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Thirty Fifth International Conference on Information Systems, Auckland 2014 1
The State of Design Science Research within
the BISE Community:
An Empirical Investigation
Completed Research Paper
Joerg Leukel
Department of Information Systems 2
University of Hohenheim
70599 Stuttgart, Germany
Marcus Muel
Department of Information Systems 2
University of Hohenheim
70599 Stuttgart, Germany
Vijayan Sugumaran
Department of Decision and Information Sciences
Oakland University
306 Elliott Hall, Rochester, MI 48309, USA
The Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) community in the German-
speaking countries has a long track record of publishing papers using design science
research (DSR). However, the state of recent DSR within the BISE community is not
well documented and the lessons learned can be useful for other communities. This
paper investigates the use of DSR methodology by examining articles published in the
BISE community’s primary outlets. We focus on understanding the artifacts created, the
foundations for building these artifacts, and the evaluation methods used. The results
reveal a) a broad view of foundations for DSR by incorporating artifacts that are used
in practice, b) the focus on the organization as the unit of analysis, c) a pluralism of
research methods that cater to the timeliness of problems addressed, and d) low level of
theoretical underpinnings, thus lacking in DSR rigor aspects.
Keywords: Design Science, evaluation methods and criteria, literature review,
research methods/methodology, IT artifact
Design science research (DSR) has become an important approach within information systems research.
A particular community advocating DSR is the BISE community in the German-speaking countries
(Austria, Germany, and Switzerland). BISE stands for Business & Information Systems Engineering,
which is also the title of the community’s primary journal. Awareness of this community and its DSR
proposition in the Management Information Systems (MIS) domain has increased since the publication of
its memorandum on design-oriented research (Österle et al. 2011). According to the memorandum, the
BISE community is deeply committed to DSR. The BISE community also foresees a potential to contribute
to asserted problems within the MIS community such as lack of relevance of its research, flat enrolments,
and decline of funding from industry (Buhl et al. 2012). Aside from this commitment, the literature does
not adequately inform MIS researchers and practitioners about DSR adoption by the BISE community.
Hence, a concerted effort is needed to review the current literature and assess the level of understanding
of DSR and its adoption within the BISE community.
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The MIS literature regularly reports on the state of research methods used, e.g., (Chen and Hirschheim
2004; Palvia et al. 2007). Similarly, past DSR in MIS has been analyzed based on several dimensions such
as evaluation methods used (Peffers et al. 2012), artifact types created (Offermann et al. 2010), and most
influential articles (Piirainen et al. 2010). These works contribute to a better understanding of DSR on a
global scale. In contrast to this richness, examination of DSR within the BISE community is inadequate
for three reasons: (1) none of the prior studies were specific to DSR but included other methodologies, (2)
all studies used specific and divergent conceptualizations that make it difficult for the MIS community to
comprehend and relate the findings, and (3) the most recent literature survey covered the years 2004
through 2007 (Becker et al. 2009), and thus could not reflect on the state of DSR in the BISE community,
which experienced major changes over the past years. In addition, DSR is receiving increasing attention
within the global MIS community, which has been bolstered by the publication of Hevner et al.’s research
essay on DSR in MIS Quarterly (Hevner et al. 2004). Although the BISE memorandum contains no
reference to Hevner et al.’s work, several key concepts were directly adopted (e.g., artifact classification,
evaluation methods). Senior BISE scholars indeed admit that Hevner et al.’s work have had a significant
impact on explicating the self-image of BISE and conducting DSR.
As of now, little attention has been given to assessing research rigor of the DSR conducted by the BISE
community, which is in stark contrast to the behavioral research within MIS. This deficit makes it difficult
to thoroughly validate claims and myths that surround the DSR in the BISE community. For assessing the
rigor of DSR, we can turn to Hevner et al.’s (2004) information systems research framework and use three
of its main elements of research rigor: (1) IT artifacts as research contributions, (2) foundations used from
the knowledge base to build IT artifacts, and (3) evaluation methods. Prior surveys suggest that this
framework is suitable for classifying pertinent research (Indulska and Recker 2008; Peffers et al. 2012;
Venable 2010). This suitability may be due to its normative effects on authors, reviewers, and editors.
