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Negative and Positive Staining in Transmission Electron Microscopy for Virus Diagnosis


Abstract and Figures

Visualization of virus particles and morphological features depends on the resolution of microscopes. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is the starting point for obtaining the best resolution of images. Two different techniques are available and described in this paper. Firstly, negative staining of viral suspensions provides detailed information of virus particles' structure. It is a technique that can be quickly performed and is able to accommodate the highest magnifications of virus particles. Secondly, ultra-thin sections of virus-infected tissues or cell cultures, combined with a positive staining technique can provide information regarding the localization of viruses inside or around cells. These two complementary techniques for investigating the structure of a virus and its parasitic life cycle are presented in this paper.
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Chapter 3
Negative and Positive Staining in Transmission Electron
Microscopy for Virus Diagnosis
Debora Ferreira Barreto-Vieira and
Ortrud Monika Barth
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
Visualization of virus particles and morphological features depends on the resolution
of microscopes. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is the starting point for
obtaining the best resolution of images. Two different techniques are available and
described in this paper. Firstly, negative staining of viral suspensions provides
detailed information of virus particles' structure. It is a technique that can be quickly
performed and is able to accommodate the highest magnifications of virus particles.
Secondly, ultra-thin sections of virus-infected tissues or cell cultures, combined with
a positive staining technique can provide information regarding the localization of
viruses inside or around cells. These two complementary techniques for investigating
the structure of a virus and its parasitic life cycle are presented in this paper.
Keywords: transmission electron microscopy, negative staining, positive staining
1. Introduction
High resolution microscopes are essential for visualizing virus particles. A transmission
electron microscope (TEM) fulfils this requirement and is widely used by scientists. Unknown
agents of diseases may be quickly detected by using such a microscope. A recent review on
the value of electron microscopy and virus structures was presented by Zhang et al. [1].
Shortly prior to the recent recognition of mimiviruses [2], orthopoxviruses had been one of the
largest virus particles, in addition to the thin and very long filoviruses. Groups of orthopox‐
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and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
virus particles can be detected when inside infected cells using the highest magnification
available in light microscopy. Nevertheless, an isolated virus particle of ca. 250 nm diameter
remains below the resolution of standard light microscopes. With the advent of TEMs and high
magnifications of over 100 000x, the structural details of virus particles could then begin to be
The first demonstration of a viral particle using a TEM was in the form of a member of the
orthopoxvirus genus [3]. Following the introduction of the negative staining technique in the
1960s [4], a variety of viruses has been discovered and classified based on morphological
characteristics such as symmetry, the presence or absence of the envelope or spikes and the
size of these projections [5,6,7,8]. A large number of viruses of medical importance that had
formerly never been described such as adenovirus, enterovirus, orthomyxovirus, reovirus and
paramyxovirus were identified by TEM after isolation in cell cultures inoculated with clinical
specimens [9]. Other viruses like hepatitis B and hepatitis A were detected directly by TEM in
samples such as plasma and faeces, following the failure of attempting to try and isolate them
in cell cultures. The initial classification of many agents was therefore based on a combination
of morphology and genome structure.
Currently, more than 30 000 different viruses comprising 56 families have been identified using
TEM and humans have been found to play host to 21 of the 26 families specific for vertebrates
[10]. The development of other techniques, e.g., immunofluorescence, enzyme-linked immu‐
nosorbent assays (ELISA) and biological molecular methods such as polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) have progressively reduced the importance of TEM in virus diagnosis and microbiology.
However, compared with other diagnostic methods, TEM still benefits from its rapidity and
“open view”, i.e., the capability of detecting all pathogens present in a clinical specimen [11].
Therefore, TEM should be utilized as a frontline method in infectious disease emergencies and/
or in suspected cases of bioterrorism [12]. Electron microscope studies were critical in identi‐
fying the aetiologic agent of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), a coronavirus, during
its 2002/2003 global outbreak [13].
Several methods for specimen preparation have been developed. These can be summarized
into two procedures: the negative staining of vesicular content and viral suspensions, and the
ultra-thin sectioning of infected tissues and cells. Both techniques have been carried out with
complementary results.
