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Analysis of Direction of Arrival Techniques Using Uniform Linear Array



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AbstractThe performance of smart antennas relies heavily
on the accurate estimation of the direction of arrival (DOA).
This paper analyzed various techniques for DOA estimation
and investigated their performance. Simulation results showed
that MUSIC algorithm outperforms in terms of root mean
square error (RMSE), angular resolution and the number of
elements in an antenna array. Profound analysis of these
algorithms can be used to determine the direction of arrival of
the signals at uniform linear array (ULA).
Index TermsConventional beamforming, DOA, MUSIC,
Using smart antennas is one of the most promising
technologies that can increase the capacity in wireless
networks by effectively reducing multipath and co-channel
interference. Two major issues are concerned with the smart
antenna - DOA estimation and the beamforming [1]. The
accurate estimation of the DOA of all signals transmitted to
the adaptive array antenna contributes to the maximization of
its performance with respect to recovering the signal- of-
interest (SOI) and suppressing any presence of interfering
signals. The beamforming technique also ensures less
interference to the system and thus increasing the
The DOA algorithms can be categorized into two groups:
the conventional algorithm (Conventional Beamforming
method, MVDR Beamforming) and the subspace algorithm
(MUSIC). The conventional (Barlett) beamformer dates
back to the second world-war, and is a mere application of
Fourier-based spectral analysis to spatio-temporally sampled
data. However, this technique works well with only one
incoming signal. To overcome this problem, in 1969, the
Capon‟s beamforming technique (Minimum Variance
Algorithm) was proposed in which the array output power
contains signal contributions from the desired angle as well
as the undesired angles. The introduction of subspace based
estimation techniques marked the beginning of a new era in
the sensor array signal processing literature [2]. The Music
(Multiple Signal Classification) algorithm proposed by
Schmidt in 1986, is a very popular subspace- based method
for super-resolution direction finding [3].In this paper, a
detailed study of different DOA algorithms has been
provided and observed that MUSIC algorithm, has the least
RMSE as a function of snapshots compared to the other
mentioned algorithms, according to our simulation results.
The system consists of Uniform Linear Array (ULA) with
M number of antenna elements that are spaced linearly with
equal distance.
Fig. 1. System model for DOA estimation using a uniform linear array of M
The elements of ULA collect signals form a remote source,
i. The spacing between the lines of elements, , is restricted to
half wavelength of received signals. Suppose that a plane
wave signal generated by the source i impinges on the array
at an angle and the signal generated by the source i is the
narrowband signal,(). Then it travels at a speed of c over a
distance and reaches the first rightmost elements. If we
consider all the signals generated by all the d sources, ,
1i d, , the total signal and noises received by the mth array
element at time t can be expressed as:
= (1)
=1 + ,= 1 (1)
This equation can be written as:
= 1,(2) () 1()
()+ ()
=+ () (2)
= [1 2 ()] (3)
is the data column vector received by the array,
= [1 2 ()] (4)
is the signal column vector generated by the sources,
= [ 2 ()] (5)
Analysis of Direction of Arrival Techniques Using
Uniform Linear Array
S. N. Bhuiya, F. Islam, and M. A. Matin
Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 6, December 2012
Manuscript received August 2, 2012; revised September 30,2012.
The authors are with the Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh (e-mail:
is a zero mean spatially uncorrelated additive noises with
covariance matrix equal to
2. The array steering column
vector is defined as:
= [1 2 (1)] (6)
The columns of × steering matrix
= (1) () ()
= 1 1 1
12 
  
(1)1(1)2 (1) (7)
where, = 2
sin , is called spatial frequency for
the ith source that generates the signals of incident angle, .
The idea is to „steer‟ the array in one direction at a time and
measure the output power. The steering direction which
coincides with the DOA of a signal and result in a maximum
output power yields the DOA estimates. According to [3] an
array can be steered electronically just as a fixed antenna can
be steered mechanically. However, the array pattern can
change shape in addition to changing orientation. A weight
vector w can be designed and then used to linearly combine
the data received by the array elements to form a single
output signal Y(t),
= () (8)
The total averaged output power out of an array over K
snapshots can be expressed as [2]
 ()2
=1 =1
=1 ( )()
=  (9)
A. Classical Beamformer
The classical or conventional beamformer method is also
referred to as the delay and sum method or Barlett method.
Suppose an ULA consists of M number of elements, where
A(θ) is defined as the steering vector with a scanning angle θ.
