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Unlocking the past: The role of dental analysis in archaeology


Abstract and Figures

What can the study of ancient teeth tell us about the life style and dietary habits of our ancestors? Dental palaeopathology is particularly important as it can provide direct evidence of the type of diet an individual consumed during life. An analysis of the angle of tooth wear evident on the crown of the tooth can help to distinguish between early hunter-gatherers and later agriculturists, whilst microwear features on the occlusal surface can help to discern subtle dietary shifts. The distributions of stable isotopes in food webs make it possible to use them to reconstruct ancient diets as well as tracing the geographic origins and migrations of peoples. Plant microfossils have been isolated from calculus which can be identified using light microscopy. Teeth are particularly useful in ancient DNA studies due to the excellent preservation of biomaterials within the enamel shell of the tooth.
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Published in Dental Historian 2015; 60 (2): 51-62
Unlocking the past: the role of dental analysis in archaeology
Roger Forshaw
What can the study of ancient teeth tell us about the life style and dietary habits of our
ancestors? Dental palaeopathology is particularly important as it can provide direct
evidence of the type of diet an individual consumed during life. An analysis of the angle of
tooth wear evident on the crown of the tooth can help to distinguish between early hunter-
gatherers and later agriculturists, whilst microwear features on the occlusal surface can help
to discern subtle dietary shifts. The distributions of stable isotopes in food webs make it
possible to use them to reconstruct ancient diets as well as tracing the geographic origins
and migrations of peoples. Plant microfossils have been isolated from calculus which can be
identified using light microscopy. Teeth are particularly useful in ancient DNA studies due to
the excellent preservation of biomaterials within the enamel shell of the tooth.
Key Words
Dental palaeopathology, caries, calculus, enamel hypoplasia, tooth wear, stable isotopes,
ancient DNA
Teeth are not only the most highly mineralised tissue in the body but they are also the hardest
and most chemically stable, usually surviving long after their supporting structures have
deteriorated. In contrast to bone teeth interact directly with the environment during
mastication and as a result can provide information about the diet and health of a deceased
individual during life. Whilst bones may well suffer post-decomposition over time, teeth are
usually sufficiently well-preserved to allow visual and scientific analysis. Analytical
techniques that are now available to unlock information from teeth, relating to the life-style
of our ancestors, are wide-ranging and continually expanding. Dental palaeopathology,
however, is fundamental to any study of ancient teeth as it provides direct evidence of the
type of diet that an individual consumed during life.
Dental Palaeopathology
Dental caries can be an important indicator of dietary variations between different historical
populations. The disease can be traced far back in geological time and to all parts of the
world, but early humans were less affected by caries than modern populations. This can be
illustrated by considering the ancient Egyptian population. In the Neolithic Period when the
ancient Egyptians where predominately hunter-gathers, they consumed a diet rich in protein
with few simple carbohydrates and as a result had little caries experience. After 4,000 BC
society developed into a sedentary agricultural lifestyle with bread being the stable food, but
as the variety of bread consumed was composed primarily of complex non-fermentable
carbohydrates, caries was still fairly negligible. However, with the arrival of the Greeks into
Egypt in the 4th century BC, foodstuffs such as fine white bread, honey and dates became
more freely available and caries incidence rose significantly.1
A dramatic difference in caries experience within a population, separated by only a short
space of time, is illustrated by considering the example of the Inuit who inhabit Canada,
Greenland and Alaska. Up to the early part of the 20th century the Inuit consumed primarily a
high protein and fat diet consisting of seal, caribou, fish and walrus, a diet that resulted in less
than one cavity per individual being recorded. However, with increasing contact with the
North American and Canadian cultures the diet increasingly became one of purchased foods
from trading posts, foodstuffs that included high levels of refined carbohydrates. This rapid
change of diet which occurred within a single generation resulted in figures of between eight
and fifteen cavities per individual being noted.2,3
Periapical Cavities
Severe tooth wear, gross caries and trauma can precipitate pulpal necrosis which results in the
release of bacteria and their toxic products into the periapical tissues. Such an incursion
would elicit an inflammatory response, the level of which would depend on the balance
between the immunity of the host and the virulence of the infection. Low-grade infection is
likely to result in a chronic inflammation response, the most common reaction being a
periapical granuloma which would create a void in the surrounding bone. Over time this may
develop into an apical periodontal cyst. Such periapical cavities are useful dietary indicators
and it is not uncommon to observe multiple periapical cavities in a single specimen (Figures
1a and 1b).
1a 1b
Figs. 1a and b: Right and left lateral views demonstrating multiple
periapical cavities above the roots of the maxillary teeth.
Unprovenanced skull from ancient Nubia.
(Courtesy of the Duckworth Collection, the University of Cambridge)
However, if the pulp were to be infected by a virulent strain of bacteria then an acute abscess
would develop. Such an abscess rapidly invades the alveolar intertrabecular spaces and
vascular channels but does not form a bony cavity because of insufficient time for
osteoclastic resorption to occur. Pus tracks through bone taking the path of least resistance
until it reaches an outer surface where it would discharge, except in rare cases where the
rapid extension of the infection to adjacent bone marrow spaces could produce
As mentioned above a factor in the progression of these infections is host resistance or its
impairment by systemic disease and this might have been a significant factor in antiquity.
