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Market-based Solutions for Social Challenges: A Collaborative Policy Making Strategy


Abstract and Figures

This paper analyzes the Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) and their potential to unify social entrepreneurs, the government, and financial markets to solve social challenges. The first section analyzes the emergence of the social investment market as a political economy. In addition, it explains how SIBs bring together the key stakeholders in the design and implementation of prevention programs that target the underlying causes of specific social problems. The second section assesses cases in the U.S., the U.K. and Germany and presents how the SIB model has been adapted by different nations. The third section focuses on the risks and opportunities for the respective governments concerning this collaborative policy-making strategy. I conclude that SIBs have the potential to transform traditional social policies by replacing reactive interventions with long-term, outcome-based prevention programs. The SIB's ideology is the promotion of social change, accompanied by a financial return. Nevertheless, the profit orientation of SIBs is determined by the path-dependency of the system, in which it is implemented.
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Market-based Solutions for Social Challenges: A
Collaborative Policy Making Strategy
Juan David Rivera Acevedo1
This paper analyzes the Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) and their potential to unify social
entrepreneurs, the government, and financial markets to solve social challenges. The first
section analyzes the emergence of the social investment market as a political economy. In
addition, it explains how SIBs bring together the key stakeholders in the design and
implementation of prevention programs that target the underlying causes of specific social
problems. The second section assesses cases in the U.S., the U.K. and Germany and presents
how the SIB model has been adapted by different nations. The third section focuses on the risks
and opportunities for the respective governments concerning this collaborative policy-making
strategy. I conclude that SIBs have the potential to transform traditional social policies by
replacing reactive interventions with long-term, outcome-based prevention programs. The SIB’s
ideology is the promotion of social change, accompanied by a financial return. Nevertheless, the
profit orientation of SIBs is determined by the path-dependency of the system, in which it is
Keywords: Social Impact Bonds, Public Policy, Pay for Success Contracts, Political
1 Juan David Rivera Acevedo is a PhD fellow at the Centre for Empirical Research in Economics and Behavioral
Science (CEREB) at the University of Erfurt and associate lecturer of the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy in Erfurt.
Cities and states around the world are facing increasing budgetary deficits and are often
overwhelmed with the financial burden associated with social issues. The political cost to allocate
public funds to solve these problems is especially high because social programs usually cannot
guarantee success in the elective term. This causes a rigidity of the public budgets. Most of the
social programs supported by the government tend to be reactive instead of preventive, which
results in high expenses with only few effects in the long term. For example, public policies to
address an issue like homelessness mostly provide support services that mitigate the symptoms
of homelessness, but do not tackle its causes. In this case, the emerging expenses, such as
temporary shelters, public medical services, police or human resources draw away funds from
social programs that target the root of the problem. Meanwhile, several social sector organizations
provide innovative, preventative programs. However, to scale upwards, these interventions require
greater cash-flow stability than current philanthropy provides, leaving the burden on the
government to identify and expand such programs. This distortion between innovative social
service providers and government risk aversion prevents vulnerable populations from receiving
the critical services they need.
Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) are meant to solve the above-mentioned distortion. It is therefore
necessary to study how existing SIBs work in the real world by examining the evolution of
specific cases, in which this instrument has been implemented. Furthermore, the examination of
selected cases provides insight into how economics, politics and institutions affect a SIBs
potential and performance. However, the inevitable danger of case studies is that the selection
could be unrepresentative, and that the derived standards are too generalized and biased. In
order to reduce this risk, I chose three SIBs, which are set in different countries and therefore
different political, economic and cultural backgrounds.
The first section of this paper analyzes the emergence of social investment as a political economy.
Furthermore, it explains how SIBs represent a collaborative policy-making strategy that brings
together private investors and social service providers in the design and implementation of
prevention programs that target the underlying causes of specific social problems. The second
section assesses specific cases of SIBs in the U.S., the U.K. and Germany with focus on the
interaction of economics, politics and institutions concerning this policy strategy. Finally, the third
section presents the risks and opportunities that the SIB model implies for the government.
The Emergence of Social Investment as a Political Economy
During the past decades, numerous countries have experienced several structural changes
concerning their role to deliver services to citizens. These changes have been characterized by a
predilection for market deregulation, which prioritized tax reduction and privatization over centralized
models of welfare state (Edwards, 2011, 2012). According to Nicholls & Tomkinson, “New Public
Management”2 and “Reinventing Government”3 are the two key approaches that represent the
evolution of the state and its internal functioning (2013). In both cases, the goal was to transform the
state into an entity capable of achieving the levels of productivity and efficiency comparable to the
best-run private companies.
This makeover, driven by a “more efficient use of scare public resources”, encouraged market- based
models of welfare delivery, which introduced tendering processes in areas that used to be state
responsibilities (McHugh et al., 2013). In this context, the so called “third sector” delivered welfare
goods and services which allowed it to grow exponentially (Allen, 2009; Millar, 2012).
The “third sector” is hard to define because of its diverse organizational structure and wide- ranging
purposes. Experts declare that the third sector is composed of different social sector organizations,
which are non-profitable and self-governing, remain institutionally separate from the state and
receive voluntary member contributions (Phillips & Hebb, 2010; Salamon et al., 1999). However, this
definition rejects the fact that the third sector can also be profit-oriented. As seen in Figure 1, and for
the purpose of this research, this sector is identified as an intermediary between the public and
private sector, with the capability to be both for-profit and not-for-profit (Kenny, 2013; Pestoff, 1992).
