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Iran J Public Health, Vol. 44, No.11, Nov 2015, pp.1442-1444 Editorial
1442 Available at:
Impact of Lifestyle on Health
*Dariush D. FARHUD
1, 2
1. School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2. Dept. of Basic Sciences, Iranian Academy of Medical Sciences ,Tehran, Iran
*Correspondence: Email:
(Received 12 Oct 2015; accepted 22 Oct 2015)
Lifestyle is a way used by people, groups and na-
tions and is formed in specific geographical, eco-
nomic, political, cultural and religious text. Life-
style is referred to the characteristics of inhabit-
ants of a region in special time and place. It in-
cludes day to day behaviors and functions of indi-
viduals in job, activities, fun and diet.
In recent decades, life style as an important factor
of health is more interested by researchers. Ac-
cording to WHO, 60% of related factors to indi-
vidual health and quality of life are correlated to
lifestyle (1). Millions of people follow an un-
healthy lifestyle. Hence, they encounter illness,
disability and even death. Problems like metabolic
diseases, joint and skeletal problems, cardio-vascu-
lar diseases, hypertension, overweight, violence
and so on, can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle.
The relationship of lifestyle and health should be
highly considered.
Today, wide changes have occurred in life of all
people. Malnutrition, unhealthy diet, smoking, al-
cohol consuming, drug abuse, stress and so on,
are the presentations of unhealthy life style that
they are used as dominant form of lifestyle. Be-
sides, the lives of citizens face with new challenges.
For instance, emerging new technologies within
IT such as the internet and virtual communication
networks, lead our world to a major challenge that
threatens the physical and mental health of indi-
viduals. The challenge is the overuse and misuse
of the technology.
Therefore, according to the existing studies, it can
be said that: lifestyle has a significant influence on
physical and mental health of human being. There
are different forms of such influences. Consangu-
inity in some ethnicity is a dominant form of life
style that it leads to the genetic disorders. Refor-
mation of this unhealthy life style is a preventing
factor for decreasing the rate of genetic diseases
(2). In some countries, the overuse of drugs is a
major unhealthy life style. Iran is one of the 20
countries using the most medications. They prefer
medication to other intervention. Furthermore, in
15-40% of cases they use medications about with-
out prescription (3). Pain relievers, eye drops and
antibiotics have the most usage in Iran. While self-
medications such as antibiotics have a negative
effect on the immune system, if the individual
would be affected by infection, antibiotics will not
be effective in treatment. Overall, 10 percent of
those who are self-medicated will experience se-
vere complications such as drug resistance. Some-
times drug allergy is so severe that it can cause
death (4).
Finally, variables of lifestyle that influence on
health can be categorized in some items:
1- Diet and Body Mass Index (BMI): Diet
is the greatest factor in lifestyle and has a
direct and positive relation with health.
DD Farhud: Impact of Lifestyle on Health
Available at: 1443
Poor diet and its consequences like obesity
is the common healthy problem in urban
societies. Unhealthy lifestyle can be meas-
ured by BMI. Urban lifestyle leads to the
nutrition problems like using fast foods
and poor foods, increasing problems like
cardiovascular (5).
2- Exercise: For treating general health
problems, the exercise is included in life
style (6). The continuous exercise along
with a healthy diet increases the health.
Some studies stress on the relation of ac-
tive life style with happiness (7, 8).
3- Sleep: One of the bases of healthy life is
the sleep. Sleep cannot be apart from life.
Sleep disorders have several social, psy-
chological, economical and healthy conse-
quences. Lifestyle may effect on sleep and
sleep has a clear influence on mental and
physical health (9).
4- Sexual behavior: Normal sex relation is
necessary in healthy life. Dysfunction of
sex relation is the problem of most of so-
cieties and it has a significant effect on
mental and physical health. It can be said
that dysfunctional sex relation may result
in various family problems or sex related
illnesses like; AIDS
5- Substance abuse: Addiction is consid-
ered as an unhealthy life style. Smoking
and using other substance may result in
various problems; cardiovascular disease,
asthma, cancer, brain injury. According to
the resent studies in Iran, 43% of females
and 64% of males experience the use of
hubble-bubble (10). A longitudinal study
shows that 30% of people between 18-65
years old smoke cigarette permanently (11).
