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Evidence-Based Personal Training
The Evidence-Based Personal Training column provides
practical application of research topics specific to
enhancing results for personal trainers.
COLUMN EDITOR: Brad Schoenfeld, PhD, CSCS,
Attentional Focus for
Maximizing Muscle
Development: The
Mind-Muscle Connection
Brad J. Schoenfeld, PhD, CSCS, FNSCA
and Bret Contreras, MA, CSCS
Department of Health Sciences, Program of Exercise Science, City University of New York, Lehman College, New
York, New York; and
Sport Performance Research Institute, AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand
ttentional focus is a well-
recognized aspect of motor
learning and its use has impor-
tant implications to the tness profes-
sional. Simply stated, attentional focus
refers to what an individual thinks about
when performing a given movement or
activity . Two primary types of atten-
tional focuses have been identified:
internal and external. With an internal
focus, the individual thinks about bodily
movements during performance. Alter-
natively, an external focus directs the
exerciser’s attention to the environment.
For example, in the squat an internal
focus could be to “squeeze your glutes
as you ascend” whereas an external
focus could be to “drive the floor away
from your body.” This article will discuss
how attentional focus should be d irected
to maximize muscular development.
A compelling body of research indi-
cates that performance-oriented tasks
are optimized by adopting an external
focus of attention. In a recent review of
literature encompassing over 50 pub-
lished studies on the topic, Wulf (12)
found that more than 90% of these
studies showed superior improvements
in motor learning when subjects used
an external compared with internal
focus. Beneficial effects were seen
across a wide variety of activities and
outcome measures, lending strong sup-
port for the use of an external focus
when the goal is to boost performance.
With respect to resistance training, the
performance-based superiority of an
external focus has been attributed to
an enhanced economy of movement
associated with greater force produc-
tion and reduced muscular activity (5).
However, whereas a more economical
movement pattern facilitates better skill
acquisition, it may not be optimal for
muscle development. Indeed, when
the goal is to maximize hypertrophy,
indirect evidence suggests that an inter-
nal focus may be the best approach.
Bodybuilders have long preached the
importance of developing a “mind-
muscle connection” when training. This
internally focused strategy involves visu-
alizing the target muscle and consciously
directing neural drive to the muscle dur-
ing exercise performance. Theoretically,
Copyright National Strength and Conditioning Association Strength and Conditioning Journal |
Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
such an approach would increase acti-
vation of the target muscle while dimin-
ishing contribution from secondary
muscle movers. Indeed, research seems
to support this contention.
A number of studies have shown
greater activation of a given muscle
when subjects were instructed to adopt
an internal focus of attention. This has
been most prominently displayed in
the abdominal musculature. Karst and
Willett (3) found that subjects were
able to significantly alter mean electro-
myography (EMG) activity to either
the rectus abdominis or obliques by
consciously focusing on the respective
muscles during performance of the curl
up. Before engaging in exercise, sub-
jects in this study were instructed on
how to visualize either the rectus or
obliques and verbal reinforcement of
these instructions were provided dur-
ing performance. A control condition
involved focusing on the movement
itself without regard to any specific
muscles. These results are consistent
with research showing increased acti-
vation of the transversus abdominis
after instruction to tighten the pelvic
floor muscles (2). Similarly, Bressel
et al. (1) demonstrated that mean and
peak EMG amplitude were significantly
increased in both superficial and deep
abdominal musculature during the
squat when subjects were directed to
“brace yourself as if you were going to
be punched in the stomach.
Findings of heightened EMG activity
from an internal focus have been noted
in other muscles as well. Lewis and
Sahrmann (4) showed that young
women were able to achieve greater
mean EMG activity of the gluteus
maximus and reduced activation of
the hamstrings when cued to contract
the gluteal muscles during perfor-
mance of the prone hip extension
(“Use your gluteal muscles to lift your
leg while keeping your hamstrings
muscles relaxed”). Moreover, the tim-
ing of activation was altered so that
the gluteus maximus was activated sig-
nificantly earlier during movement.
Likewise, research has shown that
intentionally focusing on the target
muscle resulted in higher activation
of the latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major,
biceps brachii, and triceps brachii (5,7–
9). Interestingly, evidence seems to
indicate that the increased activation
does not always coincide with reduc-
tions in the activity of secondary mus-
cle movers (7,8).
