
A research center for augmenting human intellect

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... Multiple tiled windows were demonstrated in Engelbart's NLS in 1968 [9] . Early research at Stanford on systems like COPI- LOT (1974) [49] and at MIT with the EMACS text editor (1974) [46] also demonstrated tiled windows. ...
... Ted Nelson coined the term " hypertext " in 1965 [31]. Engelbart's NLS system [9] at the Stanford Research Laboratories in 1965 made extensive use of linking (funding from ARPA, NASA, and Rome ADC). The " NLS Journal " [11, p. 212] was one of the first on-line journals and included full linking of articles (1970). ...
... Much of the early research on head-mounted displays and on the DataGlove was supported by NASA. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work Doug Engelbart's 1968 demonstration of NLS [9] included the remote participation of multiple people at various sites (funding from ARPA, NASA, and Rome ADC). Licklider and Taylor predicted online interactive communities in a 1968 article [22] and speculated about the problem of access being limited to the privileged. ...
... The first true vision and implementation of real time groupware happened at the Fall Joint Computer Conference in 1968, where Douglas Engelbart demonstrated many important concepts including terminal-sharing, multiple pointers and turn-taking over shared displays, and audio / video conferencing [7]. This tour-de-force was far ahead of its time, and it was not until 15 years had passed that a few other researchers began replicating and extending Engelbart's ideas, most notably Sarin's [23] and Foster's [8] PhD theses. ...
... The model states that technology-oriented research usually begins with an insightful and creative breakthrough (the B in BRETAM) that leads to a major new way of thinking about that technology. Engelbart's vision of desktop productivity, hypertext, and groupware are all excellent examples of breakthroughs that caused people to rethink the role of the computer from number-cruncher to a machine that augments human intellect [7]. Replication occurs when others mimic the ideas, either by re-implementing them or (as is more common) by creatively altering the original idea in both small and large ways. ...
Interface toolkits in ordinary application areas let average programmers rapidly develop software resembling other standard applications. In contrast, toolkits for novel and perhaps unfamiliar application areas enhance the creativity of these programmers. By removing low-level implementation burdens and supplying appropriate building blocks, toolkits give people a ‘language’ to think about these new interfaces, which in turn allows them to concentrate on creative designs. This is important, for it means that programmers can rapidly generate and test new ideas, replicate and refine ideas, and create demonstrations for others to try. To illustrate this important link between toolkits and creativity, I describe example groupware toolkits we have built and how people have leveraged them to create innovative interfaces.
... Keyer Systems Generally, a chorded key set is an input device that allows to enter commands by simultaneously pressing a set of keys as introduced by Douglas Engelbart in the 1960s [8]. A keyed system, which is a device with keys arranged on it that can often be held in one hand, takes this approach and thus provides multiple input potential. ...
... The menu and the text block the view on the road 7 10 The user has to learn the braille code 8 10 Sending a message does not clear the text entry field 9 ...
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In this paper, we present a novel text input approach for car drivers: The Car Braille Keyer combines a keyer concept (defined as keyboard without an actual board) and the braille code (i.e. blind writing method) at the back of the steering wheel. This concept allows eyeless text input while driving and simultaneously leaving the hands on the steering wheel. We present a prototype of the Car Braille Keyer along with an expert evaluation and a user study. The prototype consists of two sets of three buttons each, both of which are fixed on the back side of the steering wheel (one on the left, the other on the right side). The six buttons are designed to match a braille character like they can be found in the braille language. This approach allows for entering a character or command with only a single input combination without the need to look at the keys. In our prototype we added visual output in the head up display (HUD) as well as auditive feedback to enhance the interaction. To evaluate the system, we performed a heuristic evaluation with five HCI experts. Based on their feedback, we iterated the design of the prototype and added a learning tool for interaction using the Car Braille Keyer. An initial user study with the iterated prototype and twelve participants showed a good overall usability (SUS score=73.75) as well as a good acceptance rate based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).
... The digital revolution has taken us from Licklider (1960) suggesting man-computer symbiosis and D. Engelbarts' vision for manmachine systems to improve the effectiveness of the individual human. Englebart (1962) and Weiser (1991) present a vision that introduces ubiquitous computing; a vision of people and their environments accessing information -when and where they choose. This is all in a desire to break away from interaction that was previously seen as desktop-bound only. ...
