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ERDC SR-10-1
Water Resources Infrastructure Program
Beyond the Factor of Safety:
Developing Fragility Curves to
Characterize System Reliability
Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory
Martin T. Schultz, Ben P. Gouldby, Jonathan D. Simm,
and Johannes L. Wibowo
July 2010
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Water Resources Infrastructure Program
ERDC SR-10-1
July 2010
Beyond the Factor of Safety:
Developing Fragility Curves to
Characterize System Reliability
Martin T. Schultz
Environmental Laboratory
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
3909 Halls Ferry Road
Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199
Ben P. Gouldby and Jonathan D. Simm
HR Wallingford, Ltd.
Howbery Park
Wallingford, Oxfordshire
Johannes L. Wibowo
Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
3909 Halls Ferry Road
Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199
Final report
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Prepared for Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Washington, DC 20314-1000
ERDC SR-10-1 ii
Abstract: Fragility curves are becoming increasingly common compo-
nents of flood risk assessments. This report introduces the concept of the
fragility curve and shows how fragility curves are related to more familiar
reliability concepts, such as the deterministic factor of safety and the rela-
tive reliability index. Examples of fragility curves are identified in the
literature on structures and risk assessment to identify what methods have
been used to develop fragility curves in practice. Four basic approaches are
identified: judgmental, empirical, hybrid, and analytical. Analytical
approaches are, by far, the most common method encountered in the
literature. This group of methods is further decomposed based on whether
the limit state equation is an explicit function or an implicit function and
on whether the probability of failure is obtained using analytical solution
methods or numerical solution methods. Advantages and disadvantages of
the various approaches are considered.
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ERDC SR-10-1 iii
Figures and Tables ................................................................................................................................. iv
Preface ..................................................................................................................................................... v
Summary ................................................................................................................................................. vi
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Overview of Key Concepts ............................................................................................................. 4
Uncertainty and risk ................................................................................................................. 4
Design factor of safety ............................................................................................................. 6
Reliability index ......................................................................................................................... 7
Fragility curves .......................................................................................................................... 9
Use of fragility curves in risk assessment............................................................................. 13
3 Examples of Fragility Curves from the Literature ..................................................................... 15
Four approaches to developing fragility curves .................................................................... 15
Judgmental approaches .................................................................................................................... 15
Empirical approaches ........................................................................................................................ 17
Analytical approaches ....................................................................................................................... 17
Hybrid approaches ............................................................................................................................. 22
Advantages and disadvantages of the approaches and methods ...................................... 23
Classification of fragility curve examples .............................................................................. 27
Fragility curves for water resources infrastructure ............................................................... 31
References ............................................................................................................................................ 36
Appendix A: Notes on Fragility Curve Examples Found in the Literature ...................................... 41
Report Documentation Page
ERDC SR-10-1 iv
Figures and Tables
Figure 1. Reliability index. Information about uncertainty in capacity and demand (a) is
used to derive a probability distribution for the safety margin (b). ........................................................ 8
Figure 2. A conceptual fragility curve. The fragility curve is a step function (a) for very well
understood or brittle systems. A fragility curve is an S-shaped function (b) for poorly
understood or elastic systems. ............................................................................................................... 10
Figure 3. Examples of fragility curves derived from the reliability index. This example
assumes a lognormal distribution for the capacity term. In plot a, mR is varied from 100 to
1000 while
σlnR .05
is held constant. In plot b, mR = 100 is held constant while
σln R is varied from 0.1 to 1.5. ............................................................................................................... 11
Figure 4. Number of fragility curve examples by year of publication .................................................. 27
Figure 5. Number of fragility curve examples by method, hazard domain, and structure
type. ........................................................................................................................................................... 28
Tab le 1. Advantages and disadvantages of approaches to developing fragility curves. ................... 24
Tab le 2. Advantages and disadvantages of specific analytical and numerical solution
methods. ................................................................................................................................................... 25
Table 3. Examples of studies that develop fragility curves. .................................................................. 29
ERDC SR-10-1 v
This study of methods used in estimating fragility curves was sponsored
by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) Water Resources
Infrastructure (WRI) research area.
This investigation was conducted during the period March to Decem-
ber 2009. Principal investigator for the study was Dr. Martin T. Schultz,
Environmental Laboratory (EL), U.S. Army Engineer Research and
Development Center (ERDC). The report was prepared by Dr. Schultz,
along with Ben P. Gouldby and Jonathan D. Simm, HR Wallingford, Ltd.,
and Dr. Johannes L. Wibowo, ERDC Geotechnical and Structures
Laboratory (GSL).
The USACE International Research Office provided support for the partici-
pation of Gouldby and Simm in the Workshop on Reliability and Fragility
Curves, which was conducted during the course of this research.
Direction for this research was provided by Dr. Michael K. Sharp, ERDC
Technical Director for Water Resources Infrastructure; Dr. Maureen K.
Corcoran, Assistant Director for WRI; Dr. Monte L. Pearson, Chief,
Geotechnical Engineering and Geosciences Branch; Bartley P. Durst,
Chief, Geosciences and Structures Division; and Dr. David W. Pittman,
Laboratory Director (all of GSL); along with Warren P. Lorentz, Chief,
Environmental Risk Assessment Branch; Dr. Richard E. Price, Chief,
Environmental Processes and Engineering Division; and Dr. Elizabeth
Fleming, Laboratory Director (all of EL).
COL Gary E. Johnston was Commander and Executive Director of ERDC.
Dr. Jeffery P. Holland was Director.
ERDC SR-10-1 vi
Fragility curves are increasingly common components of risk assessments.
They appear to have received the most attention in the seismic risk assess-
ment literature, but are becoming more widely used in flood risk assess-
ment. The introduction of fragility curve concepts into U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (USACE) guidance can be traced back to a 1991 Policy Guidance
Memorandum, which suggested that a function similar to a fragility curve
could be used in estimating the economic benefits of flood protection
(USACE 1991). Since then, probabilistic reliability assessment methods
and fragility curves have been addressed in several USACE guidance docu-
ments (e.g., USACE 1997; USACE 1999) and have been used in flood risk
assessments and in engineering studies (e.g., IPET 2009; Ebeling 2008).
Since first introduced, methods used in developing fragility curves for
flood protection infrastructure have evolved and show evidence of
converging with the methods used in other risk assessment fields. How-
ever, for the most part, the quality and sophistication of the methods used
to develop fragility curves for geostructures lags that used in other fields.
There is a great opportunity to apply what has been learned in these other
fields of study.
This report reviews the literature on structures and risk assessment
to identify practical examples of fragility curves. The literature on seis-
mic risk assessment offers the largest number of relevant examples.
Approaches to developing fragility curves can be classified as judgmental,
empirical, analytical, or hybrid. Judgmental fragility curves are based on
expert opinion or engineering judgment. Empirical fragility curves are
based on observational data obtained through natural or scientific experi-
ments. Analytical fragility curves are based on models. Hybrid fragility
curves employ two or more of these three approaches. Both advantages
and disadvantages are associated with each approach, and no one
approach will satisfy all purposes. In selecting an approach, one considers
what raw materials are available in terms of data and models, how well the
failure modes of interest are understood, and the time and funding that
are available.
Analytical approaches are the most common in the peer-reviewed litera-
ture. Examples can be classified based on the expression of the limit state
ERDC SR-10-1 vii
equation and based on what solution methods are used to estimate the
probability of failure. The limit state equation may be either an explicit
function or an implicit function. The failure probability may be obtained
using either analytical or numerical solution methods. Analytical solution
methods include (1) first-order second-moment analysis, (2) first-order
reliability method, and (3) second-order reliability method. Numerical
solution methods include (1) Monte Carlo simulation and (2) the response
surface method. There are many variations on these basic analytical
approaches. In terms of an overall trend in what analytical methods are
being used to develop fragility curves, numerical solution methods are
gaining prominence over analytical solution methods. This is attributed to
a need to overcome simplifying assumptions of the analytical approaches
and the decreasing costs of computational work.
ERDC SR-10-1 1
1 Introduction
Probabilistic risk assessment methods have been evolving in the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers (USACE) for more than three decades. These methods
continue to evolve as the understanding of risk analysis concepts increases
and the computing power required to carry out the required calculations
becomes ever more widely available. In the course of this evolution, fragil-
ity curves have become integral components of probabilistic risk assess-
ments. Fragility curves describe how the reliability of a structure changes
over the range of loading conditions to which that structure might be
exposed. The primary objectives of this report are to introduce the concept
of the fragility curve and show how the fragility curve is related to more
familiar reliability concepts, such as the deterministic factor of safety and
the relative reliability index. This report reviews examples of fragility
curves and describes the advantages and disadvantages of the various
methods that have been used to characterize fragility.
Probabilistic reliability concepts have appeared in the water resources lit-
erature for many years. These concepts have been used to address issues
in water supply and reservoir management (Hashimoto et al. 1982;
Burn et al. 1991), water quality (Tung 1990; Maier et al. 2001), flood risk
management (Patev and Leggett 1995), and the design and evaluation
of flood defenses (Buijs et al. 2004; Steenbergen et al. 2004; Moellmann
et al. 2008; Merkel and Westrich 2008). In general, these applications
have focused on point estimates of reliability rather than a full character-
ization of reliability over the range of loads to which a system might be
exposed. Reliability assessment methods have also been discussed in the
geotechnical engineering literature. For example, Christian et al. (1994)
and Duncan (2000) demonstrate how a probability of structural failure
can be estimated by characterizing uncertainty in the factor of safety using
data that are commonly available in geotechnical engineering practice and
efficient analytical approximation methods. Geotechnical practice has
tended to favor the deterministic factor of safety and the relative reliability
index over probabilistic approaches. Duncan (2000) attributes this to a
lack of familiarity with the terms and concepts that are used in reliability
analysis. However, he points out that reliability analysis can enhance a
conventional analysis by providing information about uncertainty in the
deterministic factors of safety.
ERDC SR-10-1 2
Reliability methods were first introduced into structural engineering in
the 1930s. These methods have traditionally focused on assessing system
reliability in relative terms at a single design load to ensure compliance
with structural design codes and standards (Ellingwood et al. 2004;
Ellingwood 2008). The procedures for assessing structural reliability
involve calculating a reliability index, which is interpreted as a nominal or
relative probability of failure at a particular design point. This relative
measure is suitable for ranking structural alternatives, but is not to be
interpreted probabilistically unless some important restrictive assump-
tions can be satisfied (USACE 1997; Melchers 1999). Since the introduc-
tion of reliability assessment methods, much has changed. In particular,
performance-based engineering design methods and risk-informed deci-
sion-making approaches require estimates of failure probabilities that can
be interpreted in absolute terms (Ellingwood 2008). Fragility curves have
been developed as a way of providing that information.
Fragility curves are functions that describe the conditional probability
of system failure over the full range of loads to which that system might
be exposed. In contrast to nominal failure probabilities estimated from
reliability indices, fragility curves provide a richer, much more compre-
hensive perspective on system reliability because they are functions
rather than points and because they are interpreted in terms of absolute
probabilities rather than nominal probabilities, implying knowledge of the
underlying probability distributions. Simm et al. (2009) note that, in
moving toward probabilistic thinking, it is important not to confuse tradi-
tional representative load and strength information with mean values in
probabilistic analysis. Traditional representative load and strength
information is already adjusted to account for uncertainty and variability
in mean values whereas, in probabilistic analysis, the objective is to
represent the actual mean value of load or strength.
