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  • Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Indonesia


Buku ini mengantarkan pembaca kepada empat fungsi pokok manajemen, penulis membuka terlebih dahulu satu bagian tentang Manajemen dan Perkembangan Teorinya yang akan membahas Manajemen dan Peran Manajer serta Perkembangan Teori Manajemen. Bagian pembuka ini diharapkan mampu membuka cakrawala pembaca tentang bagian-bagian berikutnya dari buku ini. Dengan memahami bagaimana para pemikir manajemen terdahulu dalam memecahkan masalah-masalah manajemen yang ada pada saat itu, ditambah dengan membaca hasil penelitian manajemen kita dapat mereplikasi teori, model, atau pendekatan manajerial yang cocok dengan situasi dan kondisi saat ini. Demikian pula pada akhir bagian, penulis sajikan tentang Manajemen Modern, yang saat ini sedang dicoba untuk diterapkan. Penerapan teori, model, dan pendekatan manajemen kontemporer tersebut tidak bisa dipraktekkan dalam perusahaan atau organisasi kita saat ini, mengingat teori, model, dan pendekatan manajemen tersebut belum begitu mapan dan belum tentu cocok dengan situasi dan kondisi di negara kita. Namun sebagai manusia pembelajar, kita sebaiknya mengetahui kondisi yang ada disekitar kita termasuk perkembangan terbaru pemikiran manajemen. Mungkin suatu ketika kita bisa memakai manajemen kontemporer itu demi kemajuan perusahaan atau organisasi kita.
Book Type: Printed
Type of Dispersion: National
Index Level: Index by Google Scholar
Year: 2009
Publisher: Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta.
Pages: 321+xvii,
ISBN: 978-979-756-594-7.
... The influence of organizations on individuals depends largely on the norms of norms that exist in the group (M, 1990). This is also consistent with the theory which states that the right combination of financial and non-financial service benefits will spur organizational performance through individual performance (Wahjono, 2010). According to the researcher, management must further increase the reward, in this case, related to individual variables are non-financial rewards. ...
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This study was conducted to determine the influence of organizational factor, individual factor towards safety patient incident reports, and the influence of organizational factor toward PSI reports through individual factors. This study method was a quantitative cross-sectional. The population is nurses. The sample is determined by purposive sampling, with its quantity is determined based on Slovin formula. The data was analyzed by Partial Least Square (PLS) using SMART PLS program. The result shows that organizational factor has a positive effect toward individual factor, individual factor have a positive effect towards PSI reports, organizational factors have a positive effect towards PSI report, and organizational factors have a positive effect towards PSI report through individual factor. The organizational factor is the most dominant. Manajemen can improve the policies related to the organizational factors by not excluding individual factors.
... Menurut Kates dan Galbraith (2007) [7] , Struktur organisasi adalah proses meninjau dan mengkonfigurasi struktur, proses, sistem penghargaan, dan aktivitas orang atau individu untuk menciptakan suatu organisasi yang efektif yang mampu mencapai strategi bisnis. Menurut Wahjono (2010) [8] ada empat bagian sebagai elemen ataupun unsur untuk membangun struktur organisasi, yaitu pembagian kerja, departemenalisasi, hirarki dan koordinasi. ...
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Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pelaksanaan pembayaran tunjangan kinerja pegawai Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan-Sekolah menengah Teknologi Industri (SMK SMTI) Kementerian Perindustrian di Indonesia. Pembayaran tunjangan kinerja pegawai dipengaruhi oleh grade jabatan yang disusun oleh manajemen dituangkan dalam struktur organisasi dan analisa jabatan pada SMK SMTI Kementerian Perindustrian. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif, adapun objek penelitian ini adalah struktur organisasi (X 1), analisis jabatan (X 2) dan Motivasi Kerja (Y). Sedangkan subjek penelitian ini adalah SMK SMTI Kementerian Perindustrian di Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data dan interprestasi data pada masing-masing variabel disimpulkan hasil penelitian: (1) Struktur organisasi pada SMK SMTI Kementerian Perindustrian sudah sangat baik, (2) Analisis jabatan pada SMK SMTI Kementerian Perindustrian sudah baik, (3) Motivasi kerja pada SMK SMTI Kementerian Perindustrian sudah sangat baik, (4) Terdapat pengaruh positif dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,609 antara variabel struktur organisasi terhadap variabel motivasi kerja, sehingga setiap ada perbaikan dalam struktur organisasi akan mengakibatkan peningkatan motivasi kerja, (5) Terdapat pengaruh positif dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,332 antara variabel analisis jabatan terhadap variabel motivasi kerja, sehingga setiap ada perbaikan dalam analisis jabatan akan mengakibatkan peningkatan motivasi kerja.
... Therefore, a human who learns is a human who gets ready and has a capability of changing his or her behavior as the learning result, being more adaptive and anticipative human in his or her neighborhood. Wahjono (2010) stated that a culture is a social set which can support organization unity by giving an appropriate standard. A culture function is for a meaning maker mechanism and the controller of guiding and forming an attitude and organization members' behavior. ...
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The purpose of the study is to analyze the influence of human resources, organization culture and technology utilization toward knowledge management implementation on high school level. This study was conducted to formal education institute on an educational foundation which covers five formal High Schools. Using path analysis as a methodology. The respondents used as the profession references are teachers, and the sampling technique used is random stratified sampling with 86 people as the respondents based on Slovin method. The result of the study shows that human resources, organization culture and technology utilization bring a significant and positive influence toward insight management on high schools.