Although it remains unclear as to
whether increased muscle activation
translates into greater muscle protein
accretion, emerging research indicates
that this may in fact be the case. In a 2-
part experiment, Wakahara et al. (11)
first investigated acute muscle activation
in 12 untrained men after a single bout
of resistance training for the elbow ex-
tensors through T2-weighted magnetic
resonance imaging. The exercise proto-
col consisted of 5 sets of 8 repetitions of
lying triceps extensions with 90 seconds
rest between sets. Results showed sig-
nificantly greater activation in the prox-
imal and mid-portions of the triceps
brachii compared with the distal aspect.
Another 12 subjects were then recruited
to perform a 3-day-per-week program
consisting of the same routine used in
part 1 of the study. After 12 weeks of
regimented training, increases in muscle
cross-sectional area were found to be
well-correlated to the areas most acti-
vated by the exercise regimen. Follow-
up work by the same laboratory showed
similar results using different triceps bra-
chii exercises (10), which in combina-
tion provide evidence for an association
between activation levels and muscle
growth. It should be noted that these
studies did not attempt to investigate
muscle activation in conjunction with
altered attentional focus, so it is unclear
whether results would translate to the
adoption of an internal focus. Moreover,
the results of these studies are specific to
the triceps brachii and thus cannot nec-
essarily be generalized to other muscles.
Interestingly, the effectiveness of using
an internal focus is reduced when
training at higher loads. Snyder and
Fry (7) found that activation of the pec-
torals was amplified by 22% when
resistance-trained men were provided
with verbal instructions to focus on the
chest muscles during bench press at
50% 1 repetition maximum (1RM).
However, the magnitude of this effect
decreased to 13% when the same in-
structions were provided during per-
formance at 80% 1RM. This may be
a function of needing to exert greater
levels of force when training at heavier
loads, thereby altering one’s ability to
focus on the muscle being worked.
Moreover, in accordance with the size
principle, fewer motor units will be
available for the mind to influence with
heavy loading when compared with
lighter loads. This suggests that adopt-
ing an internal attentional focus with
very heavy loads (above 85–90% of
1RM) is unnecessary because it might
limit force production without enhanc-
ing muscle activation, but more
research is needed in subjects with
varying levels of experience to explore
this hypothesis.
Attentional f ocus should match the
goal of the task. Competitive sport
athletes should rely heavily on exter-
nal attentional focus in practice and
during games or matches. This in-
cludes powerlifters, weightlifters, or
strongmen seeking to set a 1RM or
to maximize force or tor que produc-
tion; basketball players or track &
field athletes seeking to maximize
jump height or distance; runners or
rowers seeking to improve economy;
and dart throwers, golfers, and pool
players seeking maximum accuracy.
Alternatively, when attempting to
maximize muscle activation, an inter-
nal focus of attention would seem to
be a better choice. Bodybuilders, phy-
sique athletes, and others seeking
maximal hypertrophy will conceiv-
ably benefit by focusing on the target
muscle during an exercise rather than
on the outcome or environment. It is
likely that the molecular signaling for
all 3 primary mechanisms of muscular
hypertrophy, namely mechanical ten-
sion, metabolic stress, and muscle
damage (6), are increased when the
exerciser focuses their attention inter-
nally, which could ultimately result in
greater muscular development for
a given exercise and load. The effects
Evidence-Based Personal Training
Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
of this strategy seem to be particularly
beneficial when training with rela-
tively light loads.
Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
The authors report no conflicts of interest
and no source of funding.
Brad J. Schoenfeld is an assistant
professor in the exercise science program
at CUNY Lehman College and director
of their human performance laboratory.
Bret Contreras is currently pursuing
his PhD in Sports Science at the Auck-
land University of Technology in Auck-
land, New Zealand.
1. Bressel E, Willardson JM, Thompson B, and
Fontana FE. Effect of instruction, surface
stability, and load intensity on trunk muscle
activity. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 19: e500–
e504, 2009.
2. Critchley D. Instructing pelvic floor
contraction facilitates transversus abdominis
thickness increase during low-abdominal
hollowing. Physiother Res Int 7: 65–75,
3. Karst GM and Willett GM. Effects of
specific exercise instructions on abdominal
muscle activity during trunk curl exercises.
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 34: 4–12,
4. Lewis CL and Sahrmann SA. Muscle
activation and movement patterns during
prone hip extension exercise in women.
J Athl Train 44: 238–248, 2009.
5. Marchant DC, Greig M, and Scott C.
Attentional focusing instruct ions
influence force production and muscular
activity during isok inetic elbow flexio ns.
J Strength Cond R es 23: 2358–2366,
6. Schoenfeld BJ. The mechanisms of muscle
hypertrophy and their application to
resistance training. J Strength Cond Res 24:
2857–2872, 2010.
