
Automated Inclinometer Monitoring Based on Micro Electro-Mechanical System Technology: Applications and Verification

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The paper illustrates the efficiency of a novel inclinometer device by comparing results obtained from some prototypes installed in three landslides and those derived from classic inclinometers. The new device, called Modular Underground Monitoring System (MUMS) is intended to be applied for natural and artificial slope deformation monitoring and landslides dynamics control, assessment and forecasting. The MUMS instrumentation was developed from the idea of replacing the standard measurement procedure by locating nodes at known distances along a connecting cable placed within a vertical borehole. Each node measures its local orientation (related to the National Elevation Dataset (NED)) by means of a micro electro-mechanical system (MEMS) formed by a 3D digital linear acceleration sensor and a 3D magnetic sensor. This allows us to determine the direction cosines of the borehole axis in each node and calculate its 3D shape and deformation along the whole borehole. This paper compares the classic instruments and the new MUMS device, with evidence of the advantages of measurement automation and economy in the use of the proposed device, which could also be equipped with other electronic instruments that would allow the measurement of other interesting physical quantities (i.e. pore pressure, temperature, stresses etc.) together with displacement components. The comparison is carried out through the examination of few installation in various types of landslides, with particular attention to the accuracy and repeatability of the measurements that are automatically made.

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... In particular, examples here discussed involves the analysis of displacement datasets sampled by Vertical Array automatic inclinometers. Based on MUMS (Modular Underground Monitoring System) technology developed and produced by ASE S.r.l., the instrumentation is an array composed of different nodes (named Links) connected by a quadrupole electrical and an aramid fiber cables in order to form an arbitrary long chain of sensors (Segalini et al. 2014). It can be equipped with 3D MEMS, electrolytic cell, piezometer, thermometer, and other typologies of sensors, while a dedicated datalogger connected to the Array automatically queries each different Link. ...
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The growing frequency and intensity of natural hazards has resulted in increased efforts towards their study and control. As a consequence, monitoring systems have emerged as pivotal components of landslide Early Warning Systems (EWS), facilitating comprehension of process evolution and assessment of mitigation needs. This progress stems from technological advancements, yielding more precise sensors and automated data acquisition procedures. Nevertheless, challenges persist in interpreting data, particularly in identifying critical events and forecasting failures. This paper presents the application of a methodology developed by the authors to identify significant deviations in potentially critical events from previously sampled data, with the objective of separating them from false alarms. The core of this approach relies on establishing a threshold value based on antecedent landslide behavior. Specifically, the reference value is derived from assessing equivalent displacements, defined as displacements observed within a time interval equal to that of the critical event. The paper presents various case studies highlighting the efficacy of the proposed model as a valuable tool for near-real-time assessment of landslide behavior.
... (IT). A Vertical Array is composed of different nodes (named Links) connected by a quadrupole electrical cable and an aramid fiber cable, forming an arbitrarily long chain of sensors [17]. Thanks to the multi-parametric nature of these devices, it is possible to integrate different typologies of sensors in the same Array, such as 3D tilt meters, piezometers, thermometers, etc. ...
The importance of monitoring hydrogeological instability has grown over the years, since landscape anthropization results in a rising number of people and structures in areas at risk of natural hazards. The recent development of highly sophisticated sensors and infrastructures has dramatically increased the amount and variety of collected data. This has the potential to enable more reliable and responsive Early Warning Systems, but brings forth the need for the automation of data processing. The approach here proposed relies on the application of Machine Learning algorithms to landslide monitoring, leveraging the unprecedented amount of information through neural networks and innovative techniques from the field of Artificial Intelligence. The key concept involves the application of Machine Learning to obtain a prediction of the landslide behavior in the near future, which will enable the comparison with predefined thresholds. The prediction is generated by a neural network that learns how to correlate one state of the monitored site with the correct following state using the large number of examples at its disposal. The proposed method provides a time frame for the detection of dangerous events in the observed area, continuous real-time monitoring, and automated alarm signaling. The procedure is currently being tested on a landslide located in Northern Italy, monitored since December 2018 with a system including 4 automatic modular underground monitoring system (MUMS) inclinometers, 2 barometers, and a total of 6 piezometers. The multi-parameter approach allowed to collect a considerable amount of information regarding the monitored site, improving the algorithm’s reliability and robustness.
... MUMS is an innovative monitoring system developed and patented by ASE S.r.l. (IT), composed of a series of synthetic resin nodes, named Links, connected by an aramid fibre cable and a single quadrupole electrical cable to form an arbitrarily long array of sensors (Segalini et al. 2014). ...
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Monitoring the stability of a slope is one of the non-structural measures aimed at reducing the risk of landslides. Displacement detection is now possible through numerous monitoring techniques, including remote sensing and ground-based solutions. In particular, in-situ monitoring allows some advantages related to using low-cost instruments whose communication can be facilitated by IoT technologies. In this chapter, we illustrate an example of an intelligent system for the integrated monitoring of the main landslide bodies of Gimigliano (CZ), southern Italy. The station includes clusters for monitoring deep movements and piezometric levels, as well as for urban structures through specific sensors and a network of sensors for topographic surface monitoring. The system was designed to be almost fully automatic and oriented to support near real-time warning activities. The data recorded by the deep and surface monitoring instruments confirm that the study area is affected by complex phenomena requiring long-term on-site monitoring. Specifically, analysis of the deep movements revealed some critical events during spring 2022 and summer 2023 that resulted in positive and negative millimetric deformations, measured by the tilt meters installed in correspondence with the monitored sites. Surface topographic analysis indicates displacement rates of 2.5–5 cm/year.
... (IT) and based on MUMS (Modular Underground Monitoring System) technologies. Each Vertical Array is composed of a series of epoxy resin nodes, known as Links (Fig. 3b), which are connected by an aramid fiber cable and a single quadrupole electrical cable to create an array of sensors (Segalini et al., 2014). The MUMS tools can be customized in terms of the number, distance, and type of sensors used, and their length can be decided according to the monitoring needs. ...
