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Alasdair MacIntyre’s After Virtue presented a reinterpretation of Aristotelian virtue ethics that is contrasted with the emotivism of modern moral discourse, and provides a moral scheme that can enable a rediscovery and reimagination of a more coherent morality. Since After Virtue’s (AV’s) publication, this scheme has been applied to a variety of activities and occupations, and has been influential in the development of research in accounting ethics. Through a ‘close’ reading of Chaps. 14 and 15 of AV, this paper considers and applies the key concepts of practices, institutions, internal and external goods, the narrative unity of a human life and tradition, and the virtues associated with these concepts. It contributes, firstly, by providing a more accurate and comprehensive application of MacIntyre’s scheme to accounting than that available in the existing literature. Secondly, it identifies areas in which MacIntyre’s scheme supports the existing approach to professional accounting ethics as articulated by the various International Federation of Accountants pronouncements as well as areas in which it provides a critique and challenge to this approach. The application ultimately provides an alternative philosophical perspective through which accounting can be examined and further research into accounting ethics pursued.
After Virtue and Accounting Ethics
Andrew West
Received: 26 June 2015 / Accepted: 7 January 2016 / Published online: 14 January 2016
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2016
Abstract Alasdair MacIntyre’s After Virtue presented a
reinterpretation of Aristotelian virtue ethics that is con-
trasted with the emotivism of modern moral discourse, and
provides a moral scheme that can enable a rediscovery and
reimagination of a more coherent morality. Since After
Virtues(AV’s) publication, this scheme has been applied
to a variety of activities and occupations, and has been
influential in the development of research in accounting
ethics. Through a ‘close’ reading of Chaps. 14 and 15 of
AV, this paper considers and applies the key concepts of
practices, institutions, internal and external goods, the
narrative unity of a human life and tradition, and the virtues
associated with these concepts. It contributes, firstly, by
providing a more accurate and comprehensive application
of MacIntyre’s scheme to accounting than that available in
the existing literature. Secondly, it identifies areas in which
MacIntyre’s scheme supports the existing approach to
professional accounting ethics as articulated by the various
International Federation of Accountants pronouncements
as well as areas in which it provides a critique and chal-
lenge to this approach. The application ultimately provides
an alternative philosophical perspective through which
accounting can be examined and further research into
accounting ethics pursued.
Keywords Accounting ethics After Virtue Aristotle
MacIntyre Professional ethics Virtue ethics
The high-profile ethical failures of professional accoun-
tants in recent decades have been met with increased reg-
ulation and oversight, as well as calls for greater attention
to ethics education in accounting programs. As it is not yet
clear whether these measures are sufficient to prevent
further accounting crises, or even whether these measures
are appropriately implemented (given no discernible
increase in accounting ethics education from 2000 to 2012
in Australia, for example (Dellaportas et al. 2014)),
examination of alternative perspectives on accounting
ethics is both warranted and desirable. This paper provides
such an examination, based on Alasdair MacIntyre’s After
Virtue (AV), a seminal work in twentieth-century virtue
ethics, and one that has had significant implications for a
variety of occupations and activities. MacIntyre’s work
presents a critique of modern moral philosophy and its
contemporary, emotivist, expression, and, drawing on the
Aristotelian philosophical tradition, he proposes an
approach to ethics that is intended to enable a rediscovery
of morality. Given the recent crises of accounting ethics,
such a rediscovery would be timely indeed.