While there is a long tradition of conducting DSR within the BISE community, the results and the lessons
learned have not been effectively communicated to the global MIS audience. A systematic analysis of the
current DSR literature from BISE can help articulate the different approaches used, the quality and rigor
of the research, the types of artifacts created, how they are used to solve specific problems, and what value
they add. The objective of this paper is to undertake a comprehensive literature survey and content
analysis of the current literature and report on the state of DSR within the BISE community. Specifically,
to gain a better understanding of the quality of the recent DSR being conducted by the BISE community,
we seek to answer the following three research questions (RQ):
RQ1: What are the IT artifacts built by the BISE community?
RQ2: What are the foundations used for building IT artifacts by the BISE community?
RQ3: What are the evaluation methods used by the BISE community?
We describe the procedure and results of a literature survey and content analysis that we have conducted.
We used two data sets: The first contained 80 articles published in Springer’s BISE journal from 2009 to
2013. The second data set contained 216 papers from the 2011 and 2013 proceedings of the International
Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, which is the bi-annual flagship conference organized by the BISE
community. We will refer to the proceedings as BISE proceedings, notwithstanding its original title. The
two data sets have comprehensive coverage of outcomes produced by the BISE community and thus
provide an appropriate foundation for answering the posited research questions.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The next section provides the theoretical background
to our research. Subsequently, we describe the research method and present the results. Then, we discuss
the implications of our results for MIS researchers and conclude the paper.
Theoretical Background
This section introduces those elements of the information systems research (ISR) framework (Hevner et
al. 2004) that will guide our survey, followed by a discussion of related findings from prior surveys on
Design Science Research within the BISE Community
Thirty Fifth International Conference on Information Systems, Auckland 2014 3
Information Systems Research Framework
While there may be many alternate ways of structuring DSR, we argue that the ISR framework is useful
for defining the nature of DSR as well as harmonizing the vocabulary for presenting DSR. The ISR
framework combines behavioral-science and design-science paradigms to understand, execute, and
evaluate research. For instance, the framework defines two research processes “develop/build” and
“justify/evaluate” to cover behavioral research through developing and justifying theories as well as DSR
through building and evaluating IT artifacts. Since our survey is concerned with DS, we will only be
referring to elements that are relevant for DSR and using their DSR-specific terms. The ISR framework is
comprised of three pillars – Environment, IS Research, and Knowledge Base – which are connected
through relationships between: (1) Environment and IS Research and (2) IS Research and Knowledge
Base. The former relationship describes research relevance, while the latter relationship depicts research
The IS Research pillar contains the processes for building and evaluating IT artifacts. The Knowledge
Base pillar assembles all prior findings from ISR and its reference disciplines for grounding the build
processes (denoted as Foundations) and guidelines for conducting the evaluation processes (denoted as
Methodologies). Thus, rigor is the extent to which research uses applicable foundations and
methodologies from the knowledge base to build and evaluate IT artifacts that ultimately advance the
knowledge base. In summary, the conceptual framework of our survey is an adaptation of the ISR
Framework by (1) restricting its coverage to DSR and (2) focusing on rigor. An overview of the survey
framework is shown in Figure 1. Relevant parts of the original framework (IS Research and Knowledge
Base pillars) appear in black, while the irrelevant part (Environment) is greyed out. The components of
the IS Research and Knowledge Base pillars are briefly discussed below.
