
Shiism and Alawism in relation with Muqaddimah of Ibn Khaldun

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Shiism and Alawism originated from the love and loyalty felt for Hazrat Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet. Having a meaning as a term of comrade, supporter and friend, Shia is a word used to define those having loyalty for Hazrat Ali and his sons. Shiism has a long story with a wide geographical feature. Therefore, depending on the factor of time and place, it was called as Taqrib, Imamiyah, Zaydiyah, Ismailiyah, Alawism, Nosayrism. Studies with regard to Shiism and Alawism in the Islamic world starting in almost 7th are still fresh in the current time. As a 14th century thinker, Ibn Khaldun could not remain indifferently for these debates going on and mentioned about the topics related to Shiisms in his book, Muqaddimah. Ibn Khaldun discussed the issues concerning Shiism in slightly critical way but rather in a descriptive method. The basic aim of the current study comprised of the introduction of the views with regard to Shiism in Muqaddimah of Ibn Khaldun. In this context, Muqaddimah was used as the basic resource in the current study and the views of some other writers were referred when necessary.

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This study has included informations about Hatay Alaouities gathered from Sheiks who have accepted religional leaders. This case study has been occured between May 27th-Jun 7th and October 22th-November 1st by Ministry of Culture, General Directorate of Folk Cultures Research and Development. With these informations gathered from Sheikhs, arising of Nusayrî's, languages, forms and places of their worship has been considerated.
There is reincarnation belief which is rebirth of souls after death in new bodies in the historic Alewi sources, scientific studies and some of today's Alewi authors' thought as a theoretical expression of religious experience. Despite this belief is from eastern origin (Hinduism) and the divine religions refuse this faith, there is in Alewi tradition which is one of Islamic mysticism school, but it is not single dimension in Alewism/Bektashism. In our study, we find out four perspectives from sources of the sociological studies especially Karaşar region's understanding, historical documents and some of Alewi writers ideas about reencarnation in Alewi/Bektash's faith. We will discuss in our paper from these points; materialist point of view, reconciliatory approach, the essential Islamic view and surface understanding. We determined that believing to Hereafter is an important factor in whether or not accept to faith of reencarnation. Accordingly, to believe reencarnation is closely related to faith of Judgement day from the Islamic perspective.
Cultural phenomena and visions reflect great diversity in our society at first sight. However, when this diversity is deeply analyzed, certain paterns at the background and structure of social life are realized. This premise is central to structuralism and semiotics theories. Structuralism and semiotic approaches in cultural sociology are among deterministic strong theorems, and relevant for the analysis of cultural phenomenon as "deep structures" that indirectly shape society. This article makes a structuralist and semiotic analysis of Turkey's "proper name map" and examines the deep structures that organize the diversity in proper naming. The analyses of "central trends" in Turkey's proper name map indicate very interesting results and illustrate that the chaotic structure of proper names is directed by a deep-run mechanism. General impression gained by taking both the roots of the names and their appearance all together shows that this mechanism is closely related to the concept of Ahl al-Bayt. In other words, the most commonly used names in Turkey are in fact not different from the names of Ahl al-Bayt. This fact gives us a clue about common denominator of the society in Turkey. It is fair to suggest that the passion towards Ahl al-Bayt is the common denominator of the people in Turkey regardless of their sects as Sunni or Alewi.".
NThere is no doubt that Bātiniyya (external thought) is one of the issues under discussion for a long time in Islamic world. Bātiniyya (external thought) is used for the expression of those who know the inner face of hidden things. They argue that each verse in the Qur'an has the outer, exoteric level of meaning (bātin) as well as an esoteric (batinī) level of meaning. This madhap believes that nobody knows the interpretation of the Qur'an except for innocent (māsum) imams who have a secret and special bond and contact between God and themselves. Bātiniyya, therefore, has been used to express this group of people. While claiming each verse in the Qur'an has a special interpretation, Bātinī mentality does not accept any border and limit for interpretation. It seems that a kind of ta'wīl (interpretation) concept does not obey any rules dominant in the madhap. According to Bātiniyyas, the Prophet stated only the external meanings of the verses, but the Imams know the true meaning of the verses. In this respect, those who know the true meaning of the Qur'an and are immensely familiar with esoteric meanings are just Imams. In the beginning, Bātiniyya emerged as Ismaelite and Jafariyya and then was manifested under various disguises in Muslim world. Another mystic movement and philosophy which emerged in this context and survived until today is Nusayriyya. This study therefore, first deals with how the idea of ta'wīl emerged in Islamic thought, and secondly how it was perceived and used in Sunnī and Bātinī philosophy. At first, short information about Nusayriyya will be given and then the study will focus on its ideas of faith, the structure and dimensions of methods of ta'wîl which is used in the formation of this madhab.