Changes concerning the funding of third sector organizations reshaped their strategies. Traditionally,
philanthropic donations, charitable foundations and government grants provided one-way finance to
social sector organizations (Kingston & Bolton, 2004; Phillips & Hebb, 2010). But over the course of
time, in Western Europe, the allocation of public resources was transformed towards contracts and
payments; whereas in the U.S., public grants were heavily reduced while the commercial income of
the third sector simultaneously increased (Defourny & Nyssens, 2010a).
2 Started in Britain by Margaret Thatcher, leader of the U.K. Conservative party from 1975 1990 (See: Edwards, 2012)
3 Started in the U.S. by Bill Clinton, democrat president from 1993 2001 (See: D. Osborne & Gaebler, 1993)
Figure 1: Pestoff Triangle (Source: Pestoff, 1992)
The transformation of some third sector organizations into business-like entities created the potential
for new revenues and investment streams. This new investment niche emerged as social
investment4, which can be traced back to policy makers in the U.S. and the U.K. in the 1990s
Benjamin et al., 2004). According to Kneiding and Tracey, this movement started in the UK in 1997,
when Community Development Finance Institutions (CDFIs), such as the financial administrators
“Phoenix Fund Services”, were encouraged to direct significant investment funds towards the
voluntary sector in order to promote community development and cover a market unchartered by
conventional financial institutions (2008).
The U.K. government, under the Labor Party in 2000, extended the ideology of CDFIs and funded
the Social Investment Task Force (SITF). The SITF was an advisory body to the U.K. government
from 2000-2010 and chaired by Sir Ronald Cohen, a traditional venture capitalist. The aim of the
SITF was to enhance economic regeneration by generating novel sources of private or institutional
investment for entrepreneurial practices where the voluntary sector, businesses and government
could play as partners (SITF, 2000). In the same vein, the Council on Social Action was created with
the target to bring together innovators from the different sectors to generate ideas for communal
4 The term social investment refers to a monetary investment in a social policy initiative, providing the investor a “ double
bottom line” with financial return while delivering public welfare services (Alter, 2000; Emerson, 2003; Grant, 2012; Kingston
& Bolton, 2004; Manetti, 2014)
development. It was in this council that the initial idea emerged to link the outcome of social programs
with financial returns (Cabinet Office UK, 2007; Nicholls & Tomkinson, 2013).
During the 2008 bank debt crisis, many governments, including the U.K., decided to address the
recession by introducing major austerity programs. In this context, the third sector was identified as
a contender to expand its position within the public sector (Manville & Broad, 2013; Phillips & Hebb,
2010; Smith, 2010). In the same year, the SITF successfully lobbied for legislation and enabled the
liberation of £250m of liquid finance from dormant accounts in the U.K. , allowing the launch of Big
Society Capital in July 2011 with the purpose of developing a sustainable social investment market
(Big Society Capital, 2012; Cabinet Office UK, 2014). The idea of a policy, which combines new
sources of direct investment and data-based commissioning became very attractive and gained
political momentum.
In 2010, David Cameron introduced the ideology of the “Big Society”5 as his cornerstone policy to
target the establishment of a social investment market (Cabinet Office UK, 2014; Harris, 2011). In
that same year, Toby Eccles and his not-for-profit organization Social Finance launched the first
Social Impact Bond (SIB) in Britain. The organization signed a contract with the U.K. Ministry of
Justice to reduce prison recidivism rates. The prison selected was Peterborough, a prison outside
London with a history of high recidivism rates (Shufelt, 2012). To fund the program, Social Finance
raised £5m from 17 different social investors, who would make a profit of up to 13% of their
investment, but only if the recidivism rate dropped more than 7.5% within six years.
Since Peterborough, the SIB concept expanded across the world and garnered support from
numerous political parties. During the G8 Summit in Enniskillen in June 2013, British Prime Minister
David Cameron convened the different governments, social actors and the private sector to “evaluate
the potential and practicalities of social investing as an innovation catalyzer that could help unravel
some of society’s most pressing issues”, and established the Social Impact Investing Task Force
(SIITF) (SIITF, 2014). Even though the social investment market is still in early stages, it has
achieved international acceptance as governments around the world are using, or planning to use
it, in addition to their traditional political economy.
Understanding Social Impact Bonds
Based on the desire to reduce a social problem, e.g. homelessness or prison recidivism, a
partnership between social service providers, government, investors and an intermediary is formed
5 The concept of this ideology still debatable (see: Crines & Halsall, 2012)
to agree on an investment structure, including the desired program outcomes (e.g. a drop of at least
10% of the prison recidivism rate). Once the targets are set and a credible counterfactual6 is
formulated, private investors provide the upfront capital to the service providers to scale up the
program. This capital secures the delivery of the intervention to service users, regardless the
targeted outcomes. During and after program implementation, independent validators conduct
rigorous tests to assess whether the targeted outcomes have been achieved or not. Depending on
these evaluations of the program’s outcomes, the government pays back the investors the principal
plus a rate of return. This means that if the targeted outcome cannot be achieved, the government
does not pay and the investors risk losing their capital. However, even a positive outcome is expected
to save governmental resources, for example, by reducing the need for beds in prison or homeless
shelters. These saved resources could be used to repay, at least in part, the SIB. Furthermore, the
entire society profits from the achieved positive externalities, such as more security or less poverty
(see figure 2).
Figure 2: General structure of a SIB (Source: author)
6 An estimate of what outcomes would have been achieved without the intervention.
The concept of connecting measurable positive social impact with financial returns is a simple idea
with significant implications for society as it could create enormous market opportunities and enable
social innovation in local communities. Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) are among the newest financial
innovations. A SIB is a financial instrument7, which attracts investment capital to tackle social
challenges, creating shared value to government, investors and non-profit service providers through
a multi-stakeholder partnership (see: McKinsey & Company, 2012; World Economic Forum, 2013).
