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Strategic oscillation for the capacitated hub location problem with modular links

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Abstract and Figures

The capacitated single assignment hub location problem with modular link capacities is a variant of the classical hub location problem in which the cost of using edges is not linear but stepwise, and the hubs are restricted in terms of transit capacity rather than in the incoming traffic. We propose a metaheuristic algorithm based on strategic oscillation, a methodology originally introduced in the context of tabu search. Our method incorporates several designs for constructive and destructive algorithms, together with associated local search procedures, to balance diversification and intensification for an efficient search. Computational results on a large set of instances show that, in contrast to exact methods that can only solve small instances optimally, our metaheuristic is able to find high-quality solutions on larger instances in short computing times. In addition, the new method, which joins tabu search strategies with strategic oscillation, outperforms the previous tabu search implementation.
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J Heuristics (2016) 22:221–244
DOI 10.1007/s10732-016-9308-7
Strategic oscillation for the capacitated hub location
problem with modular links
Ángel Corberán1·Juanjo Peiró1·
Vicente Campos1·Fred Glover2·Rafael Martí1
Received: 21 March 2014 / Revised: 7 October 2015 / Accepted: 18 January 2016 /
Published online: 28 January 2016
© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Abstract The capacitated single assignment hub location problem with modular link
capacities is a variant of the classical hub location problem in which the cost of
using edges is not linear but stepwise, and the hubs are restricted in terms of transit
capacity rather than in the incoming traffic. We propose a metaheuristic algorithm
based on strategic oscillation, a methodology originally introduced in the context of
tabu search. Our method incorporates several designs for constructive and destructive
algorithms, together with associated local search procedures, to balance diversification
and intensification for an efficient search. Computational results on a large set of
instances show that, in contrast to exact methods that can only solve small instances
optimally, our metaheuristic is able to find high-quality solutions on larger instances in
short computing times. In addition, the new method, which joins tabu search strategies
with strategic oscillation, outperforms the previous tabu search implementation.
Keywords Hub location problem ·Modular link costs ·Tabu search ·Strategic
oscillation ·Iterated greedy
1 Introduction
Discrete facility location problems related to the design of transportation networks
are one of the most extensively studied problems in combinatorial optimization due
to their variety and importance. There are several variants of discrete facility location
problems, such as the p-median problem, the p-center problem, the maximal covering
BRafael Martí
1Departament d’Estadística i Investigació Operativa, Universitat de València, Valencia, Spain
2OptTek Systems, Boulder, CO, USA
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... The algorithm adopts the strategic oscillation search framework with an original responsive mechanism to guide the search to oscillate around the boundary of feasible and infeasible regions. Previous investigations have disclosed the general idea of strategic oscillation (SOS, [12]) to be quite effective for a number of constrained optimization problems, such as the quadratic multiple knapsack problem [11], the capacitated hub location problem [9], the maximally diverse grouping problem [10], the quadratic minimum spanning tree problem [31], the α-neighbor p-center problem [40], and the bipartite boolean quadratic programming problem [45,49]. In this work, we show the benefits of strategic oscillation for solving the DCKP. ...
... S ← S /* S replaces S when the threshold T is satisfied */ 11: break; 12: As shown in Algorithm 2, the FLS procedure first performs some initialization tasks (lines [3][4][5]. Then the search enters the 'while' loop (lines [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22] to improve the input solution S iteratively by sequentially exploring three neighborhoods N F 1 to N F 3 (see [46] for more details). Each iteration of the 'while' loop performs three operations. ...
... As shown in Algorithm 3, after some initialization tasks (lines 3-7), the SOS procedure performs the 'while' loop to examine candidate solutions (lines [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27]. Each iteration of the loop calculates, according to Equation (8), the critical value CV (S ) of each non-prohibited neighboring solution S within the neighborhood N + (line 10), where N + is the union of three relaxed neighborhoods (see Section 2.5.2 for these relaxed neighborhoods.) ...
