
Emotion, Social Relationships, and Health



A growing literature on humans and animals documents linkages between social integration and various health outcomes, including mortality. The actual mechanisms through which these effects occur are, however, not well understood. Emotion plays a central role in mediating connections between and among relational experiences, underlying neurobiological processes, and susceptibility to illness. Many prior studies have focused on the size and proximity of social networks without taking into consideration the accompanied emotions. Much attention has been given to the negative side of interaction; thus, providing minimal concern on the protective benefits of enduring love, nurturance, and affection. In view of this, the book brings together these differing inquiries to advance understanding on how emotions in significant social ties influence health. Formulation, observation and evaluation of social interactions in the clinical/laboratory setting and real life contexts are conceptualized. Recognition of intervening biological parameters and exposure to health challenges are also used. Recurrent themes of findings include the importance of attending to: both positive and negative emotional experiences in significant social relationships and how these influence underlying coping mechanisms; cumulative and repeated natures of socio-emotional experiences; health patterns according to gender differences; and the need for multiple methodologies to advance the emotion, social relationships, and health agendas.
... Ambivalent individuals have been shown to exhibit deficits in reading someone's emotions [2] and may withhold positive feedback towards their partners [6]. Hence, having clarity towards one's feelings is essential for regulating social and emotional well-being [26] during everyday social interactions with others [27]. Social competence can also be seen as a culmination of everyday interactions with others, underscoring the importance of differentiating the contexts of ambivalence with regards to specific interpersonal tasks. ...
... The inherent difficulty in establishing the relationship between ambivalence and social competence is to discern which construct manifests before the other thereby making a causal claim. Research on daily social interactions and the development of emotional competence highlight that emotional expression has to occur during interaction in order to facilitate the establishment of social relationships [27]. More importantly, the style of expression in conflicted individuals would affect the perceptions of their ability to engage in interpersonal tasks successfully. ...
... As such, certain researchers have concluded that an important component of ambivalence entails an element of the fear of intimacy, such as a fear of social disapproval, or retaliation, and has been displayed nonverbally in close relationships [6]. Ryff and Singer [27] also argue that intimacy interactions are those in which self-disclosure occurs and in which there is partner responsiveness to such disclosure. This may thus underscore the nature of self-disclosure in understanding the relationship between ambivalence and subjective well-being. ...
... Desde esta concepción, el modelo de evaluación de bienestar psicológico plantea seis dimensiones (Ryff & Singer, 2001): 1. Autonomía, 2. Dominio del entorno, 3. Autoaceptación, 4. Relaciones positivas, 5. Propósito en la vida y 6. Crecimiento personal. De modo, que es un factor indispensable para el adecuado desarrollo del ciclo vital. ...
... De manera general, se pudo determinar, que los estudiantes de la facultad de ciencias médicas presentan en un 24% de alto bienestar psicológico, un 68% moderado y el 8% bajo bienestar, por lo que la mayor parte de la muestra estudiada mantiene un nivel de bienestar psicológico alto y moderado, lo que para algunos autores tiene que ver con el desarrollo del ser humano a través del ciclo de vida y el nivel de satisfacción presente en cada una de las etapas cursadas (Ryff & Singer, 2001). ...
El objetivo de esta investigación es describir las dimensiones del bienestar psicológico en los estudiantes de la facultad de ciencias médicas y así poder comparar las diferencias entre grupos; esto debido a que la pandemia causó una situación sin precedentes, debido a la necesidad de aislarnos de varios ámbitos. Para llevar a cabo este trabajo, se realizó un estudio bajo el paradigma post-positivista con enfoque no experimental de alcance descriptivo y comparativo de modalidad cuantitativa y de corte transversal en estudiantes de primer semestre de la facultad de ciencias médicas en un contexto posterior a la pandemia, llegando a la conclusión de que la atención a las áreas de bienestar psicológico debería ser a través de planes de atención diferenciados.
... [113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120][121] Interpersonal interactions are deemphasized in mental health assessments and interventions, 115,116,119,120,[122][123][124] but play a crucial role in relation to emotional well-being as evidenced here specifically for children and youth with SMCI, but also in the broader literature. 39,77,[125][126][127][128][129][130] Positive social relationships and daily interpersonal interaction are vital for positive well-being within pediatric and adult populations. 39,77,[125][126][127][128][129][130] Other research has provided evidence to support the impact of interpersonal interaction with people on the periphery of our close networks, contributing to positive emotional well-being. ...
... 39,77,[125][126][127][128][129][130] Positive social relationships and daily interpersonal interaction are vital for positive well-being within pediatric and adult populations. 39,77,[125][126][127][128][129][130] Other research has provided evidence to support the impact of interpersonal interaction with people on the periphery of our close networks, contributing to positive emotional well-being. 131 Greater positive affect has been reported by individuals after interpersonal interaction with a coffee shop barista 132 and after receiving friendly eye contact from unfamiliar passersby. ...
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Background: Children and youth with severe motor and communication impairment (SMCI) have difficulty providing self-expression through typical speech, writing with a paper and pencil, or using a standard keyboard. Their emotional expressions can be missed by peers and novel caregivers. Purpose: To describe the indicators and components of emotional experiences for children/youth with SMCI. Methods: Primary guardians of nine children/youth with SMCI were involved in photo/video data collection and follow-up qualitative interviews. Twenty-one familiar people (e.g., friends, family members, and/or care team) participated in semi-structured qualitative interviews. Results: A conceptual understanding of emotional well-being specific to the population has been developed consisting of nine themes, encompassed by four domains i) Core Attributes, ii) Personal Experiences, iii) Surroundings, iv) Expression and Reception. Conclusions: Emotional experiences of children/youth with SMCI are diversely expressed. Primary guardian and familiar person insight can be amplified to positively impact care and participation.
... For her, a class position can only be associated with an emotional experience if attention is directed to the question of "inappropriate affect"-specifically, asking how emotion work transformed a particular feeling. Others underline affect as a primarily bodily and relational experience (Burkitt, 2014) and Barbalet (2001), added a class perspective focusing on "reflex emotions" or "moral emotions," terms coined by Jasper (2018). The former refers to automatic responses to events, and the latter to (dis)approval of our own or others' actions based on immediate moral intuitions or principles. ...
... One emotion isn't transformed by the others but, rather, experienced according to the relational awareness. A similar relational notion of affect was presented by Burkitt (2014) but my perspective links affectual responses, such as resentment, to wider struggles, and contributes to a political analysis of class relations and how these distinctions manifest at the intersectional and individual level. Anthias (2016) suggests that belonging-or rather, the politics of belonging, and articulations of non-belongingare salient to understanding claims of entitlement to resources, within the framework of TP. ...
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Of the range of negative emotional states, shame is commonly found to characterize experiences of people living in poverty. However, relatively little attention has been directed toward exploring other emotions that accompany the shame. Not exploring other emotions, the possibility that working‐class mothers go through a struggling emotional experience in relation to their experiences of how authorities validate their belonging, is left out of scope. Exploring the notion of resentment creates a conceptual space for considering this possibility, as it flags the importance of belonging and entitlement for mothers living in poverty. I analyze these issues here, by applying “translocational positionality” which stresses how people take up positions relating to experiences of (non‐) belonging and entitlement which are informed by struggles over inclusion and resources. As such, it stresses the links between struggles of belonging and struggles for securing access to resources. It affords the opportunity to identify the emotional/affectual dimension of struggles that would otherwise be implicit at best. A Resentment focused analysis of structured interviews conducted with 90 mothers, from seven ethno‐national categories, living in poverty in Israel enabled me to analyze issues of belonging and entitlement as part of a continuous struggle for resources, pitched against welfare practices which ostensibly support mothers and families in need, but in fact apply means‐tested and other exclusionary principles to leave mothers without the assistance that would protect them from shame.