The idea is to scan across the angular region of interest,
where weight vector,
= () (10)
Inserting this equation of the weight vector into equation
(9), we can calculate the output power of the classical
beamformer as a function of the angle of arrival-
 () == (11)
The direction that produces the largest output power is the
estimate of the desired signal‟s direction. [3],[4]
B. Minimum Variance Distortionless Response
MVDR is also known as the Capon‟s Minimum Variance
method [5]. This method was proposed to overcome the poor
resolution problem associated with the delay-and-sum
method [6], [7]. It uses the array weights which are obtained
by minimizing the mean output power with the constraint that
the gain remains unity in the look direction, θ of the SOI.
The optimized weight vector is given by
1() (12)
This gives the expression for the MVDR Spatial Spectrum-
1() (13)
The angle θ in spectrum corresponding to the peak value
gives the true DOA estimation.
C. Multiple Signal Classification Algorithms
Music is a high resolution subspace DOA algorithm, which
stands for multiple signal classification. An estimate  of
the covariance matrix is obtained and its eigenvectors are
separated into signal and noise subspace and the DOA is
estimated from one of these subspaces. It is assumed that the
noise in each channel is uncorrelated. This leads to a diagonal
covariance matrix.
 =()+ 2 (14)
where, = [1,2,3,] is a ×
array steering matrix. σ² is the noise variance and I is an
identity matrix of size ×
 =()+ 2=  (15)
with Q unitary and a diagonal matrix ={1,2,,} ,
of real eigenvalue ordered as 120.The
vector that is orthogonal to A is the eigenvector of R having
the eigenvalue σ² [8].
The number of such linearly independent vectors are L M.
Now, the rest of the eigenvalues are greater than σ², we can
divide the eigenvalue and corresponding vector pairs into the
noise and signal eigenvectors.
Now we can write it as follows-
 =+ (16)
where, =2. All noise eigenvectors are orthogonal to A.
Therefore the columns of should span the range space of A
while the columns of span its orthogonal complement.
The signal and noise subspaces projection operators are
defined as -
==()1 (17)
== 1 ()1 (18)
MUSIC “Spatial Spectrum” is defined as [9], [10]
()() (19)
The classical, MVDR and MUSIC techniques for DOA
estimations are simulated in MATLAB and their
performances are demonstrated in terms of the number of
elements, root mean square error as a function of snapshots
and angular resolution.
The number of elements, M, is an important parameter that
impacts on the accuracy of the DOA estimation done by three
algorithms. Here, the simulation has been carried out for two
different cases: M=10 and M=50 for two differentsignals
arriving at -5M and 5M.
Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 6, December 2012
Fig. 2. DOA estimation analysis for varying number of elements for: (a)
M=10 and (b) M= 50.
The simulated results show that increasing number of
elements improves the performance of all three algorithms.
However, increasing the number of elements leads to an
increase in number of receivers as well as the storage
capacity for the data. For less number of elements, only
MUSIC algorithm gives the expected result.
Next, RMSE parameter has been used to measure the
performance of the above three kinds of algorithms as a
function of varying number of snapshots and it can be defined
as- = 1
=1 (20)
where K is the total number of snapshots, is the true
angle and is the angle estimated by the algorithm. For
different values of K we get different values of RMSE.
Fig. 3. RMSE for three different algorithms as a function of snapshots, for
The Fig depicts that as the number of snapshots increases,
the resolution capability of the three algorithms increases.
However, for all values of K, the MUSIC algorithm shows
the least RMSE compared to the conventional
algorithms-Classical and MVDR methods. This clearly
indicates that the MUSIC algorithm provides the closest
estimate of the true angle and therefore results in the lowest
RMSE for different number of snapshots.
Finally, we analysis have done based on the resolution
capability of the DOA estimation techniques considering two
close signals arriving from θ=0M and θ=2M when the number
of elements is 50 and the number of snapshots is 1000.
Fig. 4. DOA estimation analysis for angular resolution.