The purpose of this paper—to examine how MacIntyre’s
approach can be applied to professional accounting ethics—
is achieved primarily through a ‘close’ reading of Chapts. 14
and 15 of AV. Following his critique of contemporary moral
discourse and his review of pre-modern virtue ethics tradi-
tions, these two chapters deal expressly with the details of
MacIntyre’s reimagined virtue ethics. This approach enables
a more comprehensive analysis than that provided by Francis
(1990), whose interpretation of AV suffers from several
significant weaknesses. Rather than simply updating and
extending Francis’ work, however, the focus of this paper is
on considering both how a MacIntyrean perspective may
&Andrew West
School of Accountancy, Queensland University of
Technology, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
J Bus Ethics (2018) 148:21–36
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... Nilai etika dan pengembangan moral dapat ditingkatkan melalui proses pendidikan dan karena itu diperlukan upaya tambahan oleh para peneliti dan pendidik akuntansi untuk menggabungkan pendidikan etika dalam kurikulum akuntansi (Cheung et al., 2023). Pendidikan akuntansi merupakan proses pendidikan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan, kemampuan dan sikap yang diperlukan untuk bekerja sebagai akuntan (West, 2018). Dalam konteks penyusunan laporan keuangan, pendidikan ini dibuat untuk memastikan bahwa akuntan memiliki keahlian untuk menghasilkan laporan yang akurat dan dapat dipercaya, yang mencerminkan kondisi keuangan perusahaan dengan benar. ...
... Namun, meskipun terdapat perhatian yang lebih besar terhadap isu etika, sering kali masih kurang perhatian filosofis yang mendalam tentang pendekatan profesi terhadap etika (West, 2018). Hal ini menunjukan bahwa pendidikan akuntansi memerlukan pendekatan yang lebih komprehensif yang tidak hanya berfokus pada aspek teknis tetapi juga pada pengembangan karakter dan kebajikan (Cheung et al., 2023;Mintz, 1995). ...
... Sebagian besar literatur menyoroti bahwa etika kebajikan Aristoteles sangat relevan dalam mendorong perbaikan berkelanjutan dalam praktik akuntansi (Sison et al., 2019;West, 2018). Etika kebajikan menekankan pada pengembangan karakter moral yang kuat, yang memungkinkan akuntan untuk bertindak dengan integritas dan konsisten dengan nilai-nilai moral. ...
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This research explores the benefits of applying Aristotle's virtue ethics and accounting education to preparing company financial reports. The methodology used is a systematic literature review (SLR) with a narrative synthesis approach. The literature search process was conducted using three combinations of keywords: “virtue ethics AND accounting education,” “virtue ethics AND finance report,” “virtue AND financial report,” and “virtue AND finance.” From this search, 13 relevant articles were found, consisting of 1 article from the Elsevier journal, 2 from the Emerald journal, 4 from the ProQuest journal, 5 from the SpringerLink journal, and 1 from the Ebsco journal. Research findings show that implementing virtue ethics in companies can motivate accountants to act with integrity and without fear. However, there is a view that not all accountants find this approach profitable or relevant, especially when viewed from the perspective of short-term profits. In addition, effective accounting education must emphasize two main aspects: technical expertise and moral expertise. The integration of these two aspects is important to ensure that financial reporting standards prepare financial reports and adhere to high ethical standards. This research also found that literature on virtue ethics in the accounting context is still rare and geographically uneven. This indicates the need for further research to understand how Aristotle's virtue ethics and accounting education can be effectively applied in the practice of preparing financial reports for companies.
... Berbagai permasalahan, penyalahgunaan, dan skandal yang terjadi di dunia akuntansi telah menunjukkan adanya bukti keterlibatan kegagalan etika pada akuntan professional yang dikhawatirkan terjadi secara terus-menerus dan sebagian akademisi telah merekomendsikan untuk tidak menghilangkan peran pada pendidikan akuntansi (Armstrong et al., 2003), (Gassama et al., 2021), (West, 2018) Pendidikan akuntansi di berbagai belahan dunia diketahui telah memuat pendidikan etika dalam kurikulum dan sistem pendidikannya, namun tidak sebatas itu. Masalah yang menjadi fokus utama adalah proses perkembangan pembentukan kematangan etika pada siswa akuntansi dalam proses pendidikannya. ...