Many of our ancestors may well have been debilitated by chronic diseases such as
tuberculosis or various parasitic infections, diseases which today are treatable. In such
compromised individuals or where the virulence of the infecting agent is high then serious
complications may ensue. Bacteraemia could result which if untreated, as it would have been
in antiquity, could progress to generalised septicaemia and be fatal.5
In the historical record, the potential for an abscess to spread causing severe sepsis and death
has long been recognised.6 In the early 1600’s the London Bills of Mortality frequently listed
‘teeth’ as the fifth or sixth leading cause of death.7 DeWitte and Bekvalac8 examined skeletal
remains dating from AD 1350-1538 excavated from a medieval London cemetery and their
findings indicated that oral pathologies were associated with an elevated risk of mortality.
Even by the turn of the 20th century dental infections were still associated with a significant
risk of death. A study by Thomas9 determined a death rate of between 10 and 40 per cent of
those admitted to hospital with dental infections.
Periodontal Disease
Whilst the diagnosis of periodontal disease in the dental surgery is usually straightforward,
detecting periodontal disease in skeletal material, without the presence of the soft tissues, can
be problematic. An increase in the distance between the cemento-enamel junction and the
alveolar crest, inaccurately used as an indicator of periodontal disease in the past, has often
been shown to be due to continuous eruption as a result of tooth wear. Identification of
periodontal disease in skeletal material needs to be based on characteristics such as altered
shape of the alveolar margin and the presence of macroscopic porosity on the alveolar bone
caused by resorption of the cortical plate which reveals the underlying porous cancellous
Using criteria such as these studies indicate that in ancient populations periodontal disease
involving horizontal loss of alveolar crestal bone loss was not common and if it did exist was
usually of minor severity in comparison to modern populations.12,13,14 Clarke and Carey15
suggested that this may be due to more effective host defence systems functioning within the
gingival crevice and gingivae compared to modern populations where these systems may be
compromised by persistent or combined environmental factors such as smoking, diet and
unhealthy life-style options.
Ante-mortem tooth loss (AMTL)
The loss of teeth prior to an individual’s death is recognisable by progressive resorption of
the alveolar bone. Differential diagnosis of the aetiology of AMTL may yield important
information regarding patterns of behaviour in ancient peoples. Excessive tooth wear, caries
periodontal disease, traumatic injury and dental ablation for aesthetic or ritual reasons are
significant precipitating factors. Also, generalised conditions such as nutritional deficiency
disorders may contribute to the frequency of AMTL.16
Calculus, being highly mineralised, survives well in the archaeological context and an
analysis of calculus can be useful in furthering our understanding of ancient lifestyles.
Calculus formation is facilitated by an alkaline oral environment and diets high in protein
increase this alkalinity thus contributing to the formation of calculus. However, many other
factors such as individual variation, cultural practices, the degree of mineral content in the
drinking water, presence of silicon and bacterial involvement in the mineralisation process
are all factors which would affect the deposition of calculus.17 The presence of large
quantities of calculus on ancient teeth is by itself not necessarily an indicator of specific
dietary patterns but does supply evidence that may assist in determining such patterns.
During the process of calculus formation food particles and plant microfossils are trapped
within the calcium phosphate matrix, an environment in which they are well-protected. A
sample of this calculus can be chemically treated to release these microfossils. These are then
identifiable by means of light microscopy and are able to provide a direct record of particular
plants consumed during life.18
As to be described below, stable isotope analysis is an important technique in the
construction of past subsistence practices. However, it is a destructive procedure as rare
archaeological specimens have to be physically sampled which inevitably would result in
damage to the specimen. Scott and Poulson19 describe a new technique in which calculus is
analysed for carbon and nitrogen isotope concentrations. The results of this study compare
favourably with those obtained from other biomaterials such as bone, collagen and teeth. As
calculus is a secondary biomaterial and not an integral part of the skeleton, this technique has
the potential to overcome curatorial concerns regarding sample preservation.
Enamel Hypoplasia
Enamel hypoplasia is a quantitative defect of enamel commonly occurring as discrete pitting
or horizontal furrows on the tooth surface. The hypoplasia is due to a disruption in the
secretion of enamel during crown development, resulting in incomplete or defective
formation of the enamel crown matrix. Some hypoplasias are related to inherited conditions,
but generally these are rare with the majority of defects being caused by environmental
stressors such as disease and poor nutrition.20 The distance of the hypoplastic disturbance
from the cemento-enamel junction is an indicator of the age at which the disruption occurred.
Because enamel is non-vital tissue such defects are never erased from the tooth and enamel
hypoplastic lesions provide a ‘memory’ of biological disruptions during childhood.21
The prevalence of enamel hypoplasia in ancient teeth has been used by Starling and Stock22
to study the transition from a nomadic foraging lifestyle to a sedentary agricultural regime.