... Hal ini disebabkan karena subjective well-being berkaitan dengan masalah perkembangan sosial dan emosional remaja, yang keduanya mempengaruhi pada kesejahteraan subjektif (Ryff & Singer, 2001). Kecerdasan emosional adalah kemampuan mengamati dan mengendalikan emosi diri sendiri dan orang lain, sehingga orang dapat menggunakan emosi tersebut agar bisa mengontrol pikiran dan tindakan pribadi (Salovey & Mayer, 1990). ...
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Adolescence is a period of development marked by upheaval and conflict, which can explain the problems experienced by students at Islamic boarding schools. This is related to students' comfort while living in Islamic boarding schools, which can reduce the level of subjective well-being of teenagers. This research examined the influence of emotional intelligence and peer social support on subjective well-being in early adolescents at SMP Istiqomah Samabas Boarding school Purbalingga. This research uses a quantitative approach with multiple linear regression analysis methods. This research used a saturated sampling technique in which the entire population was sampled, a total of 118 students, with 60 male students and 58 female students. The measuring instruments used are the subjective well-being scale (SwLS and SPANE), the emotional intelligence scale (EII), and the peer social support scale (SSSS). This research shows a significant influence between emotional intelligence and peer social support on subjective well-being, with a value of F=18.158, P=0.000, and R Square of 0.240, meaning that emotional intelligence and peer social support contribute 24% to subjective well-being. It is essential to carry out positive activities to develop emotional intelligence and team activities to foster a sense of friendship to increase high subjective well-being.
... These factors determine the distance between individuals (closer or distant relationships) and the associated expectations. The analysis of relationships at work is important because strong, friendly relationships are considered a resilience resource, as indicated by Rivera et al. (2012), and constitute the mental well-being of an individual (Ryff & Singer, 2001). ...
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Remote work issues for disabled people are still poorly understood. Due to the high unemployment rate among disabled people, analysis, and solutions to increase access to work are necessary. Remote workers must deal with space, time, and the blurring of boundaries between home and work life. Remote contact also weakens management-coworker relationships, reducing workplace support and professional development. The aim of the paper was to collect opinions on remote work based on interviews with 15 people with disabilities. Their opinions expressed their experience with the reality in which they function. Dual Sentiment Analysis was used with a dedicated qualitative analysis tool (QDA MINER). The respondents mainly described remote work as having good working conditions at home and being satisfied with less contact with others. Our findings suggest that organizing remote work for people with disabilities in a highly individualized way that takes into account their disabilities, job functions, and complex emotional responses can improve job satisfaction and the work environment. Remote work reduces social contact, which reduces stress and boosts job satisfaction for disabled people.
... High-quality relationships are expected to be beneficial for people in both their personal lives and their work lives. They promote physical and psychological well-being (Ryff & Singer, 2001), thus further boosting relationship quality (Heaphy & Dutton, 2008). They also bring caring and compassion into the workplace, thus driving worker and customer well-being and other critical performance outcomes (Dutton & Heaphy, 2003). ...
Conference Paper
Society, organizations, and individuals inevitably face crises that threaten their functioning and even survival. As a result, crisis management scholars have sought to explain both the nature and impact of crises and how organizations effectively prepare for, respond to, and overcome various forms and degrees of challenges (Williams, Gruber, Sutcliffe, Shepherd, & Zhao, 2017). In response to a rise of grand challenges (e.g., Covid-19 pandemic), there have been a number of calls for management research to further explore the crisis-organization interaction, including how to develop resilience not only to respond to adversity but also to use it as an opportunity for future growth (van der Vegt, Essens, Wahlström, & George, 2015; Williams & Shepherd, 2016). Following this, our symposium aims to provide a unique and critical perspective that focuses on relational practices as the approach to address grand challenges as well as the relational capability to respond to and recover from adversity. In the context of crisis management, relational practice has been considered an important approach to shape immediate response to disturbances and ultimately enhance reliability to challenging events (Williams et al., 2017). For example, Gittell (2008) found that relational coordination—communicating and relating for the purpose of task integration—is critical in overcoming challenges. The coordinated collective response across multiple functions or roles create a relational system that enables and strengthens resilient responses to external pressures. Similarly, Shepherd and Williams (2014) and Colquitt et al. (2011) found that trust is an elemental capability to enable a more effective response to a disaster.
... High-quality relationships are expected to be beneficial for people in both their personal lives and their work lives. They promote physical and psychological well-being (Ryff & Singer, 2001), thus further boosting relationship quality (Heaphy & Dutton, 2008). They also bring caring and compassion into the workplace, thus driving worker and customer well-being and other critical performance outcomes (Dutton & Heaphy, 2003). ...
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Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has been an unusually comprehensive crisis that has taken a toll on people in their roles both at work and at home, giving rise to a new normal. Purpose: Relational coordination theory shows how communicating and relating for the purpose of task integration drives positive outcomes for workers, their clients, and their employers. The ecological theory of work-family spillover shows how relational dynamics from work spillover into family life, and vice versa. We build upon these two theories to understand how relationships at work impact work-life balance and worker well-being, especially in times of crisis. Methodology: This study was based on surveys of clinicians affiliated with a large California health system during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mediation and multilevel logistic regression models were used to assess how relational coordination among colleagues impacts well-being (job satisfaction and lack of burnout) through its effects on work-life balance (schedule control and personal time). Results: A 1-point increase in relational coordination tripled clinician odds of having schedule control (OR = 3.33, p < .001) and nearly doubled the odds of having adequate personal time (OR = 1.83, p < .001). A 1-point increase in relational coordination nearly quadrupled odds of being satisfied with their job (OR = 3.92, p < .001) and decreased odds of burnout by 64% (OR = 0.36, p < .001). The impact of relational coordination on worker well-being was mediated by greater schedule control and personal time. Conclusion: Relational coordination among colleagues impacts worker well-being by enabling greater control over one's schedule and more personal time, thus creating a positive spillover from work to home in times of crisis. Practice implications: In times of crisis, leaders should prioritize relational coordination among colleagues in order to support their resilience both at work and at home.
... In the natural process of ageing, isolation and loneliness is common, and may be more noticeable in a large proportion of ageing individuals [13]. It has been repeatedly shown that good social networks and community interactions diminish the morbidity of maladies and mortality in ageing individuals [4,14]. Social interactions, community programmes, and planned outings empower the ageing individual, provide the interdependent feeling of being needed, and decrease the magnitude of cognitive declines in ageing individuals when compared to their counterparts who experience more isolation [6,15]. ...
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Healthy ageing refers to the development and maintenance of the functional ability of ageing individuals. Aged care nurses provide nursing care to elderly individuals and usually work in aged care residential facilities, nursing homes, home care services, and/or hospital departments. The registered nurse working in the aged care sector has several important roles. Key roles cover both therapeutic and preventative paradigms, as discussed in this paper. The aged care nurse is also “tasked with” holistic patient-centred care and the promotion of healthy ageing via advocacy and sociocultural roles. This paper examined, described, and analysed the multifaceted role of an aged care nurse from an Australian perspective. We conducted meticulous searches using PubMed, Google Scholar, government guidelines, authoritative body regulations, quality control guidelines, and government portals pertaining to aged care nursing in Australia. This paper relied upon the information garnered from publications, reports, and guidelines resulting from these searches and analyses. Multiple aspects of healthy ageing and holistic aged care nursing are discussed. The key roles of the aged care nurse are enumerated next, in accordance with the code of conduct from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA). The NMBA promotes evidence-based, culturally sensitive, consultative, holistic aged care clinical practice that includes input from care recipients, their decision makers, and/or their health care providers. The difficult issue of loneliness is discussed with strategies to ameliorate aspects of this. Good social networks, community interactions, meaningful friendships, and participation in personalised spiritual/religious practices improve the quality of aged care. The key topic of elder abuse and its forms are discussed apropos of aged care nursing. Healthy ageing is promoted by identifying and reporting elder abuse at the earliest. Current Australian law and recent federal legislation changes pertaining to aged care nursing are discussed next. As a result of these legislation changes, several new quality control imperatives (for aged care organisations/facilities) under the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC) have been implemented. Residential and flexible aged care providers should now have robust ongoing documentation and a well-developed behaviour support plan (BSP) for each care recipient who currently requires or may require restrictive practices, which must be reported under the new serious incident reporting scheme (SIRS). Various strategies to promote healthy ageing and approaches to communicate effectively with aged care recipients are also discussed. Healthy ageing is promoted when age care recipients are empowered with making their own autonomous choices in “major and minor” aspects of life. Finally, approaches to optimise quality aged care nursing care are discussed. The Roper–Logan–Tierney model is one of the models used to assess and optimise nursing care. This is premised on the capability of an ageing individual to accomplish 12 basic activities of daily living.
