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Effect of germination on total dietary fibre and total sugar in selected legumes



Legume is a plant in the family of Fabaceae (or Leguminosae) that is cultivated and consumed throughout the world. Legume's role in human health appears to be limited because of several limiting factors such as low protein and starch digestibility, poor mineral bioavailability and high antinutritional factors. Germination is defined as a process that occurs during seed growth that starts with uptake of water until the emergence of radicle through the surrounding structure. It has been suggested that germination is a cheaper and more effective technology that can improve the quality of legumes by increasing their nutritional value. This study was conducted to compare changes in dietary fibre and total sugar compositions after germination process in kidney, mung, soy beans and peanuts. Total dietary fibre was found to be significantly increased (p < 0.05) in all germinated samples, with significant increased (p < 0.05) of soluble and insoluble dietary fibres. For total sugar content, germination increased the level of total sugars. Glucose was the highest available sugar in samples that increased after germination while arabinose was second available sugar that increased in germinated legumes except kidney beans. Overall, germination has improved nutritional properties of legumes in terms of dietary fibre and total sugar content but the changes are influenced by the type of legumes.
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International Food Research Journal 23(1): 257-261 (2016)
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1Megat, R. M. R., 1,2,3*Azrina, A. and 1,3Norhaizan, M. E.
1Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra
Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
2Laboratory of Halal Science Research, Halal Products Research Institute, Universiti Putra
Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
3Research Centre of Excellence, Nutrition and Non-Communicable Disease, Faculty of Medicine
and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Effect of germination on total dietary bre and total sugar in selected
Legume is a plant in the family of Fabaceae (or Leguminosae) that is cultivated and consumed
throughout the world. Legume’s role in human health appears to be limited because of several
limiting factors such as low protein and starch digestibility, poor mineral bioavailability and
high antinutritional factors. Germination is dened as a process that occurs during seed growth
that starts with uptake of water until the emergence of radicle through the surrounding structure.
It has been suggested that germination is a cheaper and more effective technology that can
improve the quality of legumes by increasing their nutritional value. This study was conducted
to compare changes in dietary bre and total sugar compositions after germination process in
kidney, mung, soy beans and peanuts. Total dietary bre was found to be signicantly increased
(p<0.05) in all germinated samples, with signicant increased (p<0.05) of soluble and insoluble
dietary bres. For total sugar content, germination increased the level of total sugars. Glucose
was the highest available sugar in samples that increased after germination while arabinose
was second available sugar that increased in germinated legumes except kidney beans. Overall,
germination has improved nutritional properties of legumes in terms of dietary bre and total
sugar content but the changes are inuenced by the type of legumes.
Legume is one of important source of protein,
carbohydrates, dietary bre and oil (Tharanathan and
Mahadevamma, 2003). Several studies have shown
that consumption of legumes was linked to reduce risk
of cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease and
diabetes, as well as lowering the cholesterol levels
(Jang et al., 2001; Khattak et al., 2007; Nöthlings
et al., 2008; Carbonaro, 2011). However, there are
several limiting factors such as low protein and starch
digestibility, poor mineral bioavailability and high
antinutritional factors (Ghavidel and Prakash, 2007;
Khattak et al., 2007; Fernandez-Orozco et al., 2008).
These limiting factors can be reduced by several
preparation techniques such as cooking, soaking,
dehulling and germination.
Germination is a process occurred during growth
period that starts with the uptake of water by the
dry seed and nished with the emergence of radical
(Vidal-Valverde et al., 2002). During this period,
storage components in seeds are degraded, use for
respiration and production of new cells to develop
new embryo (Hussein and Ghanem, 1999). Studies
show that germination can increase protein and
dietary ber, reduce tannin and phytic acid contents
and increase mineral bioavailability (Hussein
and Ghanem, 1999; Ghavidel and Prakash, 2007;
Khandelwal et al., 2010). Germination also was
reported to be associated with increase of vitamin
concentrations and bioavailability of trace elements
and minerals (El-Adawy et al., 2004; Khattak et al.,
2007; Kaushik et al., 2010).
This study uses kidney, mung, soy bean and
peanut as samples as these legumes are the most
consumed by Malaysians (APO, 2003). Peanuts are
mainly used in local dishes, as well as being processed
and produced as oil, peanut butter and margarine.
Soy beans are often being used as beverages while
other products such fermented soy bean cake, soy
bean curd and sauce are consumed as side dishes.
Mung beans can either be cooked or sprouted while
the dried beans are prepared as soup or snacks similar
as the kidney beans.
