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Analisis Keperluan Kurikulum Pendidikan Vokasional Pelajar Bermasalah Pembelajaran (LD) di Malaysia

Analisis Keperluan Kurikulum Pendidikan Vokasional Pelajar Bermasalah
Pembelajaran (LD) di Malaysia
Zainudin Mohd. Isa
Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Norani Salleh
Ramlee Mustapha
Hanafi Mohd Yassin
Fakulti Pendidikan
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Abstrak Tujuan kajian ini adalah melakukan analisis keperluan terhadap
kurikulum pendidikan vokasional pelajar bermasalah pembelajaran (MP) di
peringkat sekolah menengah di Malaysia. Analisis keperluan ini antaranya
bertujuan untuk menentukan sejauhmana kesesuaian kurikulum vokasional sedia
ada terhadap keperluan pelajar MP; mengenalpasti bidang-bidang kemahiran
yang diperlukan oleh pelajar MP; mengenalpasti corak dan pasaran kerjaya yang
diperlukan di masa depan. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif dan
kualitatif yang dijalankan menggunakan soal selidik dan temu bual terhadap 111
orang responden yang terdiri daripada guru yang mengajar di program
pendidikan khas, ibubapa pelajar MP, wakil NGO, majikan bekas pelajar MP,
pentadbir pendidikan dan pakar dalam pendidikan vokasional bagi mendapatkan
maklum balas tentang asas keperluan untuk mewujudkan kurikulum vokasional
bagi pelajar MP serta cadangan berkaitan bentuk, perlaksanaan dan penilaian
kurikulum tersebut. Dapatan kajian mendapati: (1) pelajar MP kurang memiliki
kemahiran bekerja mungkin kerana kurikulum sedia ada didapati bersifat terlalu
umum dan lebih menekankan aspek akademik yang tidak sesuai dengan
keperluan pelajar MP; (2) Terdapat beberapa bidang kemahiran kerjaya yang
dikenalpasti sesuai diajar kepada pelajar MP; (3) pelajar MP di masa hadapan
memerlukan kemahiran vokasional yang berteknologi tinggi sesuai dengan
kehendak semasa; (4) penawaran kerja di masa hadapan untuk pelajar MP
adalah berasaskan kemahiran berbanding kelayakan akademik.
Kata kunci : pendidikan vokasional, pelajar bermasalah pembelajaran, sekolah
... Based on 2012 statistics, the number of pupils with learning disabilities in high school is 19,462 (Department of Special Education, 2012). The arising amount of the need for the Education Ministry (KPM), especially the Special Education Division to create a curriculum based on vocational training skills for learning disabled students is an alternative to the existing curriculum to ensure they are also largely included (Zainudin, 2008). A study by Ramlee (2004) shows that vocational education is a prerequisite for preparing students with specific needs to compete in the job market. ...
... Special vocational curriculum should also pay attention to the aspect of cooperation. Zainudin (2008) in his study shows that collaboration with the community in education is very important to improve the group's skills and careers with specific needs. A special vocational curriculum for students with learning disabilities needs to be specifically tailored to expose students involved with social skills, career counseling, improve self-esteem, free living, vocational training, job adaptation, reading and spelling, organizing and administering financial, moral aspects entrepreneurship and self-reliant skills that are key to success in career (Sitlington & Clark, 2006). ...
... Suasana pembelajaran yang kurang kondusif serta kekurangan prasarana yang lengkap untuk aktiviti amali menjejaskan keberkesanan program (Aliza, 2013;Zainudin, 2008). Pihak sekolah turut menghadapi masalah perolehan pembekal dengan harga bahan amali yang murah untuk menjayakan pengajaran dan pemudahcaraan (PDPC). ...
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Special Needs Students (MBK) in secondary schools have little opportunity to learn vocational skills especially in the field of wooden furniture manufacturing because of the inability of students to do the work of carpentry. The purpose of this study is to develop the Kit (Smart Cot) as a Teaching Aid (ABM) for the new subject of Furniture Manufacturing Basics, which was introduced by the Ministry of Education specifically for students with special needs in the form of Special Education Integration Program (PPKI) learning problem. The design of this study uses qualitative methods including interview instruments, observations and checklist forms that were conducted throughout the Learning And Moderning process (Pdpc) by using the Kit (Smart Cot) on the syllabus of Furniture Manufacturing Basics. This study involved 9 pupils of PPKI as respondents of the study, especially students in the field of wood furniture manufacturing at a national secondary school in Selangor. Case studies are used by researchers for being able to exceed quantitative, statistical decisions and understand the nature of the various perspectives. All elements will be evaluated based on the process of interviewing, observations and review forms. Then the information is collected in written form. Researchers recommend that the ABM kit (Smart Cot) be used by International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change. Volume 9, Issue 5, 2019 164 teachers in the Pdpc process for the basics of Furniture Manufacturing Basics for special needs students in order to improve the achievement performance and mastery of the craftsmanship of wooden furniture.