• Theories
• Frameworks
• Instruments
• Constructs
• Models
• Methods
• Instantiations
Data Analysis
• Formalisms
• Measures
• Validation Criteria
IS Research
• Constructs
• Models
• Methods
• Instantiations
• Observational
• Analytical
• Experimental
• Testing
• Descriptive
• Roles
• Capabilities
• Characteristics
• Strategies
• Structure &
• Processes
• Infrastructure
• Applications
Additions to the
Knowledge Base
Application in the
Appropriate Environment
Relevance Rigor
Environment Knowledge Base
Figure 1. Survey framework based on the ISR Framework (Hevner et al. 2004)
Build: This process produces the IT artifact, which can be classified into four types (March and Smith
1995). Constructs provide the vocabulary to represent a phenomenon in the domain. Such artifacts may
range from formalized notions, e.g., as available in conceptual modeling grammars, to informal higher
order abstractions, which are more difficult to assess, e.g., psychometric constructs. Models are
representations of domain phenomena built by using constructs. A model then contains a set of
propositions or statements about the problem and solution space of the domain. Methods provide
guidance for searching the solution space to solve problems. A method defines steps to be performed on a
representation (e.g., model), of the solution space. Methods span from algorithms, which can be executed
by computers, to informal guidelines, which are targeted at humans, e.g., system analysts, software
engineers, and end users. Finally, instantiations are implementations of constructs, models or methods
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into working systems, i.e., software. An instantiation is a realization of another artifact in an environment
for its intended purpose. Due to the many dependencies between these artifact types, a DSR project may
build artifacts of more than one artifact type. Prior surveys have used this classification, e.g., (Samuel-Ojo
et al. 2010), but its validity and completeness have also been the subject of inquiry and alternative
classifications have been proposed (Offermann et al. 2010; Walls et al. 2004; Winter 2008).
Foundations: This part of the knowledge base provides prior research results that inform the build
process as applicable knowledge. Foundations can be divided into: theories, frameworks and instruments
contributed from behavioral research and IT artifacts produced by DSR. Building a new artifact must
draw on current artifacts (e.g., by adding or improving particular properties) and behavioral theories (e.g.,
by justifying the design through known explanations of domain phenomena). Assessing the extent to
which design-oriented researchers exploit the knowledge base is non-trivial but depends foremost on how
well authors make design decisions transparent to the reader and relate their arguments to pertinent
knowledge. Assuming that researchers appropriately report any characteristic of the build process, the
paper serves as proxy for the process actually performed. This assessment is, however, made difficult by
the sheer size and variety of foundations for which no widely accepted classifications exist so far.
Evaluate: This process demonstrates the utility of the IT artifact for solving the targeted problem. The
ultimate goal is to determine if the artifact makes a contribution to the knowledge base by better solving
the problem than with current artifacts and knowledge. Evaluation requires the definition of problem-
relevant criteria and metrics, the selection of appropriate evaluation methods, and their rigorous
execution. The ISR framework provides a guideline on design evaluation through a two-level classification
of evaluation methods into five groups (as shown in figure 1) and twelve methods. The classification
assembles a wide array of methods to reflect the diversity of IT artifacts and problem domains as well as
epistemological stances. Additionally, multi-leveled evaluation that applies two or more evaluation
methods to one artifact must be considered. As with artifact types, alternate categorizations have been
proposed (Sonnenberg and vom Brocke 2012; Venable et al. 2012), which also include methods such as
action research (as a particular form of case study), field experiment, and expert interview.
Methodologies: This part of the knowledge base provides data analysis techniques, formalisms, measures,
and validation criteria for configuring an evaluation method that best fits the artifact and problem domain
under study. While the framework defines a classification of evaluation methods (as discussed in the
preceding paragraph), the knowledge base is much more comprehensive; it contains specific guidelines
and techniques for planning and executing evaluation processes and interpreting their qualitative or
quantitative results. The ability to identify the use of methodologies in a particular DSR depends on how
authors present and externalize the evaluation process. This task may be negatively affected by the diverse
backgrounds of researchers and lack of common practices, which then cause inconsistency in terminology.
For overcoming these impediments, several classifications spanning foundations and methodologies have
been proposed, e.g., (Vessey et al. 2002). Although these efforts provide immeasurable value to ISR, we
conjecture that adoption by BISE researchers is lower compared to other communities.
Prior BISE Surveys
Table 1 provides a summary of prior surveys that were concerned, at varying degrees, with research rigor,
e.g., by assessing scientific goals and research methods used. Although these surveys covered the entire
BISE community, the dominance of the DSR approach as stated in the BISE memorandum (Österle et al.
