The enhancement of the energy efficiency in buildings implies the use of the energetic qualification to
make the users aware of the importance not only of the use of efficient equipments, but also of the efficient buildings. The Spanish regulation (Real Decreto 235/2013) supersedes the exigencies of the European Union
for existing buildings.
In this paper, a house in Requena (Valencia, Spain) of 1951 is analyzed from the energetic point of view. It
is a common type of building in regions of interior, adjacent with Aragon and Castilla, in which with the
intention of taking advantage of the natural light the higher plant is where the living takes place, being there
distinguished the stays of the domestic life, and in the ground floor is devoted to spaces of storage. A modest
house, constructed a few years after the end of the Carlists wars in Spain (1833‐1876), period in which,
known the support of the neighbors to Isabel II, the municipality suffered an epoch of decadence.
For the energetic study the software DesignBuilder has been used, for the analysis of energetically
efficient and sustainable buildings, which uses Energyplus, an engine of calculation worldwide recognized.
With this software an energetic dynamic simulation of the current condition of the housing has been
performed. After analyzing these results, the software Autodesk's Ecotect Analysis has been used, being an
interactive program of energetic simulation that works also with EnergyPlus, which has allowed us to use
initial data without dispersion in both programs.
A simulation of the building has been performed with Ecotect, realizing studies of wind roses of the zone
for the natural ventilation, solar incident radiation of the façades and shades of the building. The
psychometric curves have been analyzed, studying the improvements that the software proposes by using
them. Departing from the results of this analysis, diverse passive strategies to improve the energy efficiency
of the building are proposed.
To finish, DesignBuilder has been used again, to introduce the proposed improvements to do a new
simulation. The results obtained and compared to evaluate the success of the intervention are the loads of
the system in energetic demands of heating and the internal gains.