... Positive relationships and social connections are central to health and well-being (Ryff and Singer, 2001;Cohen, 2004). Individuals with adequate naturally occurring social relationships have a 50% greater likelihood of survival over a 7.5 year period compared to those with poor or insufficient social relationships, and this effect is present after controlling for demographic and health status factors (Holt-Lunstad et al., 2010). ...
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The prevalence of psychosocial distress is increasing in the United States. At the same time, the American default lifestyle has steadily displaced household food production with industrial food production, despite increased cultural interest in cooking. An important focus of cooking research to date has been on cooking’s association with nutrition and dietary quality. Less focus has been placed on how cooking might foster the qualities that allow for mitigation of psychosocial distress and promote well-being. Rooted in its evolutionary role in the human experience, cooking requires skills and knowledge that have the capacity to encourage aspects of well-being as described by Seligman as flourishing. Evidence for a beneficial role of cooking in psychosocial health exists, but the exploration is limited, potentially due to lack of a theoretical context to explain these benefits. From this perspective, we review the current literature showing the application of Seligman’s prominent well-being model, Positive emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment (PERMA), to cooking, defined as the activity related to the preparation of food or a meal. We propose that the PERMA model as applied to cooking may function as a theoretical framework to explore psychosocial outcomes associated with cooking. Broader application of this approach may also help to further the application of positive psychology in the developing literature around psychosocial health and nutrition-related chronic diseases.
... Entre las características de personalidad que han sido más estudiadas, en la relación con el estrés, se encuentran el optimismo (Maruta, Colligan, Malinchoc, & Offord, 2000), la resiliencia (Ryff & Singer, 2003;Tugade & Fredrickson, 2004;Vera, Carbelo, & Vecina, 2006) y el locus de control (Glazer, Stetz, & Izso, 2004;Kirkcaldy, Shepard, & Furnham, 2002). Debido a lo anterior, hemos seleccionado estas características de personalidad como variables de este estudio. ...
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Generalmente, la psicología se ha centrado en lo patológico del estrés (Siegel & Schrimshaw, 2000; Peiró, 2008). Sin embargo, desde la psicología positiva se enfatizan las emociones, actitudes y acciones orientadas al bienestar y a la obtención de lugares de trabajo positivos (Simmons & Nelson, 2007). No obstante, ambas perspectivas no son excluyentes, ya que se ha puesto de manifiesto que las emociones positivas pueden coexistir con las negativas durante circunstancias estresantes y adversas. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar las relaciones existentes entre la valoración/percepción como presión o como reto de los potenciales estresores y características de personalidad: el optimismo, la resiliencia y el locus de control. Participaron 117 profesores de nivel medio superior y superior de Mérida, Yucatán, México. Los resultados muestran que el optimismo correlaciona positivamente con la dimensión responsabilidad personal percibida como reto y negativamente con las dimensiones carga de trabajo y balance casa/trabajo percibidas como presión. La resiliencia correlaciona positivamente con la dimensión relaciones en el trabajo, percibida como reto, y el locus de control correlaciona negativamente con las dimensiones relaciones en el trabajo y balance casa/trabajo percibidas como presión. Se discuten los resultados, aportaciones y limitaciones.
... Furthermore, women tend to be more vulnerable to the impact of stressful life events [79], with male adolescents reporting less psychological symptoms than females [80]. In addition to this, scientific literature shows differences related to gender in emotions, subjective well-being, and positive psychological functioning [81,82]. Therefore, an important avenue for future studies would be to examine the potential role of gender as an underlying mechanism that could interact in the relationship between EI dimensions, well-being indicators, and suicide risk in adolescent bullying victims. ...
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This study contributes to current knowledge on the protective role of emotional intelligence and flourishing in cases of suicide risk (namely depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation) in a sample of adolescent victims of traditional bullying. The proposed model tested the mediator role of flourishing in the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and suicide risk together with the moderating effect of EI in the relationship between low flourishing and increased suicide risk. Considering an initial sample of 1847 adolescents (52.5% female), a subsample of 494 pure bullying victims (61.3% female) took part in this research. The main results showed EI to be linked to decreased suicide risk through levels of flourishing. Moreover, EI buffered the relationship between low flourishing and the associated suicide risk. Victimized adolescents with both low levels of EI and of flourishing reported higher levels of suicide risk than their counterparts with high EI levels. This suggests the protective role of EI of both predicting higher flourishing and reducing the likelihood of suicide risk among victimized adolescents with low levels of flourishing. Finally, the practical implications of these novel findings regarding the role of EI and flourishing in the prevention of suicide risk among victimized adolescents are discussed.
... The subject of interpersonal relations is a multidisciplinary body of knowledge gained the interest of researchers from a variety of disciplines and was studied in numerous titles. (For more details, refer to Fincham & Rogge (2010); (Bakker & Schaufeli, (2008) ;Cameron, et al. (2003); (Ryff, & Singer, 2001). (Reis, et al, 2000) stated that the concept of relationships refers to an enduring association between two persons which implies the ongoing connection and a high awareness of these relations influence on relationship partners' feelings, thoughts and behaviors. ...
... Second, given the female advantage in life expectancy, do these trajectories show a female advantage, i.e. a lower allostatic load trajectory for females? Third, given that psychosocial factors get under the skin and affect physiological regulation [20,30,31], what social factors are linked with the trajectories? Lastly, are there any differences between the two countries? ...
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Background Difference in life expectancy between males and females has been suggested to rest on sex difference in physiological dysregulation. But allostatic load, a physiological index, has not been carefully examined for an extended period beyond middle age. We aim to draw longitudinal trajectories of allostatic load in a national sample of older Americans and Britons; also to examine sex-based trajectories and factors behind their differences. Methods We studied men and women aged ≥50 years participating in the Health and Retirement Study Waves 8–11, 2006–2012 (N = 15,583 person-years) and the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Waves 2, 4 and 6, 2004–2012 (N = 14,765 person-years). Because of the difference in provenance, we included different number of biomarkers to calculate allostatic load in HRS and ELSA. In HRS we used 8 biomarkers (systolic and diastolic blood pressure, haemoglobin A1c, high-density lipoprotein, total cholesterol, waist circumference, cystatin C, and C-reactive protein), while ELSA allostatic load was constructed from 10 biomarkers (systolic and diastolic blood pressure, haemoglobin A1c, high-density lipoprotein, total cholesterol, waist circumference, BMI, triglyceride, fibrinogen and C-reactive protein). A growth curve model was fitted to repeated observations of allostatic load, demographic characteristics, socioeconomic position, comorbidities and health behaviours (smoking, drinking, and physical exercise). To account for attrition, a joint model was applied. Results The analysis showed that allostatic load increases linearly with age in the U.S. However, there are different levels for males and females. In England allostatic load follows such different paths that their trajectories cross in later life. Conclusions Sex-based trajectories of allostatic load showed distinct female advantage and are mostly consistent with female advantage in life expectancy.
