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Application of acoustic frequency technology to protected vegetable production



The acoustic frequency technology is to treat the plant with a specific frequency sound wave. Acoustic studies have found that plants can produce low frequency sound spontaneously. With the addition of the technology, the specific frequency sounds to make a match-absorption and resonance on the target plants. Thus, the technology strengthens photosynthesis and speeds of cell split and makes plant grow and develop faster. Treated plants are blooming and bearing fruits ahead of time. Acoustic frequency technology was applied to sweet pepper, cucumber and tomato in greenhouse. Various controlled experiments were made and all results indicted that the technology could increase the output of vegetables notably, improve crops quality, strengthen the capability of disease-resistance. The yields of treated sweet pepper, cucumber and tomato were 63.05%, 67.1% and 13.2%, respectively higher than that of control group. Moreover, the incidence of treated tomato disease decreased by 6, 8, 9, 11 and 8 percentage points, respectively, including red spider, aphids, grey mold, late blight and virus disease.
25 2 Vol.25 No.2
156 2009 2Transactions of the CSAE Feb. 2009
侯天侦1,李保明1,滕光辉1,周 1,肖滢萍2,祁丽荣1
1.农业部设施农业工程重点开放实验室,中国农业大学水利与土木工程学院,北京 100083
2.北京市裕农优质农产品种植公司杨镇种植园,北京 101309
蔬菜甜椒Capsicum frutescens L.黄瓜Cucumis sativus L.和番茄Lycopersion Mill上的应用研究。试验结果表明,
植物声频控制技术明显地提高了设施蔬菜的产量(甜椒、黄瓜、番茄分别增产 63.05%67.0%13.2%并增强了它们
抗病虫害能力,与对照区相比,番茄处理区的红蜘蛛、蚜虫、灰霉病、晚疫病和病毒病分别下降了 68911 8
中图分类号: S122 文献标识码:A文章编号:1002-6819(2009)-2-0156-05
Hou Tianzhen, Li Baoming, Teng Guanghui, et al. Application of acoustic frequency technology to protected vegetable
production[J]. Transactions of the CSAE, 2009,25(2)156160.(in Chinese with English abstract)
究发展很快。美国的 Daniel 较早系统地研究了植物细胞
[1]。后来,Timothy 等在植物发育过程中对单个细胞进
生物力学的诞生[2]2000 年,刘贻尧等人做了植物
收稿日期:2008-11-20 修订日期:2009-02-02
北京市海淀区清华东路 17 中国农业大学东校区 67 信箱,100083
主要从事设施农业环境工程的研究。北京市海淀区清华东路 17 中国农
业大学东校区 67 信箱,100083Email:
影响细胞分裂的同步化,促使细胞合成期S期) DNA
美国Dan. Carlson公司的Sonic Bloom技术是用高频(4
6 kHz)声波处理作物[9],日本大阪的先拓公司用雅乐处
2 侯天侦等:植物声频控制技术在设施蔬菜生产中的应用 157
1.1 试验地及肥力状况
植园,位于北京市顺义区杨镇。取两个相距 70 m 远的日
光温室:G1 做处理,G8 做对照。两室的建筑面积均为
667 m2使用面积 G1 60×10.5=630 m2G8 40×10.8=
432 m2
G8 室内部分面积种植另一甜椒品种)两室的
为主,并各施 50 kg 撒可富复合肥,追肥各施 20 kg 尿素。
1.2 材料及管理
行距50 cm株距30 cm灌溉以滴灌方式,试验期间共灌
1.3 仪器设备及试验方法
音量可根据供试面积调节,一般以离声源远端处达40 dB
为宜。处理时间是每两天播放1次,每次3 h一般在早晨
1 QGWA-03 型植物声频发生器
Fig.1 QGWA-03 type of acoustic frequency generator
数据以 t-test 法检验差异显著性。
1 QGWA-03 型植物声频发生器使用方法
Table 1 Operation method of QGWA-03 type of acoustic
frequency generator
浇水前 浇水后 2d
波段 134578 267
气温/10~20 20~25 25~28 28~30 30~35 35~40 10~25 25~30 30~35
1.4 结果及分析
1.4.1 两个日光温室中环境温度差异
2 甜椒试验两温室气温变化
Fig.2 Temperature of sweet pepper trial in the two greenhouses
1.4.2 声频处理对青椒苗株高生长的影响
理室苗平均高度为53.4 cm,对照室为48.4 cm,处理较
照高出5.0 cm,增高10%左右,差异不显著(P0.05
3 植物声频控制技术处理对甜椒株高生长的影响