The dentitions of five populations who inhabited the Nile valley in Egypt, spanning the
period 13,000-1,500 BC, were studied. The results of the research indicated that the
frequency of hypoplasias was significantly higher in a proto-agriculturist population dating c.
5,000-4,000 BC than amongst early hunter-gatherers, and also higher than among later
populations. This suggests that the period surrounding the emergence of early agriculture in
the Nile valley was associated with high stress and poor health. However, the health of the
agriculturists improved substantially following increased urbanisation and trade that
accompanied the formation of the Egyptian state. This development resulted in more
guaranteed food supplies, improved health and a reduction in the incidence of hypoplasias.
Tooth Wear
All dentitions display evidence of some loss of tooth tissue due to physiological wear but the
tooth wear frequently observed in ancient populations is far more extensive than is evident in
modern society today and is often considered as pathological in nature.23,24 This excessive
wear was mainly due to the hard fibrous foods consumed by our ancestors, foodstuffs
frequently contaminated by inorganic abrasive particles. These contaminants would have
arrived from a number of sources such as the use of flint-tooth sickle harvesting tools, the
ingress of particles from the soil which had not been sieved out and mineral fragments from
soft sandstone implements used to grind the grain.25
Excessive tooth wear, therefore, is an indication of the type of diet consumed by an
individual, but the pattern of this wear can also provide additional dietary information.
Historically, the teeth of both the early hunter-gatherers and the later agriculturists are
characterised by rapid pronounced tooth wear, but it is the angle of crown wear rather than
the absolute degree of wear that can help to distinguish between these groups. This variation
is related to the major differences in subsistence and food preparation. Hunter-gatherers
develop flatter molar wear due to the mastication of tough fibrous food where the teeth do not
often make contact during mastication. However, with the prepared food of the agriculturist
which comprises ground grain and food cooked in water, the teeth are in contact for longer
periods. Mastication in this case involves grinding and sliding of the teeth against each other,
a process which results in oblique tooth wear.26,27
Fig. 2: Photo-simulation of microwear showing pits and scratches.
Late Archaic Period individual, Indiana, USA.
(Arrows indicate pits. Courtesy of M. Zolnierz, University
of Arkansas and C. Schmidt, University of Indianapolis)
Fig. 3: Photo-simulation of microwear showing scratches.
Early Late Archaic Period individual, Indiana, USA.
(Courtesy of M. Zolnierz, University of Arkansas
and C. Schmidt, University of Indianapolis)
Not only does the angle of the tooth wear provide information but studies into microwear
features observable on the tooth surface can also yield additional dietary evidence. Dental
microwear is the name given to the pits and scratches that form on the surface of enamel
during mastication (Figures 3 and 4). They differ according to diet and so examining and
recognising these traits can be useful in establishing past dietary patterns. Pits are caused
when hard abrasive particles are driven or compressed into the enamel surface of the tooth.
This process results in cracks in the crystalline structure of the enamel and as a consequence
minute fragments fracture away from the tooth surface. Scratches occur when particles are
dragged between opposing enamel surfaces as the jaw moves through the chewing cycle.28
The technique of dental microwear analysis involves a statistical evaluation of the wear facets
of molar teeth, mainly the cusp tips which are used primarily for crushing and the patterns on
the cuspal slopes which are used for shearing. This procedure originally involved using an
electron microscope to scan replicas of the wear facets and then identifying the individual
features.29 However, such a technique is limited by observer error and a high cost in time and
money. A more recent approach is that of dental microwear texture analysis which utilises a
white light confocal microscope to examine the tooth surface. This method permits the
collection of true 3D surface data which is then analysed spatially in a geometric technique
known as scale-sensitive fractal analysis.30
The results of the technique indicate that individuals eating harder foods requiring greater
masticatory forces tend to have a greater number of and larger pits, whilst those eating softer
foods tend to have mainly scratches. However, these traits are not mutually exclusive and
occlusal surfaces usually show evidence of both pits and scratches. Dietary patterns are
determined by which microwear features are dominant in a particular population.31
Stable Isotopes
Stable isotope analysis is a technique that is useful in the reconstruction of ancient diets, in
tracing the geographic origins and migrations of peoples and also in studying human weaning
history. Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and strontium isotopes are those commonly studied whilst
collagen extracted from bone or dentine is the structural protein analysed. Teeth are
particularly useful because of the excellent preservation of biogenic elements in the tooth
structure and their resistance to diagenesis.
Stable isotopes of carbon are the most widely used palaeodietary tracer and the technique
utilises the carbon content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which occurs primarily in the
two isotopically stable forms of 13C and 12C. Isotopes of carbon are universal in the structure
of plants and animals but the level of 13C and 12C varies between different groups of animals
and plants. Carbon diffuses into the pores of plants as carbon dioxide during photosynthesis
with differing groups of plants obtaining carbon from the carbon dioxide in different ways.