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The introduction of Machine Learning (ML) in the geotechnical community has led to numerous applications for monitoring data elaboration. These techniques demonstrate promising performance in comparison to conventional methods aimed at determining the future behavior of a landslide. In this context, it is fundamental to have access to reliable methodologies and procedures to assess the quality of algorithms' predictions. This article proposes an improved method for evaluating ML algorithms applied to landslide time series analysis. The method relies on modified metrics that are sensible to biased classification due to imbalanced datasets, also enabling the evaluation of both regression and classification models using the same criteria. The calculated metrics include Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1-Score, each one representing a different aspect of the forecasting model effectiveness. Results obtained from the application of the proposed method to datasets collected by automated monitoring systems proved to be informative of the performance of the model and provides the means for objective comparison with other forecasting algorithms, making it a valuable tool to improve the prediction process reliability. In particular, the custom metrics allowed for a better evaluation of algorithms skewed in favor of the dominant class/classes, which are common occurrence in landslide displacement datasets. In these cases, the proposed approach highlighted the inability of the forecasting model in predicting critical events, presenting a more accurate representation of its performances compared to results obtained with standard approaches.
... The whole surface monitoring displacement data can avoid the error caused by displacement model fitting. On the other hand, with the rapid development of landslide deep displacement monitoring technology, such as borehole inclinometer and flexible inclinometer (Segalini et al. 2014;Zhang et al. 2018;Ruzza et al. 2020;Juang 2021), the deep displacement can be obtained, which can better obtain the deep displacement information for time-dependent stability evaluation. ...
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Under the effect of long-term periodic fluctuation of reservoir water level, reservoir landslide deforms continuously and the mechanical strength of slip zone varies accordingly, resulting in the stability variation. This study proposed a new time-dependent stability evaluation method based on a temporal and spatial strength evolution model of the slip zone, with consideration of the combined effect of water level fluctuation and continuous deformation of reservoir landslide with time. Then, the method was employed to evaluate the stability of the Outang landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir area. The results indicate that: (1) a corresponding spatio-temporal deformation model is derived for quantifying landslides with advancing deformation mode; (2) the relationship between shear strength and shear displacement of slip zone soil with different moisture content conditions and different normal stress states can be quantitatively expressed by the proposed strength evolution model; (3) the stability of Outang landslide decreases with time but at a gradually declining rate, and tends to be maintained at a critical state ultimately. Overall, this novel method establishes a direct connection between the shear strength of critical geomaterial and landslide evolution process with field monitoring data, thus enables to provide a persuasive evaluation.
... The instrumentation is composed of a series of epoxy resin nodes, called Links, connected by a quadrupole electrical battle and an aramid fiber cable. The result is an arbitrary long array of sensors, which can be located at specific distances according to specific requirements and can measure different parameters depending on the monitoring activity [19,20]. Starting from October 2019, the algorithm has been continuously applied to several monitored sites, elaborating up to 23'000 new datasets every single day. ...
Conference Paper
Early Warning Systems (EWS) represent one of the most effective activities for risk management and mitigation associated to landslides occurrence, allowing to reduce the possibility of human losses and damages to involved structures. One of the most challenging aspects of early warning activities is the reliable detection of potentially critical events starting from monitoring outcomes. In fact, a timely assessment of the landslide evolution would allow to undertake the most appropriate mitigation measures for a correct management of the ongoing event. In this context, it is especially important to avoid the occurrence of false alarms, which could induce significant issues from a social and economic point of view. The algorithm described in this study was conceived with the intent to identify an increasing pattern in landslide displacement rates and provide a classification of the detected event. The analysis is fully automated and relies on the elaboration of monitoring datasets sampled by automatic instrumenta-tion to define the onset of acceleration of the event and assess its alert level. The proposed procedure was integrated in an automatic software developed for the elaboration of monitoring data sampled by automatic inclinometers, analyzing several datasets coming from different sites of interest with the objective of detecting the occurrence of unusual behaviors in the monitored landslides evolution.
... (IT). The instrumentation is an array composed of different nodes (named Links) connected by a quadrupole electrical and an aramid fiber cables in order to form an arbitrary long chain of sensors (Segalini et al. 2014;Carri et al. 2015). It can be equipped with 3D MEMS, electrolytic cell, piezometer, thermometer, and other typologies of sensors, while a dedicated data logger connected to the Array automatically queries each different Link. ...
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Over the past years, the growing number of natural hazards all over the world has led to an increasing focus on activities aimed at studying and controlling the occurrence of these phenomena. In this context, monitoring systems have become a fundamental component for Landslide Early Warning Systems, allowing to understand the evolution of these processes and assess the need for dedicated mitigation measures. This result is achieved thanks to several technological advancements that led to the introduction of more accurate and reliable sensors, as well as automatic procedures for data acquisition and elaboration. However, despite these improvements, the data interpretation process is still a challenging task, in particular when it comes to the identification of critical events and failure forecasting operations. This paper presents a methodology developed to assess if a potentially critical event is displaying a significant deviation from previously sampled data, or if it could be classified as a false alarm. The process relies on the definition of a threshold value based on the landslide behavior preceding the event of interest. In particular, the reference value derives from the evaluation of equivalent displacements, defined as the displacements previously observed in a time interval equal to the one showed by the potentially critical event. This paper reports a series of examples referring to different case studies, involving both false alarms and real collapses, underlining the effectiveness of the proposed model as a useful tool to evaluate the landslide behavior with a near-real-time approach.
... In particolare, l'utilizzo di un singolo cavo elettrico permette di contenere significativamente il volume di ingombro derivante da numerosi cavi in uscita dal foro nel quale sono installate le sonde. Il risultato è una catena di sensori la cui lunghezza e composizione possono essere definite a seconda delle necessità della specifica attività di monitoraggio, sulla base anche delle grandezze che è necessario misurare, quali spostamenti, angoli di inclinazione o temperature (Segalini et al., 2014;Carri et al., 2015). ...