2. Negative staining technique
The classic processing of biological specimens observed in a TEM needs fixation, dehydration,
sectioning and a selective “staining” of cell and tissue structures. “Staining”, a means of
receiving coloured images, cannot be effectively used in conjunction with an electron micro‐
scope. Instead, the enhancement of structures for TEM observation is effected, usually by
impregnation with heavy metal salts of plumb, tungstenium and uranium.
Some biological elements are very small and as a result, sectioning reveals aspects of its content
but not about its global surface structure. The result is a bi-dimensional image. Nevertheless,
Microbiology in Agriculture and Human Health
when observed as a whole using the negative staining technique, these elements reveal a tri-
dimensional image.
To prepare small biological specimens such as bacteria, viruses, phages, micoplasma, filaments
and cell membranes, or even nucleic acids and protein filaments for TEM observation, the
special technique of “negative contrast” was developed [4]. Instead of applying a more or less
strong positive contrast of structures (“staining”), in this instance, contrast is not applied to
the object but to its environment, using heavy metal salts. The electron beam can cross
biological material easier than the surrounding space. The result resembles an inverted
traditional TEM image (Figures 2, 4-7).The standard staining solution used today is an aqueous
1% phosphotungstic acid with pH 7.2.
Essentially, a fixed or unfixed drop of viral suspension is applied onto a formvar- or collodium-
covered electron microscope grid for a few seconds; the liquid is absorbed by a filter paper,
then a drop of the staining solution is applied and few seconds later also absorbed (Figure 1).
After drying, the specimen is ready to be introduced into the electron beam.
Figure 1. Negative staining procedure. Forceps, grid and white filter paper are the primary tools.
This unbelievably simple technique, at the outset rejected by the scientific community,
eventually became a revolutionary approach for studying primarily viral morphology as
emphasized by viral diagnostics [14]. Extremely detailed images were obtained and published,
revealing substructures and macromolecules as viral antibodies and virus particle spines [5,
9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20].
Negative and Positive Staining in Transmission Electron Microscopy for Virus Diagnosis
In order to gain additional information about small structured elements, several technical steps
in sample processing were developed such as immune-electron microscopy (Figure 5), solid-
phase-electron microscopy, ammonium-sulphate precipitation, gradient fraction contrasting
and particle concentration by diffusion in an agarose layer [21].
Contrasting solutions show a large spectrum of possibilities. Selection must be in accordance
with the pH and electrical charge of the sample, of the contrasting solution and of the EM grid
Figure 2. Orthopoxvirus particle, Brazilian Cantagalo strain (negative staining). This virus particle was isolated from a
milker's hand nodule, macerated using a drop of distilled water and applied onto a collodium-covered EM-copper
grid, then stained using a drop of 2% phosphotungstic acid in distilled water.
Figure 3. Ultra-thin section of a Vero cell infected with the same strain of virus demonstrated in Figure 2 (positive
Microbiology in Agriculture and Human Health
Figure 4. Group of seven adenovirus particles and numerous small adeno-associated virus particles. A drop of clari‐
fied faeces from a patient suffering from gastroenteritis was processed as described in Figure 1.
Figure 5. A group of rotavirus particles. Clarified faeces from a patient suffering from gastroenteritis was incubated
with a specific antibody prior to being submitted to the negative staining procedure and processed as described in
Figure 1. Both several empty and RNA-filled virus particle can be distinguished.
Negative and Positive Staining in Transmission Electron Microscopy for Virus Diagnosis
or support [19, 22]. Resulting precipitates and a lack of spreading of the sample are the most
common inconveniences. For better spreading and adsorption of virus particles onto a
formvar-carbon coated grid, polylysine (poly-L-lysine) is currently being used in our labora‐
tory (Figures 6 to 7).
Figure 6. Hepatitis B antigen. One drop of a gradient virus suspension was applied directly onto an electron micro‐
scope grid and in sequence stained with 1% alcoholic uranyl acetate. Virus particles are joined together into very dark
Figure 7. Hepatitis B antigen. One drop of the same virus suspension as shown in Figure 6 was applied to an electron
microscope grid formerly coated with polylysine and in sequence stained with 1% alcoholic uranyl acetate. Virus parti‐
cles are spread all over the grid.
Microbiology in Agriculture and Human Health
An overview of the negative staining technique development and application was presented
by Biel & Gelderblom [6], Harris et al. [23] and more recently, by Schramlová et al. [24]. Benefits
or deception are always surprising factors when the electron beam reveals a TEM image inside
a dark room.