The aim of this study was to compare the effect
of germination on bre and sugar compositions
of legumes. It is hope that this study will provide
Kidney bean
Mung bean
Soy bean
Dietary bre
Total sugar
Article history
Received: 20 January 2015
Received in revised form:
29 April 2015
Accepted: 18 June 2015
258 Megat et al./IFRJ 23(1): 257-261
additional data on nutritional contents of germinated
and non-germinated legumes for further research in
future as well as developing new and improved food
functional ingredient in the market.
Materials and Methods
Dried kidney, mung, soy bean and peanut were
purchased from hypermarkets in Seri Kembangan,
Selangor, Malaysia. Legumes were stored in
refrigerator at 4°C before germination.
Legume samples were washed with 70% ethanol
for 2.5 min before further washed with sodium
hypochlorite for 15 minutes at room temperature.
Then, the samples were rinsed thoroughly until the
pH becomes neutral before being soaked in distilled
water for 6 hours. Later, the water was drained and
samples were left to germinate on wet muslin cloth
until the emergence of radical at maximum 5 mm.
After germination, legume samples were dried in
oven at 105°C and ground prior to analyses.
Total sugar analysis
Sample was vacuum evaporated to dryness and
concentrated sugars were redissolved in deionised
water and sonicated before ltered using Whatman
41 paper. Aliquot of 2 ml of ltrate was mixed with
acetonitrile and ltered through a 0.54 µm Millex
membrane prior to injection. Soluble carbohydrates
were determined by HPLC using amino bonded
column (250 mm x 4.6 mm x 5 µm), isocratic
pump and refractive index detector. A mixture of
acetonitrile:water (75:25; v/v) was used as a mobile
phase with a ow rate of 1 ml/min. A mixture of
carbohydrate standards at a concentration ranging
from 2 to 10 mg/ml containing erythrose, rhamnose,
mannose, arabinose, xylose, fructose, glucose, and
galactose was used for monosaccharide identication
and quantication (Yang et al., 2008).
Total dietary bre analysis
Legume samples (1.0 ± 0.1 g) were digested
with α-amylase (0.1 ml), protease (0.1 ml) and
amyloglucosidase (0.3 ml) in a beaker. Heated (60°C)
95% ethanol was added and the solution was left
precipitated at room temperature overnight. Digested
samples were ltrated using Fibertec machine.
Crucibles containing residues from ltration was
dried and weighed. The procedure was repeated to
obtain insoluble dietary bre percentage and hence,
soluble dietary bre percentage (Prosky et al., 1988).
Statistical analysis
Every measurement of samples was in triplicate
to obtain higher precision of data. Data was analyzed
using SPSS software version 16.0. Paired T-test
was used to compare between non-germinated
and germinated legumes. Data was considered as
signicant when p value < 0.05.
Results and Discussion
Total sugar content
Total sugar was found to increase in all germinated
legume samples. In germinated kidney beans, total
sugar increased from 118.46 to 134.75 g/kg d.w. while
in germinated mung beans, it was increased from
122.07 g/kg d.w. to 157.4 g/kg d.w. For soy beans,
germination caused total sugar to increase from
157.53 g/kg d.w. to 194.86 g/kg d.w. and for peanuts,
germination increased total sugar from 118.61 g/kg
d.w. to 160.42 g/kg d.w. Comparison of all legume
samples, the most dominant available carbohydrate
was glucose and arabinose. After germination,
glucose was increased in most samples except mung
beans (decreased) while for arabinose, germination
caused this sugar to reduce in the samples.
Urbano et al. (2005) suggested that germination
process caused the metabolic changes in legume seeds
in which carbohydrate storage in the form of starch
and oligosaccharides were hydrolysed and caused
the increase of sugar levels. Furthermore, Martin-
Cabrejas et al. (2008) also suggested that during
germination, α-galactosidase activity was increased,
causing the break of α-1,6-galatosidic linkages and
thus, increase the amount of total sugar.
Total dietary bre content
Total dietary bre (TDF) was signicantly
increased (p < 0.05) in all legumes after germination. In
germinated kidney beans, TDF increased signicantly
(p < 0.05) from 36.6% to 59.9% while in germinated
mung beans, the TDF increased signicantly from
28.5% to 32.0%. TDF in soy beans increased
signicantly from 32.0% to 72.5% after germination,
while in peanuts; germination signicantly increased
TDF percentage from 21.6% to 39.9%. Among the
samples, germination signicantly increased (p <
0.05) soluble dietary bre (SDF) content. In kidney
beans, SDF was signicantly increased from 3.9%
to 6.7% after germination while in mung beans; the
SDF was signicantly increased from 3.7% to 5.8%.