In theory, this instrument enables the government to deliver better outcomes at a lower cost without
jeopardizing taxpayers’ resources, as well as promoting preventative programs, rather than reactive
ones. At the same time, investors experience a double bottom line gain, receiving social returns and
a reasonable financial return for their investment (Palandjian & Schaeffer, 2014). Finally, the non-
profit service providers may find a way to gain scale capital to grow their business while benefiting
underserved communities and individuals (Eccles, 2014).
Traditional procurement processes and grants require social service providers to be accountable
for certain inputs and outputs of their programs. However, there was no focus on the outcome8, e.g.
the effect on the lives of the service users. One of the most important innovations of the SIB model
is the aspect of contracting by outcomes. That way, the social service providers can be held
accountable for the real social value their programs create. Another main characteristic of SIBs
is the collaboration of the different stakeholders (government, social service providers, investors,
service users and evaluators) in the design and implementation of these outcomes- oriented
prevention programs.
In theory, governments could save more money if they directly borrowed from the capital markets
at lower interest rates and invested in prevention programs. However, the political risk associated
with the investment of public funds in programs that might fail is very high because of the potential
accusation of wasting taxpayer’s resources. This is one of the reasons why it is not common for
governments to make direct investments in innovative models of social service delivery.
SIBs present a good opportunity for the government to promote innovation. According to the SIB
model, government resources only come into play if there is evidence that the SIB-financed services
accomplished the expected social outcome, which means that the financial risk is transferred to the
7 The SIBs behave like an equity products which pay out financial returns only when outcomes have been met in contrast
to a traditional financial bond where a holder receives a fix interest until maturity.
8 Understand the difference between inputs, outputs and outcomes is easier with an example: Imagine you are in a hospital.
The inputs are the number of doctors, the output they provide is the number of operations, whereas the expected outcome
is the overall improvement in health of the patients.
private investors9. Government commissioners have the incentive and obligation to meet the
expectations of their electorate concerning social improvement and an increase in quality of life.
SIBs offer the government the opportunity to canalize private investments for this purpose, and
gradually shift the use of state resources from reactive to prevention programs with the goal of
reducing social problems in the long term.
Adapting Social Impact Bonds
The SIB model has been accepted and adapted by different nations around the world. It is therefore
necessary to study how the model has been integrated into the respective economic, social and
political systems as well as how this adaptation has affected its performance in achieving social
This paper analyzes three different cases in three different countries. The cases studied include the
Augsburg pilot SIB project in Germany, which was designed to help disadvantaged adolescents find
employment and apprenticeship opportunities, the Salt Lake City high quality pre-school program for
at-risk and economically disadvantaged children in the U.S., and the Ambition East Midlands
partnership, which aims to improve accommodation options and positive work outcomes for young
homeless people in Britain.
The U.K. has been the pioneer in the development of the social impact bonds and the social
investment market. However, there have been several key innovations since the first SIB was
launched (see Figure 3).
The pioneer SIB was developed under the premise of creating social benefit and reducing state
expenses at the same time. It was grounded on a data-based calculation of the costs of a defined
social problem. To be specific, in Britain, a youth offender costs the state around $34,600 (£21,268)
per year, while a data-based intervention designed to prevent reoffending costs around $11,400
(£7,000) (Cabinet Office UK, 2014c). Knowing the true cost of a specific social outcome could
provide incentives to social service providers to develop interventions capable of improving
outcomes at lower expenses (Eccles, 2014a). Hence, one important innovation was the creation of
the Unit Cost Database in 2014, which calculates the price of negative outcomes for the
9 In the case of the Newpin Social Benefit Bond (same as SIBs) in New South Wales, Australia, the government would
repay part of the private investment even if no positive outcomes are achieved.
government, and promotes a more effective measurement and analysis process of the social
service delivery.
Figure 3: Key developments in the social impact investment market in the UK (Source: National Advisory Board
(NAB) UK, 2014)
Another significant innovation was the Social Investment Tax Relief (SITR) regulation in 2014,
which encourages individuals to support social enterprises by tax reliefs. Individuals, who invest in
organizations with a defined and regulated social purpose10, can deduct 30% of the cost of their
investment from their income tax liability. Individual investors can invest up to £1m and in more
than one social enterprise. (Cabinet Office UK, 2015)
Furthermore, the British government established the Fair Chance Fund (FCF) in 2014 as part of
10 Other eligible organizations include charities, community interest companies or community benefit societies delivering
qualifying trade, with fewer than 500 employees and gross assets of no more than £15m (see: Cabinet Office UK,
the Department for Communities & Local Government (DCLG) and the Cabinet Office, which
commissions Payment by Results (PBR) contracts. The FCF addresses some of the key social
issues contributing to homelessness amongst 18-24 year olds. A total funding of £15m has been
allocated by the DCLG for front line organizations to support this target group with accommodation,
education, training and employment over a three year period (Cabinet Office UK, 2014a).
Ambition East Midlands (AEM) was the first Social Impact Bond to benefit from the Unit Cost
Database, the Social Investment Tax Relief and the Fair Chance Fund. The AEM consortium is
formed by P3 Charity, YMCA Derbyshire, and the Y. Their aim is the improvement of
accommodation and employment options for young, homeless people, whose support needs are
poorly met by existing services. Since this target group often falls through the social safety net
due to the complex and interlinking problems they experience, they receive only minimal support,
resulting in a high risk of getting involved in crime, rough sleeping, substance abuse or long term
benefit dependency (Big Issue Invest, 2015). AEM believes that these young adults deserve a
fair chance, and that with the right support everyone can play a positive part in their communities
and live fulfilling lives.
