
Visual Simulation of Magnetic Fluid Using a Procedural Approach for Spikes Shape

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In this paper, we propose a model to simulate magnetic fluids. Magnetic fluids behave as both fluids and as magnetic bodies, and these characteristics allow them to generate 'spike-like' shapes along a magnetic field. However, the spike shapes could not be reproduced by using the simulation method in the field of magnetic fluids. The spikes are difficult to simulate using fully physical-based methods. Therefore, we propose a visual simulation method for magnetic fluids whose shapes change according to the magnetic field. The shapes of the magnetic fluids can be roughly simulated by incorporating the calculation of magnetic field into the SPH(smoothed particle hydrodynamics) method. We compute the spike shapes using a procedural approach, and map the shapes onto the fluid surface. Although our method is not strictly physical based, our method can generate visually plausible results within a reasonable computational cost and we demonstrate that our method can generate visually plausible results.

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... Within the graphics community, Ishikawa et al. [57], [58] used SPH to simulate ferrofluids as particles. However, the spiky fluid surface is generated by procedural modeling. ...
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Ferrofluids are oil-based liquids containing magnetic particles that interact with magnetic fields without solidifying. Leveraging the exploration of new applications of these promising materials (such as in optics, medicine and engineering) requires high fidelity modeling and simulation capabilities in order to accurately explore ferrofluids in silico . While recent work addressed the macroscopic simulation of large-scale ferrofluids using smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH), such simulations are computationally expensive. In their work, the Kelvin force model has been used to calculate interactions between different SPH particles. The application of this model results in a force pointing outwards with respect to the fluid surface causing significant levitation problems. This drawback limits the application of more advanced and efficient SPH frameworks such as divergence-free SPH (DFSPH) or implicit incompressible SPH (IISPH). In this contribution, we propose a current loop magnetic force model which enables the fast macroscopic simulation of ferrofluids. Our new force model results in a force term pointing inwards allowing for more stable and fast simulations of ferrofluids using DFSPH and IISPH.
... Ishikawa et al. simulated the spike structures of ferrofluids by coupling a smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method with a procedural approach. But their formulation is mainly based on fluid morphology that directly predicts a few peaks and constructs a mathematical model using a virtual space which later combines with the real space through a conformal mapping [24] . Lavrova et al. performed numerical simulations to demonstrate the solitary configuration at the interface between ferrofluid and air [8] . ...
This research presents a numerical analysis of the normal field instability for an initially flat layer of ferrofluid under the influence of magnetic field. A coupling between the simplified lattice Boltzmann method and the self-correcting procedure is developed to capture the velocity field and magnetic field. The proposed method has the ability to simulate complex hedgehog and comb-like spike structures without using an additional magnetization equation. A single dipole permanent magnet is defined instead of multiple point dipoles which makes this method much simpler and more efficient compared to the numerical approaches available in the literature. A comparison between the simulation results and experimental findings is provided to verify the validity of our method. A criterion for the prediction of spikes is presented for uniform magnetic fields. This study also investigates the effects of different types of magnetic fields, their strengths, and the effect of surrounding non-magnetic fluid on the spike structures. Moreover, the description of magnetic field lines, distribution of magnetic flux density, and energy estimation are also provided in this work which gives a useful insight into the hydrodynamic as well as the magnetostatic behavior of ferrofluids.
... Within the scope of visual computing, Ishikawa et al. [2013] employed an SPH approach to simulate the fluid's motion and treated each particle as a perfect magnetic dipole. After calculating the magnetic moment for each particle, a procedural method is applied to elevate the surface according to the magnetic strength to generate the spikes. ...