2011), allows us to use them as surrogates for BISE’s take on DSR. Three surveys assessed articles
published in the Wirtschaftsinformatik journal, which is the German ancestor of the BISE journal (the
BISE journal is cover-to-cover identical to the former journal). Four surveys approached key BISE
scholars for their beliefs and perceptions, and then interpreted the qualitative data.
Research rigor had received little attention within the BISE community until the mid-2000s (Buhl et al.
2012). The literature survey by Heinrich (2005) provides support for this assertion by reporting that only
11.0% of all research articles published in the community’s leading outlet contained an explicit statement
of the research method used. Moreover, only one article belonged to meta-research by inquiring research
methods. Heinrich then posited the provoking question whether BISE’s research may be attributed as
science at all. An update of Heinrich’s study for the years 2004 through 2007 (Becker et al. 2009)
detected some progress with 24.7% of papers articulating the research method used but still this period of
four years saw only one meta-research article. The question by Heinrich may be further backed up by two
Design Science Research within the BISE Community
Thirty Fifth International Conference on Information Systems, Auckland 2014 5
Delphi studies in which key BISE exponents participated (König et al. 1995a; Heinzl et al. 2001). Although
both studies claimed to forecast the scientific objectives of BISE research in the next ten years, only the
former study assessed the research paradigms and methods. Participants concluded that focusing on the
problem-solving approach would be best to maintain BISE’s competitive position (74% agreement). A
similar finding can be obtained from a survey of written autobiographies by 16 BISE scholars who
belonged to the founding generation of BISE (Heinrich and Riedl 2013). These scholars provided personal
reflections on the genesis and development of BISE. This survey confirmed the dominance of DSR as well
as “a lack of awareness of the importance of theoretical research” (p. 40). Similarly, the literature survey
by Wilde and Hess (2007) determined the share of DSR articles at 71% for the years 1996 through 2006.
Survey Unit of observation Items Method
König et al. (1995a, 1995b) BISE scholars (23) and practitioners (7) 30 Delphi method
Heinzl et al. (2001) BISE scholars (26) and practitioners (4) 30 Delphi method
Heinrich (2005) Articles in Wirtschaftsinformatik (1990-2003) 538 Literature survey
Wilde and Hess (2007) Articles in Wirtschaftsinformatik (1996-2006) 300 Literature survey
Frank et al. (2008) BISE scholars 8 Structured interview
Becker et al. (2009) Articles in Wirtschaftsinformatik (2004-2007) 97 Literature survey
Heinrich and Riedl (2013) BISE scholars 16 Written autobiography
Table 1. Prior surveys of research in the BISE community
With regard to IT artifacts built (RQ1), no survey assessed particular artifact types as defined in the ISR
framework. However, three surveys accent the role of software prototypes, thus instantiations, as the
prime outcome of design-oriented research (Frank et al. 2008; Heinrich and Riedl 2013; König et al.
1995a). This importance is also being reflected in the consideration of prototyping as a research method
on its own, which entails both the build and evaluate processes in DSR (Heinrich and Riedl 2013).
Foundations informing the design of research artifacts (RQ2) have not been explicitly studied, though
some findings can be drawn from the debate on the role of reference disciplines for BISE. The forecast by
the first expert panel ranked organization theory/studies within business administration as the most
important reference for BISE research (König et al. 1995a). In a similar vein, senior scholars agreed that
BISE had its origin in business administration (denoted as a “mother discipline”) (Heinrich and Riedl
2013). While the second Delphi study did not revisit this question (Heinzl et al. 2001), the experts deemed
“foundations of BISE” and “interfaces of BISE to other disciplines” as the third-least and least relevant
topic of research (within a list of 14 topics).