6- Medication abuse: It is a common form
of using medication in Iran and it is con-
sidered as an unhealthy life style. Un-
healthy behaviors in using medication are
as followed: self-treatment, sharing medi-
cation, using medications without pre-
scription, prescribing too many drugs, pre-
scribing the large number of each drug,
unnecessary drugs, bad handwriting in
prescription, disregard to the contradictory
drugs, disregard to harmful effects of
drugs, not explaining the effects of drugs.
7- Application of modern technologies:
Advanced technology facilitates the life of
human beings. Misuse of technology may
result in unpleasant consequences. For ex-
ample, using of computer and other de-
vices up to midnight, may effect on the
pattern of sleep and it may disturb sleep.
Addiction to use mobile phone is related
to depression symptoms (12).
8- Recreation: Leisure pass time is a sub
factor of life style. Neglecting leisure can
bring negative consequences. With disor-
ganized planning and unhealthy leisure,
people endanger their health.
9- Study: Study is the exercise of soul. Plac-
ing study as a factor in lifestyle may lead to
more physical and mental health. For ex-
ample, prevalence of dementia, such as
Alzheimer's disease is lowerin educated
people. Study could slow process of de-
With a look at existing studies in health domain, 9
key factors can be suggested for healthy life style
(Fig. 1). In regard to each factor, the systematic
planning in micro and macro level can be estab-
lished. It can provide a social and individual
healthy lifestyle.
The authors declare that there is no conflict of
Iran J Public Health, Vol. 44, No.11, Nov 2015, pp.1442-1444
1444 Available at:
Fig. 1: Nine key factors that forming healthy life style
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... В останні десятиліття спосіб життя визнано одним з найпотужніших факторів впливу на здоров'я, який привертає увагу багатьох світових досліджень. Згідно із даними Всесвітньої організації охорони здоров'я (ВООЗ) близько 60% чинників впливу на індивідуальне здоров'я і якість життя людини пов'язані зі способом життя [4]. Численні дослідження вказують на те, що практика здорового способу життя здатна суттєво знизити ризик захворювань і смертності [5; 6]. ...
... Незадовільне харчування та його наслідки, такі як ожиріння, є загальною проблемою населення великих міст. Спосіб життя в містах спонукає до вживання фаст-фудів та іншої нездорової їжі, що в подальшому спричинює виникнення серцево-судинних захворювань [4]. Дослідження детермінант та наслідків ожиріння показало, що збільшення ваги (надмірна вага, ожиріння) є провідними факторами ризику діабету 2 типу, серцево-судинних захворювань, деяких видів раку та передчасної смерті. ...
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В останні десятиліття одним з найпотужніших факторів впливу на здоров’я визнано спосіб життя. Сучасні наукові дослідження надають переконливі докази існування причинно-наслідкових зв’язків між способом життя і станом як індивідуального, так і громадського здоров’я. Правильно побудований здоровий спосіб життя здатен суттєво мінімізувати ризики багатьох хронічних захворювань. Здоровий спосіб життя сьогодні можна розглядати як фактор захисту від внутрішніх і зовнішніх негативних чинників, зумовлених, в тому числі, низкою змін, пов’язаними з розвитком цивілізації. Водночас планування та реалізація оздоровчої програми є комплексною проблемою, яка передбачає не лише відмову від шкідливих звичок, збільшення рівня рухової активності чи змін у харчуванні, але й застосування широкого спектру інших засобів впливу на стан здоров’я. Ураховуючи багатофакторність такого впливу виникає необхідність пошуку стратегій застосування оздоровчих засобів та їх поєднання з метою підвищення ефективності процесу оздоровлення. Згідно із холістичним підходом результат визначається активізацією сенситивних структурних компонентів життєзабезпечення, синергетична дія яких створює кращі умови для забезпечення гармонії і рівноваги психосоматичних процесів в організмі людини як біосистеми. Успішність та ефективність оздоровчої програми визначається оптимальною конфігурацією різноманітних засобів та напрямів оздоровчого впливу психосоматичного характеру. Таким чином, набуває актуальності розробка методологічних засад побудови і реалізації оздоровчої програми. Метою нашого дослідження є аналіз основних складових здорового способу життя, чинників здоров’я, оздоровчих засобів, що дає можливість виокремити найбільш раціональні (ефективні, результативні) шляхи планування та реалізації оздоровчої програми для побудови оптимальної конфігурації оздоровчого впливу.
