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Abstract and Figures

ERP systems integrate a major part of all business processes and organizations include them in their IT service management. Besides these formal systems, there are additional systems that are rather stand-alone and not included in the IT management tasks. These so-called ‘shadow systems’ also support business processes but hinder a high enterprise integration. Shadow systems appear during their explicit detection or during software maintenance projects such as enhancements or release changes of enterprise systems. Organizations then have to decide if and to what extent they integrate the identified shadow systems into their ERP systems. For this decision, organizations have to compare the capabilities of each identified shadow system with their ERP systems. Based on multiple-case studies, we provide a dependency approach to enable their comparison. We derive categories for different stages of the dependency and base insights into integration possibilities on these stages. Our results show that 64% of the shadow systems in our case studies are related to ERP systems. This means that they share parts or all of their data and/or functionality with the ERP system. Our research contributes to the field of integration as well as to the discussion about shadow systems. The Relation of Shadow Systems and ERP Systems—Insights from a Multiple-Case Study. Available from: [accessed Mar 9, 2016].
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The Relation of Shadow Systems and ERP
Systems—Insights from a Multiple-Case Study
Melanie Huber 1, *, Stephan Zimmermann 1, Christopher Rentrop 1and Carsten Felden 2
1Institute for Process Control (kips), Konstanz University of Applied Sciences, Brauneggerstr. 55,
Konstanz D-78462, Germany; (S.Z.); (C.R.)
2Department of Information Systems, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Silbermannstr. 2, Freiberg D-09599,
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +49-7531-206-328
Academic Editor: Donald Kerr
Received: 15 December 2015; Accepted: 25 January 2016; Published: 29 January 2016
ERP systems integrate a major part of all business processes and organizations include
them in their IT service management. Besides these formal systems, there are additional systems
that are rather stand-alone and not included in the IT management tasks. These so-called ‘shadow
systems’ also support business processes but hinder a high enterprise integration. Shadow systems
appear during their explicit detection or during software maintenance projects such as enhancements
or release changes of enterprise systems. Organizations then have to decide if and to what extent
they integrate the identified shadow systems into their ERP systems. For this decision, organizations
have to compare the capabilities of each identified shadow system with their ERP systems. Based on
multiple-case studies, we provide a dependency approach to enable their comparison. We derive
categories for different stages of the dependency and base insights into integration possibilities on
these stages. Our results show that 64% of the shadow systems in our case studies are related to
ERP systems. This means that they share parts or all of their data and/or functionality with the
ERP system. Our research contributes to the field of integration as well as to the discussion about
shadow systems.
shadow systems; shadow IT; ERP systems; enterprise systems; relation;
dependency; integration
1. Introduction
Two-thirds of IT managers indicated in surveys that so-called shadow systems support business
processes in their organizations [
]. Shadow systems are a result of the case that business workgroups
implement additional systems, which exist outside of an organizational IT service management [
] and
are often not integrated with other enterprise systems [
]. Shadow systems support daily activities
sometimes even in the same processes as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems [
]. Legacy
systems that were replaced by ERP systems and are still used by business workgroups also relate to this
phenomenon [
]. ERP systems support a major part of the organization, such as the departments
of finance, human resources, operations and logistics, sales, and marketing [
]. ERP systems
and other formal enterprise systems [
] thereby offer a comprehensive functionality to support
business processes. The goal of this IT support is a high enterprise integration [
]. However, there is
evidence that shadow systems lead to redundancy [
] and a lack of integration in the enterprise
architecture [
]. While one of the main goals of Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM)
is to support these integration and standardization requirements of an organization [
], existing
shadow systems preclude this goal [
]. Organizations can identify shadow systems explicitly [
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However, shadow systems can also appear during software maintenance projects, such as release
changes, enhancements of ERP systems [
]. Organizations then have to decide about their integration.
To be able to decide about integration, detecting redundancies and comparing the different systems
seems to be appropriate [
]. To proceed in this decision, the pursued objective of our research is to
explore the different forms of the relation between shadow systems and ERP systems.
Although some contributions about shadow systems mention the topic of integration [
], there
has been no detailed conjunction of the two research fields in literature yet. However, integration
becomes more and more important for organizations, especially in the context of shadow systems [
Furthermore, prior research describes integration as under-researched in general [
]. Literature
describes integration as an ongoing task that is not only relevant during the initial stages of a
system [26,27]. However, existing research mostly focuses on problems with shadow systems during
the implementation of an ERP system [
]. There are only few studies on shadow systems and
established ERP systems [
]. These identify challenges and opportunities of shadow systems [
explore the effect of shadow systems on organizational control [
], but do not analyze how a shadow
system relates to an ERP system in general. Furthermore, most ERP researchers focus on single
instances of shadow systems [
]. There are no studies with a broader empirical basis consisting
of a variety of shadow systems from different organizations and processes and their relation to the
ERP system. To close these gaps, the scope of our study is to give an insight into the existence of
shadow systems in conjunction with established ERP systems. Our applied method is a multiple-case
study throughout different industries and processes. Following the analysis of the shadow systems
that appeared in these cases, we provide a description of various stages of their dependency on ERP
systems. We can use these dependency stages to derive integration recommendations. The study
contributes to research on management of single shadow systems with regard to their integration into
existing ERP systems. This supports the goal of ERP systems of a high enterprise integration and
integration procedures in general.
This paper proceeds as follows: first, we describe the background of integrating shadow systems
into ERP systems. This consists of a literature review on commonalities and differences of ERP and
shadow systems, followed by details about the similarity of single IT systems in terms of integration.
Then we sum up this background to clarify the research problem and pose our research question.
Afterwards, we present the research method following a multiple-case study. Section 4explains and
discusses our analysis results. The final part summarizes the findings of the paper, provides practical
and theoretical implications, and gives an outlook on future research.