The C3 photosynthetic pathway, in which the first product of photosynthesis is a 3-carbon
compound, is used by most temperate zone vegetation. Tropical and sub-tropical grasses,
which include the domestic crops sorghum, millets, maize and sugar-cane, employ what is
known as the C4 pathway, in which carbon is fixed initially into a 4-carbon compound.32
Different plant groups are, therefore, incorporating differing amounts of carbon isotopes into
their plant tissue and the two plant groups are quite distinctive and do not overlap. When
these plants are consumed the carbon isotopes they contain are incorporated into the
hydroxyapatite of bones and teeth in differing amounts. The main component of the diet is
then able to be identified by quantifying the relative amount of each isotope within the
hydroxyapatite, using the technique of mass spectrometry.33
This technique has been used to demonstrate the increasing importance at that time of rice
over millet in a late Neolithic site in Shandong, China.34 Dupras and Tocheri35 have been able
to reconstruct infant weaning histories using stable isotope analysis of the dentition, whilst
stable isotope ratios of carbon and oxygen have helped in understanding Neolithic
subsistence patterns in northern Borneo.36
Strontium and oxygen isotope ratios in hydroxyapatite have been used to study the
geographical origins and movements of ancient peoples. Strontium isotope ratios vary in
different types of rock and soil and as a result there are differences in isotopic ratios in plants
and animals living in regions with different geology.
DNA is the genetic material of living cells and the information it contains controls the
structure, development and metabolism of the body. The recovery of this genetic material
from skeletal tissues has become a central research tool in many scientific fields. There are a
number of anthropological questions that can potentially be addressed by DNA analysis such
as the determination of sex when conventional identification methods are impossible as well
as the origin, relationships and movements of human populations.37 Merriwether et al.38
obtained DNA from teeth and bones in order to study ancient migrations to the New World.
Haaka et al.39 examining remains from 4,600-year-old graves near Eulau, Germany were able
to detect child-parent relationships. Papagrigorakis et al.40 investigated a mass burial pit, at
Kerameikos near Athens dating back to the time of the Plague of Athens (c. 430 BC).
Through DNA examination of pulp obtained from teeth excavated at this site these
researchers were able to detect Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi, therefore establishing that
typhoid fever was the probable cause of the plague, a scenario that had only been speculated
upon previously.
Although there are smaller amounts of cellular DNA in teeth compared to bone, teeth are
commonly used as the outer acellular enamel protects the dentine from environmental
deterioration.41 Many methods used by molecular researchers such as sectioning, crushing or
grinding destroy the morphological structure of teeth and therefore cause curatorial concerns
with both anthropologists and museum curators. However, Alakoç and Aka42 describe a
method for obtaining DNA from an ancient molar tooth in which an entrance cavity is
prepared in the occlusal surface of the tooth which is then extended into the pulp chamber.
Pulpal and dentinal tissue is removed by the use of K-files and the tooth restored with a
composite filling. A sample is therefore obtained for DNA analysis but the physical structure
of the tooth is re-established and a rare archaeological specimen is protected from being
Multiple Techniques
Increasingly, teeth are being analysed by multiple scientific techniques. Lillie and Richards43
used both dental palaeopathological evidence and stable isotope analysis to help understand
diet in the transition from the Mesolithic to the Neolithic periods in the Ukraine. Hogue and
Melsheimer44 utilised both stable isotope analysis and dental microwear analysis to observe
dietary changes over time in east-central Mississippi. Cagnon et al.45 analysed oral health
indicators and microfossils found in calculus to track changes in the habit of coca chewing in
South America.
Whereas studies based upon caries, alveolar resorption, rates of tooth wear and other skeletal
features can provide a general view of diet, the application of more advanced scientific
techniques can be more specific in their findings. These techniques form an essential part of
archaeological and anthropological investigations since a comprehensive visual and scientific
analysis of ancient teeth can provide information that might otherwise not be retrievable from
the archaeological record and which may help with a better understanding of earlier
1 R.J. Forshaw, ‘Dental health and disease in ancient Egypt’, Br Dent J 2009; 206: 421-4.
2 J.T. Mayhall, ‘The effect of culture change on the Eskimo dentition’, Artic Anthropol 1970; 7: 117-21.
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... Thanks to the chewing of hard, fibrous food, where the teeth do not make frequent mutual contacts during mastication, flat molar wear develops, which is typical of hunting and gathering communities. Agricultural communities that prepare food mostly by cooking and grinding, and the teeth are in contact for a long period of time, develop oblique molar wear (Smith 1983;Forshaw 2015). The Kopila population mostly shows sloping molar wear; hence we can conclude that they belonged to the agricultural community. ...
... Although the etiology of caries includes several interacting causes, such as bacterial plaque, nutritional elements, tooth structures, saliva composition, etc., studies carried out on ancient populations indicate that carbohydrate diet and food preparation play a major role in the formation of carious lesions (Šlaus 2006;Forshaw 2014;Duyar & Erdal 2003). Hunting and gathering populations are thought to have a lower incidence of caries due to lower carbohydrate consumption, while switching to a sedentary, agricultural lifestyle brings a diet richer in carbohydrate and plant foods, and changes in food preparation, resulting in a higher incidence of caries (Manzi et al. 1999;Duyar & Erdal 2003;Šlaus 2006;Novak et al. 2007;Vodanović 2008;Lanfranco & Eggers 2010;Radović & Stefanović 2013;Forshaw 2014;Forshaw 2015). In the Kopila population, which was primarily agricultural, the incidence of caries is relatively low; it is more frequent in older members of the community where the size of the lesion is more pronounced. ...