In soy beans, germination signicantly increased
SDF from 8.2% to 17.4% while in peanuts, SDF was
signicantly increased from 5.5% to 9.1%. Similarly,
germination caused insoluble dietary bre (IDF) to
Megat et al./IFRJ 23(1): 257-261 259
increase in the studied samples. In kidney beans, IDF
was signicantly increased (p < 0.05) from 32.7% to
53.3% while in mung beans; the value was increased
from 24.8% to 26.2%. Signicant IDF increment was
found in soy beans from 23.8% to 55.1% while in
germinated peanuts, IDF was signicantly increased
from 16.0% to 30.8%.
Martin-Cabrejas et al. (2003) found that total
dietary bre content was increased after germination
in daylight and without daylight. They also found
that IDF and SDF bres were also increased after
germination. The result was similar to the current
study where it was found that TDF increased after
germination, alongside insoluble and SDF.
Dietary bre was regarded as one of the most
important ingredient in human diet (Dhingra et
al., 2012). The characteristics of dietary bre
such as particle size, bulk volume, surface area
characteristics, hydration, and adsorption as well as
binding of ions and organic molecules are highly
inuential in human digestive system (Guillon et
al., 1998; Raghavendra et al., 2006; Nassar et al.,
2008; Dhingra et al., 2012). It was observed that
addition of dietary bre components in foods such
as pasta, bakeries and biscuits improved the overall
qualities such as biochemical composition, cooking
properties and textural characteristics as well as the
taste (Tudoric et al., 2002; Sudha et al., 2007; Nassar
et al., 2008). Apart from that, dietary bre can also be
used to improve texture of meat products (Chevance
et al., 2000) as well as functional ingredients in milk
products (Sendra et al., 2008).
Table 1. Sugar proles of germinated and non-germinated legume samples
1 All values are expressed as mean (standard deviation). Total sugar is presented as g/kg dry
2 (*) indicates signicant change at (p < 0.05).
3 NG: non-germinated; G: germinated.
Table 2. Dietary bre content of germinated and non-germinated legume samples
1 All values are expressed as mean (standard deviation). Total sugar is presented as g/kg
dry weight.
2 (*) indicates signicant changes at (p < 0.05).
3 NG: non-germinated; G: germinated; SDF: soluble dietary bre; IDF: insoluble dietary
bre; TDF: total dietary bre.
260 Megat et al./IFRJ 23(1): 257-261
Martin-Cabrejas et al. (2003) found that TDF
in germinated peas was increased because of the
improved SDF and IDF levels. A different nding
was found by Martin-Cabrejas et al. (2008) in which
TDF was reduced after germination in cowpea, jack
and mucuna beans. Similarly, in germinated dolichos
and soy beans, total dietary bre was reduced. They
suggested that germination inuenced TDF content
differently according to types of legumes and light
conditions of the germination process. Benitez et
al. (2013) also suggested that the increased of TDF
was due to synthesis of new polysaccharides during
Total dietary bre was found to be signicantly
increased in all germinated legume samples, with
signicant increase of soluble and insoluble dietary
bres found in all germinated legume samples as
well. For total sugar content, germination caused it
to be increased in all samples. Glucose was found
to be the highest available sugar in all samples and
the value was increased after germination. Arabinose
was the second highest available sugar found in all
legume samples and it was increased in mung, soy
beans and peanuts after germination while in kidney
beans, the value was decreased.
This study was nancially supported by the
Research University Grant Scheme (RUGS) (Vote
no. 9199746). The authors would also like to thank
the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of
Medicine and Health Sciences, as well as Department
of Food Science, Faculty of Food Science and
Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia for granting
permission to carry out this study and providing the
facilities and materials to conduct the research.
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... Regarding soluble dietary fiber (SDF) content, flakes formulated using pigeon pea sprout flour have a greater level than that prepared using pigeon pea flour. After germination, the SDF from cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), dolichos (Lablab purpureus), and mucuna (Stizolobium niveum) (Benítez et al., 2013), kidney bean, mung bean, soybean (Megat et al., 2016) increased. Flakes prepared with NaCl-elicited pigeon pea sprout flour have the highest level of SDF. ...
... IDF levels from the lowest to the highest were commercial flakes, pigeon pea flour-based flakes, pigeon pea sprout flour-based flakes, and NaClelicited pigeon pea sprout flour-based flakes. The IDF of dark beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) (Dueñas et al., 2016) mucuna, dolichos, cowpea (Benítez et al., 2013), kidney bean, mung bean, soybean (Megat et al., 2016) increased after germination. Based on the IDF data, it also can be considered that the highly insoluble fiber legumes-based flakes can be produced by germination using the NaCl elicitation technique during legume flour preparation. ...