3. Positive staining technique
The positive staining technique has been used since the late 50s and the early 60s for enhancing
the contrast of biological samples (tissues and cell structures, viruses, etc.). Using this techni‐
que, as well as negative staining, the samples are incubated in heavy metal salt solutions that
react with cellular structures. Uranyl acetate [25] and lead citrate [26] are the most commonly
used salts today. Grids containing ultra-thin sections of a sample are incubated for 15 minutes
in uranyl acetate; this procedure should be performed in an environment protected from light.
Following on, the grids are washed in distilled water and incubated in lead citrate at four to
five minutes in an environment free of CO2. NaOH tablets are used to keep the environment
free from reacting with CO2 (Figure 8). At the end of the procedure the grids are washed in
distilled water, air dried and observed with a TEM [27, 28].
Figure 8. Positive staining. The grid held with a forceps contains ultra-thin sections of a sample (arrow). In the Petri
dish, there are two drops of the staining solution beside two tablets of NaOH (Barreto-Vieira et al. 2010).
3.1. Specimen preparation
Cells. Monolayers were fixed in 1% glutaraldehyde in a cacodylate buffer (0.2 M, pH 7.2) and
post-fixed with 1% buffered osmium tetroxide, dehydrated in acetone, embedded in epoxy
resin and polymerized at 600C for three days [28, 29]. The blocks were cut into ultra-thin
Negative and Positive Staining in Transmission Electron Microscopy for Virus Diagnosis
sections 50 to 70 nm thick using a diamond knife adapted to an ultramicrotome (Figure 9). The
sections were placed onto copper grids and stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate and
observed in a TEM (Figure 10).
Figure 9. Ultramicrotomy: a) silicone support filled with resin blocks (arrow) containing fragments of tissues; b) ultra-
thin sectioning using a diamond knife and a copper grid (arrow) to collect sections.
Figure 10. Dengue virus particles (arrow) isolated in the Aedes albopictus mosquito cell line (C6/36) from the serum of
infected BALB/c mice. Positive staining using lead citrate (arrow) emphasizes viral RNA, while cytoplasmic proteins
are emphasized using uranyl acetate.
Fragments of tissues. Glutaraldehyde at 2% in a cacodylate buffer (0.2M, pH 7.2) was routinely
used to fix tissue fragments, then post-fixed by immersion in a 1% buffered osmium tetroxide,
dehydrated in acetone, embedded in epoxy resin and polymerized at 600C for three days [28,
29]. Semi-thin 0.5 μm thick sections were cut using a diamond knife. These sections were
stained with a methylene blue/azure II solution [30] and observed using a photonic micro‐
Microbiology in Agriculture and Human Health
scope. Ultra-thin sections were placed onto copper grids and stained with uranyl acetate and
lead citrate and observed in a TEM.
Tissue fragments from experimentally infected animals. In our experiments, the infected animals
(mice) were peritoneally anaesthetized and fixed by perfusion with a 4% paraformaldeyde in
a sodium phosphate buffer (0.2M, pH 7.2) for 30 min. The tissues were carefully collected in
sequence and the fragments post-fixed by immersion in 2% glutaraldehyde in cacodylate
buffer (0.2M, pH 7.2), post-fixed with 1% buffered osmium tetroxide, dehydrated in acetone,
embedded in epoxy resin and polymerized at 600C for three days [28, 29]. Ultra-thin sections
were obtained and processed as described above (Figure 11).
Figure 11. Hepatic tissue of BALB/c mice infected with the dengue virus. Note the numerous lipidic inclusions (L) and
a pyknotic nucleus (N). Positive staining emphasizes the chromatin of the hepatocyte nucleus using lead citrate and
cytoplasmic proteins using uranyl acetate.