... też z trudnościami nieprzewidywalnymi może on sobie doskonale poradzić, jeśli w swoim otoczeniu społecznym ma przyjaciół. Dobrostan psychiczny, satysfakcja z pracy zależą w zasadniczym stopniu od jakości przyjaźni (Ryff, Singer, 2001). Badania empiryczne pokazują, że ludzie bardziej cenią sobie dobre przyjaźnie i związki romantyczne niż bezpieczeństwo finansowe. ...
Przyjaźń jest uniwersalną relacją między ludźmi, ważną w kontekście życia społecznego i zdrowia psychicznego jednostki. Dotychczasowe badania empiryczne i rozważania teoretyczne wskazują, że kompetencje społeczne są związane z przyjaźnią. Badania empiryczne prezentowane w tym artykule koncentrują się na odnalezieniu i opisaniu związków między kompetencjami społecznymi a jakością relacji przyjacielskich wśród młodych dorosłych. Wyniki badań wskazują, że jednostki, które mają rozwinięte pewne umiejętności społeczne, mają również wysokiej jakości relacje przyjacielskie.
... Entre las características de personalidad que han sido más estudiadas, en la relación con el estrés, se encuentran el optimismo (Maruta, Colligan, Malinchoc & Offord, 2000), la resiliencia (Ryff & Singer, 2003;Tugade & Fredrickson, 2004;Vera, Carbelo, & Vecina, 2006) y el locus de control (Glazer, Stetz & Izso, 2004;Kirkcaldy, Shepard & Furnham, 2002). Debido a lo anterior, hemos seleccionado estas características de personalidad como variables de este estudio. ...
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Generally, psychology has focused on pathological stress (Siegel & Schrimshaw, 2000; Peiro, 2008). However, positive psychology emphasizes emotions, attitudes and actions aimed at obtaining happiness and positive workplaces (Simmons & Nelson, 2007). Nevertheless, both perspectives do not oppose each other since –as it has been shown- positive emotions may coexist with negative ones during stressing and adverse circumstances. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between appraisal/perception as pressure or challenge stressors and personality traits: optimism, resilience and locus of control. One hundred and seventeen high school and college teachers at Merida, Yucatan, Mexico participated in the study. The findings showed that optimism correlates positively with personal responsibility perceived as challenge, and negatively with workload and balance work/home; resilience correlated positively with relationships at job and locus of control correlated negatively with relationships at job and balance work/home. Findings, contributions and limitations are discussed
... Emotional regulation, which includes awareness and knowledge of emotions, acceptance of these emotions, and the ability to control impulsive behaviors and act properly, can effect one's physiological responses and social interactions (9). The nature of one's personal experience, emotional expression, and emotion regulation could significantly contribute to healthy and intimate social relations and improve one's emotional well-being (10). Various behavioral and cognitive strategies are used for regulating emotions, some of which are maladaptive and intensify negative feelings and interpersonal problems. ...
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Background: The acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a novel method for resolving interpersonal problems. Objectives: This study aimed at determining the effectiveness of ACT on interpersonal problems and difficulties in emotion regulation among female students with interpersonal problems. Methods: In this randomized clinical trial, the study population consisted of 70 female students, who were selected via purposive sampling from Azad University of Gorgan, Iran. The study population was randomly categorized to intervention (ACT group) and control groups. The intervention group consisted of ten 90-minute ACT sessions, held by a trained clinical psychologist, according to a study by Mckay, Lev and Skeen (2012). The data collection tools included two short-form questionnaires, including the inventory of interpersonal problems (IIP-32) and difficulties in emotion regulation scale (DERS). Pre-test and post-test scores were analyzed, using covariance methods. Results: Generally, the findingsshowed a significant difference in the post-test scores between the control and ACT groups following the intervention. Conclusions: Based on the findings, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) can be effective in improvement of interpersonal problems and emotional dysregulation.
... An essential aspect of spiritual leadership is the emphasis on interconnectedness between organizational members (Fry, 2003). Spiritual leaders help create positive work relationships among workers, and prior research suggests positive work relationships are associated with higher organizational and individual resilience (Gittell et al., 2006;Ryff and Singer, 2001). ...
Purpose The wave of revolutions referred to as the Arab Spring has significantly impacted organizations and contributed to market turbulence. Focusing on spiritual leadership and employee religious values as key determinants of organizational survival in Muslim-majority markets, this paper aims to provide a conceptual framework that can offset consequences of turbulence by leveraging employees’ spiritual foundations to provide a sense of optimism and collective thinking that is vital in times of uncertainty. Design/methodology/approach The paper reviews the state of turbulence post the Arab Spring and its impact on organizations. It discusses the literature on uncertainty and spiritual leadership, and draws from Islamic human resource literature to identify specific religious values engrained in the local culture. Findings A multi-staged conceptual model is presented that draws from Islamic principles of Sabr (perseverance), Tawakkul (reliance on God), Ihsan (excelling in work), Reda (acceptance of outcomes) and Al-Amal Al-Jemae’e (teamwork). The multi-staged model can help firms react effectively to turbulence while building their connection to their employee base in Muslim-majority markets. Originality/value The paper also advances theoretical work on organizational responses to turbulence, focusing on markets that have received significantly less scholarly attention. Drawing from local spiritual values in a part of the world where religious teachings influence both social and economic aspects of life is an untapped opportunity. It highlights an innovative and important application of religious values in a post-conflict context, and explores a conceptual model that is embedded in the local context rather than borrowing from Western-based models.
... Other studies have shown that utilizing character strengths not only reduces depressive symptoms but also increases levels of positive emotion (Gander et al, 2012). Collaborating with others through high quality connections has also been shown to facilitate physical and psychological health (Ryff & Singer, 2001). Additionally, research indicates that people who have more high quality interactions throughout the day report greater wellbeing, as evidenced by increases in positive emotions (Reiss, 2000). ...
Decision making is a necessary and integral part of life. This paper examines several specific concepts related to decision making and attempts to demonstrate how to create a positively charged culture that embraces change, attracts talent and improves decision making. First we will discuss how leveraging our personal strengths instead of focusing on our weaknesses can lead to a culture that emboldens people to take appropriate risks and encourages them to focus on the opportunities in change. Second we will discuss how having positive, high quality relationships creates a supportive workplace that attracts and retains talent and fosters collaboration. Third, we will explain how being engaged in what we do, finding meaning in our work and recognizing and acknowledging the role emotions play in our lives can all positively affect our decision making abilities. Fourth, we will discuss how all of us utilize decision making short cuts called heuristics that often serve us well but can sometimes lead to unhelpful biases. We will describe some of the most common heuristics people use and the potential biases they produce and offer some suggestions on how we can overcome these biases, when appropriate, to make the best decisions possible. Finally, we will discuss how positive emotions affect decisions as well as result from the decision making concepts discussed.
This chapter unpacks a national qualitative investigation using Australian adolescent students in the largest international Protestant educational schooling system as respondents. The aim of this study was to understand students’ perspectives on spirituality, in an effort to work towards developing an overall grounded theory of spirituality. Using the tools of grounded theory, the analysis of the interviews revealed these students had a high degree of self-awareness of what constituted spirituality, set within a social emotional framework. More importantly, this understanding constituted dimensions of positive psychology, social engagement, and deep reflection with peers.