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Nella progettazione di un sistema di estrazione di energia geotermica, il monitoraggio delle temperature del sottosuolo riveste un ruolo di primaria importanza, in particolare per quanto riguarda i sistemi di superficie a bassa entalpia. Infatti, negli strati più superficiali del terreno, l’andamento della temperatura risulta variabile sia spazialmente che temporalmente a causa della sovrapposizione degli effetti di origine naturale (geotermica, solare) e antropica. Il sistema di monitoraggio che verrà presentato di seguito è stato installato con l’obiettivo di ottenere misure di temperatura in un impianto prototipale di questa tipologia, sviluppato mediante il Proget-to Europeo GEOTeCH – Geothermal Technology for economic Cooling and Heating. Il sistema è costituito da uno strumento innovativo chiamato Therm Array, basato sulla tecnologia MUMS (Modular Underground Monitoring System). Questo approccio consiste in una combinazione di sensori posizionati all’interno di nodi (definiti Links), connessi mediante un cavo in fibra aramidica insieme ad un cavo elettrico, formando una ca-tena della lunghezza desiderata. Therm Array è stato sviluppato per il monitoraggio della temperatura del sot-tosuolo con sensori termometrici ad alta risoluzione, integrando procedure automatiche di acquisizione ed ela-borazione dati. Il sito è strumentato con un totale di 3 Therm Array della lunghezza di 15 metri ciascuno, con spaziatura variabile tra i singoli sensori. Inoltre, sono state impiegate 4 sonde PT100 per il monitoraggio della temperatura all’interno delle condotte idriche. Le misure raccolte dal sistema di monitoraggio, installato a fine 2017 e tuttora attivo, sono di prezioso aiuto per la valutazione del potenziale di trasferimento di calore delle sonde geotermiche verticali coassiali nel tempo e a varie profondità e degli impatti a medio lungo termine sul terreno di una pompa di calore sperimentale di tipo “dual source heat pump”, in grado cioè di decidere a quale fonte naturale attingere (aria, sottosuolo) a seconda delle necessità climatiche nei diversi periodi dell’anno.
... MUMS was designed as an automatic inclinometer composed of several nodes (links) located at custom distances along a single chain, linked by an aramid fiber and a quadrupole electrical cable. The array functionality is automated, collecting multiparametric data through a remotely controlled datalogger and RS485 protocol [22]. Since its first application as a device to monitor landslide displacements, MUMS technology has been developed in order to adapt to different geotechnical scenarios, and it is nowadays the core of several tools intended for other applications (e.g., underground excavations, civil and geotechnical structures, rockfall and debris flow barriers, and geothermal plants). ...
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Monitoring instrumentation plays a major role in the study of natural phenomena and analysis for risk prevention purposes, especially when facing the management of critical events. Within the geotechnical field, data collection has traditionally been performed with a manual approach characterized by time-expensive on-site investigations and monitoring devices activated by an operator. Due to these reasons, innovative instruments have been developed in recent years in order to provide a complete and more efficient system thanks to technological improvements. This paper aims to illustrate the advantages deriving from the application of a monitoring approach, named Internet of natural hazards, relying on the Internet of things principles applied to monitoring technologies. One of the main features of the system is the ability of automatic tools to acquire and elaborate data independently, which has led to the development of dedicated software and web-based visualization platforms for faster, more efficient and accessible data management. Additionally, automatic procedures play a key role in the implementation of early warning systems with a near-real-time approach, providing a valuable tool to the decision-makers and authorities responsible for emergency management. Moreover, the possibility of recording a large number of different parameters and physical quantities with high sampling frequency allows to perform meaningful statistical analyses and identify cause–effect relationships. A series of examples deriving from different case studies are reported in this paper in order to present the practical implications of the IoNH approach application to geotechnical monitoring.
... #shareEGU20 MONITORING SYSTEM -MUMS Modular Underground Monitoring System (MUMS) is a patented automatic inclinometer composed by several nodes (defined as Links) located at custom distances along a single chain, thus forming an array of sensors. The instrumentation has been developed since 2011 with the idea to overcome the "traditional approach" to geotechnical monitoring, providing an integrate system featuring fully automated processes for data acquisition, storage, elaboration and representation (Segalini et al., 2014). ...
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The identification of potentially critical events involving unstable slopes is a major aspect in the field of natural hazards risk mitigation and management. In this framework, Early Warning Systems (EWS) exploiting advanced technologies represent an efficient approach to decrease the risk generated by landslide phenomena, allowing to reduce the possibility of damages and losses of human lives. EWS effectiveness has increased significantly in recent years, thanks to relevant advances in sensing technologies and data processing. In particular, the introduction of innovative monitoring instrumentation featuring automatic procedures and increased performances in terms of sampling rate and accuracy has permitted to develop EWS characterised by a near-real time approach. Among the several aspects involved in the development of a reliable Early Warning System, one of the most important is the ability to minimize the dissemination of false alarms, which should be avoided or identified in advance. The approach proposed in this study represents a new procedure aimed to assess the hazard level posed by a potentially critical event, previously identified by analysing displacement monitoring data. The process is implemented in a near-real time EWS and defines a total of five different hazard levels, on the basis of the results provided by two different models, namely an accelerating trend identification criterion and a failure forecasting model based on the Inverse Velocity Method (IVM). In particular, the forecasting analysis is performed only if the dataset elaborated by the onset-of-acceleration model highlights a potentially critical behaviour, which represents a first alert level. Following levels are determined by different conditions imposed on three parameters featured by the failure forecasting model, i.e. dataset dimension, coefficient of determination R-squared, and number of sensors displaying an accelerating trend. As these criteria get fulfilled, it is assumed that the monitored phenomenon is gradually evolving towards a more critical condition, thus reaching an increasing alert level depending on the analysis results. According to this classification, it is possible to set up for each single threshold a dedicated warning message, which could be automatically issued to authorities responsible of monitoring activities, in order to provide an adequate dissemination of information concerning the ongoing event. Moreover, the proposed procedure allows to customize the alert approach, giving the possibility to issue warning messages only if a certain Level is reached during the analysis.
... ASE s.r.l. has developed the innovative monitoring tools presented in this paper, exploiting Modular Underground Monitoring System (MUMS) technology (Segalini & Carini 2013;Segalini et al. 2014). Instrumentation consists of a series of sensors (Links) embedded in epoxy resin nodes, connected by a single electrical cable and, depending on the specific application, an aramid fiber cable and/or a fiberglass rod. ...