On behalf of the UK government, the AEM SIB was signed between the DCLG, the Cabinet
Office and the AEM consortium for a three year period (January 2015 to January 2018). The
awarded maximum contract value is £2.95m as part of the FCF program. Triodos Bank is
undertaking the performance management role for the first six months of the contract, until the
operational capability of the consortium is fully embedded and tested. In practice, this will largely
be an administrative role, firstly ensuring the SPV11 is set up correctly, as well as processing the
claims for outcome payments, and creating the reporting structure for investors. This will ensure
that cohort recruitment and delivery is on track. The idea is to build capabilities among social
service providers to contract SIBs in the future, without the need of an intermediary. The SIB
managing board includes three providers’ representatives, an independent chair and two investor
representatives (see figure 4).
11 “A special purpose vehicle (SPV) is a legal entity that is created solely for a particular financial transaction or to
fulfill specific objectives. Investors’ funding is channeled into the SPV, which enters into a contract with the
commissioner. The SPV then acts as the delivery body for the intervention and SIB through an appointed director”
(see: (Cabinet Office UK, 2013)
Figure 4: Structure of Ambition East Midlands SIB (Source: author)
The social service providers divided their zones to improve the service: P3 works in Derbyshire,
YMCA Derbyshire works in Derby City and the Y works in Leicestershire and Leicester City.
Together they provide a service that is aimed at 340 of the most vulnerable young homeless
people across Derbyshire and Leicestershire by offering them innovative and intensive support
(AEM, 2015). Given their greater resources and past experience of operating similar PBR contracts,
P3 led the consortium’s mobilization planning. The mobilization involved recruitment of all key
staff members, including the Project Delivery Manager, and an agreement of referral pathways
with the local authorities (P3, 2015). Referrals are directed to one of the three organizations
primarily based on geography, but the consortium will utilize their specific skillsets to provide the
most appropriate service for a particular individual for example, the Y and YMCA have a larger
stock of short-term accommodation to deal with emergency presentations, but P3 has more access
to the private, long-term accommodations market and greater experience in providing services
to those with acute mental health or substance issues (Big Issue Invest, 2015). Each client is
referred to a link worker, who will supervise them over the course of the program and help them
develop the skills, knowledge, responsibility and confidence necessary for independent living.
The Unit Cost Database determined the expected outcomes, as well as the price, for this
service. According to this database, the local authorities have an annual expenditure of £8.605 per
rough sleeper and £4,257 per person for youths between the age of 18-24 with no employment,
training or education (New Economy, 2015). Based on these calculations and a detailed needs-
assessment across the region, AEM determined the probability of a service user to achieve the
desired project outcomes. As depictured in Table 1, we can see the agreed cost to the
commissioner and the expected performance of the AEM project (based on a percentage of the
anticipated 340 person cohort to achieve outcomes across the duration of the project), which is
significantly lower in comparison to the cost of negative outcomes for the government.
This SIB attracted the investment from both socially and financially motivated investors such as Big
Issue Invest, KeyFund, Delivery Organization Invest and investors under the Social Investment Tax
Relief regulation. 55% of the investment was made by Big Issue Invest (£330,000) and 16% by
Big Society Capital 100,000), through SITR. The total amount was £600,000. However, the
exact amount invested by each investor has still not been published. In case of success, the
investors expect an internal rate of return (IRR)12 of up to a 15%.
The United States
The U.S. is characterized by its market-based and free enterprise culture. According to Pollitt &
Bouckaert, the U.S. has a strong anti-government rhetoric and low public trust, hence, both
Republicans and Democrats approve of more business-like government practices (2011). With
this rhetoric in mind, the outsourcing of governmental responsibilities has been constant; from
contracts for general services, e.g. as prison management, to core governmental and statutory
functions, e.g. policy-making or education (Durant et al., 2009). SIBs, or Pay-For-Success (PFS)
contracts (as they are commonly referred to in the U.S.), fit perfectly into this culture.
The SIB concept has been rapidly adopted by several entities in the US. The Department of
Justice and the Department of Labor allocated funding to develop PFS contacts to reduce crime
recidivism. Additionally, the Department of the Treasury and the Obama administration provided
$300m to help state and local governments to implement PFS contracts. The initial funding allowed
the establishment of the Harvard Kennedy School Social Impact Bond Technical Assistance Lab
(Harvard SIB Lab) in 2012, which has been a cornerstone in developing the SIB market in the US.
Currently, two SIB legislations are proposed at the federal level, “The Social Impact Bond Act
12 The internal rate of return is a measure of the percentage yield on the investment.
(HR 4885)” and the “Pay-For-Performance Act (S 2691)”, which aim at the promotion of PFS
schemes (Social Finance, 2015).