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Abstract When we forget things, we feel anxious which can impact our day negatively. Some individuals believe they are forgetful, so emphatically, it disrupts their day. There has been little discussion about perceived forgetfulness in design and HCI, combined with few studied smart objects to aid with memory. However, embedded systems, radio frequency identification (RFID) and HCI research provides inspiration towards creating a solution. Challenges of creating a day-to-day smart object that can enhance a user’s lifestyle are explored and recommended design guidelines for creating a smart object in a specific domain are the focus of this thesis. Using an experience-centred approach, ‘Message Bag’ and ‘Tag Along’ are two purpose built object-based memory aids that have emerged as a result of investigating the design processes for smart objects. The work examines smart objects in the context of forgetting what items to pack in a bag. A solution presented is a device consisting of an RFID system involving (a) pre-tagging essential items; (b) scanning those tagged items and; (c) viewing a corresponding light illuminate, to communicate to the user. Although the conceptual model is simple, success depends on a combination of technical design, usability and aesthetics. These scanning interactions result in a person feeling more confident as suggested through autoethnography reporting, real-world, third person engagements - single user walkouts, conference demos, professional critiques, and residential weekends with potential users (focus group) studies conducted. My work involved extensive autobiographical research and design-led enquiries. Testing was undertaken with investigative prototypes, followed by field testing high-fidelity prototypes. This involved an in-the-wild comparative study involving six users over several months. Results show that people feel more confident and respondents claim no longer needing to continually check items are packed, thus ‘gaining time’, and feeling less forgetful. Although the application of RFID is not new to ubiquitous computing, this implementation, styling and system immediacy is novel. This thesis presents the development of ten prototypes as well as design guidelines. The research provides a solid base for further exploration, and includes discovery of the importance of a user’s style universe and extreme ease-of-use. I conclude with the presentation of early positive results including; (i) the unique form factor becomes a reminder itself and; (ii) usability coupled with the intuitive nature of the system is shown to be essential. We found that when you are creating a smart object, usability and an intuitive nature is even more important than in a standard system. When dealing within the domain of forgetfulness, this is paramount.
... The success of the research in solving the problem defined in chapter 1 is evaluated and a comprehensive conclusion is given. (Englebart, 1962) however, little or no information has been published on the use of BIM in the developing country of Zimbabwe. ...
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BIM is a process of creating a model that contains all the necessary information required to deliver a project the information can be graphical and non-graphical. The most important aspect about BIM is of creation a Common Data Environment (CDE) a shared repository where relevant stakeholders has access to. BIM is based on three dimension model that is shared among consultants who add information concurrently or sequentially. Problems of coordination, costing, time management, resource allocation, conflict and clashes are minimum or eliminated when BIM system is used. Zimbabwe construction industry has experienced unfavourable numerous variations, high cost overruns, incompletions, delays and even abandonment of projects irrespective of the fact that BIM system can solve these challenges. Under this background it was necessary to find out why the Zimbabwean construction industry was not benefiting from BIM. A pragmatic study was done where a mixed research was contacted and quantitative and qualitative data was gathered. Two hundred and eighty nine (289) AEC professionals were contacted, and one hundred and twenty nine (129) responded giving a response rate of 44.6%. The studies showed (6%) of the professionals were not aware of the BIM system, and nine (9%) knew of the existence but were not sure of how it is used in management of construction projects. The 15% of the professionals who were not aware of the system were not prepared to adopt BIM in the near future irrespective of its known benefit. Implementation of BIM was thwarted by lack of training, knowledge of the system, lack of statutory measures to give a homogeneous platform to work on and lack of resources to implement the system. Training BIM system in academic institutions had ninety-three point nine percent (93.9%) incidents as a solution to Zimbabwe’s construction dilemma. Gathered data showed that many Zimbabwean companies were either at level zero (15% of the respondents) or leve1 one (87% of the respondents) and 3% of the respondents had partially reached level two of BIM system. No company had successfully implemented level two or reached level three. In terms of managing cost overruns, the findings showed that the higher the level a company reached in its use of BIM the lower the number of projects that had excessive overruns. Three (3)% of the respondents had partially reached level two, and Cronbach and Pearson correlation coefficient were used to determine the reliability and correlation of the data, and an average of 1 and 0.12 respectively was obtained, which means the data is reliable and there is a positive correlation between BIM and cost overruns.
... Revendiquant le fait de travailler sur l'augmentation de l'intelligence humaine, celui-ci explora les pistes les plus diverses, permettant à l'utilisateur d'agir en sympathie avec la machine. Le 9 décembre 1968, il présente publiquement, lors d'un séminaire depuis dénommé The Mother of All Demo 8 , un ensemble de logiciels commandés par une souris, élément central de son « Augmented Knowledge Workshop » [21]. Plus globalement, les sciences cognitives se développaient, s'organisaient et rivalisaient pour proposer des axes conceptuellement innovants afin de mieux comprendre ce qu'est la pensée et de réinterroger son rapport au biologique [22]. ...
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Title: La genèse des neurosciences - Entre technosciences* et diplomatie de l’innovation**, des années 1940 aux années 1970. Abstract: À partir des années 1940, plusieurs dynamiques permirent de renforcer le champ des sciences du cerveau et du système nerveux dans un processus interdisciplinaire, favorisé par l’idée que les biochimistes viendraient désormais éclairer les mécanismes physiologiques du système nerveux. Plus globalement, des grands programmes de recherche comme le projet Manhattan*** ou bien la réalisation de l’ENIAC (electronic numerical integrator and computer), avaient mis en évidence l’interpénétration, sans dépendance unilatérale de l’une à l’égard de l’autre, des sciences et des techniques. L’illusion d’une technique « appliquant » les découvertes scientifiques s’évanouit alors. Le concept de « technosciences »*, en permettant de sortir de cette dichotomie, permet de mieux comprendre comment, entre les années 1940 et 1970, diverses trajectoires convergèrent pour donner naissance aux « neurosciences modernes » [1, 2].
... The same year that John McCarthy assembled his initial workshop on Artificial Intelligence, William Ashby detailed the possibility of "Amplifying Intelligence" in his Introduction to Cybernetics [84] . Soon after, Douglas Englebart put forward a program to "Augment Human Intellect" [85] , which J.C.R. Licklider described as "Man-Computer Symbiosis" [86] . The vision behind amplified or augmented human intelligence was to accelerate human thinking by reducing friction and allowing unmediated access to information for reference and manipulation. ...