... Flakes made from pigeon pea sprout flour had a significantly higher total dietary fiber (TDF) content than those made from pigeon pea flour. This is in accordance with previous research which exhibited that the TDF of legumes such as cowpea, dolichos, mucuna, dark bean, kidney bean, mung bean, and soybean increased after germination (Benítez et al., 2013;Dueñas et al., 2016;Megat et al., 2016). The TDF of flakes designed using NaCl-elicited pigeon pea sprout flour was significantly greater than that of other flakes and commercial ones. ...
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Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.)) is a potential source of nutritional and antioxidant compounds. Germination proved to improve the nutritional quality and antioxidant capacity of pigeon peas. The previous author's study showed that pigeon pea flour prepared by NaCl elicitation before germination exhibits significantly higher antioxidant capacity and functional properties than that prepared without elicitation or germination. The study aimed to examine the sensory quality, nutrition value, and antioxidant capacity of flakes formulated using non-germinated pigeon pea flour, pigeon pea sprout flour, and NaCl-elicited pigeon pea sprout flour. The potential of the flours to be developed as commercial flakes was also determined using oat-based commercial flakes as a comparator. The NaCl-elicited pigeon pea flour-based flakes showed a higher quality score of both texture and overall qualities than the other pigeon pea flour-based flakes and the commercial ones. Regarding nutritional value, flakes formulated using NaCl-elicited pigeon pea sprout flour also showed better nutritional value, indicated by the lowest fat content and highest soluble, insoluble, and total dietary fiber contents. The highest values of total phenolics content (TPC), Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC), and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) were also observed in the NaCl-elicited pigeon pea sprout flour-based flakes, even though its DPPH radical scavenging activity was not significantly different to the commercial flakes. These results have significant consequences for developing legume-based flakes with higher levels of dietary fibers and antioxidant potential, and lower fat content.
... A total of 63 sugar components were identified in broccoli seeds and sprouts (Table S2), with a significantly observed increase in the overall sugar content during germination (Fig. 1B). The same phenomena have also been observed in legumes, such as kidney beans, mung beans, soybeans, and peanuts, and total sugar content increased in the germinated legume samples (Benitez et al., 2013;Megat et al., 2016). During germination, the hydrolysis of carbohydrate storage in the form of starch and oligosaccharides leads to an increase in sugar levels. ...
... During germination, the hydrolysis of carbohydrate storage in the form of starch and oligosaccharides leads to an increase in sugar levels. The increased activity of α-galactosidase leads to the cleavage of α-1,6-galatosidic bonds, which may be another reason for the increase in total sugar content (Megat et al., 2016). The most predominant sugar components in broccoli are sucrose, glucose, and fructose. ...
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Broccoli sprouts are promising functional food sources and their taste and flavor play a pivotal role in the acceptance of consumers. In this study, the flavor profiles of three varieties of broccoli sprouts, namely Bi Lv, You Xiu, and Lv Hua, were comprehensively characterized using HS-SPME-GC/MS analysis. A total of 364 volatile and flavor components across 15 chemical classes were successfully identified. The results revealed a majority of volatile metabolites exhibiting upregulation during the germination process, leading to an enhancement in taste intensity after germination, particularly for umami and sweet tastes, which was associated with an increase in associated amino acids and sugar content. Although the total glucosinolate content in broccoli sprouts has decreased compared to seeds, it remains the primary contributor to the bitterness of broccoli sprouts. The present study elaborated on the flavor contribution of broccoli sprouts, supporting the cultivation and consumption of them as a nutritious food.
... Subsequent increase as germination progressed may be due to amylase activity resulting in the degradation of starch to increased sugar contents. This agrees with the findings of [35,74] who reported increased carbohydrate and sugar contents during germination of amaranth species and peanut, kidney, mung, and soybeans. According to Refs. ...
... This indicates that germination could be an important process for increasing dietary fibre content of legumes including sorrel seed. These findings agree with previous studies on some non-conventional and conventional legumes including cowpea, jack, velvet and hyacinth beans, African yam bean, and peanut, mung, kidney, and soybeans [21,32,74]; respectively). Increase in the soluble dietary fibre may be due to cleavage of inter-molecular bonds, breakdown of protein structures, and solubilization of macromolecules [62]. ...