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This paper presents the changes caused by macroabrasion of teeth on skeletal remains found in tomb No 4 in the west necropolis of the archeological site Kopila near Blato on the island of Korčula. The site archeologically dates back to the Late Iron Age, when the island was inhabited by the Illyrians. The aim of this study was to assess the dental age of the buried individuals at death and determine the type of their diet, which could give us a preliminary insight into the socio-economic standard of the inhabitants of the settlement. The analyzed sample is part of the collection of excavated skeletal remains kept in the Vela Luka Cultural Center on the island of Korčula. 284 permanent teeth, 19 fragments of the maxilla and 20 fragments of the mandible were found in the tomb, which were classified into 32 individuals and by sex. Teeth were analyzed by metric and non-metric methods of determining dental status in order to assess the dental age at the time of death and the diet of the inhabitants. The dental age of individuals was determined by the Lovejoy method and the degree of tooth wear by the Smith-Knight method. The analysis of the stable isotope 14C determined the exact time of death of the analyzed individuals. The tooth wear changes were very pronounced and present on 92.9% of teeth, equally on incisors and molars (p = 0.236). There is no significant gender difference (p > 0.05 for all teeth and jaw parts). There was no difference in the degree of tooth wear of the teeth of the mandible and maxilla (t = -0.266, p = 0.791), nor in the degree of tooth wear of the teeth of the maxilla right and left (t = -0.392, p = 0.702) or in the degree of tooth wear of the teeth of the mandible right and left (t = -0.889, p = 0.390). The average age of the analyzed population sample was 35.6 (±3.1) years. They were buried between 360-40 BC. Tooth wear changes observed on the analyzed teeth indicate a diet rich in hard, weakly cariogenic food with particles that were probably of inorganic origin, which caused an increased wear of tooth structures. The population was sedentary, agricultural type and the life expectancy was normal for the Late Iron Age. Besides, their socio-economic status was good. The age at the time of their death was between 30 and 40 years. Further studies should include more accurate and standardized methods for assessing the condition.
... Qualitative methods can also contribute to nuanced observations in diet and the inhabited environment such as food consistency (e.g., soft, processed, or fibrous foods) or the presence of environmental contaminants when consuming foods (e.g., abrasive sand or ash particles) (Caglar et al., 2007;Caglar et al., 2016;Forshaw, 2015;Lovell & Palichuk, 2019). Where most macrowear methods have been created to only assess for overall tissue loss or dentine exposure (wear quantity), the Brabant index (Brabant, 1966), which is a straight-forward, fivestage categorical dental wear classification system, also qualitatively scores the occlusal plane or physical attributes of the wear (wear direction). ...
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This study aimed to reduce subjectivity bias in scoring dental macrowear quantity and direction using the Brabant index, which previously relied solely on written descriptions. To achieve this, we present a new, optimized visual guide incorporating buccal and lingual scores. The optimization process involved conceptualizing and illustrating a visual guide using Holocene southern African hunter‐gatherer and herder teeth, featuring both buccal and lingual scores for multicuspid teeth. The guide was hand‐drawn using a stippling technique and digitized to depict surface details for each wear stage and tooth type. We conducted intra‐ and inter‐observer assessments to evaluate the optimized method using both the original and optimized Brabant indices. Statistical analysis was performed in R using Cohen's kappa for direction and Cohen's weighted kappa for quantity. Intra‐observer results for the original method yielded kappa values of 0.84 for direction and 0.94 for quantity, while the optimized version both resulted in improved values of 0.99. Inter‐observer results revealed some differences between an inexperienced and an experienced observer. The inexperienced observer achieved kappa scores of 0.20 for direction and 0.86 for quantity with the original method, and 0.17 and 0.80, respectively, with the optimized version. The experienced observer's results using the original index were 0.66 for direction and 0.89 for quantity, and 0.75 and 0.96, respectively, with the optimized version. These findings demonstrate that the optimized method enhances data reliability for experienced observers, highlighting the value of a published visual guide and multicuspid scoring adjustments. However, reduced or unappreciable changes in accuracies for the inexperienced observer illustrate the need for dental expertise when scoring for dental wear, even with a modified method.
... Earlier, the palynomorphs and other flora and faunal remains were studied from the sub-surface sediments recovered from the archaeological sites and this was considered as the conventional method (Long et al. 1999;Ghosh et al. 2005;2006a, b;Hu et al. 2007; Backels 2020; Mckey et al. 2020 and many more). But in modern times emphasis are given in multiproxy approaches such as study of stone tools, dental remains, fabric composition of the ceramics, starch grains and other geochemical analyses along with the conventional analysis (Barton 1997;Piperno et al. 2000;Haslam 2004;Prasad et al. 2005;Piperno 2006; Dumpe and Stivrins 2015;Forshaw 2015;Brown et al. 2016;Ma et al. 2017;Roffet-Salque et al. 2017;Min-Kyu 2017;Luncz et al. 2019;Sarkar et al. 2020;Das et al. 2021). ...
