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Indoor Mold Growth: Health hazards and remediation



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September 2000 – HPAC Heating/Piping/AirConditioning Engineering
Indoor Mold Growth
Health Hazards and Remediation
By W. J. Kowalski, MS, PE
The Pennsylvania State University
Department of Architectural Engineering
Many different fungi grow indoors as mold in the presence of moisture. Some of these fungi can cause allergic
or toxic reactions, while a few may cause infections in susceptible individuals. A comprehensive treatment of this
complex topic would take volumes, but this article provides a synopsis for engineers to help clarify the mysteries
of indoor mold growth.
First, here’s a little mycology regarding human pathogenic fungi. In general, fungi grow as either molds or
yeasts. In the environment, where available nutrients, moisture and temperature conditions may be marginal,
these fungi normally grow as molds. In infected tissue, where conditions are more ideal, these fungi usually
grow as yeasts. The yeast form of growth greatly resembles the colony formation of bacteria.
Most pathogenic species of fungi reproduce asexually. Asexual spores produced in the mold phase serve to
disseminate the fungus. Spores are considerably more resistant to the elements than the mold or yeast forms,
and some spores have even been known to survive in space on the exterior of spacecraft.
No contagious diseases are caused by fungi. Respiratory infections such as aspergillosis and histoplasma are
caused by inhalation, usually from long-term exposure (Samson 1994, Howard and Howard 1983). Allergic
alveolitis, rhinitis, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis may result from long-term exposure in the workplace by
individuals who have no allergies (Pope et al 1993). Many fungi cause infections that are unique to the species
like cryptococcosis and blastomycosis.
Asthma can be aggravated or even induced by exposure to certain fungal species. Allergic rhinitis can
occur in sensitive individuals who are regularly exposed to both fungal agents and other allergens such as
pollen, dust mites, and animal dander.
Some fungi cause infections of the skin, including ringworm and athlete’s foot. Inhalation of certain
species can cause toxic reactions. Stachybotris atra (chartarum) is alleged to have caused several infant
fatalities and has been frequently isolated growing indoors (Woods et al 1997). Fungal infections that pose no
threat to healthy individuals can be fatal to those suffering immunodeficiency, or recovering from burns or
Some 15-30% of cases of building related illness have been associated, if not directly linked, to indoor fungal or
bacterial contamination. Certain fungi produce VOCs and odors, from which long-term exposure can result in
impaired health or contribute to sick building syndrome (Godish 1995, Lacey and Crook 1988, Samson 1994).
In addition to human health problems, damage to building materials, books, clothes, and stored foods can occur
from mold growth.
How common is the problem of mold growth indoors? Mold growth can occur from water damage,
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condensation, leaks, or even the mere presence of high humidity (i.e. >90%) since nutrient and temperature
conditions are invariably satisfied indoors. Some molds, like mildew on clothing and bathtubs, rarely pose any
hazards. Some potentially hazardous fungi, like certain species of Aspergillus and Penicillium, predominate
wherever mold growth occurs.
The relationship between building dampness, fungal growth, and health complaints has seen much recent
study. In England, some 30% of houses were found to be damp while 47% had mold growth (Platt et al 1989).
High correlations between health problems and dampness or mold growth were observed, especially among
In a Canadian study, 38% of houses were either damp or had mold growth. The presence of lower
respiratory symptoms was approximately 50% higher in these homes while upper respiratory symptoms were
almost 25% higher (Dales et al 1991). The presence of Aspergillus above 50 CFU/m3 was associated with
coughs, colds, and eye and skin irritation.
A study in Finland found that 52-58% of houses had moisture problems and that this was associated with a
higher risk of respiratory ailments, especially in children (Koskinen et al 1996).
Fungal spores normally and ultimately hail from environmental sources. In the North, spores appear seasonally
with peaks in the dry periods of summer and lows during snow covered winters. Outdoor levels typically vary
between 100-1000 cfu/m3. Geography can determine the make-up of outdoor spore concentrations.