... Istilah wisdom, selanjutnya disebut sebagai kearifan atau kebijaksanaan, yang akan digunakan secara longgar dan bergantian. West (2018) menyebutkan bahwa MacIntyre menempatkan good (kebaikan) dalam bentuk aktivitas tertentu dan memberikan penjelasan dengan cukup rinci mengenai aktivitas serta merujuknya sebagai istilah "practice". Practice (praktik) dapat diasumsikan sebagai aktivitas manusia untuk mencapai standar keunggulan dan konsepsi manusia tentang tujuan keterlibatan kebaikan (MacIntyre, 2007). ...
... Jika dikaitkan dengan akuntansi, gambaran yang lebih luas dapat dikembangkan. Internal good pada akuntansi juga mencakup keterampilan intelektual, imajinasi, dan pertimbangan yang menjadi pendorong dalam praktik akuntansi yang lebih baik dan-sekali lagi-ini tidak bisa dilepaskan dengan etika (Mintz, 1995) ; (West, 2018). Dengan demikian, untuk mewujudkan internal good dalam pendidikan harus dimulai dengan kesadaran, yaitu kesadaran akan perannya sebagai siswa akuntansi yang dilanjutkan pada dunia praktik. ...
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The accounting scandals that have occurred so far are thought to be the result of ethical failures and the role of accounting education has been asked to be responsible for them. However, the ethical maturity of accounting students during their educational process is still questionable. The influence of mainstream Anglo-American capitalist culture is the cause. To address this, Alasdair MacIntyre's After Virtue moral discourse is proposed with the main focus being to answer the question "what kind of person do I want to be?" This research uses a library research approach by reviewing literature that discusses ethics, accounting education, and after virtue. The analysis technique used is descriptive including interpretation, analysis and understanding of the literature that has been collected. The data that has been collected is analyzed in three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. This paper argues that ethical maturity achieved through education will not only emphasize moral reasoning in accounting students but also the ability to act ethically. Apart from that, the role of wisdom that contains ethical values also strengthens this. The After Virtue discourse will lead to ethical maturity by developing moral behavior through intellectual excellence and character excellence during the educational process.
... Furthermore, if an activity is a practice, it is appropriate to then consider, more concretely, how various virtues apply and how context-specific goods and standards of excellence are constituted. This is indeed what MacIntyrean scholars have been engaged with, when arguing that management is a practice (Beabout, 2012(Beabout, , 2013(Beabout, , 2014Brewer, 1997;Moore, 2008;Tsoukas, 2018), or is not a practice (Beadle, 2002;Knight, 2017;Sinnicks, 2014a), that accounting is a practice (Francis, 1990;West, 2018), that finance and investment advising are practices (Rocchi, Ferrero, & Beadle, 2020;Wyma, 2015) and that consumption is a practice (Garcia-Ruiz & Rodriguez-Lluesma, 2014). ...
... A number of scholars have argued that the activities of both management and accounting can be conceived as MacIntyrean practices and therefore as a locus for the good (Beabout, 2012(Beabout, , 2013Brewer, 1997;Francis, 1990;Moore, 2008Moore, , 2017West, 2018-but see also the criticism from Beadle [2002] and Sinnicks [2014a], and Beabout's [2014] response). However, problems in how both management and accounting are actually practised are also articulated. ...
... In this vein, West (2018) argued that high quality financial statements constitute excellent (products of) accounting, and there are examples of excellence in progressing the practice of accounting (such as the Global Reporting Initiative, 2022). We could also consider communities of professional accountants where one's career is defined by professional membership (the use of 'Chartered Accountant' or 'CPA' designations), which reflects one's 'life as an accountant.' ...