This report is primarily concerned with understanding what methods
might be employed to construct fragility curves for the purpose of evaluat-
ing the design of earthen levee structures and informing flood risk assess-
ments. This task is approached by reviewing examples of fragility curves
that have been developed in the literature. Methods of constructing fragil-
ity curves appear to be most highly evolved in the literature on seismic risk
assessment. This is perhaps because fragility curves were first introduced
for conducting seismic risk assessments at nuclear power plants (Kennedy
et al. 1980; Kaplan et al. 1983). Therefore, while this report is concerned
ERDC SR-10-1 3
with how fragility curves might be developed for earthen levees that pro-
vide flood protection, many examples considered in this review come from
the seismic risk assessment literature and address other types of struc-
tures, primarily buildings and bridges. In examining what methods are
used in those fields, the objective is to learn what methods might be appro-
priate for earthen levees.
The USACE has made progress on developing methods to characterize
fragility curves for water resources infrastructure and use these in risk
assessment. For example, the Interagency Performance Evaluation Task
Force (IPET) developed fragility curves for levees and floodwalls using
first-order approximation methods and empirical data on failure rates
during Hurricane Katrina (IPET 2009). Ebeling et al. (2008) used
numerical methods to develop fragility curves for concrete gravity dams
founded on a sloping rock base considering sliding and overturning failure
modes. While the underlying models of failure mechanisms used in this
example would be inappropriate for earthen levees, the overall numerical
approach to the simulation of fragility curves could be used for earthen
levees given an appropriate set of models. Ebeling et al. (2008) note that,
within USACE, the term “system response curve” has been adopted to
describe fragility curves, but this terminology has not been adopted in the
technical literature.
This report is organized as follows. Chapter 2 introduces fragility curves,
discusses their interpretation, and describes how they are used in risk
assessment. Chapter 3 describes what approaches are used to estimate
fragility curves in practice, based on a review of examples taken from the
literature on structures and risk assessment. While there are many
variations on any one approach, the examples can be grouped into four
basic approaches: judgmental, empirical, hybrid, and analytical. Analytical
approaches are, by far, the most common method encountered in the
literature. This group of methods is further decomposed based on whether
the limit state equation is an explicit or an implicit function and what
approaches are used to estimate the probability of failure. The advantages
and disadvantages of the various approaches are considered.
ERDC SR-10-1 4
2 Overview of Key Concepts
This chapter of the report provides a brief introduction to uncertainty and
risk and then describes the relationship between factors of safety, the
reliability index, and fragility curves. The chapter concludes with a discus-
sion of how fragility curves are used in risk assessment.
Uncertainty and risk
Uncertainty is the lack of knowledge about a quantity. Uncertainty can be
described as either aleatory or epistemic. Aleatory uncertainty is attributed
to natural variability over space and time or to inherent randomness.
Examples of uncertain quantities that are aleatory in nature include river
flow rates, rainfall amounts, and time between extreme events. Aleatory
uncertainty cannot be reduced by obtaining more information; therefore,
aleatory uncertainty is sometimes also known as irreducible uncertainty.
Epistemic uncertainty is uncertainty attributed to a lack of knowledge.
Epistemic uncertainties can, in principle, be reduced by obtaining more
information, although in practice it may be very difficult, expensive, or
physically impossible to do so. An example of an uncertain quantity that is
epistemic in nature is the crest elevation at a particular point in a levee
reach. An estimate of the crest elevation might be obtained from measure-
ments at nearby locations, but only precise measurements at the exact
location of interest will resolve that uncertainty. Uncertainty in a quantity
is often a mixture of aleatory and epistemic uncertainty.
The probability of structural failure is a function of both uncertainty in the
capacity and uncertainty in the demand. The capacity of a structure to
withstand a load is a function of its geometry and material properties.
These are fixed and can potentially be known, but it may be very difficult
to evaluate them. Therefore, when evaluating the reliability of an existing
structure, uncertainty in structural capacity is epistemic. If the strength of
materials is also a function of environmental variables such as tempera-
ture, humidity, or moisture content, these are inherently variable and the
uncertainty in structural capacity is both aleatory and epistemic. Similarly,
uncertainty about what loads will be exerted on a structure can be either
aleatory or epistemic. For example, hydraulic loads on earthen levees are a
function of head differentials and the level of water against the structure.
Because water levels are inherently variable, uncertainty in hydraulic loads
ERDC SR-10-1 5
is aleatory. However, if the load resulting from a head differential can only
be approximated through modeling, for example, then the uncertainty is
both epistemic and aleatory.
A risk is a potential outcome with an adverse consequence of uncertain
severity. This definition includes the term “potential outcome” to indicate
that a risk is an outcome that may or may not be realized in the future. The
term “adverse consequence” is used to indicate that the potential outcome
involves a loss of some sort. The term “uncertain severity” indicates there
is a lack of information on how big a loss might be realized. Risks are cha-
racterized by a distribution of probabilities over the range of all possible
outcomes or consequence levels. An example of a risk associated with liv-
ing near water is property damage caused by flooding. Flood risk might be
described either by a distribution of probabilities over potential water
elevations (e.g., a stage-frequency curve) or by a distribution of probabili-
ties over potential economic damages to structures, infrastructure, and
other property caused by inundation (e.g., damage-frequency curve).
While risks are fully defined by probability distributions over consequence
levels, they are often summarized in expected value terms. For example,
flood risks can be summarized in terms of an expected annual damage
(EAD) estimate. Expected annual damages are calculated by integrating a
probability distribution describing variability (aleatory uncertainty) in
potential water levels with a stage-damage relationship that describes the
economic damages should that water level occur. Residual uncertainty in
an estimate of EAD typically reflects epistemic sources of uncertainty that
have not been resolved.
Risk assessment is the process of obtaining a distribution of probabilities
over potential outcomes. This is typically accomplished through some
form of systems-level modeling. For example, procedures for flood risk
modeling are well developed in the USACE and have been outlined in
guidance documents (e.g., USACE 1996). Where flood-prone areas are
protected from flooding by structures such as levees, floodwalls, or dams,
fragility curves are increasingly being used in risk assessments to describe
how the probability of failure changes as the hydraulic load on the struc-
ture increases. Fragility curves can also be developed to represent the
probability of failure given multiple failure modes and multiple loads. As
discussed above, fragility curves are related to other reliability concepts.
ERDC SR-10-1 6
Therefore, this introduction to fragility curves continues with reference to
two of these concepts.
Design factor of safety
The adequacy of geotechnical structures has traditionally been evaluated
using a factor of safety. A structure is adequate if it can perform its
intended function satisfactorily. The design factor of safety, FS, is the ratio
of resistance, R (i.e., capacity), the maximum load under which a system
can perform its intended function, and the resultant stress, S (i.e., load or
demand), placed on a system under design conditions:
, a margin of safety exists. Structures are typically designed to a
factor of safety greater than one to provide a margin of safety. The margin
of safety, Z, is the difference between resistance and load:
This function is known as a limit state equation or a performance function.
If capacity exceeds demand,
, there is residual capacity and the
system is in a survival state. If demand exceeds capacity,
, the system
is in a failure state. The condition
is the limiting state. For systems
that are brittle and well understood, capacity and demand may be well
known. More often than not, there is uncertainty about the capacity of a
system to withstand that load. There may also be uncertainty in what load
is placed on the system under design conditions.
When there is uncertainty in capacity or demand, R and S take the form of
random variables, and uncertainty in these variables is described by prob-
ability distributions:
( )
R and
( )
S. In the presence of uncertainty, the
state of the system (failure or survival) can only be evaluated with some
probability. Reliability, r, is the probability that the structure is in a
survival state:
pr −=1
ERDC SR-10-1 7
The term
is the probability of failure calculated from a joint probability
density function for resistance and load:
( ) ( ) ( )
drdssrfFSpZpp ,10
If R and S are independent, as is often assumed, then
( ) ( )
sfrfsrf SRRS =),(
The safety margin, Z, is evaluated using the limit state equation. The
density function is the derivative of the probability distribution function
with respect to the random variable:
( )
( )
rf R
= and
( )
( )
sf S
Reliability index
A frequently used measure of reliability is the reliability index. Like the
factor of safety, the reliability index has also been addressed in numerous
USACE guidance documents (USACE 1997; 1999) and in USACE reports
(Wolff et al. 2004). If capacity and demand are normally distributed, the
reliability index can be calculated as the ratio of the mean and standard
deviation of the safety margin:
βσσ σ ρ σσ
where z
and z
are the mean and standard deviation of the safety
margin, respectively. Assuming a normal distribution for R and S, these
two moments of the safety margin can be derived from the first and
second moments of R and S. If R and S are uncorrelated, the denominator
simplifies to
22 SR
. The probability of failure is then calculated from
the reliability index using the standard normal distribution function (Ф):
( ) ( )
−Φ=Φ−= 1
This method of reliability assessment is known as the first-order second-
moment (FOSM) method because the safety margin is a linear (first-order)
function of capacity and demand variables, and only the first- and second-
moments of the random variables are used in estimating the reliability
index. If the assumptions of normality are satisfied, the probability of
failure can be interpreted in absolute terms.
ERDC SR-10-1 8
Figure 1a illustrates uncertainty in capacity, demand, and the resulting
distribution in the safety margin. In this figure, probability distributions
characterizing uncertainty in capacity and demand are used to obtain a
probability distribution characterizing uncertainty in the safety margin
(Figure 1b). The distribution for the safety margin has mean z
standard deviation z
. The reliability index, , is the ratio of z
and z
The probability of failure, f
p, is the area under the curve to the left of zero
(0) on the x-axis.
a. b.
Figure 1. Reliability index. Information about uncertainty in capacity and demand (a) is used
to derive a probability distribution for the safety margin (b).
If the capacity and demand random variables follow a lognormal
distribution, then FOSM can again be used to calculate the reliability index
and an absolute probability of failure:
2222 1ln1ln21ln1ln
The variables R
m and S
m are the medians of capacity and demand,
respectively, and V is the coefficient of variation:
V. Again, if it is
assumed that R and S are uncorrelated, the denominator simplifies to
22 1ln1ln SR VV . Because a lognormal random variable becomes
normally distributed when subjected to a natural-log transformation, the
standard normal function can be used to compute a probability of failure
using the standard normal density function.
Safety Margin, Z = R - S
Probability density
Resistance (R) or Load (S)
Probability density
Safety Margin, Z = R - S
Probability density
Safety Margin, Z = R - S
Probability density
Resistance (R) or Load (S)
Probability density
ERDC SR-10-1 9
If the distribution of capacity and demand is neither normal nor lognormal
or if their distributions are unknown, the reliability index (β) can be
approximated using the following equation:
( )
VV +
The approximation can be used regardless of the underlying probability
distributions. However, the estimated probability of failure can only be
interpreted in nominal or relative terms. The accuracy of this approach
depends upon how closely the underlying distributions for capacity and
demand actually follow a normal distribution, but this approach is often
used in the absence of sufficient information to evaluate this condition.