We present an approach to the accurate and efficient large-scale simulation of the complex dynamics of ferrofluids based on physical principles. Ferrofluids are liquids containing magnetic particles that react to an external magnetic field without solidifying. In this contribution, we employ smooth magnets to simulate ferrofluids in contrast to previous methods based on the finite element method or point magnets. We solve the magnetization using the analytical solution of the smooth magnets' field, and derive the bounded magnetic force formulas addressing particle penetration. We integrate the magnetic field and force evaluations into the fast multipole method allowing for efficient large-scale simulations of ferrofluids. The presented simulations are well reproducible since our approach can be easily incorporated into a framework implementing a Fast Multipole Method and a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics fluid solver with surface tension. We provide a detailed analysis of our approach and validate our results against real wet lab experiments. This work can potentially open the door for a deeper understanding of ferrofluids and for the identification of new areas of applications of these materials.
... In the domain of magnetic simulation of non-rigid elements, [Ishikawa et al. 2013] simulated magnetic fluids using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method [Müller et al. 2003]. They expressed spikes at the surface of the magnetic fluid using an energy minimization scheme. ...
The goal of this paper is to simulate the interactions between magnetic objects in a physically correct way. The simulation scheme is based on magnetization dynamics, which describes the temporal change of magnetic moments. For magnetization dynamics, the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation is adopted, which is widely used in micromagnetics. Through effectively-designed novel models of magnets, it is extended into the macro scale so as to be combined with real-time rigid-body dynamics. The overall simulation is stable and enables us to implement mutual induction and remanence that have not been tackled by the state-of-the-art technique in magnet simulation. The proposed method can be applied to various fields including magnet experiments in the virtual world.
This paper introduces a novel Induce-on-Boundary (IoB) solver designed to address the magnetostatic governing equations of ferrofluids. The IoB solver is based on a single-layer potential and utilizes only the surface point cloud of the object, offering a lightweight, fast, and accurate solution for calculating magnetic fields. Compared to existing methods, it eliminates the need for complex linear system solvers and maintains minimal computational complexities. Moreover, it can be seamlessly integrated into conventional fluid simulators without compromising boundary conditions. Through extensive theoretical analysis and experiments, we validate both the convergence and scalability of the IoB solver, achieving state-of-the-art performance. Additionally, a straightforward coupling approach is proposed and executed to showcase the solver's effectiveness when integrated into a grid-based fluid simulation pipeline, allowing for realistic simulations of representative ferrofluid instabilities.
Magnetoelastic thin shells exhibit great potential in realizing versatile functionalities through a broad range of combination of material stiffness, remnant magnetization intensity, and external magnetic stimuli. In this paper, we propose a novel computational method for forward simulation and inverse design of magnetoelastic thin shells. Our system consists of two key components of forward simulation and backward optimization. On the simulation side, we have developed a new continuum mechanics model based on the Kirchhoff-Love thin-shell model to characterize the behaviors of a megnetolelastic thin shell under external magnetic stimuli. Based on this model, we proposed an implicit numerical simulator facilitated by the magnetic energy Hessian to treat the elastic and magnetic stresses within a unified framework, which is versatile to incorporation with other thin shell models. On the optimization side, we have devised a new differentiable simulation framework equipped with an efficient adjoint formula to accommodate various PDE-constraint, inverse design problems of magnetoelastic thin-shell structures, in both static and dynamic settings. It also encompasses applications of magnetoelastic soft robots, functional Origami, artworks, and meta-material designs. We demonstrate the efficacy of our framework by designing and simulating a broad array of magnetoelastic thin-shell objects that manifest complicated interactions between magnetic fields, materials, and control policies.
We propose a novel numerical scheme to simulate interactions between a magnetic field and nonlinearly magnetized objects immersed in it. Under our nonlinear magnetization framework, the strength of magnetic forces is effectively saturated to produce stable simulations without requiring any parameter tuning. The mathematical model of our approach is based upon Langevin's nonlinear theory of paramagnetism, which bridges microscopic structures and macroscopic equations after a statistical derivation. We devise a hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian numerical approach to simulating this strongly nonlinear process by leveraging the discrete material points to transfer both material properties and the number density of magnetic micro-particles in the simulation domain. The magnetic equations can then be built and solved efficiently on a background Cartesian grid, followed by a finite difference method to incorporate magnetic forces. The multi-scale coupling can be processed naturally by employing the established particle-grid interpolation schemes in a conventional MLS-MPM framework. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach with a host of simulation examples governed by magnetic-mechanical coupling effects, ranging from magnetic deformable bodies to magnetic viscous fluids with nonlinear elastic constitutive laws.