Fig.3 Influence of acoustic frequency technology on the
high-growth of sweet pepper
158 农业工程学报 2009
1.4.3 声波处理对甜椒产量的影响
2 植物声频控制技术对甜椒产量的影响
Table 2 Influence of acoustic frequency technology on the output
of sweet pepper
处理室 对照室
/-- 实收数
折合每 m2
折合每 m2
2008-06-11 86 0.14 57 0.13
2008-06-17 130 0.21 43 0.10
2008-06-20 136 0.22 64 0.15
2008-06-26 159 0.25 69 0.16
2008-07-06 136 0.22 51 0.12
2008-07-11 140 0.22 47 0.11
787 1.26 63.6 331 0.77
2.1 试验地点及供试材料
菜温室基地。选取两个相距约 80 m 远的温室,其中 7
12 号为处理室,610 号做对照室。两室面积均为
60.2×6=361.2 m2。两室的前茬作物均为黄瓜,土壤底
情况基本一致。供试材料为黄瓜嫁接苗,2005 12
20 号定植,22 日开始声波处理,至次年 420 日结束,
共计处理 56 次。仪器放置在处理室中部,处理仪器和方
2.2 抽样调查
处理室从入口处算起第 49-58 行(共计 10 行)的第
789株,共 30 株;对照室从入口处算起第 51-60
的第 789株,共 30 株。每周观察记录 1次黄瓜苗的
在仪器中心和东西两边 27 m 处各取 30 株调查不同距离
2.3 结果及分析
2.3.1 声波处理促进黄瓜苗的生长发育
25.5%节数增加 27.3%花蕾数增加 2.7%挂果数增加
204.6%另外,处理室较对照室提前 6d开花、结果。
为处理室在春节期间已大量采收,市场价格高,每 kg
瓜卖到 20 元左右,仅此一项处理室即比对照室多收入
3499 元。
2.3.2 声波处理增强了黄瓜苗的抗低温能力
春节后由于连续 3d的阴天和大雪,造成低温和光照
2.3.3 声波处理增强了黄瓜的抗病性
3月份是黄瓜霜霉病高发期,对照室感染面积达 2/3
而处理室不到 1/34月份时,对照室发现少量红蜘蛛
2.3.4 声源距离对植株生长无明显影响
元月 16 日调查了声源中心 30 株黄瓜苗和距声源东、
西各 27m 远的 30 株黄瓜苗的生长情况,结果无明显差异。
2.3.5 声频处理对黄瓜产量的影响
黄瓜实收产量结果见表 3
3 声频刺激对黄瓜产量的影响
Table 3 Influence of acoustic stimulation on the output of
cucumber of acoustic stimulation
处理棚/kg 对照棚/kg
/-实收数 折合每m2产量
/% 实收数 折合每m2产量
2006-02 1481.7 4.10 886.7 2.45
2006-03 1233.9 3.42 738.5 2.05
2006-04 867.8 2.40 519.8 1.44
合计 3583.4 9.92 67.0 2145.0 5.94
67.0%,差异显著(P0.05,折合每m2增加3.98 kg
3.1 试验地点、材料及试验情况
3.2 结果及分析
3.2.1 声波处理对植株长势的影响
3.2.2 增强抗病虫性
调查结果见表 4
4 声频处理对番茄病虫害的影响
Table 4 Influence of acoustic frequency technology on tomato
diseases and insect pests %
病虫害发病率 红蜘蛛 蚜虫 灰霉病 晚疫病 病毒病
处理区 22342
对照区 8 10 12 15 10
2 侯天侦等:植物声频控制技术在设施蔬菜生产中的应用 159
3.2.3 声波处理对番茄产量的影响
处理室实收番茄5143 kg,对照室实收4544 kg,多收
599 kg,增加13.2%
402000 Hz而在高温干旱时,该频率会上升;当低
例如,2007年在新疆生产建设兵团1300 hm2棉田上应用的
频发生器QGWA-011台每次处理约7 hm2,有效半径
150 m,其增产幅度是随着距声源长度增加而减小。而在
日光温室中,一般控制处理音量在70 dB由于面积很小
27 m远的瓜苗生育状况无差异中得到证实。另外,需要
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Application of acoustic frequency technology to protected vegetable
Hou Tianzhen1, Li Baoming1, Teng Guanghui1, Zhou Qing1, Xiao Yingping2, Qi Lirong1
(1. Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture for Agricultural Engineering in Structure and Environment,College of Water Conservancy
and Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University,Beijing 100083, China;
2. Yunong Beijing's Cultivation of High-quality Agricultural Products,Yangzhen Plantation,Beijing 101309, China)
Abstract: The acoustic frequency technology is to treat the plant with a specific frequency sound wave. Acoustic studies
have found that plants can produce low frequency sound spontaneously. With the addition of the technology, the specific
frequency sounds to make a match-absorption and resonance on the target plants. Thus, the technology strengthens
photosynthesis and speeds of cell split and makes plant grow and develop faster. Treated plants are blooming and bearing