... Behavior change is essential for a healthy lifestyle and it represents a fundamental tool for LM. Common unhealthy behaviors such as poor dietary patterns, sedentarism, disturbed sleep, alcohol consumption and tobacco use, poor stress control, loneliness, and isolation strongly influence the appearance and evolution of lifestyle-related diseases, decreasing the quality of an individual's life, leading to disability and death ( Figure 1) [5]. ...
... During the next stage called action (4), the healthy behavior has been implemented within the last 6 months and new healthy changes might be made. Maintenance (5) represents the stage in which the behavior has been adopted for more than 6 months and the patient tries to prevent relapse. In the last stage, termination (6), people maintain their new behavior and have no intention of returning to the unhealthy behavior [14]. ...
The most common lifestyle-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, depression, or autoimmune disease burden medical systems all over the world and decrease the patient’s quality of life. Limited behavior change knowledge and insufficient understanding of the importance of health behaviors for an individual’s well-being among clinical practitioners are important underlying factors that impair the effective prevention and treatment of the disease cause, focusing on alleviating symptoms instead. The fundamentals of behavior change serve as core competencies in lifestyle medicine, and developing patient-centered therapies is essential. From setting SMART goals to exploring and making use of psychological and behavioral theories such as the health belief model (HBM), the social learning theory (SLT), or the transtheoretical model (TTM), healthcare professionals of all specialties should consider using behavior change techniques in clinical practice for guiding patients adopting and maintaining healthy lifestyles. Furthermore, the clinician-patient collaboration, the involvement of multidisciplinary teams, and positive psychology increase the chances of success in supporting the patient to change unhealthy habits. Identifying patient resources and aptitudes for performing a behavior along with the follow-up process and relapse prevention represent the main challenges in this innovative approach. However, evidence-based knowledge and useful resources are available for educating individuals based on behavior change theories as well as, supporting their health-related endeavors.
... This alarming trend resonates globally, where unfavorable lifestyle decisions, including insufficient calorie expenditure, consumption of unhealthy diets, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption, synergistically amplify the vulnerability to NCD development 3 . The repercussions extend beyond compromising general well-being, extending to a substantial escalation in morbidity and mortality rates 4,5 . The crux of numerous NCDs resides in shared risk factors profoundly shaped by lifestyle choices 6 . ...
... The trajectory toward NCD development is further illuminated by several studies 16,17 . The intricate interplay between lifestyle choices and health outcomes underscores the importance of mindful consideration 4,7 . Embracing a health-driven lifestyle considerably diminishes the propensity for life-threatening ailments and premature mortality 13 . ...
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This study aims to compare the lifestyles of two groups of individuals in Dhaka City: the sedentary group, consisting of non-participants in gymnastics, and the control group, comprising active participants in gymnastics. The motivation behind this comparison lies in the elevated risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) linked to an unhealthy lifestyle. The research involved 384 participants, divided evenly between the two groups, aged 20 to 50 and all residents of Dhaka City. The findings revealed that among those who refrained from exercise, 48% were categorized as normal weight, 20% were underweight, and 32% were overweight. Conversely, among those engaging in gym activities, approximately 78% maintained normal weight, and notably, none were classified as underweight with a BMI below 18.5. Within the gym- engaged group, a significant majority (84%) did not display signs of depression. Furthermore, 82% demonstrated adeptness in decision-making, and 90% reported freedom from anxiety. These favorableoutcomes were attributed to consistent physical activity and healthy habits. In contrast, participants not adopting a healthy lifestyle exhibited different outcomes. Around 48% of this group experienced depressive symptoms due to irregular and unhealthy practices. Moreover, 54% encountered difficulties in decision- making fluency, and 36% reported experiencing anxiety. These issues were likely due to inadequate physical activity and poor dietary choices. This study underscores the importance of motivating individualsto maintain regular exercise routines and adopt nutritious dietary habits. Such strategies are pivotal in promoting overall health and mitigating the risk factors associated with lifestyle-related diseases.
