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How Do Free/Open Source Developers Pick Their Tools? A Delphi Study of the Debian Project



Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) has come to play a critical role in the global software industry. Organizations are widely adopting FOSS and interacting with open source communities, and hence organizations have a considerable interest in seeing these communities flourishing. Very little research has focused on the tools used to develop that software. Given the absence of organizational policies and mandate that would occur in a traditional environment, an open question is how FOSS developers decide what tools to use. In this paper we report on a policy delphi study conducted in the Debian Project, one of the largest FOSS projects. Drawing from data collected in three phases from a panel of 21 experts, we identified 15 factors that affect their decision to adopt tools. This in turn can help FOSS communities to define a suitable policy of actions, in order to improve their processes.
How Do Free/Open Source Developers Pick Their Tools?
A Delphi Study of the Debian Project
Martin F. Krafft
Debian Developer
Munich, Germany
Klaas-Jan Stol
Lerothe Irish Software Research
Centre, University of Limerick, Ireland
Brian Fitzgerald
Lerothe Irish Software Research
Centre, University of Limerick, Ireland
Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) has come to play a criti-
cal role in the global software industry. Organizations are widely
adopting FOSS and interacting with open source communities,
and hence organizations have a considerable interest in seeing
these communities flourishing. Little research has focused on the
tools used to develop that software. Given the absence of formal
mandate that would appear in traditional organizations, an open
question is what influences a FOSS contributor’s decision to
adopt a tool and how workflows get established in FOSS teams. In
this paper we report on a Delphi study conducted in the Debian
Project, one of the largest FOSS projects. Drawing from data col-
lected in three phases from a panel of 21 carefully selected and
well-informed participants, we identified 15 factors that affect
decisions to adopt tools and relate those to existing models of
innovation and diffusion.
CCS Concepts
Software and its engineering Software maintenance tools;
Collaboration in software development
Free/open source software, tools, Delphi study, qualitative study
Tools play an essential part in software development [15, 32], and
research in this area has been extensive [18]. New tools and tech-
nologies are continuously emerging, which in turn affect the way
software is developed. Much research on software tools and envi-
ronments has focused on industrial software engineering devel-
opment contexts [4, 20, 30]. However, a significant development
has been the rise of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS),
which has gained significant attention from both researchers and
practitioners in the past two decades [13]. Since then, FOSS has
been widely adopted in industry [19], and represents an important
part of many software products. Therefore, a good understanding
of how such projects work is essential. While there has been much
research on FOSS, the use and selection of software development
tools in FOSS has received very little attention [5], despite the fact
that tools play a critical role in FOSS development.
One highly successful FOSS project is the Debian Project, found-
ed in 1993, and run entirely as a development community com-
prising over 2,500 volunteers. As such, it is one of the largest
FOSS projects [1]. The Debian project produces several operating
systems, of which Debian GNU/Linux is the most popular,
providing over 43,000 packages for ten different hardware archi-
tectures. Furthermore, the Debian System is the basis for around
150 derivative distributions, including the popular company-
controlled Ubuntu distribution produced by Canonical. After more
than 20 years in existence, some of the project’s processes are still
difficult to scale, which is needed to meet the tremendous growth
the project has seen. Activities such as library transitions currently
require dozens of contributors to work hand-in-hand, and often
stall because of bottlenecks. Day-to-day tasks are often tedious
and error-prone, relying on developers to maintain consistency:
keeping track of patches, triaging bugs, following policy changes,
and working with both ‘upstream’ projects (the original source
projects included in a Debian distribution), and ‘downstream’
derivatives, to name just a few challenges. Looking at the way
these processes are currently handled, it is surprising that contrib-
utors of a system as technically sound and universally applicable
as Debian are still doing manually what a computer should be
doing for them. Tasks such as those mentioned above could be
streamlined and optimized to avoid redundancy and points of
failure due to their brittle integration.
Improved tools and techniques are necessary to increase the effi-
ciency of the Debian Project’s contributors. Debian is a volunteer-
controlled projectmost of its contributors are not paid to work
on the project, and have therefore limited time available as most
of them have daytime jobs. Some sophisticated tools and tech-
niques already exist and new technologies emerge frequently, but
these are not readily adopted. Many contributors try to identify
and communicate better approaches, but an in-depth understand-
ing of individual adopters’ behavior is lacking. As a result, new
ideas only slowly rise to become competitors with existing ap-
proaches. Software technology transfer has been defined as a con-
siderable concern [36, 38], but a deep understanding of the factors
that influence tool adoption among voluntary FOSS developers is
largely missing as of yet. Existing frameworks and theories such
as the Technology Adoption Model (TAM) tend to focus exclu-
sively on either individuals or non-volunteer (commercial or not-
for-profit) organizations, and therefore are unsuitable to explain
adoption in volunteer-based communities.
This research focuses on a challenge commonly found in volun-
teer-driven communities: a lack of authoritarian structures makes
it impossible to mandate change. While the Debian Project, its
members, the collaboration between them, and the approaches
used are in continuous flux, there is no obvious means to drive
change in a given direction, because ultimately, a decision to
change lies with each individual, and project-wide change thus
depends on the entire community. Given the large size of the
Debian Project, we chose to focus on one specific area that is of
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particular importance to Debian’s success as a distribution con-
taining tens of thousands of software packages: software packag-
ing. Given the critical importance of tools in large FOSS projects
and the lack of insight on how these tools are selected in volun-
teer-driven projects, we investigated the following question:
Research Question: What factors influence the Debian package
maintainers’ decision to adopt new tools or techniques?
This study focused specifically on the Debian Project as the pri-
mary author is a long-standing contributor to this project [23]. The
paper proceeds with a background discussion on the Debian pro-
ject and innovation in FOSS projects (Sec. 2). We then present the
details of the Delphi study that was conducted (Sec. 3). This is
followed by a presentation of the results of our study, namely a set
of factors that affect the adoption of tools and techniques (Sec. 4).
The paper continues with a discussion of the findings, the implica-
tions for research and practice, as well as the threats to validity of
this study, followed by an outlook on future work (Sec. 5).
2.1 Package Management in Debian
Debian as a FOSS project takes an extraordinary and somewhat
radical approach, in promising that “the Debian system and all its
components will be free, and that the project “will never make
the system require the use of a non-free component” [9]. Tradi-
tionally, the Debian Project distinguishes only between developers
and non-developers, all of whom are considered users. Over the
years, as the project grew and more people contributed in an ever-
increasing variety of ways, additional roles emerged. In the Debi-
an Project, not only developers adopt new tools and techniques,
but every contributor. Moreover, the clear trend towards more
intensive collaboration within the project, across teams, and even
across distributions results in higher degrees of interdependencies
between individuals. One contributor’s decision in favor of or
against a tool may have a significant effect on another contribu-
tor’s decision to adopt it, and on this level, it matters little who is
an official project member and who is not. The Debian Project is
an organization driven entirely by volunteers. The project does not
pay any of its developers, nor does it let its sponsors or its legal
entity have any influence in the project’s technical interests.
The packaging workflows used by Debian contributors are sub-
optimal; common methods are minimally integrated at best, and
package maintainers lose time and energy on repetitive, error-
prone tasks. This causes individual frustration and slows project
progress. Ironically, improved tools featuring better integration,
collaboration facilities, and greater degrees of automation do ex-
ist. In the two decades since Debian’s foundation, a number of
packaging automation tools have been widely adopted, so large-
scale workflow improvements do happen. However, countless
others never reached significant levels of use, and this begs the
question as to what factors might be at play. Recently, the project
has seen strong trends towards techniques supporting distributed
development, which promise solutions to many of the (central-
ized) deadlocks and bottlenecks in the project. Yet, project-wide
acceptance has been slow, for reasons that are not always obvious.
2.2 Explaining Adoption of New Tools
Tools, and tool integration specifically has gained sustained atten-
tion from researchers studying traditional organizational contexts.
However, in the FOSS context, Crowston et al. [5] observed that
“surprisingly little research has examined the use of different
software development tools.” Previously, Oezbek and Prechelt
sought a suitable research method for studying process innovation
in FOSS projects [37]. However, their focus was specifically on
innovation by people (e.g., researchers) that are not members of a
FOSS community. Shaikh and Cornford studied the adoption of a
commercial version control system (BitKeeper) in the Linux ker-
nel project in 2002 [45]. The key reason why CVS (the most pop-
ular version control system (VCS) at the time) was not adopted
was technical, as CVS did not have all the features that Linus
Torvalds required as benevolent dictator of the Linux kernel pro-
ject. Torvalds subsequently started development on Git [46], a
popular distributed VCS.