Social computing is ubiquitous and intensifying in the 21st Century. Originally used to reference computational augmentation of social interaction through collaborative filtering, social media, wikis, and crowdsourcing, here I propose to expand the concept to cover the complete dynamic interface between social interaction and computation, including computationally enhanced sociality and social science, socially enhanced computing and computer science, and their increasingly complex combination for mutual enhancement. This recommends that we reimagine Computational Social Science as Social Computing, not merely using computational tools to make sense of the contemporary explosion of social data, but also recognizing societies as emergent computers of more or less collective intelligence, innovation and flourishing. It further proposes we imagine a socially inspired computer science that takes these insights into account as we build machines not merely to substitute for human cognition, but radically complement it. This leads to a vision of social computing as an extreme form of human computer interaction, whereby machines and persons recursively combine to augment one another in generating collective intelligence, enhanced knowledge, and other social goods unattainable without each other. Using the example of science and technology, I illustrate how progress in each of these areas unleash advances in the others and the beneficial relationship between the technology and science of social computing, which reveals limits of sociality and computation, and stimulates our imagination about how they can reach past those limits together.
... The Apple Macintosh, developed from the Lisa (Williams 1983, Morgan et al. 1983) is an example of a current popular application of both new technology and new knowledge. The technology and experience that made this approach to computing possible has its roots in the visionary work of Sutherland (1963) who invented the first 'graphics-land' , with elegant graphical interaction techniques, employing unobtrusive machine assistance, to amplify the drawing skills of the draughts-person unconcerned with the technicalities of computers; of Englebart (1968), who originated the mouse and computer-augmented human reasoning at SRI; of Kay (1969Kay ( , 1972 who developed the first higher-level personal computer, object-oriented programming with windows and multiple views, systems based on message-passing primitives, and simple personal programming systems of great power; of Papert (1973Papert ( , 1980 who, following in the traditions of Piaget and Montessori, used computers to show how complex ideas could be taught easily when translated into concrete terms in an environment in which it was easy and enjoyable to experiment, catering to the growth of the child rather than mere provison of information; of Foley and Wallace (1974), who made a notable early statement of rules for natural graphical 'conversation'; and of D. C. who developed direct manipulation and the 'icon' as the basis for computer-aided thought using 'visualization' , inspired by the 1.5. The promise and the problem visual simulations and animations of Smalltalk, Kay's system. ...
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Many problems that have to be solved in present day human-computer interfaces arise from technology limitations, quite apart from those arising from lack of appropriate knowledge. Some of the progress we see in the most recently developed interfaces has occurred simply because bit-mapped screens, large memories, colour, compute-power appropriate to local intelligence, and the like, have all become inexpensive at the same time as rising human costs have finally been appreciated, and deprecated, by those who pay the bills. The new technical possibilities, and the now obvious economic advantages of providing good interactive computer support to enhance human productivity in all areas of endeavour has created tremendous pressure to improve the human-computer interface. This pressure, in turn, has dramatically highlighted our lack of fundamental knowledge and methodologies concerning interactive systems design, human problem solving, interaction techniques, dialogue prototyping and management, and system evaluation. The design of human computer interfaces is still more of an art than a science. Furthermore, the knowledge and methodologies that do exist often turn out to fall short of what is needed to match computer methods or to serve as a basis for detailed algorithm design. The paper is addressed to a mixed audience, with the purpose of reviewing the background and current state of human-computer interaction, touching on the social and ethical responsibility of the designer, and picking out some of the central ideas that seem likely to shape the development of interaction and interface design in future computer systems. Areas are suggested in which advances in fundamental knowledge and in our understanding of how to apply that knowledge seem to be needed to support interaction in future computer systems. Such systems are seen as having their roots in the visionary work of Sutherland (1963), Englebart and English (1968), Kay (1969), Winograd (1970), Hansen (1971), Papert (1973), Foley and Wallace (1974), and D. C. Smith (1975). Their emphasis on natural dialogue, ease of use for the task, creativity, problem solving, appropriate division of labour, and powerful machine help available in the user's terms will still be crucial in the future. However, the ability to form, communicate, manipulate and use models effectively will come to dominate interaction with future computer systems as the focus of interactive systems shifts to knowledge-based performance. Human-computer interaction must be regarded as the amplification of an individual's intellectual productivity by graceful determination and satisfaction of every need that is amenable to algorithmic solution, without any disturbance of the overall problem-solving process.
... Bimanual interaction with a computer was first introduced by Engelbart and English in 1968. Their NLS system supported simultaneous use of a chorded keyboard in the non-dominant hand and a mouse in the dominant hand [9]. However, it was not until the mid-80s' that Buxton and Myers [7] first detailed the efficacy of two-handed input. ...