... Therefore, a human who learns is a human who gets ready and has a capability of changing his or her behavior as the learning result, being more adaptive and anticipative human in his or her neighborhood. Wahjono (2010) stated that a culture is a social set which can support organization unity by giving an appropriate standard. A culture function is for a meaning maker mechanism and the controller of guiding and forming an attitude and organization members' behavior. ...
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The purpose of the study is to analyze the influence Organizational Culture toward Knowledge management Implementation on Upper Secondary level formal schools. The methodology used in the study is quantitative model of analysis base by using inferential statistic analysis; the measurement of correlation coefficient and t-test. The respondents used as the profession references are teachers, and the sampling technique used is random stratified sampling with 68 people as the respondents based on Slovin technique. The result of the study shows that organizational culture has a significant and positive influence toward insight management implementation on the study object
... The development of technology is getting faster and cheaper and it stimulates organization to use technology in increasing organization performance. Organization can effectively and efficiently gain and use the technology to support organization activity (Wahjono, 2010). There are information technology functions in education. ...
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The purpose of the study is to analyze the influence of technology utilization toward knowledge management implementation on secondary education institution. The methodology used in the study is inferential statistic analysis; the measurement of correlation coefficient and t-test. The respondents used as the profession references are teachers, and the sampling technique used is random stratified sampling with 68 people as the respondents based on Slovin technique .The result of the study shows that of technology utilization has a significant and positive influence toward insight management implementation on the study object.
... In general, it can be said that ethics is a moral basis, including knowledge of the goodness and the properties on the right. Or in other words, ethics provides guidance about the behavior, attitudes, and actions that are recognized, in connection with a particular type of human activity (Wahjono 2010) . Ethics becomes important when there is a difference value about good-bad governance. ...
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This aims of study is to examine how business ethics can support business sustainability in the hospital. Business ethic determine with: Professional Ethics Hospital, Medical Professional Ethics, Accountants Professional Ethics, and Islamic Business Ethics. This study used a qualitative approach with a phenomenological analysis techniques to process data collected through in-depth interview, outside observation, and documentations. Source of data derived from key informants consisted of 6 persons management, 20 employees. Theory of Business Ethics is used to guide the findings of Business Ethics, interpretation of Professional Ethics Hospital, Medical Professional Ethics, Accountants Professional Ethics. Theory of Business Sustainability is used to find relationship with Business Ethic and while conducted in-depth discussions with 4 expert informants for triangulation purposes involving expertise in the field hospital, Islam, Kemuhammadiyahan, and international economic expertise to test the validity and reliability of data. The findings of this research is the Code of Ethics with 14 components including Standards of Conduct, Governance hospital, professionals, business integrity that is capable of facing to Business Sustainability. The findings of this research can be used to redesign the vision and mission of the organization as a basis for achieving better performance. Implications of the findings of this research is the need for business ethics in the design of system-internal values, professional ethics, and Islamic business ethics.
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This paper examines specifically about the principal's leadership style as a factor that allegedly affect the performance of teachers. Based on the analysis of data using simple regression analysis and using explanatory survey method as a means of collecting data and using the questionnaire answers to the 66 respondents who are permanent teachers at State Vocational High School 11 Bandung. Results of the analysis showed that the principal's leadership style had an influence on the performance of teachers. These results indicate leadership style has a positive and significant impact on teacher performance.ABSTRAKTulisan ini mengkaji secara khusus tentang gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah sebagai faktor yang diduga kuat mempengaruhi kinerja guru. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dengan menggunakan analisis regresi sederhana dan menggunakan metode explanatory survey sebagai alat pengumpulan data serta menggunakan angket jawaban terhadap 66 orang responden yang merupakan guru tetap di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 11 Bandung. Hasil analisis tersebut menunjukan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah memiliki pengaruh terhadap kinerja guru. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan gaya kepemimpinan memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru.
This study aimed to analyze the implementation of internal communication toward student learning motivation. This research used explanatory survey method. Technique of collecting data using questionnaire with likert scale. Respondents are students of class XI SMK Kiansantang Bandung with the number of 69 people. Data analysis technique is by way of regression analysis. The result showed: (1) the internal communication is in good category; (2) the motivation to learn in SMK Kiansantang Bandung is in the medium category; and (3) internal communication has a positive and significant influence on student learning motivation.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh komunikasi internal terhadap motivasi belajar. Metode penelitian menggunakan explanatory survey. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket (kuesioner) dengan model skala likert. Responden adalah siswa kelas XI SMK Kiansantang Bandung sebanyak 69 orang. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) komunikasi internal berapa pada kategori baik; (2) motivasi belajar di SMK Kiansantang Bandung berada pada kategori sedang; dan (3) komunikasi internal memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap motivasi belajar siswa.
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The aim of this research is to study the effectiveness of training towards job satisfaction with job performance as mediating variable. This research conducted by Qualitative approach with Path Analysis. The population of this research are 1,597 employees in Muda Agricultural Development Authority (MADA), Kedah, Malaysia. 310 sets of questionnaires distributed to respondents and 222 are collected back for analysis with SPSS. This research found that Job Satisfaction influence by Training directly or through by Job Performance, but better through by. These research findings have theoretical implications that the effectiveness og the employee's job performance after training should be through the achievement of job satisfaction first.
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