Conference Paper
This paper presents on-site applications of two innovative monitoring tools, based on 3D MEMS sensors and specifically designed and intended to be installed in underground excavations. The first one (Cir Array) is designed for near-real time monitoring of convergence phenomena and localized deformations taking place in a specific tunnel section. The second one is called Rad Array and it is designed to be installed in radial directions with respect to the tunnel section, in order to identify deformations some meters inside the rock mass surrounding the underground excavation. The satisfactory results obtained from sites highlighted the importance of a well-designed and efficient monitoring system in tunnelling operations. The monitoring system allowed to investigate the accuracy and precision of the measure on site, collecting useful data regarding the structure conditions for both cases presented in this study.
... Cir Array is an innovative monitoring tool developed by ASE S.r.l. and based on MUMS technology (Modular Underground Monitoring System) (Segalini and Carini, 2013;Segalini et al., 2014). It is designed for near-real time monitoring of convergence phenomena and localized deformations taking place in a specific tunnel section. ...
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Tunnels and underground structures are one of the most important components of road and railway networks, especially near urban areas. For this reason, it is particularly important to identify potentially hazardous conditions in order to guarantee the structure's durability and practicability. This paper presents a case study where a seismic event severely damaged a road tunnel located in Central Italy, impairing its accessibility and leading to its closure for safety reasons. Following the damage assessment, and given the importance of this specific structure, it was decided to perform a series of renovation works aimed to restore the tunnel's operability. In this context, an innovative automatic monitoring device, able to measure the structure deformation, was installed in a critical section of the road tunnel. This instrument, called Cir Array, is specifically designed for near-real time monitoring of convergence phenomena and localized deformations inside underground structures, obtaining accurate and reliable results during their operational phase. The instrumentation provided useful information about the structure's conditions, playing a major role into assessing the tunnel's accessibility and safety during the renovation works. Moreover, thanks to its automated and high frequency sampling process, it will allow the implementation of dedicated warning procedures related to the passage of the vehicles inside the tunnel.
... (IT). This patented system relies on a combination of sensors embedded in specifically moulded nodes, called Links, connected by an aramid fibre and an electrical cable, in order to form an arbitrary long chain (Segalini and Carini, 2011;Segalini et al., 2014). Links can be customized, according to the case, with different sensors (3D MEMS sensor, 2D electrolytic cell, Piezometer, Barometer, High-Resolution Thermometer) able to record quantities such as displacements, temperature and water level. ...
Within the geotechnical field, monitoring systems are particularly important for what concern the description of natural phenomena and data collection for risks prevention purposes. For this reason, the need for instruments able to guarantee a continuous and prolonged control of the area has led to the development of new monitoring systems featuring higher reliability, durability and accuracy with respect to traditional approaches. With these tools, it is possible to monitor various parameters with automatic procedures and high frequency sampling, allowing to perform statistical analyses and to provide a more accurate description of the ongoing phenomenon. Another relevant aspect is the ability to realize automated systems able to remotely elaborate data recorded by on-site instrumentation. This feature has led to the development of specific software and webbased interactive platforms integrated with various technologies. These features made it possible to develop Early Warning Systems (EWS) with a near real-time approach, allowing for a more effective and reliable management of emergencies.
... Cir Array is an innovative monitoring tool developed by ASE S.r.l. and based on MUMS technology (Modular Underground Monitoring System) (Segalini and Carini, 2013;Segalini et al., 2014). It is designed for near-real time monitoring of convergence phenomena and localized deformations taking place in a specific tunnel section. ...
Conference Paper
Tunnels and underground structures are one of the most important components of road and railway networks, especially near urban areas. For this reason, it is particularly important to identify potentially hazardous conditions in order to guarantee the structure's durability and practicability. This paper presents a case study where a seismic event severely damaged a road tunnel located in Central Italy, impairing its accessibility and leading to its closure for safety reasons. Following the damage assessment, and given the importance of this specific structure, it was decided to perform a series of renovation works aimed to restore the tunnel's operability. In this context, an innovative automatic monitoring device, able to measure the structure deformation, was installed in a critical section of the road tunnel. This instrument, called Cir Array, is specifically designed for near-real time monitoring of convergence phenomena and localized deformations inside underground structures, obtaining accurate and reliable results during their operational phase. The instrumentation provided useful information about the structure's conditions, playing a major role into assessing the tunnel's accessibility and safety during the renovation works. Moreover, thanks to its automated and high frequency sampling process, it will allow the implementation of dedicated warning procedures related to the passage of the vehicles inside the tunnel.
... (IT). The instrumentation is an array composed of different nodes (named Links) connected by a quadrupole electrical and an aramid fiber cable, forming an arbitrarily long chain [18,19]. The device can be equipped with 3D MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems), electrolytic cell, piezometer, thermometer sensors, and electronic board. ...
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During recent years, the availability of innovative monitoring instrumentation has been a fundamental component in the development of efficient and reliable early warning systems (EWS). In fact, the potential to achieve high sampling frequencies, together with automatic data transmission and elaboration are key features for a near-real time approach. This paper presents a case study located in Central Italy, where the realization of an important state route required a series of preliminary surveys. The monitoring system installed on site included manual inclinometers, automatic modular underground monitoring system (MUMS) inclinometers, piezometers, and geognostic surveys. In particular, data recorded by innovative instrumentation allowed for the detection of major slope displacements that ultimately led to the landslide collapse. The implementation of advanced tools, featuring remote and automatic procedures for data sampling and elaboration, played a key role in the critical event identification and prediction. In fact, thanks to displacement data recorded by the MUMS inclinometer, it was possible to forecast the slope failure that was later confirmed during the following site inspection. Additionally, a numerical analysis was performed to better understand the mechanical behavior of the slope, back-analyze the monitored event, and to assess the stability conditions of the area of interest.
... The system is installed on-site to monitor the ground temperature and consists of an innovative tool, called Therm Array, based on Modular Underground Monitoring System (MUMS) technology developed by ASE S.r.l. This approach relies on a combination of sensors embedded in specifi cally moulded nodes, called Links, connected by an aramid fi bre and an electrical cable, thus forming an arbitrary long chain (Segalini et al., 2013;Segalini et al., 2014). Links can be customized, according to the situation, with different sensors able to record quantities such as displacements, water level variations and temperature. ...