In new buildings, indoor levels of spores are lower than outdoors, even with natural ventilation. Buildings
that foster fungal growth may generate spore levels higher than outdoors. Cases of such problem buildings may
require special treatment, including elimination of moisture sources and water-damaged materials.
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What fungal spores are common indoors? Table 1 lists all the major pathogenic and allergenic fungi, by
genus, that have been found growing indoors (Kowalski et al 1998). This list is by no means exclusive, as
previously unknown hazards may become recognized.
Normal indoor conditions provide a suitable environment for the growth of a wide range of fungal spores. The
presence of moisture or high relative humidity is a sufficient catalyst for the germination and growth of fungal
spores. Figure 1 shows the results of a study done on how the growth rates of various types of fungi are affected
by indoor conditions.
Materials normally present in buildings provide nutrients for fungal growth. These include building
materials like wood or cellulose and organic materials found in rugs and curtains. Water damage to rugs will
sometimes result in rapid mold growth due to the fact that mold spores have settled or been tracked into the rug
over time. Cleaning rugs periodically and exposing them to direct sunlight can help.
Dust can provide a nutrient base on which fungi can grow. In HVAC systems, dust that collects on
surfaces or in crevices is sufficient to support fungal growth in the presence of moisture from condensation.
Bacteria can influence the growth of fungi. Environmental bacteria can grow biofilms, and thereby provide
fungal spores a nutrient base.
Filtration of the intake air provides the best means of preventing airborne spores from entering a building,
although spores may still be tracked or carried in by other means. Filtration of return air can also control indoor
airborne levels, but if spores are being generated indoors then this problem should perhaps be dealt with at the
Typical dust filters may be insufficient to intercepting fungal spores since the most common ones tend to
be in the 1– 4 micron size range. Excellent removal rates can be attained with simple high-efficiency ASHRAE
filter. HEPA filters would be overkill in this regard. For example, a 35-40% ASHRAE filter will remove 57% of
Aspergillus and 83% of Stachybotris spores (Kowalski et al 1999).
Figure 1: Limiting Temperature and Relative Humidity conditions below
which growth will not occur. Based on data from Clarke et al (1998).
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Control of humidity provides one means of preventing or limiting growth once spores have entered a
building, but humidity levels of 60% or less are no guarantee, since moisture content of buildings materials is a
more critical factor. Controlling humidity inside an air handling unit (AHU) below about 90% may be impossible
but another approach is keeping HVAC systems clean of dust and keeping drain pans unclogged.
A novel method for controlling fungal growth on surfaces involves the cycling of cooling systems to
alternate periods of moisture and dehumidification. Spores germinate in the presence of moisture, but then their
resistance to dehydration becomes reduced. A normal cycle of daytime cooling (i.e. >90% RH to germinate
spores) and night-time dehumidification has the potential to significantly reduce fungal growth inside AHUs
(Sakuma and Abe 1996).
Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) can control microbial growth on cooling coils and internal duct
surfaces through continuous exposure. Some recent studies have shown that UVGI can improve operational
efficiency and produce savings through reduced energy consumption (Shaughnessey et al 1999).
Inspections should be performed whenever a mold growth problem is suspected. AHUs and building
areas subject to condensation or water damage should be examined for visible mold growth. The presence of
mold growth is sufficient reason to undertake remedial measures, regardless of what species is found.
Air sampling isn’t recommended unless fungal growth is observed or occupant complaints are high. Air
sampling of general indoor areas and the air supply registers can be used to determine if overall spore levels
inside are high or exceed those outdoors. Bulk sampling can be performed before and after remediation to
assess effectiveness of any measures taken, and any problem species can be assessed individually. As a
general guideline, indoor spore levels should be less than about 100 cfu/m3 or less than outdoor levels,
whichever is lower. The species mix found indoors should not differ significantly from that of the outdoors. Health
care facilities should seek much lower levels than these (i.e. 10 CFU/m3 or less), depending on facility type.
Allergic individuals may also want to target indoor levels lower than the minimum outdoors.