... It is important to be referenced that quite possibly of the main variable impacts sexually transmitted disease improvement and spreading, is human way of life particularly sexual relationship way of life [3,4]. ...
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Religion might be viewed as a significant component influencing human way of life, in this manner, focus on connections between religion - way of life - sexual relations is important. Islam as a religion with complete program for human existence, express fundamental expressions for various individual’s relations, specially, sex relations ...
... While traditional apps (e.g., MyFitnessPal) provide static tracking of health metrics, AI-enhanced chatbots have the potential to actively guide users through interactive and personalized experiences that adapt over time [12,13]. AI-chatbots designed for health interventions offer immense potential, especially in addressing dietary habits and promoting physical activity, two key behaviors linked to chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity [5,8]. ...
This study introduces Purrfessor, an innovative AI chatbot designed to provide personalized dietary guidance through interactive, multimodal engagement. Leveraging the Large Language-and-Vision Assistant (LLaVA) model fine-tuned with food and nutrition data and a human-in-the-loop approach, Purrfessor integrates visual meal analysis with contextual advice to enhance user experience and engagement. We conducted two studies to evaluate the chatbot's performance and user experience: (a) simulation assessments and human validation were conducted to examine the performance of the fine-tuned model; (b) a 2 (Profile: Bot vs. Pet) by 3 (Model: GPT-4 vs. LLaVA vs. Fine-tuned LLaVA) experiment revealed that Purrfessor significantly enhanced users' perceptions of care (β=1.59\beta = 1.59, p=0.04p = 0.04) and interest (β=2.26\beta = 2.26, p=0.01p = 0.01) compared to the GPT-4 bot. Additionally, user interviews highlighted the importance of interaction design details, emphasizing the need for responsiveness, personalization, and guidance to improve user engagement.
... Some of these factors are social standards, the social status denje u školi i van nje, učenje stranih jezika i sviranje nekog muzičkog instrumenta, a slobodno vreme se provodi u višesatnom igranju video igrica i gledanju TV-a. Deca uglavnom nisu dovoljno motivisana za bilo kakav oblik zahtevnije fi zičke aktivnosti ili prosto nemaju adekvatno fi zičko vaspitanje i obrazovanje, gde savremen način nosi sa sobom mnogobrojne negativne posledice (Farhud, 2015). S tim u vezi, adekvatna fi zička aktivnost igra veoma važnu ulogu na putu pravilnog rasta i razvoja, motoričkog i emocionalnog sazrevanja svakog deteta u funkcionalnu društvenu osobu. ...
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Sažetak: Proces programiranja i sprovođenja sistema praćenja morfoloških i motoričkih sposobnosti učenika osnovnoškolskog uzrasta bile su od posebnog značaja u fi-zičkoj kulturi, međutim, činjenica je da postoji veoma mali broj istraživanja koja su se bavila uticajima rezidencijal-nog statusa ispitanika na njihovu morfo-motoričku statu-su. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se ispitaju i utvrde razlike u određenim antropološkim pokazateljima učenica sedmog razreda osnovne škole u urbanoj i prigradskoj sredini na teritoriji Lasithia sa Krita. Predmet istraživanja su odre-đeni antropološki pokazatelji učenica sedmog razreda osnovne škole urbane i prigradske sredine. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 112 ispitanika, podeljenih u dva subuzorka: urbani i ruralni deo Lasithia sa Krita po 56 devojčica (urbana = 56 ispitanica, ruralna = 56 ispi-tanica) sedmog razreda iz četiri osnovne škole (jedna iz urbanog dela Lasithia i tri iz ruralnog dela Lasithia). Do-bijeni rezultati potvrđuju pretpostavku da sredinski faktori doprinose razlici u morfo-motoričkom statusu ispitanika. Kada je reč o morfološkim varijablama između učenica sedmog razreda urbane i ruralne sredine, zabeležene su statistički značajne razlike u varijabli telesna visina, dok u varijabli telesna masa te razlike ne postoje. Od motoričkih varijabli devojčice iz ruralne sredine bile značajno bolje na 2 od 7 motoričkih testova, dok devojčice iz urbane sre-dine samo na 1. Na ostalim testovima nisu evidentirane