If the condition is not met, β serves as a nominal or relative index of
reliability because it varies monotonically with the
. However, the
probability estimate has no useful meaning in absolute terms (Melchers
1999). The reliability index is the number of standard deviations,
between the estimated mean margin of safety and the failure point
With respect to estimating the probability of structural failure, FOSM is a
restrictive method because it requires assumptions about the distribution
of uncertainty in system variables. Unless these assumptions can be met in
practice, estimates of the probability of failure based on FOSM should be
interpreted only in relative terms. In the face of complicating factors, there
are a number of analytical and numerical solution methods that might be
used to solve for the probability of failure. These methods, which are dis-
cussed in a variety of sources (e.g., Melchers 1999), often require a great
deal more effort than the methods described above. Therefore, they should
only be pursued when relative or nominal estimates are not sufficient to
support decision-making. Because fragility curves are used to convey
conditional probabilities that are interpreted in absolute terms, we briefly
describe some of these analytical and numerical methods of solving the
failure integral later in this report.
Fragility curves
Fragility curves are functions that describe the probability of failure,
conditioned on the load, over the full range of loads to which a system
might be exposed. Although they are closely related to the relative
reliability index, they differ in several respects. In particular: (1) they
ERDC SR-10-1 10
are functions rather than point estimates, (2) the loads are treated
deterministically, so fragility curves express a probability of failure that is
conditional on the load rather than an overall probability of failure, and
(3) the probabilities are generally interpreted in absolute terms. Fragility
curves provide a richer and more comprehensive perspective on system
reliability than nominal failure probabilities based on traditional reliability
index because they convey more information about the reliability of the
The shape of a fragility curve describes uncertainty in the capacity of the
system to withstand a load or, alternatively, uncertainty in what load will
cause the system to fail. If there is little uncertainty in capacity or demand,
the fragility curve will take the form of a step function, illustrated in Fig-
ure 2a. A step function has a
below the critical load and a
above the critical load. The step function communicates absolute certainty
that the system will fail at a critical load and is appropriate for brittle and
well-understood systems. For elastic, poorly understood, or complex sys-
tems, there is uncertainty in the capacity of the system to withstand a load.
In these cases, the fragility curve takes the form of an S-shaped function,
as shown in Figure 2b. The S-shaped function implies that, over a certain
range of demand, the state of the system can only be evaluated with some
probability. The S-shaped fragility curve is appropriate when there is
uncertainty in the capacity of the system to withstand a load.
Figure 2. A conceptual fragility curve. The fragility curve is a step function (a) for very well
understood or brittle systems. A fragility curve is an S-shaped function (b) for poorly
understood or elastic systems.
Load (R)
Probability of failure
0 -
1 -
Load (R)
Probability of failure
0 -
1 -
Load (R)
Probability of failure
0 -
1 -
Load (R)
Probability of failure
0 -
1 -
ERDC SR-10-1 11
Fragility curves can be derived from the reliability index by assuming
that all of the uncertainty is in the capacity term and varying the demand
parametrically. This approach is illustrated in Figure 3, which plots several
fragility curves under the assumption that uncertainty in the capacity term
follows a lognormal distribution. Therefore, the fragility curve also follows
a lognormal distribution. This choice of a lognormal form for the fragility
curve has been supported by many recent studies (Ellingwood et al. 2007).
The conditional probability of failure is estimated from the following
[ ]
( ) ( ) ( )( )
( )
R is a cumulative distribution function that gives the probability
of failure conditional on the demand that is placed on the system,
[ ]
sSZp =≤ |0 . The variable
is the median of a probability distribution
characterizing uncertainty in capacity and 2
ln 1RR V+=
Figure 3. Examples of fragility curves derived from the reliability index. This example assumes a lognormal
distribution for the capacity term. In plot a,
is varied from 100 to 1000 while σln R .05 is held
constant. In plot b,
= 100 is held constant while σlnR is varied from 0.1 to 1.5.
In Figure 3a,
assumes different values from 100 to 1000, while
is held constant at 0.5. This plot shows that the probability of failure
depends upon the relationship between capacity and demand. As demand
increases relative to capacity, the probability of failure approaches one.
When R
= s, β = 0 and
, indicating that the system has a 50%
0200 400 600 800 1000
Load (S)
Probability of failure
0200 400 600 800 1000
Load (S)
Probability of failure
050 100 150 200
Load (S)
Probability of failure
ERDC SR-10-1 12
chance of being in a failure state. Increasing R
, the median load at which
failure occurs, tends to reduce the conditional probability of system
failure. Varying
from 0.1 to 1.5 represents increasing levels of
uncertainty in the capacity of the system. As
[ ]
sSZp =≤ |0
increases below
and decreases at loads greater than R
. However, in
each case,
( )
. This concept is illustrated in Figure 3b, which
shows realizations of fragility for different values of
is held
constant. Increasing the variance of the capacity term (i.e., increasing the
amount of uncertainty in system capacity) reduces the conditional
probability of failure at higher loads.
The term “failure” is a relative term that means that the capacity of a
structure to provide a designated level of service has been exceeded.1
This discussion has shown that there is a direct linkage between the three
concepts: factor of safety, reliability index, and fragility curves. The fragil-
ity curve is a more valuable characterization of system reliability than
either the factor of safety or the reliability index. The factor of safety is
often used deterministically to evaluate the adequacy of system under a
design load, but assumes that capacity is known. The reliability index
introduces the concepts of uncertainty in capacity and demand, but only
provides information about reliability relative to a single design point. The
fragility curve provides a characterization of system reliability over the full
range of loads to which a system might be exposed. Thus, it provides more
does not necessarily imply catastrophic failure of the structure (i.e., the
structure has fallen apart). Rather, it implies that the value of the perfor-
mance function is less than a predefined critical limit state. Among studies
that develop fragility curves for seismic risk assessment, there appears to
be a trend of considering fragility curves for multiple performance levels
simultaneously. The structure is said to “fail” when it does not meet a limit
state condition, which is a serviceability criterion (e.g., Ellingwood 2008).
Following exposure to a seismic load, structures may take one of a number
of mutually exclusive damage states: (1) fully serviceable, (2) serviceable,
but impaired, (3) not serviceable, and (4) collapsed. Seismic risk assessors
are typically interested in the probability that a structure will be in one of
several possible damage states following exposure to a seismic load.
1 In USACE guidance documents, the term probability of unsatisfactory performance has sometimes
been used instead of the probability of failure. This is to emphasize that a failure is not necessarily
catastrophic (USACE 1997).
ERDC SR-10-1 13
information than the reliability index. Fragility curves can be derived from
the reliability index under the restrictive assumption that capacity and
demand are uncorrelated and normally distributed random variables.
When the distributions for capacity and demand do not satisfy these
assumptions or are unknown, other methods of developing fragility curves
are available.
Use of fragility curves in risk assessment
Fragility curves were specifically identified as important components of
risk assessments in a National Research Council review of USACE flood
risk methodology (NRC 2000). Fragility curves are important components
of accurate risk assessments under the following conditions: (1) the loads
(e.g., the demands) placed on a system are either variable or uncertain;
(2) the capacity is uncertain because there is spatial or temporal variability
in material strengths, the system is inherently elastic, or the system is
poorly understood; and (3) the system is brittle, but poorly understood.
The earliest description of how fragility curves could be used in flood risk
assessment is provided in a 1991 USACE Policy Guidance Letter (USACE
1991; Simm et al. 2009; Vorogushyn et al. 2009). Since then, fragility
curves have become increasingly common components of risk assessments
in the literature. Examples include Hall et al. (2003) and Gouldby et al.
(2008), who used fragility curves in flood risk assessment models in the
United Kingdom. Apel et al. (2004) used fragility curves to model flood
risks on the Rhine River below Cologne, Germany. The USACE developed
fragility curves for earthen levees and floodwalls to model flood risks in
New Orleans (IPET 2009). Fragility curves are included as components of
HAZUS-MH, the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency’s software
for estimating potential losses from floods, hurricane winds, and earth-
quakes. Fragility curves are also an integral component of the Hydrologic
Engineering Center’s Flood Damage Assessment software (HEC-FDA).
In risk assessment, potential losses, L, are uncertain. The objective is to
calculate the probability that losses will exceed some potential level, l. The
total probability that losses will exceed a level l,
[ ]
lLp ≥
, could be
calculated as follows:
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
sSpsSZpsSlLplLp |0|
ERDC SR-10-1 14
The term
[ ]
sSp =
is the probability of realizing a hazardous event, S,
of severity, s. The term
[ ]
sSZp =≤ |0
is the conditional probability of
exceeding the capacity of the system given the occurrence of a hazard
event of severity s. This probability is based on the fragility curve. The
overall probability of system failure is
[ ] [ ]
==≤= |0
The term
[ ]
sSlLp =≥ |
is the probability that losses, which are often a
function of event severity, exceed some amount, l, given severity of the
event. Because fragility is a probability between 0 and 1, the effect of
ignoring the fragility curve in a risk assessment will be to overestimate
the probability of exceeding the loss of interest,
[ ]
lLp ≥
Systems-level risk models can take many forms, so there are a number
of different ways that fragility curves might be incorporated into these
models. Many risk assessment models conform to a source-pathway-
receptor framework in which the source is the physical cause of the
hazard; the receptor is the object that is potentially harmed if exposed to
the hazard; and the pathway is the route by which the receptor is exposed
to the hazard. When used in a source-pathway-receptor type framework,
the fragility curve modifies the hazard pathway in the model.
The expense and effort needed to develop fragility curves can be justified
by increased precision in the results of a risk analysis. Absent the use
of fragility curves, risk models can assume that a structure never fails
) or that a structure always fails (
). If a structure never fails,
expected losses are underestimated. If a structure always fails, expected
losses are overestimated.
ERDC SR-10-1 15
3 Examples of Fragility Curves from the
This chapter describes approaches to developing fragility curves based on
examples in the literature. Different approaches to developing fragility
curves are identified and described. Examples of fragility curves found in
the literature are classified based on what approaches and methods were
used in developing them. The advantages and disadvantages of the various
approaches are described. Examples that involve developing fragility
curves for earthen levees are discussed.
Four approaches to developing fragility curves
Approaches to developing fragility curves can be classified into four broad
categories: judgmental, empirical, analytical, and hybrid (Jeong and
Elnashai 2007). Judgmental approaches are based on expert opinion or
engineering judgment. Empirical approaches are based on observations.
Analytical approaches are based on models. Hybrid approaches combine
two or more of the other approaches. Each approach differs in terms of the
level of effort required to implement it and the precision that is attached to
the results. However, no one approach is always best. The choice of what
approach to use involves making a trade-off between cost and precision
that is appropriate for the application.
Of the four approaches, analytical methods are the most common type
encountered in the peer-reviewed literature. Analytical methods are
further decomposed into several distinct groups based on whether the
limit state equation is an explicit function or an implicit function and on
whether the probability of failure is obtained using analytical solution
methods or numerical solution methods. Advantages and disadvantages of
the various approaches and methods are considered.
Judgmental approaches
Fragility curves that are based on some form of expert opinion are
classified as judgmental. There are no limits to the number of methods
that may be used to elicit judgments from experts, and these procedures
can vary widely in terms of the level of rigor with which they are
ERDC SR-10-1 16
implemented. When relying on expert opinion, it is important to devise
replicable and verifiable procedures to elicit the opinions from experts.