Surface sampling can determine the presence of fungal growth on the inside of ductwork or cooling coils
but is not necessarily an indicator of an actual problem, since low levels of growth may be tolerable.
Determination of the specific species is not always essential, especially if occupants do not report a high
incidence of health problems.
Duct cleaning usually involves vacuuming or scrubbing mold growth. In addition, a variety of commercial
cleaning agents or disinfectants are used, including ordinary water or a 10% bleach solution.
Clarke, J. A., C. M. Johnstone, N. J. Kelly, R. C. McLean, J. A. Anderson, N. J. Rowan, and J. E. Smith. (1998). “A
technique for the prediction of the conditions leading to mould growth in buildings.” Building and Environment 34: 515-
Dales, R. E., R. Burnett, H. Zwanenburg. (1991). “Adverse health effects among adults exposed to home dampness and
molds.” Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 143: 505-509.
Godish, T. (1995). Sick Buildings : Definition, Diagnosis and Mitigation. Boca Raton, Lewis Publishers.
Heinemann, S., H. Beguin, N. Nolard. (1994). Biocontamination in air-conditioning. Health implications of fungi in indoor
environments. R. A. Samson. Amsterdam, Elsevier: 179.
Howard, D. H. and L. F. Howard (1983). Fungi pathogenic for Humans and Animals. New York, Marcel Dekker, Inc.
Koskinen, O., T. Husman, T. Maklin, A. Nevalainen. (1996). The relationship between moisture observations in houses
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and inhabitants' state of health, Part I: Adults. Indoor Air '96, Nagoya, Japan.
Kowalski, W. and W. P. Bahnfleth (1998). “Airborne respiratory diseases and technologies for control of microbes.”
HPAC 70(6).
Kowalski, W. J., W. P. Bahnfleth, T. S. Whittam (1999). “Filtration of Microorganisms: Modeling and prediction.”
ASHRAE Transactions 105(2): 4-17.
Lacey, J. and B. Crook (1988). “Fungal and actinomycete spores as pollutants of the workplace and occupational illness.”
32: 515-533.
Platt, S. D., C. J. Martin, S. M. Hunt, and C. W. Lewis. (1989). “Damp housing, mould growth, and symptomatic health
state.” Brit. Med. J. 298: 1673-1678.
Pope, A. M., R. Patterson, and H. Burge, Eds. (1993). Indoor Allergens. Washington, DC, National Academy Press.
Sakuma, S. and K. Abe (1996). Prevention of fungal growth on a panel cooling system by intermittent operation. The 7th
International Conference on IAQ and Climate, Nagoya, Japan, Indoor Air '96.
Samson, R. A., editor. (1994). Health Implications of Fungi in Indoor Environments. Amsterdam, Elsevier.
Shaughnessy, R., E. Levetin, and C. Rogers. (1999). “The effects of UV-C on biological contamination of AHUs in a
commercial office building: Preliminary results.” Indoor Environment '99: 195-202.
Sugawara, F. (1997). Components of dust and microbial proliferation in ducts of air conditioning systems. Healthy
Buildings/IAQ '97, Bethesda, MD, ASHRAE.
Woods, J. E., D. T. Grimsrud, N. Boschi. (1997). Healthy Buildings / IAQ '97. Washington, DC, ASHRAE.
This article was published in HPAC September 2000, Vol. 72, No. 9, p80-83. Reprinted with permission from HPAC Enginering. Some
additions (the three photographs) and some other minor textual differences exist between this and published version.
... The upper part of the incubator is made of mesh, which prevents high humidity from building up and keeps the incubator ventilated. Moisture or high relative humidity is sufficient to allow fungal spores to germinate and grow (Kowalski 2000) [5] , air circulation during incubation is therefore important. If the eggs are placed in a way that they don't touch, the risk of mold growth is reduced. ...
... The upper part of the incubator is made of mesh, which prevents high humidity from building up and keeps the incubator ventilated. Moisture or high relative humidity is sufficient to allow fungal spores to germinate and grow (Kowalski 2000) [5] , air circulation during incubation is therefore important. If the eggs are placed in a way that they don't touch, the risk of mold growth is reduced. ...