2. The Challenge of Integrating Shadow Systems into ERP Systems
Exploring the relation between a shadow system and its corresponding ERP system, we review
prior research and provide an insight into the differences and commonalities of shadow systems and
ERP systems in general. Afterwards, we introduce dependency levels discussed in literature based on
the similarity of single IT systems in the context of integration. This background builds the basis for
the derivation of our research question.
2.1. Literature on ERP Systems and Shadow Systems
The purpose of ERP systems is a high enterprise integration [
]. They achieve this by integrating
discrete applications using one common database [
]. The integration includes all information
in a company and business fields such as finance, accounting, human resources, operations, and
logistics [
]. ERP systems are therefore highly centralized. Especially in the context of their
implementation, research has shown that shadow systems may occur [
] and has started to focus on
their connection to ERP systems (To identify existing peer-reviewed studies and illustrate the status
quo of the research field [
] we at first identified relevant keywords. Those were “shadow system(s)”,
“shadow IT”, “feral system(s)”, “grey IT”, “hidden IT”, “rogue IT”, “end user computing”, and “EUC”
as they are all used as terms to describe the phenomenon of shadow systems. We used these words
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in combination with the terms “ERP” and “ERP system(s)”. After the identification of the keywords,
we queried several scientific databases that provide access to peer-reviewed journals and conference
papers. We limited our search to the keywords, abstract, and the title of the publication and used the
following databases: Ebscohost Business Source Complete, ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital
Library, and AIS Electronic Library. After analyzing the resulting papers, removing duplicates, and
identifying relevant papers, 19 papers remained. Afterwards, we conducted a forward—as well as
a backward—search to be able to find additional relevant publications [
]). These studies illustrate
that both shadow systems and ERP systems support business processes. However, shadow systems
“are deployed autonomously within business departments and by IT users” [
]. Shadow systems
are decentralized solutions with a low enterprise integration such as a locally installed application,
a spreadsheet, database solution, cloud service, but also an end or peripheral device, a combined
solution [16,20] or a legacy system that is no longer part of the IT service management [9,20].
Further differences exist between ERP and shadow systems. IT departments professionally
manage and surveille ERP systems and their whole lifecycle [
]. They incorporate them into IT
controlling and EAM tasks. In contrast, organizational IT service management does not include
shadow systems [
]. Therefore, business departments develop, implement, and maintain shadow
systems less professionally. This can lead to false decisions and can disrupt business processes [29].
Supporting a variety of different functions, ERP systems are much more complex than single
applications [
]. Shadow systems are often solutions that business departments develop quickly to
fulfill an emergent business need [
]. At their implementation, they are often easy solutions. In
some cases, shadow systems can also be complex due to their initial design or become complex during
their life cycle [29].
Due to the complexity and the vast integration, the implementation of an ERP system comes with
certain challenges. Either the system or the organization have to change to match each other [
]. Often,
the organization puts the system first and then has to adapt its processes to the ERP processes [
]. This
is also due to the complexity of extending or changing such a system. In some cases, changes need only
slight effort, for example, configuration or screen masks. However, most require moderate to heavy
change effort, like workflow or ERP programming, code modifications, or interface development [
Shadow systems in contrast provide efficient tools for the daily work. Users know their business needs
very well and this knowledge shapes the shadow systems [
]. When implemented, they therefore fit
the existing processes. Additionally, shadow systems are very flexible and can be adapted to changing
requirements easily. Business departments can perform these changes quickly [3,30].
As a result, shadow systems and ERP systems have some attributes in common. For example,
they both support business activities in general [
] and sometimes even in the same processes [
However, several differences exist, which oppose the goal of ERP systems to achieve a high enterprise
integration [
]. Their use in the same processes favors their integration. Therefore, we need a basis to
enable integration recommendations for these two system types. To build that basis, we present prior
research about the comparison of single IT systems by determining their dependency in the following.
2.2. The Dependency of IT Systems in Context of Integration
As a prerequisite for deciding about an integration of two systems, organizations have to
understand the structure and capabilities of the systems they want to integrate. A common word to
describe the relation of two systems before their integration in research is “dependency” [
]. To
be able to determine the dependency of two systems, we have to compare their components.
For comparison, the concept of similarity of Lin (1998) is suitable as it consists of commonalities
and differences. Lin defines that the more commonalities two systems have, the more similar they are.
The more differences they have, the less similar they are. Two systems will be identical, if the similarity
between them reaches its maximum [
]. We therefore derive that similarity is not a concept that only
has two specifications, such as identical and different. Rather, it can take different states. Thus, the
determination of similarity is not a binary decision but a continuum of various stages.
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To determine the components of an IT system and to reach our goal of giving propositions about
the integration, we focus on integration models that refer to the structure of systems. They help
us to define how to integrate the applications. Researchers propose different perspectives on the
dimensions of these models. A search for the latest review in the field of integration resulted in a
literature review from 2012 [
]. In their study, Chowanetz et al. describe common levels of integration.
These are, especially in the field of the integration of applications, data integration, and functional
integration [
] (with reference to [
]). The goal of data integration is the unique existence of
data in an organization [
]. Thereby, different applications share the same data [
]. Functional
integration refers to the implementation of a functionality only once in an application combined with
the opportunity to be usable in other applications, too [
]. A consolidation of similar functions enables
this form of integration [46].
Following this concept, we use the data and functional level in our study to compare the systems
and to determine their dependency. If a system shares all of its data with the other system [
] and
has the same or similar functions [
], we will consider them as dependent. If the two systems share
their data via an interface, some form of data integration already exists [
]. If they share no data and
do not have similar or identical functions, we will consider them as independent and therefore not
integrated. Following our argumentation about the similarity above [
], we argue that systems can
also take various stages in between dependent and independent and therefore in between integrated
and not integrated. We label these situations grey zones.
To upshot, shadow systems and ERP systems often occur in the same business processes, but also
have certain differences. Additionally, we provided an insight into how we can compare IT systems in
terms of their integration. Both lines of argumentation lead to the problem statement of our study and
the related research question.
