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Abstract and Figures

Binaural beats are subjective hearing sensations, which occur when one of tone signals is applied to one ear, and the other one, with a slightly different frequency is applied to the second ear. A listener then receives a resultant sound with an amplitude which changes with a frequency equal to the difference of frequency of applied signals. The aim of this thesis was to examine the influence of binaural beats on changes in the morphology of the brain bioelectrical signal. Verification of previous studies, such as stimulation of binaural beats affects the brain and can cause changes in other frequency bands. Previous studies have been conducted on individual leads and dealt with the occurrence of follow up effect. In the research there were used binaural beats with a frequency of f = 10 Hz. The left ear was exposed to a signal with a frequency of 100 Hz, and the right ear-to a signal with a frequency of 110 Hz, the acoustic pressure level SPL = 73 dB. The research was conducted on a sample group of 20 people. The analysis of average amplitudes of spectral density function of EEG strength signal proved that the exposition of binaural beats brought about a follow-up effect, which means that a component frequency in the EEG signal morphology was observed which corresponds with a frequency of the exposed binaural beats. It was also noted that during the exposition of binaural beats, there occurs a statistically significant decrease of average amplitudes of spectral density function of EEG strength signal for alpha and beta frequency ranges. However, it was observed that the amplitude of spectral density function of the strength has increased in theta frequency range.
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Acoustic and Biomedical Engineering
Influence of Binaural Beats on EEG Signal
C. Kasprzak
Department of Mechanics and Vibroacoustics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics
University of Science and Technology, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
Binaural beats are subjective hearing sensations, which occur when one of tone signals is applied to one ear,
and the other one, with a slightly different frequency is applied to the second ear. A listener then receives a
resultant sound with an amplitude which changes with a frequency equal to the difference of frequency of applied
signals. The aim of this thesis was to examine the influence of binaural beats on changes in the morphology of the
brain bioelectrical signal. Verification of previous studies, such as stimulation of binaural beats affects the brain
and can cause changes in other frequency bands. Previous studies have been conducted on individual leads and
dealt with the occurrence of follow up effect. In the research there were used binaural beats with a frequency of
f= 10 Hz. The left ear was exposed to a signal with a frequency of 100 Hz, and the right ear — to a signal with
a frequency of 110 Hz, the acoustic pressure level SPL = 73 dB. The research was conducted on a sample group
of 20 people. The analysis of average amplitudes of spectral density function of EEG strength signal proved that
the exposition of binaural beats brought about a follow-up effect, which means that a component frequency in the
EEG signal morphology was observed which corresponds with a frequency of the exposed binaural beats. It was
also noted that during the exposition of binaural beats, there occurs a statistically significant decrease of average
amplitudes of spectral density function of EEG strength signal for alpha and beta frequency ranges. However, it
was observed that the amplitude of spectral density function of the strength has increased in theta frequency range.
PACS: 87.50.Y
1. Introduction
Binaural beats are subjective hearing sensations, which
occur as a result of receiving two slightly different sounds
with low frequency. They were discovered in 1839 by a
German experimentator H.W. Dove. The ability of a
human to hear binaural beats seems to be a result of
evolutionary assimilation. Many advanced species can
detect binaural beats, depending on a skull size.
Binaural beats are a result of superposition of neuron
discharge coming from the left and right ear on a suit-
able level of the hearing route. Binaural beats prove that
neuron discharge in the auditory nerve maintain the in-
formation about the phase of a received signal. Due to
the fact that such discharges, in accordance with synchro-
nization phenomena, appear for a specified signal phase,
the result of this superposition depends on a phase dif-
ference occurring between the presented signal, which is
a mapping of the binaural difference of their frequency
The effect of hearing of sound binaural beats oc-
curs only when we listen to two tonal (sinusoid-like)
sounds with almost identical frequencies; yet each of
these sounds is heard by one ear only thanks to the use
of headphones or stereo speakers. A nerve hearing route
in the brain guarantees the exchange of auditory infor-
mation between the two sides, before the sound reaches
the cortical cortex, ensuring its conscious hearing. Such
an exchange happens in at least two places of the audi-
tory route — in the olivary body — in auditory centers
which process sounds and which receive stimulation di-
rectly from the cochlea nucleus and transfer it (each of
them to both sides) to colliculus inferior — small nuclei,
which constitute the next element of the auditory route,
and then through a commissure of the colliculus inferior.
Two signals are connected in the brain, the result being
a sensation of hearing a third signal — with a frequency
of a signal provided to the left and the right ear–called
binaural beats [4, 5].
Listening to binaural beats provides information to the
reticular system. This system is also called a diffuse acti-
vating system, which is a big brain area resembling a net.