Besides this discourse mayor interest is in theological reflection on friendship and disability, the interrogation of what friendship is and how its classic framework differs from modern and contemporary approaches will be the specific task of this chapter.In this regard the selection of classic authors includes Aristotle and New Testament scholarship, whereas the mainstream modern and contemporary scholarship on friendship includes the analysis of academic fields of philosophy, sociology, and theology. The selection of these approaches and perspectives is merely because not only were they among the most cited within scope of theology and moral philosophy, but they were also among the most challenging to the disability discourse on friendship. After the presentation of the main aspect of the classical approaches to friendship, the chapter outlines the main ideas and approaches of the modern and contemporary comprehension of friendship and looks at how such a conception of friendship is divergent from or congruent with the previously mentioned classical authors. The chapter will complete by examination and assessment of late modern friendship, including one of the greatest virtual social media platforms: “Facebook.”KeywordsFriendshipAristotleVirtueEmotionVirtual friendship
We explored the relational importance in early and middle adulthood in a South African setting. Informants were 52 participants (female = 58%, African language speaking = 31%, age range = 18–65; younger adults = 50%). Data on the types of important relationships and the reasons behind the importance for the different age groups were collected through semi-structured, open-ended questions. Thematic analysis indicated family, friends, and spiritual relationships as the most important relationships across the age groups. Other relationships important to both groups, were relationships pertaining to work, pet/s, and self. The middle adulthood age group emphasised the importance of work relationships above those with friends and further indicated relationships with their spouse, success, and neighbours. Younger adults indicated relationships with romantic partners, academics, and society as a whole. The findings suggest a convoy effect on relationship preferences for these age groups in that they highlight the importance of social relationships and how they vary in different developmental phases or stages of life. Implications for consideration of developmental phases in the design of interventions are indicated.
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Skripsi adalah suatu syarat yang harus diselesaikan untuk meraih gelar sarjana yang ditempuh oleh mahasiswa tingkat akhir dengan keterbukaan dalam berkomunikasi mengenai hal-hal yang diinginkan dan dipikirkan dalam mengerjakan skripsi. Asertivitas diartikan sebagai kemampuan individu dalam berkomunikasi yang jelas dan terbuka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara happiness dengan asertivitas mahasiswa yang sedang mengerjakan skripsi. Populasi pada penelitian ini terdiri dari mahasiswa yang sedang mengerjakan skripsi angkatan 2015 di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Diponegoro. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini berjumlah 208 mahasiswa yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan teknik convenience sampling. Alat ukur menggunakan Skala happiness (24 aitem, α = 0,896) dan Skala Asertivitas (30 aitem, α = 0,915). Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis regresi sederhana, hasil analisis menunjukkan koefisien korelasi sebesar rxy = 0,550 dengan tingkat signifikansi p=0,000 (p<0,05), artinya terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikanantara happiness dengan asertivitas mahasiswa yang sedang mengerjakan skripsi. Sumbangan efektif happiness terhadap asertivitas sebesar 30,3%, sedangkan sisanya merupakan faktor lain yang tidak diungkap pada penelitian ini.
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Kapalı her sınıf kapısının ardında çeşitliliklerle dolu bir dünya vardır. Bu çeşitliliğin tanınması, kabul edilmesi ve hem okula hem de topluma faydalarının açığa çıkarılması, günümüzde eğitim sistemlerinin farkına vardığı ve erişmeye çalıştığı bir amaç haline gelmiştir. Bu amaca erişmenin en etkili yolu olarak değerlendirilen kapsayıcı eğitim modeli, tüm bireylerin nitelikli ve bütünleştirilmiş eğitimden faydalanabilmesi için hem politika hem de uygulama düzeyinde kabul görmeye başlanmıştır. Dünya genelinde çoğu ülke, eğitim sistemlerinde kapsayıcılığı inşa ederek okulun “tüm çocuklara çeşitli alanlarda gelişim ve öğrenme fırsatlarının sunulduğu” yerler olduğu ilkesini hayata geçirmeye çalışmaktadır. Son yıllarda kapsayıcı eğitime yönelik vurgunun artmasıyla birlikte bu alanda yapılan bilimsel çalışmaların sayısı ve niteliği de hızlı bir şekilde artmıştır. Kapsayıcı eğitim, gelişmekte olan ve farklı bağlamlar, dönemler ve bireyler açısından tanımlanması ve uygulanması çeşitlilik gösteren bir model olduğundan, bilimsel çalışmaların da kapsayıcı eğitimi çeşitli bakış açıları ile incelemesi mümkün olmuştur. Bu durumun olası bazı dezavantajlarının (örn. bir eğitim sisteminde ortak bir tanım üzerinde uzlaşma güçlüğü) yanında, kapsayıcı eğitimin doğasına uygun olarak bir çeşitlilik içinde ele alınışını sağlamasının, farklı ortam ve zamanlarda, o ortamın ve zamanın koşullarına uygun bir şekilde tanımlanması ve uygulanışı için bir fırsat olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Nitekim kapsayıcı eğitime yönelik tüm bu kavramsallaştırma ve uygulama çeşitliliği içinde herkesin üzerinde uzlaştığı amaç “tüm bireylerin eğitimden faydalanma fırsatlarının artırılması” şeklinde olmuştur. Benzer şekilde bu kitap, okul sistemlerinin tüm çocuklar için açık hale getirilerek tüm çocukların okullarda elde ettikleri yaşantıların kendi gelişim ve öğrenme süreçlerini kolaylaştırması amacıyla okulların hizmet kapasitelerinin artırılmasına yönelik temel bir hedefi benimsemektedir. Bu kitap, kapsayıcı eğitime ilişkin kavramların, ilkelerin ve uygulamaların bilinirlik düzeyini artırmak ve söz konusu içerikten herkesin faydalanabilmesini sağlamak ve tüm bireylerin rahatlıkla ulaşabilmesi amacıyla açık erişimli olarak yayımlanmıştır. Ayrıca bu kitabın tasarımında görsellik ön plana çıkarılarak ve bazı bölümlerde özetleme yapılarak tüm bireylerin rahatlıkla anlayabileceği bir tasarım benimsenmiştir. Bu çalışmayı hazırlayan akademisyenler ve uzmanlar, tüm okulların bütün çocuklara açık olması ve tüm çocukların nitelikli eğitimden faydalanabilmesi gerektiğine ilişkin akademik, pedagojik ve insani sorumluluk ilkesini benimsemişlerdir. Bu kitaba eğitim uygulayıcılarının, ebeveynlerin, çocukların, akademisyenlerin ve eğitim politikası üretenlerin erişmesi, okuması ve anlam üretmesi hedeflenmiş; çalışma içinde bunun gerçekleşebilmesi için tüm paydaşlar açısından okunabilirliği artıracak bir dil, tasarım ve anlatım kullanılmıştır. Kitap içinde çok sayıda bilgiye yer verilmiş, vurgular yapılmış, görseller kullanılmış, anlatım sadeleştirilmiş, örnekler verilmiş ve önerilerde bulunulmuştur. Bu çalışmanın içeriği, on beş temayı içerecek şekilde on başlık halinde hazırlanmıştır. Çalışmada ilk olarak Kapsayıcı Eğı̇tı̇mı̇n Mantığı ve İlkelerı̇ başlığı altında kapsayıcı eğitime ilişkin bilgi verilmiş, kapsayıcı eğitimin tanımı, bileşenleri, ilkeleri, dezavantajlı bireyler açısından değerlendirilmesi ve önündeki engellere ilişkin bir içerik sunulmuştur. İkinci ve üçüncü olarak Engellı̇ Bireylerde Eğı̇tı̇m, Öğrenme, Gelişı̇m ve Özel İhtı̇yaçların Ekolojisı̇ ile Engellı̇lı̇ğı̇n Medikal, Sosyal ve Bı̇yoekolojı̇k Modellerı̇ başlıkları altında, günümüze dek eğitim sisteminden dışlanma olasılığı en yüksek bireyler olan engel ile tanılanmış olan öğrencilere ilişkin bir içerik sunulmuştur. Elbette bu kitabın yazarları, kapsayıcı eğitimin örnek öğrenci ve/veya öğrenci grubu hedeflemeksizin