2.3. Problem Statement
As described above, the goal of the implementation of ERP systems is a high integration
throughout a majority of the business processes in an organization [
]. Shadow systems instead are
rather stand-alone and not or only loosely integrated with other enterprise systems. However, business
departments often use them in the same processes [
]. In these cases, shadow systems either
supplement or substitute the existing ERP system. They reveal that ERP implementations struggle
with the goal of a high integration [
]. Additionally, these shadow systems hinder the goal of
EAM to support integration requirements of an organization [
]. Therefore, organizations face
the challenge of managing them accordingly and deciding about whether or not to integrate them
into the ERP system. To be able to decide about the integration, organizations have to compare the
commonalities and differences of the structure of shadow systems and their related ERP systems. A
possible way to conduct this comparison is the determination of their dependency [23].
Scientific literature offers few studies on the topic of dependency of shadow systems and ERP
systems. In general, there is little research on shadow systems and ERP systems combined. In some
studies, the focus is only on one example in one case study [
]. Others mention several, but focus
on the implications for ERP implementation [
] or organizational control [
]. No studies
exist that explicitly explore a variety of different shadow system instances in various organizations
and processes in the context of later stages of the lifecycle of an ERP system. Another focus of existing
research is set on the reasons for the emergence of shadow systems. While some studies provide
assumptions on a high level [
], others go more into detail [
]. This
indicates that literature indeed is clear about a dependency between shadow systems and ERP systems.
However, these studies concentrate on the phenomenon of shadow systems. There is no elaborated
analysis of shadow systems and ERP systems, or how and to which extent they are dependent in
existing literature.
Only, if we examine the dependency between single shadow systems and matured ERP systems
in practice, we will be able to derive recommendations for their integration. To provide generalizable
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results, it is necessary to analyze various shadow systems from different organizations in different
industries. Regarding the described problem and the lack of research in this specific field, we formulate
the following research question:
What dependencies of shadow systems and ERP systems can we find in practice?
3. Research Method
To be able to answer the research question, we passively observed the phenomenon of shadow
systems in organizations [
]. This accounts for the scientific method of the case study [
]. This
method will be useful, if knowledge about the influencing factors is rather low [
]. Research has
not discovered the variables of integration as well as the general phenomenon of shadow systems
extensively yet, as presented in the prior section. Therefore, this method seems appropriate. Multiple
case studies are useful, as they can provide an in-depth description of a phenomenon as well as the
ability to generalize [
]. The use of various cases allows researchers to replicate the findings in
several different situations to ensure their validity [
]. Additionally, multiple-cases will be useful, if
the intent of a study is the exploration of a topic [
]. As the goal of this study is to explore the relation
between ERP systems and shadow systems, we considered not only one, but also several cases in the
research process. This accounts for the method of the multiple-case study [
] that additionally allows
broadening the empirical basis.
To achieve a theoretical replication [
], we chose three different organizations based in
Germany and Switzerland. The organizations in our cases act in various industries, which reach from
the service sector to the industry sector. Additionally, processes and business units varied. Table 1
shows an overview about these organizations, their processes and departments, as well as the interview
partners from business and IT.
Table 1. Details on the multiple-case study.
Case A Case B Case C
Industry Insurance Engineering Electronics
No. of Employees 1300 47,500 5500
Benefits Statements: Private
and Corporate Clients
Order Management of a
Manufacturing Unit
(Sales to Shipment)
Corporate Marketing
Interview Partners in
Business 2 5 3
IT 1 5 1
We conducted the case studies between June 2012 and June 2013, lasting three to four months
each. To be able to get an overview over the complete IT infrastructure in the units, we identified all
process-related IT solutions including shadow systems. This was done using different methods to
collect information [
]. Different methods for data collection ensure that researchers can collect a
variety of different data and can capture the complexity of the studied phenomenon [
]. Data sources
were internal documents (process models, manuals), technical artefacts (software inventory tools, help
desk reports), and interviews with staff from business and IT [59].
For the data collection and after reviewing the existing documents, we used interviews following
a pre-tested, semi-structured guideline [
]. This interview guideline helped us to structure the
interview, but also to ensure that we received all the relevant information. During the interview,
we at first clarified the goal as well as our procedure. Afterwards, we formulated semi-structured
questions about the purpose and detailed functionality of the systems, the underlying technology, the
data, and the data sources. The interviews lasted one to two hours each. Interview partners were
both from the business and the IT side. Participants from the IT department gave an insight into the
existing enterprise system in their organization and its functionality. Participants from the business
departments gave a detailed description of the existing shadow systems, their functionality, and the
relation to the formal enterprise system. We took notes to collect the information that the interviewees
presented [63].
Systems 2016,4, 11 6 of 13
We analyzed each of the found shadow systems individually on the dependency on the ERP
system in the companies. Multiple investigators are able to enhance the insights and results in the
analysis of a case study [
]. Therefore, three researchers conducted the analysis. We used the
description of the existing ERP systems as well as our previous professional experiences with ERP
systems. We recorded reasons from our collected data for the dependency stages. These notes were
coded [
] which results in a verbal proposition that is appropriate to be able to make controlled
deductions [
]. The coding enabled us to order the data and derive cross-case dependency categories.
Based on prior research (discussed in Section 2), our focus was on the data level and the functionality
level. To measure the dependency, we used a qualitative approach [
]. Therefore and for each shadow
system, all researchers at first identified the used data and the provided functionalities separately.
Afterwards, each of the researchers had a closer look at the data and each functionality and analyzed
the corresponding ERP system regarding these two dimensions. Then, we commonly discussed, which
data and functionalities were part of the shadow system. In a next step, we mutually decided whether
there was corresponding data or a corresponding functionality in the ERP system. For the data level,
this means that all researchers agreed that the shadow system shares its data with the corresponding
ERP system. In this case, we consider the data as dependent. For the functionality level, it means
that all researchers agreed that the shadow system has a similar or identical functionality as the ERP
system. We then consider the functionality as dependent. After we commonly made a decision about
the dependency of all the data and all the functionalities of the shadow system, we derived the overall
dependency. If we could not classify the shadow system clearly as dependent or independent, we
classified it in the category grey zone. The next chapter discusses our findings.