It decides about lucidity, concentration and conscious-
ness. If internal stimuli (feelings, demeanors or beliefs)
or external (sensory ones) are not in conflict with this
information, then the reticular system changes the brain
wave activity so that it is adjusted to the stimulation of
the beat signals. It is a natural function of homeostasis.
The brain automatically and actively regulates all body
functions so that homeostasis is maintained, which is a
kind of an inner balance. Trying to maintain homeosta-
sis in a natural way, the reticular system monitors and
extorts maintaining sustainable states of cortical cortex
of wave activity all the time (unless new piece of infor-
mation which should be reacted to is delivered — either
Influence of Binaural Beats on EEG Signal 987
from external sources or from sensory senses). Thanks
to the fact that the frequency characteristics of the audi-
tory field are similar to the characteristics of brain waves,
the reticular system initiates processing by the cortical
cortex the information carried by these signals, believing
that the information carried by binaural beats come from
the actual brain wave activity. With time, the reticular
system monitors the internal and external environment
as well as the psychophysical state in order to determine
whether there is a need for adjusting to new conditions.
Unless there are conflicts, the reticular system continues
adjusting the character, quality and features of the con-
sciousness state to the information carried by the signals
of binaural beats [6, 7].
Owens and Atwater examined EEG patterns associ-
ated with listening to a series of low-frequency binaural
beats and investigated some of the subjective experiences
accompanying such stimulation. In this study, subjects
listened through stereo headphones to pure tones de-
signed to produce delta and theta binaural beats. Anal-
ysis of the EEG data involved computing the changes in
the percentages of total EEG amplitudes, comparing the
conditions of waking rest, binaural-beat stimulus periods,
and a second period of rest. Results showed that during
the stimulus periods subjects generated significantly less
alpha- (p < 0.01 to p < 0.0001) and beta- (p < 0.04 to
p < 0.002) frequency brain waves and significantly more
delta- (p < 0.002 to p < 0.0009) and theta- (p < 0.01
to p < 0.0001) frequency brain waves. This investigation
suggested that binaural beats may be associated with
reduced EEG arousal. Results of the two other studies
showed that during the binaural-beat stimuli, reductions
in the percentages of occipital alpha (bipolar O1–O2)
were significant (individually, p < 0.05, and together,
p < 0.001) during five of six free-running EEG recording
periods compared to baselines. During the same record-
ing periods, reductions in the percentages of central delta
(bipolar C3–C4) were similarly significant during four of
six periods compared to baselines [8–10].
2. Methodology of research
The experiment was conducted on a sample of 20
males. The examined individuals were volunteers, who
declared that they had no any medical conditions and
not under the influence of medicines. They had been
also informed that before the experiment, they were not
allowed to drink any stimulating nor intoxicating drinks.
In the research, there were used binaural beats with
an acoustic pressure level of SPL = 73 dB, with the fol-
lowing frequencies: the right ear — 110 Hz, the left ear
— 100 Hz. The total duration of the experiment was
35 min. The exposition of the stimulus was 20 min. The
acoustic signal, recorded in a wave format, was played
from a computer onto stereo headphones.
The EEG test was about a registration (with a help
of electrodes placed on the skin of a head) of functional
currents of a human brain, whose characteristic feature
is small tension (from several to several hundred mi-
crovolts). The frequency of these currents ranges from
0.5 Hz to 50 Hz. The registration of EEG signal was
conducted with a help of 25-channel sound box of SAM
25 type of MICROMED company.
EEG cap was fitted in accordance with a standard
10/20 system, where electrodes are placed along the
sagittal line of the head (5 on the left side: Fp1, F3,
C3, P3, O1 and 5 on the right side: Fp2, F4, C4, P4, O2
and a reference electrode on the OP, Pz).
The examined individuals were informed about the
general target of the research, rules of the experiment
and signed a permission form confirming their con-
scious agreement for the experiment. Later, after having
cleaned the skin, measurement electrodes of EEG sig-
nals were fitted. After checking the effective resistance
(proper applying of the electrodes), a tested person was
comfortably seated on a testing site.
After conducting preparation activities, a proper ex-
periment took place; that is 35 min of constant acquisi-
tion of EEG human bioelectric signals. The initial 5 min
was without the binaural beats exposition, 20 min with
the signal exposition and 10 min — without the exposi-
3. Result analysis
The obtained EEG runs were checked regarding the
correctness of recording. Two people, due to high dis-
turbances in all the recording were ruled out from EEG
analysis. Moreover, there were errors and artifacts noted
on some channels for 7 people. The data from these chan-
nels were not analyzed.
Fig. 1. A follow-up effect.
Basing on the analysis of a spectral density function of
EEG strength signal, for 4 people a follow-up effect was
observed; i.e. there occurred a component in EEG signal
morphology, with a frequency of the presented binaural
beats (10 Hz), Fig. 1.