Redwine and Riddle discuss a number of factors that either inhibit
or facilitate software engineering technology maturation [40].
Some critical factors they discuss are a clear recognition of need,
tuneability, and management commitment, and inhibitors include
high cost and contracting disincentives. However, Redwine and
Riddle focus on the maturity of technologies (i.e., the product),
rather than the process that influences adoption of new tools. Al-
so, factors such as management support and contracting disincen-
tives do not play a role in volunteer-driven FOSS projects.
Numerous frameworks have been proposed to understand and
explain technology diffusion and adoption, which can roughly be
divided into two groups: (1) frameworks and theories that consid-
er adoption at the individual level (e.g. Rogers [41]), and (2) those
that focus on the organizational level (e.g. Kwon and Zmud [25]).
Perhaps the best-known model in the first category (focusing on
the individual) is the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) [8],
which has been referred to as “the most influential and commonly
employed theory for describing an individual’s acceptance of
information systems” [27]. The model was highly revolutionary at
the time of its conception, and has since been extended in several
ways. However, it has also been criticized for its limitations [2],
one of which is that it is based only on attitude and behavior.
Another model is the Task-Technology Fit (TTF) model [16],
which states that the ‘fit’ between a task and technology is “the
matching of the functional capability of available software with
the activity demands of the task” [10], but this ignores human and
social factors such as personal preferences of developers. Others
focus on specific contexts; for example, both Rossi et al. [42], and
Fitzgerald et al. [14] present frameworks to explain FOSS adop-
tion in the public sector. Eckhardt et al. studied the impact of so-
cial influences, referring to the influences of colleagues and other
departments in an organization [12].
To summarize, tool adoption in FOSS communities, consisting of
independent volunteers, cannot be explained by existing theories
and frameworks for a number of reasons:
Exclusive perspective on individuals or organizations.
Tool adoption in FOSS communities does not happen exclu-
sively on an individual or organization level.
Unsuitable for volunteer-driven communities. Existing
frameworks focusing on organizational adoption are not suit-
able as volunteer-driven FOSS communities have no formal
authoritarian leadership (‘management’) or business-focus
[48]; there are no change agents [38].
Assuming independence of adopters. Existing frameworks
tend to assume independence among adopters, i.e. absence of
network effects. FOSS communities, however, rely on close
collaboration among its contributors and therefore imply a
level of dependency among project members.
General focus on ‘innovations.’ Many frameworks consider
the diffusion and adoption of ‘innovations’ in a general
sense, but not software tools specifically.
It is also worth noting that many of the frameworks proposed are
based on observations of “historical accounts” and attempt to
provide a generalized process of technology adoption (e.g. [40]);
others are based on a set of factors that have been identified a
priori before any feedback is solicited from experts (e.g. [42]).
While these approaches are not invalid, they ignore perhaps the
most important stakeholders, namely the volunteers adopting the
This paper reports the results of a Delphi study modeled on the
Policy Delphi approach. The Delphi method has seen very limited
adoption in the software engineering discipline. We first present a
brief discussion of the method. We then discuss how the Delphi
panel was selected, and provide details of the Delphi process in-
cluding data collection and analysis. A more detailed description
is offered in the first author’s dissertation [24].
3.1 The Delphi Method
The Delphi method was developed at the RAND Corporation in
the 1940s as a way of finding “the most reliable consensus of
opinion of a group of experts” [6]. The original Delphi study
sought to investigate the impact of technology on warfare and was
exploratory in nature [7]. A Delphi study “may be characterized
as a method for structuring a group communication process so
that the process is effective in allowing a group of individuals, as
a whole, to deal with a complex problem” [28]. It is an instance of
moderated communication: a facilitator serves a series of ques-
tions to the participants, who return their answers to the facilitator.
The answers are anonymized, collated, and returned to all partici-
pants, who can then modify their response in the light of the feed-
back from the previous round. Alternatively, the facilitator may
pass out a new set of questions, which have been designed to in-
corporate the returns from the previous round.
Since the Delphi approach was originally put forth by Dalkey and
Helmer [6], several researchers have modified the method result-
ing in a number of variants. This study’s design was based on a
Policy Delphi approach [47]. Whereas the Delphi method tradi-
tionally aimed at gaining consensus, the policy Delphi aims “to
support decisions by structuring and discussing the diverse views
of the ‘preferred future’ [22] and “seeks to generate the strong-
est possible opposing views” regarding an issue [47]or what
one might call ‘dissensus’ to differentiate from consensus-seeking
Delphi studies [29]. Rather than a tool for decision making, the
policy Delphi can be used to “generate options and suggest alter-
native courses of action for consideration” [34]. The aim of this
study was to understand the process of tool adoption in a FOSS
community; a Policy Delphi was deemed appropriate, as it would
help to suggest ‘courses of action’ for FOSS developers.
3.2 Selection of Delphi Panelists
Selecting the right participants for a Delphi panel is key to a suc-
cessful study. Okoli and Pawlowski called panelist selection
“perhaps the most important yet most neglected aspect of the
Delphi method [33] and Judd claimed that deciding ‘who is an
expert’ is “the single most confounding factor in panel selection
[21]. An important consideration in the study design was that the
primary author is a long-time member of the Debian community,
and it was important to include people that he was not closely
acquainted with, and with whom the research issues had not been
discussed prior to this study.
To select members for the Delphi panel, project members were
identified who took part in team efforts, or otherwise cooperated
with others in the project. These were identified through several
channels, such as scanning the various mailing lists, IRC (Internet
Relay Chat) logs, the package maintainer database, and notes
from various meetings and discussions at Debian conferences. A
total of 162 people were asked to nominate colleagues whom they
deemed to have deep insights into the adoption behavior of Debi-
an contributors, along with a short reason for nomination. Self-
nominations were explicitly mentioned as an option. From this, 98
responses were received, with a total of 429 nominations. From
the list of nominations, 48 people were identified who received
three nominations; of those, 10 were excluded due to unavailabil-
ity. From 50 other nominees who had two nominations each, five
were manually selected whose nominations made them particular-
ly interesting candidates, resulting in a group of 43 people. In
order to determine the nature of the candidate’s project work and
collaboration within the project, candidates were asked to provide
some information about their involvement, resulting in 36 re-
sponses. Based on these responses, candidates were organized on
four dimensions, namely whether or not a candidate (1) was in-
volved as a team player; (2) had a uniform set of tasks; (3) used
uniform tools; and (4) was interested in workflow improvement.
Stratified purposeful sampling [35] was employed to select candi-
dates that represented maximum diversity on the dimensions in
Fig. 1 [11], as is desirable for a Delphi. In total, 21 panelists were
selected that had ‘extreme’ profiles on the four dimensions. This
panel size lies well within the recommended range of 15-30 care-
fully selected participants [29].
3.3 Data Collection and Analysis
The Delphi study took several months to complete, and consisted
of four phases (see Fig. 2), which are described next. Three
rounds were carried out as part of the Delphi study, which was
followed by a ‘reduction’ phase so as to identify a parsimonious
set of factors.
Phase 1: Brainstorming. In the first phase, a brainstorming
round was conducted to obtain a broad sense of the factors that
shape package maintainers’ decisions regarding the adoption or
rejection of tools and techniques. The aim of this phase was to
exhaustively seek factors. Participants were asked to identify at
least six factors that influence the decision to adopt or reject new
tools or techniques. In order to encourage participants to be as
open and frank as possible, anonymity was assured.
The first phase resulted in responses totaling 3,500 lines. To make
the discussion of these responses manageable, responses were
organized in a number of categoriesSchmidt suggests to use up
to 20 categories [44]. A first round of analysis resulted in a set of
104 keywords. These were reduced to a set of 40 categories using
a concept-mapping approach described by Novak and Cañas [31].
Through further analysis 14 categories were merged, resulting in
26 remaining categories. As the primary researcher deemed 26
categories too many for the next phase, three colleagues were
invited to a card-sorting exercise [43]. This resulted in a further
reduction to 15 categories; the 3,500 lines of responses were re-
duced to 1,300 lines, and organized into the 15 categories.
Uniform tools!Diverse tools!
Uniform tasks!Diverse tasks!
Work alone!Work in teams!
Interested in workflow
Not interested in
workflow improvement!