The comparison shown in Fig. 4, tells that the MUSIC
algorithm has better angular resolution than MVDR which
requires an additional matrix inversion. It can distinguish two
received signals which are at least 2M apart whereas Classical
cannot. Appendix
Symbol Meaning
M Number of elements
() Signal from the ith source
Incident angle of signal
d Number of sources
Total signal & noises received by mth array
Spatial Frequency
() Noise signal
A Steering Matrix
Steering vector
Output signal
w Weight vector
Hermitian of weight vector
Total average output power
K Number of snapshots
 Covariance matrix
 () Spatial spectrum of classical algorithm
 Spatial spectrum of MVDR algorithm
Spatial spectrum of MUSIC algorithm
2 Noise variance
Identity matrix of size ×
Signal subspace
Noise subspace
In this paper, a detail analysis of previous algorithms used
to determine the direction of arrival of the signals at ULA is
presented. Simulations have been performed to evaluate the
performance of the classical, MVDR, MUSIC algorithms. It
was observed that although increasing the number of
elements improved the performance of the three algorithms,
MUSIC algorithm gives the expected result with fewer
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
Angle in degrees
Normalized spectrum
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
Angle in degrees
Normalized spectrum
0500 1000
Number of snapshots
0500 1000
Number of snapshots
0500 1000
Number of snapshots
RMSE for Classical
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
Angle in degrees
Normalized spectrum
Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 6, December 2012
numbers of elements. This results in an advantage of
requiring less number of receivers and storage capacity at the
array. These results further show that classical and MVDR
algorithms offer less computational complexity. On the other
hand, the MUSIC algorithm provides the most accurate DOA
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[2] H. Krim and M. Viberg, “Two decades of array signal processing
research,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 67,
July 1996.
[3] Z. Chen, G. Gokeda, and Y. Yu, Introduction to Direction-of-Arrival
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[4] L. C. Godara, “Application of antenna arrays to mobile
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[5] J. Capon, High resolution frequency-wave number spectrum analysis,
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[9] R. O. Schmidt, “Multiple emitter location and signal parameter
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Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 6, December 2012
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... The different antennas collect signals from a propagating wave source at a different time due to the spacing of the antenna array. Assuming the incoming signal is narrowband, the delay of arrival can be defined as phase shift [3]. ...
... The second input element to be calculated is the steering matrix, which represents expected phase relations for the specific incident angles m [3]. The steering vectors are based on interelement spacing d and expected incident angles (θ). ...
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... b) Minimum Variance Distortionless Response (MVDR) beamformer: MVDR [20] or also known as Capon algorithm is used for DoA estimation. Capon beamformer is an enhanced version of the Bartlett method [20]. ...
... b) Minimum Variance Distortionless Response (MVDR) beamformer: MVDR [20] or also known as Capon algorithm is used for DoA estimation. Capon beamformer is an enhanced version of the Bartlett method [20]. For targets that are close to each other, Capon provides more precise peaks than Bartlett algorithm. ...
... Therefore many researchers are constantly studying this algorithm for DOAs estimation of coherent signals [6]. In [7], the MUSIC, M VD R are studied and compared their performance with conventional beamforming. However, there are many DOAs estimation techniques were not included in the study. ...
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The objective of this paper is to present the performance of Direction of Arrival(DoA) estimation algorithms for underwater sound source localization using an acoustic Vector Sensor Array (VSA) that is developed by the National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai. Algorithms such as conventional beam forming, Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) with Eigen value decomposition, and MUSIC with Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) are used for estimation of DoA and performance study. An experiment has been conducted with the VSA at the Acoustic Test Facility of NIOT with the source transmission of 1 kHz to 5 kHz for different azimuth angles. The estimation of DoA using the above three algorithms and the comparison of the results on resolution and accuracy have been studied in detail in terms of the number of vector elements. Results reveal that the MUSIC method gives results with higher accuracy and resolution than the conventional method. The maximum deviation from the true angle in the conventional method is 4°; in MUSIC, it is 2°, whereas in MUSIC with SVD, it is 1°. While the standard MUSIC algorithm involves computing the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix, which can be computationally expensive, MUSIC with SVD provides a more efficient way to achieve better results. SVD enables straightforward computation of the signal subspace, making it more practical for real-time applications like coastal surveillance. Further to the laboratory experiment, the vector sensor system has been deployed in an open sea environment near the harbor and a known source experiment is carried out. The DoA estimated using MUSIC with SVD for the field data reveals that the results are in good comparison with the measured azimuth and elevation positions. The deviations in the field results are due to dynamic conditions of the ocean ,and more sea trials need to be carried out for further study.
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... The disadvantage of the MVDR algorithm is the need to calculate the inverse matrix that may fail in case of the extremely correlated signals are coming. This method, however, it gives a high resolution in the DOA estimation than the Beamscan method [8], [13]. ...
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Direction of arrival (DOA) estimation methods of electromagnetic wave sources are necessary for very critical and significant applications, which is considered as a significant branch in array signal processing. There is a need to monitor spectrum and broadcast sources specifically in the military applications, which is very important for monitoring the direction of any threat. DOA is a set of calculations that employ for estimating the direction and number of incoming waves on the antenna elements at a specific range of frequency, which allows target detection and tracking. This paper presents types of super-resolution DOA algorithms with using uniform linear array (ULA) in case of white noise. As well as it clarifies the DOA estimation concepts with its mathematical model for each method. Consequently, we use MATLAB simulations to simulate each DOA method with various cases to evaluate its performance to obtain the required accuracy with the resolution for each DOA algorithm. Therefore, the main goal of this paper to show, which DOA algorithm achieves the best performance and better resolution for the all possible angles with the same number of antenna, and gives very high accuracy in target location estimation and its tracking.