The changeability of an average amplitude of spectral
density function of EEG strength signal in a frequency
range from 9.9 to 10.1 Hz (single channel, C4) was pre-
sented in Fig. 2. The plots indicated subsequent stages of
988 C. Kasprzak
the study and averages amplitude of the spectral density
function of EEG signal in a selected frequency range.
Fig. 2. A diagram of an average amplitude of a spec-
tral density function of EEG strength signal changes in
a frequency range from 9.9 to 10.1 Hz.
The above figure confirms the occurrence of the follow-
-up effect at a previously selected person. The con-
ducted quality analysis (the diagrams of a spectral den-
sity function of EEG strength signal changes) were com-
pleted with quantity analysis of a spectral density func-
tion of EEG strength signal changes in selected frequency
ranges. In order to achieve this, there was assumed
an EEG signal frequency division used in the electro-
beta — from 12.0 to 29.9 Hz,
alpha — from 8.0 to 11.9 Hz,
theta — from 4.0 to 7.9 Hz,
delta — from 0.5 to 3.9 Hz.
Using ANOVA test, the statistical significance of dif-
ferences of an average amplitude of a spectral density
function between three consecutive stages of the research
is obtained. In Table I there is placed a level of the sta-
tistical significance of differences of an average amplitude
of a spectral density function in the adopted frequency
ranges. In the first column, there are placed analyzed
frequency ranges. The following columns correspond to
individual measurement EEG channel (from Fp1 to O2).
Statistical significance of differences between consecutive stages of the research
for 10 channels in adopted frequency ranges.
The analyzed
frequency ranges
Statistical significance p
Fp1 F3 C3 P3 O1 Fp2 F4 C4 P4 O2
delta 0.8295 0.1744 0.1212 0.3469 0.1215 0.00180.5168 0.8197 0.1200 0.6795
theta 0.03280.00520.1196 0.00060.00100.00000.6406 0.02230.00000.2805
alpha 0.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00010.0000
beta 0.00090.00000.00640.00000.00000.00000.00000.01610.00000.2595
The values with star show changes which are statistically significant.
Figures 3, 4, 5 are present changes of average ampli-
tudes of spectral density functions for adopted frequency
ranges: theta, alpha and beta (for single channel).
The above figures show an increase of average ampli-
tudes of a spectral density function of EEG strength sig-
nal for theta frequency range during the exposition of
binaural beats and a falling tendency during stage 3. In
three cases, these changes turned out to be statistically
The changes of the average amplitude of a spectral
density function of EEG strength signal in three stages
of the experiment for alpha frequency range are presented
in Figs. 4–7.
In the figures, it can be observed that changes of
average amplitudes of a spectral density function of
EEG strength signal for alpha frequency range have a
falling tendency during the exposition of binaural beats
(stage 2), whereas stage 3, when compared to stage 2,
generates a slight increase. The changes of these values
are statistically significant. In the above figures, one can
notice that the changes of average amplitudes of a spec-
tral density function of EEG strength signal for alpha
frequency range have a falling tendency during the expo-
sition of binaural beats (stage 2), whereas stage 3, when
compared to stage 2, generates a slight increase.
The changes of average amplitudes of a spectral den-
sity function of EEG strength signal in three stages of
the experiment for beta frequency range are presented in
Fig. 5.
In the next stage, all 10 channels (Fp1, F3, C3, P3, O1,
Fp2, F4, C4, P4, O2) for the adopted frequency ranges
were averaged. In Table II there is presented the sta-
tistical significance of changes of average amplitudes of
a strength function of spectral density for the analyzed
variables in consecutive stages of the experiment.
Influence of Binaural Beats on EEG Signal 989
Fig. 3. Analysis of changes of an average amplitude
of a spectral density function of EEG strength signal
in 3 consecutive stages of the experiment, for theta fre-
quency range (channel P3).
Fig. 4. Analysis of changes of an average amplitude
of a spectral density function of EEG strength signal
in 3 consecutive stages of the experiment, for alpha fre-
quency range (channel O1).
Statistical significance of the average value changes
from 10 channels, between consecutive stages of the
research for individual frequency ranges.
The analyzed
frequency ranges
significance p
delta 0.4
theta 0.0231
alpha 0.0000
beta 0.0000
The values with star show changes which are
statistically significant.
In Figs. 4–7 there are presented changes of average
amplitudes of a spectral density function for the analyzed
variables (an average value delta, an average value theta,
an average value alpha, an average value beta) in three
consecutive stages of the experiment.
Figure 6 proves that an average amplitude of a strength
function of spectral density for an average value delta in-
creases during the exposition of binaural beats (stage 2),
Fig. 5. Analysis of changes of an average amplitude of
a spectral density function of EEG strength signal in 3
consecutive stages of the experiment, for beta frequency
range (channel O2).
