der Bienen vor Handy-Strahlung. Schweizerische Bienen-Zeitung 124,Heft 9, S. 23-27