4. Advantages and disadvantages of the TEM
Virus diagnosis via TEM, when compared to other techniques such as immunofluorescence,
PCR and ELISA have both advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages:1) TEM is the only technique that allows for direct visualization of an aetiologic
agent of very small diameter, e.g., viruses; all other diagnostic techniques show indirect results;
2) samples can be processed and analysed quickly. Following simple and rapid negative
staining, TEM “open view” allows for rapid morphological identification and a differential
diagnosis of various infectious agents present in a specimen. Likely, intact virions observed
with TEM may be indicative of an infectious virus, whereas the detection of antigens or nucleic
Negative and Positive Staining in Transmission Electron Microscopy for Virus Diagnosis
acid may not always indicate the presence of viable infectious virus particles [31]; 3) TEM is
valuable for differential diagnoses, for example, in patients with vesicular dermatitis, so as to
exclude smallpox; 4) TEM assists in elucidating unknown aetiologic agents in outbreaks,
epidemics or pandemics, since it is not necessary to use specific reagents. The causative agents
of the recent SARS pandemic and the outbreak of human monkey pox in the USA were quickly
identified using TEM [13].
Disadvantages:1) TEM is of low diagnostic sensitivity compared to other diagnostic methods.
It requires a high concentration of virus particles (>105 particles per mL), both in suspensions
and in tissues or cells; 2) the evaluation of samples cannot be automated with TEM and should
be performed by an experienced professional; 3) TEM is not an appropriate method for
screening a large number of samples as in a viral outbreak, due to the high cost of TEM
maintenance and the availability of trained personal.
Financial support: research fellowship of the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientí‐
fico e Tecnológico (CNPq), process numbers 301525/2009-9 and 304067/2014-18 (second
Author details
Debora Ferreira Barreto-Vieira * and Ortrud Monika Barth
*Address all correspondence to:
Laboratory of Morphology and Virus Morphogenesis, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Fundação
Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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Microbiology in Agriculture and Human Health
... After drying or after the application of Indian Ink on to wet culture of the microorganisms (virus or bacterial or yeasts) may be viewed in light microscopy [45] or bright field microscopy [46] or transmission electron microscope [47] as lighter inclusions well-contrasted against the dark environment surrounding the organism being observed [40][41][42][43][44]. Negative staining is a mild technique which may not destroy the microorganisms therefore it is unsuitable and not recommended for studying highly contagious pathogens [48]. ...
... Dissimilar to negative staining, positive staining applies basic dyes to color the clinical specimen (cell or tissue) against some clear, bright surroundings [47]. While chromophore is used for both negative and positive staining alike, the type of chromophore used in this technique is an electropositive charged ion instead of a negative one [2]. ...
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Aims: to revisited the biochemical aspects of basic, negative and positive staining by dyeing organic materials in the laboratory for the purpose of visualization, identification and even differentiation of object being analyzed. Discussion: The best analysis for cells is by staining. Staining allows detailed visualization of the part of the cell being examined. In principle, dyes have a chromophore root that will bind to the protein content in cells. This is the basis for discussing negative staining, basic staining and positive staining. Unfortunately, its widespread use also increases the health risks of users. Conclusion: Biochemical aspect of staining rely on the electric charged of the dye that bind the electronegative properties of proteins that build cell. Basic staining, negative staining and positive staining are widely used staining for research, clinical-laboratory service and also education. Unfortunately, some of these stains are hazardous with the potency of multiple health risk and continuous improvement in handling will prevent such risk to happen.
... (CEVs) are the agents that initiate actin polymerization and follicle formation. The cells that used to be called CEVs are now known as EEVs (extracellular enveloped virions, [41]. (Figure 2). ...
... Monkeypox virus is one of the biggest and perhaps most versatile virus, among other poxviruses [18]. They comprise brick-like principal characteristics having 220 nm to 450 nm of length and 140 nm to 260 nm of width [19]; hence, MPXV is substantial adequate to be seen with a microscopic examination, and its ultrastructure can be resolved using electron microscopy. ...
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Monkeypox virus belongs to the Orthopoxvirus genus, which belongs to the Poxviridae family. The Monkeypox virus is responsible to cause monkeypox, a developing zoonotic disease that has been identified as the most common orthopoxvirus infection in humans in the post-eradication era of smallpox. The virus can be transmitted by a variety of animals, including monkeys and rodents as well as person-to-person. Monkeypox has a clinical presentation that is quite similar to smallpox but mortality is low, in that the febrile prodrome is followed by a period of skin eruption. Monkeypox cases have extended outside the forests of central Africa, where they were first discovered, to other regions of the globe, where they have been imported. This pattern of transmission is most likely related to a global reduction in orthopoxvirus immunity following the discontinuation of smallpox vaccination in 1980, when smallpox was proclaimed eliminated. As a result, monkeypox might become the very common orthopoxvirus infection that affect humans. The emergence of epidemics outside of Africa emphasizes the disease's global significance. Increased monitoring and identification of monkeypox cases are critical tools for gaining a better knowledge of the disease's ever-changing epidemiology.