statistički značajne razlike. S obzirom na činjenicu da je ovo istraživanje sprovedeno na relativno malom uzorku ispitanika (112) i ograničenom geografskom području, dobijeni rezultati ne mogu da se generalizuju. Ključne reči: morfološke karakteristike, motoričke sposobnosti, devojčice, sedmi razred. U Svakodnevni život deteta školskog uzrasta, danas uglavnom podrazumeva neadekvatnu ishranu, dugo se-Abstract: The process of programming and implementing a system for monitoring the morphological characteristics and motor abilities of elementary school students is particularly important in physical education. However, a small number of studies have dealt with the eff ects of the subjects' residential status on their morpho-motoric status. The aim of this study was to examine and determine the diff erences in certain anthropological indicators of seventh-grade elementary female students in urban and suburban areas in the territory of Lasithi, Crete. The study was conducted on a sample of 112 seventh-grade female students from four elementary schools (one from the urban and three from the rural part of Lasithi). The subjects were divided into two subsamples: urban and rural Lasithi from Crete, 56 girls each (urban = 56 subjects , rural = 56 subjects). The results of this study are signifi cant, confi rming the assumption that areal factors contributed to the diff erence in the morpho-motoric status of the subjects. Specifi cally, statistically signifi cant diff erences were recorded in the variable body height, while in the variable body weight, such diff erences did not exist. Regarding motor variables, girls from rural areas were signifi cantly better on two out of seven motor tests, while girls from urban areas were only better on one. No statistically signifi cant diff erences were recorded on the other tests. Considering that this study was conducted on a relatively small sample of subjects (112) and a limited geographical area, the results obtained cannot be generalized.
... As the nation becomes more urbanized, people's diets, physical activities, and the use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs have changed [23]. As a result, urban dwellers have a greater chance of developing T2DM and HTN. ...
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Background: Hypertension (HTN) is common in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Patients with both T2DM and HTN have a higher risk of heart disease, kidney disorders, and mortality than those with either HTN or T2DM alone. Patients’ psychological well-being plays a significant role in the optimum management of these chronic conditions. This study is aimed at determining the current prevalence of HTN and its related clinical and psychological factors in patients with T2DM. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital with 156 patients diagnosed with T2DM. A structured questionnaire was used to obtain information on sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. In addition, the following information was obtained from the patients’ clinical files: blood pressure, height, weight, waist circumference, serum creatinine, and urine protein. Depression, resilience, and coping skills of the participants were measured using the Brief Symptom Inventory-18, Resilience Scale for Adults, and Brief COPE Inventory, respectively. Data were analyzed using STATA version 18, with a significance level of p<0.05. Results: The median age of respondents was 62.0 (IQR: 51.50, 67.00) years. The majority was female (76.3%). The prevalence of HTN among the patients with T2DM was 79.9% (95% CI: 72.7–85.9). The average body mass index (BMI) of the patients was 28871kg/m2 with 34.8% and 36.2% being overweight and obese, respectively. The average HBA1C level was 8.6±2.1 with 71.8% of the patients having poor glycemic control. Increasing age, caregiver, and personal resilience were factors significantly associated with HTN (p value of <0.05) among patients with T2DM. Conclusion: The prevalence of HTN among T2DM patients was high; age, caregiver, and personal resilience significantly predicted HTN among T2DM patients. These findings have implications for healthcare providers in implementing strategies to reduce central obesity and incorporating resilience as an important factor in improving treatment outcomes in patients with T2DM.