Figure 1. Four dimensions for Delphi panelist selection
Phase 2: Enrichment. The goal of the second phase of the study
was to enrich the data by seeking further qualifications from the
panel, identifying the statements that panelists commonly agreed
on, and identifying any discrepancies between the panelists’
judgments. To that end, the 15 categories of related statements
resulting from the first phase were sent to the panel. Specifically,
panelists were invited to refute factors they did not agree with,
identify links between comments from other panelists, and pro-
vide additional information as they saw fit. The instructions to the
panelists encouraged them to read critically as their agreement
would be assumed by default. By only asking for qualifications
and refutations, the intention was to enrich the data gathered thus
far without excessively burdening the panelists.
The responses in this second round comprised approximately
6,500 lines of text (116 pages of text). Where several statements
were related or contradicting, these statements were presented to
the panelists in follow-up emails in order to seek further clarifica-
tion. In total, almost 400 emails were exchanged (one email per
issue). Relevant information retrieved from this process was in-
serted into the list of statements, resulting in a total of approxi-
mately 8,700 lines of text (156 pages of text).
This set of data was analyzed by identifying non-obvious and
insightful statements by the panel. Long statements were short-
ened while paying specific attention to capturing the context and
essence without losing any critical detail. This resulted in 281
statements. These were subsequently organized into groups of
related statements, first by identifying redundant statements (re-
sulting in 152 remaining statements), and subsequently by organ-
izing them in categories of related statements. This resulted in 24
categories. For each category, a short descriptive paragraph was
subsequently proof read by three colleagues.
Phase 3: Instantiation. The goal of the third phase was to identi-
fy the salient factors to adoption or rejection decisions among
Debian contributors. Rather than seeking a ranking of factors or
agreement among the panelists as would be typical for a tradition-
al Delphi study, panelists were requested to provide “stories from
the trenches.” A ranking of factors would be ‘weak’ given the
diversity among the panelists, as many categories would rank
closely to each other. (If, on the other hand, the panel had not
been as diverse, the ranking would not have been representative of
the project).
Panelists were asked to select the three most important factors
they had experienced in the context of their packaging work in the
Debian project, and share details about how these factors had
previously manifested and were expected to do so again in their
immediate environments. Further clarification was sought through
40 follow-up emails with the panelists.
Phase 4: Reduction. In the fourth and final phase, we sought to
achieve parsimony by combining factors that were similar in es-
sence. For example, two factors that emerged from an earlier
phase of the study were modularityand transparency.’ The
former refers to the level of granularity (fine vs. coarse-grained),
which affects the ability for a maintainer to follow the various
steps. A tool that defines an interface at a high level of abstraction
(i.e. a coarse-grained interface) exhibits a lower level of transpar-
ency because it is harder to follow the internal mechanisms of the
tool. Because these two factors were so closely related as two
sides of the same coin, these were combined into a joint factor.
The Delphi study resulted in a set of 15 factors presented below.
Each factor is summarized followed by an elaborated discussion.
Factor 1: Sedimentation
New ideas can take time to gain widespread acceptance. People
reject ideas until they understand the underlying problems, are able to
formulate them succinctly, and identify the benefits of a solution.
For new technologies to be accepted, awareness of such technolo-
gies must grow and the benefits they offer must be clear, but this
process can take a significant amount of time. One panelist men-
tioned the example of distributed version control systems
(DVCS): “DVCSs have been around for years, and it’s only now
(last 2 years) that we see a real growth in users.” Technologies
may seem to be too revolutionary at first for the wider community
to perceive them as ‘ready’ for adoption. New technological solu-
tions may address problems that people may not have clearly for-
mulated ‘in their heads,’ or ‘seem irrelevant.’ Through a process
of ‘sedimentation,’ a new technology slowly gains recognition,
and at some point people may become sufficiently comfortable to
start using it. However, this process could take years.
Factor 2: Marketing
Using appropriate channels and content, active promotion or market-
ing of a new tool or technique can feed excitement and exposure of
the innovation, and can stimulate others to evaluate them.
One panelist explained: “Having some buzz and excitement
around a new tool or technique seems to help. If several people
are blogging about using something, lots of other people will be-
come aware of it, and start thinking about using it.” However, it
is important to use appropriate channels. While success stories
and a positive attitude are stimulating, especially when needs are
met instead of created, inappropriate corporate links (given the
‘free’ nature of Debian, and FOSS projects in general), premature
promotion and TV-style marketing on the other hand, can have
negative effects and ought to be avoided.
The Debian Project is not lacking any communication mediaan
abundant and diverse collection of communication channels is
available which can facilitate the spread of information, including
mailing lists, blogs, and IRC channels. This forces volunteers
(with limited time) to select a subset to concentrate on, which
potentially creates smaller, well connected ‘cliques’ or ‘tribes’
who may not interact with one another.
While mailing lists seem to be the first choice for spreading in-
formation, blogs can have a huge impact. One panelist recalled
how the project’s extensive adoption of Git was partly due to the
‘buzz’ on Planet Debian (an aggregate of blogs of Debian devel-
opers) on this topic, despite the fact that other systems such as
Mercurial and Bazaar had a reputation for being easier to use. An
appropriate marketing approach should consider a number of as-
pects, including frequency (repeated exposure), timing, the choice
Solicitation of factors from 21 panelists (resulting in 3,500 lines)"
Statements organized into 40 categories"
Duplicate categories were merged (resulting in 26 categories)"
Card-sorting exercise further reduced to 15 categories"
Phase 1:
Reduce 3,500 lines to 1,300, organized in 15 categories"
Received 6,500 lines of text (116 pages)"
400+ emails, resulting in total of 8,700 lines of text"
Reduced to 152 statements"
Statements organized into 24 categories"
Phase 2:
Ask each panelist to give real-world examples for a few of the
40 follow-up emails with panelists"
Phase 3: "
Study, compare and combine the 24 categories based on the
examples from Phase 3 and reduce to 15 factors. "
Phase 4: "
Figure 2. Phases of the Delphi study
of channels to use, and the content of marketing message. Finally,
care should be taken not to ‘overhypeso as to prevent disappoint-
ing potential adopters.
Factor 3: ‘Peercolation’
Information spreads through networks of peers, and information that
flows between peers is often accorded a higher weight. Those with
significant experience in an area and who can clearly explain a tool’s
benefits, get more respect. People tend to favor peers they trust.
People tend to favor peers they trust, or with whom they have
overlaps in interest or heritage. The term ‘peercolation’ was
coined by one of the panelists to describe the percolation of in-
formation (and particularly knowledge of innovations) through
networks of trusted peers. While related to ‘marketing’ (discussed
above), one panelist clearly distinguished the two concepts: “I
think of ‘peercolation’ as the spread of tools and techniques
through normal use of them for one’s work and normal discus-
sion, whereas marketing is instead the conscious attempt to
spread a particular tool or technique.”
One panelist argued that most Debian community members prefer
to use ‘standard’ tools. There is a general perception that there are
many good ways ‘of doing things,’ and that anything that is
broadly used is likely good enough. In other words, tools that
have a significant momentum and are widely adopted are likely to
get more support from others. Another case where people depend
on their peers is when there is little time for an individual evalua-
tion of a tool, and they must then rely on trust to shortcut the
evaluation. As one panelist illustrated: “knowing what people you
trust are using or interested in is a major factor.” Others still
preferred to evaluate a new tool themselves. One factor at play
here is the credibility, or status, of peers. Most panelists agreed
that messages from respected peers weigh heavier than messages
from others.
Finally, an innovation’s pedigree may also affect its adoption,
related to the question of why and by whom a tool is developed.
For example, one panelist claimed that Bazaar (a DVCS) had “a
bad start in Debian,” because it was developed by Canonical, the
corporate entity sponsoring Ubuntu. This is of particular im-
portance in a FOSS project such as Debian, given its core princi-
ple of independence. While anti-corporate feelings were not gen-
erally shared among the panelists, there are some within the Debi-
an community that have some anti-corporate bias. Pedigree is not
of exclusive importance to involve corporate involvement; FOSS
tools, too, may be critically viewed. One panelist referred to Git as
an example: “It is the very aura of the kernel that puts people off
Git. The perception is that a tool designed for kernel development
would be overkill for simple user space tasks.”
Factor 4: First Impressions
First impressions usually establish inertia for or against an innovation.
A clearly defined mission statement that explains the rationale and
principles of the innovation that does not require specialized domain
knowledge is likely to positively affect first impressions of outsiders.