4. Findings
Based on our analyses, this section describes general results of the chosen cases. Then, we give
detailed examples of shadow systems to illustrate the categories of dependency on the corresponding
ERP systems. Afterwards, we discuss these findings to illustrate how they reply to the posed
research question.
4.1. Dependency Stages of Shadow Systems and ERP Systems in the Case Studies
After conducting the interviews, we found 99 shadow systems. In organization A, we identified
six shadow systems, 52 in organization B, and 41 in organization C. After the analysis of the instances,
we derived three dependency categories: dependency, no dependency, and grey zone. In the category
grey zone, we sum up three types of dependencies that we cannot clearly identify as dependent or
independent. We describe and give examples for each of the categories in the following.
4.1.1. Dependency
We found 27 shadow systems that are dependent on the ERP system, following our argumentation
in the prior section. The systems are all in this category, because their functionality is one of the ERP
systems of the analyzed organization. Additionally, the ERP systems share the data that the shadow
system processes.
System A
: In Case B, in the team of order processing of special products, we found a Microsoft
Access application on an SQL (Structured Query Language) database to create offers for special
products. It is associated with another shadow system for technical calculations and a database
for orders. The creation of offers is a core functionality of the existing ERP system. Furthermore,
the saved data is core data of the ERP system. Because the shadow system shares all its data with
the ERP system and the ERP system can provide all the functionalities of the shadow system, we
classify these systems as dependent.
System B
: In Case B, in the teams of quality management and spare part processing, the employees
used an online portal for retrieving product information. The data are stored as pdf documents.
Additionally, the system provides an authorization scheme to distinguish between different roles
that have access to different documents. Product information, as well as authorization schemes,
are core parts of the formal ERP system. Therefore, this shadow system belongs to this category.
Systems 2016,4, 11 7 of 13
System C
: In Case C, in the team of trade fairs and events, we found a small web based tool for
inventory control that only one warehouseman uses. Inventory control is a core functionality of
the ERP system as well as the storage of inventory data. Therefore, we classify the two systems
as dependent.
4.1.2. No Dependency
For 36 shadow systems, we did not find a dependency on the corresponding ERP system. This
means that they do not share data or have common functionalities. Therefore, the shadow systems are
part of this category.
System D
: Employees in Case C, in the team of corporate marketing, used a free content
management framework for setting up websites about the company in the business unit. As this
is not a functionality in an ERP system and the ERP system does not provide the data, we classify
them as independent.
System E
: The team of corporate marketing in Case C used a collection of tools for editing graphics
and videos. ERP systems provide neither the functionalities nor the data, which puts the shadow
system into this category.
System F
: In Case C, the team of trade fairs and events applied software for the development
of applications for a specific web application platform. The shadow system also accounts for
independent, as the ERP system provides neither the functionality nor the data.
4.1.3. Grey Zone
The 36 shadow systems in our cases exemplify three types within this category. The first type will
occur, if only the data of the shadow system is dependent. The second type will occur, if the shadow
system only has parts of its data and/or functionality in common with the ERP system. Shadow
systems within the third type provide a functionality and data that we cannot clearly categorize
as dependent.
In six cases, there is only a dependency of data, but not of the functionality. The shadow system
shares its data with the ERP system. However, the ERP system cannot provide the functionality of the
shadow system.
System G
: In Case B, the team of construction uses an external software to stamp drawings
from the ERP system. Therefore, the project from the ERP system is loaded into the software.
Afterwards, the team puts the stamp on the drawing. The software shares the data with the ERP
system, but the ERP system cannot provide the functionality. Therefore, data is dependent and
already loosely integrated. Functionality, however, is not.
System H
: In Case C, the team of corporate design loads data from the ERP system into the
database of an online shop. The team takes the data from the ERP system. The data is therefore
dependent and integrated via a manual interface, whereas the ERP system cannot provide the
functionality of the upload. The functionality therefore is independent, whereas the data is.
In 14 cases, the shadow system and the ERP system are only partially dependent. The shadow
system shares only parts of its data with the ERP system and additionally uses data from other sources.
Another possibility is that the ERP system can provide only some of the functionalities of the shadow
system but not all. It can also occur that the shadow system shares only some of its data and some of
its functionalities with the ERP system.
System I
: In Case A, the team of benefits for organizations uses benefit and case reports for
insurances. The provided summary of benefits in the ERP system is not sufficient. Therefore, each
employee uses a tool of end user computing. There, she accumulates data from the ERP system as
well as from other information sources, depending on the circumstances.
Systems 2016,4, 11 8 of 13
System J
: In Case B, the team of order processing uses a web application. It uses data from the
ERP system but also external order data. It has several functionalities, such as the granting of
discounts, planning of dates and the display of milestones for the order. The ERP system can
provide all of these functionalities. Hence, all of the functionalities are dependent but only parts
of the data.
The third reason for this category occurs, when one or all of the functionalities and the associated
data of the shadow system are part of the ERP system. However, they are no core capability of the
ERP system. They are rather far from the original purpose of the system. We therefore call this state
of dependency unclear. However, the system can share further data or functionalities with the ERP
system. We found this subcategory in 16 cases.
System K
: The team of corporate marketing in Case C uses a self-developed system, based on ASP
(Active Server Pages) to archive documents in different languages. Although the ERP system can
provide archiving, it is not its core competency. It shares part of its data with the ERP system, but
also uses external sources. Due to the unclear functionality, we cannot make a clear proposition
about its dependency on the ERP system.
