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8320. Campos de lava y excavaciones naturales



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... However, this geodiversity is also due to the contrasting differences in the local climate of the islands-depending on the altitude and orientation of the islands. These differences have led to a significant variety of plant communities associated with volcanic landforms, and to a remarkable variety of features and erosion and sedimentary processes over different temporal and spatial scales [17], which endow the geoheritage of the Canary Islands with even greater diversity. ...
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Volcanic areas create spectacular landscapes that contain a great diversity of geoheritage. The study of this geoheritage enables us to inventory, characterise, protect and manage its geodiversity. The Canary Islands are a group of subtropical active volcanic oceanic islands with a great variety of magma types and eruption dynamics that give rise to a wide diversity of volcanic features and processes. The aim of this paper is to identify, for the first time, the diversity of volcanic geoheritage of the Canary Islands and to appraise the protection thereof. To this end, a geomorphological classification is proposed, taking into account the features and processes directly related to volcanism, such as those resulting from erosion and sedimentary processes. The main findings demonstrate that the volcanic geoheritage of the Canary Islands is extremely varied and that this geodiversity is safeguarded by regional, national and, international protection and management frameworks. Even so, and given the enormous pressure of coastal tourism on the coastlines of the islands, we believe that continuing efforts should be made to conserve and manage their volcanic and non-volcanic geoheritage, so that these places can continue to be enjoyed in the form of geotourism.
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El Hierro island located in the east Atlantic Ocean subtropical is the most western and the smallest one of the Canaries. It is a volcanic island geologically very recent and it possess a rich and diverse heritage related to volcanism, with scenic landscapes where the geomorphology is the main, and it became a UNESCO Global Geopark in 2014. This island receives thousands of tourists a year mainly motivated by diving and trekking. For this reason, the aim of this work is to identify, inventory, select and value twenty outstanding volcanic geomorphosites well preserved and accessible with a geoturistic interest, in order to promote the geotourism and to diversify the leisure offer on the island. These sites include cinder cones, lava fields, lava delta, faults, giant landslides, valleys, cliffs and beaches. The selection of these geomorphosites can to contribute geotourism as an important leisure activity.
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The Chinyero Special Nature Reserve is located on the NW rift zone of Tenerife, between 600 and 1500 m above sea level. This natural setting is distinguished by a significant concentration of monogenetic basaltic volcanoes that have erupted in recent and historical times, including Garachico (1706) and Chinyero (1909). The volcanic landscapes of this protected area are part of the Canary Island pine forest ecosystem and, therefore, also feature beautiful forests colonising the newly formed layers of volcanic materials. The aim of this paper is to design a geographical route through the landscape for geotourism purposes, based on a global and coherent interpretation of the original physiognomy of a landscape that has been decisively shaped by volcanic phenomena. This nature trail represents a proposal for a new tourism product as an alternative to the traditional "sun and beach" coastal tourism product. This paper comprises a first stage, dedicated to the geographical study of the landscape, and a second stage focused on designing a geotourism route, which will identify and characterise the elements of the natural and cultural heritage of the area and its unique landforms.
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Famara es un macizo volcánico antiguo construido durante el Mioceno Superior y el Plioceno. La actividad erosiva ha sido muy importante durante el Cuaternario, pero al contrario de otros macizos volcánicos de Canarias, el volcanismo Pleistoceno y Holoceno ha sido determinante en la configuración de su paisaje actual, generando una gran variedad de formas de relieve, organizadas en diferentes unidades geomorfológicas
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The coastal areas typical of recent volcanic islands like Hierro are particularly rich in geomorphic features caused by both eruptive and erosive factors. These features influence the biogeographic diversity of the xerophilic scrubland adapted to the semiarid climatic conditions of the Canary coastline. These territories therefore show a varied and complex spatial physiognomy, resulting from the intimate relationships between the biotic and abiotic components of the landscape. The results of this analysis of the Tamaduste sector illustrate this great diversity within a surface area of 3 km2 , where more than ten biogeographic and geomorphic units can be distinguished and hierarchically scaled. This overall geographical analysis attempts to characterize the natural diversity of these areas.
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RESUMEN El principal condicionante de la geografía del matorral del Parque Nacional del Teide es la geomorfología, y los rasgos de las coladas domáticas del atrio oriental de Las Cañadas cons-tituyen un magnífico ejemplo de esta relación. La estructura morfológica de estas corrientes lávicas es variable y determina diferentes tipos de microtopografías y distintas granulometrías superficiales que dificultan o favorecen, según los casos, la colonización vegetal y siempre condicionan las características del matorral. El resultado es un complejo mosaico de tipos de vegetación diferenciados por su nivel de continuidad, su grado de recubrimiento, su compo-sición florística y la importancia relativa de los taxones mejor representados. Palabras Clave: Matorral de cumbre, colonización vegetal, coladas domáticas, depósitos subplinianos, Parque Nacional del Teide, Tenerife, Islas Canarias. ABSTRACT The main factor of the geography of the Teide National Park scrub is the geomorphology and the features of the oriental atrium domes lava flows of Las Cañadas constitute a magnificent example of this relationship. The morphologic structure of these lava flows is variable and it Serie Geográfica-Biogeografía: Distribuciones, Dinámicas y Diversidad