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Alasdair MacIntyre’s critique of managerial capitalism is well known, with some arguing that MacIntyrean thought is antithetical to contemporary capitalist business. Nevertheless, substantial efforts have been taken to demonstrate how different business activities constitute MacIntyrean practices, which points to an incoherence at the heart of MacIntyrean business ethics scholarship. This article proposes a way of bridging these perspectives, suggesting a reimagined MacIntyrean approach to business that is thoroughly ‘practice-led.’ A detailed comparison of accounting and management shows that while neither are practices in ‘good order,’ they differ in significant ways: where management does not meet the criteria for a MacIntyrean practice, accounting is a ‘distorted’ practice. This leads to a categorisation of practice-led business activity, whereby the traditional tasks of management are subsumed, shared or subordinated to practices and practitioners. Insights on how this can be implemented are drawn from the ‘communities of practice’ literature and a consideration of professions.
... (2) Organisational virtue, which emphasises the moral character of organisations (Chun, 2005;Payne et al., 2011); (3) Organisational culture as a driver of virtuousness, which makes up the corporate ethical virtues (Huhtala et al., 2018;Kaptein, 2017); (4) Corporate character based on MacIntyre's ideas (Moore, 2005b(Moore, , 2015West, 2018); and (5) Eclectic perspective studies that draw on a range of theoretical and empirical approaches (Ananthram & Chan, 2016;Fuerst & Luetge, 2021). ...
... outcomes (Chun, 2017) • Organisational virtuousness, work engagement (Hur et al., 2017) • Virtuousness, common good (Arjoon et al., 2018) • Organisational virtuousness' concepts (Meyer, 2018) MacIntyrean • MacIntyrean virtue ethics, craftsmanship (Moore, 2005a) • Financial sector professionals' virtues (Graafland & Ven, 2011) • Integrity and constancy (Robson, 2015) • Religion-based decision-making (Chan & Ananthram, 2019) • Corporate's character-virtue, culture-values (Moore, 2005b) • Ethical leadership, learning (Marsh, 2013) • Corporate character, corporate virtues (Moore, 2015) • Accounting ethics, MacIntyrean ethics (West, 2018) • Virtues in risk management (Asher & Wilcox, 2022) The need for leaders, managers, and professionals to express virtues is often discussed in articles exploring integrity at the individual scope, which mostly adopt an Aristotelian, MacIntyrean, or Eclectic virtue ethics perspective. On the other hand, EOP predominantly explores integrity at the organisational scope, as demonstrated in Table 14.3. ...
... Finally, organizational integrity is in need of desirable moral principles like legal compliance, honesty, and respect. (Fuerst & Luetge, 2021: 6) Some scholars, such as Moore (2005bMoore ( , 2015, West (2018), and Asher and Wilcox (2022), explore the role of the corporation as a moral agent from certain MacIntyrean assumptions. Moore (2005b) states that corporate character may play a critical role in determining the behaviour of the corporation and influencing the behaviour and character of individuals within the organisation. ...
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The purpose of this chapter is two-fold. Firstly, we aim to introduce the fundamental concepts of individual and organisational integrity from a virtue ethics perspective. To achieve this, we will explore key assumptions of virtue ethics, such as the teleological notion of flourishing and the role of practical wisdom in cultivating integrity. Secondly, we will examine the evolution of the concept of integrity by conducting a literature review that analyses the citation context (Anderson & Lemken, 2023) of articles on integrity from a virtue ethics standpoint. This review will enable us to present the various approaches to studying integrity, the key themes that emerge, and the categories attributed to this concept. Although some authors do not explicitly discuss the ethical role of integrity and instead associate organisational integrity with corporate citizenship (Maak, 2008; Rendtorff, 2011) or organisational strategy, structure, and culture (Kaptein, 2017), virtue ethics suggests that organisational integrity may be an ethical aspect of the common good that people in organisations can only achieve through collaborative efforts.
... The problem addressed by this study is how to better develop ethically responsible business professionals and leaders (Combs, 2004;Flynn & Buchanan, 2016;Saat et al., 2012;West, 2018). If unaddressed, the lack of under-standing concerning the factors contributing to consistent and effective education of ethics in the context of business higher education will ultimately result in a failure to mitigate the continued ethical integrity issues faced by the business professions and the larger business world (Flynn & Buchanan, 2016;Saat et al., 2012;West, 2018). ...