Fig. 6. Analyses of changes of average amplitudes of
a spectral density function of EEG strength signal for
average values delta and theta (average value from 10
however there is a decrease of it in stage 3. Nevertheless,
these changes are statistically insignificant. For an aver-
age value theta, a similar tendency can be observed, with
the difference however, that it is statistically significant.
In both cases of alpha and beta average values, one can
observe a decrease of an average amplitude of a strength
Fig. 7. Analyses of changes of average amplitudes of
a spectral density function of EEG strength signal for
average values alpha and beta (average value from 10
990 C. Kasprzak
function of spectral density during binaural beats exposi-
tion (stage 2) and its increase in stage 3 (when compared
to stage 2). These changes are statistically significant.
The analyses of changes of average amplitudes of a
spectral density function of EEG strength signal proved
that the binaural beats exposition brought about a
follow-up effect at 4 experiment participants, meaning
that there was observed a frequency component in EEG
signal morphology, with a frequency corresponding to the
presented binaural beats. It was also noted that during
binaural beats exposition, there occurs a statistically sig-
nificant fall of average amplitudes of a spectral density
function of EEG strength signal for alpha and beta fre-
quency ranges. However, for theta frequency range, one
can observe an increase of average amplitudes of a spec-
tral density function of EEG strength signal. In case of
delta frequency ranges, there were no statistically signif-
icant changes.
4. Conclusions
This study reported and compiled provide statistical
observations in support of the notion that binaural beats
appear to engender changes in cortical arousal, which
can be monitored with the EEG. The results obtained
on the basis of the conducted experiment of the influence
of binaural beats with f= 10 Hz frequency and with an
acoustic level at SPL = 73 dB on a human confirm that
binaural beats exposition cause statistically significant
changes of EEG signal (morphology).
Binaural beats exposition brought about a follow-up
effect (in qualitative analysis) in four experiment par-
ticipants, meaning that there was observed a frequency
component in EEG signal morphology, with a frequency
corresponding to the presented binaural beats.
It was also noted that during the binaural beats exposi-
tion, there occurs a statistically significant fall of average
amplitudes of a spectral density function of EEG strength
signal for alpha (p < 0.001) and beta (p < 0.001) fre-
quency ranges. For theta (p < 0.0231) frequency range,
however, there was noted an increase of a spectral den-
sity function of EEG strength signal. In case of delta
frequency range, there were no statistically significant
changes noted.
The study showed a statistically significant reduction
of alpha rhythm (8–12 Hz) while increasing narrow band
share in the range 9.9–10.1 Hz. The reasons may be as
follows: blocking of alpha rhythm with simultaneous oc-
currence of the phenomenon of follow up effect. This
may be due to the orienting reflex nervous system, i.e. a
response to the acoustic stimulus and tuning to optimize
the nervous system receiveing information from the en-
vironment, which manifests itself, inter alia, by blocking
the alpha rhythm. However, observed increase in ampli-
tude for a frequency corresponding to the binaural beat
frequency f= 10 Hz based on the assumption that the
human brain has a tendency to change its dominant EEG
frequency towards the frequency of a dominant external
This study is a part of the N N501 247740 research
project, supported by the National Science Centre.
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... Müzik, temel olarak frekanslardan ve bu frekansların belirli düzen ve yapı içinde bir araya gelmesinden oluşmaktadır (Pierce, 1999). Kulaklar arası farklı frekansların beyinde algılanması sürecinde binaural beats fenomeni ortaya çıkmaktadır (Kasprzak, 2011); yani, sağ ve sol kulaklara farklı frekanslarda sunulan seslerin, tek bir algı olarak birleştirilmesidir. Binaural beats fenomeninin insan sağlığı üzerindeki etkileri giderek artan bir ilgi alanı oluşturmaktadır. ...
... Binaural beats, işitsel algılamada temel bir fenomen olup genellikle sağ ve sol kulaklara ayrı ayrı sunulan iki tonun, tek bir ton olarak algılanması olayını ifade etmektedir (Kasprzak, 2011). Bu olay, her iki kulağa sunulan ve frekansları birbirine oldukça yakın olan farklı tonların, binaural entegrasyon süreciyle birleştirilerek tek bir algı olarak işlenmesiyle gerçekleşmektedir (Lentz vd., 2014). ...