fruits ahead of time. Acoustic frequency technology was applied to sweet pepper, cucumber and tomato in greenhouse.
Various controlled experiments were made and all results indicted that the technology could increase the output of
vegetables notably, improve crops quality, strengthen the capability of disease-resistance. The yields of treated sweet
pepper, cucumber and tomato were 63.05%, 67.1% and 13.2%, respectively higher than that of control group. Moreover,
the incidence of treated tomato disease decreased by 6, 8, 9, 11 and 8 percentage points, respectively, including red
spider, aphids, grey mold, late blight and virus disease.
Key words: protected agriculture, acoustic frequency technology, agricultural products, sweet pepper, cucumber, tomato
... Plants exposed to sound were found to activate innate immunity and more specifically JA and SA defense pathways . Multiple plant species such as pepper, tomato, cucumber and strawberry exposed to sound showed enhanced systemic defense response (Choi et al., 2017;Hou et al., 2009;Qi et al., 2009). ...
... Exposure to classical music was found to improve the quality of grapevine by altering its native microbiome (Wassermann et al., 2021). In case of plants, sound exposure results in increase in certain phytohormones, enzymes and metabolites that imparts tolerance to various biotic and abiotic stresses (Appel and Cocroft, 2014;Bhandawat et al., 2020;Ghosh et al., 2016;Hou et al., 2009;López-Ribera and Vicient, 2017;Mishra et al., 2016). Thus, sound therapy holds an open opportunity in the recovery of stressed plants and increasing their survival rates. ...
Full-text available
Sound plays a critical role in all life forms in one way or the other. Higher organism such as vertebrates have evolved sophisticated auditory organs to perceive as well as emit specific range of sound frequencies. Extensive studies have been done on implication of sound in animal kingdom. Plants at the other side lack specialized organs for the same, which makes them mysterious as well as interesting subjects. In recent years significant advancement has been made towards understanding of sound emission and perception in plants. Through this review an attempt is made to unveil the current advancements in plant acoustics, its significance in overcoming the environmental challenges, biotic threats, facilitating pollination, inter-kingdom communication for mutual benefits and learning by association. Along with this, the application of sound in boosting plant growth, yield, enhancing functional metabolite production, evading pests and postharvest management has been emphasized. In this respect, several examples are presented to strengthen our understanding of plant responses to sound at behavioural, physiological and molecular level. At last, in the light of existing knowledge, we discuss current challenges in plant acoustic research, ecological hazards associated with artificial sound wave treatments and plausible ways alleviate it.