Ground temperature at shallow depth (< 50 m) is not stable, nor in space, neither in time, and its behaviour is the result of superimposition of effects of heat pulses of different origin: solar, geothermal and anthropic. The correct assessment of ground temperature is a crucial point when designing a shallow geothermal energy system. In geothermal closed loop projects, more the borehole heat exchangers are short, more the contribution of the ground temperature variability on the heat exchange is prominent. Monitoring ground temperature can be very useful to correctly understand the behaviour of a shallow geothermal reservoir subjected to heat extraction and/or injection by a ground source heat pump system. The present work illustrates the practical aspects and main issues occurred in the installation, testing and working phases of a monitoring system realised to record ground temperature in a geothermal application. The case study is a field of eight coaxial borehole heat exchangers, 30 m long, connected to a novel prototype of dual source (air and ground) heat pump.
... Therefore, a low-cost and portable monitoring method is needed for early warning of landslides in mountainous areas with a large number of landslides, for example in the Wenchuan earthquake region of China. Recent studies stated that the Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) based slope stability monitoring instruments and systems are practically versatile and effective, thus it was widely used in landslide monitoring and early warning, and generated considerable recent research interest [1][2][3][4]. ...
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Landslide monitoring and early warning systems are the most successful countermeasures to reduce fatalities and economic losses from landslide hazards. The traditional strategies such as GPS and extensometers are relatively expensive and difficult to be installed in steep, high mountains. In this study, a MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) based multivariate wireless monitoring sensor unit was used to build a monitoring and early warning system for rainfall-triggered landslides, as one of the most practical and cost-effective countermeasures for hard-reached mountains. The multi-source wireless monitoring system and its well-developed equipment were tested in a landslide-prone slope to monitor the triggering of landslides and debris flows in the Wenchuan earthquake region, China. The variations of several state variables were observed, including the soil moisture content, soil matric suction, rainfall, inclination and ground vibration. The results of a slope stability analysis were benchmarked with the in situ measurements to identify the multivariate early warning parameters for rainfall-induced landslides. The proposed early warning system for the slope stability analysis can provide a more accurate prediction for rainfall-induced landslides and debris flows in earthquake hit regions.
... The points movement trajectory on selected levels, their velocities, the azimuth of the inclinometer pipe rotation were also analysed. All these measurements were designed to locate the depth of the potential slip surface and examine the direction of the deformation development [6], [7], [15], [18], [19]. ...
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The geological structure of the Bełchatów area is very complicated as a result of tectonic and sedimentation processes. The long-term exploitation of the Bełchatów field influenced the development of horizontal displacements. The variety of factors that have impact on the Bełchatów western slope stability conditions, forced the necessity of complex geotechnical monitoring. The geotechnical monitoring of the western slope was carried out with the use of slope inclinometers. From 2005 to 2013 fourteen slope inclinometers were installed, however, currently seven of them are in operation. The present analysis depicts inclinometers situated in the north part of the western slope, for which the largest deformations were registered. The results revealed that the horizontal displacements and formation of slip surfaces are related to complicated geological structure and intensive tectonic deformations in the area. Therefore, the influence of exploitation marked by changes in slope geometry was also noticeable.
... The proposed new monitoring technique using RRTK principles and server-based processing methods was successfully tested using data from test sites located at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Segalini et al. (2014) report on the efficiency of a novel inclinometer type in the paper "Automated inclinometer monitoring based on micro electromechanical system technology: applications and verification". The new device, called Modular Underground Monitoring System (MUMS) is intended to be applied for natural and artificial slope deformation monitoring, and landslide dynamics control, assessment and forecasting. ...
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The WLF3 B5.Session Monitoring, prediction and warning of landslides, as a part of WLF3 session Group B. Sessions for Methods of Landslide Studies, gathers the main elements in the landslides risk reduction and landslides sustainable disaster management: monitoring, prediction and warning of landslides. Sixteen contributions from eleven countries around the world have been submitted and, after review process, accepted for publishing. The best practice techniques and experiences on monitoring, prediction and warning of landslides caused by different triggering factors are presented in this Session. In this introduction to the WLF3 B5 Session Monitoring, prediction and warning of landslides, a short summary of each of the accepted papers is presented divided regarding to their general topics.
The replacement of natural soil and vegetation by artificial surfaces increases temperatures of the surrounding air and subsurface throughout the year, because of indirect solar heating of urban structures, building heat losses and land use change. This phenomenon is called Urban Heat Island and it can be better perceived during the nighttime, when the city releases the heat accumulated during the day. During the daytime, due to relatively small amounts of solar radiation received by the urban surface, especially in high-density cities in arid and semi-arid climates, the Urban Cool Island can be identified as well. The present work illustrates a mixed probabilistic-deterministic method to estimate ground temperature at shallow depths, starting from information on geology, hydrogeology, climate, but also urban presence, through correlations with global land cover and population density. A dedicated mapping on a regular grid has been produced. Results have been compared with ground and aquifer temperature available in literature, for some representative cities of the Italian Peninsula and the Alpine Zone. Preliminary validations are encouraging and can be taken as a starting point for more comprehensive mapping of ground temperature evolution at a regional scale. © The Mining-Geology-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin and the authors.
This short paper illustrates the studies carried out on a landslide phenomenon occurred during the Spring of 2013 in the Parma Appenines. The activation/reactivation of the landslide caused the interruption of a provincial road and the disruption of few houses. No fatalities occurred. The work presented is aimed to reconstruct the process that caused the landslide activation, describes the monitoring facilities that were set up after the landslide activation and how their data can be used to develop an appropriate numerical model.