okulların tüm çocuklar için yeniden tasarlanması gerektiğini öngördüğünü bilmektedir. Ancak Türkiye’de ve dünya genelinde, özel gereksinimli bireylerin ve bu bireyler arasında engel ile tanılanmış olanların eğitim sistemlerindeki dezavantajlı koşullarının ve kapsayıcı eğitim ile ilişkilendirilmelerindeki kuramsal ve uygulamalı zorlukların devam ettiği dikkate alındığında, onlara ilişkin bilgi içeren bu başlıkların eklenmesinde fayda bulunmuştur. Dördüncü olarak Kapsayıcı Eğı̇tı̇mde Akran İlı̇şkı̇lerı̇ başlığı altında akranlarla beraber bütünleştirilmiş eğitimin faydaları ve akran ilişkilerinin kapsayıcılığa katkısı ele alınmıştır. Beşinci olarak Kapsayıcı Bireysel Eğitim Planı Tasarımı ve Uygulamaları başlığı altında kapsayıcı eğitim bağlamında bireysel ihtiyaçlar, kapsayıcı bir bireysel eğitim planının özellikleri ve bireysel eğitim planının kapsayıcılığının önündeki engeller tartışılmıştır. Altıncı ve yedinci başlıklar olan Öğrencı̇ Merkezlı̇ Sınıf Uygulamaları, Uyarlama ve Düzenlemeler ile İşbı̇rlı̇klı̇ Eğı̇tı̇m, Evrensel Tasarım ve Farklılaştırılmış̧ Öğretim içinde sınıf ortamının kapsayıcılığının geliştirilmesine ilişkin detaylı bir içerik sunulmuştur. Sekizinci olarak Kapsayıcı Ölçme, Tanılama ve Değerlendirme başlığı altında, eğitim sistemlerinin en çok tartışılan alanlarından biri olan ölçme, tanılama ve değerlendirmenin kapsayıcı eğitim bağlamında nasıl ele alınıp geliştirilebileceğine ilişkin bir içerik sunulmuştur. Kitabın dokuzuncu başlığı olan Kapsayıcı Rehberlı̇k ve Danışmanlık Pratiklerı̇ içinde okul rehberlik ünitelerinin, tüm çocukların ruh sağlığı ve başarısı için nasıl yeniden yapılandırılıp hizmet verme kapasitelerinin güçlendirilebileceğine ilişkin bir içerik sunulmuştur. Devam eden başlık olan Davranış Gelı̇şı̇mı̇ ve Yönetimı̇ içerisinde davranış süreçleri kapsayıcı eğitim bağlamında incelenmiştir. Takip eden iki bölümde Özel Gereksı̇nı̇mlı̇ Öğrencı̇lerı̇n Sosyal-Duygusal Gelı̇şı̇mı̇ ve Özel Gereksı̇nı̇mlı̇ Öğrencı̇lerı̇n Akademik Gelı̇ şı̇ mı̇ başlıkları altında başta özel gereksinimi bulunanlar olmak üzere tüm öğrencilerin kapsayıcı eğitim süreçleri içerisinde sosyal-duygusal ve akademik açıdan maksimum düzeyde gelişiminin sağlanması adına bilgilendirici ve yönlendirici bir içerik verilmiştir. Kitapta takip eden on üçüncü, on dördüncü ve on beşinci başlıklar olan Kapsayıcı Eğı̇tı̇mde Aile Temellı̇ Uygulamalar, Çocuk Merkezlı̇ Kapsayıcı Aile Uygulamaları ve Öğrenme Desteğı̇ Sunulması ile Çocukları Desteklemede Aile Katılımı ve İletı̇şı̇m başlıklarında, özel olarak okul sisteminin önemli bir paydaşı olan ailelerin kapsayıcı eğitimdeki rolüne yer verilmiş, ailelerin çocukları desteklemede, okul süreçlerine pedagojik, sosyal ve kültürel açıdan katkıda bulunmada ve toplum kapsayıcılığının düzeyini artırmada üstlenebilecekleri rol detaylı bir şekilde anlatılmıştır.
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Psychological well-being is a construct of maximum relevance in psychology, being the equivalent to health in medical sciences. It is a multifaceted construct, with two research traditions: the hedonic and the eudaimonic ones. On the other hand, the paradign of succesful aging is a good theoretical framework to study and understand optimal aging. Rowe and Kahn (1998) articulated this paradign proposing its three main characteristics: physcal health, cognitive functioning and being productive and socially active. The aim of this research is to develop a predictive model of well-being, both hedonic and eudaimonic, using the sucessful aging parading plus a dimension of spirituality. Main results of the model showed that social support had a significant and positive on satisfaction and to a lesser extent on well-being. Pshysical health was also a significant predictor of satisfaction. An finally, spirituality may also be considered a protector of well-being. Percentage of variance explained of life satisfaction was 23.3%, while this percentage on well-being was 10.4%.
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Psychological well-being is a construct of maximum relevance in psychology, being the equivalent to health in medical sciences. It is a multifaceted construct, with two research traditions: the hedonic and the eudaimonic ones. On the other hand, the paradign of succesful aging is a good theoretical framework to study and understand optimal aging. Rowe and Kahn (1998) articulated this paradign proposing its three main characteristics: physcal health, cognitive functioning and being productive and socially active. The aim of this research is to develop a predictive model of well-being, both hedonic and eudaimonic, using the sucessful aging parading plus a dimension of spirituality. Main results of the model showed that social support had a significant and positive on satisfaction and to a lesser extent on well-being. Pshysical health was also a significant predictor of satisfaction. An finally, spirituality may also be considered a protector of well-being. Percentage of variance explained of life satisfaction was 23.3%, while this percentage on well-being was 10.4%.
Emotional characteristics and processes are robust predictors of the development and course of major medical illnesses and premature mortality, as are a variety of indicators of the presence and quality of personal relationships. Despite clear evidence of close interconnection between these two domains of risk and protection, affective characteristics and relationships have largely been studied separately as influences on health. Following a recent conference on integrative perspectives on emotions, relationships and health co-sponsored by the American Psychosomatic Society and the Society for Affective Science, the present review builds on prior calls for integration, related theory, and current research to outline what is known about the interconnection of these domains as it specifically relates to their overlapping influences on health. Areas of interest include: their interconnected roles over the course of development, which may inform current efforts to understand the influence of early life events on adult health; the parallel positive and negative factors in both domains that could have distinct influences on health; the role of emotion regulation in relationship contexts; and measurement, design, and analysis approaches to capture the dyadic and dynamic aspects of these interconnected influences on health. We conclude with a discussion of an emerging research agenda that includes: common biological foundations of affective and relationship processes; the cultural embeddedness of affective and relationship processes; the potential contribution of affective-relational processes to health disparities; and implications for intervention research.
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Support providers may experience positive and negative outcomes associated with supporting others. However, there is a lack of research on support provision to elite athletes and the views of athletes' support providers. This study addressed this gap by exploring the experiences of providing and receiving support between female Olympians and their main support providers. Five female Olympians and their main support providers participated in separate semistructured interviews. It appeared that support provision was personally and professionally rewarding, as well as challenging, for support providers, and athletes were generally satisfied with the support they received. Athletes appeared highly dependent on their support providers, but both athletes and support providers felt that high levels of support were necessary for athletic success. Further research is needed to understand how support providers are able to foster their own personally supportive relationships and whether high levels of interpersonal dependence are required to achieve athletic success.