System L
: The team of order processing of special products in Case B uses a shadow system to
describe big projects in different languages. They use building text blocks to combine technical
sales and distribution aspects. They use another system for pricing, but with some additional
functionalities for customs and big orders. The pricing functionality and the data of distribution
are parts of the ERP system. However, the functionality for combining building blocks is not a
core competency of the ERP system and we can therefore not clearly define its dependency.
Figure 1illustrates the resulting categories. We show the different dependencies of data and
functionality of shadow systems to the ERP system. Additionally, we provide the percentage of each
category that we found in our cases. The next section discusses the found dependency stages and
percentages with regard to integration recommendations.
Systems 2016, 4, 11 8 of 13
System J: In Case B, the team of order processing uses a web application. It uses data from the
ERP system but also external order data. It has several functionalities, such as the granting of
discounts, planning of dates and the display of milestones for the order. The ERP system can
provide all of these functionalities. Hence, all of the functionalities are dependent but only parts
of the data.
The third reason for this category occurs, when one or all of the functionalities and the associated
data of the shadow system are part of the ERP system. However, they are no core capability of the
ERP system. They are rather far from the original purpose of the system. We therefore call this state
of dependency unclear. However, the system can share further data or functionalities with the ERP
system. We found this subcategory in 16 cases.
System K: The team of corporate marketing in Case C uses a self-developed system, based on
ASP (Active Server Pages) to archive documents in different languages. Although the ERP
system can provide archiving, it is not its core competency. It shares part of its data with the ERP
system, but also uses external sources. Due to the unclear functionality, we cannot make a clear
proposition about its dependency on the ERP system.
System L: The team of order processing of special products in Case B uses a shadow system to
describe big projects in different languages. They use building text blocks to combine technical
sales and distribution aspects. They use another system for pricing, but with some additional
functionalities for customs and big orders. The pricing functionality and the data of distribution
are parts of the ERP system. However, the functionality for combining building blocks is not a
core competency of the ERP system and we can therefore not clearly define its dependency.
Figure 1 illustrates the resulting categories. We show the different dependencies of data and
functionality of shadow systems to the ERP system. Additionally, we provide the percentage of each
category that we found in our cases. The next section discusses the found dependency stages and
percentages with regard to integration recommendations.
Figure 1. Shadow systems categories and their distribution.
Figure 1. Shadow systems categories and their distribution.
Systems 2016,4, 11 9 of 13
4.2. Discussion
Considering the findings, we are able to reply to the posed research question: What dependencies
of shadow systems and ERP systems can we find in practice? We have seen that identified dependencies
are complex. Therefore, we cannot easily classify shadow systems and ERP systems as dependent or
independent in every case. Besides the categories of dependency and no dependency, we found three
states of dependency in between these categories, summed up in the category grey zone.
Based on this categorization, we can provide an insight into general integration possibilities that
can be total, partial, or no integration [
]. Shadow systems in the category dependency share the
same data and have the same functionality as the corresponding ERP system. Hence, a transfer of
these systems into the ERP system would be possible. Independent shadow systems share neither their
data nor their functionality with the corresponding ERP system. Therefore, integration might not be
preferable due to a heavy change effort [
]. However, organizations should analyze the dependency
on other enterprise systems to uncover further integration possibilities. If organizations decide against
an integration and to leave the shadow systems in the business unit, a coordination of related IT tasks
between business and IT units will be appropriate to ensure a high quality and reduce risk [21].
For shadow systems that are part of the category grey zone the corresponding ERP system is
partly dependent or its dependency is unclear. The integration possibilities that we are able to state
for this category in general are more complex. In these cases, organizations have to decide about the
scope of integration. In our first type of the category grey zone, we found shadow systems that share
all their data with the ERP system, but the ERP system cannot provide the functionality. As we did
not find the opposite, this phenomenon points at deficiencies of the functionalities of the existing
ERP systems as already discussed in research [
]. In some cases, systems share their data via an
interface and therefore a loose integration already exists. However, users often handle these interfaces
manually, which puts data integrity and security at risk [
]. As prior research also sees data integrity
as a major problem in matured ERP systems [
], possible integration could be the provision of a
secured data interface to the shadow systems to ensure data integrity. Furthermore, organizations
could enhance the ERP system to integrate the functionality of the shadow systems [
]. In the second
type of the category, there are partial dependencies of data or the functionality of the shadow systems.
Organizations could decide to integrate the shadow systems partially. This integration could follow
the different integration levels and the related data and functionalities. The third type contains shadow
systems with an unclear dependency on the ERP system. This follows on an unclear affiliation of the
functionality or the data to the ERP system. Therefore, organizations have to define what an ERP
system should cover to be able to make a clear statement about integration possibilities. Alike to
the previously discussed category, organizations should analyze the dependency on other enterprise
systems and act accordingly.
In 28% of the shadow system instances, we found a dependency on the ERP system. This
means that 28% of the identified shadow systems substitute the existing ERP system, which is also
discovered by prior research [
]. The ERP system does not meet the needs of the business
users in these cases. An additional 20% are partly dependent and 16% have an unclear dependency.
These 36% of the shadow systems also point to deficient functionalities of the ERP system. The results
highlight the relevance of integrating shadow systems into ERP systems in general to fulfill the needs
of business users. By providing an integration approach, our study extends the research in the field of
integration in general [
], especially considering integration as an ongoing task and not only during
the implementation process of an ERP system [
]. Additionally, the research considers various
instances of shadow systems, which extends the field of ERP systems and shadow systems.
5. Conclusions
The relation between shadow systems and ERP systems has different occurrences. We can
describe these by determining various dependency stages. These stages can serve as a starting
point for deriving integration recommendations. Integration recommendations for shadow systems
follow the dependency of data and functionality on the ERP systems. For some dependency stages, we
recommend the transfer to the ERP system or their partial or full integration. For others, we recommend
Systems 2016,4, 11 10 of 13
not to integrate but to analyze the dependency on other enterprise systems. The integration of former
stand-alone shadow systems into ERP systems enhances enterprise integration.