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Given a directed graph G = ( V, E ), a feedback vertex set is a vertex subset C whose removal makes the graph G acyclic. The feedback vertex set problem is to find the subset C * whose cardinality is the minimum. As a general model, this problem has a variety of applications. However, the problem is known to be NP-hard, and thus computationally challenging. To solve this difficult problem, this article develops an iterated dynamic thresholding search algorithm, which features a combination of local optimization, dynamic thresholding search, and perturbation. Computational experiments on 101 benchmark graphs from various sources demonstrate the advantage of the algorithm compared with the state-of-the-art algorithms, by reporting record-breaking best solutions for 24 graphs, equally best results for 75 graphs, and worse best results for only two graphs. We also study how the key components of the algorithm affect its performance of the algorithm.
... The algorithm adopts the strategic oscillation search framework with an original responsive mechanism to guide the search to oscillate around the boundary of feasible and infeasible regions. Previous investigations have disclosed the general idea of strategic oscillation (SOS, [12]) to be quite effective for a number of constrained optimization problems, such as the quadratic multiple knapsack problem [11], the capacitated hub location problem [9], the maximally diverse grouping problem [10], the quadratic minimum spanning tree problem [31], the α-neighbor p-center problem [40], and the bipartite boolean quadratic programming problem [45,49]. In this work, we show the benefits of strategic oscillation for solving the DCKP. ...
... S ← S /* S replaces S when the threshold T is satisfied */ 11: break; 12: As shown in Algorithm 2, the FLS procedure first performs some initialization tasks (lines [3][4][5]. Then the search enters the 'while' loop (lines [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22] to improve the input solution S iteratively by sequentially exploring three neighborhoods N F 1 to N F 3 (see [46] for more details). Each iteration of the 'while' loop performs three operations. ...
... As shown in Algorithm 3, after some initialization tasks (lines 3-7), the SOS procedure performs the 'while' loop to examine candidate solutions (lines [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27]. Each iteration of the loop calculates, according to Equation (8), the critical value CV (S ) of each non-prohibited neighboring solution S within the neighborhood N + (line 10), where N + is the union of three relaxed neighborhoods (see Section 2.5.2 for these relaxed neighborhoods.) ...
... The study proposed efficient heuristic methods that outperform previous approaches, utilize memory structures to enhance search algorithms, and are compared with previous heuristics using benchmark instances and incorporating frequency information in the constructive method. Corberán et al. (2016) addressed the capacitated single-assignment HLP with modular link capacities. They developed a metaheuristic algorithm based on strategic oscillation, originally used in tabu search. ...
Hub networks play a crucial role in optimizing transportation costs in air and road systems. Their main objective is to strategically locate hubs and allocate non-hub nodes within the network. The modular hub location problem is a specific area of hub network design that focuses on accurately calculating transportation costs, considering factors like trip numbers and capacity constraints in network routes. This study proposes a mixed-integer programming model to address the modular hub location problem with multiple allocations. It considers dependent and independent costs associated with vehicles per trip between hub network routes, considering specific vehicle capacities. Two datasets are utilized for validation: the CAB dataset representing 25 nodes of US airports and the TR dataset representing the Turkish transportation system with 81 nodes. To tackle the NP-hard nature of hub location models and the computational complexity of the proposed model, two solutions are developed. Firstly, a novel LP relaxation-based method using GAMS software provides near-optimal solutions for medium-sized instances. Additionally, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) implemented in MATLAB handles larger instances. The GA's efficiency is enhanced by tuning its parameters using the Taguchi method. Results analysis shows that both proposed algorithms yield high-quality solutions within significantly reduced timeframes compared to the CPLEX solver in GAMS software. The LP relaxation-based method performs well for medium-sized instances, while the GA approach is efficient for larger instances after parameter tuning with the Taguchi method.
... Martin-Santamaria et al. (2022) applied the SO method to solve the balanced minimum sum-of-squares clustering problem, in which the cluster size constraints are allowed to be relaxed by increasing each cluster size by a percentage during the search. The SO method has also been applied to solve other optimization problems, such as the α-neighbor p-center problem and the capacitated hub location problems with modular links (Corberán et al., 2016). Different oscillation strategies have been proposed to maintain a balanced search between the feasible and infeasible search regions for the algorithm to explore the search space more effectively. ...
... After obtaining a solution = ( , ), we combine a hub and its assigned nodes to form a subset expressed as ℎ (ℎ ∈ ), where ℎ = ∈ : = ℎ indicates that the subset contains all spokes assigned to hub ℎ. To evaluation of a solution = ( , ) , there are three types of cargo flow according to the method mentioned in Corberán et al. [37]. Mikić et al. [38] proposed three types of flows to evaluate feasible solutions = ( , ). ...