... The problem addressed by this study is how to better develop ethically responsible business professionals and leaders (Combs, 2004;Flynn & Buchanan, 2016;Saat et al., 2012;West, 2018). If unaddressed, the lack of under-standing concerning the factors contributing to consistent and effective education of ethics in the context of business higher education will ultimately result in a failure to mitigate the continued ethical integrity issues faced by the business professions and the larger business world (Flynn & Buchanan, 2016;Saat et al., 2012;West, 2018). In the present study, the researcher sought to address this problem by investigating the impact of a theological or religious studies course on the assessed ethical development of undergraduate business students in the context of a private, historically church-affiliated, Christian university. ...
In this article, the researcher examined the impact of a theological studies course on the ethical development of undergraduate business students. The researcher administered the Defining Issues Test version 2 (DIT2) instrument to participants and compared their assessed levels of ethical development. Participants were grouped according to whether they had completed a theological studies course prior to participation. Participants completing a theological studies course were not assessed to have superior levels of ethical development to those who had not completed a theological studies course. The findings suggest that exposure to theological studies courses alone is insufficient to improve ethical development.
... Alasdair MacIntyre has had a greater impact within business ethics than any other living virtue ethicist (Ferrero & Sison, 2014). His work has been drawn on in a variety of contexts, such as accounting (West, 2018), business (Bernacchio & Couch, 2022;Moore, 2002), circus arts (Beadle, 2013;Beadle & Sinnicks, 2023), corporate governance (Bernacchio & Couch, 2015), finance (Rocchi et al., 2021;Sison et al., 2019), healthcare (Toon, 2014), journalism (Borden, 2013), leadership (Sinnicks, 2018), management (Beabout, 2012;Dawson & Bartholomew, 2003;Potts, 2020), organisational learning (Halliday & Johnsson, 2010), public relations (Leeper & Leeper, 2001), retail (Fernando & Moore, 2015), risk management (Asher & Wilcox, 2022), software development (Bolade-Ogunfodun et al., 2022;von Krogh et al., 2012), education (MacAllister, 2016;Sison & Redín, 2023), and many others. ...
... Goods internal to an activity are those goods which cannot be achieved in any other way-the internal goods of chess can be achieved only by playing chess-and contrast with external goods, which can be achieved in any number of ways as a result of being external to the activity, such as power, fame, and money. MacIntyre gives the examples of practices include football, chess, architecture, farming, and physics (2007, pp.187-188), and subsequent research has made a case for understanding practices as diverse as accountancy (Francis, 1990;West, 2018), investment advising (Wyma, 2015), journalism (Borden, 2013), nursing (Sellman, 2000), software design (von Krogh et al., 2012), and strategy (Tsoukas, 2018), amongst others. ...
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This paper draws on MacIntyre’s ethical thought to illuminate a hitherto underexplored religious context for business ethics, that of the Amish. It draws on an empirical study of Amish settlements in Holmes County, Ohio, and aims to deepen our understanding of Amish business ethics by bringing it into contact with an ethical theory that has had a significant impact within business ethics, that of Alasdair MacIntyre. It also aims to extend MacIntyrean thought by drawing on his neglected critique of modernity in the context of business ethics. The Amish context allows us to appreciate the relationship between MacIntyre’s critique of modernity, his conception of practices and communities, and his distinctive approach to the virtues. It also helps us to better understand how the ethical life is possible within our emotivist culture.
... The outcomes of financial scandals at Enron and Arthur Anderson, followed by the collapse of the housing industry and the stock market, generated increased interest in accounting ethics instruction in higher education. These ethical failures were noted by the Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) Act of 2002 that called for regulating the accounting profession and establishing an oversight body to monitor accounting firms to avoid future crises (West, 2018). The accounting profession has been subject to criticism for not meeting its professional obligations. ...