... After 15 s, the excess sample was removed with filter paper, and a drop of 2% phosphotungstic acid (PTA), pH 7.0, was applied. The excess of PTA was removed after 15 s, and the grid was examined by a Hitachi HT 7800 (Hitachi, Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan) transmission electron microscope (TEM) [30,31]. For biosafety level reasons, 1% glutaraldehyde diluted in sodium cacodylate buffer (1:1) was added to non-inactivated SARS-CoV-2 samples prior to grid preparation and TEM analysis. ...
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Successful SARS-CoV-2 inactivation allows its safe use in Biosafety Level 2 facilities, and the use of the whole viral particle helps in the development of analytical methods and a more reliable immune response, contributing to the development and improvement of in vitro and in vivo assays. In order to obtain a functional product, we evaluated several inactivation protocols and observed that 0.03% beta-propiolactone for 24 h was the best condition tested, as it promoted SARS-CoV-2 inactivation above 99.99% and no cytopathic effect was visualized after five serial passages. Moreover, RT-qPCR and transmission electron microscopy revealed that RNA quantification and viral structure integrity were preserved. The antigenicity of inactivated SARS-CoV-2 was confirmed by ELISA using different Spike-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies. K18-hACE2 mice immunized with inactivated SARS-CoV-2, formulated in AddaS03TM, presented high neutralizing antibody titers, no significant weight loss, and longer survival than controls from a lethal challenge, despite RNA detection in the oropharyngeal swab, lung, and brain. This work emphasizes the importance of using different techniques to confirm viral inactivation and avoid potentially disastrous contamination. We believe that an efficiently inactivated product can be used in several applications, including the development and improvement of molecular diagnostic kits, as an antigen for antibody production as well as a control for non-clinical trials.
..., Figure S1: Down-modulation of syndecan-1 expression by crotamine-siRNA nanocomplex, properdin binding and C3 complement activation in doxorubicin cytotoxic model in PTEC in vitro. References [46,47] ...
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Proteinuria drives progressive tubulointerstitial fibrosis in native and transplanted kidneys, mainly through the activation of proximal tubular epithelial cells (PTECs). During proteinuria, PTEC syndecan-1 functions as a docking platform for properdin-mediated alternative complement activation. Non-viral gene delivery vectors to target PTEC syndecan-1 could be useful to slow down alternative complement activation. In this work, we characterize a PTEC-specific non-viral delivery vector composed of the cell-penetrating peptide crotamine complexed with a syndecan-1 targeting siRNA. Cell biological characterization was performed in the human PTEC HK2 cell line, using confocal microscopy, qRT-PCR, and flow cytometry. PTEC targeting in vivo was carried out in healthy mice. Crotamine/siRNA nanocomplexes are positively charged, about 100 nm in size, resistant to nuclease degradation, and showed in vitro and in vivo specificity and internalization into PTECs. The efficient suppression of syndecan-1 expression in PTECs mediated by these nanocomplexes significantly reduced properdin binding (p < 0.001), as well as the subsequent complement activation by the alternative complement pathway (p < 0.001), as observed in either normal or activated tubular conditions. To conclude, crotamine/siRNA-mediated downregulation of PTEC syndecan-1 reduced the activation of the alternative complement pathway. Therefore, we suggest that the present strategy opens new venues for targeted proximal tubular gene therapy in renal diseases.
... The better diagnostic specimens include those that originate directly from rashes, such as cutaneous, fluids, scabs, or, in certain situations, a biopsy. Although it is still the first-line method today, orthopoxviruses cannot be distinguished using electron microscopy [66,67]. The sole technique that can distinguish between various orthopoxviruses is polymerase chain reaction (PCR), being the preferred technique for confirming MPV infections. ...