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A geomorphologic description of the Du ´dar landslide (Granada, S Spain) has been carried out using a high-resolution digital elevation model derived from LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data. We have analysed the significant changes that the landslide caused in the drainage system of the Aguas Blancas and Darro rivers, which in turn are the conse- quence of the tectonic activity of the north-eastern border of the Granada Basin. These modifications comprise river diversions and active incision within the body of the land- slide, making it susceptible to future reactivations.Astability back-analysis of the landslide has been performed to identify the mechanism of failure and the most-likely triggering factors. This analysis shows that a low-to-moderate magnitude earthquake (Mw 5.0–6.5) related to the active faults in the Granada Basin seems to be the main triggering factor of the Du ´dar landslide. Keywords
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The Emilia-Romagna side of the Northern Apennines is characterized by the widespread occurrence of landslides of different type, size and state of activity. In many areas, landslides are so widespread as to constitute the most mapped unit of the "Geological Map of the Emilia-Romagna Apennines 1:10.000" of Emilia-Romagna Region. This map also identifies the villages that insist on areas of active or dormant landslide and, consequently, to progressively update the list of inhabited centers to be consolidated or transferred, as required by specific legislation of the Emilia-Romagna Region (Regional Law 7/2004). The increase of damage affecting the buildings of Roccamurata village (Taro valley, Parma Apennine) after the year 2000 led the Emilia-Romagna Region (Servizio Tecnico Bacini degli Affluenti del Po, STB, Parma) to investigate the causes of these damages within an agreement with the CNR - Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources, for the geological and geomorphological study of the Roccamurata area (Municipality of Borgo Val di Taro). This contribution presents the main results of this study which, integrated with borehole stratigraphy and inclinometer data, led to the individuation of an active rotational landslide as cause of the damage affecting the buildings and the main road of the Roccamurata village.
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The geological map of the Sheet 396 “San Severo”, here presented at the scale 1: 50.000, was investigated and surveyed using offi cial topographic maps at the scale 1: 25.000. The fi eld work benefi ts also of unpublished stratigraphic and tectonic data belonging to a doctoral thesis in sedimentary geology (Spalluto, 2004). The investigated area lies in the northern part of the Puglia region (southeastern Italy) and belongs to two main geographic and geologic domains: a) the Apulian Foreland (western sector of the Gargano Promontory) and the Bradanic Foredeep (northern sector of the Tavoliere delle Puglie). The two sectors represent respectively the foreland and the foredeep areas of the Southern Apennines chain. Stratigraphic data collected during the survey of the Foglio San Severo produced a strong revision of the lithostratigraphy of the area respect the previous edition of the Geologic Map of Italy (scale 1:100.000) for both Meso-Cenozoic and Quaternary units. The resulting new lithostratigraphic framework allowed to fournish new stratigraphic constraints for the geologic evolution of the area. Moreover, this framework reduces the proliferation of lithostratigraphic nomenclatures existing in literature proponing the adoption of a nomenclature valid at a regional scale. The western sector of the Gargano Promontory (eastern and northern part of the Sheet San Severo) is mostly made up of Mesozoic and Cenozoic carbonate units formed in shallow-water environments. The oldest outcropping unit is the Calcare di Bari Fm. (Callovian p.p.-Aptian p.p.), which is about 900 m thick and form the bulk of the whole Mesozoic succession. It consists of a fairly monotonous and conformable succession of peritidal and shallow subtidal limestones formed in a broad inner-platform setting. The stacking of lithofacies and lithofacies association in the succession allowed to recognize the following three informal members: a) Monte Calvo mb. (Callovian p.p.-Valanginian p.p.), about 300-350 m thick; b) Borgo Celano mb. (Valanginian p.p.-Aptian p.p.), about 500-600 m thick; c) Ostreids and Requienids member (Aptian p.p.), about 80 m thick. The three members show almost constant lithofacies assemblages consisting mainly of mud-supported mudstone-wackestone formed in restricted lagoonal environments. Locally these lithofacies are cyclically alternated to cryptmicrobial limestones and residual clay layers indicating deposition in tidal fl at environments with periods of pedogenesis due to subaerial exposure. The boundaries between members are usually sharp and are marked by the temporary disappereance of tidal fl at lithofacies outpaced by relatively deeper lagoonal ones. In each member, the rapid deepening is followed by a gradual shallowing marked by the gradual restoration of tidal flat conditions becoming more and more widespread towards the top of each member. The calcare di Altamura fm. (Coniacian p.p.-Santonian p.p.) crops out in few areas in the southern and western part of the Sheet San Severo. It unconformably lies on a few metre thick bauxites (Turonian in age) indicating a phase of prolonged emersion of the Apulian Platform. The Calcari di Monte Acuto Fm. (Santonian p.p.) crops out in the western part of the Foglio San Severo and it is 50-60 m thick. It conformably lies on the calcare di Altamura fm. and it unconformably lies below the Tavoliere delle Puglie supersynthem. It is composed of: i) blocks of rudist limestones coming from the calcare di Altamura fm.; ii) laminated packstone/grainstone with rudist fragments; iii) wackestone/packstone with radiolarians, planctonic foraminifers and calcispheres with intercalation of chert nodules and layers. Lithofacies suggest deposition in a slope environment. The basalti Picritici di Mass. S.Giovanni in Pane Fm. (Paleogene ?) crops out in the northwestern part of the Sheet “San Severo”. This unit consists of blocks of pycritic basalts probably deriving from the erosion of basaltic dykes intruded in the lower Cretaceous limestones of the Calcare di Bari Fm. Neogene units crop out in few areas at the margin of the Gargano Promontory. These units are composed of similar facies features and are formed in neritic carbonate environments. The informal Masseria di Belvedere fm. (middlelate Serravallian) is about 10-15 m thick and unconformably lies on Mesozoic limestones. Terra rossa layers locally mark this boundary. This unit mainly consists of: i) grainstone/packstone with benthic foraminifers, serpulids, mollusks, echinoids, red algae and bryozoans fragments; ii) fl oatstone/bafflestone with corals, barnacles, bivalves and echinoids in a matrix of wackestone with planctonic foraminifers and sponge spicules. The informal Masseria Spagnoli fm. (late Tortonian) is about 10 m thick and lies with a marked angular unconformity on Mesozoic limestones and on the Masseria Belvedere fm. It is locally covered by the cemented alluvial fans of the Gargano Promontory. This unit mainly consists of packstone/grainstone with benthic foraminifers, serpulids, mollusks, echinoids, bryozoans and rare planctonic foraminifers with intercalations of oyster and pectinid-rich lags. The informal Masseria di Vituro fm. (late Messinian ?) is about 20-25 m thick and unconformably lies on Mesozoic limestones and it underlies the cemented alluvial fans of the Gargano Promontory. From bottom to top this unit is made up of grain-supported and coarse calcareous conglomerates fining up in microconglomerates in a grainstone matrix with benthic foraminifers and serpulids. The upper part of the unit consists of laminated grainstone with benthic foraminifers, mollusks and red algae. The Calcarenite di Gravina Fm. (middle-upper Pliocene) is about 30-40 m thick and unconformably lies on Mesozoic limestones and on Masseria Belvedere fm and underlies the Quaternary deposits of the Tavoliere delle Puglie supersynthem. This unit shows a fi ning-up/deepening-up trend marked by the gradual transition from