Confined water in deep sandy gravel layer is newly-discovered large-scale pore brines in Heibei concave in the western Qaidam basin, which poses as an alternative area for potash development due to the following features: medium to strong water yield property, closeness to the surface with water level ranging from 8 to 24 m, high degree of mineralization, high KCl content fit for commercial development, and small salt buildup when mined. The statistical results show that concentration changes of TDS, Cl-, Na+, Cs+, B2O3, Ca2+, Mg2+, Sr+, NO3-, and Rb+ in the brine are small with even distribution. On the contrary, concentration changes of SO42- are big with uneven distribution; concentration changes of Br-, I-, Li+, K+ and uniform degree fall in the range in-between those of the two above-mentioned groups of elements; Na+, Cl-, Ca2+ and Sr2+, TDS show normal negatively skewed peak distribution, K+, SO42-, Li+ show non-normal positively skewed peak distribution. In component clustering analysis diagram, K+, SO42-, Li+ fall into a sub-class, whereas Cl-, TDS and Na+ fall into another sub-class The ion content change curve shows that content of Na+ and Cl- share the same change trend with that of mineralization degree and B2O3 in the pore brine from east to west. Compositions of K+, SO42-, Mg2+ are consistent, with the same change trend with that of Li+. Ratio of CNa/CCl in pore brine is 0.85-0.96, and bromine chloride coefficient is 0.01-0.34, similar to those of salt karst filter brine. It finds two laws of salting, namely, magnesium sulfate and chloride in the metastable phase diagram (25 ℃) of the quaternary system of Na+, K+, Mg2+//Cl--H2O and quinary system of Na+, K+, Mg2+//Cl-, SO42--H2O, which might have formed due to interaction of intercrystalline brine in the sedimentary formation and pore water in the sandy gravel.