... Exposure of plants to the musical frequencies resulted in higher plant height, higher number of leaves, and overall, more developed and healthier plants. Hou et al. (2009) reported that the yield of sweet pepper, cucumber, and tomato was higher by 63.05%, 67.1%, and 13.2%, respectively, with the application of acoustic frequency technology. Incidents of disease pests in treated tomato plants, viz. ...
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Food is the primary and ever-challenging necessity for human beings. The quest for alternate and environmentally safe ways to healthy crop production is a crucial concern for sustainable food security before modern civilization. Bioacoustics research has revealed that music has a positive impact on plants. The present research was conducted to find the impact of music with a qualitative change in the form of devotional music. The Mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) crop was exposed to varied strengths of devotional music during the kharif season. A comparative evaluation of germination, vegetative, and reproductive growth parameters revealed significant improvement when exposed to devotional music. It was observed that the radical development and seed vigour index in the germinating seeds could be upregulated to the extent of 37.5% and 42.56%, respectively, with the application of devotional music in a range of 70-100dB for 1-3 hours per day. Plant shoot length, root length, leaf count, green weight, and dry weight could be enhanced by 19.11%, 36.37%, 32.43 %, 52.19%, and 33.91%, respectively, with the application of devotional music at 85±5 dB for 3 hours per day. The crop yield measured in the number of seeds produced and the total weight of the seeds produced increased by 131.25% and 159.46%, respectively, when treated with devotional music at 85±5 dB for 3 hours per day. It was found that exposure of the plants to devotional music could enhance their metabolic activities, resulting in higher growth and yield.
... QGWA-03 plant sound device (frequency range: 100-2000 Hz), tomato yield increased by 13.2% and gray mold disease decreased by 9.0% (Tianzhen et al., 2009). In a study, five different types of music (Indian classical music, Vedic chants, Western classical music and rock music) were played to the rose (Rosa chinensis) for 1 hour each in the morning and after sunset for 62 days. ...
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The effect of music on people has been known for years and is still being researched from different aspects. The effects of music and sound waves on ornamental plants, whose effects on some vegetables, fruits and grains are examined, are also inquired. Especially the positive change in the development and showiness of the flowers of ornamental plant species with commercial importance will increase the market value of the plant. Again, with the effect of this sound wave, in order for the plants and their flowers to show the expected development, they should benefit from the planting environment and growing conditions at the maximum level. In the measurements taken from hyacinths (Hyacinthus orientalis L.) at the end of the duration that the plants were exposed to different types of sounds in different intensities, it was observed that these factors positively affected these parameters successively; 1 hour of bird sound in 50 dB, the number of leaves; 1 hour of bird sound in 90 dB, leaf width and floret length; 3 hours of bird sound in 70 dB, floret number; 3 hours of bird sound in 90 dB, the plant and flower height; 1 hour of bee sound in 50 dB, the stem thickness; 3 hours of vehicle sound in 50 dB, flower and floret width; 3 hours of vehicle sound in 70 dB, leaf length. At the end of the study, whereas it was determined that the bee sound had the least effect on the growth and flowering of the hyacinth, it was observed that the bird and vehicle sounds, that the plants were expose to in different intensities and durations, had a positive effect.
... Recently plant acoustic frequency technology (PAFT) is being used to treat plants with an intermittent pulse of sound frequency with specific intensity. By applying PAFT treatment a significant increase in biological responses have been found in various fruits and vegetables (Meng et al., 2012a;Hou et al., 2009). The application of PAFT in greenhouses also had enhanced yields of vegetables with increased disease resistance capacity (Jiang and Huang, 2012). ...