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Hybrid paper-digital desktop workspaces have long been of interest in HCI, yet their design remains challenging. One continuing challenge is to support fluid interaction with both paper and digital media, while taking advantage of established practices with each. Today researchers are exploiting depth cameras and computer vision to capture activity on and above the desktop and enable direct interaction with digitally projected and physical media. One important prerequisite to augmenting desktop activity is understanding human behavior in particular contexts and tasks. Here we study active reading on the desktop. To better understand active reading practices and identify patterns that might serve as signatures for different types of related activity, we conducted a microanalysis of single users reading on and above the desktop workspace. We describe the relationship between multimodal body-based contextual cues and the interactions they signify in a physical desktop workspace. Detailed analysis of coordinated interactions with paper documents provides an empirical basis for designing digitally augmented desktop workspaces. We conclude with prototype design interactions for hybrid paper-digital desktop workspaces.
... Graphic user interfaces, pioneered by Doug Englebart (1968), Alan Kay (1977) and others, had been used in various experimental Alto systems (Lampson 1988). The Xerox Star was the first commercial computer with a mouse and windows interface. ...
The author looks back on the first half century of operating systems and selects his favorite papers on classic operating systems. These papers span the entire history of the field from the batch processing systems of the 1950s to the distributed systems of the 1990s. Each paper describes an operating system that combines significant ideas in an elegant way. Most of them were written by the pioneers who had the visions and the drive to make them work. The author summarizes each paper and concludes that operating systems are based on a surprisingly small number of ideas of permanent interest.
... NLS. Over twenty years ago, the visionary Doug Engelbart built what is probably the first shared screen conferencing as part of his NLS system (Engelbart and English, 1968). Six displays were arranged on a table so that a group of twenty participants could see the screens. ...
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Although work is frequently collaborative, most computer-based activities revolve around software packages designed to be used by one person at a time. To get around this, people working together often talk and gesture around a computer screen, perhaps taking turns interacting with the running “single-user” application by passing the keyboard around. However, it is technically possible to share these unaltered applications—even though they were originally designed for a single user only—across physically different workstations through special view-sharing software. Each person sees the same image of the running application on their own screen, and has an opportunity to interact with it by taking turns. This paper discusses the various roles and responsibilities of the view-sharing software that must be considered during its design and evaluation: view management, floor control, conference registration by participants, and handling of meta-level communications. A brief survey of existing shared view systems is provided for background.
... Even earlier, the lightgun (as the predecessor of the lightpen) was developed for tactical control and selection of discrete symbols on a screen at the MIT in 1945 (Howlett and Rota, 1980). In 1968 Douglas C. Engelbart developed the mouse (Engelbart and English, 1968), which is even after more than 40 years one of the most successful interaction devices worldwide. During the seventies scientists at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) developed a graphical user interface which was more or less the beginning of modern user interfaces. ...
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This paper proposes a novel digital system for ordering customized products in a convenient pen and paper setting. In particular we integrate pen-based interaction forms which automatically recognize natural handwriting. The integration of these forms in a factory environment describes a novel way of addressing orders to a producing facility beside usual ways like direct access or web-interaction forms.
... However, there are a number of reasons why these devices are less than optimal for large displays. From the outset, in 1968, Douglas Engelbart developed the mouse to provide a way for users to interact with personal computers [ 1]. It was never designed to be used in a large display environment. ...
... With pixel-level control it is now feasible to create elaborate and responsive visual displays. The introduction of the mouse (Engelbart and English, 1968) and other pointing devices provided a way to interact directly with such displays, and paved the road for the evolution of the direct manipulation interface (Hutchins et al., 1986; Shneiderman, 1983). Today human-computer interaction is more likely to be open-ended and user event-driven than procedurally-driven, and input and output are increasingly more likely to be graphical or locational than textual. ...
Jeepers is a software tool for conducting empirical studies of user perception of graphical interface features. It was developed in the context of a research program on dynamic interactive graphical techniques for data visualization and exploration. The tool was effectively applied in researching the problem of discerning point cloud highlighting patterns such as those that would be displayed in interactive data "painting". Other potential research uses for the software are discussed.
... Telepointers are the simplest approach for supporting embodiment, and were envisioned and implemented as early as 1968 [6]. Remote participants are represented in the workspace as pointers (i.e., mouse cursors), one for each person. ...
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Mixed Presence Groupware (MPG) is software that connects collocated and distributed collaborators together in a shared visual workspace. The problem is that collaborators in MPG focus their collaborative energies almost exclusively on their collocated partners, ignoring their distributed counterparts. This arises because remote collaborators are disembodied when compared to their collocated cohorts: they lack the material presence that informs others of their actions. In this paper, we recap how physical bodies facilitate collaboration in physical workspaces via feedthrough, consequential communication and gestures. We recast this theory as four design implications for virtual embodiments that minimize the disparity between collocated and remote collaborators within MPG. We use these properties to design VideoArms, a video-based mechanism that captures people's body actions within a physical workspace, and then digitally recreates them as virtual embodiments throughout the MPG workspace.
... Thus CSCW technology enables an expansion of both the concepts of a meeting and that of collaborative work, allowing participants to transcend the requirements of being in the same place and working together at the same time. As with so many aspects of modern computing, one of the earliest demonstrations of CSCW occurred in Doug Engelbart's Augmented Knowledge Workshop in the middle 60's (Engelbart and English, 1968). His work included the use of hypertext and hierarchically structured documents which were accessible through shared workspaces and discussable over audio and video links. ...
