A Community Grid web portal, C-Grid, has been developed in this study for storing, managing and sharing large amounts of distributed community health related data in a data grid, thus facilitating further analysis of these datasets by health researchers in a collaborative environment. Remote management of this data grid is performed using the middleware iRODS, the Integrated Rule-Oriented Data System. A PHP-based wrapper, ez-iRODS, has been created as a component of C-Grid to interact with this middleware through PRODS, a client application programming interface (API). C-Grid serves as a gateway for the XSEDE resources, and also helps the users via ez-iRODS to create and manage ‘virtual data collection’ that can be stored in heterogeneous data resources across the distributed network. This web-based system has been developed with an objective of long-term data preservation, unified data access and sharing domain specific data amongst the scientific research collaborators of myCHOIS project.