İyi oluş genellikle bireyin duygusal, sosyal ve psikolojik yönden sağlıklı bir şekilde işlev görmesi ile ilişkilendirilmektedir. İki farklı frekansın her bir kulağa farklı şekillerde sunulmasıyla oluşturulan bir işitsel fenomen olarak bilinen binaural beats (çift kulak vuruşlar) üzerine yapılan bazı çalışmalar ise belirli frekanslardaki seslerin beyin dalgalarını etkileyerek olumlu psikolojik etkilere yol açabileceğini öne sürmektedir. Binaural beats ses tonlarının etkileri, temel olarak işitsel kortekste nöronal aktivite üzerindeki etkileriyle ilişkilidir. Araştırmalar, binaural beats ses dalgalarının beyin dalgalarında belirgin değişikliklere neden olduğunu göstermektedir. Özellikle, alfa, beta, teta ve delta gibi beyin dalgalarının frekans ve genliğinde gözlemlenen değişiklikler, bu fenomenin zihinsel ve psikolojik süreçler üzerindeki etkilerini açıklamaya yönelik ipuçları sağlamaktadır. Binaural beats içeren müzik dinletilerinin stres ve anksiyetenin azaltılması, dikkat ve odaklanma yeteneğinin artırılması ve uyku kalitesinin iyileştirilmesi üzerinde olumlu etkilerinin olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Bu bulgular, binaural beats'in bireylerin iyi oluş halleri ve yaşam kalitesi üzerinde önemli bir etkiye sahip olabileceğini ileri sürmektedir. Ancak, bu potansiyelin tam olarak anlaşılması ve klinik uygulamalara dönüştürülmesi için daha fazla deneysel ve klinik araştırmaya ihtiyaç vardır. Bu çalışma binaural beats içeren müzik dinletilerinin karmaşık etkilerini ve potansiyellerini, mevcut araştırma bulgularını derleyerek insanın iyi oluş haline etkilerini gözlemlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bununla birlikte, bu alandaki bilgi ve anlayışın artırılması, binaural beats'in etkilerinin daha kesin bir şekilde değerlendirilmesine ve insan sağlığına yönelik potansiyel yararlarınının maksimize edilmesine yardımcı olacaktır.
... Binaural beats are a phenomenon that occurs when presenting separately to each ear two pure tones that differ slightly in pitch, the difference between the two pitches is perceived as a third tone and can be used to engender changes in cortical arousal (Kasprzak, 2011). This study is focused on finding any interaction between binaural beats (theta) and creativity. ...
... For the purposes of future studies involving this topic there are multiple limitations that need to be considered when referring to this data. Due to the lack of recourses, the study was unable to measure the participants brain activity through an EEG system(Kasprzak, 2011), which means that there was no way to confirm that the participants were being stimulated by a 6Hz binaural beat. The study was also unable to acquire the equipment necessary to perform an EBR (eye blink rate) test to measure participant's striatal dopamine levels. ...
Full-text available
Binaural beats are a phenomenon that occurs when presenting separately to each ear two pure tones that differ slightly in pitch, the difference between the two pitches is perceived as a third tone and can be used to engender changes in cortical arousal (Kasprzak, 2011). This study is focused on finding any interaction between binaural beats (theta) and creativity. Two research articles have briefly mentioned that creativity can be increased using theta waves, however this information appears to be misleading. For example, M. Garcia-Argibay mentions in their research that “Theta /delta-band frequencies have been used successfully to reduce anxiety levels… and to increase creativity (Reedijk, Bolders, & Hommel, 2013)”, this statement has used Reedijk, Et Al as a reference to support the notion that theta waves can increase creativity, when in actuality Reedijk, Et Al used an alpha frequency of 10Hz and a gamma frequency of 40Hz to increase creativity (Reedijk, Et Al, 2013), there were no recordings of the study utilizing theta waves. Another article by R. Padmanabhan, Et Al, 2005 states that theta pattern (4-8Hz) is associated with “random eye movement (REM) sleep, meditation and creativity” (R. Padmanabhan, Et Al, 2005) however, this statement has not been supported by any reference and furthermore there is no research study available on Google scholar, EBSCO Host, Research Gate or Frontiers about binaural beats theta (4-8Hz) having an effect on creativity. Given the growing speculation of theta waves enhancing creativity, it is imperative that more research is provided to support or disprove this notion. The following study attempts to further understand the interaction of a 6Hz theta wave and its effects on creativity using the Alternative Uses Test which was designed to measure divergent thinking (J.P. Guilford, 1950 & 1967).
... Electrical activity in the human brain is generally classified in 5 types of brain waves that are characterized by their frequency range: Delta (0.5-4 Hz), Theta (4)(5)(6)(7)(8), Alpha (8)(9)(10)(11)(12), Beta (12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30) and Gamma (>30 Hz). The activity in each of these frequency bands has been correlated with a particular cognitive state: Delta frequencies are generally associated with deep sleep, Theta frequencies with light sleep and meditation state, Alpha frequencies with a state of relaxation, Beta and Gamma frequencies with a state of active consciousness [1]. ...