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Bread presents one of the easiest opportunities as a food vehicle for delivery of nutritional and health-promoting benefits to large segments of the world population. However, its low nutritional status due to lack of balance of essential amino acids and inadequate macro- and micronutrients has necessitated recent interest in the development of high-protein hybrid breads (HPHB). Sorrel seed, an underutilized, neglected protein-rich seed holds promising nutritional and antioxidant potentials as source of good quality protein, dietary fibre and bioactive compounds. Furthermore, germination of plant seeds increases the bioavailability of these nutritional and bioactive compounds. Hence, this study has investigated the influence of germination time on nutritional, and functional properties of sorrel seed flour. Further, the amino acid profile, dietary fibre and rheological functionality of wheat-germinated defatted sorrel seed bread were assessed. The sorrel seed was germinated for 24–48 h and defatted. Thereafter, the germinated defatted sorrel seed flours were used to partially replace wheat flour using a linear replacement (w/w) of 95-80% wheat (W) and 5–20% germinated defatted sorrel seed (GS) flours to obtain W95:GS5; W90:GS10, W85:GS15 and W80:GS20. These composite flours and 100% wheat flour (control) were used to produce breads using standard recipe and methods. Results showed significant increase (P
... The proximate composition of sprouted legume beans has been showed in Table 4 Megat et al. (2016) shown that during sprouting, the fibre content of red kidney beans, mung beans and soybeans was greatly enhanced. ...
... Perkecambahan menghasilkan peningkatan rasio serat (6,7-10,5) (Benítez et al., 2013). Menurut penelitian Megat et al (2016), total kadar serat mengalami kenaikan yang signifikan pada semua sampel germinasi. Meningkatnya kadar serat saat germinasi dipengaruhi oleh sintesis struktural karbohidrat seperti selulosa dan hemiselulosa yang termasuk komponen terbesar dinding sel (Syah, 2011;Aminah dkk., 2012). ...
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Pemanfaatan kacang hijau (Vigna Radiata L.) di Indonesia telah banyak dilakukan, salah satunya yaitu “tauge” germinasi kacang hijau. Germinasi kacang hijau memiliki kadar air yang tinggi sehingga untuk memperpanjang umur simpannnya, maka mengembangkannya menjadi tepung. Tahapan penelitiannya yaitu pengujian komposisi bahan baku. Kemudian pembuatan tepung kacang hijau germinasi menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) faktorial dengan 2 faktor perlakuan yaitu lama germinasi (0 jam, 12 jam, 24 jam, 36 jam, 48 jam) dan penggunaan jenis air leri, (air leri pertama, air leri kedua) dengan 2 kali ulangan kemudian dilakukan pengujian fisikokimia meliputi kadar air, kadar protein, kadar serat, aktivitas antioksidan, kadar asam fitat dan densitas kamba. Hasil penelitian kemudian dianalisis dengan Analysis of Variances (ANOVA), apabila terdapat perbedaan antar perlakuan maka dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) pada taraf signifikansi 5% (p≤0,05). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pada tidak terdapat interkasi nyata dua faktor pada karakteristik fisikokimia tepung kacang hijau germinasi . Lama germinasi berpengaruh nyata terhadap karakteristik fisikokimia tepung kacang hijau germinasi, akan tetapi perbedaan jenis air leri tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap karakteristik fisikokimia tepung kacang hijau germinasi. Dan perlakuan terbaik dengan metode de garmo yaitu perlakuan L4M2.
... The highest total starch content was observed in the germinated mung bean because of biosynthesis process of starch, involving the conversion of sugars and glucose into starch molecules, mainly amylose and amylopectin (28). Resistant starch contents in different pulses and legumes that are stored at different temperature ranged from 31.60 ± 4.12 to 41.94 ± 0.43 (%w/w; mean ± SD) of the samples, this result indicates that legume starch maybe slowly digested (16). ...
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Introduction Mung beans contain various antinutritional components. Processing and cooking methods can reduce these antinutritional factors and increase the availability and digestibility of nutrients. Resistant starch is also known as dietary fiber, which helps to reduce the cholesterol and glucose level in blood. It is formed during cooking and storage of food at low temperature. Objectives This study aimed to assess the effects of cooking and storage temperature on the formation of resistant starch in processed mung bean, as well as its effect on blood glucose levels and lipid profile in humans and rats. Methods The common cooking methods namely boiling, steaming after germination, roasting, and pressure cooking were chosen. The cooked samples were stored at different temperatures including freshly prepared within 1 h (T1), stored for 24 h at room temperature (20–22°C) (T2), kept at 4°C for 24 h (T3), and reheated after storing at 4°C for 24 h (T4). Results The study revealed that germinated-steamed mung beans had significantly higher levels of resistant starch (27.63 ± 0.76), and lower level of glycemic index (26.28 ± 3.08) and amylose (40.91 ± 0.06) when stored at 4°C for 24 h (T3) followed by (T2), (T4), and (T1) as compared to other cooking methods (boiling, pressure cooking, and roasting). The germinated-steamed mung beans (T1) resulted in 96% decline in blood glucose parameters of rats (36 Wistar albino rats aged 2 to 3 months were selected) than the control group as observed in 28 days diet intervention (100 mg/kg resistant starch orally). Conclusion There is a need to make people aware about the selection of appropriate cooking (steamed after germination) and storage methods (T3) to increase the RS content and to lower the glycemic index of food at domestic level.
