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Beloussov L V Kremnyov S.V., Luchinskaia, N.N. (2015) Simple tools for structuring embryonic rudiments. Jacobs Journal of Regenerative Medicine 1(2): 008.


Abstract and Figures

In this paper we review experimental approaches used in our research group for deforming embryonic tissues in amphibian embryos by relaxing pre-existed tensions, stretching samples in given directions or bending them. In these experiments , owing to the active tissue reactions to changes in mechanical stresses, they change their shapes in predictable ways. In some cases the changes in geometry dictate reconstruction of cell differentiation patterns. We suggest that these results may orient bioengineers in elaborating new technologies permitting to endow artificial organs by required shapes.
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Jacobs Journal of Regenerative Medicine
Simple Tools for Structuring Embryonic Rudiments
Beloussov LV*, Kremnyov SV, Luchinskaia NN
Laboratory of Developmental Biophysics, Department of Embryology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University 119991 Moscow
*Corresponding author: Dr. Beloussov LV, Laboratory of Developmental Biophysics, Department of Embryology, Faculty of Biology,
Moscow State University 119991 Moscow, Email:
Received: 08-24-2015
Accepted: 11-26-2015
Published: 12-22-2015
Copyright: © 2015 Beloussov
In this paper we review experimental approaches used in our research group for deforming embryonic tissues in amphib-
ian embryos by relaxing pre-existed tensions, stretching samples in given directions or bending them. In these experi-
ments, owing to the active tissue reactions to changes in mechanical stresses, they change their shapes in predictable ways.
In some cases the changes in geometry dictate reconstruction of cell differentiation patterns. We suggest that these re-
         
Keywords: Mechanical stresses; Xenopus embryos ; Cell movements; Tissue deformations ; Curvatures
Review article
Cite this article: Beloussov. Simple Tools for Structuring Embryonic Rudiments. J J Regener Med. 2015, 1(2): 008.
It is almost trivial to remind that the samples which the re-
generative medicals are striving to construct should not be
amorphous. To give them a properly controlled shape and
spontaneously in cultivated pieces of tissue is a challenging
task. In this essay we describe some simple approaches used
in our lab for providing pieces of embryonic tissues by a de-
sired spatial structure in the hope that manipulations which
we used for apprehending the fundamental laws of morpho-
genesis may be already now of some applicatory value.
We use the term “structuring” in a broad sense as embrac-
changes in tissue structure, such as formation of columnar
cells domains (placodes) out of homogeneous epithelial
sheets, creation of smooth borders within dense cell mass-
es, collective cell migrations in desired direction(s), loss and
  
  -
ed that all of these processes are controlled by endogenous
mechanical stresses (MS), mostly tensile ones, so that by
modulating MS at the proper stages of development we can
evidences, MS are crucial for development of all Metazoans,
tensions on the surface of yolk sac hampers the development
      
shape formation it is important to apprehend that it is based
upon the active mechano-chemical reactions of embryonic
tissues to MS, the latter being in normal development gener-
ated mainly by immediately preceded morphogenetic move-
        -
lished within developing embryos between MS patterns and
done by a bioengineer is to modify MS patterns in the hope
to get from embryonic tissues the expected morphological
 
still far from being elucidated in all the details, some of its
properties are already more or less clear. We in our group
employ for this purpose a so called hyperrestoration (HR)
model which claims that embryonic tissue responds to any
ed towards the restoration of initial MS value but overshoot-
ing it to another side. Similarly, whenever such MS changes
are unevenly distributed or are anistropic, then the respons-
es will be directed towards reducing with an overshoot
B, C) and to multiply homologous rudiments, in the given case
Figure 1. Relaxation-induced effects in Xenopus
of a ventral tissue (pointer) is inserted in a blastula stage embryo.
ly. Note abnormal protuberances in B, C and a complete loss of order
       -
plication (G) of neural tubes. H: 2-dimensional maps of cells height/
width (H/W) relations in the dorsal ectoderm of an intact (left) and
by most columnar cells. I: a scheme of a “remove – put it back” proce-
dure. J: a resulted chaotic arrangement of axial organs in the operated
of columnar cell areas (usually called placodes) at the expense
usually connected with cell differentiation (neuralization, de-
velopment of sensory cells) these transformations may be of a
particular value for regenerative medicine.
 -
 -
   
the crucial steps of oncogenesis.
  