... For example, Karino et al. [9] showed that the brain responses evoked by Theta frequency BB contained a specific spectral component which frequency corresponded to that of the BB. Kasprzak [10] observed a decrease in spectral density in the Alpha and Beta frequency ranges and an increase in Theta during Alpha frequency BB presentation. Pratt et al. [11] observed that the event-related potential (ERP) component P50 amplitude was higher with BB at 3 Hz than 6 Hz. ...
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When individuals are exposed to two pure tones with close frequencies presented separately in each ear, they perceive a third sound known as binaural beats (BB), characterized by a frequency equal to the difference between the two tones. Previous research has suggested that BB may influence brain activity, potentially benefiting attention and relaxation. In this study, we hypothesized that the impact of BB on cognition and EEG is linked to the spatial characteristics of the sound. Participants listened to various types of spatially moving sounds (BB, panning and alternate beeps) at 6Hz and 40Hz frequencies. EEG measurements were conducted throughout the auditory stimulation, and participants completed questionnaires on relaxation, affect, and a sustained attention task. The results indicated that binaural, panning sounds and alternate beeps had a more pronounced effect on electrical brain activity than the control condition. Additionally, an improvement in relaxation was observed with these sounds at both 6Hz and 40Hz. Overall, these findings support our hypothesis that the impact of auditory stimulation lies in the spatial attributes rather than the sensation of beating itself.
... In the context of selfbiofeedback to support self-regulation processes, it is interesting to note that sound researcher Hans Jenny was indicated to teach deaf children to improve their pronunciation by having them look at the cymatic patterns emerging from their own voice, hence seeing the dissonances in false pronunciation and the symmetry created by correct pronunciation [22]. Other documented positive efects of sound and music on various healing processes include improvement in physiologic and psychologic coping mechanisms [29] stress, depression and anxiety relief [30][31][32], advantageous efect on mood [33,34], energy and physical state [35,36], enhancement of RBC longevity [37], synchronization of brain waves [38][39][40], and enhancement of structural and cellular reaction of supporting hearing mechanisms in mice [41]. In accordance, medical sound and music interventions were found to positively improve various mechanisms such as hormone secretion [42], post-neurotrauma physiological and emotional symptoms [43][44][45][46], and support stress, and pain relief mechanisms [35,47]. ...
... Importantly, brain waves are known to entrain to a sound frequency, or combination of frequencies (interval) [38][39][40][41]. Tis study indicates that brain waves are afected diferently not only by sound frequencies but also by the spatial properties of sound propagation, i.e. projection. ...
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This study introduces Geometric Sound as a subfield of spatial sound featuring audio stimuli which are sonic holograms of mathematically defined 3D shapes. The effects of Geometric Sound on human physiology were investigated through EEG, heart rate, blood pressure, and a combination of questionnaires monitoring 50 healthy participants in two separate experiments. The impact of Geometric Sound on Faraday wave pattern morphology was further studied. The shapes examined, pyramid, cube, and sphere, exhibited varying significant effects on autonomic nervous system markers, brainwave power amplitude, topology, and connectivity patterns, in comparison to both the control (traditional stereo), and recorded baseline where no sound was presented. Brain activity in the Alpha band exhibited the most significant results, additional noteworthy results were observed across analysis paradigms in all frequency bands. Geometric Sound was found to significantly reduce heart rate and blood pressure and enhance relaxation and general well-being. Changes in EEG, heart rate, and blood pressure were primarily shape-dependent, and to a lesser extent sex-dependent. Pyramid Geometric Sound yielded the most significant results in most analysis paradigms. Faraday Waves patterns morphology analysis indicated that identical frequencies result in patterns that correlate with the excitation Geometric Sound shape. We suggest that Geometric Sound shows promise as a noninvasive therapeutic approach for physical and psychological conditions, stress-related disorders, depression, anxiety, and neurotrauma. Further research is warranted to elucidate underlying mechanisms and expand its applications.
... Such findings align with contemporary research, notably the study by Lopez-Diaz et al. and Padmanabhan et al., which highlights the complex physiological nuances inherent in stress and anxiety management across genders [2,14]. This insight also finds backing in the systematic review by Giani et al. on the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy in treating separation anxiety [3,[15][16][17]. ...