The human monkeypox virus (MPV), a zoonotic illness that was hitherto solely prevalent in Central and West Africa, has lately been discovered to infect people all over the world and has become a major threat to global health. Humans unintentionally contract this zoonotic orthopoxvirus, which resembles smallpox, when they come into contact with infected animals. Studies show that the illness can also be transferred through frequent proximity, respiratory droplets, and household linens such as towels and bedding. However, MPV infection does not presently have a specified therapy. Smallpox vaccinations provide cross-protection against MPV because of antigenic similarities. Despite scant knowledge of the genesis, epidemiology, and ecology of the illness, the incidence and geographic distribution of monkeypox outbreaks have grown recently. Polymerase chain reaction technique on lesion specimens can be used to detect MPV. Vaccines like ACAM2000, vaccinia immune globulin intravenous (VIG-IV), and JYNNEOS (brand name: Imvamune or Imvanex) as well as FDA-approved antiviral medications such as brincidofovir (brand name: Tembexa), tecovirimat (brand name: TPOXX or ST-246), and cidofovir (brand name: Vistide) are used as therapeutic medications against MPV. In this overview, we provide an outline of the MPV's morphology, evolution, mechanism, transmission, diagnosis, preventative measures, and therapeutic approaches. This study offers the fundamental information required to prevent and manage any further spread of this emerging virus.
This chapter dedicatedly addresses requirements related to sample preparation and analysis of specimen belong to soft matter and biological samples through TEM technique. Chapter begins with overview of stated samples classification w.r.t. TEM analysis. Most importantly, importance of fixation with detail of different type of fixative, their properties, dehydration, embedding medium, block preparation followed by ultrathin sectioning have discussed. During ultrathin sectioning and precise handling w.r.t. their transferring onto grid surface, staining and respective storage etc., also has been mentioned in detail w.r.t. precise TEM imaging. In addition, challenges w.r.t. soft and biological sample preparation and imaging has been discussed with optimization towards ideal imaging. Ultimately, current chapter will equip researchers/scientist with extraordinary skills, technical expertise during soft and biological sample consistent and authentic TEM imaging database.
Background Tilapia lake virus (TiLV), also known as Tilapinevirus tilapiae , poses a significant threat to tilapia aquaculture, causing extensive mortality and economic losses. Understanding the mechanisms and pathogenesis of TiLV is crucial to mitigate its impact on this valuable fish species. Methodology In this study, we utilized transmission electron microscopy to investigate the ultrastructural changes in E-11 cells following TiLV infection. We also examined the presence of TiLV particles within the cells. Cellular viability and mitochondrial functions were assessed using MTT and ATP measurement assays and mitochondrial probes including JC-1 staining and MitoTracker™ Red. Results Our findings provide novel evidence demonstrating that TiLV causes cytotoxicity through the destruction of mitochondria. Transmission electron micrographs showed that TiLV particles were present in the cytoplasm of E-11 cells as early as 1 h after infection. Progressive swelling of mitochondria and ultrastructural damage to the cells were observed at 1, 3 and 6 days post-infection. Furthermore, losses of mitochondrial mass and membrane potential (MMP) were detected at 1 day after TiLV inoculation, as determined by mitochondrial probes. The results of the MTT assay also supported the hypothesis that the cell deaths in E-11 cells during TiLV infection may be caused by the disruption of mitochondrial structure and function. Conclusions Our study reveals the significant role of mitochondrial disruption in contributing to cellular death during the early stages of TiLV infection. These findings advance the understanding of TiLV pathogenesis and further enhance our knowledge of viral diseases in fish.
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Orthopoxvirus is one of the most notorious genus amongst the Poxviridae family. Monkeypox (MP) is a zoonotic disease that has been spreading throughout Africa. The spread is global, and incidence rates are increasing daily. The spread of the virus is rapid due to human-to-human and animals-to-human transmission. World Health Organization (WHO) has declared monkeypox virus (MPV) as a global health emergency. Since treatment options are limited, it is essential to know the modes of transmission and symptoms to stop disease spread. The information from host–virus interactions revealed significantly expressed genes that are important for the progression of the MP infection. In this review, we highlighted the MP virus structure, transmission modes, and available therapeutic options. Furthermore, this review provides insights for the scientific community to extend their research work in this field.