A user’s first impression may prove to be an important factor in
the decision to keep using a tool or technique. One panelist re-
called a project in which a DVCS-style package management
approach was attempted. However, the combination of the size of
the packages, the specific DVCS selected, and the infrastructure
that was used for hosting the repository, resulted in a system that
was too slow and ‘extremely painful’ to be used effectively, as he
described: “this negative initial experience has made me very
reluctant to use that system again, even though many people de-
scribe it as ‘much faster now.’ Another panelist commented that
this reaction was curious, considering the “release early, release
often” spirit commonly found in free software [39]. While a nega-
tive first impression may make a significant ripple through the
community, positive first impressions have far less impact since
fresh enthusiasm about a new tool is usually taken with a grain of
A clearly defined purpose or mission statement will positively
impact the forming of a good first impression. One panelist ex-
plained that, “often, the designers of tools tend to assume that all
future users will have their knowledge, skills and wisdom, which
is a fallacy.”
Factor 5: Elegance
Elegance is a subjective reward, but community members expose
common preferences, including technical excellence, perfectionism
and aesthetics.
Working on something that pleases can help increase one’s effi-
ciency. The design, quality of implementation, and technical cor-
rectness of a tool or technique can be important factors to some
users, but users also have personal preferences that cannot be
easily qualified and which may lead to irrational behavior. One
panelist illustrated this: “One of the most significant factors for
tool adoption for me is a perception of ‘cleanliness.’ Another
panelist added: “aesthetics is part of the efficiency. I’m more
prone to be efficient and willing to modify something that pleases
me, than something horrible and broken.”
The strive for technical excellence in the project is common, and
one panelist claimed that “the quality of implementation might
sometimes be an important factor to decide about adopting a tool
or not.” Others agreed with this strive for perfection among con-
tributors as a core cultural trait of the Debian Project, where con-
tributors are not told what to do, do not work to deadlines, and
simply want to properly maintain their packages. Perceptions of
‘elegance’ are inherently subjective, and impressions can turn into
‘religious beliefs’ and the defense of tools against all forms of
criticism without any facts to back up claims. This is common in
cases where tools are more or less equivalent in features (e.g., the
Vi vs. Emacs text editors).
Factor 6: Resistance
Initial resistance to new ideas can help to separate good ideas from
bad ones. Resistance can be met with conversion instructions, sup-
port, and patience.
Resistance to change is a common negative factor to adoption
behavior, but not without positive aspects. One panelist explained
an inherent resistance to changing the status quo: “I think it is
inertia: you have settled on a workflow that ‘does the job’ and
even if it has some glitches, it is generally okay, and the corner
cases happen not that often.”
Reasons for resistance include a general time scarcity, a prefer-
ence to get ‘actual work’ done, a lack of understanding of the new
proposed concepts, and a categorical unwillingness to depart from
existing approaches. On the other hand, resistance can help to
filter out the good from the bad ideas. The latter are unlikely to
withstand resistance for longer periods of time, and consequently
the project does not lose time with tools that will not survive, and
avoids having to recover from problems caused by mistaken adop-
tion. Inadequately preparing for or supporting a change can cause
a loss of interest, which makes overcoming others’ resistance
difficult. One panelist described how the disorganized state of the
wiki page tracking the discussion on machine-readable copyright
files made the process so inaccessible that potential supporters
turned away. On the other hand, advocates who took care to main-
tain available information and actively managed the discussion
had more success in having their proposals adopted in the project.
Finally, some changes might affect maintainers of large numbers
of packages more than the majority of the project members. They
might raise resistance in order to defend themselves against an
increased workload due to a proposed change. Related to this is
the case where an improvement over previous approaches may not
result in greater efficiency for the individual, but only at the pro-
ject level. One panelist explained: “Everyone tries to work as
much as possible in the limited free time s/he has. This means that
a new tool/technique increasing the time needed to fulfill a task
will not be adopted, no matter how better coded, elegant or scala-
ble it is.”
Potential adopters will weigh adoption cost against a
tool/technique’s benefit. Debian contributors will without a doubt
consider tools or techniques that automate manual labor and re-
duce maintenance costs. However, they are also aware of the costs
of adopting a new tool, as one panelist explained: “People may
acknowledge the benefits of a tool, they will be reluctant to spend
too much time on it before reaping the benefit, as they will want to
be ‘getting things done.’ The cost-benefit trade-off is influenced
by a number of factors, such as the time investment needed,
pragmatism (‘good enough’), and ‘doing the right thing,’ that is,
finding the right tool for a given problem, even if this takes more
time than a manual approach.
Factor 7: Sustainability
Confidence in the development direction and future of a tool or tech-
nique makes it a sustainable choice. Maintainers should incorporate
feedback and enable users to influence the direction of development.
User faith in the development direction and future sustainability
of a tool or technique was also found to be a factor. Developers
want a certain level of confidence that a tool develops in the
‘right’ direction, and that its maintainers incorporate feedback,
allowing users to influence that direction. A lack of such confi-
dence increases the risk of a waste of invested time. Debian con-
tributors tend to seek tools and techniques that will not disappear
or become neglected. While predicting which tools will ‘survive’
is impossible, two key considerations are how well a tool is main-
tained, and the community that has formed around it to maintain
the tool. As one panelist explained: “Since Debian packages
change and software changes and requirements change, the tool
needs to evolve. This requires an active development community.
Tools that aren’t being actively developed end up being more
work to use.”
Maintainers of tools can play an active role in addressing potential
adopters’ needs and perceptions of sustainability. One panelist
recalled his analysis of the entire source archive to identify the
number of packages using debhelper (the tool he was developing)
versus other tools. He explained that, “Improving market share
was mostly a matter of figuring out why people were not using it
and adding the features they needed, and responding to bugs and
feature requests quickly.”
Factor 8: Quality Documentation and Examples
Well-maintained documentation and clear examples are needed for
widespread adoption. Early adopters seek background information
including rationale for the innovation; later adopters seek tutorials.
Examples provide practical starting points.
The availability of quality documentation and examples was also
found to play a significant role in an adoption/rejection decision.
Documentation is a necessity, especially when a tool/technique
diverges far from the current processes, as one participant ex-
plained: “The importance of documentation is directly propor-
tional to the amount of divergence from similar tools or existing
workflow patterns.” Mailing list archives and source code are not
sufficient for widespread adoptiondocumentation needs to be
maintained and must cater for different types of users; early
adopters want background information and care about motivation,
while late adopters tend to seek tutorial-style documentation. High
quality documentation is also a sign of the maturity and stability
of a tool, as one participant explained: “Documenting ideas can
be seen as a sign that they are serious and get stable.”
Factor 9: Trialability and Scalability
New tools and techniques are evaluated in the context of individuals’
own use-cases to determine their worth. Trying out a new tool should
be as easy as possible, since that is one of the best ways to form an
The importance of the ease with which a new tool or technique
can be tried was succinctly illustrated by one panelist: “The first
time I try out a new system, am I able to do anything (even some-
thing silly) with it in the first 10 minutes of using it?” Tools that
require complex configuration or infrastructure to be set up in
order to run have lower trialability; one panelist gave a compara-
tive example: “lintian [a package checker] has great trialability
because you don’t actually have to do anything to test-drive the
tool, you just run it. SVN-buildpackage requires a bit more in-
volvement.” Directly related to trialability is a tool’s scalability.
The idea of scaled use is that one can put a tool or technique to
use with ease for basic tasks, and still continue using the same
approach as the complexity in usage scenarios increases. Some
tools may be easy to use due to simplifications that would inhibit
more complex use-cases.
Over time, people will have established workflows, and adapted
tools to fit those. They may want to improve and evolve those
workflows, rather than replace or revolutionize them. Volunteer
free time is limited and fragmented (e.g., a few hours per day),
and adopting new tools or techniques often requires significant
chunks of time, and thus presents a potential inhibitor to adopting
such new tools or techniques. One participant illustrated this as
follows: “Large monolithic changes to processes tend to take a lot
of time, require a lot of debugging and can be disruptive to a gen-
eral goal of getting things done. [...] It’s much easier to adopt a
tool or technique that can be applied in small chunks or in a self-
contained area, or slowly over time.” In other words, the level to
which a tool facilitates a gradual or evolutionary adoption may be
more appealing than one that would cause a disruption (revolu-
tion) to the existing workflow.
Factor 10: Compatibility and Genericity
Compatibility means that less time will be required for a new tool. The
ability to reuse tools in other contexts will also positively affect adop-
tion. There is a delicate balance between flexibility and usability.