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We propose a novel method for simulating rigid magnets in a stable way. It is based on analytic solutions of the magnetic vector potential and flux density, which make the magnetic forces and torques calculated using them seldom diverge. Therefore, our magnet simulations remain stable even though magnets are in close proximity or penetrate each other. Thanks to the stability, our method can simulate magnets of any shapes. Another strength of our method is that the time complexities for computing the magnetic forces and torques are significantly reduced, compared to the previous methods. Our method is easily integrated with classic rigid‐body simulators. The experiment results presented in this paper prove the stability and efficiency of our method.
We devise a novel surface-only approach for simulating the three dimensional free-surface flow of incompressible, inviscid, and linearly magnetizable ferrofluids. A Lagrangian velocity field is stored on a triangle mesh capturing the fluid's surface. The two key problems associated with the dynamic simulation of the fluid's interesting geometry are the magnetization process transitioning the fluid from a non-magnetic into a magnetic material, and the evaluation of magnetic forces. In this regard, our key observation is that for linearly incompressible ferrofluids, their magnetization and application of magnetic forces only require knowledge about the position of the fluids' boundary. Consequently, our approach employs a boundary element method solving the magnetization problem and evaluating the so-called magnetic pressure required for the force evaluation. The magnetic pressure is added to the Dirichlet boundary condition of a surface-only liquids solver carrying out the dynamical simulation. By only considering the fluid's surface in contrast to its whole volume, we end up with an efficient approach enabling more complex and realistic ferrofluids to be explored in the digital domain without compromising efficiency. Our approach allows for the use of physical parameters leading to accurate simulations as demonstrated in qualitative and quantitative evaluations.
We present a versatile numerical approach to simulating various magnetic phenomena using a level-set method. At the heart of our method lies a novel two-way coupling mechanism between a magnetic field and a magnetizable mechanical system, which is based on the interfacial Helmholtz force drawn from the Minkowski form of the Maxwell stress tensor. We show that a magnetic-mechanical coupling system can be solved as an interfacial problem, both theoretically and computationally. In particular, we employ a Poisson equation with a jump condition across the interface to model the mechanical-to-magnetic interaction and a Helmholtz force on the free surface to model the magnetic-to-mechanical effects. Our computational framework can be easily integrated into a standard Euler fluid solver, enabling both simulation and visualization of a complex magnetic field and its interaction with immersed magnetizable objects in a large domain. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method through an array of magnetic substance simulations that exhibit rich geometric and dynamic characteristics, encompassing ferrofluid, rigid magnetic body, deformable magnetic body, and multi-phase couplings.
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Realistically animated fluids can add substantial realism to interactive applications such as virtual surgery simulators or computer games. In this paper we propose an interactive method based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) to simulate fluids with free surfaces. The method is an extension of the SPH-based technique by Desbrun to animate highly deformable bodies. We gear the method towards fluid simulation by deriving the force density fields directly from the Navier-Stokes equation and by adding a term to model surface tension effects. In contrast to Eulerian grid-based approaches, the particle-based approach makes mass conservation equations and convection terms dispensable which reduces the complexity of the simulation. In addition, the particles can directly be used to render the surface of the fluid. We propose methods to track and visualize the free surface using point splatting and marching cubes-based surface reconstruction. Our animation method is fast enough to be used in interactive systems and to allow for user interaction with models consisting of up to 5000 particles.
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A colloidal magnetic fluid, or ferrofluid, consists typically of a suspension of monodomain ferromagnetic particles such as magnetite (size about 100 A) in a nonmagnetic carrier fluid. A surfactant covering the particles prevents particle-to-particle agglomeration, and Brownian motion prevents particle sedimentation in gravitational or magnetic fields. The number of ferromagnetic particles in 1 cm**3 may be as great as 10**1**8; by comparison, 1 cm**3 of air under standard conditions contains 2. 7 multiplied by 10**1**9 molecules. The ferrofluids are attracted strongly by magnetic fields with forces that easily overcome gravity. The continuum description of magnetic fluid flow termed ferro-hydrodynamics (FHD) is described in the article. Magnetic fluid behavior, equilibrium flows, flow instabilities, flow stabilization, flows with asymmetric stress and magnetic two-phase flow are also discussed.