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Incubation is an integral part of a successful breeding of stick insects. There are many incubation methods, most of them work by placing the eggs on a moist substrate such as vermiculite, sand, or peat. However, if placed on a moist surface and in containers without adequate ventilation, the eggs of several species are susceptible to mold. The occurrence of moldy phasmid eggs kept in very humid conditions has also been described by Potvin (1991). The method presented is very effective, combining moisture and ventilation in a good ratio, thus preventing the formation of mold. It is easy to maintain and is an efficient way of incubating most of the stick insect species bred.
... Air handling units and building areas subject to condensation or water damage should be examined for visible mold growth. The presence of mold growth is sufficient reason to undertake remedial measures, regardless of the species found [64]. In the US, for example, guidelines for the assessment and remediation of fungi in indoor environments include recommendations for visual inspection to identify possible mold problems, environmental sampling to confirm the presence of visually identified mold, moisture control, cleaning and building repairs as well as guidelines for the protection and training of workers engaged in maintenance and remediation work associated with mold [65]. ...
... Air sampling for microbiological monitoring (such as with the MAS-100 Merck) can also be used. However, some have argued that air sampling is not recommended unless fungal growth is observed or occupant complaints are serious [64]. ...
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Fungi and their toxic metabolites have been pinpointed as possible causes of sick building syndrome, an illness associated with poor indoor ventilation. Certain risk groups, such as hospitalized patients, the elderly and young children, tend to be more susceptible. Substantial effort has been devoted to establishing optimal fungal monitoring techniques and identification protocols. This overview screens the available monitoring and identification methods which may provide qualitative or quantitative information about the presence of particular fungi or their secondary metabolites/ mycotoxins and evaluation of their effect on the potential improvement in the associated health symptomology and the establishment of the pathophysiological mechanism involved in this process. Certain target locations, where mycological contamination is more likely to occur and certain risk groups that are in need of stricter environmental inspection and more refined fungal monitoring and identification protocols, are addressed. In assessing the impact of environmental inspection, there is no gold standard for the expected response rate in terms of fungal load reduction and its significance. This lack of standards and the limitations in associating specific fungal contamination with health effects may be related to the determination of indoor fungal load. This could be the result of either reporting biases of dampness or the choice of method used to monitor fungal load. Refined fungal monitoring and identification protocols are suggested for the more specific targeting of fungal isolates, their identification and quantification.
... Buildings that foster fungal growth may generate spore levels higher than those outdoors. Cases of such problem buildings may require special treatment, including elimination of moisture sources and water-damaged materials (Kowalski, 2000). During parts of the year when windows are open, indoor fungi are comparable to outdoor species (Cladosporium, Alternaria, and Aureobasidium) (Sneller and Roby, 1979;Kuhn and Ghannoum, 2003). ...