presented below will illustrate the applications of HR model.
It is of a primary importance for bioengineering purposes to
know to what extent the cell differentiation patterns are linked
with morphogenesis in its strict sense, that is, embracing noth-
ing more than embryonic geometry and topology. In other
words, to what extent (if any) cell differentiation is mecha-
       
spite of a certain autonomy of the both processes, such a de-
pendence may be greater than it could be suggested before-
hand. One of below presented experimental models will be the
     
following three kinds of mechanical procedures:
Relaxation of tensions;
Imposing tensions in abnormal directions;
 
Results of tensions relaxation: multiplication of anlagens, for-
mation of abnormal protuberances, enlarging of epithelial
Tensions in amphibian embryonic tissues can be relaxed by
is to temporally reduce turgor pressure in blastocoel which
normally stretches so called blastocoel roof, later giving rise to
  
gastrula stage (when blastocoel is already largely reduced) is
to insert within a vegetal embryo hemisphere a sector of ho-
        
      
tensions within a small piece of tissue, a “remove – put it back”
 
ectoderm) should be extirpated from embryo and in about a
this brief time period the piece is contracted and wound gap
enlarged, so that the returned piece cannot establish lateral
contacts with surrounding tissues which is necessary for re-
storing the initial tensions.
In these entire cases one should take into mind that if a tissue
remains alive, a real relaxation of tensions will last no more
than for few minutes: more prolonged loss of tensions switch-
based upon cells geometry show indeed that the restoration
   
however that practically in no cases the initial (normal) tensile
pattern is spontaneously restored: as a rule the regular global
patterns embracing the entire embryonic body are replaced by
any of the above described procedures is a loss of a long-range
morphological order while more local processes (including
Jacobs Publishers 2
Cite this article: Beloussov. Simple Tools for Structuring Embryonic Rudiments. J J Regener Med. 2015, 1(2): 008.
Consequences of controlled tissue stretching: triggering
convergence-extension cell movements and molding vari-
ous axi-symmetric shapes.
We use two methods for stretching embryonic tissues. By the
  
           -
   
amphibian embryos of so called inner ectoderm cells, loose-
          
      
 
 
poses it is easier to stretch explants in a step-wise manner by
advantage of this method is that the stretching can be applied
to double explants (sandwiches) completely isolated from ex-
ternal environment, rather than to naked explants, as in the
previous case.
In the both cases the main result was stimulation of so called
convergence-extension cell movements which normally play
a leading role in formation of so called axial organs (neural
        
coming into more details, we have to become familiar with
      
gastrula stage they consist of two parts, called suprablastopo-
 
 -
     
 
transversely) it is possible to reorient the axial organs (and in
      
cell movements (never presented normally in this area) can be
triggered as well, but in no cases this will lead to formation of
something similar to the axial organs.
       
are rather peculiar and various, differing from what may be
expected in the forcibly elongated samples: one can see among
   
stretching force is directly applied) become, contrary to expec-
model, in response to outside stretching the internal pressure
         
sample. This permits, by varying a total amount and periodic-
ity of stretching to obtain a large repertoire of axi-symmetric
Figure 2.   
       
     
min duration. B (from left to right): transformation of horizontal-
     -
ment, elongated perpendicularly to its normal direction. C: a control
        
Artificially imposed curvature can be actively enhanced;
within a competent tissue this may affect cell differentia-
tion patterns.
      
ens of seconds it resists bending as an elastic body, attempting
to straighten back again. Within few minutes however it not
only takes an imposed shape but tries to reinforce it active-
ly by increasing the bending curvature due to contraction of
          
passive to active bending seems to play an important role in
making embryonic shapes and may be hence recommended
for bioengineering purposes. Moreover, while the bending of
   -
   
neural and muscle tissue: the neural cells (dark blue) are dif-
ferentiated as a compact cluster in the concave area of a double
explant while muscle cells (red) are formed closer to the con-
    