Learning a new tool requires a time investment from developers,
and with limited time available to work on a project, they will be
very selective regarding how they spend their time. Tools that can
be easily learned, or which automate tasks that you are already
doing can be readily adopted; tools that build on known concepts
or are ‘finger-compatible’ are easier to learnthis was thought to
have played a role in Subversion’s adoption rate (replacing CVS).
One panelist emphasized that adopting a new tool will have a
negative, temporary impact on productivity: “Developers will
build up their own arsenal of tools and their accompanying work-
flows, and changing [tools] will cost productivity, so it is im-
portant that the impact of the switch be limited.” Another panelist
agreed, arguing that if a tool is too distinctive that it distorts nor-
mal workflow patterns or requires adjustments to long-established
patterns, the perceived ‘quality’ of the tool will be diminished.
Compatibility is important on the conceptual level as well. One
panelist criticized Git for its vocabulary that is incompatible with
the terminology used in existing version control systems (VCS),
rather than using compatible language shared with existing VCSs.
Related to compatibility is genericity, which refers to the prefer-
ence for tools that are usable in different contexts. Being able to
streamline work by reusing the same (or similar) tool/technique in
different scenarios can play a decisive role in an adopt/reject deci-
sion. Once adopted, generic solutions tend to be reused, as one
participant explained: “People usually have their favorite packag-
ing helpers, patch systems, etc., and when creating a new package
will often reach for the last similar one.” Another panelist also
argued that, “reusability of tools is a major factor in their adop-
tion in Debian, often very much at the expense of elegance.”
Factor 11: Modularity and Transparency
A very fine-grained solution may require code duplication due to the
need to repeat similar sequences of instructions, but has the ad-
vantage that it offers more transparency and understanding of the
various steps. Monolithic solutions on the other hand are less flexible
and transparent. Such a higher level of abstraction leads to loss of
control and makes a tool more difficult to understand.
Different tasks and communities need different levels of abstrac-
tion. We illustrate this point using an example of two widespread
build utilities: debhelper and CDBS. Debhelper is a collection of
scripts in the Unix spirit, each with a well-defined task and a con-
sistent interface [39]. CDBS, which uses debhelper internally,
presents a more abstract interface to the user, and exposes a large
number of options to configure the build process. There was little
agreement among developers about which was better as both tools
have benefits and drawbacks. Participants emphasized a number
of benefits in an abstraction layer such as CDBSless code du-
plication, for example. Another benefit was that CDBS encour-
ages maintainers only to specify the ways in which their packages
deviate from the default behavior. Panelists responsible for large
numbers of packages seemed in favor of higher levels of abstrac-
tion. However, others argued that, “sometimes it’s better and
clearer to explicitly have ‘repeated’ code.” Also, one participant
thought defects within CDBS were more difficult to fix, and
claimed that, “using CDBS means you are ceding control of your
package to the maintainer of that central tool, because routing
around damage becomes substantially more difficult.” Striving
for the ‘right’ level of abstraction involves a compromise between
individual flexibility and regularity across the project.
Factor 12: Maturity
Tools must exhibit a sufficient level of maturity, i.e., they must provide
a reliable base before people will trust and depend on them. This
implies that it should not change in ways that would require users to
re-learn or change their scripts.
Tools or techniques must provide a reliable base before people
will depend on them. A tool/technique must be usable to attract
and sustain followers; it should not change continuously and re-
quire users to relearn or change their scripts, as one panelist ex-
plained: “Implementation maturity is important, i.e., stable inter-
faces and relative freedom from serious bugs over time.” While
the maturity of a tool is important, this does not suggest that tools
should only be introduced when the software is ‘finished,’ as one
participant explained: “Release early as long as the software gets
a simple, yet meaningful, job done: that all gives people a reason
to start using it, and hopefully contribute to its growth.”
The importance of maturity depends on the ‘reach’ of impact that
a tool has within the project. For changes such as those to the
Debian source package format (which would have a very far-
reaching impact), “you need to consider every single aspect.”
Tools that seek to replace existing approaches will be scrutinized
and compared to the current ones, and any problems will become
barriers to adoption, as people can just stick with the status quo.
On the other hand, new approaches that fill niches, or solve prob-
lems that were hitherto not addressed or unknown, instill lower
expectations and requirements. The tolerance to new problems
decreases as tools age, but project members also seem to build up
a group tolerance to existing problems over time, which become
‘well known’ and get documented. Expectations of tools proposed
to address such problems seem to grow, and tools that are not
complete solutions are easily rejected.
Factor 13: Network Effects
Working in teams affects others in their choice of tools. People tend to
be conservative in adopting new tools, which requires high quality
alternatives. Changing tools or workflows affects everyone in a team,
and therefore the larger the team, the more the inertia.
Network effects have become increasingly noticeable within the
Debian project, as the project has shifted more towards team col-
laboration to alleviate the bottlenecks due to the voluntary nature
of package maintainers and increasing package count. It is crucial
to make changes harmoniously with collaborators, and as such,
network effects may slow down adoption of new tools, but also
help to ensure that the quality of tools that are in use remains high.
The need to collaborate can restrict individual developers in their
choice of tools. A community member is free to choose any text
editor, for example, but when it comes to build dependencies
(such as a patch management system), the tool used has to be
compatible with those used by others. This effect slows down
adoption of new tools within teams, even if a new tool constitutes
an improvement. Making the use of a certain tool mandatory
could be possible under certain circumstances (e.g. a small team),
but doing so may alienate other collaborators that may be unwill-
ing to follow suit. One panelist elaborated: “I think the reason for
team conservatism is more that changing a tool or technique in a
team would force the change on all members: the larger the team,
the more the inertia.”
The choice of a tool may also be affected by accessibility factors;
potentially, tools may be adopted which are not ‘the best’ but
which are more accessible to contributors. A conservative adop-
tion strategy as a result of group inertia towards adopting new
tools may result in a selection of ‘better’ tools, as ‘bad’ ones may
not be accepted by a team of collaborators.
Factor 14: Consensus
Achieving consensus is a necessary process in a volunteer-driven
project. Decisions that are made without consulting the community
can be considered cabalistic and their authority questioned.
Pioneering work is necessary, but concrete solutions need to fol-
low from that. It is important to build consensus among experi-
enced people. Too much discussion can, however, cause loss of
focus and hinder change. Debian contributors cannot be forced to
use a particular tool, although tools may be mandated through a
process of standardization (discussed below). Contributors who
use incompatible and non-standard tools will effectively be forced
to bear the cost of a migration in that case. The process of build-
ing consensus is important to prevent increased resistance (dis-
cussed above). There seems to be an expectation for a minimum
level of discussion; if a decision is made without giving everyone
a chance to participate in the lead-up discussion, it may be consid-
ered ‘cabalistic’ and a decision’s authority may be questioned.
Debian prides itself on its openness, and non-public discussions
are frowned upon. However, private discussions (among a small
group of people) may be useful to anticipate disagreement when
preparing controversial proposals (i.e. a new tool or technique that
will have a significant impact on the status quo). The ease with
which consensus can be achieved depends on the level of contro-
versy that a new tool may introduce; non-controversial changes
may be adopted readily, but the amount of discussion increases
for topics that will have broad implications for the project.
Factor 15: Standards and Uniformity
Standards evolve from practice and should define interfaces, not
processes or tools. Uniformity reduces complexity across the project,
which enables progress as approaches are streamlined.
A number of sources of standards exist in the Debian project in
both explicit and implicit form. The most important explicit
sources are the Debian Policy and the Developer’s Reference [3].
The Debian Policy is a binding document describing rules to
which packages must abide to be included in the Debian System.
The Developer’s Reference is a collection of responsibilities and
best practices for developers. Furthermore, there are several un-
written rules or best practices; for example, the use of certain
outdated tools (yada, dbs) should be avoided. Many best practices
have not been formalized, either because consensus (discussed
above) has not been reached, or nobody has taken initiative to-
wards that end. One panelist clarified that, “Debian has a strong
culture around the idea [that] ‘we’re all volunteers and so no-one
can tell another volunteer how they should do something.’ As a
result, policy can only describe current practice, not lead it.”
Another panelist added that, “dictating through the [Debian]
policy is a very good way to make people mad at it.”
Standards and uniformity should be sought at the righ level, i.e., at
the level of interfaces, rather than specific tools. This allows peo-
ple to use different tools, while adhering to a standard interface.