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Species of the genus Cladosporium are among the most common fungi to be isolated from the environment almost anywhere in the world, in indoors as well as outdoors air. Many species are known to be plant pathogens, while others are regularly encountered as contaminants and spoilage agents in food or industrial products. Cladosporium spp. are pathogenic for humans, causing localized infections, more severe respiratory diseases, or systemic mycoses. This study is a first step towards the identification of Cladosporium spp. in the atmosphere of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. In order to investigate the geographical distribution of Cladosporium spp. air was sampled from forty sites on north east, North West, south east, south west and middle of Riyadh. A total of 870 fungal colonies were isolated, 108 (12.4%) of them were Cladosporium spp. The genus Cladosporium spp. was represented in all studied sites. Nineteen isolates belong to five Cladosporium species were identified. In all sampling sites, the most prevalent Cladosporium species were Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fresenius) de Vries and Cladosporium sphaerospermum Penzig, followed by Cladosporium herbarum (Persoon) Link, Cladosporium macrocarpum Preuss, and Cladosporium chlamydosporis Matsushima. Density of Cladosporium spp. during the investigation of Seasonal variation was affected by month and site. The two main effects of ANOVA (month and site) were all very highly significant sources of variation in density of Cladosporium spp. isolated from Riyadh city. Also, the two-way interaction for month × site was a very highly significant source of variation in the case of density of Cladosporium spp. (P = 0.0000). [Mohammed S. Alhussaini, M.A. Moslem, Mohammed I. Alghonaim , Abdullah A. Al-Ghanayem and Hamido M. Hefny. Biodiversity and Distribution of Airborne Cladosporium Species in Riyadh city. J Am Sci 2015;11(7):145-154]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 18
... The overall result emphasizes that environmental variables such as temperature and relative humidity do affect the numbers of spores, viables, viables but not culturables, indoors and outdoors and during both seasons. Despite of the small number of sampling sites, this study is unique in this area and it must be stressed that our results imply in a clear health impact according to to Arundel et al. 1986, Glickson et al. 1995, Garrett et al. 1998, Kowalski 2000 and Oreszczyn et al. 2006. They are especially relevant for children's respiratory health as public health interventions can be designed to improve indoor living conditions and thus reduce exposure to this environmental risk factor. ...
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The aim of this study was to estimate the indoor and outdoor concentrations of fungal spores in the Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo (MASP), collected at different sites in winter/spring and summer seasons. The techniques adopted included cultivation (samples collected with impactors) and microscopic enumeration (samples collected with impingers). The overall results showed total concentrations of fungal spores as high as 36,000 per cubic meter, with a large proportion of non culturable spores (around 91% of the total). Penicillium sp. and Aspergillus sp. were the dominant species both indoors and outdoors, in all seasons tested, occurring in more than 30% of homes at very high concentrations of culturable airborne fungi [colony forming units(CFU) m(-3)]. There was no significant difference between indoor and outdoor concentrations. The total fungal spore concentration found in winter was 19% higher than that in summer. Heat and humidity were the main factors affecting fungal growth; however, a non-linear response to these factors was found. Thus, temperatures below 16 degrees C and above 25 degrees C caused a reduction in the concentration (CFU m(-3)) of airborne fungi, which fits with MASP climatalogy. The same pattern was observed for humidity, although not as clearly as with temperature given the usual high relative humidity (above 70%) in the study area. These results are relevant for public health interventions that aim to reduce respiratory morbidity among susceptible populations.
It is not unusual to face moisture problems in buildings in cold climates and wet regions. It is, however, unusual to have the same problem in a relatively dry region such as Jordon, which has moderate weather conditions and mild winters. Nevertheless, a significant proportion of houses and residential apartments in Jordan are affected. The monitoring of inside air conditions, wall surface temperatures, ventilation and living style has shown that a high relative humidity (RH >75%) occurs at walls resulting in possible condensation. These conditions, with visible or invisible condensation, enhance mould growth and damage walls. This apparently results from actual living conditions which fall short of comfort conditions due to high energy cost, poverty, limited ventilation and poor wall thermal insulation. Measurements indicated that actual inside wall surface temperatures were occasionally below the dew point. This was confirmed by a simple thermal analysis of typical walls showing the possible drop of inside surface temperatures down to 11°C. Additional factors to the problem in this region include lack of building quality control, the demand for cheap housing in which ventilation and thermal specifications are not a priority and in which heating is only intermittent heating.