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Plants are highly sensitive organisms and can indeed benefit from specific sound signals in multi-layered processes. Scientific evidences have shown the potential applications of sound wave treatment in plant biology. However, there are some limitations to sound wave treatment that must be overcome. We still do not understand how do plants initially perceive and recognize sound signals, which is very critical to maximize the effectiveness of the use of sound treatment from practical viewpoint. Proper setup of sound treatment equipment and detailed understanding and evaluation of the effects of selected frequencies and intensities along with sound exposure times are also very crucial during sound treatment. More experimental studies with different models need to be done in a multidisciplinary approach toward establishing suitable mechanism for sound treatment application in agriculture production. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of findings associated with potential effects of audible sound waves including music on different biological, physiological and biochemical processes in plants.
... The 'organ' responding to sound has not been identified in plants but may be a systemic response to vibrational waves through liquids in the plant as discussed above. A table in Jung et al. (2018) lists the results of studies on thirteen different plants and fruits, where effects range from yield changes and delayed ripening in tomatoes (Hou et al. 2009;Hassanien et al. 2014;Kim et al. 2018) to effects on photosynthesis (Kwon et al. 2012;Hassanien et al. 2014). Kim et al. (2018) later linked the tomato delayed ripening effects to regulation of both coding and non-coding RNAs and transcription factor genes. ...
Bruno F. E. Matarèse, Jigar Lad, Colin Seymour, Paul N. Schofield, & Carmel Mothersill. (2023). Bio-acoustic signaling; exploring the potential of sound as a mediator of low-dose radiation and stress responses in the environment. In Environmental Radiobiology (pp. 87–99). CRC Press.
... The assimilation rate for plants stimulated with 350 Hz (60 dB) is the greatest compared to other treatments, including the control (Figure 4a). The current finding contradicts those of Hou et al. (2009), who reported that when using four speakers as sound wave treatment at a different planting distance in cotton, the minimum yield was obtained in plants grown at a relatively far distance (30 m) with a sound wave intensity range of 75-110 db. Evidence from another study showed that net photosynthesis measured weekly in strawberry plants treated with sound waves of 100 dB and a frequency of 40-2,000 Hz was not significant compared to the control (no sound wave), except during the fourth sound stimulation. ...
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Various attempts have been made to increase rice production, including breeding for high-yielding and stress-tolerant varieties, a good crop management system, and increased agricultural input in rice production. Soundwave stimulation has been demonstrated to affect plant growth; thus, this method can be employed in the current rice production methods to improve yield. The study aims to determine the effects of different sound wave qualities on the general growth, physiological, and morphological of rice seedlings. Rice seeds of the MR219 variety were grown under a glasshouse condition in a nested design with five replications and were stimulated with various sound wave frequencies. Various sound wave frequencies, 380, 359, 357, 353, and 350 Hz, were obtained by placing the pot at varying distances (80, 160, 240, 320, and 400 cm, respectively) from the sound source, except control treatment. There were significant effects in some of the parameters: plant height, leaf physiology, and stomatal pore and length when treated with varying sound wave qualities. Plants can be stimulated with 380, 357, and 350 Hz soundwaves frequencies for the best 440 Pertanika photosynthetic experience. In addition, 359 Hz of sound wave stimulation resulted in high water use efficiency, which is beneficial in improving crop performance in drought conditions. Thus, it was demonstrated that the sound wave stimulation method has the potential to enhance rice performance in addition to the regular agronomic practices of rice production in farmers' fields.
... The assimilation rate for plants stimulated with 350 Hz (60 dB) is the greatest compared to other treatments, including the control (Figure 4a). The current finding contradicts those of Hou et al. (2009), who reported that when using four speakers as sound wave treatment at a different planting distance in cotton, the minimum yield was obtained in plants grown at a relatively far distance (30 m) with a sound wave intensity range of 75-110 db. Evidence from another study showed that net photosynthesis measured weekly in strawberry plants treated with sound waves of 100 dB and a frequency of 40-2,000 Hz was not significant compared to the control (no sound wave), except during the fourth sound stimulation. ...