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Background: Mimiviridae Mimivirus, including the largest known viruses, multiply in amoebae. Mimiviruses have been linked to pneumonia, but they have never been isolated from patients. To further understand the pathogenic role of these viruses, we aimed to isolate them from a patient presenting with pneumonia. Methods: We cultured, on Acanthamoeba polyphaga amoebae, pulmonary samples from 196 Tunisian patients with community-acquired pneumonia during the period 2009-2010. An improved technique was used for Mimivirus isolation, which used agar plates where the growth of giant viruses is revealed by the formation of lysis plaques. Mimivirus serology was tested by microimmunofluorescence and by bidimensional immunoproteomic analysis using Mimivirus strains, to identify specific immunoreactive proteins. The new Mimivirus strain genome sequencing was performed on Roche 454 GS FLX Titanium, then AB SOLiD instruments. Results: We successfully isolated a Mimivirus (LBA111), the largest virus ever isolated in a human sample, from a 72-year-old woman presenting with pneumonia. Electron microscopy revealed a Mimivirus-like virion with a size of 554 ± 10 nm. The LBA111 genome is 1.23 megabases, and it is closely related to that of Megavirus chilensis. Furthermore, the serum from the patient reacted specifically to the virus compared to controls. Conclusions: This is the first Mimivirus isolated from a human specimen. The findings presented above together with previous works establish that mimiviruses can be associated with pneumonia. The common occurrence of these viruses in water and soil makes them probable global agents that are worthy of investigation.
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Electron microscopy (EM) should be used in the front line for detection of agents in emergencies and bioterrorism, on accounts of its speed and accuracy. However, the number of EM diagnostic laboratories has decreased considerably and an increasing number of people encounter difficulties with EM results. Therefore, the research on viral structure and morphologyant in EM diagnostic practice. EM has several technological advantages, and should be a fundamental tool in clinical diagnosis of viruses, particularly when agents are unknown or unsuspected. In this article, we review the historical contribution of EM to virology, and its use in virus differentiation, localization of specific virus antigens, virus-cell interaction, and viral morphogenesis. It is essential that EM investigations are based on clinical and comprehensive pathogenesis data from light or confocal microscopy. Furthermore, avoidance of artifacts or false results is necessary to exploit fully the advantages while minimizing its limitations.
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Electron microscopy (EM) allows fast visualization of viruses in a wide range of clinical specimens. Viruses are grouped into families based on their morphology. Viruses from various families look distinctly and these morphological variances are the basis for identification of viruses by EM. The identification to the family level is often sufficient for the clinician or recognition of an unknown infectious agent. Diagnostic EM has two advantages over enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and nucleic acid amplification tests. After a simple and fast negative staining, EM allows fast morphological identification and differential diagnosis of infectious agents contained in the specimen without the need for special considerations and/or reagents. Nevertheless, EM has the disadvantage of being unsuitable as a screening method.
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The use of 0.1% aqueous solution of polylysine (poly-L-lysine) is proposed as a prior step to negative staining of viral or particle suspensions. Particles spread better on films precoated with polylysine than with other substances used for the same purpose. This applies particularly to samples from sucrose or CsCl gradients. The use of negative contrast substances is discussed.
Die physikalischen Grundlagen des bermikroskops werden dargestellt, und das neue bei Siemens & Halske entwickelte Versuchsgert wird beschrieben. Im Anschlu daran werden Ergebnisse der bermikroskopischen Bakterien- und Virusdarstellung mit 20000fachen Vergrerungen verschiedener Erreger mitgeteilt:An Coli-, Typhus- und Paratyphusbakterien werden ohne Anwendung von Frbemethoden uerst vielfltige Innenstrukturen gefunden. An Ruhr- und Bang-Bacillen knnen Hllen erkannt werden. Die Erreger der Y-Ruhr und Kruse-Shiga-Ruhr zeigen deutliche morphologische Unterschiede und treten mit verschiedenartigen Begleitkrpern auf. Die Bang-Bacillen lassen an ihrem Innenkrper einen eigenartigen Formwechsel erkennen. Elementarkrper (Virus) der Pocken, der Ektromelie und des Myxoms werden dargestellt.Herrn Prof. Dr. R.Siebeck danken wir, da er so frhzeitig fr die Verwendung des bermikroskops auf dem Gebiete der Medizin eingetreten ist und uns die Hilfsmittel der I. Medizinischen Universittsklinik der Charit zur Verfgung gestellt hat. Herrn Dipl.-Ing. H. O. Mller sind wir fr vielfache experimentelle Hilfe zu Dank verpflichtet.