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Association between Social Media Use and Depression among U.S. Young Adults

Depression and Anxiety


Background: Social media (SM) use is increasing among U.S. young adults, and its association with mental well-being remains unclear. This study assessed the association between SM use and depression in a nationally representative sample of young adults. Methods: We surveyed 1,787 adults ages 19 to 32 about SM use and depression. Participants were recruited via random digit dialing and address-based sampling. SM use was assessed by self-reported total time per day spent on SM, visits per week, and a global frequency score based on the Pew Internet Research Questionnaire. Depression was assessed using the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Depression Scale Short Form. Chi-squared tests and ordered logistic regressions were performed with sample weights. Results: The weighted sample was 50.3% female and 57.5% White. Compared to those in the lowest quartile of total time per day spent on SM, participants in the highest quartile had significantly increased odds of depression (AOR = 1.66, 95% CI = 1.14-2.42) after controlling for all covariates. Compared with those in the lowest quartile, individuals in the highest quartile of SM site visits per week and those with a higher global frequency score had significantly increased odds of depression (AOR = 2.74, 95% CI = 1.86-4.04; AOR = 3.05, 95% CI = 2.03-4.59, respectively). All associations between independent variables and depression had strong, linear, dose-response trends. Results were robust to all sensitivity analyses. Conclusions: SM use was significantly associated with increased depression. Given the proliferation of SM, identifying the mechanisms and direction of this association is critical for informing interventions that address SM use and depression.
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! B#&*?28"2#8#&
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 9#&"!&%&8!#$
!0#.!0 
Depression. B#$/2!&
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!# I(+JG&34!
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T#UT$U8&& 9"!#
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T"U$#."H/0"// =F8
# BGT$U$#!!!#
&&.0 I-)J9#2V"8@
.#8()0$#(+ -F8# 
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Social Media Use. BW#
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per day 8# 9G&#
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$& "#8
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visits per week C&"#8!
"#"$$#88D#& #"A
global frequency score $8)++ 4
D#8&& 9#!#8#"
Covariates. C&"$$#.*@2(-,
2:0 B8
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 #&X*F8
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!8! 
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... This, in turn, coincides with amplified vulnerability to influences from peers and social media influencers and is likely to impact psychological well-being. Studies have found correlations between social media use and psychological problems [48,49], such as anxiety [50], depression [48,51], and reduced self-esteem [52]. Our study confirmed that adolescents are vulnerable to social media as regards how they appear to friends and peers on social media. ...
... This, in turn, coincides with amplified vulnerability to influences from peers and social media influencers and is likely to impact psychological well-being. Studies have found correlations between social media use and psychological problems [48,49], such as anxiety [50], depression [48,51], and reduced self-esteem [52]. Our study confirmed that adolescents are vulnerable to social media as regards how they appear to friends and peers on social media. ...
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Background/Objectives: The way people communicate has significantly changed due to technological advances and penetration of cell phones and broadband connection into everyday activities. Nowadays, individuals are constantly connected through the Internet. This influences social experiences, self and social identity, and can cause digital stress, which often leads to negative emotions, psychosomatic outcomes, and diseases. It is a matter of concern for the adolescents and their families. This paper investigates how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and social media influence adolescents’ and parents’ digital stress and anxiety. Methods: Based on two digital stressors scales, a 30-item questionnaire was created. A quantitative analysis of data deriving from 164 Finnish adolescents and 53 of their parents regarding digital stress was conducted. Results: “Privacy Intrusion”, “Availability stress/Online vigilance”, and “Usefulness” were the most essential stressor factors for both students and parents. Additionally, the most significant stressor factors for students were the “Fear of Missing Out/FoMO” and “Approval Anxiety” factors while for parents were the “Safety/Security” and “Technical Support” factors. No significant differences were observed between the overall digital stress of adolescents and parents. In contrast to the existing literature, no connection between “Connection (Information) Overload” and digital stress was found. Conclusions: This paper contributes to debates regarding the effects of the use of digital resources, ICTs, and social media on processes at school, at work, and at home. The findings of our study confirm and further validate those of previous studies with the exception of “Connection (Information) Overload”, which needs to be further investigated to understand the reasons behind it.
... One factor that differentiates adhesive capsulitis from other conditions is its significant influence on psychological and psychiatric conditions. As seen in the literature, there is also a correlation between the use of social media such as TikTok and the risk of developing depression and anxiety [19][20][21][22]. ...
... Within 5 years of the index date, 17.5% of patients with adhesive capsulitis and 8.7% of those without it were diagnosed with incident depression (p < 0.001). This result was corroborated by Cox regression analysis, which revealed a positive and significant association between adhesive capsulitis and the cumulative incidence of depression [19][20][21][22]. ...