Final Bid
% of Cohort
Expected to Achieve
Outcome AEM
Initial assessment £500 100%
Second assessment £500 81%
Third assessment £200 73%
Move into accommodation £425 81%
Accommodation sustained for 3 months £1,275 74%
Accommodation sustained for 6 months £1,275 71%
Accommodation sustained for 12 months £1,275 64%
Accommodation sustained for 18 months £1,275 61%
Education / Training;
Entry into Education or Training £425 45%
First Entry Level Qualification £1,275 17%
First Level 1 Qualification £2,125 29%
First Level 2 Qualification
(or equivalent)
£2,975 18%
6 weeks volunteering (6 to 16hrs) £425 41%
13 weeks volunteering (6 to 16hrs) £425 27%
20 weeks volunteering (6 to 16hrs) £213 0%
26 weeks volunteering (6 to 16hrs) £213 0%
Entry into Employment £425 39%
13 weeks P/T Employment £2,550 8%
26 weeks P/T Employment £1,700 6%
13 weeks F/T Employment £3,825 29%
26 weeks F/T Employment £2,975 21%
One of the areas identified for pay-for-success contracts is high quality early education for
disadvantaged children. Income inequality and a lack of opportunities for underprivileged kids
and families has increased in the U.S. (Stiglitz, 2012). Studies show that out of 100,000 3-4 year
olds in Utah, 36% belong to economically disadvantaged families and have no access to high
quality Pre-K education. (United Way of Salt Lake, 2015). Due to these bad preconditions, these
kids are 25% more likely to become school dropouts, 60% more likely to be arrested and 70%
more likely to never attend college. In contrast, kids, who receive high quality early education
tend to start school on track and stay on track. They are also more likely to receive higher
education and have an income around 50% higher than their counterparts (ibid). The investment
in early education can contribute to closing the gap between economically advantaged and
disadvantaged children, increase the quality and quantity of human capital available, and also
reduce the government’s cost for remedial interventions, such as special education and welfare
Voices for Utah Children completed a study, in which 737 economically disadvantaged children
from the Granite School District were assessed over three years using the Peabody Vocabulary
Test13. It indicated that, on average, underprivileged 3-year-olds knew 500 words, whereas more
privileged children of the same age knew up to 1,100 words. Based on this result, 238 kids
needed support and special educational programs. However, after attending a high quality
preschool program, only 11 (5%) of them needed special education programs. Furthermore, the
gap between the two groups of children was closed as the preschoolers achieved 78% and 76%
proficiency in language and mathematics, which compares with the results of the average student
in Utah (78% and 78% respectively) (Voices for Utah Children, 2011).
Under these premises, the first ever SIB designed to finance early child education, the Utah High
Quality Preschool Program, was created. The bond was launched by the State of Utah, the Utah
Salt Lake County, and the United Way of Salt Lake as the intermediary. The service delivery
started on August 1st, 2013. The core idea was to develop a tailored high impact curriculum for
disadvantaged children between 3-4 years old, many of whom have English as their second
language, to increase school readiness and academic performance and thereby reduce the
need of expensive special educational programs.
To deliver this intervention, the social service providers were divided into two sections. On the
13 Test to provide a quick estimate of verbal ability and scholastic aptitude.
one hand, Voices of Utah Children and the Granite School District provided research and analytic
support, as well as training and professional development. On the other hand, the factual
providers of the intervention were the Granite School District itself, Park City School District,
Guadalupe School, YMCA of Northern Utah, Children's Express, and Lit'l Scholars (see figure 5).
Figure 5: Structure of the Utah High Quality Preschool SIB (Source: author)
The service users are 3,500 children eligible for free lunch14 across five annual cohorts. The
intervention is for one or two school years, depending on whether the child entered the program as
a 3 or 4 year old, and is followed by six years of potential outcome payments for each cohort.
Students scoring 70 or below in the Peabody Vocabulary Test at the beginning of preschool are
tracked from kindergarten to sixth grade to determine if they needed special education services at
any point. The link between low scores in the Peabody Vocabulary Test and the need for
special education were supported by educators and national educational organizations across
14 Policy in which school meals are distributed for free/or at a subsidized price to the children of low income families.
the U.S., therefore a control group was not necessary (Golden et al., 2015). To avoid cherry-
picking, the service providers do not know whether individual children are in the program or not.
The independent evaluator is Dr. Mark Innocenti from Utah State University, who will prove if the
expected outcomes are achieved or not. If the Pre-K intervention does not result in increased
school readiness and decreased use of special education services, the United Way, or other
public funds, have no obligation to repay the SIB.
The J.B. Pritzker Foundation provided $2.4m to the intermediary (United Way) as subordinate
lender. Goldman Sachs Bank USA invested $4.6m as senior lender. This means that in the case
the preschool program proves to be ineffective, the subordinate lender will only be paid after the
senior lender receives the principal and interest back. The final total investment was $7m. After
initial funding, subsequent investments will be made based on the repayments made by the
public entities. The expected rate of return is 5%. However, it is not clear if the rate is annualized
or not. The implied maximum return of investment is approximately $5.5m.
To secure the appropriation of the multiyear contract and guarantee resources to local education
agencies and private service providers, the state of Utah introduced the bill “High Quality School
Readiness (HB96)”. In the following, the calculations of the cost avoidance of special education
programs and the repayments to the private investors will be explained. The government spends
$2,700 per child per year for remedial services and special education in public schools (k-12).
The repayment cost for every successful intervention amounts to $2,565 (corr. 95% of the actual
cost for remedial services). However, if the initial investment and the rate of return (5%) are
achieved, the payment per child to investors is $1080 (or 40% of the cost for remedial services)
(Learmonth & Sainty, 2015). If the program achieves a 100% rate of success and 95% of all the
program participants avoid special education, the total amount of repayment costs is estimated
around $27m over twelve years. Furthermore, the government would still have to cover the cost of
special education for the remaining 5%, which amounts to around $3m in the same period. In the
best case, the total cost for the government could be around $30m with the help of the SIB; in
contrast to around $58m without the SIB (for remedial services and special education in public
The public management and political context of Germany differs from the U.S. and the U.K.
Germany belongs to the so called “corporatist”15 group of countries, where intermediary bodies
play an important role in the management and provision of social services (Defourny & Nyssens,
2010). Changes in the German public management emerged from within the public sector and
were aimed to improve the existing system (Pollitt & Bouckaert, 2011). The reforms targeted
budgetary controls and public modernization rather than marketization or state-reduction (Derlien,
1998). According to Salamon et. al, Germany is characterized by a significant presence of non-
profit, private organizations concerned with the delivery of social services that are mainly financed
and regulated by public entities (2004).