Conference Paper
Abstrak Kajian ini bertujuan membina Instrumen Saringan Kemahiran Vokasional (ISKV) Murid Berkeperluan Khas Masalah Pembelajaran (MBKMP) di Program Pendidikan Khas Integrasi (PPKI) bagi persediaan Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM). Kerangka pembinaan instrumen Miller (2007) telah diubahsuai bagi pembentukan tiga fasa ISKV yang terdiri daripada Fasa Satu (Analisa), Fasa Dua (Pembinaan Instrumen) dan Fasa Tiga (Pelaksanaan Kajian). Kaedah kuantitatif secara soal selidik digunakan ke atas 216 orang guru pendidikan khas. Sampel kajian ini juga melibatkan seramai 473 orang MBKMP di 72 buah Program Pendidikan Khas Integrasi (PPKI) Sekolah Menengah di negeri Selangor. Dapatan kajian ini telah mengenalpasti dua item utama dalam ISKV iaitu Kemahiran Bahasa dan Kemahiran Vokasional bagi saringan MBKMP. Implikasi kajian ini menyumbang secara langsung kepada guru bagi menyusun kurikulum kemahiran untuk menentukan tahap kandungan aktiviti yang lebih khusus dengan keupayaan MBKMP dalam penguasaan subjek Kemahiran Vokasional Spesifik di PPKI. Kata Kunci: Kemahiran Vokasional, Murid Berkeperluan Khas Masalah Pembelajaran (MBKMP), Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM).
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Getting job opportunities is the biggest challenge for students with special needs in Malaysia and the transformation through the Career Transition Programme has proven successful in training them to work. This study based on two (2) main objectives namely to identify the level of Transition Program Taxonomy and identify the demographic relationship of respondents with the level of Transition Program Taxonomy towards the implementation of Career Transition Programme for special needs students. Quantitative methods in the form of survey studies using Ecological Theory and Taxonomy Model of Transition Program as well as questionnaires adapted from Team Planning Tool for Improving Transition Education and Services (Paula D. Kohler). The findings of the study showed a very high and high level of mean scores on the five practices in the Transition Program Taxonomy. Meanwhile, there is a linear relationship (at a very high level) between the demographics of the respondents with the Transition Program Taxonomy in the implementation of the Career Transition Programme for special needs students. The implications of the study focus on theories and models related to the study and policies that have a positive and effective impact on researchers other than the readers. In conlusion, the Career Transition Programme should be implemented comprehensively in government and non-government aided schools, especially in the Special Education Integration Program and the cooperation of all parties involved is very important in planning the direction of program implementation effectively also efficiently. Keywords: Transition Program Taxonomy, Career Transition Programme, Special Needs Students Abstrak Mendapat peluang pekerjaan merupakan cabaran paling besar bagi Murid Berkeperluan Khas (MBK) di Malaysia dan transformasi melalui Program Transisi Kerjaya yang dijalankan terbukti berjaya melatih mereka untuk bekerja. Kajian ini berdasarkan dua (2) objektif utama iaitu mengenal pasti tahap Taksonomi Program Transisi dan mengenal pasti hubungan demografi responden dengan tahap Taksonomi Program Transisi ke arah pelaksanaan Program Transisi Kerjaya terhadap Murid Berkeperluan Khas (MBK). Kaedah kuantitatif berbentuk kajian tinjauan menggunakan Teori Ekologi dan Model Taksonomi Program Transisi serta soal selidik diadaptasi daripada Team Planning Tool for Improving Transition Education and Services (Paula D. Kohler). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan tahap skor min yang sangat tinggi dan tinggi mengenai kelima-lima amalan di dalam Taksonomi Program Transisi. Manakala, terdapat hubungan linear (pada tahap sangat tinggi) antara demografi responden dengan Taksonomi Program Transisi. Implikasi kajian berfokus kepada teori dan model yang berkaitan dengan kajian dan polisi yang memberi kesan positif serta berkesan terhadap pengkaji selain daripada para pembaca. Kesimpulannya, Program Transisi Kerjaya wajar dilaksanakan secara menyeluruh di sekolah-sekolah bantuan kerajaan dan bukan kerajaan khususnya dalam Program Pendidikan Khas Integrasi (PPKI) serta kerjasama semua pihak yang terlibat sangat penting dalam merancang hala tuju pelaksanaan program secara efektif serta berkesan. Kata kunci: Taksonomi Program Transisi, Program Transisi Kerjaya, Murid Berkeperluan Khas (MBK)
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The aim of this study is to review the capacity and capability of hearing among impaired students in a transition termed as a Career Transition Programme in adapting to the working environment post-school graduation. This research is a qualitative research by making use of a designed survey. The Career Transition Programme is a programme that helps students with special needs in getting a job after school. Students with hearing difficulties experience hardships in communicating and socialising with the outside community. Data were collected by observing the participants as well as traditional face-to-face interviews with employers, workers, parents and teachers at school. The participant in the study is a student necessitating special needs undergoing hearing difficulties in one elementary school with special education
