
TCM - Traditional chinese medicine

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... 2011. Alkaloids are known as effective phytoconstituents associated to their scdative properties and powerful effect on the nervous systern (Renu,2005 (Liu, 2002, Li,2009). ...
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Aa:epted Decentber 02, 2a l5 ABSTRACT Albizi.t Dwazz,ls a genus of 150 species in the tropics and subtropics ofthe \rorld and belongs to the sub family Mimosaceae in the Family Fabaceae. Of the six species recorded in Sli Lanka, ,1. lebbeck is used as a shady tree while,4. odoratissit l.t is grown mainly for their timber value, However, A. odoratissina and A. lebbeck are fbund to be used in ayurvedic medicine horvever. the medicinal propcfties of these species are not ful)y understood. A questionnaire survey was carried out using a hundred sample population to identify their medicinal usage. Floral and vegetative characters of the above two Albizia spp. were observed and phenetic relationships werc identified. Air dried sten barks of .{. odortiissitttcr and, A. lebbeck were srLbjected ro sequential solvent exlraotion using hexane, chlorofonn, methanol and water, and the crude weight of the yield were obtained. The results revealed that ay.urvedic physicians and traditional ayurvedic medical practitioners lse A. odoratissinla in medicinal preparations whereas the medicinal use ofl. /eb6ecli is not reported. Further, it rvas revealed that Suuanea sanan and Adenanthera povo ina are commonly used as substitutes for ,r. /ebDeclr. Knowlcdge ofphenetic variation ofthe two Ilbizio spp. can be used fbr accurate identification which prevents adulteration. Highest yield was obtained from the methanolic extracts. These extracts were subjected to preliminary phytochemical screening to assess the occurrence of different phytocheD.ricals. ResLrlts have shown the presence of glylcosides, tannins, phenolics, phytosteroids and flavonoids in methanolic extracts l. odoratissin'rcr, ancl A. lebbeck. The presert study suggests tl'rat further studies should be conducted on the identification of active compounds in thesc two plant species ibr their pharmacognostic propcrties in order to understand their mode ofremedial action fbr ailments.
... Presence of tannins in both methanolic and aqueous extracts of these species is a valuable finding in pharmaceutical industry as saponins are known to be having numerous pharmacological properties (Estrada et al., 2000). Saponin is a key ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine and is responsible for many of the attributed biological effects (Liu, 2002, Li, 2009). ...
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Albizia Durazz. is a genus of 150 species in the tropics and subtropics of the world and belongs to the sub family Mimosaceae in the Family Fabaceae. Of the six species recorded in Sri Lanka, A. lebbeck is used as a shady tree while A. odoratissima is grown mainly for their timber value, However, A. odoratissima and A. lebbeck are found to be used in ayurvedic medicine however, the medicinal properties of these species are not fully understood. A questionnaire survey was carried out using a hundred sample population to identify their medicinal usage. Floral and vegetative characters of the above two Albizia spp. were observed and phenetic relationships were identified. Air dried stem barks of A. odoratissima and A. lebbeck were subjected to sequential solvent extraction using hexane, chloroform, methanol and water, and the crude weight of the yield were obtained. The results revealed that ayurvedic physicians and traditional ayurvedic medical practitioners use A. odoratissima in medicinal preparations whereas the medicinal use of A. lebbeck is not reported. Further, it was revealed that Samanea saman and Adenanthera pavonina are commonly used as substitutes for A. lebbeck. Knowledge of phenetic variation of the two Albizia spp. can be used for accurate identification which prevents adulteration. Highest yield was obtained from the methanolic extracts. These extracts were subjected to preliminary phytochemical screening to assess the occurrence of different phytochemicals. Results have shown the presence of glylcosides, tannins, phenolics, phytosteroids and flavonoids in methanolic extracts A. odoratissima, and A. lebbeck. The present study suggests that further studies should be conducted on the identification of active compounds in these two plant species for their pharmacognostic properties in order to understand their mode of remedial action for ailments.