coarse rudstones with mollusks, echinoids, and serpulids in a bioclastic packstone/grainstone to packstone/grainstone rich in planctonic and more rarely benthic foraminifers and with mollusks, echinoids and red algae fragments. The argille subappennine fm. (upper Pliocene - lower Pleistocene) crops out only in a very localised zone in the south-western sector of the sheet. It is composed of alternating beds of silty shales and fi ne- to medium-grained sandstones. More data come from literature and wells carried out to describe the overlying units of the Tavoliere delle Puglie supersynthem. The argille subappennine fm. represents the substrate of many middle-upper Pleistocene units and reaches a maximum thickness of about 1.000 m in the south-eastern sector of the Sheet “San Severo”. The thickness is mainly conditioned by the structural framework of the underlying meso-cenozoic units. The outcropping part of this formation is represented mainly by siliciclastic shallow water deposits sedimented below the base of the wave action. The middle to upper Pleistocene deposits have been grouped in the Tavoliere delle Puglie supersynthem. It is composed of 6 different terraced synthems which crops at different Altitudeson the sea level. From the older to the younger we distinguished the following sinthems: Cava Petrilli synthem (TVP - middle Pleistocene); Vigna Bocola synthem (TPB - middle Pleistocene); Masseria la Motticella synthem (MLM - middle to upper? Pleistocene); Foggia synthem (TGF - upper Pleistocene); Masseria del Lupo synthem (TLP - upper Pleistocene superiore); Masseria Finamondo synthem (TPF - upper Pleistocene). Three the older synthems (TVP, TPB and MLM) were divided in 2 subsynthems that are separated by an unconformity of erosive origin (continental deposits on shallowing-upward marine deposits). The younger synthems (TGF, TLP and TPF) are represented mainly by continental deposits. The oldest synthem (TVP) is well exposed in the north-westwern part of the Sheet “San Severo”. The other synthems have been described carrying out some wells. In the studied area, the Tavoliere delle Puglie supersynthem is represented by a terraced marine and alluvial succession which developed in response to a moderate and constant uplifting and sea-level changes. Alluvial and colluvial Quaternary deposits (late Pleistocene-Holocene), not recognized as belonging to a specifi c basin, crop out along the cliffs that bound the western and the southern side of the Gargano Promontory (alluvial fans and slope detrital deposits) and in the main karstic valleys and sinkholes and consist of coarse and mostly disorganized calcareous conglomerates or breccias in a residual terra rossa matrix. Terraced deposits are typically cemented. Quaternary deposits fi ll also the most important karstic caves. “Cave of the Paglicci site” is partly fi lled by late Pleistocene continental deposits, in which two important tombs of Homo sapiens and many rests of vertebrates were found. These important fi ndings and the discover of parietal paintings, make this cave the most important paleolithic site in Italy. The tectonic features of the Sheet “San Severo” indicate that this area underwent many tectonic phases starting since the Cretaceous till the Quaternary. The foreland area (western Gargano Promontory) is mainly made up of Mesozoic carbonate units showing a monoclinal arrangement with bedding plunging mainly towards SW. The main structural features are represented by faults and folds, which locally determine several variations in the regional setting of beds. Especially, main faults (Mattinata, Rignano and Candelaro Faults) break up the monoclinal in several blocks showing a different kinematic evolution. These faults generate sub-vertical shear zones, locally with cataclasis showing mainly strike-slip cinematic indicators. The main structures represent also the most relevant morphologic elements of the foreland area controlling the formation of the hydrography and forming the main cliffs which physically separate the foreland from the foredeep. The fi rst important element in the recostruction of the tectonic evolution of the area is the recognition of the sharp superposition of slope deposits of the Calcari di Monte Acuto Fm above the shallow-water limestones of the calcare di Altamura fm. This suggests that the western sector of the Gargano Promontory underwented during the Santonian a rapid drowning probably due to the formation of an intraplatform basin. The most part of the structures mapped in the studied area are polyphasics and formed during the Apennines and Dinarides orogenesis. Published data indicate that the Mattinata Fault shows a left-lateral strike-slip movement and that the most part of structures are kinematically related to the fi eld stress produced by this fault. Stratigraphic constraints confi rm this interpretation, since the older part of the Calcare di Bari Fm. crops out in the northern sector of the Mattinata Fault and in the southwestern sector of the Rignano Fault. This suggests that the fi eld stress acting on the area, congruent with the E-W left-lateral strike-slip deformation of the Mattinata Fault, contestually produced transpression along NW-SE oriented faults (e.g. Rignano Fault and Monte Granata Fault) and transtension along NESW oriented structures (e.g. S. Egidio pull-apart basin). Intramiocene angular unconformity between Masseria Spagnoli fm. and Masseria Belvedere fm. and the overthrusting of Jurassic limestones of the Monte Calvo member above middle/late Pliocene deposits of the Calcarenite di Gravina Fm. suggest that during Neogene times several tectonic phases showing similar deformation features occurred. According to the regional data, during the Plio-Pleistocene, this area (and the entire Apulian foreland) was subject to two different tectonic phases: the first one (Pliocene to lower Pleistocene in age) was related with the active subduction of the Apulian foreland beneath the southern Apenninic Chain; during this phase, the Apulian foreland recorded an high subsidence rate (about 2 mm/yr); from the Sicilian to present-day, the entire Apulian foreland was subject to a moderate uplift (less than 0,5 mm/yr). We have found many evidences of Neotectonics. In the Apricena area (Masseria Zingari locality), some extensional features have been observed: they are represented by narrow grabens (few tens of meters in lenght) which cut the Masseria Belvedere fm. (early Miocene in age) and are trasferred to the overlying Calcarenite di Gravina Formation (late Pliocene in age). The synsedimentary activity of these grabens is documented by the presence of narrow folds and by the variations in thickness of the Calcarenite di Gravina Formation. The maximum displacement is always less than 5 m and it decreases upwards. Along the cuts of the older and inactive railway in the same area, a complex distensive fault in the Calcarenite di Gravina Formation (and in its Miocene substrate) occurs: folds and growth structures involve the overlying calcarenites along the primary and secondary fault planes. Last evidence of the subsidence phase is given by large-scale neptunian dykes (up to 5 m in height): they are restricted at the contact between the masseria Belvedere Fm. and the overlying Calcarenite di Gravina Formation and are represented by large conical fractures in the Miocene substratum which are fi lled by the overlying Pliocene calcarenites; that is a record of synsedimentary extensional tectonic activity since the overlying unit suffers soft-sediment deformation and many decimetric beds are downward collapsed and/or irregularly folded during the extensional brittle deformation of the substratum. The middle- to upper-Pleistocene uplift of this area is chiefly documented by the presence of marine and continental terraced deposits that crop out from 140 m a.s.l. to 20 m a. s. l. The documentation of faults associated with this uplift phase often very diffi cult because there are not extensive and continuous outcrops of the middle-upper Pleistocene units. Nevertheless, in a quarry located to the NW of Apricena we founded an extensional fault that cuts the entire thickness of the Colle degli Ulivi subsynthem The fault is subvertical, it is E-W oriented and the maximum vertical displacement is up to 20 m in height. Similar tectonic features have been reported in the younger San Severo subsynthem.