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The objective of this research was to investigate the prevalence and distribution of airborne and waterborne fungi and actinomycetes along the main stream of the Nile river during April to July, 2005. Air and water samples were collected at eight sites within a ~50km stretch of the river. The distribution and prevalence of air and water microorganisms varied with location. The highest counts of airborne fungi (516CFU/p/h) and actinomycetes (222CFU/p/h) were detected at suburban sites near cultivated areas. However, the highest counts of waterborne fungi (56.4CFU/ml) and actinomycetes (15.4CFU/ml) were detected at Al-Galaa (city centre) and Kafr-El-elwe (south Cairo), respectively. A total of 1,816 fungal colonies (943 isolates from air and 873 from water samples) belonging to 27 genera were identified. Aspergillus, Alternaria, Cladosporium, and yeasts were the predominant fungal types in both air and water environments. Dreschlera, Emericella, Nigrospora, Spicaria, Stachybotrys, and Verticillium were only detected in the air, and Epicoccum, Philaphora, Phoma and Ulocladium were only detected in the water. Mycotoxin-producing fungi represented by Aspergillusflavus, Aspergillusparasiticus, Penicillium, Fusarium, and Trichoderma were found in the air and water environments. Significant differences (P≤0.05) were found between fungal populations in air and water at different sampling sites. No significant differences (P≥0.05) were found between waterborne actinomycetes. Sampling location, human activity, and pollution load are the main factors affecting the variability and biodiversity of microorganisms in different microenvironments.
This paper studies the detection limit, selectivity and counting efficiency of an ultraviolet aerodynamic particle sizer spectrometer (UVAPS) with regard to aerosolized fungal spores. The study demonstrated the ability of the instrument for detection and measurement of fungal spores under controlled conditions. A reasonable correlation was found between the UVAPS and the AGI-30 impinger in measuring the aerosol fungal spore concentrations under investigation: Penicillium and Aspergillus niger (r=0.911, p<0.005 and r=0.882, p<0.05, respectively). A linear relationship between total particle concentration and fluorescent particle concentration was found in the range from 0 to . Its lower detection limit was found to be . The dry generation method which was used for generating fungal spores has proved to be reproducible and easy to control, as well as simple and inexpensive.
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Airborne transmission of respiratory disease in indoor environments remains a problem of indoor air quality with few engineering alternatives and for which performance goals and design parameters unclear. This paper summarizes the relevant literature of medical microbiology and aerobiology in a manner that engineers may find useful in designing a HVAC system intended to reduce the treat. It presents principles that can be applied to any indoor environment, including office buildings, schools, residences, hospitals, and isolation wards.
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The filtration of airborne particulates has been studied extensively and removal efficiencies can be adequately predicted from theory or from catalog data. The filtrations of airborne microorganisms, however, has not been specifically addressed by theory and has seen limited empirical study. This paper addresses the variety of factors that may cause microbial filtration efficiency to deviate from predicted values based on particulate size alone. A model is developed to incorporate those factors likely to have significant impact, namely, aspect ratios and lognormal size distributions. This model is then challenged with a database of known airborne pathogens and allergens for which these parameters have been established. Results suggest existing filtration models are accurate within reason for the prediction of filtration efficiencies of airborne bacteria and spores, provided logmean diameters are used. Implications for the use of filtration in health care facilities are discussed.
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To examine the relation between damp and mould growth and symptomatic ill health. Cross-sectional study of random sample of households containing children; separate and independent assessments of housing conditions (by surveyor) and health (structured interview by trained researcher). Subjects' homes (in selected areas of public housing in Glasgow, Edinburgh, and London). Adult respondents (94% women) and 1169 children living in 597 households. Specific health symptoms and general evaluation of health among respondents and children over two weeks before interview; and score on general health questionnaire (only respondents). Damp was found in 184 (30.8%) dwellings and actual mould growth in 274 (45.9%). Adult respondents living in damp and mouldy dwellings were likely to report more symptoms overall, including nausea and vomiting, blocked nose, breathlessness, backache, fainting, and bad nerves, than respondents in dry dwellings. Children living in damp and mouldy dwellings had a greater prevalence of respiratory symptoms (wheeze, sore throat, runny nose) and headaches and fever compared with those living in dry dwellings. The mean number of symptoms was higher in damp and mouldy houses and positively associated with increasing severity of dampness and mould (dose response relation). All these differences persisted after controlling for possible confounding factors such as household income, cigarette smoking, unemployment, and overcrowding. Other possible sources of bias that might invalidate the assumption of a causal link between housing conditions and ill health--namely, investigator bias, respondent bias, and selection bias--were also considered and ruled out. Damp and mouldy living conditions have an adverse effect on symptomatic health, particularly among children.