7. Snyder BJ and Fry WR. Effect of verbal
instruction on muscle activity during the
bench press exercise. J Strength Cond Res
26: 2394–2400, 2012.
8. Snyder BJ and Leech JR. Voluntary increase
in latissimus dorsi muscle activity during the
lat pull-down following expert instruction.
J Strength Cond Res 23: 2204–2209,
9. Vance J, Wulf G, Tollner T, McNevin N, and
Mercer J. EMG activity as a function of the
performer’s focus of attention. J Mot Behav
36: 450–459, 2004.
10. Wakahara T, Fukutani A, Kawakami Y, and
Yanai T. Nonuniform muscle hypertrophy: Its
relation to muscle activation in training session.
Med Sci Sports Exerc 45: 2158–2165, 2013.
11. Wakahara T, Miyamoto N, Sugisaki N,
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Sport Exerc Psychol 6: 77–104, 2013.
Strength and Conditioning Journal |
Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
... Focus of attention is considered an integral strategy in the field of motor learning. Focus of attention can be defined as what the subject thinks about while performing a movement or activity [12,13]. There are two basic strategies for focusing attention while performing a task: internal and external. ...
... Nevertheless, there is still a paucity of information pertaining to the electromyographic analysis of the shoulder girdle muscles in the context of an additional attentional focus on individual muscle groups. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the mechanisms of selective muscle activation during resistance exercises such as bench press [12,14,23,24]. This has led to a deeper exploration of how different types of motivation-intrinsic, where the focus is on the movement and muscle engagement, and extrinsic, where the focus is on the overall outcome-affect muscle activation patterns. ...
... These findings are consistent with our own observations. Schoenfeld and Contreras [12] propose that an increase in muscle activity via internal focus is likely to be less effective at higher external loads, such as 80% 1RM. This is due to the greater recruitment of motor units at higher external loads, which results in a reduction in the number of motor units that can be selectively activated. ...
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Background/Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on selective muscle activation of the shoulder girdle during the barbell bench press. Specifically, this research focused on how attentional focus on individual muscles, such as the anterior deltoid (AD), pectoralis major (PM), and triceps brachii long (TBL), could influence their electromyographic (EMG) activity during the exercise. Methods: Twelve male participants, with at least five years of strength training experience, performed bench press exercises under two conditions: with extrinsic motivation (no specific focus on muscle activity) and with intrinsic motivation (internal focus on specific muscles). Surface electromyography (sEMG) was used to measure muscle activity during three sets of bench presses at 60% of one repetition maximum (1RM). Participants were instructed to focus on the activation of specific muscles in a randomized sequence. Results: The intrinsic motivation condition significantly increased muscle activation compared to extrinsic motivation. Electromyographic activity of the AD, PM, and TBL muscles was notably higher when participants focused their attention on these muscles. AD activation increased from 71.78 ± 11.13%MVC (extrinsic) to 88.03 ± 8.84%MVC (intrinsic) (p = 0.0019), while PM and TBL activation also demonstrated significant increases under intrinsic focus. Conclusions: The study concludes that intrinsic motivation, or an internal focus on specific muscle activation, can significantly enhance EMG activity in target muscles during the bench press exercise. This finding has important implications for resistance training and rehabilitation, where focused muscle activation can be utilized to improve training outcomes and muscle engagement.
... Put simply, training can be more successful if people focus on the use and movements of their muscles during exercise. Conscious awareness of muscles and movement during a full range of motion can increase muscle fiber activation, which is known as attentional focus [2][3][4][5][6]. ...
... The concept of attentional focus has important implications for fitness training. Sports science research refers to attentional focus as an individual focusing on muscles and movements while performing a given movement or activity [6]. For example, when performing a bicep curl, attentional focus may be directed at "stress the biceps" [10]. ...
... A significant difference was found between exercise with and without attentional focus, which means that exercise with attentional focus has a high impact on muscle contraction at 67% and 85% of the 1RM. The results in Figure 10 also indicate that 10 of the 12 subjects had more muscle contraction during low-intensity weightlifting at 67% of the 1RM, which means that training with attentional focus can affect muscle strength [6,13,14]. This result is also valid for the goal of hypertrophy training, in which adopting attentional focus with lightweight lifting can activate more muscle contraction [1,17]. ...