Judgmental approaches are often used as a last resort because of limita-
tions in the availability of observational data and models. While the pri-
mary advantage of the judgmental approach is that it is not limited by the
quantity and quality of available data, the absence of data with which to
validate results is its primary disadvantage because it is difficult to qualify
elicitation results.
Many potential sources of bias exist in methods based on expert judgment.
For example, an expert’s opinion is influenced by his individual expe-
rience, which in turn may be influenced by factors specific to the location
in which the expert works (Jeong and Elnashai 2007). If such factors are
known and understood in advance, it may be possible to control for these
factors in an elicitation protocol. However, it may be very difficult to con-
trol for such factors because there may be an insufficient number of
experts and these biases may tend to go undetected.
An early example of a judgmental fragility curve is discussed in a 1991
USACE Policy Guidance Letter (USACE 1991) and a 1993 USACE Engineer
Technical Letter (USACE 1993). These letters introduced the concept of a
fragility curve to characterize the reliability of existing levees for estimat-
ing the economic benefits of flood protection. However, these documents
did not refer to these functions as fragility curves. The instructions for
developing reliability functions were to identify two locations (elevations)
on each levee slope: the probable nonfailure point (PNP) and the probable
failure point (PFP). The PNP is the water elevation below which it is
“highly likely” that the levee would not fail, defined as
. The PFP
is the water elevation at which it is “highly likely” that the levee would fail,
defined as
. The fragility curve is sketched by drawing a straight
line between the points. Selection of PNP and PFP was to be based on
knowledge of past performance, but not necessarily hard data. USACE
(1993) goes further by providing a template for assessing the PNP and PFP
locations on levee embankments in the absence of knowledge of past
performance or the presence of material changes in field conditions since
performance was observed.
ERDC SR-10-1 17
Empirical approaches
Empirical fragility curves are based on observational data documenting
the performance of structures under a variety of loads. Observations may
be obtained systematically through controlled experiments or may be
collected in an opportunistic fashion, which is uncontrolled. An advantage
of systematic experiments is that structural characteristics, load-structure
interactions, and structure-environment interactions can be controlled for
in the observations. However, this assumes that a sufficient number of
observations can be made and that the important characteristics and inter-
actions are known in advance. Databases that contain observations that
have been collected opportunistically may be more difficult to analyze
statistically. Observational data tend to be highly specific to their source
situations and may be sparse in the domain representing the more
extreme events, which may also tend to be the events of most interest
(Jeong and Elnashai 2007).
Empirical methods are the most common approach used in evaluating fra-
gility curves for mechanical, electrical, and electronic parts because it is
relatively easy to replicate specimens and test them to failure. However,
the approach is generally limited to situations in which a sufficient quan-
tity of data can be collected, and lack of data is often cited as a barrier to
using the approach. Sometimes, natural events can yield a sufficient num-
ber of observational data points to meaningfully estimate fragility curves.
Working independently, Shinozuka et al. (2000) and Tanaka et al. (2000)
each developed fragility curves from bridge inspection data collected at
bridges following the Hyogoken Nambu earthquake. Casciati et al. (2008)
notes that fragility curves developed through empirical methods are also
more-or-less specific to the observed structures, making it difficult to use
these fragility curves to model the reliability of other structures. Fragility
curves developed using an empirical approach generally cannot be con-
firmed through laboratory testing because it would require bringing mul-
tiple physical models to failure, an activity that he regards as too expensive
and too time consuming.
Analytical approaches
Analytical fragility curves are based on structural models that characterize
the performance limit state of the structure. The performance of the struc-
ture is a function of some vector of “basic” variables, X. These variables
determine both the capacity of a structure to withstand a load and the
ERDC SR-10-1 18
demand placed on the structure. Basic variables include material proper-
ties, geometry, or dimensions; they could also include environmental
variables (such as temperature or humidity) that might in some way affect
capacity. The limit state equation, also known as the performance func-
tion, can be expressed as the difference between capacity, GR(X), and
demand, GS(X):
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
XXX SR GGGSRGZ −=== ,. (11)
The solution space consists of three regions:
( )
0, <SRG
is a failure state;
( )
0, =SRG
is the limiting state; and
( )
0, >SRG
is the survival state. Basic
variables can be either random variables or deterministic variables. The
probability of failure is given by integration of a multivariate density
function for the n-dimensional vector of basic random variables over the
failure domain,
( )
( )
[ ]
( )
( )
f∫ ∫≤
If some of the basic random variables are deterministic,
is conditioned
on the value of these variables. The models used in analyzing reliability
can range from simple to complex, and simplified representations of more
complex models are often used as substitutes for numerical models. A
fragility curve is constructed by calculating a probability of failure under
loads ranging from those at which failure is highly unlikely to those at
which failure is almost certain.
Analytical approaches can be decomposed into four distinct groups based
on whether the limit state function is an explicit function or an implicit
function and whether the probability of failure is obtained using analytical
solution methods or numerical solution methods. Limit state functions
may be either explicit or implicit. An explicit limit state function is one
that could be written explicitly in terms of basic random variables. An
implicit limit state function is one that cannot be written in closed form as
a function of basic variables, but is implied through a numerical model.
Analytical approaches can be further decomposed into subgroups based
on whether analytical or numerical solutions are used to calculate the
probability of failure. Three analytical solution methods and two numeri-
cal solution methods are described herein:
ERDC SR-10-1 19
• Analytical solution methods
o First-order second-moment (FOSM) analysis
o First-order reliability method (FORM) (a.k.a., advanced first-order
second-moment (AFOSM) method)
o Second-order reliability method (SORM)
• Numerical solution methods
o Monte Carlo simulation (MCS)
o Response surface method (RSM)
First-order second-moment: In the FOSM approach, basic random
variables are described only by their first and second moments (mean and
standard deviation). The random variables are usually assumed to be nor-
mally distributed, but their distributions are often unknown. The variables
are usually transformed to the standard normal distribution, giving the
limit state a standardized multivariate normal distribution. If the random
variables are uncorrelated, the standardization is trivial. However, if the
basic variables are correlated, an intermediate transformation is required.
The Rosenblatt and Nataf transformations are often used in this regard
(Rosenblatt 1952; Nataf 1962; Melchers 1999). FOSM is most convenient
to implement if the limit state equation is linear (hence the name first
order) and a range of approaches can be employed for this linearization.
A common method is to approximate the moments of the limit state by
employing a Taylor series about a convenient point (e.g., a vector of means
of the random variables). Having undertaken the transformations and the
linearization, the probability of failure can be obtained from standard
analysis of the multivariate normal density. Patev and Leggett (1995) used
this method to analyze the reliability of a reinforced concrete drainage
First-order reliability method: The FORM method extends the FOSM
approach to include additional information relating to probability
distributions of the capacity random variables. In the FOSM method, only
the first two moments of random variables are used to calculate the
reliability index. If the distributions are non-normal, methods are availa-
ble to transform those distributions to normal distributions. Perhaps the
most commonly employed transformation is that of lognormal to normal
distributions. Melchers (1999) indicates that transformations are available
for other distributions as well, but their transformations may not be
as straightforward as that of the lognormal distribution. Once the trans-
formation is complete, the FORM approach proceeds by calculating the
ERDC SR-10-1 20
reliability index and computing the probability of failure using the stan-
dard multivariate normal distribution. FORM was used to develop the
fragility curves in Figure 3.
Second-order reliability method: Both FOSM and FORM are applied in
the case of a linear limit state function, which may not be a realistic por-
trayal of the limit state equation. The degree of approximation when
using a linearized limit state equation depends upon the curvature
in the underlying limit state relationship that is being modeled. If the
approximation error introduced by linearization is regarded as unaccept-
able, second-order methods can be used to obtain an analytical solution to
the probability of failure. The most common second-order approach is to
fit a parabolic, quadratic, or higher order function to the limit state surface
centered on the design point. However, SORM introduces additional com-
plexity in evaluating the probability of failure. An asymptotic procedure
for evaluating this probability density is described by Breitung (1984). In
this procedure, the curvatures of the limit state surface are estimated at
the design point. However, this approach is only suitable if the limit state
function does not have a high degree of curvature (Melchers 1999).
Franchin et al. (2003) used this method to develop fragility curves to eva-
luate the performance of reinforced concrete structures under seismic
The simplifications and assumptions that are required to obtain analytical
solutions to the probability of failure can limit the value of the analytical
methods described above. These simplifications and assumptions are as
follows: (1) the limit state function is assumed to be linear, or nearly so;
(2) an explicit correlation structure must be assumed for basic variables;
and (3) there are severe limits with regard to the probability distributions
that can be used to characterize uncertainty in the basic random variables.
Numerical methods such as Monte-Carlo simulation do not suffer from
these limitations.
Monte Carlo simulation: In general, these approaches work by generating
samples, or realizations, of the random variables (and dependencies) from
their specified distributions and evaluating the limit state functions to
determine whether failure occurs. This process is repeated many thou-
sands of times, and the probability of failure is approximated by the frac-
tion of failures conditional on one or more load variables. A fragility curve
is constructed using this approach by varying the load parametrically if it
ERDC SR-10-1 21
is deterministic, or otherwise deriving the load conditions for each
realization of the model(s). Monte Carlo simulation is the most general
reliability method available. Efficient sampling methods such as Latin
hypercube and importance sampling are sometimes used instead of Monte
Carlo sampling to reduce computational effort; however, the basic
approach to estimating reliability is the same. Apel et al. (2004) used a
Monte Carlo simulation approach to develop fragility curves for levees.
The fragility curve estimated the probability of a levee breach conditional
on two independent load variables: overtopping height and overtopping
duration. The authors obtained 104 realizations of the limit state condition
for selected combinations of independent load variables and then con-
structed a three-dimensional failure surface.
Response Surface Method: In practical situations, the limit state equation
may not be available in a closed form but is implied through a numerical
model such as a finite element model of geotechnical failure, for example.
The FOSM and FORM approaches are not directly applicable in this situa-
tion and, if the numerical model is computationally demanding, the Monte
Carlo approach becomes impractical. The response surface method over-
comes these challenges. In this method, the limit state function is eval-
uated at a relatively small number of points within the domain of capacity
and demand variables and a function is fitted to these points using
regression. Early response surfaces took the form of second-order polyno-
mials (Bucher and Bourgund 1990). Recently, other methods of fitting
functions such as neural networks have been used (Kingston et al. 2009).
Once the limit state function has been approximated in this way, the
FORM or Monte-Carlo simulation methods can then be employed to
estimate the probability of failure. A fragility curve is constructed using
the response surface approach by varying the load parametrically if it is
deterministic or deriving the load conditions from each realization of the
response surface. Iervolino et al. (2004) describe an alternative response
surface approach. In this approach, a polynomial expansion of basic
variables is fit directly to probabilities of failure estimated from simulation
model outputs.
Generally, the literature suggests numerical solution methods are gaining
prominence over analytical solutions that have typically assumed a
lognormal distributional form for the fragility curve. The latter tend to
suffer from simplifications assumed in the limit state function and the
assumptions regarding independence among the random variables.