Archaeobotany deals with the interpretation of preserved plant remains from the archaeological sites in order to reconstruct the past vegetation and climate change and past human-plant relationship. The archaeobotanical remains found in the archaeological sites are classified into two groups; macro and microbotanical remains. Usually, the microbotanical investigations includes the extraction of spores/pollen, phytoliths, diatoms, fungal spores and starch grains from the soils/sediments of the archaeological sites. But sometimes archaeological artefacts including potsherds may also provide us with valuable information. Palaeobotanical investigations and palaeoclimate reconstruction from the archaeological potsherds are rare especially from the coastal regions of the globe. In the present study two earthen vessels associated potsherds collected from the Tilpi region of Sundarbans, deltaic West Bengal were studied in a multi-proxy approach. The age of the earthen pots and potsherds found to be 2630 ± 25 years BP. The pollen, phytolith and non-pollen palynomorph data of the potsherds revealed that a non-littoral forest was present in the area under tropical warm and humid climate condition. However, occurrence of pollen grains and phytoliths of palms, and Concentricystes sp. indicate that the coast line was not far away from the area of deposition (Rao 1990, Ramanujam et al. 1998).
... "health archive", just as e.g. dental and skeletal remains can provide [2,3]). ...
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The chemical analysis of an urolith is often interpreted as “stone’s composition”. However, it must be taken into consideration, that in most cases, only a fragment of the stone has been sent to the laboratory. In some recurrent patients, stone compositions either vary considerably between episodes or the analytical result obtained from the stone fragment does not fit with the data of e.g. current 24 h-urinalysis or urinary pH-records. The question arises, whether this outcome may be the result of an improper stone sampling scheme. On a simple layered 2D-stone model composed of two mineral phases it is shown, how the choice of a stone fragment process may influence the result of “stone composition”. Depending on the initial position of fragment within the whole stone, the respective calculated analyses can relevantly differ from the whole stone composition as well as strongly between two fragments. Even under the simplified conditions of a 2D-2-component-model “grown” under defined conditions, the differences between the analyses of the different specimens taken from a stone are in part remarkable. The more it can be argued that these differences increase if a real 3D-urolith is investigated. Further sampling biases may evolve and increase the problem of proper sampling:, e.g., if an urolith’s more resistant parts remain intact while ESWL or laser-based stone fragmentation (“dusting”), the weak parts became fully disintegrated and removed from the body as fine-grained sludge—the stone’s fine fraction is lost although its composition may carry important information on the stone’s pathogenesis. Consequently, a “stone analysis” only obtained from the harder remains reveals an incomplete result, a fact that in principle limits its clinical interpretation. Choice of stone fragment is crucial. The extent of the uncertainty of an analysis resulting from potential selection biases should not be underestimated. Thus, sampling should be considered as an important part of the processes of quality assurance and management. Errors made at this early stage of diagnosis finding will affect the analytical result and thus influence the clarification of the underlying pathomechanism. This can lead to an improper metaphylactic strategy potentially causing recurrent stone formation which otherwise would have been prevented. A decision scheme for analysis of urinary stones removed using endoscopic methods is suggested.
... Teeth and jaws in human skeletal and dental remains provide many opportunities to investigate craniofacial developmental and pathological changes in human history [1,2]. Macroscopic inspection has been the main method to evaluate the dentition and the jaws in human skeletal remains [3,4]. ...
Objectives: The objective of the present study is to compare the prevalence of third molar hypodontia in matched medieval and modern Norwegian sample with the aim to examine whether there are secular changes in dental anomalies. A second objective is to determine the level of primary retention of third molar in the medieval sample. Material and methods: The medieval material consisted of 130 adult skulls, hypodontia of third molars was determined using radiography and compared to findings with panoramic film images of 400 15-year-old individuals from a contemporary Norwegian epidemiological study. Results: Among 130 medieval skulls, hypodontia of third molar was found in 36 skulls (27.7%), and in the contemporary sample, hypodontia of third molar was found in 69 individuals (17.2%). Female predominance, although not statistically significant, was observed both in the medieval and in the contemporary group. The third molars showed absence in the mandible (21.5%) more often than the maxilla in the medieval sample, and in both jaws (11.2%) in the contemporary material. In the medieval sample, only 7.7% of the individuals had at least one retained third molar. Conclusion: No increase in the frequency of third molar hypodontia was found from the medieval period until today. The frequency of retained third molars seems to have increased from the medieval period to modern times. The use of radiographic examination in addition to macroscopic inspection can give us a better understanding of the aetiology on a number of conditions in human skeletal remains.