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Background Pediatric dental anxiety is a significant barrier to effective dental care, necessitating non-pharmacological interventions. Alpha wave entrainment has shown promise in adult studies for reducing procedural anxiety and pain perception, but its effectiveness in pediatric dental settings remains underexplored. Objective This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of preoperative alpha wave entrainment in alleviating anxiety in gender-specific participants to the interventions. Methods We conducted a randomized controlled trial involving 252 pediatric patients (aged 7-12) with cooperative dispositions. Participants were randomly assigned to either an experimental group receiving alpha wave entrainment or a control group receiving conventional behavior management techniques. The experimental intervention involved 10-minute sessions of binaural beats with visual stimulation designed to induce alpha-wave synchronization. Anxiety levels were assessed using physiological measures (heart rate and blood pressure), both pre- and post-interventions. Results The intervention group demonstrated a significant reduction in heart rate and systolic blood pressure post-intervention compared to the control group. These changes indicate a decrease in anxiety levels, with no significant gender differences in the response to the intervention. Conclusion Alpha wave entrainment effectively reduces dental anxiety in pediatric patients, with similar efficacy observed across genders. This study supports the incorporation of alpha wave entrainment into pediatric dental practices as a viable alternative to traditional anxiety management techniques.
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Human brains typically have a rhythmic pattern. Our physical and emotional well-being is greatly affected by sound. The brain generates a sound experience known as binaural beats. They may have an impact on human psychological processes and brain function. This study aimed to provide insights into the effects of binaural beats on brain activity and some psychiatric disorders. The research suggests that binaural beats may enhance memory functions, particularly at beta frequencies, but results have been found to be inconsistent, with some studies showing no effects or even negative impacts on memory. While binaural beats may reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety in some cases, evidence is mixed regarding their efficacy. Overall, while they show promise for cognitive and emotional benefits, individual responses vary significantly. Binaural beats, often called “digital drugs”, may effectively treat neuropsychiatric disorders if their efficacy is validated. Their accessibility and minimal side effects make them appealing, but significant inconsistencies in research persist. Further robust studies are needed to clarify their benefits for anxiety, mood disorders, and cognitive functions.
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This study aimed to observe the impact of pure Binaural Beats (BB) stimulation in the inaudible frequency range, excluding the influence of sound, on visuospatial memory. Additionally, we investigated whether the brainwave changes induced by BB stimulation directly affect brain activation. The experiment involved 17 participants (12 males with a mean age of 23.2 ± 1.7 and 5 females with a mean age of 21.0 ± 0.7) in their 20s. Each participant received 10 Hz BB stimulation by presenting frequencies of 18,000 Hz and 18,010 Hz to the left and right ears, respectively. The experiment consisted of Rest phase (5 min), Task phase (5 min), and Rest phase (5 min). The Task phase included conditions where participants performed the task either without BB stimulation “Task only” or with BB stimulation “Task + BB”. Visuospatial memory was evaluated using the 3-back task. To observe brain activation, functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) was employed to measure hemodynamic responses in all phases. The cognitive task performance (Accuracy, Reaction time) and oxyhemoglobin (HbO) concentration during the Task phase were compared between conditions with and without BB stimulation using paired t-tests. Results indicated a significantly shorter Reaction time in the Task + BB condition compared to the Task only condition. Moreover, an increase in HbO concentration was observed in the F1-F3, F2-F4, and P2-P4 regions during the Task + BB condition. In conclusion, the observed increase in HbO concentration suggests a positive influence on task performance. This study is meaningful in objectively demonstrating the impact of inaudible BB stimulation on visuospatial memory, utilizing both behavioral data and direct neural activation reflected in hemodynamic responses.
The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of brainwave entrainment on pre-operative fear and anxiety in pediatric dental patients. The study protocol received approval from the Institutional Ethical Committee under reference number 3010/IEC/2021. Pediatric patients (252) aged from 7 to 12 years, who reported to the dental department were randomized pre-operatively and presented either with brainwave entrainment (experimental), delivered using a “David delight plus device” or a standard behavior management protocol (control). Baseline and post-assessment of anxiety and fear levels were done using the Visual Facial Anxiety Scale and Frankl’s behavior rating scale with Wright’s modification. Vitals such as blood pressure and pulse rate were also measured. The study sample (n = 252) comprised 118 females and 134 males. The non-significant differences for values of (VFAS1, FRS1, HR1, and BP1) indicated similar baseline characteristics. In the brainwave entrainment group, the p values of the Mann–Whitney U test and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test (p < 0.01) between the two-timepoints indicated a statistical difference for the values of (VFAS1, FBRS1, HR1, BP1) and (VFAS2, FBRS2, HR2, BP2). Brainwave entrainment effectively reduces pre-operative fear and anxiety in pediatric dental patients. Therefore, they can be a non-pharmacological and non-invasive behavior management aid. Clinical Trial Registry of India database CTRI/2023/03/051066.