Arterial blood pressure waveform (ABPW) offers comprehensive insights into cardiovascular health compared to discrete blood pressure measurements. However, accurately estimating shapes and pressure values of ABPW points in a beat-to-beat manner poses significant challenges. Current ABPW monitoring methods require invasive procedures or continuous skin contact, which are inconvenient and unsatisfactory. Thus, we propose WaveBP, the first contactless ABPW monitoring system utilizing a commercial mmWave radar, driven by the understanding that cardiac information serves as an implicit bridge between mmWave signals and ABPW based on a hemodynamics analysis model. To preserve waveform details, we design a hybrid Transformer model called mmFormer, incorporated with spatially-informed shortcuts. mmFormer enables consistent sequence-to-sequence transformations while accommodating different levels of personalization efforts. To mitigate the inherent instability of mmWave signals, we develop a beamforming-based data augmentation approach that has been empirically and theoretically proven to enhance robustness with multiple spatial observations. Additionally, we introduce a cross-modality knowledge transfer framework to fuse knowledge from cardiac modalities (ECG/PPG) with vibrations captured in mmWave reflections, improving accuracy without requiring extra deployment overhead. Extensive evaluations conducted on 43 subjects using a leave-one-subject-out setup validate that WaveBP achieves a high waveform correlation of 0.903 and exhibits a low (mean±standard deviation) error of point-level measurements at (-0.14±7.48) mmHg, which could be further reduced by subject-specific specialization. WaveBP demonstrates remarkable performance under challenging scenarios and exhibits potential for detailed cardiac estimations, as evidenced by our case studies on relative cardiac output estimation and cardiac abnormality detection.
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Nghiên cứu này sử dụng thuật toán beamforming (BF) và MUtiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) để xác định vận tốc xuyên tâm của dòng chảy bề mặt biển từ phổ Doppler-khoảng cách thu nhận bởi hệ thống radar mảng tần số cao. Kết quả ước tính sẽ được so sánh với quan sát đo tại chỗ để đánh giá hiệu suất của các thuật toán. Kết quả so sánh cho thấy thuật toán BF cung cấp dữ liệu vận tốc xuyên tâm ổn định nhưng độ phân giải góc định hướng thấp, trong khi thuật toán MUSIC cung cấp dữ liệu có độ phân giải góc định hướng cao hơn, không gian bao phủ rộng hơn, nhưng tỉ lệ có sẵn của dữ liệu ở mức trung bình. So sánh chuỗi thời gian và biểu đồ phân tán cho thấy kết quả ước tính từ cả thuật toán BF và MUSIC phù hợp với dữ liệu đo tại chỗ với hệ số tương quan, R = 0.795, và sai số trung phương, rmse < 7 cm/s. Kết quả nghiên cứu chỉ ra thuật toán MUSIC cung cấp kết quả ước tính vận tốc xuyên tâm có hiệu suất tương đương với thuật toán BF, chứng minh thuật toán MUSIC có thể áp dụng để thu thập dữ liệu vận tốc xuyên tâm dòng chảy bề mặt biển từ phổ Doppler-khoảng cách của hệ thống radar mảng tần số cao với độ phân giải không gian cao.
Sparse Recovery (SR) algorithms have been widely used for direction of arrival (DOA) estimation. At low values of signal to noise ratio (SNR) i.e. beyond -10 dB and with adequate number of sensors [1], their estimates are incorrect. The magnitude spectrum-based Re-weighted sparse recovery (RWSR) algorithms improve the robustness by re-weighting the sparse estimates. But their efficiency degrades significantly with a fewer number of sensors. The significance of phase spectrum in the form of Group delays for robust DOA estimation using RWSR algorithms for spatially contiguous sources is explored in this paper. An optimal re-weighting methodology based on simultaneously minimizing average root mean square error (ARMSE) and maximizing the probability of separation is proposed. The simulations are carried for Gaussian and Laplacian noise to demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed method with a few sensors at low values of SNR.