We found a partial or full dependency and therefore a possibility for an enhancement of enterprise
integration in 64% of the analyzed shadow systems in the case studies. These results point at
weaknesses of the ERP systems in practice. Practitioners can use the results to compare shadow
systems and ERP systems. Based on this, they can decide about the integration of identified shadow
systems to ensure that the ERP system meets its goal of a high enterprise integration. With regard to
theoretical implications, the study contributes to the topic of single system integration. Researchers
can use the provided approach to conclude from the dependency of two systems to their integration.
Furthermore, our findings extend the research field of shadow IT regarding its management with the
focus on integration. It especially extends studies on shadow systems and established ERP systems
that focus mostly on the implementation phase.
However, we have to acknowledge several limitations in our study that future research may
address. The study includes only three companies. A broader empirical basis could enlarge the
empirical insights. Additionally, our integration recommendations are mainly based on literature. An
empirical testing of these recommendations could increase their validity. Furthermore, our research
only focuses on the two integration levels of data and functionality. To ensure a valid integration
decision, further research may incorporate more criteria for deciding about the integration of shadow
systems into ERP systems and enterprise systems. Possible additional factors are cost, benefits, and
architectural strategies of the integration. This includes risk considerations putting a research focus on
shadow IT. These criteria may be empirically tested and evaluated accordingly. Additionally, system
boundaries provide another possible focus of future research. These are crucial for deciding about an
integration. Research has to develop methods to set these boundaries. Besides, research should be
expanded to enterprise systems. The results could enhance insights into the efficiency of enterprise
systems in general. Further studies may include organizations that do not possess a typical ERP
system, such as the banking sector or service providers in general. Thereby, research could target an
overall view on the integration of shadow systems into enterprise systems. Such a perspective could
also use our findings to include the scalability of their integration into future research. This would
additionally add to a broader empirical basis and a generalization of the results concerning integration
of single IT systems in general.
Author Contributions:
M.H., C.R., S.Z. and C.F. are all part of the research project. C.R. and S.Z. performed the
case studies. M.H., C.R. and S.Z. analyzed the data. M.H., S.Z., C.R. and C.F. mutually discussed the results as
well as the scientific contributions and determined the structure of the research paper. M.H. wrote the paper and
consulted S.Z., C.R. and C.F. regularly to receive their feedback concerning the current status.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Due to the individual implementation of SIT, business units rarely regard the current enterprise architecture (EA) during its introduction . Studies show that a majority of SIT include data or functional redundancies to IT-managed systems (enterprise systems (ES)) (Huber et al. 2016), which hinders automation (Fürstenau and Rothe 2014) and causes inefficiencies (Silic et al. 2016). Eliminating unwanted redundancies by IT integration is an established concept in IT management (Hung et al. 2015;Mertens 2012). ...
... Furthermore, business units implement SIT that is often a driver for innovation (Khalil et al. 2017) and has a high fit with the business unit needs . However, the implementation often occurs without considering the overall EA leading to unwanted data and functional redundancies (Huber et al. 2016) and hindering automation (Fürstenau et al. 2017). ...
... Therefore, independent from the current governance status as SIT or business-managed IT (in the following referenced as SIT), EAM needs to decide on whether and how to integrate the redundant IT systems. Integration hereby means the creation of linkages or the unification of the IT systems by technical means (Huber et al. 2016). Thereby, a decision needs to incorporate the business unit benefits to ensure the use of the integrated IT system (Morton 2006). ...
Conference Paper
Business units are increasingly able to introduce information technology (IT) into their business processes. Thereby, they implement Shadow IT (SIT) to create flexible and innovative IT solutions. However, the individual implementation of SIT leads to unwanted data and functional redundancies and as a result to inefficiencies and reduced automation. Integration suggests itself to meet these challenges but can also eliminate the described benefits. In a single-case study, we gain insights into how organizations come to a SIT integration decision that explicitly includes the business unit benefits. Thereby, possible SIT integration strategies, decision criteria and decision situations emerge. Research can base on the presented criteria and the collaborative approach that explicitly considers the perspective of the business unit. Practitioners can use the procedures when confronted with a SIT integration decision.
... According to the Asia Business Transformations article, the real challenge is how the organization responds to the existence of shadow IT, which has been attached to the behavior of its employees' use of IT 2 . In general, research related to shadow IT has developed, and the results of research related to shadow IT have shown contradictory results, positive and negative [5]- [10]. ...
... The ERPS is a new generation of IS and is normally implemented in order to integrate isolated applications into a single database (Huber et al. 2016). The integration includes data among all an entity's departments, providing the organization's manager with a broader scope. ...
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It is generally perceived that the effective implementation of an adequate internal control system prevents and controls an entity’s risks and improves its procedures and performance. This study empirically investigates the relationship between the internal control system and firms’ performance, with particular emphasis on the moderation role of an integrated information system. For this purpose, a survey was developed and sent to 215 Saudi firms that had implemented an integrated information system. A hundred and two valid responses were received. Partial least squares structural equation modeling was utilized for the data analysis and hypothesis testing. The findings confirmed that organizational structure, prospectors’ strategy, information system quality, and management support significantly influence the internal control system for the study sample. The finding also supports the role of an information system as a moderator variable in the relationship between internal control and organizational performance. Additionally, the study elucidates the importance of information system maturity for information system quality.
... Parallel with the official infrastructure, developed, acquired or maintained by the IT sector, most organisations have a co-existing so-called shadow IT (Sakal et al., 2017a), also referred to in literature as feral systems, grey IT, hidden IT, workaround systems, rogue IT, end user computing (Behrens, 2009;Fürstenau and Rothe, 2014;Haag and Eckhardt, 2017;Huber et al., 2016;Mallmann et al., 2018;Rentrop and Zimmermann, 2012;Silic and Back, 2014;Zimmermann et al., 2014). This is software developed or acquired without the knowledge, approval or support of the IT sector, by employees who are not IT experts and who work in some of the organisation's non-IT sectors (Sakal et al., 2017b). ...