This paper and the accompanying invited talk focus on new paradigms for computing in the nineties, with emphasis on computer supported cooperative work (CSCW). We define CSCW as computer-assisted coor-dinated activity such as communication and problem solving carried out by a group of collaborating individ-uals. CSCW represents a paradigm shift for computer science, one in which human-human rather than human-machine communications and problem solving are emphasized. This paper describes the nature of work in CSCW, sketches the history of the field, and formulates some issues that are important to ensure progress and future success.
... There are text editors that treat data files as simply streams or lines of characters, and there are editors which are aware of the syntax or semantics of the data that are being edited. This latter type, which I shall call structured editors, has attracted many designers over the last twenty years [1,2]. Structured editing is seen as one of the best ways of improving the quality of the tools available to computer users. ...
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Many sophisticated and specialized editing programs have been developed in recent years. These editors help people manipulate data, but the diversity complicates rather than simplifies computer use. LEXX is an editing program that can work with the syntax and structure of the data it is presenting, yet is not restricted to just one kind of data. It is used for editing programs, documents, and other material and hence provides a consistent environment for the user regardless of the editing task. The new live parsing technique used by LEXX means that it can be programmed to handle a very wide variety of structured data. The structure information is, in turn, used to improve the presentation of data (through color, fonts, and formatting), which makes it easier for people to deal with the text being edited.
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We theorize on the heterogonous network of people, visions, concepts, technological artifacts, and organizations that come together to enable product innovation. Drawing on the conceptual framing and mechanisms of actor-network theory (ANT), we focus on the relationships among human and non-human actors and their roles to enact new products. We do this to contribute both evidence and theory regarding the concept of a sociotechnical assemblage that serves as the innovation network. Advancing a sociotechnical conceptualization of innovation focuses attention on the contributions of, and linkages among, different types of actors; individuals and organizations, visions and concepts, and technological artifacts and prototypes together create a means for innovation to occur. The empirical basis for this theorizing comes from a detailed study of the community of research scientists, faculty, and graduate students; institutions such as research labs, funding sources, and product companies who were (and mostly still are) involved in tabletop computing. Analysis highlights the centrality of visions, concepts and technological artifacts in the innovation network. We also find that formal organizations play important, but often unrealized, roles in supporting innovation.
The steering wheel is—besides pedals for acceleration and breaking—the most prominent interaction artifact between drivers and their vehicles. All cars have a steering wheel, which translates steering instructions from drivers to cars. “Eyes on the road and hands on the wheel!” is one of the most prominent paradigms in the automotive world. The driver should always have a grip of the steering wheel, making it also the most reachable area in the car for manual interaction. Automotive interaction designers have, rightly, used the area on and around the steering wheel to position interaction elements beyond steering. Today’s cars are cluttered with buttons and switches to operate the car’s information and entertainment system. New interaction modes, such as touch screens on the steering wheel or shape changing rims offer interaction designers new perspectives on utilizing the steering wheel, as a means for interaction with the vehicle. In this chapter, we describe the design space steering wheels offer for interaction beyond steering the vehicle. We collect and analyze various approaches from industry and academia on human-steering wheel interaction beyond traditional interaction and infer potentials and risks when utilizing such novel modalities in terms of interaction design. This analysis leads to a thorough discussion of the steering wheel interaction design space, resulting in related interaction design recommendations. Finally, we provide a look into the future when evermore advanced driving assistance systems pervade the car, eventually relieving the driver from the steering task with the emergence of autonomous vehicles.
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Mit dieser Arbeit ist das Ziel verbunden, Anforderungen an Funktionalitäten und Tools zur Förderung der Kreativität in Innovations-Communities zu identifizieren, ein Modell zur Klassifizierung dieser Funktionalitäten und Softwarewerkzeuge zu entwickeln und auf diesem Klassifikationsschema basierend Gestaltungsempfehlungen für Innovationsgemeinschaften in Form zu implementierender Funktionalitäten und Tools abzuleiten. Um das Thema in den Gesamtzusammenhang einordnen zu können, wurde in einem ersten Schritt das theoretische Fundament gelegt. Der Darstellung begrifflicher Grundlagen folgten Ausführungen zum aktuellen Forschungsstand bezüglich der Kreativitätsunterstützung. Eine intensive Literatur- und Internetsondierung ergab eine Auflistung von insgesamt zehn Anforderungen an Funktionalitäten und Tools zur Unterstützung der Kreativität in Communities for Innovations. Grundlage für den Entwurf des Schemas zur Klassifikation von Funktionalitäten und Computertools bezüglich der Unterstützung der Kreativität in Innovationsgemeinschaften sind im Wesentlichen drei in einer umfangreichen Web- und Literaturrecherche ermittelte Modelle. Des Weiteren wurde aufgezeigt, wie und in welchem Umfang dieses neu entwickelte Konzept die zuvor bestimmten Anforderungen erfüllt. Die Ableitung konkreter Funktionalitäten und Tools zur Förderung der Kreativität in Innovations-Communities konnte gemäß dem neu konzipierten Kategorisierungsmodell erfolgen. Diese Eingliederung kann als Empfehlung für die Gestaltung von Communities for Innovations angesehen werden und erfolgte basierend auf Anregungen der Literatur sowie nach dem Ermessen des Autors dieser Arbeit.