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Purpose This study aimed to assess the validity and informational value of the material provided on TikTok regarding frozen shoulders. The hypothesis was that the video content on this platform would not provide adequate and valid information. Methods The current study focused on frozen shoulder videos on the TikTok social media platform. The terms “frozen shoulder” and/or “adhesive capsulitis” were used as keywords for an extensive online search of video content on TikTok, and the first 100 videos were included. Out-of-topic, non-English, and duplicated videos were excluded from the analysis. The duration and numbers of likes, shares, and views were recorded for each video. Further, videos were categorized based on the source (physiotherapist/osteopath, medical doctor, or private user), type of information (physical therapy, etiopathogenesis, anatomy, clinical examination, patient experience, or symptoms), video content (rehabilitation, education, or patient experience/testimony), and the presence of music or a voice. The assessment of the video content’s quality and reliability was performed by two experienced shoulder surgeons using the DISCERN instrument, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) benchmark criteria, and the Global Quality Score (GQS). Results A total of 100 videos were included in the analysis, of which 86 (86.0%) were published by physiotherapists/osteopaths. Most of the information and video content focused on physical therapy and rehabilitation (83.0% and 84.0%, respectively). Eighty-four (84.0%) videos included voice comments, while the remaining featured music. The mean number of views was 2,142,215.32 ± 6,148,794.63, while the mean numbers of likes, comments, and shares were 58,438.67 ± 201,863.54, 550.81 ± 1712.22, and 3327.43 ± 7320.81, respectively. The mean video duration was 110.20 ± 116.43 s. The mean DISCERN score, JAMA score, and GQS were 16.17 ± 2.36, 0.61 ± 0.51, and 1.18 ± 0.41, respectively. Videos posted by medical doctors or private users received higher scores than those posted by physiotherapists/osteopaths ( p < 0.05). Conclusions The educational value of videos published on TikTok was poor; videos posted by medical doctors exhibited better quality and educational value than those of physiotherapists or osteopaths. It is the responsibility of orthopedic surgeons to investigate the potential benefits, consequences, and implications of TikTok video content for the health of frozen shoulder patients and to propose necessary adjustments. Given the rapid growth of TikTok, further research is needed. Level of evidence Level IV—cross-sectional study.
... Previous research has investigated the relationship between social media use and addiction, with several studies suggesting that excessive social media use can lead to addiction [11], [12], [13]. However, there is limited research on the impact of social media content on addiction. ...
This study analyzes the effect of social media content on college student addiction using data science techniques. It aims to examine the correlation between different types of social media content and addictive behavior in college students. The research methodology used is non-probability sampling with a sample size of 587 college students in Tamil Nadu, India. The study uses statistical tools such as correlation analysis, regression analysis, one-way ANOVA, and Friedman ranking test to analyze the data collected. The findings suggest that the factors influencing social media addiction are positively correlated with the health issues faced by college students. The study indicates that demographic variables such as age, gender, year in college, and place of living may play a role in shaping an individual's perception of social media addiction. The results of the study can inform the development of interventions and prevention strategies to reduce social media addiction among college students. The study recommends a multi-pronged approach to address the root causes of addiction and provide students with the tools and resources they need to manage their social media use and promote their physical and mental health.
... However, despite all of the benefits of social media to bring ease to daily activity, excessive social media use may lead to negative consequences to psychological well-being such as depression, loneliness, and decreased self-worth (Lin et al, 2016). Currently, the term of media addiction takes attention from various parties due to "addiction" refers to excessive dependency on an object, and in this study the object is social media itself. ...
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Social media is a product of technology that brings significant impact to spread information and connect people around the world and entertainment. As a result, users can access various information easily. In other hand, by using media social excessively lead to dependency that has appears numbers of symptoms that similar with addiction such as impairment in daily functioning (conflict), emerge negative emotions if unable to access social media (withdrawal), having trouble to decrease social media usage (relapse and reinstatement) and social media usage dominates in daily life (salience). However, it is very premature to determine that dependency to social media as a kind of addiction due dependency to social media can be declined without clinical intervention. One of the reasons for declining social media usage is caused by burnout which indirectly pushes the users to keep away from social media. Even though the negative impact from media social usage can not to be ignored due excessive access bring negative consequences to mental health.
... Second, audience attitude is based on information processing, which offers a direction for decision-making. Earlier studies have explored the direct impact of information credibility on consumers' attitude (Lin et al. 2016;Majid Esmaeilpour and Farshad Aram, 2016). Our study broadens the effects of information credibility by evaluating its direct association with audience attitudes towards SMI postings and its indirect association with consumers' behavioural responses (i.e. ...