 
Jacobs Publishers 3
Cite this article: Beloussov. Simple Tools for Structuring Embryonic Rudiments. J J Regener Med. 2015, 1(2): 008.
Just these results are observed both in the normal devel-
       In tune with
these expectations, undulations are formed along the most-
         -
     
should be taken in consideration by the bioengineers in-
        
Figure 5. 
C, arrows: formation of columnar cell domains in the areas of maximal
curvature. B: immigration of cells from the maximal curvature area.
Bracket in C denotes undulations on the convex (mostly stretched)
     
Making tubes out of rolls
         
among widely spread embryonic rudiments: so called lips of
   
   
from mechanics, the transversal (meridian, or circular) sur-
  -
rial ones. If applying to these bodies the above described ten-
dency towards smoothing out with an overshoot the tensions
    
placed by similarly oriented pressure stresses (as in examples
  -
sue incompressibility) elongation of a toroid body in meridian
   
of intestine out of a blastoporal lip material is an example) and
 -
tiating tube formation, it is enough to prepare a ring of tissue
consisting of cells able to convergent intercalation between
each other.
Figure 3A-E.-
 
are shown. Red converged arrows in (C) display active contractile
       
 
Relations between local curvatures and cells rearrange-
ments: bioengineering perspectives.
surized internal cavity and are thus transformed into vesicles.
Their shapes rarely become precisely spherical: usually the re-
        
   
walls of pressurized cavities are reversely proportional to the
curvatures: the more a given piece of the wall is curved, the
   
   
what means that the tensions in the mostly curved regions
should increase while those in less curved ones to go down.
This means that the surface of the mostly curved regions is to
be diminished while that of the less curved to be increased.
To achieve these results, the cells of the mostly curved regions
should either contract transversely (that is, become more co-
 
relax the surface becoming more thin; in the case of extensive
 
of the surface.
Figure 4.   
  -
ly bent double explant before a complete sticking of its layers. B: a
 
of explant, while muscle tissue (mesodermal somites) (red) form a
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Cite this article: Beloussov. Simple Tools for Structuring Embryonic Rudiments. J J Regener Med. 2015, 1(2): 008.
Figure 6.    
depict cell convergent movements directed towards meridians for
releasing maximal tensions and exchanging them by meridionally ori-
ented pressure providing axial elongation of a body (dashed bidirec-
opus embryo illustrating the directions of cells convergence. The folds
   
arisen from the tissue ring isolated from Xenopus early gastrula em-
bryonic tissue.
Attempts to quantify the forces deforming embryonic
Several recent attempts to measure deforming forces and
        
which differ from each other in an order or more. By our sug-
gestion, these discrepancies are due to the lack of a common
   
Young modulus values in the early gastrula Xenopus embryos
nator the section area of a sole cell layer which could resist the
deforming force (this is so called epiectoderm)
          
entire section area of embryonic tissue consisting mostly of
non-supportive endoderm. In addition, we took for measure-
ments only the force values detected in few minutes after the
start of deformation (when the active reactions enhancing the
deformation have not still developed) while the mentioned
   -
er. In general, the contribution of the active responses having
be neglected and to a large extent depreciates formally correct
imposed deformation typical for gastrula stage embryos is ex-
changed at the advanced stages by a strong oppositely directed
reaction giving the impression of enormous increase of Young
   
stresses during organ formation in higher Vertebrates (mostly
chicken embryos) are recommended to address the following
We are well aware that the above described results obtained
on amphibian embryos cannot guarantee that similar proto-
cols can effectively work as applied to mammalian (human)
embryonic tissues. By our knowledge, no such attempts has
been as yet performed, although the mechanical backgrounds
       -
standartization of recommended procedures should be done.
However these latter are in their essence so simple and the
efforts seems to be not too high.
       