In his paper on ‘The Art of Man-Machine Communication’, Foley (10) gives a definition of the word ‘graphics’. If we add to this definition and adjust it to preserve the chronological order, then we end up with the following: The word ‘graphics’ derives from the ancient Greek word ‘grafikos’ which would translate to ‘clearly and vividly described’. In modern times ‘graphic’ has taken the meaning given by the phrase ‘pertaining to the drawing of marks, lines or characters on a surface’, from which the usage of the term ‘Computer Graphics’ is clearly derived. It is precisely because graphics (second definition) are graphic (first definition) that they are used as a medium of communication between Man and Machine. Interaction with computers has been slowed down by the need to reduce all communication to written statements which can be typed.
This chapter reviews the support of asynchronous teams, initially utilising Intranet-based mini-case study publication with Web-based conferencing. There was subsequent use of Lotus Notes within the same context. The specific situation relates to large groups of one-year full time MBA students. The chapter reports on this exercise from both pedagogic and groupware perspectives. Implications, and planned future developments of this approach, are reviewed.
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In the UK alone smartphone adoption has reached 61% in 2014. In home and living-room contexts, this adoption has led to "multi-screening", meaning the concurrent use of devices such as smartphones and tablets alongside the TV. The resultant private "digital bubble" [12] of this device usage has been discussed as raising a problematic barrier to socialization and interaction, with mobile phone use in particular having significant anti-social connotations [24]. However mobile devices have evolved new capabilities for sharing their activity, most notably through screen mirroring. This paper explores how we can utilize the TV to view screen-mirrored device activity, decreasing the digital isolation of device usage. We examine the extent to which users can attend to multiple devices on one TV, the effect this and prior systems have had on existing TV viewing, and propose ways in which we can aid users to manage their viewing of device activity on the TV. Moreover, we examine new approaches toward the accessibility of device activity, investigating systems which allow users to attend to whichever device activity they wish using multi-view displays, and discuss the social and privacy implications of having "always-on" screen-mirrored devices.
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The phrase “eyes on the road and hands on the wheel” has gained acceptance as a maxim for safe driving. Many driver interfaces do not adhere to this simple rule. We explore interaction possibilities which follow this principle by introducing the Back-of-the-Steering-Wheel (BotSW) as an automotive input design space. Since the steering wheel is in the peripheral vision of the driver when looking ahead this space can be seen as an ambient interaction space for the driver. In order to explore this design space, we follow a research through design approach. We present the development of three “explorations” which we consider as evolutionary prototypes built to investigate the BotSW design space: two-sliders, six-buttons, and braille-keyer. Based on our experiences, we discuss the BotSW design space systematically by identifying its interaction design related properties: ring shape, rotating, not visible, supporting bimanual and multi fingers interaction. The intention of our work is to show possibilities of interaction at the back of the steering wheel and inspire designers to envision novel solutions to interact with the car while leaving the hands on the wheel.
In this thesis, I designed and implemented an optical system for freehand interactions in six degrees of freedom. A single camera captures a pen's location and orientation, including roll, tilt, x, y, and z by reading information encoded in a pattern at the infinite focal plane. The pattern design, server-side processing, and application demo software is written in Microsoft C#.NET, while the client-side pattern recognition is integrated into a camera with an on-board DSP and programmed in C. We evaluate a number of prototypes and consider the pen's potential as an input device.
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Innovation represents the main driver for enterprises to evolve, and very often to survive in the globalized market. In the last decades, innovation in enterprise contexts has seen the introduction of new paradigms leveraging the so-called collective intelligence. Such paradigms have gained momentum thanks to the diffusion of the Internet, and the Web 2.0 in particular, and many supporting platforms have been developed. A critical aspect here regards the availability of tools able to manage the knowledge flow across the whole innovation lifecycle (problem awareness, idea generation, solution implementation), overcoming the fragmentation and heterogeneity of the informative resources of the involved players. With this respect, we propose a Semantics-based Collective Awareness Platform for supporting business innovation activities, in which semantic facilities are provided for a smarter knowledge acquisition and sharing, as well as for supporting solutions to complex problems.
Conference Paper
Designing interactive computer systems to be efficient and easy to use is important so that people in our society may realize the potential benefits of computer-based tools .... Although modern cognitive psychology contains a wealth of knowledge of human ...
The topic of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) has attracted much attention in the last few years. While the field is obviously still in the process of development, there is a marked ambiguity about the exact focus of the field. This lack of focus may hinder its further development and lead to its dissipation. In this paper we set out an approach to CSCW as a field of research which we believe provides a coherent conceptual framework for this area, suggesting that it should be concerned with thesupport requirements of cooperative work arrangements. This provides a more principled, comprehensive, and, in our opinion, more useful conception of the field than that provided by the conception of CSCW as being focused on computer support for groups. We then investigate the consequences of taking this alternative conception seriously, in terms of research directions for the field. As an indication of the fruits of this approach, we discuss the concept of ‘articulation work’ and its relevance to CSCW. This raises a host of interesting problems that are marginalized in the work on small group support but critical to the success of CSCW systems ‘in the large’, i. e., that are designed to meet current work requirements in the everyday world.
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The "Quantum Programming" is a metaphor for developing software based on asynchronous, event-driven active objects, each embedding a hierarchical state machine (UML statechart). The book describes all related concepts and a complete software infrastructure (framework) fore executing statecharts tailored for deeply embedded applications.