However, despite the country’s highly developed and well established welfare system, the amount
of resources available for prevention, innovation, and expansion of activities in the social sector is
significantly lower in comparison to statutory funded areas of the social system (National Advisory
Board (NAB) Germany, 2014). This gap opens the possibility for impact investment and SIBs to
emerge. In Germany, the SIBs are seen as a way to attract additional capital for social programs,
rather than as a competitor to the welfare state.
Statistics presented by the German employment agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) show that
by 2014, Germany had around 2.79 million long-time unemployed citizens receiving HartzIV16
(Borstel, 2015; Schäfer, 2013). Since the establishment of this scheme in 2005, over one million
persons remained in constant state of welfare dependency (Schäfer, 2014). The chances to
overcome long-time dependency of welfare benefits are significantly low, and beneficiaries tend to
stay in the system for life (Öchsner, 2012). This group faces several barriers that impede their
integration into the labor market. For unemployed people over 25 years old, the main characteristics
include a lack of school formation, education degree or language skills, long-term unemployment,
old age, immigration, women with young children, and people who have a family member that
requires assistance for more than ten hours a week (Klinger & Rothe, 2010; Schäfer, 2013).
A person receiving HartzIV costs the government around €20,00017 per year and could cost up to
15 It refers to a system or organization of a society in which industrial and professional corporations serve as organs of
political representation that exercise control over persons and activities in specific jurisdictions. For example, in Germany,
the firms, corporations, banks and trade unions tended to work together (see: Pollitt & Bouckaert, 2011).
16 Social welfare benefits accessible to long-time unemployed in Germany. It includes €391/person/month plus financial
assistance in both housing and health insurance (see: German employment agency (Bundesagentur für
17 The direct cost refers to around €1,000/person/month (€12,000/person/year) the government transfer to the
beneficiaries (€391 in cash + housing + health insurance). The indirect costs are the social contributions (around
€5,000/person/year) and taxes (around €3,000/person/year) that the beneficiaries would pay if they were working for the
minimum wage. Altogether, the government pays around €20,000/person/year.
€1.1m18 if they stayed in the system for life.
In order to develop a tailored preventive program for underprivileged and unemployed adolescents
that are not reached by established governmental programs, the first and only SIB in Germany,
the Augsburg pilot project was configured. It was launched in September 2013 by the Bavarian
State Ministry of Labor, Social and Family Affairs, and Integration (Bayerisches
Staatsministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, Familie und Integration, StMAS) and the Juvat
Gemeinnützige GmbH, a non-profit subsidiary of the Benckiser Foundation Future. Juvat is also a
contractual partner to commissioners, investors and social service providers in this intervention (see
figure 3).
Figure 3: Structure of the SIB in Augsburg (Source: author)
The targeted service users are 1,000 unemployed adolescents under 25 years old in the Augsburg
region with no current school attendance or uncompleted compulsory education, no ongoing or
successfully completed apprenticeship, no current occupation, no contact to the employment
18 According to the World Bank, the expectation of life in Germany is 80 years. For a person over 25 staying in the
system, this means receiving welfare benefits for 55 years, which corresponds to €1.1m (€20,000 * 55 years = €1.1m).
agency, or no participation in agency programs over the last two years before being part of the
intervention (Juvat, 2013).
The project will run for 27 months, from September 2013 to December 2015. To achieve the
expected outcomes and trigger payments, at least 20 service users have to be placed in
apprenticeships or gainful employment, as well as remain in these positions for more than nine
months. Furthermore, the jobs obtained should be located either in the district of Augsburg or
the district of Aichach-Friedberg and must be subject to social insurance and tax contributions.
These objectives and characteristics of the service users, as well as the maximum rates of
returns, were defined in a collaborative effort between the partners and the governmental
The intervention is delivered by four different social service providers: Apeiros e.V.,
Ausbildungsmanagement Augsburg, Kinder, Jugend, und Familienhilfe Hochzoll, and Jobline
gAG München. All of these providers designed tailored programs covering the areas of youth
welfare, vocational support and career guidance services. The service participants receive
intensive support and guidance and are provided with a safe environment, where they are
prepared to deal with the obstacles they can expect when searching for an apprenticeship or
employment. Afterwards, the adolescents are placed in an apprenticeship program or employment
situation with follow-up support services (Juvat, 2013). Helping adolescents to reintegrate into
society, solve their issues, and find jobs can drastically reduce the need of welfare assistance
and other reactive programs in the future.
Four socially motivated investors, BMW Herbert Quandt Foundation, BHF-BANK Foundation,
BonVenture gemeinnützige GmbH, and the Eberhard von Kuenheim Foundation of BMW AG,
provided the up-front capital for the SIB. They also assumed the entire default risk. The ex-ante
and ex-post evaluation of the predefined objectives is determined by the Munich-based law firm
Dr. Mohren & Partner. In addition, the University of Hamburg will evaluate the process. In case
of achieving the expected outcomes, the investors can be compensated with a maximum return of
3% for the entire timeline of the project. However, the exact amount invested is still unknown.
Risks and Opportunities for the Government
The multi-stakeholder partnership embodied by SIBs introduces complexities that traditional models
of service delivery do not entail. The case approach will help us understand how different systems
deal with the risk and opportunities the SIB model brings.
The policies to promote SIBs and the social investment market in the U.K. aim to attract both
socially and financially motivated investors by introducing tax relief schemes, but also capping
maximum rates of return, which reduces the risk of converting the SIB into a mere financial
investment. However, this access to new sources of capital, combined with constant cuts of
public welfare spending, can become an excuse to over-privatize governmental statutory duties.