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The hub-and-spoke network (HSN) design generally assumes direct transportation between a spoke node and its assigned hub, while the spoke’s demand may be far less than a truckload. Therefore, the total number of trucks on the network increases unnecessarily. We form a drone-based traveling salesman problem (TSP-D) for the cluster of spokes assigned to a hub. A truck starts from the hub, visiting each spoke node of the hub in turn and finally returning to the hub. We propose a three-stage decomposition model to solve the HSN with TSPD (HSNTSP-D). The corresponding three-stage decomposition algorithm is developed, including cooperation among variable neighborhood search (VNA) heuristics and nearest neighbor algorithm (NNA), and then the spoke-to-hub assignment algorithm through the reassignment strategy (RA) method. The performance of the three-stage decomposition algorithm is tested and compared on standard datasets (CAB, AP, and TR). The numerical analysis of the scenarios shows that whether it is trunk hub-level transportation or drone spoke-level transportation, it integrates resources to form a scale effect, which can reduce transport devices significantly, as well as decreasing the investment and operating costs.
... Most of other heuristics were designed for particular type of hub location problems. For instance, Corberán et al. (2016) proposed a greedy-strategic oscillation method to solve the capacitated single allocation hub location problem with modular links. In this problem, the cost for using links is step-wise, and the capacities of hubs are use to restrict the transit flows rather than the incoming flows. ...
Our study provides an experimental benchmark for state-of-the-art solution algorithms with hub location problems. Such problems are fundamental optimization problems in location science with widespread application areas, such as transportation, telecommunications, economics, and geography. Given they combine aspects of facility location and quadratic assignment problems, the majority of hub location problems are NP-hard and, accordingly, several solution techniques have been proposed for solving these problems. In this study, we report on the results of a large benchmark and reproduction effort to investigate 12 fundamental hub location problems that combine single or multiple allocation, a p-hub median objective or fixed hub set-up costs, capacitated or uncapacitated hubs, and complete or incomplete networks. We implemented four standard exact algorithms on these 12 problems as proposed in the literature. Algorithms are evaluated on subsets of three standard data sets in the field (CAB, TR, and AP); we computed more than 5,000 optimal solutions for these data sets. We report comparisons of solution techniques regarding wall clock time, convergence speed, memory use, and the impact of data features. In addition, we identify patterns in optimal solutions across these 12 problems, extracting insights regarding solution similarity, hub set candidates, and economies of scale. All results and programs are being made available to the public for free academic use.
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We study a vehicle-based hub network design problem (HNDPv) with the main applications in freight distribution and parcel delivery systems, where the economies of scale stem from the effective utilization of vehicles that move consolidated freight. The HNDPv is a generalization of the classical single allocation hub location problem, in which the transportation costs are stepwise functions of the number (and type) of vehicles that move the demand. We present the quadratic mixed-integer programming formulation of the problem and its linear reformulation. Exploiting the special structures of the linearized model, we develop a branch-and-cut method based on Benders decomposition with solely feasibility subproblems. We derive closed-form solutions for the extreme rays of the feasibility subproblems that improve the efficiency of the proposed algorithm through generating stronger feasibility cuts. We also address the HNDPv under demand uncertainty and show the flexibility of our solution methodology in handling the stochastic variant of the problem. To evaluate the efficiency of our models and solution approaches, we perform extensive computational experiments on uncapacitated and capacitated instances of the problem derived from the classical Australian Post dataset. The results show a considerable advantage of using HNDPv compared to the classical HLP with constant discount factors in terms of vehicle utilization and total transportation costs. Our computational experiments also demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed solution method in solving large-scale problem instances.
Conference Paper
Several real-life problems show the necessity for solving large scale hub location problem in reasonable time. Since these problems are classified as NP-hard, the aim of this paper is to design a GPU based approach for the capacitated variant of the HLP that can approach these goals. The proposed GA starts from several initial populations (island model) carefully generated in order to speed up the convergence of the GA. The numerical tests on a variety of known benchmarks and on a random large instances (up to 6000 nodes) reveal the importance of the choice of initial populations and the way they interact with each other. They show that the proposed methodology is efficient at least for these benchmarks and may be adapted to other variants of hub location problems. The method has reached all the known optimal solutions for these benchmarks and found new, significantly better, solutions on three AP instances with 100 and 200 nodes.