ERDC SR-10-1 22
Sampling or Monte-Carlo methods do not suffer from these constraints,
and increases in computational power over the past two decades have
made these methods increasingly popular. To save on computation time,
further developments based on simulation have been made. These
approaches include stratified sampling methods such as Latin hypercube
and importance sampling. If the limit state function is not available in a
closed form but is implied through a numerical model of some kind, the
response surface method (fitted to the values of the limit state function)
has been developed. This surface can be approximated by fitting second-
order polynomials or neural networks, for example. Although response
surfaces reduce the computational effort, they introduce an added layer of
Hybrid approaches
A hybrid approach to developing fragility curves uses a combination of two
or more of the three approaches discussed above in an attempt to over-
come their various limitations (Jeong and Elnashai 2007). Empirical
approaches tend to be limited by the availability of observational data;
judgmental approaches tend to be limited by subjectivity of expert assess-
ments; and analytical approaches tend to be limited by modeling deficien-
cies, restrictive assumptions, or computational burdens. There are many
ways of implementing a hybrid approach. One approach is to construct a
fragility curve using one approach over one segment of the load and a
different approach over a remaining segment of the load. This approach is
exemplified by fragility curves developed by IPET for modeling flood risk
in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. The FOSM approach was
used to construct fragility curves for nonovertopping water elevations, and
an empirical approach was used to construct fragility curves for overtop-
ping water elevations (IPET 2009). Another possibility is to combine
fragility curves developed using judgmental or analytical approaches with
observational data through Bayesian updating. For example, Singhal and
Kiremidjian (1998) used observed building damage data to update analyti-
cal fragility curves for reinforced concrete frames. The Bayesian updating
procedure was used to improve the robustness of the fragility curve and
produced confidence bounds on estimates of the probability of failure.
Jeong and Elnashai (2007) suggest calibrating analytical fragility curves to
observational data as another hybrid approach.
ERDC SR-10-1 23
Advantages and disadvantages of the approaches and methods
The previous discussion described and evaluated the methods for devel-
oping fragility curves. A review of the literature identified four main
categories of methods: judgmental, empirical, analytical, and hybrid. Of
these approaches, analytical methods comprise the largest family. Each
of these methods has advantages and disadvantages. The following discus-
sion of advantages and disadvantages is summarized in Table 1
and Table 2.
Judgment-based fragility assessments can be created with limited data so
long as there is sufficient expertise or an appropriate rule-based method
that can be replicated at different structures. A disadvantage of this
method is that it is inherently subjective, making it difficult to verify or
validate the results. In addition, it may be difficult to maintain consistency
across applications of the method. Unless the procedures and logic for
developing fragility curves can be documented, results are not auditable
and it is difficult to resolve criticism or disagreement from other experts
when defending fragility curves. Finally, there is no natural approach to
improving the estimates over time. However, the method can be useful
where data are limited or the consequences of the fragility curve being
somewhat inaccurate are relatively unimportant. It can also be very useful
as a way of helping practicing engineers to understand and check the
appropriateness of fragility curves generated by other methods.
In principle, empirical fragility curves constructed from experimental
and/or field observations are a desirable option and have the advantages
that all practical details of the structure and load-structure and structure-
environment interaction are taken into account in the empirical data.
However, the review of the literature suggests that this approach is rarely
used. The principal difficulty seems to be that it can be very difficult to get
a sufficient number of samples. Data on the level of damage sustained at
structures can sometimes be obtained following a natural disaster such as
an earthquake, flood, or windstorm. For example, damage statistics can be
collected from structures exposed to different seismic loads following an
earthquake. However, many structures may be unique in terms of their
design, construction, or setting within the environment (e.g., soil founda-
tion type). Thus, a large number of data points may be needed to control
for these differences. Data may also tend to be sparse in the domain
representing the more extreme events, which are the ones of most interest.
Finally, the applicability of empirical fragility curves tends to be limited to
ERDC SR-10-1 24
Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of approaches to developing fragility curves.
Not limited by data or models.
Fast and cheap method if
consequences of potential inaccuracy
are small.
Useful check on other fragility
Difficult to validate or verify.
Subject to biases of experts.
Not auditable.
Cannot improve over time.
Data may come from either controlled
or natural experiments.
Useful and flexible if data are
Does not assume a correlation
structure or a lognormal form for the
fragility curve.
Data can be scarce and source-
Experiments can be expensive.
Difficult to validate independently of
the dataset.
Difficult to extrapolate fragility curves
to other structures.
Based on physical models that can be
validated and verified, enhancing
Easier to extrapolate results to new
Facilitates a distinction between
aleatory and epistemic uncertainty.
May be based on simplifications and
Requires the availability of data and
More time consuming to implement.
Requires a higher level of training.
Limitations of any particular approach
can be overcome with a
complementary approach.
Modeling results and observations
can be combined to improve the
“robustness” of fragility estimates
using Bayesian updating.
Limitations are the same as the
individual approaches.
structures with design, material, and environmental characteristics similar
to those considered in the data used to construct the original fragility
Analytical approaches to developing fragility curves have many advan-
tages over empirical and judgmental fragility curves because they are
based on physical models, or at least explicit physical relationships
between capacity and demand terms. Whether these models are simple or
complex, they create transparency with regard to the assumptions and
relationships among system components. The results are auditable and
verifiable. Therefore, while not all experts may agree on the appropriate-
ness or validity of a particular model, the sources of disagreement and
ERDC SR-10-1 25
Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of specific analytical and
numerical solution methods.
Efficient and cheap method.
Method is based on well-known
Requires a linear limit state
equation and normal basic
random variables.
Assumes correlation structure and
(usually) a lognormal form for the
fragility curve.
Result may be a rough
approximation of the fragility
curve due to oversimplification.
Extends first-order approximation
methods to handle non-normal
basic random variables.
Transformations of variables.
Assumes correlation structure and
form for fragility curve.
Extends first-order approximation
methods to address nonlinear
limit state equations.
Can address non-normal basic
random variables.
Requires approximation of limit
state equation.
Assumes correlation structure and
form for fragility curve.
Most general approach.
Handles nonlinear limit state
equation and non-normal basic
Correlation structure is explicit.
Makes no assumptions about
shape of fragility curve.
Computationally demanding,
requiring many thousands of
model runs.
Application is limited to systems
that can be adequately modeled.
Overcomes challenges of an
excessive computational burden
using MCS.
Introduces an added layer of
Response surface function
obscures the underlying
relationships among basic
their importance can be discussed. Analytical approaches also provide
mechanisms for addressing a wide range of uncertainties and parsing their
effects in ways that distinguish between aleatory and epistemic uncertain-
ties. The methods in the analytical category tend to be more time consum-
ing to implement, are more data reliant (require models of failure modes,
require data to populate the models), and require a higher level of training
to implement.
ERDC SR-10-1 26
There are advantages and disadvantages to the various solution methods
used in the analytical approach. Table 2 outlines these advantages and
disadvantages. Analytical solution methods yield exact solutions to the
probability of failure, but require simplification of the limit state equations
(e.g., linearization), strong assumptions about the how the basic random
variables are distributed, and knowledge of the basic random variable
correlation structure. While analytical solution methods are conceptually
simple, the various transformations and other steps that may be required
to apply these methods in practice are not necessarily straightforward. In
addition, as discussed above, estimates of the probability of failure are
valid only if the assumptions about distributions and correlations are
satisfied in fact. Numerical solution methods yield approximate solutions,
but do not require linearization of the limit state equations or knowledge
of the correlation structure. These methods do require knowledge of the
basic variable distributions, but the implementation of numerical solution
methods does not require any transformation of these distributions. The
main drawback of numerical methods is that realistic reliability problems
tend to require a large number of model runs to implement, thus the
approach tends to be limited by time and/or monetary constraints. In
addition, the numerical approach assumes that well-informed models to
simulate system failure exist in the first place.
The hybrid approach combines two or more of the above approaches
(judgmental, empirical, and analytical) to compensate for the disadvan-
tages associated with a single method. The advantages and disadvantages
of these methods are the same as those of the various approaches that
have been combined.
No method fits all purposes. The choice of method ultimately depends
upon the characteristics of the problem and the purpose of the application.
In selecting a method, it is important to consider
• How large are the potential risks?
• Do the risks justify the cost, time, and effort required to implement
the method?
• Are the data, models, and other information required to carry out
a fragility analysis available?
• What are the characteristics of these data and models?
• How accurate (or precise) does the fragility curve need to be to
support decision making?
ERDC SR-10-1 27
• What failure modes need to be addressed?
• Are there cultural preferences with regard to the methods?
While analytical fragility curves dominate the literature, there appears to
be a general trend away from fragility curves developed using analytical
solution methods toward fragility curves that are developed using numer-
ical solution methods. This is attributed to the ever-decreasing cost of
computing and reflects that numerical solutions often offer greater
flexibility with fewer assumptions.
Classification of fragility curve examples
A review of the literature on structures and risk assessment was conducted
to identify examples of fragility curves. These examples are classified in
terms of the approaches and methods described herein. This review is
limited to those papers that develop fragility curves. Papers that estimate
reliability without defining a fragility curve were excluded from considera-
tion. This review identified 45 examples of fragility curves in the peer-
reviewed literature. While reliability methods date to the 1930s and the
concept of fragility curves can be traced to 1980, most of the examples
identified for this review were published within the past 3 years (since
2006). This trend is illustrated in Figure 4; however, it should be noted
that this review is not at all exhaustive, and the trend may also reflect how
the literature search was conducted.
Examples of Fragility Curves
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Year of Publication
Number of Examples
Figure 4. Number of fragility curve examples
by year of publication
This study found that the analytical approaches to developing fragility
curves are the most common approach and that numerical methods are
ERDC SR-10-1 28
exceedingly popular, perhaps because they are least restrictive in terms of
assumptions and constraints on applications. Figure 5 shows the number
of fragility curve examples by method, hazard domain, and structure type.
The vast majority of examples (30 out of 45) come from the literature on
Figure 5. Number of fragility curve examples by method, hazard domain,
and structure type.
seismic risk assessment, which is the field in which fragility curves were
first introduced (Kennedy et al. 1980). However, examples from the flood
risk assessment literature are becoming much more common, particularly
in Europe. Twelve studies developed fragility curves for flood protection
infrastructure. This number includes dams subject to both seismic and
hydraulic loads as well as natural embankments. Only three examples of
fragility curves outside the flood and seismic hazard domains were identi-
fied, but this may also reflect how the literature search was conducted.
Table 3 lists the 45 examples of fragility curves considered in the course of
this review. Examples are classified by approach, risk domain, and struc-
ture type. If an analytical approach was used, column three indicates
whether an analytical solution method was used or a numerical solution
method was used. If an analytical solution method was used, the limit
state function was explicit and the method indicated is FORM or SORM.
If a numerical solution method was used, the notes indicate whether the
limit state function was explicit (E) or implicit (I) and whether Monte
Carlo simulation (MC) or a response surface (RS) was used. If a response
surface was used, Monte Carlo simulation was used on the response sur-
face. Several of the papers employing analytical approaches used substan-
tially different techniques and, for these papers, “Other” is entered in the
column labeled “Method.” There is a great deal of variation among studies,
and readers should consult the original papers for complete and accurate
information on what methods were used and what hazards and structures
were considered.