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Strengthening muscles can reduce body fat, increase lean muscle mass, maintain independence while aging, manage chronic conditions, and improve balance, reducing the risk of falling. The most critical factor inducing effectiveness in strength training is neuromuscular connection by adopting attentional focus during training. However, this is troublesome for end users since numerous fitness tracking devices or applications do not provide the ability to track the effectiveness of users’ workout at the neuromuscular level. A practical approach for detecting attentional focus by assessing neuromuscular activity through biosignals has not been adequately evaluated. The challenging task to make the idea work in a real-world scenario is to minimize the cost and size of the clinical device and use a recognition system for muscle contraction to ensure a good user experience. We then introduce a multitasking and multiclassification network and an EMG shirt attached with noninvasive sensing electrodes that firmly fit to the body’s surface, measuring neuron muscle activity during exercise. Our study exposes subjects to standard free-weight exercises focusing on isolated and compound muscle on the upper limb. The results of the experiment show a 94.79% average precision at different maximum forces of attentional focus conditions. Furthermore, the proposed system can perform at different lifting weights of 67% and 85% of a person’s 1RM to recognize individual exercise effectiveness at the muscular level, proving that adopting attentional focus with low-intensity exercise can activate more upper-limb muscle contraction.
... The trainer said that beginner trainees do not often know the specifc names of the muscles mentioned in videos, hence the opportunity to augment with a visualization. We chose this type of cue because, as mentioned by [61], when the goal is to maximise muscle engagement, internal instructional cues work better than external ones, as they focus on directing the attention towards the body [19]. Additionally, Study 1 showed that during strength training sessions people tended to naturally direct their attention inwards, specifcally towards the muscles they felt active during the exercise, in order to self-evaluate their performance. ...
... As with Study 1, we favoured a combination of deductive and inductive coding; the former due to the theoretical foundation of the study and as a way to simplify the connection of relevant fndings to previous literature, the latter due to the pragmatic nature of the study and the interest in case-related fndings [36]. Theories that informed the top-down approach relate to attention [40], the learning process [31,44], imagery and what enables it [46,64,65], information overload and what causes it [40,68,72], and the reception of the intended meaning of the cues, as discussed in [61,65,68]. As in Study 1, the frst author of this paper led the analysis, all throughout which the codes and constructed themes were frequently discussed, contrasted, and polished with the second author. ...
... Despite the reported vagueness of this type of cue for some of the participants, they also saw value in conveying the information of muscle engagement -even considering it essential for the correct execution of the exercises themselves. Overall, this cue's efect aligns with prior knowledge that internal instructional cues can be used successfully to direct the attention of the trainees towards their own bodies and muscle activation [61], demonstrating that highlighting body parts can successfully achieve such results. Our fndings also surface the need to further explore if more nuanced body highlights (e.g., depicting particular muscles instead of general muscle areas) would help enhance instructions even more. ...
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Instructional videos for physical training have gained popularity in recent years among sport and ftness practitioners, due to the proliferation of afordable and ubiquitous forms of online training. Yet, learning movement this way poses challenges: lack of feedback and personalised instructions, and having to rely on personal imitation capacity to learn movements. We address some of these challenges by exploring visual cues’ potential to help people imitate movements from instructional videos. With a Research through Design approach, focused on strength training, we augmented an instructional video with diferent sets of visual cues: directional cues, body highlights, and metaphorical visualizations. We tested each set with ten practitioners over three recorded sessions, with follow-up interviews. Through thematic analysis, we derived insights on the efect of each set of cues for supporting movement learning. Finally, we generated design takeaways to inform future HCI work on visual cues for instructional training videos.
... The results indicated that adopting an external focus of attention enhanced motor learning [2]. Since then, many studies have examined the effects of attentional focus on various tasks [1][2][3][4][5][6]. Currently, there is agreement that an external focus of attention enhances different aspects of motor performance, such as accuracy, consistency, and balance [1][2][3]. ...
... While the effects of attentional strategies have been explored for various exercise tasks, the influence of external vs. internal focus on resistance exercise has received less attention. Several studies explored the effects of attentional focus on resistance exercise [4][5][6]. For example, in the study by Vance et al. [5], participants performed bicep curls with instructions to concentrate on their arms (internal focus) or on the barbell (external focus). ...
... This study observed that integrated electromyography (EMG) activity was lower in the external focus condition [5]. Previous studies focused on the EMG-derived outcomes, likely because of the suggested importance of the "mind-muscle" connection in resistance exercise [6]. While the findings presented in these studies are certainly of interest, they do not provide us with insights into the effects of external vs. internal focus on resistance exercise performance. ...