When discussing the use of evaluation methods (RQ3), we must be aware of differences in the
conceptualization of methods within BISE as compared to the one in the ISR framework. These
differences were quite big in the past, as can be seen from the first Delphi study (König et al. 1995b). This
study assigned empirical methods such as case study, field study and interview solely to behavioral
research and theory development; hence, these methods were regarded as not available for evaluating the
utility of artifacts (unlike in the ISR framework). This very unusual limitation, however, must not be
attributed to the study’s design because such a misconception could have been rectified by the experts in
the course of performing the Delphi study. The prime methods posited for the problem-solving approach
were “development and test of prototypes” and simulation. Thus, it can be stated, that the early BISE
community understood methods in the sense of development methods rather than research methods
(Heinrich and Riedl 2013).
Nevertheless, evaluation methods have been touched in all three literature surveys. There are two
difficulties in comparing their findings: First, these surveys covered design-oriented and behavioral
research by assessing research methods, thus their results cannot be directly related to DSR. Second, each
survey used a specific conceptualization of methods that differed more or less from each other. Still, the
surveys might provide some indications of preferences within BISE.
Interpreting the survey by Heinrich (2005) suffers from the small sample size that was available for
research methods (as discussed above, only 11.0% of all articles reported the method used, thus N=59).
The same constraint holds for the succeeding survey by Becker et al. (2009) with N=24. Any comparison
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is hardly possible due to conflicting terminology and missing definitions of each method. For instance,
Heinrich subsumed various DSR evaluation methods under “modeling and implementation (construction
of prototypes), partly with testing (e.g., simulation)” (p. 108), which was assigned to 13.6% of the articles.
Nevertheless, both surveys found varying use of methods, which we denote in their original terminology:
survey (50.9% vs. 37.5%), simulation (n/a vs. 25.0%), laboratory experiment (16.9% vs. n/a), and case
study (n/a vs. 20.8%). The survey by Becker et al. reports “design science” (8.3%) as a method separately.
This oddity might be explained by the surveyors directly taking the author’s description of the method
used but not relating it to a sound taxonomy of disjoint methods.
The survey by Wilde and Hess (2007) was guided by a broad set of 14 research methods. Each method was
classified into a portfolio along two dimensions, namely “degree of formalization” (qualitative vs.
quantitative) and “research paradigm” (behavioral vs. design-oriented). Similar to the two former surveys,
laboratory experiments and case studies were assigned to behavioral research but not considered for
evaluating IT artifacts. Wilde and Hess provide definitions of each method and point to exemplar articles
in Wirtschaftsinformatik (if available). We are able to interpret some results as follows: the most used
methods were informed argument and scenario (45%, denoted as argumentative and semi-formal
deduction), case study (16%), and prototyping (13%). Use of controlled experiment, simulation and action
research was very low (each less than 2%), whereas field experiment was not found at all. It might be
surprising to spot descriptive evaluation methods in the first place, considering that they may represent
the ‘last resort’ if other methods are not feasible. However, Wilde and Hess also noted a decreasing share
of descriptive evaluation, with 22% for the last three years of the sample (2004 through 2006).
In light of the surveys on BISE (discussed above) and the knowledge they provide to understand DSR
adoption within this community, our research design aims at mitigating three particular shortcomings.
First, our survey is a comprehensive endeavor that exclusively focuses on design-oriented research and
thus is more appropriate to assess DSR adoption, whereas prior surveys were not specific to DSR and
included behavioral research. Second, by grounding our survey on Hevner et al.’s ISR framework, we
strive for enhancing the abilities of global MIS communities to comprehend and appreciate DSR adoption
by the BISE community due to exerting a widely known conceptualization of design science. We
acknowledge, however, that this approach may conceal certain properties that the BISE community itself
regards as a characteristic, e.g., prototyping as a research method. Third, by covering the full lifetime of
the BISE journal and its latest volume of 2013, the survey allows to depict a contemporary picture of DSR
adoption and identify changes that have occurred in the on-going academic debate on the design science
To answer the research questions, we conducted a literature survey on two data sets representing major
outcomes of the BISE community:
− The initial journal data set included all articles published in volume 1 through 5 of the BISE journal
(from 2009 to 2013), thus, since the inception of this English journal that complemented the German
Wirtschaftsinformatik journal. The BISE journal is sponsored by the MIS sections within the German
Informatics Association (GI) and the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB),
and thus has a similar role as the Journal of the Association for Information Systems. The journal is
the result of a strategic realignment of the main publication outlets within the BISE community. As a
result, five out of seven journal departments are co-edited by non-BISE scholars and international
readership has increased. We only considered papers listed in the Research Paper category but not
State-of-the-Art, Research Note, and Catchword. We also excluded the inaugural issue, which
contained seven visionary papers and eight seminal papers from the past but no new technical
contributions. Thus, the initial data set had 80 articles. All articles were available in electronic format
from SpringerLink via AIS eLibrary.