One panelist used the following example: “Having all packages
of a team in the same Subversion repository doesn’t mean I must
use the SVN tool myself. Yay for git-svn.” (Git-svn is a tool that
allows bridging between SVN and Git repositories.) Another pan-
elist argued: “In the end it does not matter whether you prefer Git
or Subversion, CDBS or debhelper, because what we want is a
Debian package which fits nicely in with the rest.”
Consistency across the project as a whole can motivate change. A
good reason for adoption of a tool can be the desire to re-align
outlying factions, i.e., teams who are doing things differently. One
panelist commented that, “While diversity is good to let many
techniques compete, there’s a time when they have matured where
that diversity hurts more than anything else.”
Uniformity may also be triggered by critical events, such as the
‘OpenSSL debacle,’ which refers to a Debian-only patch to the
OpenSSL package causing its cryptographic key to be predictable
[26]. While this incident cannot be reduced to a lack of uniformi-
ty, some argued that the problem could have been prevented if
there had been a uniform, canonical resource to track divergence
between Debian and upstream software. The discussion that fol-
lowed resulted in improved guidelines for patch management as
well as a project-wide patch tracker.
5.1 A Model for Innovation in FOSS Projects
The 15 factors that resulted from the Delphi study each play a role
in the “cycle of innovation” in open source projects. Based on
well known and widely used models of innovation adoption (e.g.
[25, 41]), we suggest a multi-stage model for innovations in FOSS
projects. The model is shown in Fig. 3 and consists of seven stag-
es numbered A to G, which are discussed in more detail below. It
is important to note that the factors’ influence is not restricted to
any particular stage—rather, each stage has a primary focus in
which certain factors are more prevalent than others.
5.1.1 Stage A. Knowledge
Stage A, “Knowledge,” refers to the idea that knowledge about
new tools needs to spread before these tools can be adopted. Dif-
fusion of knowledge happens through a number of channels, and
several factors affect the spreading of knowledge. The first three
factors, sedimentation (representing the time factor) marketing
(pro-active advertising) and ‘peercolation’ (opinions of respected
peers) are key in this first stage.
5.1.2 Stage B. Individual Persuasion
In the second stage, potential individual adopters form an opinion
about an innovation before they decide to adoptthis separation
between persuasion and decision follows Rogers’ innovation-
decision process [41]. Several factors play a role in this stage.
Making a good first impression is important, as well as an indi-
vidual’s opinion regarding a new tool’s elegance. Resistance
must be overcome, and finally an individual must be convinced of
the new tool’s sustainability. This stage is concerned with form-
ing a favorable (or unfavorable) attitude.
5.1.3 Stage C. Individual Decision
If a potential individual adopter has formed a favorable opinion
about a new tool to the extent that it has become a candidate for
adoption, some practical factors come into play. Based on quality
documentation and examples, an individual may start to gauge
how the new tool can be used. The ease with which the tool can
be tried out (trialability) and scaled up (scalability) will affect
this decision. Furthermore, an important consideration in the deci-
sion stage is also whether or not the tool is compatible with the
current workflow, and whether or not the tool is sufficiently ge-
neric that it can be used in other contextsi.e. the time invest-
ment made for converting may be well worth it.
1. Sedimentation
2. Marketing
3. Peercolation
4. First Impression
5. Elegance
6. Resistance
7. Sustainability
8. Quality documentation & Examples
9. Trialability & Scalability
10. Compatibility & Genericity
11. Modularity & Transparency
12. Maturity
13. Network effects
14. Consensus
15. Standards & Uniformity
Figure 3. Multi-stage model for innovations in open source
5.1.4 Stage D. Individual Implementation
Once a decision is made, an individual adopter may start imple-
mentation. It is important to note that this stage may still be abort-
edimplementation here does not imply successful adoption, but
merely that efforts are made to start using the tool in practice. Of
particular importance in this stage are the modularity and trans-
parency of the tool, as these directly affect an adopter’s under-
standing of the level of precision that can be achieved to automate
the task that the tool aims to enable.
5.1.5 Stage E. Organizational Adaptation
Organizational adaptation is the next stage. In the case of a FOSS
project the organization should be interpreted as the community.
This stage starts after a considerable number of individuals have
adopted an innovation. Knowledge of the innovation will have
spread through the community and individual adoptions will con-
verge, and the community will extend, re-invent or combine
(adapt) innovations in a shape that works best for the community
as a whole. In this stage, the maturity of an innovation becomes
importantindividuals may have different thresholds for accept-
ing flaws, but for a community to accept an innovation it must
exhibit a sufficient level of maturity. Also, in this stage network
effects come into play, as a successful adoption of an innovation
depends on community-wide acceptance.
5.1.6 Stage F. Organizational Acceptance
After organizational adaptation, the next stage is organizational
acceptance. Once consensus has been achieved regarding the use
of an innovation, this stage is completed. However, in the context
of innovation adoption theory, acceptance is not the conclusive
stage; it merely confirms that organizational members (or in our
case, community members) are induced to commit to the innova-
tion's usage. A further stage is necessary.
5.1.7 Stage G. Organizational Incorporation
Kwon and Zmud [25] stated that “the innovation becomes embed-
ded within an organization’s routine and when the innovation is
being applied to its full potential within an organization.” Thus,
Incorporation is achieved when routinization occurs, that is usage
of the technology application is encouraged as a normal activity,
and also when infusion has been reachedincreased organiza-
tional effectiveness is obtained by using the innovation. Explicit
routinization happens through defining a policy or best practice in
a standards document, but de facto standards are often sufficient
to be considered routine without such definition. The stage organ-
izational incorporation is considered to be achieved when an in-
novation has been promoted as a standard. Uniformity is a final
factor at play in the decision to adopt a certain tool or technique.
Uniformity reduces complexity and increases consistency across
the project.
5.2 Threats to Validity
Several researchers have argued that trustworthiness is a more
appropriate way to judge the validity of qualitative research such
as this study. We adopt Guba’s criteria [17] to evaluate natural-
istic inquiries to differentiate them from quantitative studies
which typically consider validity types such as internal and exter-
nal validity. These criteria are credibility, transferability, depend-
ability, and confirmability.
Credibility. We believe the identified factors are all plausible,
and our confidence is strengthened by the fact that all factors were
identified through a longitudinal process of several months in-
volving 21 experts. This means that the factors have been dis-
cussed at great length; none of the panelists indicated that any of
the factors should not be included. Furthermore, the Delphi study
included a specific phase in which the expert panel was asked for
specific instances, thus bringing the factors to life. Thus, we be-
lieve the Delphi process itself, having taken several iterations, has
contributed to the credibility of the findings.
Transferability. This study focused specifically on the Debian
Project, one of the largest FOSS projects comprising tens of thou-
sands of packages. Some of the factors might be of less im-
portance in smaller projects. Most FOSS projects are significantly
smaller, even when excluding those projects with only a single
contributor. Nevertheless, even smaller projects should consider
network effects and consensus, and technical considerations such
as elegance are always desirable characteristics. We observe that
none of the factors are tied specifically to the Debian Project, and
as such we believe these factors can apply to all volunteer-driven
projects. We argue that those projects with significant company
involvement, and thus with stakeholders that have significant
influence to ‘push’ changes, can also benefit from being cognizant
of these factors.
Dependability. In our study, the Delphi panel consisted of 21
carefully selected participants through a stratified purposeful
sampling strategy. We identified panelists across a number of
‘dimensions’ so as to include people with a wide variety of in-
sights and opinions, as is desirable for Delphi studies. Further-
more, the research process itself is completely recorded, thus es-
tablishing an audit trail of intermediate research artifacts. This
facilitates full traceability of findings back to the original input
from panelists.
Confirmability. In selecting the panelists, we took great care in
selecting members with whom we had no prior interaction, which
was of particular importance given the lead author’s role within
the Debian community. Another tactic is that of member checking,
which is inherently built into the multi-phased Delphi process. As
insights and opinions were recorded, they were analyzed, re-
phrased and summarized and presented back to the panelists.
5.3 Conclusion
We observed a tension between, on the one hand, the availability
of efficient tools and techniques that could help large projects
such as Debian scale better, and the slow adoption of these tools
and techniques on the other hand. The underpinning challenge lies
in the voluntary nature of FOSS projects and the lack of authori-
tarian decision-making structures to enforce those changes.