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A magnetorheological fluid (MR fluid) is a type of smart fluid composed of micrometer-sized magnetizable particles suspended in a carrier fluid. The rheological properties of an MR fluid can be greatly altered upon application of an external magnetic field. This paper presents a computational framework for the numerical study of MR fluids, in which a two-stage modelling and simulation strategy is proposed to achieve reasonable accuracy and computational efficiency. At the first stage for simulating the particle chain formation, the particle dynamics plays a major role whereas the hydrodynamics of the fluid flow is of secondary importance. Thus an MR fluid is modelled in the context of the discrete element method and the simple Stokes formula is adopted for the hydrodynamic interaction. At the second stage, the formulated particle chains are applied as the initial configuration for simulating the rheological properties of the fluid under different shear loading conditions. A combined lattice Boltzmann and discrete element approach is employed to fully resolve the fluid field and the hydrodynamic interactions between the fluid and the particles. Some relevant magnetic models are comprehensively reviewed and the mutual dipole model is employed in this work to account for the magnetic interactions between the particles. The proposed solution procedure is illustrated via a set of numerical simulations for a representative volume element of an MR fluid. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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We present the first computer graphics algorithm designed to simulate the aurora, a natural phenomenon of great visual beauty and considerable scientific interest. The algorithm is based on the current understanding of the physical origin of this natural display. The aurorae are mainly caused by high-energy electrons originating in the sun and entering the earth's atmosphere in narrow regions centered on the magnetic poles. These electrons collide with atmospheric atoms, which are excited to higher energy levels. The excited atoms emit rapidly varying visible light in a curtain-like volume as they return to lower energy levels, thereby creating the aurora. By simulating these light emissions along with the spatial and temporal distribution of the entering electrons, we are able to render the major visual aspects of auroral displays. The applicability of this auroral model for rendering and scientific purposes is illustrated through comparisons of synthetic images with photographs of real auroral displays. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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We present a new particle-based method for viscoelastic fluid simulation. We achieve realistic small-scale behavior of substances such as paint or mud as they splash on moving objects. Incompressibility and particle anti-clustering are enforced with a double density relaxation procedure which updates particle positions according to two opposing pressure terms. From this process surface tension effects emerge, enabling drop and filament formation. Elastic and non-linear plastic effects are obtained by adding springs with varying rest length between particles. We also extend the technique to handle interaction between fluid and dynamic objects. Various simulation scenarios are presented including rain drops, fountains, clay manipulation, and floating objects. The method is robust and stable, and can animate splashing behavior at interactive framerates.
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In this paper, we introduce techniques for animating explosions and their effects. The primary effect of an explosion is a disturbance that causes a shock wave to propagate through the surrounding medium. The disturbance determines the behavior of nearly all other secondary effects seen in explosion. We simulate the propagation of an explosion through the surrounding air using a computational fluid dynamics model based on the equations for compressible, viscous flow. To model the numerically stable formation of shocks along blast wave fronts, we employ an integration method that can handle steep pressure gradients without introducing inappropriate damping. The system includes two-way coupling between solid objects and surrounding fluid. Using this technique, we can generate a variety of effects including shaped explosive charges, a projectile propelled from a chamber by an explosion, and objects damaged by a blast. With appropriate rendering techniques, our explosion model can be used to create such visual effects as fireballs, dust clouds, and the refraction of light caused by a blast wave.