stresses and morphological patterns in amphibian embryos. J
in the chick embryonic disc: interactions between mechanical
3. Beloussov LV, Saveliev SV, Naumidi II, Novoselov VV. Me-
chanical stresses in embryonic tissues: patterns, morphoge-
netic role and involvement in regulatory feedback. Int Rev Cy-
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anochemical basis of morphogenesis. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol.
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topology and geometry of Xenopus embryonic epithelia under
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dent collective cell movements in the early gastrula ectoderm
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onic tissues of Xenopus embryos to the actions of external
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ic explants: a role for mechanogeometry in tissue differentia-
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Xenopus laevis embryonic tissues to mechanical load. Onto-
      
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Cite this article: Beloussov. Simple Tools for Structuring Embryonic Rudiments. J J Regener Med. 2015, 1(2): 008.
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Epithelia containing multiciliated cells align beating cilia along a common planar axis specified by the conserved planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway. Specification of the planar axis is also thought to require a long-range cue to align the axis globally, but the nature of this cue in ciliated and other epithelia remains poorly understood. We examined this issue using the Xenopus larval skin, where ciliary flow aligns to the anterior-posterior (A-P) axis. We first show that a planar axis initially arises in the developing skin during gastrulation, based on the appearance of polarized apical microtubules and cell junctions with increased levels of stable PCP components. This axis also arises in severely ventralized embryos, despite their deficient embryonic patterning. Because ventralized embryos still gastrulate, producing a mechanical force that strains the developing skin along the A-P axis, we asked whether this strain alone drives global planar patterning. Isolated skin explanted before gastrulation lacks strain and fails to acquire a global planar axis but responds to exogenous strain by undergoing cell elongation, forming polarized apical microtubules, and aligning stable components of the PCP pathway orthogonal to the axis of strain. The planar axis in embryos can be redirected by applying exogenous strain during a critical period around gastrulation. Finally, we provide evidence that apical microtubules and the PCP pathway interact to align the planar axis. These results indicate that oriented tissue strain generated by the gastrulating mesoderm plays a major role in determining the global axis of planar polarity of the developing skin.
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The modulation of developmental biochemical pathways by mechanical cues is an emerging feature of animal development, but its evolutionary origins have not been explored. Here we show that a common mechanosensitive pathway involving β-catenin specifies early mesodermal identity at gastrulation in zebrafish and Drosophila. Mechanical strains developed by zebrafish epiboly and Drosophila mesoderm invagination trigger the phosphorylation of β-catenin-tyrosine-667. This leads to the release of β-catenin into the cytoplasm and nucleus, where it triggers and maintains, respectively, the expression of zebrafish brachyury orthologue notail and of Drosophila Twist, both crucial transcription factors for early mesoderm identity. The role of the β-catenin mechanosensitive pathway in mesoderm identity has been conserved over the large evolutionary distance separating zebrafish and Drosophila. This suggests mesoderm mechanical induction dating back to at least the last bilaterian common ancestor more than 570 million years ago, the period during which mesoderm is thought to have emerged.
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Active reactions of embryonic tissues to mechanical forces play an important role in morphogenesis. To study these reactions, experimental models that enable to evaluate the applied forces and the deformations of the tissues are required. A model based upon the active intrusion of a living early gastrula Xenopus embryo into a tube half the embryo in diameter is described. The intrusion is initially triggered by a suction force of several dozen Pa but then continues in the absence of external driving force, stopping immediately after the entire embryo has penetrated into the tube. The process can be stopped by cytoskeletal drugs or by the damage of the part of the embryo still non-aspirated and is associated with the transversal contraction and meridional elongation of the non-aspirated part of the embryo surface and quasi-periodic longitudinal contractions/extensions of the cells within the part already aspirated. We suggest that this reaction is an active response to the embryo deformation and discuss its morphogenetic role. The problem of estimating the elastic modules of embryonic tissues is also discussed.