Objective: To analyze the overall frequency and inter-tooth patterns of caries in three populations from ancient cemeteries located along the western border of the Central Iranian Plateau as a means to explore whether the populations of Iran had greater access to fermentable sugars after the establishment of the great empires. Materials: Dental collections from Kafarved-Varzaneh (Early Bronze Age, MNI=66), Estark-Joshaqan (Iron Age, MNI=57), Tappeh Poustchi (Timurid and Safavid Period, MNI=34), together with comparative data from NE Syria. Methods: Frequencies of dental caries per tooth categories, location and size of carious lesions are analyzed using Smith's Mean Measure of Divergence, Correspondence Analysis, χ2 and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Results: There are minimal differences in overall frequencies of carious lesions at Iranian sites, regardless of the chronology, but notable differences at Syrian sites. The inter-tooth pattern at the Iron Age cemetery in Estark appears distinctly different than the other Iranian sites and the comparative samples from Syria. Conclusions: Divergent subsistence strategies may be linked with different inter-tooth patterns since people buried at Estark were mobile herders, while the other cemeteries were used by settled farmers. Significance: This comprehensive research on dental caries in three chronologically diverse populations in Iran sheds light on the association between dental caries and subsistence strategies, and introduces the Smith's Mean Measure of Divergence to explore inter-tooth carious patterns, which may prove useful to other researchers seeking to understand the relationships between subsistence, diet, and the presence of carious lesions. Limitations: The studied sample size is relatively small and therefore its temporal/regional distribution produces low-resolution results. Suggestions for further research: More systematic research on the patterns of dental caries is necessary to produce more fine-grained reconstructions of diet and subsistence in Iran and around the globe.
This paper introduces a new approach to the study of Paleolithic minds. It is developed on the basis of the phenomenological concept of intentionality: the mind's central characteristic of being about or directed at something. In phenomenology, the world is considered not qua fact, but qua appearance, as a correlate of the mind's intentional activity. Both world‐appearance and the mind's directedness are further considered from a first‐person viewpoint, and in a scaffolding fashion, with more complex acts disclosing new types of objects or aspects of them. This paper develops a framework for applying intentional analysis to minds of the past. This way, the subjective “world‐having” of past subjects can be systematically reconstructed in a manner consistent with the empirical data available. This discloses a new field of inquiry that thus far has not been clearly grasped, even though the questions belonging to it are everywhere recognized as being of the greatest importance to the discipline. The intentional analysis of the scaffolding of acts and what they disclose can help to clarify essential concepts in cognitive archaeological debates, and to better understand the evolution of the hominin mind.
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Objective: To determine the prevalence of dental paleopathologies in a Peruvian prehispanic population. Material and Method: A descriptive, observational and transversal study was carried out. The sample consisted of 106 skeletal remains of pre-hispanic inhabitants, over 18 years of age, found in the El Brujo - Magdalena de Cao Archaeological Complex, Lambayeque - Peru. The selection criteria were defined and the presence of dental caries, malocclusion, crowding, dental anomalies of direction and site, age and sex of each bone was assessed using a data collection instrument designed for that purpose. Results: The sample showed presence of dentin caries (62.3%), enamel caries (37.7%), Class I malocclusion (76.4%), Class II malocclusion (4.7%), Class III malocclusion (4.7%), maxillary crowding (15.1%), mandibular crowding (19.8%), crowding in both jaws (13.2%), gyroversion (20.8%), vestibule-versions (15.1%), linguo-versions (17.9%) and dental transposition (5.7%). Conclusion: The results show a high prevalence of caries and malocclusions in this Peruvian pre-hispanic population.
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Objective: To determine the prevalence of dental paleopathologies in a Peruvian prehispanic population. Material and Method: A descriptive, observational and transversal study was carried out. The sample consisted of 106 skeletal remains of pre-hispanic inhabitants, over 18 years of age, found in the El Brujo - Magdalena de Cao Archaeological Complex, Lambayeque - Peru. The selection criteria were defined and the presence of dental caries, malocclusion, crowding, dental anomalies of direction and site, age and sex of each bone was assessed using a data collection instrument designed for that purpose. Results: The sample showed presence of dentin caries (62.3%), enamel caries (37.7%), Class I malocclusion (76.4%), Class II malocclusion (4.7%), Class III malocclusion (4.7%), maxillary crowding (15.1%), mandibular crowding (19.8%), crowding in both jaws (13.2%), gyroversion (20.8%), vestibule-versions (15.1%), linguo-versions (17.9%) and dental ransposition (5.7%). Conclusion: The results show a high prevalence of caries and malocclusions in this Peruvian pre-hispanic population.
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The analysis of DNA extracted from archaeological specimens to address anthropological questions is becoming increasingly common. Despite widespread interest in ancient DNA (aDNA), the difficulties inherent in aDNA analysis are not generally appreciated by researchers outside of the field. The majority of samples subjected to aDNA analysis often fail to produce results, and successful analysis is typically limited to specimens that exhibit excellent preservation. Contamination of samples with exogenous DNA is an ongoing problem and requires careful design of research strategies to limit and identify all DNA contaminants. Overall, aDNA analysis is a highly specialized and technical field that requires extensive training and can be quite expensive. Thus, each aDNA study should be carefully planned with significant input from archaeologists, physical anthropologists, linguists, and related researchers and should focus on well-preserved samples that are likely to produce a clear answer to a question that is not amenable to nongenetic analysis. In this manuscript, I explain the problems and prospects of various anthropological applications of aDNA technology. I present a series of previously published studies, which are of general anthropological interest, to illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of aDNA methods in each case. I also provide a checklist of questions to evaluate the utility of archaeological remains for aDNA analysis and to provide guidelines when designing an aDNA study.