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El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la relación entre la inteligencia emocional y el clima familiar. Se realizó un estudio transversal-correlacional en el que participaron 127 adolescentes del distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho, en Lima, Perú, donde se obtuvo información sobre su edad, género y estructura familiar. Las mediciones del clima familiar (CF) e inteligencia emocional (IE) se hicieron a través de una versión adaptada de la escala del clima social familiar (FES) y una escala de inteligencia emocional. Se utilizó la prueba estadística t de Student para la comparación de las puntuaciones de inteligencia emocional según el género y la estructura familiar, y la r de Pearson para el análisis de correlaciones entre el clima familiar y la inteligencia emocional. Como resultado, se encontraron diferencias de género en empatía (t = 3.445; p < .01) y habilidades sociales (t = 2.711; p < .01) –donde las mujeres presentaron puntuaciones más altas que los hombres–, pero no en la puntuación total de la inteligencia emocional. También, se encontraron diferencias significativas en la autorregulación (t = 2.319; p < .05) y automotivación (t = 2.713; p < .01) de los adolescentes de familias nucleares y monoparentales; y se observó una correlación directa entre el clima familiar y la inteligencia emocional (r = .632; p < .01).
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How does being a family business contribute to resilience in a turbulent business environment? We draw on the Sustainable Family Business Theory (SFBT) to highlight the role of family capital (human, social, and financial capital) in the resilience of a sample of family firms. We collected data through semi-structured interviews with managers of four Tunisian family firms after the political revolution between 2011 and 2014, which triggered economic instability and business discontinuities. Organizational agility and resilience consequently became vital. We find that social capital of family firms, which may be composed of local and/or international contacts, contributes the most to firms’ ability to absorb shocks, reallocate existing resources, and internalize practices that allow firms to cope with future disturbances. We also find that financial capital is largely determined by social capital and human capital of family firms. Our research contributes to the family business resilience literature by showing how developing resilience at an individual level (social capital) fosters organizational level (family business) resilience. The interactions between the three dimensions of social capital are particularly interesting for sustainable family business theorists. We show that financial capital mediates the impact of human and social capital in order to strengthen firms’ resilience. Our research also has implications for the international entrepreneurship literature: we found that international contacts provide family businesses in crisis with strong social support together with access to strategic opportunities at the local level. Future research could focus on the direct and indirect impacts of several dimensions of family capital in order to test which configuration of family capital leads to the greatest resilience. Studies could also further explore the impact of the network of international contacts in the strategic renewal of resilient family firms by identifying international opportunities.
In this chapter the role of emotional regulatory processes in suicidality is highlighted, not only considering relationship difficulties or breakup as trigger of a sense of helplessness in vulnerable people but also considering the chance that people can use adult relationship context as a regulatory place. In particular, adult relationships are discussed as a possible trigger of risk or resilience to partners’ ability to manage negative emotions that may occur through the life span. Recently, literature suggests that people involved in romantic relationships experience lower suicide rates than single, never-married people and that divorced, separated, and widowed persons have the highest rates. Attachment theory and recent studies on emotion regulation provided a new framework for looking at adult relationships.
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Objective The impact of the context of a person’s life on recovery from surgical interventions is not well understood. This study evaluated if people’s social, environmental and biomedical context was associated with change in frequency in engagement in life activities after total knee replacement (TKR). Methods 418 people aged 30+ years who had TKR were followed presurgery to 1 year postsurgery. The outcome was change in frequency in engagement in life activities measured by the Late Life Disability Index (LLDI). Predictor variables of interest evaluated in multivariable linear regression analysis were positive and negative life events (Life Experiences Survey), development of a new comorbidity, another joint replacement and complications after TKR surgery. Results Mean age was 65 years, 36% were male; 22% and 21% had no comorbidity presurgery and postsurgery. Presurgery LLDI frequency was 69.6 (±11.4) and the mean change was 6.1 (±10.2). Thirty-four per cent and 65% reported at least one positive or negative life event. Seven per cent developed hypertension, 6% cardiovascular disease, 2% lung disease and 2% diabetes. Eleven per cent had a complication and 9% another hip or knee replaced. Smaller changes in LLDI frequency were associated with more negative life events (beta=−0.56; 95% CI −0.92 to−0.18) and complications (beta=−4.01; 95% CI −6.63 to –1.38) after adjusting for age, sex, education, body mass index, comorbidities presurgery, number of symptomatic joints and knee-specific pain and function, LLDI limitations and depression. A new comorbidity or another joint replacement was not associated with outcome in unadjusted or adjusted analysis. Conclusions Multifaceted life experiences shape the context of peoples’ lives impacting their engagement in activities important for healthy living post-TKR.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan antara kecerdasan emosi, dukungan sosial, dan kesejahteraan subjektif pada remaja awal.Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Kota S, berusia 12-15 tahun. Alat ukur menggunakan tiga skala: skala kesejahteraan subjektif, skala kecerdasan emosi, dan skala dukungan sosial. Uji hipotesis menggunakan analisis regresi berganda dengan variabel moderator yang disebut juga sebagai Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai R2 pada model regresi ke-3 lebih tinggi, sebesar 0,667dengan memasukkan interaksi variabel kecerdasan emosi dan variabel dukungan sosial (sebagai variabel moderator), sehingga terbukti variabel dukungan sosial tepat sebagai variabel moderator, mampu meningkatkan hubungan antara variabel kecerdasan emosi dengan variabel kesejahteraan subjektif.
This study sought to examine whether social support moderates the relationship between stress eating and body mass index (BMI) change over the freshman year in males and females. This longitudinal study included 70 college students (72.9% female; M age = 18.23) who completed self-reported measures of stress eating and perceived social support, with objective height and weight measurements collected. Among males, social support moderated the relationship between stress eating and BMI change. Among males, social support may serve as a buffer against the impact of stress eating on weight gain during the freshman year of college.
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Support types are categories of messages and behaviors people use to help others cope with stressful life events. There are two broad support categories, emotion-focused support and problem-focused support. Emotion-focused support is directed at mitigating emotional upset and includes all support types that primarily assist people in dealing with difficult emotional experiences that are a result of upsetting life events. Emotion-focused support strategies include emotional support (expressions of care and concern), esteem support (reassurances of worth), and network support (expressions of inclusion and connection). Problem-focused strategies are all those strategies that are directed at resolving the problem and involve tangible aid (providing concrete aid) and informational assistance (advice) that helps the person in need mobilize resources or resolve the stressor. There are two support type models that have been empirically tested: the optimal matching model (OMM) and the sensitive interactive systems theory (SIST).
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El presente estudio se realizó a través de un abordaje metodológico pre-experimental con medidas de tipo pre-test y post-test. Participaron 52 trabajadores de la Universidad de la Costa (Barranquilla, Colombia), quienes asistieron por invitación al taller de ocho horas de mindfulness y qi gong para el mejoramiento de la salud, bienestar psicológico, satisfacción vital y reducción del estrés. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el Cuestionario de Salud sf-11, Escala de Bienestar Psicológico (Ryff & Keyes, 1995), Escala de Satisfacción Vital (Cortés, 2013) y Escala Numérica de Estrés Laboral. La combinación de mindfulness y qi gong produjo una mejoría en el estado de salud de los trabajadores —salud general, energía, eficiencia, actividades domésticas y disminución del dolor—, cambios importantes en el bienestar psicológico —adaptación, confianza, claridad, apertura y autoestima—, y mejoramiento de la satisfacción vital —salud y productividad—. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en los niveles de estrés laboral.