This study investigated which factors influence the Debian pack-
age maintainers’ decision to adopt new tools or techniques. Using
a policy Delphi study conducted over the course of several months
involving a panel of 21 carefully selected participants, we distilled
15 factors that affect the decision to use tools and techniques in an
FOSS context. These were subsequently organized in a seven-
stage model for innovation in open source projects.
The contribution of this paper is twofold. The first contribution is
insight into the various factors that affect decisions to adopt novel
tools and techniques by FOSS developers in the Debian project.
While there have been several studies of the Debian project, to the
best of our knowledge this is the first study investigating the
adoption of tools and techniques used in the Debian project spe-
cifically, and in FOSS projects more generally. As pointed out in
Sec. 1, very few studies have addressed this issue.
The second contribution is methodological, through its demonstra-
tion of the viability and use of the policy Delphi method to study a
contemporary phenomenon in software engineering research in
general, and FOSS in particular. The Delphi method has seen very
little use in the software engineering discipline, but it offers a very
rigorous approach to conducting field research which has built-in
mechanisms such as member checking which help to assess the
validity of the findings. Very little research has focused on adop-
tion and diffusion within FOSS communities (as opposed to re-
search on adoption of FOSS products by end-users and organiza-
tions). Therefore, we believe this qualitative study focusing on a
FOSS project contributes an alternative approach to this area.
This work was supported, in part, by Science Foundation Ireland
grant 13/RC/2094 to Lero; the Irish Research Council New Foun-
dations 2014; and Enterprise Ireland IR/2013/0021 to SCALARE.
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... This is particularly important in the context of new and emerging technologies, such as APR. Krafft et al. note that 'for new technologies to be accepted, awareness of such technologies must grow and the benefits they offer must be clear, but this process can take a significant amount of time' [26]. For this process to be eased and quickened, it is important to understand developers' instinctive responses to APR, as it can help developers of APR tools consider how they present their tools to developers and increase acceptance of these tools. ...
... For this process to be eased and quickened, it is important to understand developers' instinctive responses to APR, as it can help developers of APR tools consider how they present their tools to developers and increase acceptance of these tools. Given that APR is currently in an early phase of its development, with low developer awareness and low industry uptake (companies like Facebook [22] and Bloomberg [21] excepting), it is important to understand the current attitudinal baseline, levels of 'dispositional trust' [25], and what Krafft et al. term 'first impressions' [26]. Our approach also has similarities with the well-established Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which uses constructs related to two key measures ('perceived usefulness' and 'perceived ease of use') to predict acceptance and usage of a tool [27]. ...
... The notions of 'dispositional trust' [25] or 'first impressions' [26] suggest more instinctive, intuitive and emotive responses. This is again appropriate for the study of attitudes towards an emerging technology, since much research suggests that people's attitudes towards emerging technologies are more emotional than cognitive. ...
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Automatic program repair (APR) is a rapidly advancing field of software engineering that aims to supplement or replace manual bug fixing with an automated tool. For APR to be successfully adopted in industry, it is vital that APR tools respond to developer needs and preferences. However, very little research has considered developers' general attitudes to APR or developers' current bug fixing practices (the activity APR aims to replace). This paper responds to this gap by reporting on a survey of 386 software developers about their bug finding and fixing practices and experiences, and their instinctive attitudes towards APR. We find that bug finding and fixing is not necessarily as onerous for developers as has often been suggested, being rated as more satisfying than developers' general work. The fact that developers derive satisfaction and benefit from bug fixing indicates that APR adoption is not as simple as APR replacing an unwanted activity. When it comes to potential APR approaches, we find a strong preference for developers being kept in the loop (for example, choosing between different fixes or validating fixes) as opposed to a fully automated process. This suggests that advances in APR should be careful to consider the agency of the developer, as well as what information is presented to developers alongside fixes. It also indicates that there are key barriers related to trust that would need to be overcome for full scale APR adoption, supported by the fact that even those developers who stated that they were positive about APR listed several caveats and concerns. We find very few statistically significant relationships between particular demographic variables (for example, developer experience, age, education) and key attitudinal variables, suggesting that developers' instinctive attitudes towards APR are little influenced by experience level but are held widely across the developer community.
... Generally speaking, empirical software engineering is developing new research designs according to its research questions, which may cross the threshold of traditional borders of the discipline due to the pervasiveness of software [34,33]. The Delphi method is becoming a popular tool in the software engineering discipline [73], even though it is still not well known. On the other hand, Likert-based surveys are a popular quantitative research method in information systems [30]. ...
... The Delphi method has proven to be a popular tool in Software Engineering [73] and, more generally, in Information Systems research [25,115,60,90,115]. It allows for capitalizing on the experiences of the expert panel in identifying key issues of software developers and identifying the most important factors by continuous feedback. ...
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Information Systems Quality (ISQ) is a critical source of competitive advantages for organizations. In a scenario of increasing competition on digital services, ISQ is a competitive differentiation asset. In this regard, managing, maintaining, and evolving IT infrastructures have become a primary concern of organizations. Thus, a technical perspective on ISQ provides useful guidance to meet current challenges. The financial sector is paradigmatic, since it is a traditional business, with highly complex business-critical legacy systems, facing a tremendous change due to market and regulation drivers. We carried out a Mixed-Methods study, performing a Delphi-like study on the financial sector. We developed a specific research framework to pursue this vertical study. Data were collected in four phases starting with a high-level randomly stratified panel of 13 senior managers and then a target panel of 124 carefully selected and well-informed domain experts. We have identified and dealt with several quality factors; they were discussed in a comprehensive model inspired by the ISO 25010, 42010, and 12207 standards, corresponding to software quality, software architecture, and software process, respectively. Our results suggest that the relationship among quality, architecture, and process is a valuable technical perspective to explain the quality of an information system. Thus, we introduce and illustrate a novel meta-model, named SQuAP (Software Quality, Architecture, Process), which is intended to give a comprehensive picture of ISQ by abstracting and connecting detailed individual ISO models.
... Traditionally, empirical research in software engineering has been characterized by a strong emphasis on quantitative and experimental research [12,102,155,206]. However, more recently, a broader range of approaches have been applied, including qualitative approaches such as grounded theory studies [202], ethnographies [179], and Delphi studies [105]. ...
... While the term "survey" might suggest the qualitative survey falls within the sample study strategy, the ABC framework makes clear that its position may vary depending on the goal. A qualitative survey may be classified as a judgment study, in particular when a researcher wishes to explore diversity of opinions or responses based on a given stimulus (akin to a Policy Delphi study [105]). Alternatively, as Jansen points out, a qualitative survey could be part of a Grounded Theory study [82]. ...
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A variety of research methods and techniques are available to SE researchers, and while several overviews exist, there is neither consistency in the research methods covered nor in the terminology used. Furthermore, research is sometimes critically reviewed for characteristics inherent to the methods. We adopt a taxonomy from the social sciences, termed here the ABC framework for SE research, which offers a holistic view of eight archetypal research strategies. ABC refers to the research goal which strives for generalizability over Actors (A), precise measurement of their Behavior (B), in a realistic Context (C). The ABC framework uses two dimensions widely considered to be key in research design: the level of obtrusiveness of the research, and generalizability of research findings. We discuss metaphors for each strategy and their inherent limitations and potential strengths. We illustrate these research strategies in two key SE domains: global software engineering and requirements engineering, and apply the framework on a sample of 75 articles. Finally, we discuss six ways in which the framework can advance SE research.
... Generally speaking, empirical software engineering is developing new research designs according to its research questions, which may cross the threshold of traditional borders of the discipline due to the pervasiveness of software [34], [33]. The Delphi method is becoming a popular tool in the software engineering discipline [73], even though it is still not well-known. On the other hands, Likert-based surveys are a popular quantitative research method in information systems [30]. ...
... The Delphi method has proven to be a popular tool in Software Engineering [73] and more in general in Information Systems research [25], [115], [60], [90], [115]. It allows to capitalize the experiences of the expert panel in identifying key issues of software developers, identifying the most important factors by continuous feedbacks. ...