− The initial proceedings data set included all papers published in the BISE 2011 and 2013 proceedings.
These proceedings only contained completed-research papers (N=216). All papers were available in
electronic format from AIS eLibrary.
The analysis procedure consisted of the following four main tasks, which were carried out from December
2013 to August 2014.
Design Science Research within the BISE Community
Thirty Fifth International Conference on Information Systems, Auckland 2014 7
1. Identification of DSR papers: To identify those papers that build and evaluate an IT artifact, the first
two authors independently examined each journal paper and marked whether it fulfills the criterion.
There was a high inter-rater agreement between the two, indicated by Cohen’s kappa at k=.895.
Conflicting ratings were resolved by discussing each paper in detail. In total, 48 out of 80 papers were
classified under DSR. For the conference papers, the same procedure was followed by the first author and
one PhD student. Inter-rater agreement was high with k=.840. The final data set included 97 conference
papers (of which 59.8% were in English and 40.2% in German).
2. Pilot study with coders: To reduce research bias, the content analysis of journal papers was performed
by two PhD students. For instructing the coders (the two PhD students), we first explained the codebook
and then held three training sessions. The codebook described the criteria for the four artifact types and
twelve evaluation methods as discussed in the preceding section. As for the foundations criterion, coders
were required to identify from each paper those terms used by the authors to denote the relevant state-of-
the-art (which can often be found in a section on “related work” or “theoretical background” in DSR
papers) as well as theories that the authors referred to, if any. The objective of the training sessions was to
validate the codebook for a sample taken from the proceedings data set. The students independently
coded five papers, which were then discussed with the instructors to find agreement on each criterion.
This procedure was repeated two more times. Altogether 15 papers were coded and discussed, so that we
could expect a sufficient level of inter-coder agreement in the main study.
3. Content analysis of journal papers: This step was organized similar to the pilot study, with the coders
independently analyzing each paper and coding the data. This was followed by a discussion of each paper
under the supervision of the instructors. Because of the variety of evaluation methods available in the
DSR literature, the codebook allowed to suggest new categories apart from the twelve methods found in
the DSR framework. In this case, the coder was asked to link the proposed method to one of the five
categories. The procedure thus had an explorative element as follows: The main study commenced with
coding of the articles in volume 5 (2013) of the journal data set. The codes were discussed with the
instructors to resolve conflicts. Then, the coders turned to the articles in the preceding volume (volume 4),
and so on. For agreeing on the terms that appropriately represent the foundations used, the group
discussion involved an additional task. The group removed slight variations and synonyms to uncover
common foundations across the authors’ terminology (e.g., “decision support” and “management support
For volume 4 (2012), both coders independently reported the need for adding at least one evaluation
method. These were found in five papers under the following titles: “expert interview”, “focus group”,
“expert survey”, “expert discussion and interview”, and “expert focus group”. These suggestions were
discussed by the group and it was decided to add one collective method. All five reported evaluation
processes have one thing in common; the artifact was assessed by a group of domain experts in an
experimental environment (no real business environment), however, the treatment was given to all
subjects. Thus, unlike in a controlled experiment, no control group existed but only the treatment group.
This experimental variant was added to the taxonomy as “expert evaluation” and became available for the
next iteration of coding. The average initial agreement for all volumes was moderate to substantial for
artifact types (72.9%) and evaluations methods (60.4%) for artifact types but perfect for foundations
(100.0%). The group discussions lasted about one hour per volume and finally led to mutual agreement
between coders and instructors.