Nevertheless, innovative tools such as the Unit Cost Database can incentivize social service
providers and the government to design prevention programs based on data.
In the U.S., the initial participation of financially motivated investors has created a tendency for
non-capped rates of return, implying higher profits for expected outcomes. The path-dependency
of high involvement of the private sector in the delivery of welfare services in the U.S. determines
which levels of return are socially acceptable for solving social challenges. However, this tendency
could undermine the social motivations of SIBs and could turn the public opinion against the
Germany is characterized by its strong government and welfare system, which limits the approval
of high financial returns to private investors for solving social challenges. In the case of the first
and only SIB, the German government clearly defined the course of action and the financial
framework. The involvement of only socially motivated investors allowed the stakeholders to settle
a low rate of return that was still acceptable for them. The investors regard SIBs as a better option
than a donation and are likely to reinvest the financial return of a successful SIB into further social
The three cases described above focus on preventive data-driven interventions, which are analyzed
by ex-ante feasibility studies during the contract period, and then followed-up by ex- post studies
to determine if the expected outcomes have been achieved. These studies provide a clear
understanding of the intervention model, the capacity of the social service providers and the cash
flow of the project. A bottom-up approach to the development of SIBs is crucial to determine
the expected outcomes and safeguard the intervention against negative incentives. Furthermore,
it is necessary to have clear lines of authority, good communication among stakeholders and
managerial support to develop a SIB.
The targeting of specific outcomes, instead of inputs/outputs, gives more flexibility to social
service providers to deliver and be accountable for real social change. Organizations offering a
holistic approach are compensated by their efforts and also have the opportunity to learn during the
implementation process to adapt the intervention accordingly. However, it could be difficult and
costly to develop quantifiable success measurements and proper restrictions. Furthermore, as
McHugh et al. points out, the incentives for social service providers to deliver measurable outcomes
could create a “mission drift”, in which some organizations focus their efforts on interventions
with outcomes that are easier to measure, leaving behind underprivileged populations with social
challenges that are difficult to measure (2013). Nevertheless, the expansion of the social
investment market has incentivized the development of software by companies such as Sinzer,
SAM, or the B-lab, which significantly reduces the opportunity cost to calculate the price per outcome
for governments, social service providers, and investors.
It is expected that thanks to SIBs, social service providers enjoy a reliable cash-flow for the entire
duration of a project, even if the expected outcomes are not achieved, securing the service
delivery for the users and allowing providers to focus their energies on the project. However,
there are exceptions. In the U.S. and U.K., it is possible to terminate an intervention if data
suggest that the outcome will be delayed or negative, in order to give the investors and
intermediaries the opportunity to change the service provider or to completely terminate the SIB
before losing more money. In this case, the social service providers take the reputation risk of
the intervention. If they fail to deliver the expected outcomes, it will be difficult for the organization
to raise funds in the future. It is therefore imperative for providers to carefully assess their
capabilities and establish achievable outcomes beforehand.
The initial SIB model contemplated multiyear contracts beyond the electoral period. However, in
the U.K. and Germany the contacts are limited to a shorter period. In contrast, the U.S. developed
regulations to secure governmental appropriation of long-term SIBs. If the government is unable
to repay investors when the agreed-upon outcomes have been achieved, its reputation and credit
rating can be damaged.
In 2010, JP Morgan estimated that the impact investment19 market has the potential to absorb
between $400bn to $1tr by 2020 (O’Donohoe et al., 2010). The nature of SIBs grants a certain
degree of independence from the economic cycles because the underlying driver of financial
return is based on social, rather than economic, outcomes, which makes them a suitable portfolio
investment. Furthermore, SIBs might receive a special tax treatment due to their social character,
19Impact investing is capital management in pursuit of appropriate levels of financial return with the simultaneous and
intentional creation of measurable social and environmental impacts” (see: Clark et al., 2014)
like in the U.K. This could transform the resolution of social problems into a profitable business.
SIBs have been adapted to the different systems in place. On the one hand, the U.K. and the U.S.
present a more market-oriented perspective. On the other hand, in Germany, the model is seen as
a complement to the well-established welfare system, where only low interest rates for
investors are socially accepted. The system’s path-dependency determines the degree of the
SIB’s profit orientation.
In general terms, SIBs can in fact align government, investors and social service providers to
solve social challenges. They offer the opportunity to deliver social services tailored to the
requirements of specific populations. They should be promoted and used as a source of additional
funding for social programs and not be regarded as a competitor to state welfare programs.
Only a healthy interaction between the government, the private sector and the social sector can
really solve social challenges.
The U.K. is the pioneer in the field, as such, it has developed further policies to attract investment
of both financially and socially motivated investors to establish a social investment market. The
Unit Cost Database and the Social Investment Tax Relief (SITR) regulation are steps in the right
direction, which can help the government and social service providers to obtain funding and to
understand the cost of reactive versus preventative policies. Other governments around the world
should develop similar approaches to complement their own social service provisions.
Governments should calculate the cost per outcome (negative and positive) of the different
social services they provide. Policies should incentivize the development of programs, which
deliver preventative interventions with better outcomes. Furthermore, the repayment should be
capped to a lower cost than the currently implemented reactive programs by the government.
Moreover, journalist and researchers should be granted access to the data of SIBs in order to
increase their legitimacy.
The real innovation driven by SIBs is the use of data in the creation of public policies. The
government has the opportunity to realize a one-time-investment to teach commissioners to
understand and calculate outcomes. Furthermore, the opportunity cost to calculate the social
return of investments and the impact of specific interventions has declined with the emergence of
specialized software (e.g. Sinzer, SAM). Commissioners could apply their knowledge to other policy
areas beyond SIBs, creating a spillover-effect for data-driven policymaking.