... The germinated GP powder was recorded as having more fiber as compared to the raw GP powder, in line with the findings of Megat et al. [58] that showed higher levels of fiber, i.e., 72.4 and 59.9%, in germinated soybeans and kidney beans as compared to raw grains (32.01 and 36.5%). The GP fiber levels in this study ranged from 15.09 to 19.75%, which are much higher as compared to the previous findings of Urga et al. [12,51], who reported 3.6-8.6% ...
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Grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.), an indigenous legume of the subcontinental region, is a promising source of protein and other nutrients of health significance. Contrarily, a high amount of β-N-oxalyl-l-α,β-diaminopropionic acid (β-ODAP) and other anti-nutrients limits its wider acceptability as healthier substitute to protein of animal and plant origin. This study was aimed at investigating the effect of different processing techniques, viz. soaking, boiling, germination, and fermentation, to improve the nutrient-delivering potential of grass pea lentil and to mitigate its anti-nutrient and toxicant burden. The results presented the significant (p < 0.05) effect of germination on increasing the protein and fiber content of L. sativus from 22.6 to 30.7% and 15.1 to 19.4%, respectively. Likewise, germination reduced the total carbohydrate content of the grass pea from 59.1 to 46%. The highest rate of reduction in phytic acid (91%) and β-ODAP (37%) were observed in germinated grass pea powder, whereas fermentation anticipated an 89% reduction in tannin content. The lactic acid fermentation of grass pea increased the concentration of calcium, iron, and zinc from 4020 to 5100 mg/100 g, 3.97 to 4.35 mg/100 g, and 3.52 to 4.97 mg/100 g, respectively. The results suggest that fermentation and germination significantly (p < 0.05) improve the concentration of essential amino acids including threonine, leucine, histidine, tryptophan, and lysine in L. sativus powder. This study proposes lactic acid fermentation and germination as safer techniques to improve the nutrient-delivering potential of L. sativus and suggests processed powders of the legume as a cost-effective alternative to existing plant proteins.
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The modern food industry is undergoing a rapid change with the trend of production of plant‐based food products that are more sustainable and have less impact on nature. Plant‐based dairy analogues have been increasingly popular due to their suitability for individuals with milk protein allergy or lactose intolerance and those preferring a plant‐based diet. Nevertheless, plant‐based products still have insufficient nutritional quality, undesirable structure, and earthy, green, and bean‐like flavor compared to dairy products. In addition, most plant‐based foods contain lesser amounts of essential nutrients, antinutrients limiting the bioavailability of some nutrients, and allergenic proteins. Novel processing technologies can be applied to have a homogeneous and stable structure. On the other hand, fermentation of plant‐based matrix with lactic acid bacteria can provide a solution to most of these problems. Additional nutrients can be produced and antinutrients can be degraded by bacterial metabolism, thereby increasing nutritional value. Allergenic proteins can be hydrolyzed reducing their immunoreactivity. In addition, fermentation has been found to reduce undesired flavors and to enhance various bioactivities of plant foods. However, the main challenge in the production of fermented plant‐based dairy analogues is to mimic familiar dairy‐like flavors by producing the major flavor compounds other than organic acids, yielding a flavor profile similar to those of fermented dairy products. Further studies are required for the improvement of the flavor of fermented plant‐based dairy analogues through the selection of special microbial cultures and formulations.
Nutritional value and health benefits of sprouts is gaining multidisciplinary attention due to the positive relationship between sprouts consumption and human health. Legume sprouts have been reported in various mainstream scientific journals as green functional foods with bioactive benefits such as anticancer, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, anti-cardiovascular and many others. Elucidation of factors that influence biochemical changes during sprouting is pivotal for optimization of sprout quality and nutritional value. Thus, this chapter discussed biochemical changes along legume sprouting, as well as changes in its primary and secondary metabolites in relation to human health benefits. Key factors associated with efficient legume sprouting such asgenetic make-up and sproutingconditions i.e., moisture, temperature, light/darkness, humidity and oxygenare discussed in detail to help guide household and commercial production. Also, food safety concerns linked with sprouts was discussed and emerging techniques for sprout microbial control and safety were evaluated.