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Abstract The visual simulation of natural phenomena has been widely studied. Although several methods have been proposed to simulate melting, the flows of meltwater drops on the surfaces of objects are not taken into account. In this paper, we propose a particle-based method for the simulation of the melting and freezing of ice objects and the interactions between ice and fluids. To simulate the flow of meltwater on ice and the formation of water droplets, a simple interfacial tension is proposed, which can be easily incorporated into common particle-based simulation methods such as Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. The computations of heat transfer, the phase transition between ice and water, the interactions between ice and fluids, and the separation of ice due to melting are further accelerated by implementing our method using CUDA. We demonstrate our simulation and rendering method for depicting melting ice at interactive frame-rates.
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Simulating natural phenomena has always been a focal point for computer graphics research. Its importance goes beyond the production of appealing presentations, since research in this area can contribute to the scientific understanding of complex natural processes. The natural phenomena, known as the Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis, are geomagnetic phenomena of impressive visual characteristics and remarkable scientific interest. Aurorae present a complex behavior that arises from interactions between plasma (hot, ionized gases composed of ions, electrons, and neutral atoms) and Earth's electromagnetic fields. Previous work on the visual simulation of auroral phenomena have focused on static physical models of their shape, modeled from primitives, like sine waves. In this article, we focus on the dynamic behavior of the aurora, and we present a physically-based model to perform 3D visual simulations. The model takes into account the physical parameters and processes directly associated with plasma flow, and can be extended to simulate the dynamics of other plasma phenomena as well as astrophysical phenomena. The partial differential equations associated with these processes are solved using a complete multigrid implementation of the electromagnetic interactions, leading to a simulation of the shape and motion of the auroral displays. In order to illustrate the applicability of our model, we provide simulation sequences rendered using a distributed forward mapping approach.
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A normal magnetic field has a destabilizing influence on a flat interface between a magnetizable and a non-magnetic fluid. Stabilizing influences are provided by interfacial tension and gravity if the lighter fluid is uppermost. The critical level of magnetization for onset of the instability is derived for a fluid having a non-linear relation between magnetization and magnetic induction. Experiments using a magnetizable fluid, which contains a colloidal suspension of ferromagnetic particles, at interfaces with air and water are made and cover a wide range of density differences. Measurements confirm the prediction for critical magnetization, and it was found that, after onset, the interface took a new form in which the elevation had a regular hexagonal pattern. The pattern was highly stable, and the measured spacing of peaks agreed reasonably with that derived from the critical wave-number for the instability of a flat interface.
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Building animation tools for fluid-like motions is an important and challenging problem with many applications in computer graphics. The use of physics-based models for fluid flow can greatly assist in creating such tools. Physical models, unlike key frame or procedural based techniques, permit an animator to almost effortlessly create interesting, swirling fluid-like behaviors. Also, the interaction of flows with objects and virtual forces is handled elegantly. Until recently, it was believed that physical fluid models were too expensive to allow real-time interaction. This was largely due to the fact that previous models used unstable schemes to solve the physical equations governing a fluid. In this paper, for the first time, we propose an unconditionally stable model which still produces complex fluid-like flows. As well, our method is very easy to implement. The stability of our model allows us to take larger time steps and therefore achieve faster simulations. We have used our model in conjuction with advecting solid textures to create many fluid-like animations interactively in two- and three-dimensions.