4. Content analysis of conference papers: The main study concluded with the set of 97 conference papers.
The first two authors independently coded each DSR paper in the 2013 volume in a single iteration. Initial
agreement was substantial for artifact types (76.1%) and evaluation methods (69.6%) and perfect for
knowledge base (100.0%). Then, the DSR papers in the 2011 volume were independently coded by the
first author and one PhD student. Similarly, agreement was substantial or high (84.3% for artifact types,
70.6% for evaluation methods, and 82.4% for foundations), and conflicting codes were resolved
afterwards. The discussion of these codes took about four hours.
DSR papers account for 60.0% of the initial journal data set (N=80). As shown in Figure 2, this
percentage has increased since 2011, which represented the year in which design-oriented research was
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even outnumbered by other research. We assessed which of all the DSR papers (N=48) contained a
reference to Hevner et al.’s work (2004). While the share varied during the five years, almost all of the
most recent DSR papers contained a reference. Many set out their research approach by referring to
elements of the ISR framework. With respect to the proceedings, the percentage of conference papers that
provide such a reference is lower (24.7% for the years 2011 and 2013). This may be attributed to the page
limit giving lesser space for explicating the research approach in detail.
Artifact types: The most frequently used artifact type is method with on average 66.7% (journal) and
61.9% (proceedings). Next is model (29.2% and 25.8%), then instantiation (12.5% and 10.3%), and finally
construct (10.4% and 5.2%). In the last two years, the percentage of model artifacts in the BISE journal
has increased at the expense of method artifacts (as shown in Figure 3). Concerning the number of
artifacts types, most papers proposed artifacts of one type (83.3% and 96.9%), very few included two
types (16.7% and 3.1%), and none more than two types. The most frequent combinations were
construct/method, and model/method.
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Figure 2. Percentage of DSR papers (bars,
N=80) and references to Hevner et al.
(line, N=48) in the BISE journal
Figure 3. Percentage of IT artifact types used
in the BISE journal (N=48)
Foundations: For analyzing the foundations, we performed several steps. First, we reviewed the list of
terms that was available for each paper. We classified these terms into the two categories, namely artifact
and theory. These categories were regarded as distinct but complementary as defined in the ISR
framework. That is, theory had a rather narrow meaning, by restricting it to explanatory theories as used
in the social sciences. The rationale for this procedure was to be able to detect to what extent BISE papers
draw on theories that are relevant to behavioral research in MIS. Then, we manually harmonized the level
of abstraction for related terms. For instance, “process reference models” was merged with the more
abstract term “reference models” and “requirements specification” with “requirements engineering”. This
step was aimed at condensing the broad set of terms into larger entities.
The journal data set of 48 papers provided 108 initial terms. Eight papers had only one term, 20 papers
had two terms, 16 papers had three terms, and four papers had four terms. From the 108 terms, we
identified the following four theories: “collective action theory”, “knowing organization theory”,
“resource-based view (of the firm)”, and “systems theory”, which each appeared once. By aggregating
related terms, we finally arrived at 77 terms. Still, these terms represent a wide array of foundations since
84.4% of these terms occurred only in one paper each. Next, we list all the terms with frequency greater
than two: “business process management” (10), “requirements engineering” (6), “service-oriented
architecture” (5), “cloud computing” (3), “reference models” (3), and “semantic technology” (3).
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The foundations results for the proceedings data set are as follows: 97 papers yielded 108 initial terms.
Three terms denote theories (“mechanism design”, “game theory”, and “auction theory”). The aggregation
step reduced the number of terms to 81, which still represent a great diversity in foundations. This finding
is also reflected in the short list of terms with frequency greater than two as follows: “business process
management” (12), “service-oriented architecture” (7), and “enterprise architecture” (3).
Evaluation methods: The data presented in Table 2 indicates significant changes in evaluation practices
over the past five years.