This publication contains 39 papers presented at the international workshop on "Health implications of fungi in indoor environments" held on 9-13 Nov., 1992, in Baarn, Netherlands. Main topics include current methodology for the isolation and enumeration of fungi in non-industrial indoor environments, the fungal flora of non-industrial indoor environments, health implications of fungal allergens and metabolites (mycotoxins and fungal volatiles), and the physics of interior finishes and control of fungal growth on such finishes. A number of case studies are also presented. Conclusions and recommendations for each topic are included together in a separate chapter. Descriptions of 20 common indoor moulds and a list of media for their isolation and cultivation are given in 2 appendices. A subject index is also provided.
Epidemiological evidence suggests that the presence of mould growth in buildings can have a detrimental effect on the well-being of occupants. Based on an extensive literature review, growth limits for six generic mould categories have been formulated in terms of the minimum combination of temperature and relative humidity for which growth will occur on building materials. These limits were incorporated within the ESP-r system for building energy and environmental simulation in order to provide a design tool which can predict the likelihood and extent of mould infestation. The systems new predictive capability has been tested against monitored data and mycological samples taken from a mould infested house.
To investigate the association between home dampness and mold and health, questionnaires were administered through the primary school system to parents of school-aged children in six regions of Canada. The present report focuses on the symptoms of the 14,799 adults at least 21 yr of age. The overall response rate was 83%, and missing values for individual variables ranged from 3 to 8%. The presence of home dampness and/or molds (that is, damp spots, visible mold or mildew, water damage, and flooding) was reported by 38% of respondents. The prevalence of lower respiratory symptoms (any cough, phlegm, wheeze, or wheeze with dyspnea) was increased among those reporting dampness or mold compared with those not reporting dampness or mold as follows: 38 versus 27% among current smokers, 21 versus 14% among exsmokers, and 19 versus 11% among nonsmokers (all p values less than 0.001). This association persisted after adjusting for several sociodemographic variables (including age, sex, and region) and several other exposure variables (including active and passive cigarette smoke, natural gas heating, and wood stoves). The odds ratio between symptoms and dampness was 1.62 (95% confidence interval, 1.48 to 1.78) in the final model chosen. This association persisted despite stratification by the presence of allergies or asthma. Exposure to home dampness and mold may be a risk factor for respiratory disease in the Canadian population.
Spores of fungi and actinomycetes are almost always present in air but their numbers and types differ with time of day, weather, season and location (especially if this is dominated by large nearby spore sources). Without a source of spores in a building, numbers indoors are usually smaller than outdoors but the types found are similar. Heaviest exposure to airborne spores is often found in the workplace. Important sources are agricultural crops, especially during harvesting or during handling and processing after storage. mushrooms, wood for timber or pulping, composts, food processing and, increasingly, biotechnological processes. Many of the spores concerned are 1–5 μm in diameter and they may number up to 1010 spores m−3 air. Many of the organisms found are well-known allergens and have been implicated in occupational asthma or extrinsic allergic alveolitis. Some may also cause infection, e.g. Aspergillus fumigatus, or carry mycotoxins, e.g. Aspergillus flavus, while very intense exposure may cause ‘organic dust toxic syndrome’. Important factors in the development of occupational asthma and allergic alveolitis are predisposition and the nature, intensity and duration of exposure. Examples of exposure to fungal and actinomycete spores in different occupational environments are described.
Sick Buildings : Definition, Diagnosis and Mitigation
  • T Godish
Godish, T. (1995). Sick Buildings : Definition, Diagnosis and Mitigation. Boca Raton, Lewis Publishers.
Biocontamination in air-conditioning. Health implications of fungi in indoor environments
  • S Heinemann
  • H Beguin
  • N Nolard
Heinemann, S., H. Beguin, N. Nolard. (1994). Biocontamination in air-conditioning. Health implications of fungi in indoor environments. R. A. Samson. Amsterdam, Elsevier: 179.