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Several studies explored the effects of attentional focus on resistance exercise, but their analysed outcomes most commonly involved surface electromyography variables. Therefore, the effects of attentional focus on resistance exercise performance remain unclear. The aim of this review was to perform a meta-analysis examining the acute effects of external focus vs. internal focus vs. control on muscular endurance. Five databases were searched to find relevant studies. The data were pooled in a random-effects meta-analysis. In the analysis for external vs. internal focus of attention , there were seven comparisons with 14 study groups. In the analyses for external focus vs. control and internal focus vs. control, there were six comparisons with 12 study groups. An external focus of attention enhanced muscular endurance when compared with an internal focus (Cohen's d: 0.58; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.34 and 0.82) and control (Cohen's d: 0.42; 95% CI: 0.08 and 0.76). In the analysis for internal focus vs. control, there was no significant difference between the conditions (Cohen's d:-0.19; 95% CI:-0.45 and 0.07). Generally, these results remained consistent in the subgroup analyses for upper-body vs. lower-body exercises. From a practical perspective, the results presented in this review suggest that individuals should use an external focus of attention for acute enhancement of muscular endurance.
... An internal focus alludes to a mind-body or mind-muscle connection where an individual can consciously control muscle activation by thinking of creating tension in the target muscle. Schoenfeld and Contreras (2) suggested that an individual can effectively focus on the target muscle of the exercise, thereby diminishing the contributions of other muscles. In case study 2, the client was capable of producing more power in their movement with external focus perhaps by using multiple muscle groups to perform the exercise. ...
... Studies have suggested a mind-body connection for maximizing muscle activation by applying an internal focus on specific muscle groups over others in a compound movement. For example, while performing a curl-up, when focusing on isolating the rectus abdominis contraction, the electromyographic activity increased in the rectus abdominis and reduced in the obliques and vice versa when focusing on the obliques when compared with a control group directed to focus on the movement with no mention of muscles targeted (2). Personal trainers can use this strategy in single-joint exercises to isolate the agonists more effectively or to develop specific muscles in a multijoint exercise such as varying the focus between pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, or triceps brachii in a chest press depending on the goal of the client. ...
... When a client's goal is targeting strength endurance (e.g., repetitions to failure) or maximal force production such as in a heavily loaded squat or a weighted pull-up, external cues relating to the bar or floor are most effective for performance. With heavier loads, to overcome the weight, more instructions may be necessary not only to contract the target muscles but also to maintain the pathway of the bar or provide further encouragement (2). This suggests that in complex movements where force production, strength, and speed are paramount, external focus cues are the best choice for efficiency of movement. ...
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Apply It! • Explore how attentional focused cues affect performance based on exercise modality and intensity. • Identify how and when to apply cues that target internal or external focus to optimize training for clients.
... This sparked empirical research that corroborates the advantages of concentrating on the target muscle during the lift (Calatayud et al., 2016(Calatayud et al., , 2017, but the dualist phrasing might be misleading. Schoenfeld and Contreras (2016), for instance, describe the so-called mind-muscle connection as the 'internally focused strategy [which] involves visualizing the target muscle and consciously directing neural drive to the muscle during exercise performance ' (2016, p. 27). Framed like this, the phenomenon does not smuggle dualist assumptions. ...
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The problem of self-knowledge has been thoroughly discussed in the context of traditional epistemology. In parallel to that traditional approach, Ecological-Enactive Cognition (EEC) has emerged in the last 30 years as a genuine contender in the cognitive sciences. According to EEC, the unity of analysis of cognitive processes is the dynamics between brain, body and environment. In this paper, I advance an EEC approach to self-knowledge, which immediately suggests that knowing oneself is a matter of knowing what one’s body can do. I then turn to resistance training, particularly weightlifting, and argue that it offers a paradigmatic case of self-knowledge in EEC’s terms. I contend that periodically reaching the point of mechanical failure provides an important insight into self-knowledge. Thus, resistance training allows the trainee to achieve knowledge of themselves in a fundamentally practical manner—and doing so is transformative of the kind of actions they are capable of.
... For example, Wulf and Lewthwaite found that the increased muscular accuracy of force production created by increased attention control allows an athlete to lift the same weight with less muscular effort (26). Whether an athlete is internally focused on squeezing their glutes as they ascend or externally focused on driving the floor away from their body (20), it seems clear that reliable attentional control and awareness are valuable skills when lifting weights during strength training (19,26). ...