We introduce, review and analyse recent research in Music and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), also known as Music Interaction. After a general overview of the discipline, we analyse the themes and issues raised by the other 15 chapters of this book, each of which presents recent research in this field. The bulk of this chapter is organised as an FAQ. Topics include: the scope of research in Music Interaction; the role of HCI in Music Interaction; and conversely, the role of Music Interaction in HCI. High-level themes include embodied cognition, spatial cognition, evolutionary interaction, gesture, formal language, affective interaction, and methodologies from social science. Musical activities covered include performance, composition, analysis, collaborative music making, and human and machine improvisation. Specific issues include: whether Music Interaction should be easy; what can be learned from the experience of being “in the groove”, and what can be learned from the commitment of musical amateurs. Broader issues include: what Music Interaction can offer traditional instruments and musical activities; what relevance it has for domains unconnected with music; and ways in which Music Interaction can enable entirely new musical activities.
A mathematical model of document assembly using a computerized word processing system is introduced. In this process the operator prepares a typed document by assembling it from segments of text which are either retrieved from a file and copied on to the document or retyped by the operator. This model is used to obtain the optimal operation strategy, and the expected processing time as a function of the document's length and the man-machine parameters. Based on these results, some criteria are suggested for evaluating alternative word processors with respect to this application and for determining tradeoffs involved in designing such systems.
This chapter reviews the support of asynchronous teams utilizing intranet-based mini-case study publication with web-based conferencing The specific situation relates to large groups of one-year full-time MBA students. The chapter reports on this exercise from both pedagogic and groupware perspectives. Implications, and planned future developments of this approach, are reviewed.
That Thomas Jefferson was a prolific writer is generally recognized. Less well known are his contributions to the history of writing technology. Jefferson invented or improved devices for composing, copying, and encrypting. When the devices Jefferson developed are considered together, they demonstrate a virtual “computer.” As a writer, Jefferson used his improvised “computer” to draft the American Declaration of Independence and, as an officeholder, to create a public record of government. This essay links Jefferson's development of writing technology to his democratic political philosophy. The link should interest writing teachers. Those concerned about oppressive social effects of computers can gain perspective from Jefferson's principled practice. From the Jeffersonian principle of selfgoverning democracy, it follows that user communities, not devices, determine what technology can do. Jefferson's mechanization of copying exemplifies the use of information technology to support democratic governance. Applied to a question troubling the teaching profession, whether information networks might help or hinder democracy in education, Jeffersonian optimism effectively counters Foucauldian pessimism.
WE is a hypertext writing environment that can be used to create both electronic and printed documents. It is intended for professionals who work within a computer network of professional workstations. Since writing is a complex mental activity that uses many different kinds of thinking, WE was designed in accord with an explicit cognitive model for writing. That model raises several important questions for both electronic and printed documents. The paper includes a discussion of the underlying cognitive model, a description of WE as it currently exists and as it will be extended in the near future, as well as a brief outline of experiments being conducted to evaluate both the model and the system. It concludes by re-examining some of the issues raised by the cognitive model in light of WE, especially the rote of constraints in hypertext systems.
A mouse is a pointing device used with interactive display-oriented computer systems, which tracks the movement of a user’s hand as the user pushes the mouse about on a pad (usually on the work surface next to the user’s keyboard). Mice have recently become available in the office products market as a part of the Xerox “Star,” the 8010 Professional Workstation [Business 1981, Seybold 1981–1, and Seybold 1981-2].
The expansion of information and the growth in the number of databases cause the user to have great difficulties in getting the relevant information he needs. Relevant information in this context is information that has been summarized and selected and contains only essential information in the required area. The following are several methods to achieve this goal: 1. The development of a tool for orientation and control in different databases. 2. The definition of a model for information reduction and the creation of an essential logical database. 3. The development of models and an apparatus for automatic data analysis. This article deals with an on-line system that manages a large database in a reduction model under hypertext virtual node. The system and its user interface present a method to deal with data explosion in a large organization.
MIKROPLIS is hypertext software for handling textual information representing designers' reasoning. It is based on PHI (procedurally hierarchy of issues), a refinement of the IBIS (issue-based information system) design method. This article explains the history of hypertext, the PHI variant of IBIS and the MIKROPLIS system itself.
The complete PDF of the book plus code and resources are available at:
The present report discusses multimedia technology from the perspective of theories and models in psychology. It describes multimedia as the result of new theories about the capabilities of man and as the result of new visions about the role of computers. It discusses the fundamentals of multimedia and relates it to new trends in perceptual, cognitive and social psychology. In addition some basic interface problems in current implementations are discussed.
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For groupware to be considered successful, it must be usable and acceptable by most, if not all, members of the group. Yet the differences present between group members--their varying roles, needs, skills--and the differences between groups as a whole are a serious obstacle to achieving uniform acceptance of the groupware product, especially when the product treats all people and groups identically. This paper raises several consequences of not accommodating individual differences, and then offers a possible solution to the problem. First, instances of groupware failure are described: the inability of the group to reach a critical mass; the unequal accessibility of the groupware by participants; the failure to accommodate the different roles participants may play; the failure to balance the work done against the benefits received; and the failure of groupware to evolve with the needs of the group. Second, the notion of personalizable groupware is proposed, defined as a system whose behaviour can be altered to match the particular needs of group participants and of each group as a whole. Finally, the paper presents SHARE, a working example of personalizable groupware. SHARE is a shared screen system that offers its users a flexible choice of floor control models to help them mediate their interactions with the shared application.