В останні десятиліття спосіб життя як один із найважливіший факторів здоров’я викликає значний інтерес дослідників. Студентська молодь становить сегмент суспільства, який має найбільший потенціал в аспекті опанування знань про здоров’я, отримання користі від політики та ініціатив у сфері охорони здоров’я, заснованих на обґрунтованих дослідженнях та інформації. Метою нашого дослідження було визначення складових здорового способу життя та чинників здоров’я, які мають для студентів пріоритетне значення в аспекті ефективності впливу на здоров’я; з’ясування спектру засобів оздоровлення, які використовують студенти у власній оздоровчий практиці, окреслення чинників, які перешкоджають їм піклуватися про своє здоров’я, а також аналіз динаміки змін під час навчання студентів у вищому навчальному закладі. Результати експерименту стали підґрунтям для пошуку і реалізації нових педагогічних форм, засобів, інтерактивних методів навчання, які актуалізують знання про здоров’я в свідомості студентів, підвищують їх значимість, створюють можливості для успішного оволодіння цими знаннями і ефективного практичного застосування. Здобуття досвіду здоров’ятворення є важливим не тільки з погляду опанування відповідних практичних умінь і навичок, які потім стають звичками і складовими здорового способу життя, але в аспекті формування мотивації студентської молоді до використання набутих знань. Поведінка завжди пов’язана з мотивацією, яка створюється саме в процесі навчання, виховання та розвитку особистості. Широке використання інтерактивних методів навчання, в основі яких є більш тісні суб’єкт-суб’єктні стосунки між викладачами і студентами, повноправність тих, хто навчає, і тих, хто вчиться, сприяють більш відповідальному ставленню студентів до самопідготовки, самоосвіти як у процесі навчання, так і в побутовій чи професійній діяльності.
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Abstract: Background/Objectives: Depression, anxiety, and stress are common mental health issues that affect individuals worldwide. This systematic review and meta-analysis examined the effectiveness of various lifestyle interventions including physical activity, dietary changes, and sleep hygiene in reducing the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. Using stress as an outcome and conducting detailed subgroup analyses, this study provides novel insights into the differential effects of lifestyle interventions across diverse populations. Methods: Five databases were systematically searched: PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar, for gray literature searches. Keywords were used to search each database. The search period was from the conception of the databases until August 2023 and was conducted in English. For each analysis, Hedges' g was reported with a 95% confidence interval (CI) based on the random-effects method. Subgroups were analyzed and heterogeneity and publication bias were examined. Results: Ninety-six randomized clinical trial studies were included in this meta-analysis. Lifestyle interventions reduced depression (Hedges g −0.21, 95% confidence interval −0.26, −0.15; p < 0.001; I 2 = 56.57), anxiety (Hedges g −0.24, 95% confidence interval −0.32, −0.15; p < 0.001; I 2 = 59.25), and stress (−0.34, −0.11; p < 0.001; I 2 = 61.40). Conclusions: Lifestyle interventions offer a more accessible and cost-effective alternative to traditional treatments and provide targeted benefits for different psychological symptoms.
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Student-athletes are a unique group, facing numerous challenges in maintaining excellent academic performance while balancing their sports commitments. Participation in sports has significantly impacted their socialization, intellectual growth, and character building. It is essential to address the factors underlying these issues and devise effective strategies to help student-athletes successfully navigate their academic and athletic pursuits. Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences (MI) provides a valuable framework for understanding the diverse cognitive strengths and weaknesses of individuals. This theory posits that intelligence is not a single entity but rather a combination of several distinct intelligences, including kinesthetic, intrapersonal, logical, interpersonal, and linguistic intelligences. By evaluating student-athletes through the lens of MI, we can gain insights into how their unique intelligence profiles influence both their athletic performance and personal growth. The objective of this study was to investigate the multiple intelligences of student-athletes and examine the differences in MI subdomains based on gender, type of sport, age group, and ethnicity. To achieve this objective, a cross-sectional survey research design was employed, utilizing a sample of 182 student-athletes representing the university. Overall, the multiple intelligences of the students were high. Among the five MI subdomains, kinesthetic intelligence scored the highest (M = 21.51 ± 2.99), followed by intrapersonal (M = 20.17 ± 3.13) and logical intelligences (M = 18.78 ± 2.83). Interpersonal (M = 17.80 ± 3.11) and linguistic intelligence (M = 15.33 ± 3.35) received the lowest scores. Independent sample t-test results revealed significant differences in the kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligences between genders, while logical and interpersonal intelligences differed significantly by type of sports (p < 0.05). Logical intelligence was the only subdomain showing a significant difference between age groups, while none of the ethnicity groups showed significant differences in any of the subdomains (p > 0.05). Significant differences were found in several MI subdomains based on gender, type of sport, and age group. Specifically, kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligences differed between genders, while logical and interpersonal intelligences varied by type of sport. Additionally, logical intelligence showed differences across age groups. Overall, the results underscore the importance of a holistic approach in supporting student-athletes, leveraging their strengths in kinesthetic, intrapersonal, and logical intelligences while addressing areas like interpersonal and linguistic intelligences. Tailored strategies based on MI profiles can help balance their athletic success and personal development.