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Motor control relies on an inhibitory connection between the motor cortices of the brain, known as interhemispheric inhibition (IHI). This phenomenon is well established during the execution of unilateral motor tasks. It is unknown if the neurophysiological effects associated with IHI during physical execution (PE) also occur during action observation (AO) and motor imagery (MI) and/or if the addition of these covert processes to PE moderates IHI; speaking to differences in neurophysiology and functional equivalence. Participants (N=23) performed unilateral concentric wrist contractions (50% maximum voluntary contraction) under three conditions: PE alone, concurrent PE+AO, and concurrent PE+MI. To index IHI, we induced an ipsilateral silent period (iSP) and assessed iSP duration during each condition via neuro-navigated single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) over the ipsilateral motor cortex. Relative to PE alone, iSP decreased during PE+AO, yet only when this condition preceded PE+MI. iSP duration was not modulated during PE+MI. Together, these data suggest that PE+AO promotes bilateral recruitment and interhemispheric cooperation rather than inhibition. AO and MI differentially impact interhemispheric coordination, serving to suppress inhibition only when AO is primed by MI.
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The quest to increase lean body mass is widely pursued by those who lift weights. Research is lacking, however, as to the best approach for maximizing exercise-induced muscle growth. Bodybuilders generally train with moderate loads and fairly short rest intervals that induce high amounts of metabolic stress. Powerlifters, on the other hand, routinely train with high-intensity loads and lengthy rest periods between sets. Although both groups are known to display impressive muscularity, it is not clear which method is superior for hypertrophic gains. It has been shown that many factors mediate the hypertrophic process and that mechanical tension, muscle damage, and metabolic stress all can play a role in exercise-induced muscle growth. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is twofold: (a) to extensively review the literature as to the mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy and their application to exercise training and (b) to draw conclusions from the research as to the optimal protocol for maximizing muscle growth.
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Appropriate verbal instruction is critical to effective guidance of movements. Internal (movement focus) and external (outcome focus) attentional focusing instructions have been shown to influence movement kinetics and muscular activity; this study investigated their effects during a force production task. Twenty-five participants (mean age of 22.72 +/- 1.88 years) completed 10 repetitions of single-arm elbow flexions on an isokinetic dynamometer while electromyographical activity of the biceps brachii and net joint elbow flexor torque were measured. Three trials were completed: a control trial to attain maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) data, followed by counterbalanced trials internal and external attentional focus conditions. The external focus exhibited a significantly (p < 0.05) higher peak net joint torque (102.10 +/- 2.42%MVC) than the internal condition (95.33 +/- 2.08%MVC) and also a greater integral of the torque-time curve (99.90 +/- 2.91%MVC) than the internal condition (93.80 +/- 2.71%MVC). In addition, the external focus resulted in lower peak electromyography (134.43 +/- 16.83%MVC) response when compared with the internal focus condition (155.23 +/- 22.54%MVC) as well as lower mean integrated electromyography (127.55 +/- 12.24%MVC) than the internal condition (154.99 +/- 19.44%MVC). Results indicate that an external attentional focus results in significantly greater force production and lower muscular activity during isokinetic elbow flexions when compared with an internal focus. When instructing clients during maximal force production tasks, practitioners should tailor their instructions to emphasize an external focus of attention. Specifically, attention should be directed onto the movement of the object being moved and away from the specific bodily movements involved in the action.
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The consistency of muscle activation order during prone hip extension has been debated. To investigate whether women use a consistent and distinguishable muscle activation order when extending the hip while prone and to explore the effects of verbal cues on muscle activation and movement. Single-session, repeated-measures design. University laboratory. Eleven healthy women (age = 27.7 +/- 6.2 years [range, 22-37 years]). We tested the participants under 3 conditions: no cues, cues to contract the gluteal muscles, and cues to contract the hamstrings muscles. We measured hip and knee angle and electromyographic data from the gluteus maximus, medial hamstrings, and lateral hamstrings while participants performed prone hip extension from 30 degrees of hip flexion to neutral. When not given cues, participants used the consistent and distinguishable muscle activation order of medial hamstrings, followed by lateral hamstrings, then gluteus maximus (195.5 +/- 74.9, 100.2 +/- 70.3, and 11.5 +/- 81.9 milliseconds preceding start of movement, respectively). Compared with the no-cues condition, the gluteal-cues condition resulted in nearly simultaneous onset of medial hamstrings, lateral hamstrings, and gluteus maximus (131.3 +/- 84.0, 38.8 +/- 96.9, and 45.1 +/- 93.4 milliseconds, respectively) (P > .059); decreased activation of the medial hamstrings (P < .03) and lateral hamstrings (P < .024) around the initiation of movement; increased activation of gluteus maximus throughout the movement (P < .001); and decreased knee flexion (P = .002). Compared with the no-cues condition, the hamstrings-cues condition resulted in decreased activation of the medial hamstrings just after the initiation of movement (P = .028) and throughout the movement (P = .034) and resulted in decreased knee flexion (P = .003). Our results support the contention that the muscle activation order during prone hip extension is consistent in healthy women and demonstrates that muscle timing and activation amplitude and movement can be modified with verbal cues. This information is important for clinicians using prone hip extension as either an evaluation tool or a rehabilitation exercise.
