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Experimental Investigation of silica gel granular packed rectangular finned tube adsorbent -bed

R R ALD S M  S  A E
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Conference Paper
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Simulation techniques are powerful tools in investigating the adsorption process and improving the designs of adsorption beds. In this work, two simulation techniques were used to simulate the adsorption process for silica gel packed in a rectangular finned tube bed structure with water as the refrigerant. In the first technique, the lumped parameter approach was used to model the heat and mass transfer in the adsorption process. In the second technique, computational fluid technique using COMSOL Multiphysics software was used to simulate the adsorption process in the bed. Results from both techniques show that the maximum deviations for water uptake, bed temperature and water outlet temperature were 8.2%, 0.9% and 0.2% respectively. CFD techniques was then used to investigate the effects of fin pitch and fin height with results showing decreasing the fin pitch increases the water uptake by up to 8% and decreasing the fin height from 35mm to 20mm results in increasing the water uptake by up to 19%.
Conference Paper
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Adsorption cooling is considered as attractive heat powered cooling technology suitable for various applications. Commercially available systems use water/silica gel, water/zeolite and ammonia/ chloride salts working pairs. The water based pairs are limited to work above 0 °C due to the water high freezing temperature, while ammonia has the disadvantage of being toxic. This work experimentally investigates the ethanol adsorption characteristics for a wide range of activated carbon materials using gravimetric analysis method. Numerical simulation of the adsorption process was carried out to investigate the effect of adsorbent material thickness on the cycle uptake.
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