Method Number
Judgmental 2
Empirical 5
Analytical 35
Hybrid 3
Total 45
Hazard Domain Number
Flood 12
Seismic 30
Fire 1
Wind 2
Total 45
Structure Type Number
Bridges 14
Buildings 15
Flood protection 12
Electrical 2
Other 2
Total 45
a. b. c.
ERDC SR-10-1
Table 3. Examples of studies that develop fragility curves.
Risk Domain
Structure Type
Description (Material, etc.)
1 Apel et al. (2004) Analytical E, MC Flood Flood protection Earthen levees
2 Basoz and Kiremidjian (1997)a Empirical - Seismic Bridges Unspecified
3 Casciati et al. (2008) Analytical E, MC Seismic Bridges Cable-stayed bridge
4 Celik and Ellingwood (2008) Analytical FORM Seismic Buildings Reinforced concrete frame structures
5 Choe et al. (2007) Analytical Other Seismic Bridges Reinforced concrete columns
6 Choe et al. (2008) Analytical Other Seismic Bridges Reinforced concrete columns with corrosion
7 Choi et al. (2004) Analytical FORM Seismic Bridges Steel and concrete girder bridges
8 Der Kiureghian (2001) Analytical Other Seismic Electrical Substation components: circuit breaker and transformer
9 Der Kiureghian (2001) Analytical Other Seismic Bridges Reinforced concrete columns
10 Ebeling et al. (2008) Analytical E, MC Flood Flood protection Concrete dams
11 Ellingwood and Tekie (2001) Analytical I, MC Flood Flood protection Concrete dams
12 Ellingwood et al. (2004) Analytical FORM Wind Buildings Light wood frame construction, residential
13 Ellingwood et al. (2004) Analytical E, MC Seismic Buildings Light wood frame construction, residential
14 Ellingwood et al. (2007) Analytical FORM Seismic Buildings Steel and reinforced concrete construction
15 Ellingwood (2008) Analytical FORM Seismic Buildings Steel frame construction
16 Erberik and Elnashai (2004) Analytical I, MC Seismic Buildings Concrete slab construction, residential
17 Franchin et al. (2003) Analytical SORM Seismic Buildings Six-story, three-bay concrete frame structure
18 Gouldby et al. (2008) Analytical FORM Flood Flood protection Various (levees, floodwalls, etc.)
19 Hall et al. (2003) Judgment - Flood Flood protection Various (levees, floodwalls, etc.)
20 Iervolino et al. (2004) Analytical I, RS Seismic Industrial system components Steel tank
21 IPET (2009) Hybrid - Flood Flood protection Levees and floodwalls
22 Jeong and Elnashai (2007) Analytical FORM Seismic Buildings Reinforced concrete frames
23 Kingston et al. (2009) Analytical I, RS Flood Flood protection Levees
ERDC SR-10-1
Risk Domain
Structure Type
Description (Material, etc.)
24 Li and Ellingwood (2007) Analytical FORM Seismic Buildings Wood frame light construction, residential
25 Lin (2008) Analytical Other Seismic Buildings Generic frame structures
26 Marano et al. (2008) Analytical Other Seismic Bridges Reinforced concrete railway bridge
27 Murao and Yamazaki (1999)b Empirical - Seismic Buildings -
28 Na and Shinozuka (2009) Analytical E, MC Seismic Seaport Container terminal wharf
29 Nielson and DesRoches (2007) Analytical FORM Seismic Bridges Multi-span concrete girder bridge
30 Padgett and DesRoches (2007) Analytical FORM Seismic Bridges Multi-span concrete girder bridges
31 Padgett and DesRoches (2008) Analytical FORM Seismic Bridges Multi-span concrete girder bridges
32 Pan et al. (2007) Analytical SORM Seismic Bridges Multi-span steel girder bridge
33 Paolacci and Giannini (2009) Analytical Other Seismic Electrical Substation component: High voltage switch
34 Patev and Leggett (1995) Analytical FORM Flood Flood protection Reinforced concrete drainage structure
35 Rossetto and Elnashai (2003) Empirical - Seismic Buildings Reinforced concrete
36 Shinozuka et al. (2000) Empirical - Seismic Bridges -
37 Simm et al. (2009) Hybrid - Flood Flood protection Various forms
38 Singhal and Kiremidjian (1998) Hybrid - Seismic Buildings Reinforced concrete frames
39 Song and Kang (2009) Analytical Other Seismic Bridges Multi-span steel girder bridges
40 Tanaka et al. (2000)a Empirical - Seismic Bridges -
41 USACE (1993) Judgment - Flood Flood protection Earthen levees
42 USACE (1999) Analytical FORM Flood Flood protection Earthen levees
43 Vaidogas and Juocevičius (2008) Analytical E, MC Fire Buildings Wood frame structure
44 van de Lindt and Dao (2009) Analytical I, MC Wind Buildings Wood frame structure
45 Vorogushyn et al. (2009) Analytical E, MC Flood Flood protection Earthen levees
a In Casciati et al. (2008).
b In Lin (2008).
ERDC SR-10-1 31
Fragility curves for water resources infrastructure
Several of the examples described in Table 3 specifically consider earthen
levees as well as other flood infrastructure. Since first introduced into
flood risk assessment in 1991, there has been a noticeable evolution in the
methods that are being employed to develop fragility curves. A chronologi-
cal assessment of these examples reveals trends in both methods and
interpretation. These trends include (1) judgmental approaches are being
replaced by analytical approaches; (2) analytical approaches are being
implemented with greater technical and statistical rigor; (3) numerical
solution methods are gaining prominence over analytical solution
methods; (4) the best approaches are explicit about the mechanisms by
which failure occurs; (5) multiple failure modes are being simulated
simultaneously; (6) the duration of exposure to a load is being explicitly
accounted for; and (7) fragility curves are being developed to compare
structural design alternatives and to assess operational reliability as well
as to conduct risk assessment. The seven trends described here are
revealed in the following examples.
The concept of using fragility curves for flood risk assessment was first
introduced in a 1991 USACE Policy Guidance Memorandum (USACE
1991), and the methods were further developed in a 1993 USACE Engineer
Technical Letter (USACE 1993). Their purpose was to support the estima-
tion of economic benefits of flood protection by providing a method for
assessing the reliability of existing levees that may not have been built to
satisfy current requirements. The guidance recommended a judgmental
approach that involved the identification of two elevations on the levee,
one at which the levee would probably not fail (
) and one at
which the levee probably would fail (
). The fragility curve was
constructed by drawing a straight line between the points. Selection of
these points was to be based on knowledge of past performance and
material changes in field conditions since performance was last observed,
but hard data were not necessarily required.
An Engineer Technical Letter (USACE 1997) outlined procedures for
probabilistic reliability assessment in geotechnical engineering, but did
not address the development of fragility curves. A later Engineer Technical
Letter (USACE 1999, “Risk-based analysis in geotechnical engineering for
support of planning studies”) updated the methods to be used in develop-
ing fragility curves for economic benefit assessment and superseded the
ERDC SR-10-1 32
earlier guidance. This guidance demonstrated how fragility curves could
be developed using first-order reliability methods considering four failure
modes: underseepage, through-seepage, slope stability, and surface ero-
sion caused by excessive current velocity parallel to the slope. This docu-
ment also discussed how information from multiple fragility curves could
be combined into a single fragility curve.
Hall et al. (2003) developed fragility curves for national-scale flood risk
assessment in the United Kingdom accounting for overtopping and
breaching. In this study, the authors confronted the problem of needing to
specify fragility curves for a very large number of structures. The authors
approached this problem by developing generic fragility curves for 61 types
of flood defenses, considering the type of structure and its condition.
Fragility curves were developed for an overtopping failure mode account-
ing for uncertainty in what level of protection was actually provided by the
defense as a result of variations in construction practices across the coun-
try and postconstruction settling rates. Fragility curves were developed for
a breaching failure mode using a method similar to that proposed in
USACE (1993). A combination of engineering judgment and analysis was
used to develop fragility curves, but no explicit limit state equations or
simulations were carried out as part of the study.
Apel et al. (2004) developed fragility curves for levees and incorporated
these fragility curves into a flood risk assessment model applied to the
Rhine River downstream of Cologne. The failure mechanism addressed
in this study was breaching caused by overtopping and erosion. In this
example, the conditional levee failure curves method described in USACE
(1999) was extended by considering two independent load variables
(overtopping height, dh, and overflowing time, te). The limit state equation
for breaching was defined as the difference between overflow (m3/s) and a
critical overflow (m3/s). The failure mechanism was modeled at two loca-
tions using a deterministic model of “intermediate complexity.” Uncertain
parameters included levee geometry and dimensions, and a nongeometric
turf quality parameter. Uncertainty in these parameters was described
using published values. Spatial variability in levee geometry and length
effects was not considered. A Monte Carlo simulation procedure was used
to generate 104 realizations of the model at selected combinations of the
load variable values. The limit state equation was evaluated for each
realization of the model. The fraction of realizations within the failure
ERDC SR-10-1 33
domain was determined for each combination of load variables. These
conditional failure probabilities were used to construct a failure surface.
Gouldby et al. (2008) developed fragility curves for use in regional-scale
flood risk management. As did Hall et al. (2003), these authors encoun-
tered the need to create fragility curves for a large number of structures.
At the regional scale, there are potentially many types of flood protection
infrastructure, and it is difficult to obtain the information necessary to
develop fragility curves for each structure. The authors developed a
database containing 600 generic fragility curves for the various types of
structures using a FORM approach. The two failure modes considered in
this study were piping leading to internal erosion and breaching, and
breaching from overtopping and erosion on the protected side. Fragility
curves were developed by characterizing uncertainty in basic random
variables using expert judgment and then propagating uncertainty to the
capacity term using standard methods. A reliability index was calculated
treating the demand variable as deterministic, and a fragility curve was
plotted varying the demand variable.
Fragility curves were developed for a flood risk assessment study in the
New Orleans area following hurricane Katrina. This study was conducted
by IPET operating under the auspices of the USACE (IPET 2009). Fragility
curves were developed for New Orleans levees using a hybrid approach. An
analytical approach was used below the crest of the levee considering a
slope stability failure mode, and an empirical approach was used above the
crest of the levee. The analytical portion of the fragility curve was devel-
oped for a slope stability failure mode using a FORM approach. A condi-
tional failure probability was calculated from a reliability index using the
standard normal distribution function at selected water elevations. The
reliability index was based on a design factor of safety (adjusted by the
study team) and coefficients of variation obtained from General Design
Memoranda. The empirical portion of the fragility curve was based on
observed failure rates during Hurricane Katrina. These fragility curves
have been incorporated into a flood risk assessment tool for the City of
New Orleans, described in Ayyub et al. (2009a; 2009b).
Simm et al. (2009) used hybrid fragility curves in a systems-level
assessment of flood defenses to prioritize investments to improve flood
protection in the Thames Estuary, United Kingdom. Fragility curves were
developed for a set of 15 structures representing the range of levee types
ERDC SR-10-1 34
downstream of the existing Thames Barrier. For each exemplar structure,
fragility curves were developed for five condition grades, allowing local dif-
ferences by variations in crest levels, condition grade, and depth of post-
ulated breaches. The approach used for determining which exemplar levee
was most representative of the other levees was based on a comparison of
basic information about the structural form of the levees (e.g., plans, sec-
tions and photographs, crest level). These authors employed The Reliabil-
ity Tool (van Gelder et al. 2008), a prototype reliability calculator that is
capable of generating fragility curves for foreshores, dunes and banks,
embankments and revetments, walls, and point structures. The software
considers 72 possible failure modes that may occur in response to hydrau-
lic load, wave load, and lateral flow velocity. Most failure modes are
represented by closed form limit state equations as described in Allsop
et al. (2007). Monte Carlo simulation is used to analyze failure probabili-
ties. The fault tree is used to calculate an overall conditional probability of
failure for the structure considering the interaction among failure modes.