Over the past 15 years, research on focus of attention has consistently demonstrated that an external focus (i.e., on the movement effect) enhances motor performance and learning relative to an internal focus (i.e., on body movements). This article provides a comprehensive review of the extant literature. Findings show that the performance and learning advantages through instructions or feedback inducing an external focus extend across different types of tasks, skill levels, and age groups. Benefits are seen in movement effectiveness (e.g., accuracy, consistency, balance) as well as efficiency (e.g., muscular activity, force production, cardiovascular responses). Methodological issues that have arisen in the literature are discussed. Finally, our current understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the attentional focus effect is outlined, and directions for future research are suggested.
Purpose: Muscle hypertrophy in response to resistance training has been reported to occur nonuniformly along the length of the muscle. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether the regional difference in muscle hypertrophy induced by a training intervention corresponds to the regional difference in muscle activation in the training session. Methods: Twelve young men participated in a training intervention program for the elbow extensors with a multijoint resistance exercise for 12 wk (3 d · wk(-1)). Before and after the intervention, cross-sectional areas of the triceps brachii along its length were measured with magnetic resonance images. A series of transverse relaxation time (T2)-weighted magnetic resonance images was recorded before and immediately after the first session of training intervention. The T2 was calculated for each pixel within the triceps brachii. In the images recorded after the session, the number of pixels with a T2 greater than the threshold (mean + 1 SD of T2 before the session) was expressed as the ratio to the whole number of pixels within the muscle and used as an index of muscle activation (percent activated area). Results: The percent activated area of the triceps brachii in the first session was significantly higher in the middle regions than that in the most proximal region. Similarly, the relative change in cross-sectional area induced by the training intervention was also significantly greater in the middle regions than the most proximal region. Conclusion: The results suggest that nonuniform muscle hypertrophy after training intervention is due to the region-specific muscle activation during the training session.
Recent research suggests that humans have some ability to selectively activate or relax some muscles during isometric or dynamic muscle actions without changing posture or position. This study sought to reveal whether trained athletes could isolate either the pectoral or triceps muscles, respectively, at different intensities when given verbal technique instruction. Eleven male Division III football players performed 3 sets of bench press at 50% 1-repetition max (1RM) and 80% 1RM while electromyographic (EMG) activity was recorded from the pectoralis major (PM), anterior deltoid (AD), and triceps brachii (TB). In the first set, the subjects performed the exercise without instruction. In the second set, the subjects were given verbal instructions to use only chest muscles. In the third set, the subjects were instructed to use only triceps muscles. Mean normalized root mean square EMG activity was calculated during 3 repetitions in each condition. Repeated-measures analysis of variance was used to detect differences from the preinstruction condition, with significance set to p ≤ 0.017 as indicated by a Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. During the 50% max lift with verbal instructions to focus on chest muscles, PM EMG activity increased by 22% over preinstruction activity (p = 0.005), whereas AD and TB activities were statistically unchanged. When the subjects were instructed to focus on only the triceps muscles, PM returned to baseline activity, whereas TB activity was increased by 26% (p = 0.005). When the lift was increased to 80% max, PM and AD activities were both increased with verbal instructions to use only chest muscles. The TB activity was unchanged during the 80% lifts, regardless of instructions. In conclusion, it is found that verbal technique instruction is effective in shifting muscle activity during a basic lift, but it may be less effective at higher intensities.
The purpose of this study was to examine if the regional difference in muscle hypertrophy after chronic resistance training is associated with muscle activation after one session of resistance exercise. Twelve men performed one session of resistance exercise of elbow extensors. Before and immediately after the exercise, transverse relaxation time (T2)-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) images of upper arm were recorded to evaluate the muscle activation along its length. In the MR images, T2 for the pixels within the triceps brachii muscle was quantified. The number of pixels with T2 greater than the threshold (mean + 1SD of T2 before the exercise) was expressed as the ratio to the number of pixels occupied by the muscle (%activated area). Another 12 subjects completed 12 weeks of training intervention (3 days per week), which consisted of the same program variables as used in the experiment for the T2 measurement. The cross-sectional areas of the triceps brachii before and after the training intervention were measured from MR images of upper arm. The %activated area of the triceps brachii induced by one session of the exercise was found to be significantly lower in the distal region than the middle and proximal regions. Similarly, the relative increase in muscle cross-sectional area after the 12 weeks of training intervention was significantly less in the distal region than the middle and proximal regions. The results suggest that the regional difference in muscle hypertrophy after chronic resistance training is attributable to the regional difference in muscle activation during the exercise.