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Last year was the 25th anniversary of two seminal transportation hub location publications, which appeared in 1986 in Transportation Science and Geographical Analysis. Though there are related hub location and network design articles that predate these works, the 1986 publications provided a key impetus for the growth of hub location as a distinct research area. This paper is not intended as a comprehensive review of hub location literature; rather, our goal is to reflect on the origins of hub location research, especially in transportation, and provide some commentary on the present status of the field. We provide insight into early motivations for analyzing hub location problems and describe linkages to problems in location analysis and network design. We also highlight some of the most recent research, discuss some shortcomings of hub location research and suggest promising directions for future effort.
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Last year was the 25th anniversary of two seminal transportation hub location publications, which appeared in 1986 in Transportation Science and Geographical Analysis. Though there are related hub location and network design articles that predate these works, the 1986 publications provided a key impetus for the growth of hub location as a distinct research area. This paper is not intended as a comprehensive review of hub location literature; rather, our goal is to reflect on the origins of hub location research, especially in transportation, and provide some commentary on the present status of the field. We provide insight into early motivations for analyzing hub location problems and describe linkages to problems in location analysis and network design. We also highlight some of the most recent research, discuss some shortcomings of hub location research and suggest promising directions for future effort.
This book deals with location problems. Location problems establish a set of facilities (resources) to minimize the cost of satisfying a set of demands (customers) with respect to a set of constraints. There are four components that describe location problems: customers, who are assumed to be already located at points or on routes, facilities that will be located, a space in which customers and facilities are located, and a metric that indicates geographical and chronological distances between customers and facilities. This book describes these parts in each specific location model. Location models are used in a variety of applications such as locating warehouses within a supply chain to minimize the average time to market, locating noxious material to maximize its distance to the public, etc. In this book, readers can find these applications exemplified by real-world cases for each particular model. The relationship between location problems and other areas such as supply chains is also considered here.
Hub location problem (HLP) is a relatively new extension of classical facility location problems. Hubs are facilities that work as consolidation, connecting, and switching points for flows between stipulated origins and destinations. While there are few review papers on hub location problems, the most recent one (Alumur and Kara, 2008. Network hub location problems: The state of the art. European Journal of Operational Research, 190, 1–21) considers solely studies on network-type hub location models prior to early 2007. Therefore, this paper focuses on reviewing the most recent advances in HLP from 2007 up to now. In this paper, a review of all variants of HLPs (i.e., network, continuous, and discrete HLPs) is provided. In particular, mathematical models, solution methods, main specifications, and applications of HLPs are discussed. Furthermore, some case studies illustrating real-world applications of HLPs are briefly introduced. At the end, future research directions and trends will be presented.
In this paper we propose a heuristic for the Uncapacitated rr-Allocation pp-Hub Median Problem. In the classical pp-hub location problem, given a set of nodes with pairwise traffic demands, we must select pp of them as hub locations and route all traffics through them at a minimum cost. We target here an extension, called the rr-allocation pp-hub median problem, recently proposed by Yaman [19], in which every node is assigned to rr of the pp selected hubs (r≤pr≤p) and we are restricted to route the traffic of the nodes through their associated rr hubs. As it is usual in this type of problems, our method has three phases: location, assignment and routing. Specifically, we propose a heuristic based on the GRASP methodology in which we consider three local search procedures. The combinatorial nature of this problem makes them time-consuming. We therefore propose a filtering mechanism to discard low-quality constructions and skip its improvement, saving its associated running time. We perform several experiments to first determine the values of the key-search parameters of our method and then to compare with previous algorithms. Computational results on 465 instances show that while only small instances can be optimally solved with exact methods, the heuristic is able to find high-quality solutions on larger instances in short computing times. Moreover, when targeting the classical pp-hub versions (with r=1r=1 or r=pr=p), our heuristic is competitive with the state of the art methods.
In this note we present a system (OR-Library) that distributes test problems by electronic mail (e-mail). This system currently has available test problems drawn from a number of different areas of operational research.