This paper describes the analysis of the effectiveness and reliability of a new type of inclinometric chain, which is still under development by the authors, and is intended to be applied in the underground slope monitoring field. In the first part, the paper describes the new instrumentation which should allow for a deeper and detailed understanding of the type, location and origin of slope movements that should, in turn, help in understanding the triggering causes and the evolution mechanisms of landslides, and provide an innovative and substantial contribution to their stability analysis and control. The second portion of the paper is dedicated to a comparison between the classic instruments and the new MUMS device, demonstrating the advantages of measurement automation and economy in the use of the proposed device, which could also be equipped with other electronic instruments that would allow the measurement of other interesting physical quantities (such as pore pressure, temperature, stresses, etc.) together with displacement components.
The paper illustrates the efficiency of a novel inclinometer device system - based on MEMS technology - by comparing results obtained from a couple of installed prototypes and those derived from classic inclinometers. The new device, called MUMS (Modular Underground Monitoring System) is intended to be applied for natural and artificial slope deformation monitoring and landslides dynamics control, assessment and forecasting. In its initial part, the paper briefly describes the new instrumentation which should allow for a better understanding of the type, location and origin of unstable slope movement. The MUMS instrumentation was born from the idea of replacing the standard measurement procedure by locating nodes at known distances from each other along a connecting cable placed within a vertical borehole. Each node is able to measure its local orientation from the vertical (gravitational acceleration) by means of a micromechanical 3D digital linear acceleration sensor (MEMS). This will allow us to determine the direction cosines of the borehole axis in each node and, by means of linear geometry and trigonometry, calculate its 3D shape and deformation along the whole borehole. The basic hypotheses to be considered for this procedure are: a) the lower node must be located in a stable portion of the soil/rock and must be accurately cemented to it and b) the distance between two subsequent nodes along the pipe must not vary. This configuration - with 3D inclinometers only - would require that all of the nodes must be originally aligned along a single diametric plane of the cable. This mechanical condition could be achieved using a connecting pipe which would, however, generate installation problems and a possible incorrect assembly of the nodes; this inconvenience could degrade the evaluation of the displacement heading and therefore compromise their final measurement integration from the bottom up along the borehole. To avoid it, a 3D digital MEMS magnetic sensor was added to each 3D digital linear acceleration sensor, enabling us to determine the heading (azimuth) of each node related to the magnetic North. This added MEMS element eliminates the uncertainties and any errors due to spiraling or to system assembly imprecisions. Following, the paper deals with a series of significant errors like biases, drift and noises that are affecting the final output of MEMS sensor and illustrates how to achieve valuable and reliable outputs which allow the use of these sensors in the landslide monitoring field. Finally, a couple of example application are presented where prototypes of this system are installed on well documented and traditionally monitored slow moving active landslides. In these examples the MUMS results are compared with those obtained by traditional systems evidencing the new system potentials and effectiveness in terms of sensitivity, precision, reliability and automation.
The Apennine mountains of the Parma Province (Italy) are characterized by a young geological structure subjected to continuous morphological modification in many areas. As a consequence, several active landslides can be identified in this region. Among others, slow movements occurring over large areas are the typical type of instability in this zone. The slow but constant deformation process can induce major damage when interacting with major civil infrastructures such as bridges, roads and railways, but has a less severe effect on agricultural practice and smaller structures.
Regione Emilia Romagna
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Carta Geologica dell’Appennino Emiliano-Romagnolo, Foglio 217 Neviano degli Arduini
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Università degli Studi di Parma, DICATeA, Parco Area delle Scienze, 181/a, Parma, 43124-Italy e-mail: Luca Chiapponi Università degli Studi di Parma
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Vescovi, P., 2002. Note illustrative della Carta Geologica d'Italia. Scala 1:50.000. Borgo Val di Taro, Foglio 216. Regione Emilia Romagna. F.EL.CA Firenze Andrea Segalini ( ) Università degli Studi di Parma, DICATeA, Parco Area delle Scienze, 181/a, Parma, 43124-Italy e-mail: Luca Chiapponi Università degli Studi di Parma, DICATeA, Parco Area delle Scienze, 181/a, Parma, 43124-Italy e-mail: Benedetta Pastarini Università degli Studi di Parma, DICATeA, Parco Area delle Scienze, 181/a, Parma, 43124-Italy e-mail: Corrado Carini GEI s.r.l., Via R. Koch, 55/a, Pilastrello-Parma, 43123-Italy e-mail:
Nanoplancton calcareo del Flysch cretaceo di M. Caio e delle “marne rosate” paleoceniche di Tizzano Val Parma (Appennino settentrionale)
  • S Iaccarino
  • M P Follini