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Information Systems Quality (ISQ) is a critical source of competitive advantages for organizations. In a scenario of increasing competition on digital services, ISQ is a competitive differentiation asset. In this regard, managing, maintaining, and evolving IT infrastructures has become a primary concern of organizations. Thus, a technical perspective on ISQ provides a useful guidance to meet current challenges. The financial sector is paradigmatic, since it is a traditional business, with highly complex business--critical legacy systems, facing a tremendous change due to market and regulation drivers. We carried out a Mixed-Methods study, performing a Delphi-like study on the financial sector. We developed a specific research framework to pursue this vertical study. Data were collected in four phases starting with a high level randomly stratified panel of 13 senior managers and then a target-panel of 124 carefully selected and well-informed domain experts. We have identified and dealt several quality factors; they were discussed in a comprehensive model inspired by the ISO 25010, 42010, and 12207 standards, corresponding to software quality, software architecture, and software process, respectively. Our results suggest that the relationship among quality, architecture, and process is a valuable technical perspective to explain the quality of an information system. Thus, we introduce and illustrate a novel meta-model, named SQuAP (Software Quality, Architecture, Process), which is intended to give a comprehensive picture of ISQ by abstracting and connecting detailed individual ISO models.
... Generally speaking, empirical software engineering is developing new research designs according to its research questions, which may cross the threshold of traditional borders of the discipline due to the pervasiveness of software [10], [11]. The Delphi method is becoming a popular tool in the software engineering discipline [12], even though it is still not well known. On the other hands, Likert-based surveys are a popular quantitative research method in software engineering [13]. ...
... The Delphi method has proven a popular tool in Software Engineering [12] and more in general in information systems research [14], [15]. It allows to capitalize the experiences of the expert panel in identifying key risk concerns in the IT banking sector, identifying the most important factors by continuous feedbacks. ...
... The study by Krafft et al. [9] identified a set of 15 factors that influence tools adoption by open-source developers: sedimentation, marketing, 'peercolation', first impressions, elegance, resistance, sustainability, quality documentation and examples, trialability and scalability, compatibility and genericity, modularity and transparency, maturity, network effects, consensus, and standards and uniformity. Albeit not directly related to language-specific package managers, these factors are likely to be relevant in this context as well. ...
Conference Paper
The use of package managers is commonplace for software developers working with programming languages such as Ruby, Python, and JavaScript. This is not the case for C++ developers, which present a low adoption rate of package managers. The goal of this study is to understand what is preventing C++ developers from adopting package managers in the context of open-source software (OSS) projects. In order to achieve this goal, we performed a questionnaire survey with 343 developers from 42 OSS projects. The survey participants answered a questionnaire with 29 questions. After the analysis of the collected data, we could conclude that most participants are not reluctant to use C++ package managers and that Open-Source licensing, High Availability of Libraries, Good Documentation, and Ease of Configuration can be considered crucial factors for the successful adoption of C++ dependency management via language-specific package managers.
... The 10th Annual Future of Open Source Survey [2] showed that 65% of the surveyed companies leverage FOSS to speed up application development, and 55% leverage FOSS for production infrastructure. On the other hand, the movement has introduced new challenges [3][4][5][6][7], especially in relation to openness and the innovative nature of this development model. ...
... It was assumed that consensus would be reached with a 20-member panel. This sample size is based on similar studies using the Delphi technique and three rounds of questionnaires (Clibbens, Walters, & Baird, 2012;Krafft, Stol, & Fitzgerald, 2016;Oostendorp, Durand, Lloyd, & Elwyn, 2015). A special emphasis was made when considering care teams regarding the apparent level of commitment to the research by the physician. ...
We draw on the concept of episodic volunteering (EV) from the general volunteering literature to identify practices for managing EV in free/libre/open source software (FLOSS) communities. Infrequent but ongoing participation is widespread, but the practices that community managers are using to manage EV, and their concerns about EV, have not been previously documented. We conducted a policy Delphi study involving 24 FLOSS community managers from 22 different communities. Our panel identified 16 concerns related to managing EV in FLOSS, which we ranked by prevalence. We also describe 65 practices for managing EV in FLOSS. Almost three-quarters of these practices are used by at least three community managers. We report these practices using a systematic presentation that includes context, relationships between practices, and concerns that they address. These findings provide a coherent framework that can help FLOSS community managers to better manage episodic contributors.
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Purpose This paper's aim is to critically review the use of Delphi techniques in qualitative research for utilising “expert” opinions and to explore through a detailed example how Policy Delphi can be used by hospitality researchers as an alternative to the more widely used Normative Delphi. Design/methodology/approach The paper reflects on the research methodology of a project that explored organisational crisis signals detection using Policy Delphi with a criterion sample comprising 16 senior hotel executives involved in crisis management. Findings The main methodological concerns regarding Delphi are the definition of consensus, the expertise of the panel, its lack of scientific rigour, and – due to its lack of uniformity – reliability and validity of findings. Policy Delphi by default addresses the first since it does not seek consensus and can, through its design and execution, address the remaining concerns. Research limitations/implications Carefully designed Policy Delphi can offer a powerful research tool for exploratory research in hospitality, particularly for development of policies and strategies within an organisation. Unlike Normative Delphi, it is not intended as a decision making tool, but rather as a tool to generate options and suggest alternative courses of action for consideration. Originality/value The paper presents a valuable research tool that has evaded the attention of many hospitality researchers offering an illustrative example of its use in exploratory research to deliver credible, transferable and confirmable findings.
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This is a BOOK on the Delphi Method published in the early 70's. It is very basic and the first two chapters are a necessary introduction. The first chapter explains the method and the second gives the influences of different philosophies of truth on how they impact the design of a Delphi. Even different sciences have different types of concepts for what is truth in that scientific field. Many applications of Delphi require using experts in numerous sciences to understand the totality of problem being examined. the online access to the delphi method book allows the user to download separate chapters or separate papers in a chapter.
A rich case-study analysis of open source software adoption by public organizations in different countries and settings. Government agencies and public organizations often consider adopting open source software (OSS) for reasons of transparency, cost, citizen access, and greater efficiency in communication and delivering services. Adopting Open Source Software offers five richly detailed real-world case studies of OSS adoption by public organizations. The authors analyze the cases and develop an overarching, conceptual framework to clarify the various enablers and inhibitors of OSS adoption in the public sector. The book provides a useful resource for policymakers, practitioners, and academics. The five cases of OSS adoption include a hospital in Ireland; an IT consortium serving all the municipalities of the province of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy; schools and public offices in the Extremadura region of Spain; the Massachusetts state government's open standards policy in the United States; and the ICT department of the Italian Chamber of Deputies. The book provides a comparative analysis of these cases around the issues of motivation, strategies, technologies, economic and social aspects, and the implications for theory and practice.
The Delphi Technique in Nursing and Health Research is a practical guide to using the Delphi methodology for students and researchers in nursing and health. It adopts a logical step-by-step approach, introducing the researcher to the Delphi, outlining its development, analysing key characteristics and parameters for its successful use and exploring its applications in nursing and health. The book addresses issues of methodology, design, framing the research question, sampling, instrumentation, methodological rigour, reliability and validity, and methods of data analysis. The Delphi Technique in Nursing and Health Research enables the reader to be aware of the limitations of the technique and possible solutions, to design a Delphi questionnaire for each of the different rounds of a study, to consider different approaches to the technique in relation to a study, to analyse the data from each round of a Delphi study, and to understand the importance of feedback between rounds. Key Features. A practical guide to facilitate use of the Delphi technique. Provides the reader with the necessary information to participate in and conduct Delphi studies. Examines different types of Delphi, including the e-Delphi, and modifications made to the technique. Includes examples of real empirical investigations, brief case scenarios and key learning points for each chapter. Explores the role of the Delphi researcher. Explores ethical issues and issues of anonymity, use of experts and controlled feedback.
I anatomize a successful open-source project, fetchmail, that was run as a deliberate test of some surprising theories about software engineering suggested by the history of Linux. I discuss these theories in terms of two fundamentally different development styles, the "cathedral" model of most of the commercial world versus the "bazaar" model of the Linux world. I show that these models derive from opposing assumptions about the nature of the software-debugging task. I then make a sustained argument from the Linux experience for the proposition that "Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow", suggest productive analogies with other self-correcting systems of selfish agents, and conclude with some exploration of the implications of this insight for the future of software.
This paper gives an account of an experiment in the use of the so-called DELPHI method, which was devised in order to obtain the most reliable opinion consensus of a group of experts by subjecting them to a series of questionnaires in depth interspersed with controlled opinion feedback.
This article highlights tool integration within software engineering environments. Tool integration concerns the techniques used to form coalitions of tools that provide an environment supporting some, or all, activities within a software engineering process. These techniques have been used to create environments that attempt to address aspects of software development, with varying success. This article provides a timely analysis and review of many of the significant projects in the field and, combined with evidence collected from industry, concludes by proposing an empirical manifesto for future research, where we see the need for work to justify tool integration efforts in terms of relevant socio-economic indicators.