Purpose In view of the emphasis in cross-cultural research on negative factors such as cultural misfit, cultural distance, and the liability of foreignness, the purpose of this paper is to offer one explanation for why this is the case and highlight the advantages of giving at least equal emphasis to research on positive factors. Three propositions are offered to guide future cross-cultural research. Design/methodology/approach Summaries of empirical studies on the inherent inclinations of human systems toward the negative, as well as inclinations toward the positive, produce explanations for each of these biases and their implications for cross-cultural scholarship. Findings By prioritizing positive factors instead of negative factors, individuals and organizations perform at much higher levels than when the reverse is the case. Virtuous practices, in particular, are associated with positively deviant performance. Inasmuch as virtuousness is universally valued, its emphasis can address some of the liabilities of difference inherent in cross-cultural contexts. Originality/value The three propositions offered in the paper explain why negative biases exist, how positive biases provide an advantage to individuals and organizations, and highlight future directions for cross-cultural research. Social scientists have been challenged to help enable 51 percent of the world’s population to flourish by mid-century, and prioritizing positive cross-cultural phenomena is one prescription for achieving that objective.
p>The study is concerned with the emotional intelligence in the surveyed organizations and its impact on them as well as on its employees. The researcher collected data and information from primary and secondary sources through preparing a questionnaire and determining its four axes: self-awareness, self-control, emotional balance and adopting the democratic style at work and distributing it to managers and their assistants in the banks mentioned in the study population. The study reached to the following results: 1. The study found that there is a relationship between self-awareness (self-realization) and the effectiveness of leadership in decision-making, where leaders exceed all their problems in the past, be able to determine the feelings of others toward them, show enthusiasm in dealing with employees, enjoy making friends with them, and deal objectively with all the issues in the organization. 2. The study found that there is a relationship between self-control and the effectiveness of leadership in decision-making, where leaders are open to employees in a codified method to keep calm, feel scared of talking in meetings, do not feel a sense of anger at criticizing any of the employees, involve their emotions and feelings when discussing with any employee, show their anger during discussing with any employee, make others feel they are liked during discussion and finally listen well and not interrupting others. 3 - The study found that there is a relationship between the emotional balance and the effectiveness of leadership in decision-making, where leaders held themselves accountable after each discussion, sit in quiet and contemplative sessions after work, are able to solve problems quietly, and are characterized with flexibility in dealing with their problems. 4. The study found that there is a relationship between adopting the democratic style and the effectiveness of leadership in decision-making, where leaders do not allow others to participate in the traditional decisions, consult some employees when making decisions, involve employees in taking vital decisions, collect data and information before making decisions, delegate some employees with decision making, hold employees responsible for the wrong decision, and employ emotions when trying to convince others with a certain decision. The study recommended that there should be programs to develop the leadership ability to strengthen the sense of the self-awareness of managers and other employees in the field of decision-making. Furthermore, Leaders should exceed all their previous events that may adversely affect the work of the organization not allowing them to affect them negatively when making decisions or dealing with employees. The study also calls for leaders and managers to control themselves while dealing with employees and not allowing anger at work to control them leading to hasty decisions resulting from the impact of anger or instability. They also should choose the proper and convenient time to study the alternatives and select the appropriate alternative to achieve the goals and objectives of both the organization and employees far from all the negative attractions. The study called for employees in management and decision-making in the surveyed organizations to hold quiet sessions after work to review their work and relationships arising from working with employees; self-accountability is one of the best means that verifies and activates the emotional intelligence among employees in the organization, especially the decisions issued and the problems they face as well as their review for the proposed solutions. The study recommended organizations to prepare training programs to develop the emotional intelligence of all employees either managers or subordinates of the surveyed organizations and make the emotional intelligence a part of the culture of the organization to reach to its dimensions so as managers can be role models for other employees. It also recommended to adopt the democratic style in management to remove the physical and moral barriers between managers and other employees, involve employees in decision-making and achieve their needs and desires and finally increase the social gatherings among all employees outside work, such as holding concerts, seminars and trips so as employees can get closer to each other in an environment of love and contentment. The study also calls for researchers to pay greater attention to the emotional intelligence due to its significant role in raising the morale of employees and achieve satisfaction and goals of the organization.</p
The study of stress and health is one of the richest areas of research in the social and biomedical sciences. In this chapter, we first describe core concepts in the study of stress, coping, and health. Second, we summarize key theoretical perspectives that frame social psychological research on stress and health. Third, we review the methods and measures used, as well as limitations associated with these approaches. We draw on examples of empirical studies exploring stressors across multiple life domains, including early life adversity, work, family, and environmental strains, and show their impact on a range of physical and mental health outcomes. We also highlight gender, race, SES, and life course differences regarding the prevalence and nature of stress, coping resources, and stress outcomes. We conclude by suggesting directions for future research on stress, health and coping.
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With the high prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) among the younger generation, there is a shortage of adequate resources to deliver care for the individuals dealing with autism. Families dealing with autism face huge economic costs and emotional stress to provide care for personnel diagnosed with ASD. Globally almost two billion people use social media regularly. Social media have many advantages such as it connects a large group of individuals with the same subject of interest located across geographical miles. For the families dealing with autism, social media sites provide an open and easily accessible platform to share, gather and exchange information. Social science and information science literature lacks any mathematical definition of social support assessment; our proposed information-theoretic model to assess social support leverages theoretical definitions of social support from social science, linguistics, and social network theory. The proposed methodology enables us not only to estimate social support in a health community, but also to evaluate the effectiveness of communities. The research design used in the study is also generic and applies to other online healthcare communities as well as general online or virtual communities, such as gaming, education, and learning. In the study, we systematically analyze the interactions among families of autism communities on different social media platforms to extract knowledge and to assess the support propagated via those interactions within the autism community. The study found that the autism community provides significant social support to its members both in Twitter and blogs. Social support facilitated by community members can help caregivers surmount challenges and be effective in reducing psychological stress and enhancing the quality of life for individuals diagnosed with ASD.
This study explored the association between comprehensive psychological well-being and the metabolic syndrome (MS), as well as whether women without MS markers differ significantly from women with MS (three or more markers) on specific facets of psychological well-being. African (N=102) and Caucasian (N=115) women completed self-report questionnaires on psychological well-being, and biological markers for MS were determined. Results indicated a significant association between comprehensive psychological well-being and the MS in Caucasian women, but not in the case of African women. Caucasian women without MS had higher levels of perceived support from friends and family, environmental mastery, purpose in life, sense of coherence, affect balance and positive relationships than those with MS. African women without MS had higher levels of positive relationships and an optimistic explanatory style, but lower levels of perceived support from family. Further research is indicated.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of educational training and psychosocial characteristics such as self-efficacy and social support on job involvement in dental hygienists. A total of 418 dental hygienists who were working in S, I and G area were recruited in this study. A self-administered questionnaire was used to evaluate individual and job characteristics, educational training, self-efficacy and social support of the study subjects. Hierarchical regression analysis was performed to examine the relationship of individual and job characteristics, educational training, self-efficacy and social support to job involvement. All statistical analyses were performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics ver. 20.0 for Windows, and p
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'Green care' overwhelmingly takes place in a social context, yet this element can often appear to be marginalised in comparison both to associated health outcomes and the relevance of the natural environment. Whilst the criticality of these latter factors is acknowledged, this chapter focuses upon social aspects and seeks to argue that they, in fact, underpin the benefits that green care can provide. Consideration is initially given to the nature of the relationship between social factors, health and well-being before subsequently outlining available evidence concerning the contribution that the social element makes to green care activities. The specific processes and outcomes that are identified are then discussed in greater depth and are further illustrated with the support of qualitative material provided by care farm stakeholders in the UK. The chapter concludes by suggesting how and why social, environmental and economic elements (and related outcomes) should all be incorporated to allow a truly holistic understanding of associated value to be identified, presented and indeed celebrated.
There are an increasing number of publications concerned with the work of Wilfred Bion (1897-1979). Many have sought new ideas from his writing however, little attention has been paid to the intellectual context in which Bion wrote.
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