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Introduction: Melatonin, a hormone that exists in most living organisms, is produced in the pineal gland, retina, alimentary tract and various other tissues of the body and secreted by the pineal gland. It can be said this hormone exists in most living organisms. Production of this hormone is affected by different factors like age, light and other environmental and physiological agents. Considering its vast effects, the aim of this review article is to provide an update of current data available on the production, metabolism and clinical effects of this hormone in humans and its roles in different diseases like obesity, some cancers and diseases affecting brain function. Materials and Methods: This article is the result of reviewing 60 articles, of which 34 are directly referred to. Results: Based on the articles investigated, several environmental factors participate in the regulation and synthesis of this hormone which acts as a protective agent against chronic and degenerative diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, metabolic and behavioral disorders. Additionally, Melatonin intake improves some pathological conditions. Conclusion: Considering the positive effects of melatonin and the fact that no side effects of melatonin supplementation, have been documented it can be said that should, for any reason its synthesis and secretion cease in individuals taking a suitable physician-prescribed dose of this hormone would be beneficial, preventing increase in disease.
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Because of the quick development and widespread use of mobile phones, and their vast effect on communication and interactions, it is important to study possible negative health effects of mobile phone exposure. The overall aim of this study was to investigate whether there are associations between psychosocial aspects of mobile phone use and mental health symptoms in a prospective cohort of young adults. The study group consisted of young adults 20-24 years old (n = 4156), who responded to a questionnaire at baseline and 1-year follow-up. Mobile phone exposure variables included frequency of use, but also more qualitative variables: demands on availability, perceived stressfulness of accessibility, being awakened at night by the mobile phone, and personal overuse of the mobile phone. Mental health outcomes included current stress, sleep disorders, and symptoms of depression. Prevalence ratios (PRs) were calculated for cross-sectional and prospective associations between exposure variables and mental health outcomes for men and women separately. There were cross-sectional associations between high compared to low mobile phone use and stress, sleep disturbances, and symptoms of depression for the men and women. When excluding respondents reporting mental health symptoms at baseline, high mobile phone use was associated with sleep disturbances and symptoms of depression for the men and symptoms of depression for the women at 1-year follow-up. All qualitative variables had cross-sectional associations with mental health outcomes. In prospective analysis, overuse was associated with stress and sleep disturbances for women, and high accessibility stress was associated with stress, sleep disturbances, and symptoms of depression for both men and women. High frequency of mobile phone use at baseline was a risk factor for mental health outcomes at 1-year follow-up among the young adults. The risk for reporting mental health symptoms at follow-up was greatest among those who had perceived accessibility via mobile phones to be stressful. Public health prevention strategies focusing on attitudes could include information and advice, helping young adults to set limits for their own and others' accessibility.
Introduction: Lifestyle physical activity interventions have resulted in response to the public health problem of promoting regular amounts of physical activity to the majority of U.S. adults who remain inadequately or completely inactive. These lifestyle interventions allow a person to individualize his/her physical activity programs to include a wide variety of activities that are at least of moderate intensity and to accumulate bouts of these activities in a manner befitting his/her life circumstances.
Specific dietary and other lifestyle behaviors may affect the success of the straightforward-sounding strategy "eat less and exercise more" for preventing long-term weight gain. We performed prospective investigations involving three separate cohorts that included 120,877 U.S. women and men who were free of chronic diseases and not obese at baseline, with follow-up periods from 1986 to 2006, 1991 to 2003, and 1986 to 2006. The relationships between changes in lifestyle factors and weight change were evaluated at 4-year intervals, with multivariable adjustments made for age, baseline body-mass index for each period, and all lifestyle factors simultaneously. Cohort-specific and sex-specific results were similar and were pooled with the use of an inverse-variance-weighted meta-analysis. Within each 4-year period, participants gained an average of 3.35 lb (5th to 95th percentile, -4.1 to 12.4). On the basis of increased daily servings of individual dietary components, 4-year weight change was most strongly associated with the intake of potato chips (1.69 lb), potatoes (1.28 lb), sugar-sweetened beverages (1.00 lb), unprocessed red meats (0.95 lb), and processed meats (0.93 lb) and was inversely associated with the intake of vegetables (-0.22 lb), whole grains (-0.37 lb), fruits (-0.49 lb), nuts (-0.57 lb), and yogurt (-0.82 lb) (P≤0.005 for each comparison). Aggregate dietary changes were associated with substantial differences in weight change (3.93 lb across quintiles of dietary change). Other lifestyle factors were also independently associated with weight change (P<0.001), including physical activity (-1.76 lb across quintiles); alcohol use (0.41 lb per drink per day), smoking (new quitters, 5.17 lb; former smokers, 0.14 lb), sleep (more weight gain with <6 or >8 hours of sleep), and television watching (0.31 lb per hour per day). Specific dietary and lifestyle factors are independently associated with long-term weight gain, with a substantial aggregate effect and implications for strategies to prevent obesity. (Funded by the National Institutes of Health and others.).