Kingston et al. (2009) describe a response surface method to estimate
fragility curves when the failure mechanism can only be evaluated impli-
citly through a finite element model. In this case, the first- and second-
order approaches are impossible and the more straightforward numerical
methods are not practical. The method is to develop a response surface
that approximates the limit state equation and reduces the computational
burden associated with evaluating the fragility curve. In this study, an
artificial neural network is used as an alternative to the more commonly
encountered polynomial response surface function. Conditional failure
probabilities are then evaluated through Monte Carlo simulation of the
response surface function to obtain the fragility curve. The authors apply
their method to the New Orleans 17th Street Canal floodwall.
Vorogushyn et al. (2009) describe development of fragility curves for
earthen fluvial dikes considering two failure modes: piping in the dike
foundation and slope stability failure caused by through-seepage.
Physically based process models are used to simulate the failure mechan-
isms using a Monte Carlo simulation approach. Ultimate failure of the dike
involves a sequence of dependent events that are taken into account using
a fault tree approach. Typically, fragility curves do not account for the
duration of load. These authors incorporate information about both water
level and the duration of water impoundment to more realistically simu-
late dike failure probabilities under unsteady flood wave loadings.
ERDC SR-10-1 35
The seven trends described above and highlighted in these examples are
positive ones. Collectively, however, they suggest that there is increasing
complexity in the theory, models, methods, and tools that are being
used to confront the difficult task of characterizing system reliability.
Correspondingly, the level of effort required to develop credible fragility
curves is increasing. The upside of this trend is that those who use fragility
curves to make decisions can use them to address a broader and more
important set of decisions and can expect to have a much greater level of
confidence in the outcomes of their decisions.
ERDC SR-10-1 36
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van Gelder, P., F. Buijs, C. M. Van, W. ter Horst, W. Kanning, M. Nejad, S. Gupta,
R. Shams, N. van Erp, B. Gouldby, G. Kingston, P. Sayers, M. Wills,
A. Kortenhaus, and H. Lambrecht. 2008. Reliability analysis of flood sea
defence structures and systems. FLOODsite Project Report T07-08-01.
Vorogushyn, S., B. Merz, and H. Apel. 2009. Development of dike fragility curves for
piping and micro-instability breach mechanisms. Natural Hazards and Earth
System Sciences 9:1383–1401.
Wolff, T. F., A. Hassan, R. Khan, I. Ur-Rasul, and M. Miller. 2004. Geotechnical
reliability of dam and levee embankments. ERDC/GSL CR-04-01. Vicksburg, MS:
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center.
ERDC SR-10-1 41
Appendix A: Notes on Fragility Curve
Examples Found in the Literature
This appendix provides a brief summary of the various papers that have
been included in this review of the literature on estimating fragility curves.
The emphasis in these notes is on describing what analytical approach was
used in each study. However, no brief summary can fully describe these
methods, and readers are advised to consult the original papers for author-
itative summaries of these methods.
Apel et al. (2004): See Chapter 3 of the main text.
Basoz and Kiremidjian (1997) developed empirical fragility curves
using logistic regression and observations of bridge damage following the
Northridge earthquake that struck San Francisco in 1994 (in Casciati
et al. 2008).
Casciati et al. (2008) developed a fragility curve for the Bill Emerson
Memorial Bridge, a cable-stayed bridge that crosses the Mississippi River
at Cape Girardeau, Missouri. The fragility curve estimated the probability
of failure from exposure to seismic loads and is developed using an ana-
lytical approach and Monte Carlo simulation considering multiple failure
modes. The authors noted that performance thresholds are often uncertain
and treated the performance threshold as a random variable assuming a
lognormal distribution. A temporal dimension was introduced by consi-
dering multiple ground motion histories. The authors considered depen-
dencies among different limit states, uncertainty in those limit states, and
combined fragility curves for different structural members to produce a
“global” fragility curve for the bridge.
Celik and Ellingwood (2008) developed fragility curves for reinforced
concrete frame structures using an empirical model of the shear and bond-
slip behavior of beam column joints exposed to seismic loads. Parameters
of the model were calibrated to results of joint panel shear stress-strain
Choe et al. (2007) developed fragility curves for reinforced concrete
columns using a closed form probabilistic model and demonstrated the
ERDC SR-10-1 42
use of Bayesian updating procedures to incorporate emerging information
about system performance into the fragility curves. The authors found that
the estimates were as accurate as more sophisticated mechanistic models
developed from first principles. In principle, probabilistic models are
applicable only within the ranges of data used to assess the models.
Bayesian updating procedures make it possible to use the probabilistic
models outside the range of conditions on which they have been trained.
Choe et al. (2008) extended the work of Choe et al. (2007) by introducing
a probabilistic time-dependent model of chloride-induced corrosion.
Choi et al. (2004) developed analytical fragility curves for four typical
bridge types in the central and southeastern United States. Fragility curves
were developed for five components of each bridge type (columns, steel
bearings, expansion bearings, fixed dowels, and expansion dowels). Latin
hypercube sampling was employed to obtain 100 earthquake-site-bridge
samples for each bridge type considering uncertainty in seismic source,
path attenuation, local soil conditions, and bridge components. A non-
linear response history analysis was performed for each sample bridge,
and a regression was fit to simulation results to estimate seismic demand
on the structure. A damage state was assigned based on component
response using predetermined damage indices. A reliability index was cal-
culated assuming a lognormal distribution for structural capacity and
seismic demand. The reliability index was calculated using the estimated
seismic demand and a dispersion parameter based on the Federal Emer-
gency Management Agency’s HAZU.S. 97. The conditional failure proba-
bility is estimated using a standard normal distribution function. Fragility
curves for each component were combined for each bridge type to estimate
the conditional probability of failure for the bridge system as a whole.
Der Kiureghian (2001) described a Bayesian framework for structural
fragility assessment that allows full use of available information, including
results from mathematical model simulations, field and laboratory obser-
vations, and engineering judgment. The author demonstrated the method
described in this paper through two examples. In the first example, a fra-
gility curve is developed for an electrical substation exposed to seismic
loads using performance data on substations affected by earthquakes and
a purely empirical limit state equation. In this example, a purely empirical
model is used because no mechanistic model is available to represent the
limit state function. In the second example, a fragility curve is developed
for reinforced concrete bridge columns exposed to seismic loads using a
ERDC SR-10-1 43
limit state equation that is based on simplified mechanics. In this example,
the author’s methods facilitate distinctions between aleatory and epistemic
uncertainties in estimating the fragility curves.
Ebeling et al. (2008) developed fragility curves for concrete gravity
dams considering uncertainty in strength, uplift parameters, silt-induced
earth pressure, and post-tensioned anchor forces. These authors imple-
mented a Latin Hypercube sampling program (DakotaLHS) to generate
correlated random samples for the uncertain parameters. Uncertain
parameters included effective cohesion, internal friction angle, earth pres-
sure coefficient, allowable load, and uplift pressure. The samples were
used to generate many realizations of an equilibrium system of equations,
the outputs of which were used to develop fragility curves for sliding and
overturning failure modes. The authors noted the use of the term “system
response curve” to refer to fragility curves within the U.S. Army Corps of
Ellingwood and Tekie (2001) developed fragility curves for a concrete
gravity dam (Bluestone Dam, Hinton, WV) using a finite element model
and Monte Carlo simulation techniques.
Ellingwood et al. (2004) developed fragility curves for lightweight wood
frame construction (e.g., residential structures) considering both hurri-
cane winds and seismic loads. The authors considered various roof config-
urations and construction practices, including roof type, slope, roof height,
nailing pattern, connector type, and truss spacing. The authors developed
performance goals and identified limit states by reviewing the perfor-
mance of residential construction with respect to the subject loads. Fragil-
ity curves for hurricane winds were developed using first-order second-
moment methods assuming the fragility curve followed a lognormal distri-
bution. An explicit limit state equation was defined as a function of basic
random variables, and parameters of the limit state equation were based
on a variety of independent sources. Fragility curves for seismic loads were
then obtained by fitting curves to Monte Carlo simulation results.
Ellingwood et al. (2007) considered the development of fragility curves
for buildings in the central and eastern United States, where buildings are
subject to levels of seismic loadings that range from low to moderate. The
authors assumed that the fragility curve followed a lognormal distribution
and used a FORM approach to estimate the fragility curve, accounting for
ERDC SR-10-1 44
both aleatory and epistemic sources of uncertainty in structural capacity.
The aleatory uncertainty was taken to be a function of seismic demand
uncertainty (uncertainty in the effect that ground motion would have on
the structure) and uncertainty in structural capacity to withstand the load.
Epistemic uncertainty was based on the accuracy of predicting the
response of the structure to seismic loads.
Ellingwood (2008) derived fragility curves for a six-story steel frame
construction using a FOSM approach. Numerical simulations were
required to characterize uncertainty in the capacity term. The author
derived the fragility curve using the equation for the reliability index
assuming that inherent randomness in the seismic capacity of the struc-
ture follows a lognormal probability distribution. The author did not
address epistemic uncertainty in the capacity or uncertainty in the seismic
load. This paper also discussed the practical application of probability
based engineering design.
Franchin et al. (2003) used a response surface approach to develop a
fragility curve for a six-story three-bay reinforced concrete frame struc-
ture. In this example, the limit state function was available only in an
algorithmic form, complicating the application of analytical reliability
assessment techniques. A response surface approach was used to over-
come the lack of an explicit limit state equation. The response surface,
which often takes the form of a second-order polynomial expansion, is fit
to a statistically rigorous sample of model inputs and outputs to obtain an
expression that approximates the limit state equation. Reliability analysis
is then performed using both FORM and Monte Carlo simulation of the
response surface.
Gouldby et al. (2008): See Chapter 3 of the main text.
Hall et al. (2003): See Chapter 3 of the main text.
Iervolino et al. (2004) developed a procedure for seismic vulnerability
assessment of standardized industrial constructions in a probabilistic
framework covering a range of components. Shell elephant foot buckling
of steel tanks was considered in this example. Both seismic capacity and
demand were considered probabilistically, with the latter assessed through
a dynamic analysis. The authors described a response surface approach in
which a conditional probability of failure was estimated from simulation
ERDC SR-10-1 45
model outputs, and a response surface (which is a polynomial function of
basic variables) was fit to the conditional probability estimate.
IPET (2009): See Chapter 3 of the main text.
