
Using project management philosophy to develop a system for organizing repairs to power equipment

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The problem of setting up a new system for managing repairs to power equipment that meets the requirements of a competitive market is considered. A solution to this problem is proposed based on the principles of project management. The results from testing the software systems designed for these purposes are presented. The software for a project management system for making repairs to a T-250/300-240 turbine installation is described

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... Statistical data can be used first of all to substantiate the parameters of state and the reliability indicators of power equipment. In addition, the change to the strategy of repairing the equipment of thermal power stations (TPSs) in accordance with its state generated the need of using statistical models to solve optimization technical and economic problems, in particular, when the remaining service life of equipment has to be estimated [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. ...
... 1-4 are made of brass alloys (part of the bundle used in the condenser of turbine No. 4 is assembled of tubes made of MNZh5-1 material), and the condensers of turbines Nos. 5 and 6 use bundles of tubes made of a coppernickel alloy (see table). 1 We see that the susceptibility of the brass tubes of the condensers of turbines Nos. 2 and 4 to damage has two characteristic periods: with an operating time of less than 195-205 thousand h and with more than this value. The first period saw gradual (random) failures, and the second saw mass-scale damages to tubes (a few hundred tubes were blanked off at once during repairs after hydraulic pressure tests). ...
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Results from statistical simulation of damages to the tube systems of the condensers and high-pressure heaters used in steam-turbine units are presented. The flow of failures of high-pressure heaters is described, using which their failure rates are estimated, and data are given that allow measures to be recommended on improving the system of maintenance activities for these apparatuses.
... One of the promising solutions to this problem is making a shift to the strategy of repairing power equip ment according to its actual technical state. This strat egy must be based on a well developed system of diag nostics and monitoring of the state of equipment and on unbiased estimates of its performance indicators [2,3]. However, the modern monitoring systems, which are mandatorily installed in newly commissioned power units, do not find wide use in installations that have already been in operation for a long time due to objective and subjective reasons. ...
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We consider indicators characterizing the reliability of power station auxiliary equipment obtained by processing the results from routine and special tests, various studies, replies to questionnaires given to specialists of thermal power stations, official statistical data on the damageability of thermal power station equipment, and studies of repair documentation. We also present procedures for processing, analysis, and generalization of obtained information.
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