
Optimum replacement policies for Kuwait passenger transport company busses: Case study

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Due to the excess of a vehicle operation through its life, some elements may face failure and deteriorate with time. This leads us to carry out maintenance, repair, tune up or full overhaul. After a certain period, the vehicle elements deteriorations increase with time which causes a very high increase of doing the maintenance operations and their costs. However, the logic decision at this point is to replace the current vehicle by a new one with minimum failure and maximum income. The importance of studying vehicle replacement problems come from the increase of stopping days due to many deteriorations in the vehicle parts. These deteriorations increase year after year causing an increase of operating costs and decrease the vehicle income. Vehicle replacement aims to determine the optimum time to keep, maintain, overhaul, renew and replace vehicles. This leads to an improvement in vehicle income, total operating costs, maintenance cost, fuel and oil costs, ton-kilometers, vehicle and engine performance, vehicle noise, vibration, and pollution. The aim of this paper is to find the optimum replacement policies of Kuwait Passenger Transport Company (KPTCP) fleet of busses. The objective of these policies is to maximize the busses pure profits. The dynamic programming (D.P.) technique is used to generate the busses optimal replacement policies.

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... Shortest The equipment replacement is formulated and solved by dynamic programming as in [41], [42], [43], [44], [45], [46] and [47]. ...
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The equipment replacement problem plays a crucial role in various engineering disciplines. It helps to determine the optimal economic lifespan of equipment. Optimizing the decision-making process for equipment replacement is essential for enhancing management effectiveness and supporting the achievement of business goals. Numerous models have been developed to identify the optimal replacement strategies. Some of these models are grounded in mathematical programming techniques such as linear programming, integer programming, goal programming, and dynamic programming. Additionally, some researchers have designed their heuristic models to determine the most suitable replacement policies. However, many of these heuristic models are limited by their focus on a single objective, often overlooking the complexity of multi-objective scenarios and uncertainties. A lot of the mathematical programming models concentrate on sensitivity analysis, parametric study, muti-objective and fuzzy parameters. In this paper, we present a comparative analysis of various replacement models, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of both heuristic and mathematical programming models. The solution algorithm as well as an illustrative example using backward dynamic programming are included.
... Abdelwali [5] discussed parametric multiobjective dynamic programming with application to automotive problems. Abdelwali et al. [6] studied optimum replacement policies and applied the concept for Kuwait Passenger Transport Company. They used dynamic programming technique for generating the optimal replacement policies for buses. ...
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