This paper presents a generalized approach to data editing in interactive systems. We describe the ED3 editor, which is a powerful tool for text editing combining the ability to handle hierarchical structures with screen-oriented text editing facilities. Extensions for handling simple pictures and formatted data records in a uniform way are part of our approach. Examples of ED3 applications are presented.
Previous hypertext systems have been designed in a monolithic fashion. This design has inhibited the ability of hypertext systems to be extended or to interface with other systems. A new architecture for hypertext systems has been developed. This architecture is centered around the process and object-oriented models of software construction. The architecture provides hypertext functionality outside the application, allowing applications to draw upon those hypertext features appropriate to the application. The architecture also extends hypertext functionality so that inter-application as well as intra-application information links can be formed.
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This paper describes an intelligent system to help people share and filter information communicated by computer-based messaging systems. The system exploits concepts from artificial intelligence such as frames, production rules, and inheritance networks, but it avoids the unsolved problems of natural language understanding by providing users with a rich set of semi-structured message templates. A consistent set of “direct manipulation” editors simplifies the use of the system by individuals, and an incremental enhancement path simplifies the adoption of the system by groups. One of the key problems that arises when any group of people cooperates to solve problems or make decisions is how to share information. Thus one of the central goals of designing good “organizational interfaces” (Malone, 1985) should be to help people share information in groups and organizations. In this paper, we will describe a prototype system, called the Information Lens, that focuses on one aspect of this problem: how to help people share the many diverse kinds of qualitative information that are communicated via electronic messaging systems. It is already a common experience in mature computer-based messaging communities for people to feel flooded with large quantities of electronic “junk mail” (Denning, 1982; Palme, 1984; Wilson, 1984; Hiltz & Turoff, 1985), and the widespread availability of inexpensive communication capability has the potential to overwhelm people with even more messages that are of little or no value to them. At the same time, it is also a common experience for people to be ignorant of facts that would facilitate their work and that are known elsewhere in their organization. The system we will describe helps solve both these problems: it helps people filter, sort, and prioritize messages that are already addressed to them, and it also helps them find useful messages they would not otherwise have received. The most common previous approach to structuring information sharing in electronic messaging environments is to let users implicitly specify their general areas of interest by associating themselves with centralized distribution lists or conference topics related to particular subjects (e.g., Hiltz & Turoff, 1978). Since these methods of disseminating information are often targeted for relatively large audiences, however, it is usually impossible for all the information distributed to be of interest to all recipients. The Information Lens system uses much more detailed representations of message contents and receivers' interests to provide more sophisticated filtering possibilities. One of the key ideas behind this system is that many of the unsolved problems of natural language understanding can be avoided by using semi-structured templates (or frames) for different types of messages. These templates are used by the senders of messages to facilitate composing messages in the first place. Then, the same templates are used by the receivers of messages to facilitate constructing a set of rules to be used for filtering and categorizing messages of different types.
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In this article, we investigate the perception of optically simulated haptic feedback. The perception of optically and mechanically simulated bumps and holes was tested experimentally. In an earlier article, we have described the active cursor technique, a method to simulate haptic feedback optically without resorting to special mechanical force feedback devices, commonly applied to produce haptic percepts in computer interfaces. The operation of the force feedback device is substituted by tiny displacements on the cursor position relative to the intended force. This method exploits the domination of the visual over the haptic modality. Results show that people can recognize optically simulated bump and hole structures and that active cursor displacements influence the haptic perception of bumps and holes. Depending on the simulated strength of the force, optically simulated haptic feedback can take precedence over mechanically simulated haptic feedback and also the other way around. When optically simulated and mechanically simulated haptic feedback counteract each other, however, the weight attributed to each source of haptic information differs from user to user. It is concluded that active cursor displacements can be used to simulate the operation of mechanical force feedback devices.
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We suggest that HCI designs characteristically embody multiple, distinct psychological claims, that virtually every aspect of a system's usability is overdetermined by independent psychological rationales inherent in its design. These myriad claims cohere in being implemented together in a running system. Thus, HCI artifacts themselves are perhaps the most effective medium for theory development in HCI. We advance a framework for articulating the psychological claims embodied by artifacts. This proposal reconciles the contrasting perspectives of theory-based design and hermeneutics, and clarifies the apparent paradox of HCI application leading HCI theory.
Conference Paper
In many contexts, humans often represent their own “neighborhood” in great detail, yet only major landmarks further away. This suggests that such views (“fisheye views”) might be useful for the computer display of large information structures like programs, data bases, online text, etc. This paper explores fisheye views presenting, in turn, naturalistic studies, a general formalism, a specific instantiation, a resulting computer program, example displays and an evaluation
A mathematical representation of text editing tasks and a model of the implementation of such tasks by man-machine systems is introduced. The model assumes an abstract system that is characterized by a set of parameters such as insert rate, delete rate, etc. This model is used to derive the optimal operation strategy for a system and the expected editing rate as a function of the document's length and the parameters describing the work load and the system. Based on these results, some criteria are suggested for evaluating alternative text editing systems and for determining tradeoffs involved in designing such systems.
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