Purpose: The ecological framework in anthropology and sociology is an integrated approach that studies sustainability within the broader context of the environment, business and society. The framework is applied to study the integration of sustainability into the accounting curriculum. Approach: The paper has integrated ecological ethics and land ethics from ecological anthropology, and the resources-based approach from organisational ecology-sociology to study the integration of sustainability into the accounting curriculum. Findings: Ecological anthropology has examined how cultural and social forces have evolved in ecological and land ethics in business education. Organisational ecology has related the resource-based transaction cost approach for the integration of sustainability into the accounting curriculum. Originality/Value: Ecological anthropology and organisational sociology disciplines have been concerned with sustainability, environmental management, and conservation of natural resources for many years. These issues have now become the cornerstones in sustainability education in the accounting curriculum and professional practice. Keywords: Ecological Anthropology; Organisational; Sociology; Accounting; Sustainability.
... Este enfoque contrasta con el emotivismo del discurso moral moderno y proporciona un esquema moral coherente que puede redescubrirse y reimaginarse en la práctica contabl; la virtud en la contabilidad no solo abarca el cumplimiento de normas, sino también la motivación ética y el comportamiento ético de los profesionales (A. West, 2018). ...
Entre Números y Teorías: La Intersección de la Contabilidad con la Filosofía, la Economía y las Ciencias : Between Numbers and Theories: The Intersection of Accounting with Philosophy, Economics and the Sciences. Bienvenidos a "Entre Números y Teorías: La Intersección de la Contabilidad con la Filosofía, la Economía y las Ciencias", una obra diseñada para desentrañar los complejos vínculos que la contabilidad ha desarrollado a lo largo de la historia con diversas disciplinas intelectuales. Este libro no solo es una exploración de la contabilidad como una ciencia práctica y esencial para la gestión económica, sino también un estudio profundo de su evolución epistemológica y metodológica, ofreciendo un nuevo enfoque multidisciplinar. A través de sus capítulos, el lector será guiado desde los albores de la contabilidad en civilizaciones antiguas hasta su papel fundamental en el tercer milenio, destacando cómo esta disciplina ha sido influenciada y ha influenciado a la filosofía, la economía y otras ciencias. En cada página, se revelará cómo la contabilidad se entrelaza no solo con números y balances, sino con teorías y conceptos que trascienden lo financiero para tocar lo ético, lo social y lo tecnológico. Este libro es, en esencia, un diálogo continuo entre el pasado y el presente, donde cada capítulo aporta una pieza clave al mosaico de conocimiento que forma nuestra comprensión actual de la contabilidad. Desde las interacciones con la filosofía y la economía hasta los desafíos y oportunidades que la era digital presenta, "Entre Números y Teorías" es tanto un recurso académico como un llamado a reflexionar sobre el rol de la contabilidad en la sociedad moderna. Esperamos que este libro sirva como una herramienta valiosa para estudiantes, profesionales y académicos interesados en profundizar su entendimiento de la contabilidad y su impacto en diversas áreas del conocimiento humano. Que su lectura inspire nuevas ideas y debates que continúen enriqueciendo la tradición contable y su aplicación en nuestro mundo en constante cambio.
... In this sense, it is intimately intertwined with honesty, widely recognised as a prominent illustration of a virtuous trait (Wilson, 2018). Honesty allows an individual's communication to align with their beliefs, while actively listening to feedback about shortcomings and responding thoughtfully and truthfully based on the facts presented (West, 2018). This virtue involves being truthful in both actions and words and avoiding any form of deceit or manipulation. ...
The educational landscape has rapidly transformed to address the growing complexities, uncertainties, and ambiguities in the world. Modern education requires teachers to impart knowledge and skills that empower students for life and societal contributions. Education systems have shifted from independent entities to integral components of larger ecosystems, as per the OECD Learning Compass 2030. Students are expected to acquire 21st-century skills, which include learning and innovation skills, life and career skills, and social and ICT skills. In commerce education, service learning is pivotal, allowing the practical application of theoretical knowledge. This engagement with both theory and practice enhances understanding. The proposed chapter outlines service-learning activities by commerce education institutions, reinforcing academic knowledge and community engagement. It advocates for adopting a service-learning andragogic approach, emphasizing the integration of theory and practice in commerce education.