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Various attempts have been made to increase rice production, including breeding for high-yielding and stress-tolerant varieties, a good crop management system, and increased agricultural input in rice production. Soundwave stimulation has been demonstrated to affect plant growth; thus, this method can be employed in the current rice production methods to improve yield. The study aims to determine the effects of different sound wave qualities on the general growth, physiological, and morphological of rice seedlings. Rice seeds of the MR219 variety were grown under a glasshouse condition in a nested design with five replications and were stimulated with various sound wave frequencies. Various sound wave frequencies, 380, 359, 357, 353, and 350 Hz, were obtained by placing the pot at varying distances (80, 160, 240, 320, and 400 cm, respectively) from the sound source, except control treatment. There were significant effects in some of the parameters: plant height, leaf physiology, and stomatal pore and length when treated with varying sound wave qualities. Plants can be stimulated with 380, 357, and 350 Hz soundwaves frequencies for the best photosynthetic experience. In addition, 359 Hz of sound wave stimulation resulted in high water use efficiency, which is beneficial in improving crop performance in drought conditions. Thus, it was demonstrated that the sound wave stimulation method has the potential to enhance rice performance in addition to the regular agronomic practices of rice production in farmers’ fields.
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In recent years, the idea has flourished that plants emit and perceive sound and could even be capable of exchanging information through the acoustic channel. While research into plant bioacoustics is still in its infancy, with potentially fascinating discoveries awaiting ahead, here we show that the current knowledge is not conclusive. While plants do emit sounds under biotic and abiotic stresses such as drought, these sounds are high‐pitched, of low intensity, and propagate only to a short distance. Most studies suggesting plant sensitivity to airborne sound actually concern the perception of substrate vibrations from the soil or plant part. In short, while low‐frequency, high‐intensity sounds emitted by a loudspeaker close to the plant seem to have tangible effects on various plant processes such as growth – a finding with possible applications in agriculture – it is unlikely that plants can perceive the sounds they produce, at least over long distances. So far, there is no evidence of plants communicating with each other via the acoustic channel.
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Responses of plants to environmental signals have been studied for a long time. These responses are exhibited in the form of morphological and physiological adaptations, and relaying the signal to environment (including other plants) through volatile organic compounds and extrinsic chemicals as well as proteins. However these signals do not correspond to the consciousness in the plants. Recent research in this field has produced evidence of non-physical signals e.g. sound and (electro) magnetic field. Plants produce such signals as well as perceive and respond to these signals. There are many novel techniques that have been used in last three-four decades to understand such signals, mostly acoustic signals. This review summarizes the old knowledge as well as recent developments in the area of generation, perception, integration and processing of acoustic signals by the plants as a response to the environment as well as to communicate among themselves. If understood fully, technological interventions and manipulations of these signals can add an extra tool for crop improvement.
In this paper, FT-IR is used to investigate the effects of strong sound waves at different frequency and strength on the secondary conformation of the cell wall proteins of tobacco cells. The experiment shows the changes on the Amide I and Amide II . While the frequency is at 400Hz and the power is at 11OdB and 100dB,β⊥ sheet at Amide I transform into βII sheet, vibration form transform from ν⊥(π,0) to νII(0,0). While the power is at 90dB and the frequency is at 800Hz and 8000Hz, α helix at Amide II has little change. The result is helpful to understand the effects of strong sound wave on the plant cells.
In this article, we adopt the apparatus invented by ourselves to investigate on the sound effects on paddy rice seeds in the germination index, height of stem, relative increase rate of fresh weight, rooting ability, activity of root system and the penetrability of cell membrane. The experiment results show that 400 Hz and 106 dB are the ‘best frequency and intensity’. But when the sound wave stimulation is in excess of 4 kHz or 111 dB, it is harmful for paddy rice seeds. The study not only validates sound field stimulation can certainly promote the growth of plant, but also indicates the practicability of the apparatus.