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Most organs and biological tissues are soft viscoelastic materials with elastic moduli ranging from on the order of 100 Pa for the brain to 100 000 Pa for soft cartilage. Biocompatible synthetic materials already have many applications, but combining chemical compatibility with physiologically appropriate mechanical properties will increase their potential for use both as implants and as substrates for tissue engineering. Understanding and controlling mechanical properties, specifically softness, is important for appropriate physiological function in numerous contexts. The mechanical properties of the substrate on which, or within which, cells are placed can have as large an impact as chemical stimuli on cell morphology, differentiation, motility, and commitment to live or die.
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The paper presents the results of statistical evaluation of the changes of cellular apex connections, apical angles, and apical indices of ventral cells of the epiectodermal gastrula of Xenopus during the first four hours after the relaxation of mechanical tension. In the unrelaxed epithelium, an overwhelming majority of cells have three apical connections, apical angles close to 120°, and apical indices around one (isodiametric cells); after relaxation, the number of cells with more than three connections, the number of apical angles deviating substantially from 120°, and the percentage of columnar cells with high apical index increase. Apices with more than three connections tend to gather in enclosed groups, forming a straightened line of cell walls. The length and curvature of cell walls with four apical connections significantly exceeds those same indicators for cells with three apical connections. The observed changes in topology and geometry of cells correspond to reconstructions observed during normal morphogenesis. They are considered in terms of the hyper-restoration model of mechanical tension in relaxed epithelial layers. Key wordsepithelium-gastrula- Xenopus -apical angles-degree of apex-apical index-topology-geometry-morphogenesis-mechanical stress
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Although the folding of epithelial layers is one of the most common morphogenetic events, the underlying mechanisms of this process are still poorly understood. We aimed to determine whether an artificial bending of an embryonic cell sheet, which normally remains flat, is reinforced and stabilized by intrinsic cell transformations. We observed both reinforcement and stabilization in double explants of blastocoel roof tissue from Xenopus early gastrula embryos. The reinforcement of artificial bending occurred over the course of a few hours and was driven by the gradual apical constriction and radial elongation of previously compressed cells situated at the bending arch of the concave layer of explant. Apical constriction was associated with actomyosin contraction and endocytosis-mediated engulfing of the apical cell membranes. Cooperative apical constrictions of the concave layer of cells produced a tensile force that extended over the entire surface of the explant and correlated with apical contraction of the concave side cells. In the explants taken from the anterior regions of the embryo, this reinforcement was more stable and the bending better expressed than in those taken from suprablastoporal areas. The morphogenetic role of cell responses to the bending force is discussed.
After decades focusing on the molecular and genetic aspects of organogenesis, researchers are showing renewed interest in the physical mechanisms that create organs. This review deals with the mechanical processes involved in constructing the heart and brain, concentrating primarily on cardiac looping, shaping of the primitive brain tube, and folding of the cerebral cortex. Recent studies suggest that differential growth drives large-scale shape changes in all three problems, causing the heart and brain tubes to bend and the cerebral cortex to buckle. Relatively local changes in form involve other mechanisms such as differential contraction. Understanding the mechanics of organogenesis is central to determining the link between genetics and the biophysical creation of form and structure.
Residual deformation of fragments of the embryonic tissues preserved after relaxation of the stretching force serve as a criterion of active redistribution of their cells caused by this stretching. We measured residual deformations of the Xenopus laevis ventral and dorsal ectoderm at the early gastrula and lateral ectoderm at the late gastrula-early neurula after stretching of varying time and force. While the samples responded to moderate (up to 40%) short-term stretching as elastic bodies (residual deformations were absent), residual deformation appeared in the early gastrula tissues after 30–60-min stretching, which were more pronounced in the ventral tissues than in the dorsal ones. On the contrary, a contractile reaction developed in the late gastrula-early neurula tissues in response to 60-min stretching, which almost relaxed residual deformation within 20 min after unloading. A conclusion was drawn that gastrulation and neurulation proceed under the conditions of relaxing and nonrelaxing mechanical tensions, respectively. Mechanical bases and morphogenetic role of the described reactions is discussed.
Nearly 60 years ago, Alan Turing showed theoretically how two chemical species, termed morphogens, diffusing and reacting with each other can generate spatial patterns. Diffusion plays a crucial part in transporting chemical signals through space to establish the length scale of the pattern. When coupled to chemical reactions, mechanical processes - forces and flows generated by motor proteins - can also define length scales and provide a mechanochemical basis for morphogenesis. forces and flows generated by motor proteins - can also define length scales and provide a mechanochemical basis for morphogenesis.