The underlying questions in the U.K. and the U.S. are: With the help of the social investment
market and SIBs, do underserved populations receive services which improve their quality of life
in a measurable way that they would not receive otherwise? Or, are these policies just an
excuse to reduce the size of government?
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... Impact investing refers to investments that deliver measurable social/environmental returns along with financial profits (Bugg-Levine & Emerson, 2011;Nicholls, 2010;Ormiston et al., 2015). Impact bonds are an outcome-based policy-making strategy in which private investors receive a rate of return if pre-agreed social/environmental outcomes are achieved (Liebman, 2011;Rivera-Acevedo, 2015). At the time of this research, 93 impact bonds are being implemented, including one in Colombia (Social Finance UK, 2017). ...
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The informal economy accounts for half of the economic activity in Colombia. Street vending is a major part of the informal sector. In the context of a rapid urbanization due to internal conflicts, low skilled workers find a last resort for income generation as street vendors. Even though studies have revealed that street vendors can have high profits, they usually remain poor. A primary reason is their continuous indebtedness outside the regulated financial market. This paper proposes a comprehensive questionnaire survey on the socioeconomic profile of street vendors. This tool can be used to assess the individual credit risk and incentivize the financial inclusion of the poor. It can also be used for evaluation processes by the government or impact investors.
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This paper illustrates the progress from the application of a performance measurement system to that of a performance management system within a registered charity operating in the United Kingdom Third Sector. The organization is a housing association and its service users are socially excluded members of society. The balanced scorecard (BSC) was chosen as a catalyst for improving the performance management system between 2004 and 2006. A case study analysis using semi-structured interviews and secondary data sources over a four-year period provides empirical insight into an evolving performance management culture. This research reveals that culture as well as trust and capability building are inextricably linked and govern organizational performance. These elements are also bounded by the ‘steering media’ of the Big Society philosophy currently being rolled out across UK public services which is affecting the general lifeworld of this sector.
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Resulting from the Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project, this volume presents a comprehensive country-by-country analysis of the scope, size, composition, and financing of the civil society sector in 22 countries around the world.
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This article provides a rounded critique of social impact bonds (SIBs): a newly developed and innovative financial investment model, developed in the UK and starting to spread internationally that could transform the provision of social services. Although SIBs have the potential to influence delivery by all providers, this article raises three concerns about their possible effects – in relation to their potential outcomes, unintended consequences for the UK third sector, and governance – and then reflects on SIBs as the latest manifestation of the ideological shift which the UK third sector is undergoing.
Social finance is now a multibillion dollar market that encompasses ethical investment (including finance for green businesses), community investment to support economic development in deprived areas, ‘impact investing’, investment in developing countries, co-operative and mutual finance, along with a wide range of initiatives in the financing of philanthropic ventures, not-for-profits and social enterprises, new approaches to the funding of public services, ‘crowdfunding’, microfinance, and much else besides. It is a rapidly advancing area of practice, policy, and research, but remains an under-institutionalized field marked by emerging institutions and practices, sharply competing views, disparate professional outlooks, new financial instruments, great excitement and, often, more questions than answers. This book provides a comprehensive treatment of the phenomenon.
These are some thoughts from commentators on philanthropy covering more than 2,000 years: Anyone can give away money or spend it; but to do all this to the right person, to the right extent, at the right time, for the right reason, and in the right way, is no longer something easy that anyone can do. It is for this reason that good conduct in such matters is rare, praiseworthy and noble. Aristotle 350BC
1. Introduction 2. Civil Society, Social Capital and Democracy 3. The Third Sector and Public Policy 4. Delivering Public Services 5. Co-Production 6. Third Sector: Governmental Relationships 7. The Rise of Hybrid Organizations 8. Social Enterprise 9. Conclusions
The emergent research on hybrid organizations is complicated by three circumstances: (a) the assertion that every organization possesses traits of hybridity, (b) the difficulty of operationalizing sector intersections in research, and (c) the alienation of the research field from nonprofit theory. This article proposes a research agenda for the study of hybridity that relates more strongly to the latter. It results in questions of significant explanatory potential, for instance, How does hybridity relate to market failure? How are legitimacy, trust, and accountability ensured if the nondistribution constraint is being abandoned? Which form transitions and innovations are being produced by hybridity? These questions have to be reflected against a variety of welfare state concepts and policy tools, such as tax credits or contracts, that may be used to govern hybridity. This article furthermore suggests that research on hybridity would benefit from relating nonprofit theory to disciplinary approaches, such as institutional theory or organizational life cycles.
Book synopsis: Retrieving the Big Society presents a collection of essays that challenge the view of Britain’s Big Society as a political gimmick and recognise it as an alternative to the central state in social and economic governance. Offers an original and critical take on the idea of the Big Society Attempts to make sense of the Big Society by placing in the context of the history of localism, mutualism, and voluntarism Features contributions by experts on British politics and political theory
Social enterprise has become a key phenomenon in providing public services in many developed countries. The debate on the evaluation of the socio-economic impact generated by this kind of organization has gone hand in hand with the growth of social entrepreneurship. This study provides an exploratory analysis of the emerging practice of measuring the socio-economic impact of social enterprises using the theoretic construct called “Blended Value Accounting” (BVA). Among the models and tools proposed by BVA, we examine in particular the Social Return on Investment (SROI)—an instrument of causal contribution analysis—conducting a literature review on its application to the evaluation of socio-economic impact of social enterprises and on its implications for BVA. Finally, we reach a conclusion as to the role that these tools of mixed accounting and assessment might play—particularly the one examined—with respect to the positivist, critical, and interpretative theories of accounting, thus identifying the areas for further research.