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This paper aims to explore the beliefs in society toward traditional healing regardless of the more accessible, affordable and improved modern health services. This ethnographic study was conducted in Yogyakarta in 2013-2014. Phenomenological approach was used to analyze the data using the theory of health seeking behavior as the guiding principle of this research. The main factor influencing Javanese community’s belief in traditional healing was the power of placebo effect. Placebo can arise from both the patient and the healer. Additionally, other factors such as compatibility between the patients and the healer, patient’s aversion to doctor’s therapy, and the fact that traditional treatment is cheaper, easier, and more effective than modern medicine were the main considerations for patients in choosing traditional treatment. The benefit of psychotherapy provided through traditional medicine is in the form of life advices or counseling. In addition, healers’ attentiveness in listening to patients’ complaints was also the main appeal of the traditional health care service.Tulisan ini mengupas kepercayaan masyarakat pada penyembuhan medis tradisional meski pelayanan kesehatan modern semakin mudah diakses, murah/gratis pembiayaannya serta ditingkatkan pelayanannya. Studi etnografis ini dilakukan di DIY tahun 2013-2014. Pendekatan fenomenologi digunakan untuk menganalisis data disertai teori health seeking behavior. Kunci kepercayaan masyarakat Jawa berobat ke penyembuh tradisional adalah pengaruh sugesti. Sugesti muncul baik dari penderita maupun penyembuh. Selain itu faktor cocok, takut dengan terapi dokter serta murah, mudah dan manjur juga menjadi pertimbangan pasien ke pengobatan tradisional. Manfaat psikoterapi berupa nasihat, wejangan maupun saran serta kemampuan penyembuh tradisional mendengar curahan hati pasien menjadi daya tarik lain pasien merasa cocok ke pengobatan non medis.
To this point in time, acupuncture has been used primarily as an analgesic, a therapeutic intervention that controls pain under pathological conditions. Although some of the mechanisms of acupuncture as it applies to pain relief have been studied, little is known of the positive and/or negative effects of this procedure on the physical performance parameters of healthy people, particularly highly trained athletes. After introducing acupuncture from historical and technique viewpoints, preliminary studies of the effects of acupuncture on strength, aerobic conditioning, flexibility, and sport performance are discussed, as well as concerns regarding the direction of research investigating the potential benefit and/ or adverse effects of this practice. Finally, an argument is put forward for the establishment of guidelines for the use of acupuncture in the sports community.
Context: Acupuncture effectiveness should have to be demonstrated by consistent research results and require explanations consistent with modern knowledge. However, clinical trials, meta-analyses, and reviews of acupuncture efficacy have shown conflicting results and have yielded conflicting recommendations. This overall review of meta-analyses and reviews assesses overall efficacy of acupuncture as a method. Objectives: We collected reviews and meta-analyses of acupuncture for various symptoms published since 1990 in order to estimate overall general effectiveness as well as effectiveness for specific conditions. Data sources: We recorded 33 literature reviews for 17 clinical conditions, containing over 200 evaluable clinical trials from 1990 to the present using MEDLINE as a primary database source. Three recent review books were secondary sources. We then recorded the review authors' conclusions from each review. Study selection: All systematic reviews and meta-analyses found were included in the review. Data extraction: Outcome of each review was classified according to authors' conclusions of effective, indeterminate effectiveness, or ineffective. No attempt was made to grade the quality of each review. No attempt was made to pool data or to compare reviews within the specified symptom categories. Data synthesis: Review of 33 meta-analyses and systematic reviews showed a positive effect in a majority of trials for only 2 symptoms (nausea and dental pain) and then only by a slim majority and under specific conditions. For the remainder of conditions tested, the majority of trials showed either inconclusive results or no effect. Conclusion: Effectiveness could not be established with confidence for any condition studied. Taken as a group, reviews of clinical studies published since 1990 on the clinical efficacy of acupuncture do not support the notion that acupuncture is effective for any variety or conditions and cast doubt on efficacy for some specific conditions for which acupuncture has been reported as effective.