It has been observed anecdotally that while performing the multijoint lat pull-down exercise, novice strength trainers often rely on the elbow flexors to complete the movement rather than fully utilizing the relevant back muscles such as the latissimus dorsi (LD) and teres major (TM). The primary aim of the study was to determine whether specific technique instruction could result in a voluntary increase in LD and TM electromyographic (EMG) activity with a concurrent decrease in the activity of the biceps brachii (BB) during the front wide-grip lat pull-down exercise. Eight women with little or no background in strength training were asked to perform lat pull-down exercise with only basic instruction, performing 2 sets of 3 repetitions at 30% max. After a brief rest, subjects then performed the same 2 sets of 3 repetitions following verbal technique instruction on how to emphasize the latissimus while de-emphasizing the biceps. EMG activity of the LD, TM, and BB were recorded, converted to root mean square, and normalized to the maximum isometric EMG (NrmsEMG). A significant increase was seen in Nrms EMG in the LD (p = 0.005) from the average of preinstruction NrmsEMG to the average of postinstruction NrmsEMG. No significant differences were observed between pre- and postinstruction muscle activity in the BB or TM. The results show that untrained individuals can voluntarily increase the activity of a specified muscle group during the performance of a multijoint resistance exercise, but the increase probably does not represent "isolation" of the muscle group through voluntary reduction of activity in complementary agonist muscles.
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of verbal instruction, surface stability, and load intensity on trunk muscle activity levels during the free weight squat exercise. Twelve trained males performed a free weight squat under four conditions: (1) standing on stable ground lifting 50% of their 1-repetition maximum (RM), (2) standing on a BOSU balance trainer lifting 50% of their 1-RM, (3) standing on stable ground lifting 75% of their 1-RM, and (4) receiving verbal instructions to activate the trunk muscles followed by lifting 50% of their 1-RM. Surface EMG activity from muscles rectus abdominis (RA), external oblique (EO), transversus abdominis/internal oblique (TA/IO), and erector spinae (ES) were recorded for each condition and normalized for comparisons. Muscles RA, EO, and TA/IO displayed greater peak activity (39-167%) during squats with instructions compared to the other squat conditions (P=0.04-0.007). Peak EMG activity of muscle ES was greater for the 75% 1-RM condition than squats with instructions or lifting 50% of 1-RM (P=0.04-0.02). The results indicate that if the goal is to enhance EMG activity of the abdominal muscles during a multi-joint squat exercise then verbal instructions may be more effective than increasing load intensity or lifting on an unstable surface. However, in light of other research, conscious co-activation of the trunk muscles during the squat exercise may lead to spinal instability and hazardous compression forces in the lumbar spine.
Low abdominal hollowing in four-point kneeling is used clinically to test and rehabilitate transversus abdominis (TrA) but many people find this exercise difficult to perform. Contracting pelvic floor muscles (PF) during low abdominal hollowing may facilitate contraction of TrA. Thickness increase in the abdominal muscles during low abdominal hollowing has been measured with real-time ultrasound scanning and may indicate muscle contraction. The present study investigated the effect of instructing PF contraction on TrA thickness increase during low abdominal hollowing. Twelve females and eight males with no reported pelvic floor dysfunction or low back pain in the last two years were taught low abdominal hollowing in four-point kneeling. Subjects performed low abdominal hollowing with and without instruction to contract PF in random order. Transversus abdominis, obliquus internus (OI) and obliquus externus (OE) thickness were measured with ultrasound scanning at rest and during both tests. Mean increase in TrA thickness during low abdominal hollowing was 49.71% (SD 26.76%), during low abdominal hollowing with PF it was 65.81% (SD 23.53%). Paired Student's t-tests indicated a significant difference between tests (p = 0.015). There were no significant differences between tests for OE or OI thickness increase. Instructing healthy subjects to co-contract PF results in greater increase in TrA thickness during low abdominal hollowing in four-point kneeling. This may indicate greater contraction of TrA and thus be useful for clinicians training TrA. Further research could investigate the validity of change of thickness as a measure of abdominal muscle contraction, investigate the effect of instructing PF co-contraction on TrA in patients with low back pain and measure PF and TrA activity simultaneously.