Bernard Williams's remarkable essay on morality confronts the problems of writing moral philosophy, and offers a stimulating alternative to more systematic accounts which seem nevertheless to have left all the important issues somewhere off the page. Williams explains, analyses and distinguishes a number of key positions, from the purely amoral to notions of subjective or relative morality, testing their coherence before going on to explore the nature of 'goodness' in relation to responsibilities and choice, roles, standards, and human nature. The final chapters make a fascinating enquiry into what morality is about, looking beyond happiness to other human aims and ideals. This re-issue of a classic in moral philosophy includes a new foreword by the author.
It may be nearly impossible to use standard principles to make a decision about a complex ethical case. The best decision, say virtue ethicists in the Aristotelian tradition, is often one that is made by a person of good character who knows the salient facts of the case and can frame the situation appropriately. In this respect ethical decisions and strategic decisions are similar. Rationality plays a role in good ethical decision-making, but virtue ethicists emphasize the importance of intuitions and emotions as well. Virtue ethics suggests a reconciliation of the factual and the normative. Virtues may explain as well as justify actions. The same is true of other psychological states and events. That psychological terms have normative implications does not render them useless in explanation. As Aristotle does not distinguish cleanly between the normative and empirical, so many moral philosophers today reject the is-ought dichotomy. They are prepared to learn from economists, psychologists, and other empirical scientists who offer information about the nature of the good life and of values. Social psychologists who study community or corporate culture suggest a close relationship between organizational and ethical features, much as Aristotle saw a close relationship between politics and ethics. We should infer from all this that in business ethics there is good reason for philosophers and organization scholars to work closely together.
This volume deals with the evolution of accounting from earliest times, and gives particular attention to corporate accounting developments since the Industrial Revolution. The author identifies the various sources of accounting practices employed by British companies, to demonstrate the main changes which have taken place, when they occurred and why. The author emphasises the need to understand the legal, social and economic context in which accountancy changes take place, and also studies the conflicts which arise between suppliers and users of accounting statements. The study concludes with an examination of the duties performed by the professional accountant, the extent to which these have changed in the course of time and how his position in society is reinforced by the activities of professional institutions. ਙ 1989 J.R. Edwards.
I: Background.- 1. An Introduction.- 2. Conceptualizations of Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination.- II: Self-Determination Theory.- 3. Cognitive Evaluation Theory: Perceived Causality and Perceived Competence.- 4. Cognitive Evaluation Theory: Interpersonal Communication and Intrapersonal Regulation.- 5. Toward an Organismic Integration Theory: Motivation and Development.- 6. Causality Orientations Theory: Personality Influences on Motivation.- III: Alternative Approaches.- 7. Operant and Attributional Theories.- 8. Information-Processing Theories.- IV: Applications and Implications.- 9. Education.- 10. Psychotherapy.- 11. Work.- 12. Sports.- References.- Author Index.
Burchell et al’s [1985] historical analysis of value added in the UK attributes its rise and fall to societal circumstances which initially encouraged the voluntary disclosure of the Value Added Statement (VAS) by companies and then, following societal change, influenced its disappearance. This paper supplements Burchell et al’s thesis by arguing that a fuller explanation for the disappearance of the VAS can be found by also considering the contents of the statement itself. An empirical study of the information in the VASs of UK companies shows that they were unlikely to give support to the economic interests of the employee user group who had been promoted as an important beneficiary of the VAS. The study demonstrates that the social and economic nature of accounting means that change analyses which take account of both aspects of the discipline’s character are likely to be more convincing than those which focus solely on one or the other.