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Dietary fibre is that part of plant material in the diet which is resistant to enzymatic digestion which includes cellulose, noncellulosic polysaccharides such as hemicellulose, pectic substances, gums, mucilages and a non-carbohydrate component lignin. The diets rich in fibre such as cereals, nuts, fruits and vegetables have a positive effect on health since their consumption has been related to decreased incidence of several diseases. Dietary fibre can be used in various functional foods like bakery, drinks, beverages and meat products. Influence of different processing treatments (like extrusion-cooking, canning, grinding, boiling, frying) alters the physico- chemical properties of dietary fibre and improves their functionality. Dietary fibre can be determined by different methods, mainly by: enzymic gravimetric and enzymic-chemical methods. This paper presents the recent developments in the extraction, applications and functions of dietary fibre in different food products.
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Mung bean, pea and lentil seeds were germinated for 72 hr and 120 hr at room temperature (25 2 C) to determine the changes in their chemical composition, antinutritional factors, in vitro digestibility and functional properties. Germination caused a significant (p < 0.05)="" decrease="" in="" total="" protein,="" fat="" and="" carbohydrate="" contents="" with="" increased="" germination="" time="" in="" all="" legume="" seed="" flours="" while="" non-protein="" nitrogen,="" ash="" and="" fiber="" contents="" were="" significantly="">p < 0.05)="" increased.="" mineral="" contents="" (na,="" k,="" ca,="" p,mg,="" fe="" and="" mn)="" increased="" during="" germination="" of="" legume="" seed="" flours.="" significant="">p < 0.05)="" decreases="" were="" observed="" in="" carbohydrate="" fraction="" contents="" (starch,="" reducing="" sugars,="" stachyose="" and="" raffinose)="" of="" legume="" seed="" flours="" during="" germination.="" germination="" resulted="" in="" a="" significant="">p < 0.05)="" decrease="" in="" the="" antinutritional="" factors="" of="" all="" germinated="" legume="" seed="" flours.="" the="" levels="" of="" trypsin="" inhibitors="" and="" tannins="" decreased="" in="" the="" first="" stage="" of="" germination="" (72="" hr)="" then="" increased="" gradually="" in="" the="" last="" stage="" of="" germination="" (120="" hr)="" but="" remained="" lower="" than="" the="" controls.="" reduction="" in="" phytic="" acid="" and="" hemagglutinin="" activities="" increased="" with="" increased="" germination="" time.="" germination="" significantly="">p < 0.05)="" improved="" in="" vitro="" protein="" digestibility.="" protein="" solubility="" indexes,="" water="" absorption="" and="" emulsification="" capacities,="" foam="" capacity="" and="" foam="" stability="" were="" significantly="">p < 0.05)="" improved="" with="" increase="" in="" germination="" time="" while="" fat="" absorption="">
The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of germination on dietary fiber composition, starch availability and physicochemical properties in four non-conventional legumes (Vigna unguiculata, Canavalia ensiformis, Stizolobium niveum, Lablab purpureus) in order to improve the carbohydrate supply and to optimize native products of developing countries. Germination promoted a significant decrease of resistant starch along with an increase of available starch percentage. Total dietary fiber contents increased during germination and improved insoluble/soluble dietary fiber ratio. This process produced an increase of total sugar content, mainly due to the rise of cellulosic glucose from metabolic reaction undergone during germination. Moreover, physicochemical properties of germinated legume flours were modified, improving oil holding, water holding, water absorption and gelation capacities, whereas decreases of emulsifying and foaming capacities were detected. In conclusion, germination provides non-conventional legume flours with higher nutritional quality and better physicochemical properties than the raw flours.
After the extraction of coconut milk from the disintegrated coconut grating, the spent grating (residue) can be utilized as dietary fiber. The fiber was ground in a disc mill and grinding characteristics were evaluated by calculating work index (0.206kWh/kg) as well as Bond’s (0.065kWh/kg), Kick’s (0.047kWh/kg) and Rittinger’s (0.022kWh/kg) constants. The reduction in the particle size from 1127 to 550μm resulted in increased hydration properties (water holding, water retention, swelling capacity), which may be due to increase in theoretical surface area and total pore volume as well as structural modification. Beyond 550μm, the hydration properties were found to decrease with decrease in particle size during grinding. The fat absorption capacity was found to increase with decrease in particle size. The study of microstructures revealed that the grinding operation resulted in rupture of honey comb physical structure fiber matrix and resulting in flat ribbon type structure, thereby providing increased surface area for water and fat absorption.