Lifestyle physical activity interventions have resulted in response to the public health problem of promoting regular amounts of physical activity to the majority of U.S. adults who remain inadequately or completely inactive. These lifestyle interventions allow a person to individualize his/her physical activity programs to include a wide variety of activities that are at least of moderate intensity and to accumulate bouts of these activities in a manner befitting his/her life circumstances. We reviewed the history of lifestyle physical activity interventions and defined lifestyle physical activity based on this review. We located 14 studies that met this definition. Lifestyle physical activity interventions are effective at increasing and maintaining levels of physical activity that meet or exceed public health guidelines for physical activity in representative samples of previously sedentary adults and obese children. The majority of these interventions have been delivered by face-to-face contact in small groups, which limits their public health impact. However, a small number of studies demonstrate that these interventions can be delivered by mail and telephone, which may enhance their generalizability. Most of these studies utilized behavior change theories such as Social Cognitive Theory, the Transtheoretical Model, and Behavior Learning to shape the interventions. Lifestyle interventions aimed at modifying the environment, such as signs posted to increase stair climbing, also have been shown to be effective over the short term. The major issues concerning lifestyle physical activity interventions are: (1) testing their ability to be implemented on a large scale; (2) examining cost-effectiveness for different modes of delivery; and (3) researching the efficacy in populations such as the elderly, minorities, economically disadvantaged, and individuals with concurrent disease. More studies aimed at manipulating the environment to increase physical activity need to be tested over periods of one year or longer. It is possible that lifestyle interventions could be integrated and delivered by new technologies such as interactive computer-mediated programs, telephone, or computer web-based formats. All of these recommended approaches should utilize valid and reliable measures of physical activity and should examine the health effects, particularly on a longitudinal basis. Basic dose-response studies in controlled settings also are needed to help us understand the health effects of accumulated moderate intensity activity.
The benefits of the enormous progress in medical genetics during the past two decades in industrialized nations have had limited impact in developing countries, where more than 80&percnt; of the world’s population lives. To assess the status of genetic services in developing countries, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Alliance of Organizations for the Prevention of Birth Defects (WAOPD) convened a group of experts in medical genetics who either work in, or are familiar with, the social, economic and health problems of developing countries (see Appendix) in The Hague from 5 to 7 January 1999. The purpose of the meeting was to review the current status of genetic services in the developing world and to make recommendations to further the implementation of programs for the management and prevention of genetic disorders and birth defects at the primary health care and community levels in those countries.
Effective factors on using medication in aging by using healthy believe
  • M Karimi
  • A Heidarnia
  • F Ghofranipur
Karimi M, Heidarnia A, Ghofranipur F., (2010). Effective factors on using medication in aging by using healthy believe. J Arak Med Uni, 14(5); 70-78.
Prevalence of smoking: health in view of Iranian
  • M Ebadi
  • M Vahdaninia
  • A Azin
  • A Aeenparast
  • S Omidvari
  • K Jahangiri
Ebadi M, Vahdaninia M, Azin A, Aeenparast A, Omidvari S, Jahangiri K et al. (2011). Prevalence of smoking: health in view of Iranian. Peyesh Quarterly, 10 (3); 365-372.
Frequency of using cigarette in adolescents: awareness of authority. 74
  • Ebrat News
Ebrat news (2013). Frequency of using cigarette in adolescents: awareness of authority. 74. Accessed: 1 Oct 2014