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The present study enhances our understanding of followers’ perceptions of the information credibility of Chinese social media influencers. Employing the heuristic-systematic model, we examined the influence of source credibility and argument quality on the content credibility of micro-influencers and their relational impact on followers’ attitudes and behavioural decisions, with involvement as a moderator. Chinese respondents who follow beauty influencers on Sina Weibo were targeted. The respondents were contacted by posting a web link on WeChat to the survey created on Sojump. Structural equation modelling was used to examine the relationship between variables. The results revealed that argument quality (i.e. systematic cue) and source credibility (i.e. heuristic cue) are significantly affect the information credibility perceived by consumers. The findings also indicate that perceived information credibility has a significant impact on brand/video attitude and purchase intention. There are notable theoretical extensions to the literature on information processing, attitude and consumer behaviour.
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Introduction Excessive social media use, though considered unhealthy, is no longer formally categorized as an addiction or disorder, leading to a lack of consensus on this behavior. It raises concerns regarding the exclusion of Internet Addiction Disorder from the DSM-5-TR due to insufficient empirical evidence. This study investigates the serial mediating effects of positive and negative affect, fear of missing out, and offline and online self-presentation in the relationship between social media use and social media addiction. Method The study was conducted in Hong Kong with 385 participants (84.2% F, age range = 18–60) of an online survey. This study administered the Social Media Use Scale, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, Fear of Missing Out Scale, Presentation of Online Self Scale, and Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale. Results The results indicate that social media use plays a significant role in predicting both positive and negative affect. The findings further reveal that positive and negative affect, fear of missing out, and offline and online self-presentation act as serial mediators in the relationship between social media use and social media addiction. In other words, these variables work together in a sequential manner to mediate the impact of social media use on addiction. Additionally, the study indicates that social media use and social media addiction are fully mediated by both positive and negative affect, fear of missing out, and offline and online self-presentation. Discussion Social media use can evoke both positive and negative affect. The longer individuals are immersed in social media, the more their positive affect intensifies, exacerbating FoMO and fostering inconsistent offline and online self-presentation. Conversely, extended social media engagement can heighten negative affect, leading to anxiety about others having more rewarding experiences and concurrently inducing apprehension characterized by FoMO. To prevent addiction, the development of educational tools such as SimCity video games, scenario-based learning activities, and virtual reality experiences focused on social media use and social media addiction can offer a valuable opportunity for pre-exposure to the related risks and challenges.
This research explores the intricate connections between social media movations and social wellbeing, focusing on Snapchat users. Utilizing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the study investigates the impact of Social Motivation (SM), Hedonic Motivation (HM), and Utilitarian Motivation (UM) on Social Wellbeing (SW). While SM shows a positive trend with SW, just missing significance, robust and highly significant relationships emerge between SW and both HM and UM. The findings provide nuanced insights into these dynamics, highlighting the pivotal roles of hedonic and utilitarian motivations in shaping social wellbeing. Acknowledging methodological limitations, the study suggests future research directions, including deeper exploration of SM-SW dynamics, temporal aspects of HM’s influence, and practical interventions. Incorporating psychological or behavioral theories in future studies could enhance theoretical foundations. This research establishes a groundwork for understanding motivational drivers of social wellbeing, offering valuable insights for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners aiming at societal enhancement.
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Current approaches to measuring people's everyday usage of technology-based media and other computer-related activities have proved to be problematic as they use varied outcome measures, fail to measure behavior in a broad range of technology-related domains and do not take into account recently developed types of technology including smartphones. In the present study, a wide variety of items, covering a range of up-to-date technology and media usage behaviors. Sixty-six items concerning technology and media usage, along with 18 additional items assessing attitudes toward technology, were administered to two independent samples of individuals, comprising 942 participants. Factor analyses were used to create 11 usage subscales representing smartphone usage, general social media usage, Internet searching, e-mailing, media sharing, text messaging, video gaming, online friendships, Facebook friendships, phone calling, and watching television in addition to four attitude-based subscales: positive attitudes, negative attitudes, technological anxiety/dependence, and attitudes toward task-switching. All subscales showed strong reliabilities and relationships between the subscales and pre-existing measures of daily media usage and Internet addiction were as predicted. Given the reliability and validity results, the new Media and Technology Usage and Attitudes Scale was suggested as a method of measuring media and technology involvement across a variety of types of research studies either as a single 60-item scale or any subset of the 15 subscales.