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Explored through EEG/MEG, auditory stimuli function as a suitable research probe to reveal various neural activities, including event-related potentials, brain oscillations and functional connectivity. Accumulating evidence in this field stems from studies investigating neuroplasticity induced by long-term auditory training, specifically cross-sectional studies comparing musicians and non-musicians as well as longitudinal studies with musicians. In contrast, studies that address the neural effects of short-term interventions whose duration lasts from minutes to hours are only beginning to be featured. Over the past decade, an increasing body of evidence has shown that short-term auditory interventions evoke rapid changes in neural activities, and oscillatory fluctuations can be observed even in the prestimulus period. In this scoping review, we divided the extracted neurophysiological studies into three groups to discuss neural activities with short-term auditory interventions: the pre-stimulus period, during stimulation, and a comparison of before and after stimulation. We show that oscillatory activities vary depending on the context of the stimuli and are greatly affected by the interplay of bottom-up and top-down modulational mechanisms, including attention. We conclude that the observed rapid changes in neural activitiesin the auditory cortex and the higher-order cognitive part of the brain are causally attributed to short-term auditory interventions.
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Binaural beat technology (BBT) products are sold internationally as personal development and health improvement tools. Producers suggest benefit from regular listening to binaural beats including reduced stress and anxiety, and increased focus, concentration, motivation, confidence, and depth in meditation. Binaural beats are auditory brainstem responses that originate in the superior olivary nucleus as a result of different frequency auditory stimuli provided to each ear. Listeners to binaural beat "hear" a beat at a frequency equal to the difference between the frequencies of the applied tones. The objectives of this pilot study were to gather preliminary data on psychologic and physiologic effects of 60 days daily use of BBT for hypothesis generation and to assess compliance, feasibility, and safety for future studies. Uncontrolled pilot study. Eight healthy adults participated in the study. Participants listened to a CD with delta (0-4 Hz) binaural beat frequencies daily for 60 days. Psychologic and physiological data were collected before and after a 60-day intervention. PSYCHOLOGIC: Depression (Beck Depression Inventory-2), anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory), mood (Profile of Mood States), absorption (Tellegen Absorption Scale) and quality of Life (World Health Organization-Quality of Life Inventory). PHYSIOLOGICAL: Cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone, melatonin, insulin-like growth factor-1, serotonin, dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, weight, blood pressure, high sensitivity C-reactive protein. There was a decrease in trait anxiety (p = 0.004), an increase in quality of life (p = 0.03), and a decrease in insulin-like growth factor-1 (p = 0.01) and dopamine (p = 0.02) observed between pre- and postintervention measurements. Binaural beat technology may exhibit positive effect on self-reported psychologic measures, especially anxiety. Further research is warranted to explore the effects on anxiety using a larger, randomized and controlled trial.
A neurosurgical view of consciousness is presented. It is biased by our need to deal with coma. The concept of primary or neurosurgical consciousness is discussed, and the anatomy, physiology, pathology and clinical features described in a simple a way. It is suggested that the dynamic interaction between the reticular activating system and the cerebral cortex is the anatomic and physiologic basis for primary consciousness. It is emphasised that this in no way diminishes the role of the cortex in either primary or higher-order consciousness. In essence, a presentation is made of the neurosurgical view of cortex-brainstem inter- relationships, and the importance of this interrelationship to consciousness.
Two experiments were performed to determine the brainstem origins of the scalp recorded auditory frequency-following response (FFR). The first was a study of FFR onset latency in which responses observed by direct recording from depth electrodes in brainstem auditory nuclei were compared with those obtained from the scalp. The mean onset latency of scalp recorded FFR (5.8 msec) closely approximated the 5.4 msec mean latency of response recorded from within the inferior colliculus (IC). In a second experiment, cooling of the IC greatly reduced or eliminated FFR both within this nucleus and at the scalp. FFR at the medial superior olive was unaffected during cooling. It was concluded that at moderate intensities of stimulation the primary source of scalp recorded FFR is the IC.
Pre-operative anxiety is common and often significant. Ambulatory surgery challenges our pre-operative goal of an anxiety-free patient by requiring people to be 'street ready' within a brief period of time after surgery. Recently, it has been demonstrated that music can be used successfully to relieve patient anxiety before operations, and that audio embedded with tones that create binaural beats within the brain of the listener decreases subjective levels of anxiety in patients with chronic anxiety states. We measured anxiety with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory questionnaire and compared binaural beat audio (Binaural Group) with an identical soundtrack but without these added tones (Audio Group) and with a third group who received no specific intervention (No Intervention Group). Mean [95% confidence intervals] decreases in anxiety scores were 26.3%[19-33%] in the Binaural Group (p = 0.001 vs. Audio Group, p < 0.0001 vs. No Intervention Group), 11.1%[6-16%] in the Audio Group (p = 0.15 vs. No Intervention Group) and 3.8%[0-7%] in the No Intervention Group. Binaural beat audio has the potential to decrease acute pre-operative anxiety significantly.
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