Jeong and Elnashai (2007) proposed developing a generic set of fra-
gility curves as a means to avoid the need to conduct new rounds of simu-
lation each time a structure or an element of that structure is modified or
replaced in the course of design. A response surface method was used to
develop the generic fragility curve. The response function was fit to basic
variables affecting the shape of the fragility curve (stiffness, strength, and
ductility). A previously compiled database consisting of pre-run “inelastic”
response analyses over a wide range of values for basic variables was used
to generate fragility curves. In this procedure, the first two moments of the
system response quantities were estimated as a function of the demand
variable, and the fragility curves were then derived using first-order
methods. The authors validated their approximations by comparing
fragility curves generated by the response surface method with numeri-
cally estimated fragility curves for example bridges and structures. The
advantage of this approach is that it reduces the time and effort required
to generate fragility curves for various limit states.
Kingston et al. (2009, under review): See Chapter 3 of the main text.
Li and Ellingwood (2007) developed fragility curves for residential
light-frame wood construction exposed to seismic loads. The authors esti-
mated structural deformation (demand) as a function of spectral accelera-
tion (i.e., earth movement) by fitting a regression equation to outputs of a
finite element model simulating the response of structural and geotechni-
cal systems subjected to seismic loads. The scatter around the mean pre-
diction is interpreted as the aleatory uncertainty in structural demand due
to random features of the ground motion ensemble and is assumed to have
a lognormal distribution. The conditional probability that demand exceeds
a critical capacity given a spectral acceleration was then derived using the
first-order reliability methods.
Lin (2008) developed fragility curves for frame structures exposed to
seismic loads using a novel statistical approach to modeling the capacity of
structures. He represented the structures using multiple degree-of-free-
dom models and modeled the response of structures using a stationary
ERDC SR-10-1 46
Gaussian random process. Using random vibration theory, the author then
estimated the peak story drift of buildings and extended that solution to
estimate both elastic and inelastic responses. In this paper, the author
used this approach to construct fragility curves for a hypothetical four-
story structure at four damage states ranging from slight structural dam-
age to complete collapse.
Marano et al. (2008) developed analytical fragility curves for a railway
bridge in Bari, Italy (the Viaduct of Corso Italia).
Na and Shinozuka (2009) developed analytical fragility curves for a
seaport container wharf. The authors focused their analysis on the con-
crete walls of the wharf because permanent displacement of these walls
would undermine the usefulness of the seaport. Other components of a
seaport system are readily replaced or repaired. The authors used “pre-
determined fragility curves” to estimate the probability of displacement at
each berth and carried out a Monte Carlo simulation to estimate a fragility
curve for the container terminal as a whole. The probability of failure for
the container terminal was computed as the fraction of samples that
exceeded the limit state. The authors used their results to estimate the
economic cost of exposure to seismic loads and the potential economic
benefits of retrofitting the walls of shipping berths.
Nielson and DesRoches (2007) developed fragility curves for bridge
systems accounting for the fragility of individual bridge components. The
approach used by these authors is similar to that used for many other
seismic reliability analyses (e.g., Ellingwood et al. 2007). The capacity of
the structure was estimated by sampling from uncertain material proper-
ties using Monte Carlo simulation. The probability of failure was estimated
using the first-order reliability method assuming that capacity and
demand follow a lognormal distribution. These authors found that the
bridge as a system is more fragile than any one of its individual compo-
nents. The authors tested the assumption that bridge columns can be used
to represent an entire bridge system and found that this assumption
resulted in errors as large as 50%.
Padgett and DesRoches (2007) addressed the need to have reliable
fragility curves for a portfolio of multispan continuous concrete girder
bridges. Bridge types were classified into groups based on features of
design and construction, and fragility curves were developed for each class
ERDC SR-10-1 47
of bridge rather than for each bridge. Fragility curves for each class of
bridge were used in systems-level risk assessments, such as those
described by IPET (2009), Gouldby et al. (2008), and Hall et al. (2003).
The classification of structures based on features of design and construc-
tion introduced a new source of uncertainty because structures within a
given class may vary in terms of features that were not used in classifica-
tion. For example, in this particular study, the bridge classification method
did not account for differences in the geometry of bridges. These authors
concluded that, with respect to seismic risk assessment, uncertainty in
parameters describing material properties, which have traditionally been
considered in fragility analyses, tended to be less important than uncer-
tainty in the ground motion and geometry.
Padgett and DesRoches (2008) developed a methodology to compare
retrofit alternatives for multispan continuous concrete girder bridges
using fragility curves. Retrofits may have positive or negative effects on
overall bridge reliability depending upon how they affect other bridge
Pan et al. (2007) developed a fragility curve for a multispan steel girder
bridge characteristic of those found in the State of New York and evaluated
the probability of bridge failure given exposure to seismic loads. These fra-
gility curves accounted for uncertainty in estimating material strength,
bridge mass, friction coefficient of expansion bearings, and expansion
joint gap size. The authors compared the first-order and second-order
reliability methods and concluded that second-order methods effectively
reduced the confidence bands on estimated fragilities.
Paolacci and Giannini (2009) introduced a response surface approach
to developing fragility curves for a high-voltage vertical disconnect switch,
a component of electrical substations. The authors’ method reduced the
number of simulations that must be completed by fitting a response sur-
face to the calculated reliability index so that the reliability index was a
function of basic variables that have significant influence on the response
of the structure to seismic loads. The authors tested and validated their
response surface approach by comparing the fragility curves to Monte
Carlo simulations.
ERDC SR-10-1 48
Patev and Leggett (1995) estimated the reliability of an aged and visi-
bly deteriorated reinforced concrete drainage structure constructed
through an earthen levee. Although a full fragility curve was not devel-
oped, reliability was estimated for 10-, 50-, and 100-year flood events to
reveal three points on the fragility curve. Modeling the exterior concrete
wall as a concrete beam, the authors analyzed uncertainty in capacity in
both moment and shear. Reliability estimates obtained using FOSM were
compared with Monte Carlo simulations to demonstrate the adequacy of
first-order approximations in this example.
Rossetto and Elnashai (2003) developed empirical fragility curves for
European reinforced concrete buildings. The authors compiled 99 existing
databases that were developed during post-earthquake damage assess-
ments at approximately 340,000 reinforced concrete structures following
19 earthquakes. The authors developed a common damage scale to
interpret the various databases, which differed in terms of how post-
earthquake damage was described. The authors used these databases and
the damage scale to develop fragility curves for seismic risk assessment of
reinforced concrete buildings. The authors concluded that empirically
determined fragility curves are not sufficient for accurate seismic risk
Shinozuka et al. (2000) developed empirical and analytical fragility
curves for bridges. Empirical fragility curves were developed using bridge
damage data obtained during bridge inspections following the 1995
Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake. Analytical fragility curves are developed
for bridges in the Memphis area using nonlinear dynamic analysis. In both
cases, a two-parameter lognormal distribution is assumed for the fragility
curve with the parameters obtained using the method of maximum
Simm et al. (2009): See Chapter 3 of the main text.
Singhal and Kiremidjian (1998) presented methods for updating
analytical fragility curves based on information obtained through field
observations and estimating confidence bounds on fragility curves. The
authors developed analytical fragility curves for reinforced concrete frame
structures using Monte Carlo simulation procedures and updated these
fragility curves using observations of building response to seismic loads
following the Northridge earthquake in Los Angeles, California. This
ERDC SR-10-1 49
method represented a hybrid approach because the analytical fragilities
were modified using field observations.
Song and Kang (2009) proposed a matrix-based system reliability
method to develop fragility curves for multispan steel girder bridges. They
compared their results with fragility curves obtained using a Monte Carlo
simulation approach with favorable results.
Tanaka et al. (2000) developed empirical fragility curves by fitting a
two-parameter normal distribution to bridge damage data collected
following the Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake in Kobe, Japan. The database
consisted of damage observations at 3683 bridges. Damage at each bridge
was classified under one of five damage states.
USACE (1991) and USACE (1993): A USACE Policy Guidance Letter
(PGL 26, USACE 1991) and a 1993 USACE Technical Letter (ETL 1110-2-
328, USACE 1993) proposed using judgmental fragility curves to charac-
terize the reliability of existing levees for the purpose of estimating the
economic benefits of flood protection. The procedures were to identify a
probable nonfailure point (PNP) at the elevation on the embankment
below which it is “highly likely” that the levee would not fail, defined
, and the probable failure point (PFP) at the elevation on the
embankment at which it is highly likely that the levee would fail, defined
. A straight line is drawn between the points. Selection of the
PNP and the PFP was to be based on knowledge of past performance, but
not necessarily on hard data. USACE (1993) goes further by providing a
template for assessing the PNP and PFP on levee embankments where
information about past performance is unknown or where material
changes in field conditions have occurred since performance was last
USACE (1999): A subsequent USACE Technical Letter (ETL 1110-2-556)
updated previous guidance on how fragility curves should be developed
for earthen levees. The guidance presented several “first-cut” examples
illustrating how fragility curves could be developed for selected failure
modes. A first-order second-moment approach was emphasized. Failure
modes discussed in the ETL include underseepage, through-seepage, slope
stability, and surface erosion caused by excessive current velocity parallel
to the slope. The ETL also described how a composite fragility curve could
be obtained using de Morgan’s law: An overall probability of failure,
ERDC SR-10-1 50
( )
sSfp =|
, conditioned on demand S = s, was calculated from the
probabilities of failure for individual failure modes i = (1, 2, 3,....N),
which were also conditioned on demand:
( ) ( )( )
sSZpsSZp i
i=≤−∏−==≤ =|011|0 1. Application of this function
assumes independence of the failure modes. In other studies, fault trees
have been used to address nonindependent failure modes.
Vaidogas and Juocevičius (2008) presented a method of estimating
fragility curves for timber frame structures considering three failure
criteria (loss of load bearing capacity, insulation, and integrity). A Monte
Carlo simulation approach was used to develop the fragility curve.
van de Lindt and Dao (2009) presented a fragility curve for wood
frame structures exposed to wind loads. The uplift capacity for panels
having different nailing patterns and truss spacing was simulated using a
detailed, nonlinear finite element model. The estimated capacity was fit to
a statistical distribution to develop a closed-form limit state function. The
probability of failure was estimated by computing the reliability index and
using first-order reliability methods.
Vorogushyn et al. (2009): See Chapter 3 of the main text.
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July 2010 2. REPORT TYPE
Final report 3. DATES COVERED (From - To)
Beyond the Factor of Safety: Developing Fragility Curves to Characterize
System Reliability
Martin T. Schultz, Ben P. Gouldby, Jonathan D. Simm, and Johannes L. Wibowo
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Environmental Laboratory and Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory
3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199;
HR Wallingford, Ltd., Howbery Park, Wallingford, Oxfordshire
ERDC SR-10-1
Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Washington, DC 20314-1000
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Fragility curves are becoming increasingly common components of flood risk assessments. This report introduces the concept of the
fragility curve and shows how fragility curves are related to more familiar reliability concepts, such as the deterministic factor of safety
and the relative reliability index. Examples of fragility curves are identified in the literature on structures and risk assessment to identify
what methods have been used to develop fragility curves in practice. Four basic approaches are identified: judgmental, empirical,
hybrid, and analytical. Analytical approaches are, by far, the most common method encountered in the literature. This group of methods
is further decomposed based on whether the limit state equation is an explicit function or an implicit function and on whether the
probability of failure is obtained using analytical solution methods or numerical solution methods. Advantages and disadvantages of
the various approaches are considered.
Dike and levee safety
Fragility curves
Risk assessment
Structural reliability analysis
Uncertainty analysis
Water resources infrastructure
area code)
Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. 239.18