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Background: Depression is common and consequential among adolescents. Previous work has found varied relationships between depression and internet use. The purpose of this study was to examine inter-net use and depression by applying a rigorous assessment tool: experience sampling method (ESM). Methods: Older adolescents between the ages of 18 and 23 years were recruited from a large state uni-versity. Participants received 6 text message surveys randomly each day during a 7-day ESM campaign. Survey questions assessed whether they were currently online and for how long. Participants also com-pleted the PHQ-9 depression survey. Calculation of internet use time included multilevel modeling and probability modeling. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) assessed the association between internet use and depression. Results: Among our 189 participants, the mean age was 18.9 (SD = .9), 58.8% were fe-male and most were Caucasian (90.5%). Total daily internet use time was calculated as 66 minutes by ESM summary, 55 minutes by ESM modeling and 65 minutes by probability modeling. We found a dif-ference in PHQ-9 scores when comparing low daily internet use (<30 minutes), regular use (30 minutes to 3 hours) and high use (>3 hours) (p = .01) with a significant U-shaped association (p = .004). The high use group had a mean PHQ-9 score of 7.3 (SD = 5.1) compared to the regular use group score of 4.9 (SD = 3.9) (p = .02). Conclusions: Results suggest a U shaped association between internet use and depres-sion. These findings may present statistical differences that lack clinical significance.
Errors in Byline, Author Affiliations, and Acknowledgment. In the Original Article titled “Prevalence, Severity, and Comorbidity of 12-Month DSM-IV Disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” published in the June issue of the ARCHIVES (2005;62:617-627), an author’s name was inadvertently omitted from the byline on page 617. The byline should have appeared as follows: “Ronald C. Kessler, PhD; Wai Tat Chiu, AM; Olga Demler, MA, MS; Kathleen R. Merikangas, PhD; Ellen E. Walters, MS.” Also on that page, the affiliations paragraph should have appeared as follows: Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass (Drs Kessler, Chiu, Demler, and Walters); Section on Developmental Genetic Epidemiology, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Md (Dr Merikangas). On page 626, the acknowledgment paragraph should have appeared as follows: We thank Jerry Garcia, BA, Sara Belopavlovich, BA, Eric Bourke, BA, and Todd Strauss, MAT, for assistance with manuscript preparation and the staff of the WMH Data Collection and Data Analysis Coordination Centres for assistance with instrumentation, fieldwork, and consultation on the data analysis. We appreciate the helpful comments of William Eaton, PhD, Michael Von Korff, ScD, and Hans-Ulrich Wittchen, PhD, on earlier manuscripts. Online versions of this article on the Archives of General Psychiatry Web site were corrected on June 10, 2005.
Prior research has utilized the Zung Depression Inventory (ZDI) and found that moderate to severe rates of depression coexist with pathological Internet use.1 Although the ZDI was utilized for its expediency with on-line administration, its limitations include poor normative data and less frequent clinical use. Therefore, this study utilized the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), which has more accurate norms and frequent usage among dual diagnostic patient populations. An on-line survey administered on a World Wide Web site utilized the BDI as part of a larger study. A total of 312 surveys was collected with 259 valid profiles from addicted users, which again supported significant levels of depression to be associated with pathological Internet use. This article discusses how a treatment protocol should emphasis the primary psychiatric condition if related to a subsequent impulse control problem such as pathological Internet use. Effective management of psychiatric symptoms may indirectly correct pathological Internet use.
• Using data collected in the National Institute of Mental Health (Rockville, Md) Epidemiologic Catchment Area Program, we examined the proposed hypothesis that there has been a shift in major depression to younger ages at onset, or increased prevalence in younger age periods, for recent birth cohorts. Life-table survival methods were used to examine the hazard rates for major depression as well as for other specific mental disorders. The findings are consistent with a gradual shift to increased rates for major depression between the ages of 15 and 19 years for Epidemiologic Catchment Area respondents born more recently. The findings also suggest a similar shift for drug abuse/dependence; similar but less pronounced changes were found for alcohol abuse/dependence and obsessive-compulsive disorder. However, in this study, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, and phobias did not exhibit a consistent increase in onset at younger ages. Further research is required to determine if the shifts in major depression, drug abuse/dependence, and possibly alcohol abuse/dependence are linked. It is important to note that these shifts to adolescent onset are occurring when nearly half the 31 million Americans without health insurance are aged 24 years or younger.
It is not—unless it triggers feelings of envy. This study uses the framework of social rank theory of depression and conceptualizes Facebook envy as a possible link between Facebook surveillance use and depression among college students. Using a survey of 736 college students, we found that the effect of surveillance use of Facebook on depression is mediated by Facebook envy. However, when Facebook envy is controlled for, Facebook use actually lessens depression.