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In this article we explore the use of coca in the Moche Valley of north costal Perú during the Early Intermediate Period. To do so we examined the dental remains of 173 residents of Cerro Oreja. These remains date to the Salinar and Gallinazo phases and thus provide us with a picture of coca use before the emergence of the Southern Moche state. We find that patterns of oral health and micro-plant remains recovered from dental calculus suggest shifting use of coca during this period. These data suggest that coca was an important resource in the emergence of social inequality in the Moche Valley. En este trabajo se explora el uso de la hoja de coca en el valle de Moche de la Costa Norte de Perú costal durante el Periodo Intermedio Temprano. Para ello se analizaron los restos dentales de 173 habitantes de Cerro Oreja. Estos restos datan de las fases Salinar y Gallinazo y nos dan una imagen del uso de la hoja de coca antes de la aparición del Estado Moche Sur. En este estudio encontramos que los patrones de salud oral y micro-restos vegetales recuperados de cálculo dental sugieren cambios en el consumo y uso de la coca durante este período. Nuestros datos sugieren que la coca fue un recurso importante en el surgimiento de la desigualdad social en el valle de Moche.
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Fifty-eight dental calculus samples from medieval and post-medieval skeletons from Vitoria, Spain, and a single sample from an Alaskan Inuit were tested for stable carbon and nitrogen isotope compositions. There was sufficient carbon and nitrogen concentrations to obtain δ13C and δ15N values, and the samples from Spain produced results that were replicable and comparable to European isotope values based on bone collagen collected from literature sources. The Alaskan Inuit calculus sample yielded a δ15N value of +17.5‰, well beyond the range of the Spanish samples, but consistent with literature data for modern Greenlandic Inuit consuming a diet rich in marine food. There are several potential sources for carbon and nitrogen in calculus. The results of this study yield stable isotope values consistent with those obtained from other biomaterials used as isotope proxies for paleodietary research, including bone collagen, hair, and fingernails, although further work is necessary to verify the fidelity of calculus as an isotope proxy. Many studies in bioarchaeology are precluded by curatorial concerns regarding the destructive analysis of primary biomaterials. However, calculus is an “add-on”, or secondary biomaterial, that is not an integral part of the dental or skeletal system. Hence, its consumption during analysis is technically not destructive. Therefore, isotope analysis of dental calculus may provide a potential new avenue for paleodietary analysis where the use of other primary biomaterials is precluded.
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The recovery of genetic material from preserved hard skeletal remains is an essential part of ancient DNA, archaeological and forensic research. However, there is little understanding about the relative concentrations of DNA within different tissues, the impact of sampling methods on extracted DNA, or the role of environmentally-determined degradation rates on DNA survival in specimens. We examine these issues by characterizing the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content of different hard and soft tissues in 42 ancient human and bovid specimens at a range of fragment lengths (77–235 bp) using real-time PCR. Remarkably, the standard drill speeds used to sample skeletal material (c. 1000 RPM) were found to decrease mtDNA yields up to 30 times (by 3.1 × 105 mtDNA copies on average) compared to pulverization in a bone mill. This dramatic negative impact appears to relate to heat damage, and disappeared at very low drill speeds (e.g. 100 RPM). Consequently, many ancient DNA and forensic studies may have obtained false negative results, especially from important specimens which are commonly sampled with drills to minimize signs of damage. The mtDNA content of tooth cementum was found to be five times higher than the commonly used dentine (141 bp, p = 0.01), making the cementum-rich root tip the best sample for ancient human material. Lastly, mtDNA was found to display a consistent pattern of exponential fragmentation across many depositional environments, with different rates for geographic areas and tissue types, improving the ability to predict and understand DNA survival in preserved specimens.
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In 2005 four outstanding multiple burials were discovered near Eulau, Germany. The 4,600-year-old graves contained groups of adults and children buried facing each other. Skeletal and artifactual evidence and the simultaneous interment of the individuals suggest the supposed families fell victim to a violent event. In a multidisciplinary approach, archaeological, anthropological, geochemical (radiogenic isotopes), and molecular genetic (ancient DNA) methods were applied to these unique burials. Using autosomal, mitochondrial, and Y-chromosomal markers, we identified genetic kinship among the individuals. A direct child-parent relationship was detected in one burial, providing the oldest molecular genetic evidence of a nuclear family. Strontium isotope analyses point to different origins for males and children versus females. By this approach, we gain insight into a Late Stone Age society, which appears to have been exogamous and patrilocal, and in which genetic kinship seems to be a focal point of social organization.
The aetiology of dental calculus formation is not fully understood, but it is known that a number of factors play a role. Generally, anthropologists have overlooked the role of other causative factors in the formation of dental calculus, attributing it almost exclusively to diet, particularly protein consumption. Anthropologists have also oversimplified the role of diet in the formation of dental calculus. This may be due to a general paucity on research on dietary effects on calculus formation, as well as a lack of integration between anthropological and non-anthropological data. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.