Orange peel and pulp were analyzed for their proximate composition, water and oil holding capacity. Data showed that, orange peel and pulp had high amount of dietary fiber (74.87 and 70.64%, respectively) with high proportion of IDF, also it has high level of water and oil holding capacity. Biscuits prepared from blendes containing different proportion (0,5,15 and 25%) orange peel or pulp were also evaluated for chemical composition, rheological properties, physical characteristics and sensory evaluation. Data revealed that, incorporation of orange peel and pulp in biscuits formula increased dietary fiber form 2.73 to 15.31% and ash have the same trend, while protein and fat were decreased. Farinograph properties of the blended biscuits showed increase in water absorption, dough development time and stability, while dough mixing tolerance was decreased. The thickness of citrus by-product substituted biscuits increased, whereas width and spread ratio of biscuits decreased with increasing levels of orange peel and pulp. Highly acceptable biscuits could be obtained by incorporating 15% orange pulp and peel in the formulation.
The effect of different conditions of germination at a semi-pilot scale on the content of available soluble sugars, alpha-galactosides, vitamins B1 and B2, and inositol phosphates of beans, lentils and peas have been studied. Results obtained indicated that germination modified the nutritional composition of legumes depending on the type of legume and germination conditions. The storage compounds present in dry seeds (alpha-galactosides and higher forms of inositol phosphates) decreased because they were hydrolysed to glucose, fructose, IP4 and IP3, compounds that can serve as a source of energy for the new plant. Vitamin B2 suffered an important increase after germination whereas vitamin B1 did not change significantly. To achieve legume flours with enhanced nutritive value, 6 days of germination in the presence of light for beans and lentils, and in darkness for peas can be suggested.
Food legumes are widely consumed all over the world as these are good sources of dietary proteins, carbohydrates and minerals. Common domestic processing techniques like soaking, germination and cooking enhance the digestibility and nutritive value of legumes. The effects of soaking, germination (1, 2 and 3 day) and cooking (microwave, pressure and ordinary cooking) were studied on the carbohydrates, crude protein, mineral and vitamin content of soybean. Germination (2nd day) leads to significant increases in the sugar, crude protein, Ca, Cu, Mn, Zn, riboflavin, niacin and ascorbic acid content. Microwave cooking resulted in greater retention of minerals and vitamins as compared to pressure cooking and ordinary cooking. Based on the results, germination (day 2) for soybean should be popularised as a simple process for naturally fortifying food with essential minerals and vitamins. While amongst cooking methods, microwave cooking could be suggested for soybean preparation. KeywordsProcessing-Nutrients-Germination-Cooking-Minerals-Vitamins
The purpose of this study was to determine the antioxidant capacity and the content of antioxidant compounds in raw mung bean seeds and sprouts (Vigna radiata cv. emmerald) germinated for 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 days and of soybean seeds of Glycine max cv. jutro germinated for 2, 3 and 4 days and of Glycine max cv. merit germinated for 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 days. Antioxidant compounds, such as vitamin C and E, total phenolic compounds and reduced glutathione (GSH) were studied. Antioxidant capacity was measured by superoxide dismutase-like activity (SOD-like activity), peroxyl radical-trapping capacity (PRTC), trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) and inhibition of lipid peroxidation in unilamellar liposomes of egg yolk phosphatidylcholine (PC). The results indicated that changes in the contents of vitamin C, vitamin E and GSH depended on the type of legume and germination conditions. Sprouts of mung bean and soybeans provided more total phenolic compounds than did raw seeds. The SOD-like activity increased after germination of mung bean seeds for 7 days, by 308%, while no change was observed in sprouts of Glycine max cv. jutro and an increase was observed after 5 and 6 days of germination (∼20%) in Glycine max cv. merit. PRTC and TEAC increased during the germination process and retentions of 28–70% and 11–14%, respectively, for soybean, and 248% and 61%, respectively, for mung bean were observed at the end of germination. The inhibition of lipid peroxidation increased by 389% in 5–7 days’ germination of Vigna radiata cv. emmerald sprouts, and 66% in Glycine max cv. merit sprouts whilst, in Glycine max cv. jutro, germination did not cause changes in lipid peroxidation inhibition. According to the results obtained in this study, germination of mung bean and soybean seeds is a good process for obtaining functional flours with greater antioxidant capacity and more antioxidant compounds than the raw legumes.