Conference Paper
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ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to develop the Vocational Skills Filtering Instrument (VSFI) of the Special Needs Students Learning Disabilities (SNSLD) in the Integrated Special Education Program (ISEP) for the preparation of the Malaysian Skills Certificate (MSC). Miller's (2007) instrument construction was modified for the formation of three phase VSFI which consists of Phase One (Analysis), Phase Two (Instrumentation Construction) and Phase Three (Implementation of the Study). The findings have identified two main items in VSFI namely Language Proficiency and Vocational Skills for SNSLD screening. Quantitative questionnaires were used over 216 special education teachers. This study also involved 473 SNSLD’s in 72 Secondary Schools Special Education Program in Selangor. This study contributes directly to the teacher to develop the skills curriculum to determine the specific level of activity content with the SNSLD's ability to master the subject of Vocational Skills Specifically in ISEP. Keywords: Vocational Skills, Vocational Skills Filtering Instruments (VSFI), Special Needs Students with Learning Disabilities (SNSLD), Malaysian Skills Certificate (MSC).
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Number of students as road accident victims due to human factors has been significantly increased every year. This research aims to examine the implementation management of traffic ethics education policy among high school students. This study employed mixed method, a combination of quantitative and qualitative research method. The population and sample are SMA students who ride motorcycles for their daily mobility. The sampling technique used is Multi-stage proportionate random sampling. By using Isaac and Michael formula, a minimum sample of 291 respondents was obtained. Data were collected through questionnaire, interviews, observation, focus group discussion (FGD) and documentation, while analysis was carried out in descriptive quantitative method. The research result showed that the traffic ethics education policies have been implemented well in Yogyakarta by applying well communication, disposition and bureaucratic. However, the lack of resources such as the absent of national curriculum on traffic ethics education (TEE), lack of safety road trainings for teachers and lack of families support, have limited the effectiveness of TEE in building students attitudes on using road and maintaining safety riding.
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The aim of this study is to review the capacity and capability of hearing among impaired students in a transition termed as a Career Transition Programme in adapting to the working environment post-school graduation. This research is a qualitative research by making use of a designed survey. The Career Transition Programme is a programme that helps students with special needs in getting a job after school. Students with hearing difficulties experience hardships in communicating and socialising with the outside community. Data were collected by observing the participants as well as traditional face-to-face interviews with employers, workers, parents and teachers at school. The participant in the study is a student necessitating special needs undergoing hearing difficulties in one elementary school with special education for the disabled. The training module was designed as a guide for the participant to carry out work at a chosen nursery. The study found that the participant acquired all the taught skills and managed to work according to the assigned hours. The results of the interview show a positive outlook on the Career Transition Programme that was carried out. However, the researcher suggests some improvements in the Career Transition Programme in ensuring the longevity of its implementation from time to time in the future.
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This quantitative study was conducted to examine the relationship between psychological capital, organizational support and subjective well-being of Special Education Teachers. A total of 196 Special Education Teachers were randomly selected from 40 secondary schools in the Central Region of Peninsular Malaysia. Psy Cap Inventory, Special Education Career Resilience Scale and Life Satisfaction Scale questionnaire method were used to collect the relevant data. The Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient of the Psy Cap Inventory is 0.85-0.90, Special Education Career Resilience Scale is between 0.75 - 0.94 and Life Satisfaction Scale is between 0.80-0.95. The findings showed that statistically significant positive relationship between psychological capitals, organizational support and subjective well-being. The multiple regression analysis indicates that psychological capital and organizational support contributed 33% (R square = 0.332) of the variance being accounted for in subjective well-being and this was found to be statically significant with organizational support and psychological capital are major predictor contributed significantly. Lower contribution of psychological capital and organizational support towords subjective well-being shows that there are also other factors that affect the subjective wellbeing of Special Education Teachers.
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