The aim of the paper was to look into the degree of awareness among end users of the existence of spreadsheet risks. A systematic overview of literature resulted in identifying research questions, to which answers were given by analysing data gathered by means of a field survey. The research included 161 respondents. Despite the opinion that spreadsheets are very important for performing their tasks to a significant extent, the respondents think that their use is not combined to a significant extent with risks such as errors, credibility, security, data abuse, and poor analysis that may result in making wrong decisions, lack of version control, inadequate qualifications of users, lack of spreadsheet development guidelines, loss of data, breach of legal regulations, and unauthorised access to data. The majority of organisations where the respondents are employed do not possess defined spreadsheet risk management strategies, nor have adopted standards and rules for spreadsheet use.
... This suggests that the migration from on-premises to cloud-based ERP is moving rapidly. Over the previous year, according to a report released in 2016 [3], 44% of ERP systems deployed as cloud-based solutions. Cloud-based ERP can be set up in different ways and with varying levels of responsibility [4]. ...
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Cloud ERP is a type of enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that runs on the vendor’s cloud platform instead of an on-premises network, enabling companies to connect through the Internet. The goal of this study was to rank and prioritise the factors driving cloud ERP adoption by organisations and to identify the critical issues in terms of security, usability, and vendors that impact adoption of cloud ERP systems. The assessment of critical success factors (CSFs) in on-premises ERP adoption and implementation has been well documented; however, no previous research has been carried out on CSFs in cloud ERP adoption. Therefore, the contribution of this research is to provide research and practice with the identification and analysis of 16 CSFs through a systematic literature review, where 73 publications on cloud ERP adoption were assessed from a range of different conferences and journals, using inclusion and exclusion criteria. Drawing from the literature, we found security, usability, and vendors were the top three most widely cited critical issues for the adoption of cloud-based ERP; hence, the second contribution of this study was an integrative model constructed with 12 drivers based on the security, usability, and vendor characteristics that may have greater influence as the top critical issues in the adoption of cloud ERP systems. We also identified critical gaps in current research, such as the inconclusiveness of findings related to security critical issues, usability critical issues, and vendor critical issues, by highlighting the most important drivers influencing those issues in cloud ERP adoption and the lack of discussion on the nature of the criticality of those CSFs. This research will aid in the development of new strategies or the revision of existing strategies and polices aimed at effectively integrating cloud ERP into cloud computing infrastructure. It will also allow cloud ERP suppliers to determine organisations’ and business owners’ expectations and implement appropriate tactics. A better understanding of the CSFs will narrow the field of failure and assist practitioners and managers in increasing their chances of success.
... Segundo Huber et al. (2016), o objetivo dos sistemas ERP é uma alta integração corporativa. Eles conseguem isso integrando aplicativos discretos usando um banco de dados comum. ...
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A finalidade do presente artigo se centra em identificar em empresa do setor de e-commerce, os problemas de manutenção de ERP em servidor próprio, comparativamente aos benefícios e custos de implantação do mesmo ERP em Cloud Computing. Os estudos foram desenvolvidos em uma empresa de São Paulo/SP, que adota como objeto social o comércio eletrônico de produtos em geral, que vinha enfrentando dificuldades ligadas ao desempenho do ERP mantido em servidor próprio. A migração para nuvem trouxe ganho de performance ao eliminar problemas como lentidão e redução do tempo em que o sistema e suas integrações ficavam inoperantes, ao passo que, aumentou os gastos com tecnologia da informação ligados ao ERP corporativo.
This article is theoretical in nature and sets out to explore how human resources software systems create “hassles” for human resource practitioners (HRPs) that elicit negative discrete emotions (e.g., anger, frustration, exasperation, etc.) and how HRPs create feral systems (workarounds) to alleviate these elicited negative discrete emotions. Feral systems have the potential to undermine wider organisational strategic efforts aimed at successful human resource information systems (HRIS) implementation, and the overall intended benefits (e.g., productivity) that may be derived from these systems’ use in HR workflows. As such, HRPs are bound by normative pressures (i.e., conforming to the demands of others) that are presented to them by their professional governing body (e.g., human resource institutions) and their organizations. Therefore, Institutional Theory is used as the primary theoretical framework for guiding the themes of this article. Affective Event Theory (AET) forms the secondary basis for additional arguments.
We explore shadow information technology (IT) at institutions of higher education through a two-tiered approach involving a detailed case study and comprehensive survey of IT professionals. In its many forms, shadow IT is the software or hardware present in a computer system or network that lies outside the typical review process of the responsible IT unit. We carry out a case study of an internally built legacy grants management system at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County that exemplifies the vulnerabilities, including cross-site scripting and SQL injection, typical of such unauthorized and ad-hoc software. We also conduct a survey of IT professionals at universities, colleges, and community colleges that reveals new and actionable information regarding the prevalence, usage patterns, types, benefits, and risks of shadow IT at their respective institutions. Further, we propose a security-based profile of shadow IT, involving a subset of elements from existing shadow IT taxonomies, which categorizes shadow IT from a security perspective. Based on this profile, survey respondents identified the predominant form of shadow IT at their institutions, revealing close similarities to findings from our case study. Through this work, we are the first to identify possible susceptibility factors associated with the occurrence of shadow IT related security incidents within academic institutions. Correlations of significance include the presence of certain graduate schools, the level of decentralization of the IT department, the types of shadow IT present, the percentage of security violations related to shadow IT, and the institution’s overall attitude toward shadow IT. The combined elements of our case study, profile, and survey provide the first multifaceted view of shadow IT security at academic institutions, highlighting tension between its risks and benefits, and suggesting strategies for managing it successfully.