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In this paper, we propose a new approach to numerical smoke simulation for computer graphics applications. The method proposed here exploits physics unique to smoke in order to design a numerical method that is both fast and efficient on the relatively coarse grids traditionally used in computer graphics applications (as compared to the much finer grids used in the computational fluid dynamics literature). We use the inviscid Euler equations in our model, since they are usually more appropriate for gas modeling and less computationally intensive than the viscous NavierStokes equations used by others. In addition, we introduce a physically consistent vorticity confinement term to model the small scale rolling features characteristic of smoke that are absent on most coarse grid simulations. Our model also correctly handles the interaction of smoke with moving objects. Keywords: Smoke, computational fluid dynamics, Navier-Stokes equations, Euler equations, Semi-Lagrangian methods, stable fluids, vorticity confinement, participating media 1
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Developing a visually convincing model of fire, smoke, and other gaseousphenomena is among the most difficult and attractive problems in computer graphics. We have created new methods of animating a wide range of gaseous phenomena, including the particularly subtle problem of modelling "wispy" smoke and steam, using far fewer primitives than before. One significant innovation is the reformulation and solution of the advection-diffusion equation for densities composed of "warped blobs". These blobs more accurately model the distortions that gases undergo when advected by wind fields. We also introduce a simple model for the flame of a fire and its spread. Lastly, we present an efficient formulation and implementation of global illumination in the presence of gases and fire. Our models are specifically designed to permit a significant degree of user control over the evolution of gaseous phenomena. Keywords: fire, smoke, gaseous phenomena, diffusion, advection, warped blobbies, light transport, multiple scattering, particle systems, turbulence. 1
The results of the experimental studies of magnetic fluid behavior in the laterally vibrated rectangular and cylindrical containers subject to magnetic fields are presented. Some effects of applied fields on fluid surface responses in the rectangular container and disappearance of drops on the fluid surface in the cylindrical container are noted.
This paper proposes a coupled method of finite-element method (FEM) and moving particle semi-implicit (MPS) method in order to analyze the spike shape of ferrofluid. In this method, magnetic field equation is calculated by FEM and fluid equation is calculated by MPS method.
Conference Paper
In this paper we present a novel surface reconstruction method for particle-based fluid simulators such as Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. In particle-based simulations, fluid surfaces are usually defined as a level set of an implicit function. We formulate the implicit function as a sum of anisotropic smoothing kernels, and the direction of anisotropy at a particle is determined by performing Principal Component Analysis (PCA) over the neighboring particles. In addition, we perform a smoothing step that re-positions the centers of these smoothing kernels. Since these anisotropic smoothing kernels capture the local particle distributions more accurately, our method has advantages over existing methods in representing smooth surfaces, thin streams and sharp features of fluids. Our method is fast, easy to implement, and our results demonstrate a significant improvement in the quality of reconstructed surfaces as compared to existing methods.
Recent advances in physically-based simulations have made it possible to generate realistic animations. However, in the case of solid-fluid coupling, wetting effects have rarely been noticed despite their visual importance especially in interactions between fluids and granular materials. This paper presents a simple particle-based method to model the physical mechanism of wetness propagating through granular materials; Fluid particles are absorbed in the spaces between the granular particles and these wetted granular particles then stick together due to liquid bridges that are caused by surface tension and which will subsequently disappear when over-wetting occurs. Our method can handle these phenomena by introducing a wetness value for each granular particle and by integrating those aspects of behavior that are dependent on wetness into the simulation framework. Using this method, a GPU-based simulator can achieve highly dynamic animations that include wetting effects in real time.
We introduce magnetic interaction for rigid body simulation. Our approach is based on an equivalent dipole method and as such it is discrete from the ground up. Our approach is symmetric as we base both field and force computations on dipole interactions. Enriching rigid body simulation with magnetism allows for many new and interesting possibilities in computer animation and special effects. Our method also allows the accurate computation of magnetic fields for arbitrarily shaped objects, which is especially interesting for pedagogy as it allows the user to visually discover properties of magnetism which would otherwise be difficult to grasp. We demonstrate our method on a variety of problems and our results reflect intuitive as well as surprising effects. Our method is fast and can be coupled with any rigid body solver to simulate dozens of magnetic objects at interactive rates.
This paper describes a technique for animating the behavior of viscoelastic fluids, such as mucus, liquid soap, pudding, toothpaste, or clay, that exhibit a combination of both fluid and solid characteristics. The technique builds upon prior Eulerian methods for animating incompressible fluids with free surfaces by including additional elastic terms in the basic Navier-Stokes equations. The elastic terms are computed by integrating and advecting strain-rate throughout the fluid. Transition from elastic resistance to viscous flow is controlled by von Mises's yield condition, and subsequent behavior is then governed by a quasi-linear plasticity model.
Simulation the aurora
  • G Baranoski
  • J Rokne
  • P Shirley
  • T Trondsen
  • R Bastos
  • G. Baranoski