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The quintessential goal of sensor array signal processing is the estimation of parameters by fusing temporal and spatial information, captured via sampling a wavefield with a set of judiciously placed antenna sensors. The wavefield is assumed to be generated by a finite number of emitters, and contains information about signal parameters characterizing the emitters. A review of the area of array processing is given. The focus is on parameter estimation methods, and many relevant problems are only briefly mentioned. We emphasize the relatively more recent subspace-based methods in relation to beamforming. The article consists of background material and of the basic problem formulation. Then we introduce spectral-based algorithmic solutions to the signal parameter estimation problem. We contrast these suboptimal solutions to parametric methods. Techniques derived from maximum likelihood principles as well as geometric arguments are covered. Later, a number of more specialized research topics are briefly reviewed. Then, we look at a number of real-world problems for which sensor array processing methods have been applied. We also include an example with real experimental data involving closely spaced emitters and highly correlated signals, as well as a manufacturing application example
Smart antenna systems are rapidly emerging as one of the key technologies that can enhance overall wireless communications system performance. By making use of the spatial dimension, and dynamically generating adaptive receive and transmit antenna patterns, a smart antenna can greatly reduce interference, increase the system capacity, increase power efficiency as well as reduce overall infrastructure costs. Here, the performance of smart antennas with uniform linear arrays (ULA), uniform circular arrays (UCA) and uniform rectangular arrays (URA) is examined and compared using MUSIC algorithm.
In this letter, the problem of estimating the directions of arrival (DOAs) of coherent electromagnetic waves impinging upon a uniform linear array (ULA) is considered. In particular, an efficient DOA estimation approach based on the support vector regression is assessed using experimental measurements. Moreover, the obtained results are compared with those yielded by the multiple signal classification (MUSIC) algorithm.
As the growing demand for mobile communications is constantly increasing, the need for better coverage, improved capacity and higher transmission quality rises. Thus, a more efficient use of the radio spectrum is required. Smart antenna systems are capable of efficiently utilizing the radio spectrum and, thus, is a promise for an effective solution to the present wireless systems' problems while achieving reliable and robust high-speed high-data-rate transmission. The purpose of this book is to provide the reader abroad view of the system aspects of smart antennas. In fact, smart antenna systems comprise several critical areas such as individual antenna array design, signal processing algorithms, space-time processing, wireless channel modeling and coding, and network performance. In this book we include an overview of smart antenna concepts, introduce some of the areas that impact smart antennas, and examine the influence of interaction and integration of these areas to Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. In addition, the general principles and major benefits of using space-time processing are introduced, especially employing multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques.
The Capon beamformer has better resolution and much better interference rejection capability than the standard (data-independent) beamformer, provided that the array steering vector corresponding to the signal of interest (SOI) is accurately known. However, whenever the knowledge of the SOI steering vector is imprecise (as is often the case in practice), the performance of the Capon beamformer may become worse than that of the standard beamformer. We present a natural extension of the Capon beamformer to the case of uncertain steering vectors. The proposed robust Capon beamformer can no longer be expressed in a closed form, but it can be efficiently computed. Its excellent performance is demonstrated via a number of numerical examples.
Processing the signals received on an array of sensors for the location of the emitter is of great enough interest to have been treated under many special case assumptions. The general problem considers sensors with arbitrary locations and arbitrary directional characteristics (gain/phase/polarization) in a noise/interference environment of arbitrary covariance matrix. This report is concerned first with the multiple emitter aspect of this problem and second with the generality of solution. A description is given of the multiple signal classification (MUSIC) algorithm, which provides asymptotically unbiased estimates of 1) number of incident wavefronts present; 2) directions of arrival (DOA) (or emitter locations); 3) strengths and cross correlations among the incident waveforms; 4) noise/interference strength. Examples and comparisons with methods based on maximum likelihood (ML) and maximum entropy (ME), as well as conventional beamforming are included. An example of its use as a multiple frequency estimator operating on time series is included.
The output of an array of sansors is considered to be a homogeneous random field. In this case there is a spectral representation for this field, similar to that for stationary random processes, which consists of a superposition of traveling waves. The frequency-wavenumber power spectral density provides the mean-square value for the amplitudes of these waves and is of considerable importance in the analysis of propagating waves by means of an array of sensors. The conventional method of frequency-wavenumber power spectral density estimation uses a fixed-wavenumber window and its resolution is determined essentially by the beam pattern of the array of sensors. A high-resolution method of estimation is introduced which employs a wavenumber window whose shape changes and is a function of the wavenumber at which an estimate is obtained. It is shown that the wavenumber resolution of this method is considerably better than that of the conventional method. Application of these results is given to seismic data obtained from the large aperture seismic array located in eastern Montana. In addition, the application of the high-resolution method to other areas, such as radar, sonar, and radio astronomy, is indicated.