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Esse artigo apresenta o relato de experiência sobre um projeto da Robótica Educacional, utilizando o Pensamento Computacional para desencadear o processo de aprendizagem da programação de estudantes de uma escola de Santo Ângelo, RS. O estudo iniciou em fevereiro com previsão de término para novembro de 2019, envolvendo 289 estudantes das turmas do 1º ao 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental. A metodologia do estudo usada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica e estudo de caso, sendo desenvolvido no laboratório de tecnologias da escola, com aulas semanais e tarefas para serem realizadas em casa. Para o desenvolvimento do projeto elaborou-se um planejamento por meio de plataformas de aprendizagem, como o e o Codespark, que trabalham o desenvolvimento de competências e habilidades relacionadas à tecnologia e a computação, e também utilizou-se atividades desplugadas, que permitem ao estudante experimentar, analisar, criar soluções e aprender através dos erros e acertos. Investigou-se como o desenvolvimento do Pensamento Computacional contribui o ensino da Robótica Educacional por meio de uma distinta forma de abordar os conceitos básicos da Ciência da Computação para resolver problemas, desenvolver sistemas e também para entender o comportamento humano. Por meio desta experiência percebe-se que a introdução do Pensamento Computacional contribui para a inserção da robótica educacional nas séries iniciais da escola em estudo. O projeto encontra-se em desenvolvimento e já é possível observar que a utilização dessas plataformas incentiva o pensamento criativo, o raciocínio sistemático e o trabalho colaborativo, competências essenciais para o educando desenvolver-se de forma crítica e cognitiva.
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The paper will present the results of a first phase of a national research project, "Integrated Information Solutions for Competitive Management in Romanian Universities". The objective of this phase was to perform a study about the current state of the Romanian universities in the process of data and information systems integration, at the end of 2007.
Conference Paper
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The widespread deployment of IT in the past decades has significantly increased the integration reach, breadth, and scope in organisations. Many of the associated socio-economic phenomena have been studied by IS researchers, for example, in the context of IT adoption, the business value of IT, and IS success. Surprisingly though, the concept of integration in itself has so far attracted only little interest on the part of researchers. According to our knowledge, no established theoretical framework seems to place integration-related constructs at the centre of scientific inquiry. The objective of the present study is to take a first step to fill this gap by reviewing the literature on integration in order to structure the existing body of knowledge and to derive an agenda for further research in this area. Our literature review reveals that, in spite of its importance for academia and practice, integration is still an under-researched topic, with a noticeable lack of theorization and synthesis of the different research strands into a more holistic model. As we argue, a to-be-developed 'Theory of Integration' would be highly valuable to increase our understanding of the different phenomena surrounding integration on the technological and the organisational level within the firm.
This book examines influential ideas within Management Information Systems (MIS). Leading international contributors summarize key topics and explore a variety of issues currently being discussed in the field. They re-visit influential ideas such as socio-technical theory, systems thinking, and structuration theory and demonstrate their relevance to newer ideas such as re-engineering, hybrid management, knowledge workers, and outsourcing. In locating MIS within an interdisciplinary context, particularly in the light of rapid technological changes, this book will form the link between past and future approaches to MIS.
Enterprise Modelling and Integration has evolved over the last decades from entity-relationship and activity modelling to object and flow modelling as well as from pier-to-pier system integration to inter-organisational exchanges enabling various forms of electronic commerce. The next challenge is Enterprise Interoperability, i.e. seamless integration in terms of service and knowledge sharing. The paper discusses modelling and integration issues to progress towards Enterprise Interoperability and shows how the CIMOSA architecture can be revised to host these emerging techniques and standards.
This book analyzes various aspects of enterprise information systems (EIS), including enterprise resource planning, customer relationship management, supply chain management systems, and business process reengineering. It describes the evolution and functions of these systems, focusing on issues related to their implementation and upgrading. Enhanced with pedagogical features, the book can be read by graduate and undergraduate students, as well as senior management and executives involved in the study and evaluation of EIS. © 2010 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
In the course of increasing customer orientation in the IT sector, IT service management becomes more important. Especially the de facto standard ITIL receives attention of IT management at present. Deficits of the ITIL reference model are often ignored, benefits are only assumed and a lot of misunderstandings exist. Uncertainties, unfulfilled expectations and problems during the accomplishment of ITIL projects are the result. In this context the paper deals with a critical analysis of the ITIL reference model. It fulfils a formal evaluation of the model on the basis of established criteria. On the basis of this evaluation implications for IT management are derived. Findings are derived from four case studies as well as an in-depth analysis of the ITIL documentation itself.
Shadow Information Technology (IT) occurs when users develop systems outside of the central information technology department. It provides both benefits and risks. Users procuring shadow IT often do not consider integration with existing enterprise architecture, privacy and security protection, maintenance cost, and legal ramifications. Problems with shadow IT must often be resolved by central IT. It is, thus, important for central IT to determine when users will consider shadow IT, and how shadow IT can be managed. This research analyzes paired interviews with CIOs and senior users to identify factors causing shadow IT. The paper finds that the form the shadow IT/central IT duality takes is based on: (a) perceptions of legitimacy of the Shadow IT by the organization and central IT; and (b) the ability of user departments to procure IT independently.
In 2011 a roundtable meeting of Chief Information Officers (CIOs) that was organized by the Manufacturing Information systems Center at the School of Business Administration at Wayne State University discussed the emergence of public cloud computing and how this is changing the role of the CIO for medium- and large-sized organizations. The nine CIOs represented a range of manufacturing and service industries in the Greater Detroit area. This article summarizes the key themes of that roundtable, namely, the continuing change in role of the CIO as public cloud computing becomes mainstream. Key among those changes is not as much technological, because private clouds have been around now for quite some time, but rather in the broader and more challenging scope of responsibilities the CIOs now have. The role of the CIO is evolving from providing and supporting information technology and systems toward one largely based on managing the integration of externally acquired standardized hardware, software, and services while retaining quality control and remaining within budget, as well as the need to be more acquainted with the legal side of contracting. This changing set of CIO responsibilities has not made the technical skills any less important, but it has added a host of additional skills that the CIOs and those serving under them now need to master.