More and more attentions have been taken to the effects of environmental stresses on the growth and development of plant cells and tissues. Making efforts on this field would enhance plant adaptability to varied environments and implement extensively efficient agricultural technologies. Using callus cultured from stalks of Actinidia chinensis, this study dealt with the effects of sound stimulation on plant cell energy metabolism, i.e., content of ATP. The results indicated that there occurs bi-directional effect of ATP content on sound field stimulation. The sound intensity of about 100 dB and sound frequency of approximately 1000 Hz are optimal external stresses for energy metabolism of A. chinensis. The experimental data showed that moderate sound field would be advantageous to growth and development of woody plants. The mechanisms of ATP content effects of sound stimulation on A. chinensis callus were comprehensively discussed in the light of cytobiology and molecular biology. Whereas the essential mechanisms of biological effects of environmental stresses remain further research.
Environmental factors can greatly influence the growth of plants. In this paper, the effect of sound stimulation on the metabolism of chrysanthemum roots was studied and it was found that the growth of roots was not inhibited but accelerated under suitable sound stimulation. And the content of soluble sugar and protein and the activity of amylase all increased significantly, which indicated that sound stimulation could enhance the metabolism of roots and the growth of chrysanthemum.
Studies on the sound characteristics of phylodendron performed by measuring the power of plant leaves with a laser beam found that the leaves of phylodendron could produce sound waves at relatively low frequencies (from 50 Hz to 120 Hz). Furthermore, it was found that those leaves could accept external sound wave stimulations, with frequencies lower than 150 Hz giving the strongest responses. When the plants were under stress, such as drought, the sound emissions from the plant's leaves increased approximately 20-30 dB, while the range of response to external sound wave stimulation decreased 10-20 dB. However, these increased emissions returned to normal six minutes after watering. When the stainless steel needles were inserted into the petiole of the plant, spontaneous sound production was increased about 40 dB for the main vein and 6 dB for the mesophyll. This is our third report on experimental evidence that plants might have a meridian system as in humans and other animals.
Agri-wave technology is composed of both a special frequency sound wave and a microelement fertilizer. In both components, the effect of sound waves on plants is more than that of fertilizers, but the best function is a combination of the two. Treatment by Agri-wave technology stimulated the growth rate and increased the yield of spinach. In small plot tests, the length and width of the treated spinach leaf was 50.8 cm and 20.3 cm, respectively, whereas the untreated leaves were 29.20 cm and 8.9 cm. The fresh weight of treated spinach was 0.42 kg. This was 5.5 times higher than that of the untreated spinach. In large area testing (17 hectares), the results of two tests show that the yields of the treated spinach were increased 22.7% and 22.2% over those of the control group. Sugar content of the treated spinach was increased by 37.5%, vitamin A, C, and B were increased 35.63%, 41.67% and 40.00%, respectively, above the levels of the control group. Niacin content was decreased by 7.69%. Of 33 elements analyzed in the spinach, 29 elements were increased by Agri-wave technology. The spinach was infected with "rot disease" in the control group while there was no disease present in the treated group. In greenhouse testing, the average weight of 3 species of lettuce treated by Agri-wave technology was increased 44.10% over that of the control group (P < 0.0001). The average weight of 3 species of lettuce by only sound and only fertilizer treated separately increased 29.92% and 16.19% above that of the control group (P < 0.0001). Sampling survey results in the field test were comparable to the above mentioned greenhouse test. The fresh weight of treated lettuce by Agri-wave technology was increased 41.67% over that of the control group (P < 0.0001). The fresh weight of treated lettuce by only sound and only fertilizer was increased 30.88% and 19.61%, respectively, over the control group (both P < 0.0001).
The biological effects of plant caused by environmental stress stimulation
  • Liu Yiyao
  • Wang Bochu
  • Zhao Hucheng
Liu Yiyao, Wang Bochu, Zhao Hucheng, et al. The biological effects of plant caused by environmental stress stimulation[J].