Category of
Specific Evaluation
Journal Proceedings
Observational Case study 30.8%
Field study -
Analytical Static analysis 7.7%
Architecture analysis -
Optimization -
Dynamic analysis -
Experimental Controlled experiment -
Simulation 15.4%
Expert evaluation 7.7%
Testing Functional (black box) -
Structural (white box) -
Descriptive Informed argument 15.4%
Scenario 46.2%
No evaluation -
Table 2. Percentage of Evaluation Methods Used
In 2009 and 2010, descriptive methods in journal papers accounted for 61.6% and 40.0% respectively,
but this has dropped to 11.1% in 2013. At the same time, experimental methods were more often used,
with preference on simulation and controlled experiment. In parallel to the decrease of single case studies,
expert evaluation decreased sharply in 2013. Another finding is that all six analytical and testing methods
are marginal. The results for the proceedings data set largely concur with those of the journal data set.
Considering the lower acceptance criteria of proceedings, methods that require extensive data collection
and analysis were seldom found. The much lower barrier may also explain why almost a fifth of all
conference papers lacked any form of evaluation, contrary to each journal paper reporting an evaluation.
In addition, we checked the number of evaluation methods per paper. We found one evaluation method in
89.6% of the journal papers, and 81.4% of the proceedings papers, while two methods were reported in
10.4% and 3.1%, respectively.
In the next step of our data analysis, we studied the dependence of evaluation methods on the type of
artifact that was evaluated (Table 3). The ability to interpret this data for the journal may be limited due
to the changes that have occurred over time as shown in Table 2. However, we can point to three
observations. First, the evaluation of constructs, models and methods almost evenly splits between three
methods/categories, i.e., case study, experimental, and descriptive methods. Second, we did not observe
any abnormal combination such as arguing for the usefulness of proposed instantiations by providing
informed arguments or constructing scenarios. On the contrary, most dependencies make a lot of sense,
e.g., instantiations were coupled with experimental methods (66.7%). Third, models were the primary
object of expert evaluation; in all four cases, these models were reference models (data, process, quality)
and the experts were asked whether they perceive the proposed model as useful.
IS Design Science
10 Thirty Fifth International Conference on Information Systems, Auckland 2014
The proceedings data in the right hand side columns of Table 3 indicate similar dependencies, although at
the lower end of evaluation methods. Hence, experimental methods focus on simulation rather than
involving subjects that interact with the artifact in some form, and models have been either applied once
in an organization, assessed in a descriptive form, or not evaluated at all.
Category of
Specific Evaluation
Journal 2009-2013 Proceedings 2011 & 2013
Case study 40.0%
Field study -
Analytical Static analysis -
Architecture analysis -
Optimization -
Dynamic analysis -
Controlled experiment 20.0%
Simulation -
Expert evaluation -
Testing Functional (black box) -
Structural (white box) -
Descriptive Informed argument 20.0%
Scenario 40.0%
No evaluation -
Table 3. Evaluation Methods per Artifact Type
The goal of this work has been to better understand the quality of the recent DSR being conducted by the
BISE community and inform the global MIS community about the dominating practices of BISE research.
The results provide insights into these practices which we will discuss at four levels as follows: (1) outlets
for DSR, (2) IT artifacts and foundations, (3) evaluation methods, and (4) lessons learned.
DSR Outlets
The first result, though not surprising, is that the two BISE outlets studied have the highest receptivity for
DSR compared to all other MIS outlets. The share of design-oriented articles for the journal is 60.0% and
for the proceedings is 42.1%, respectively. Although all major MIS outlets nowadays are open to DSR and
have included this approach into their editorial statements (Baskerville et al. 2011), the actual percentage
of DSR is much lower on the global scale. Exact data is not available but recent years suggest a share of 5%
to 10% in the top MIS journals. Besides the number of articles, perceptions of the members of the
community are important to appraise receptivity. A recent survey among 57 active design-oriented
researchers investigated the perceived receptivity of 60 journals (VanderMeer and Tremblay 2013).
Although the BISE journal ranked only 12th (3.6 on a 5-point scale), from the superior journals all but
three were Computer Science outlets. Acknowledging that MIS researchers perceive the BISE journal as
being receptive for DSR, the study also found that the respondents did not perceive the journal’s impact
on the same level.
The share of DSR papers in the BISE proceedings also exceeds all other MIS conferences. The data on
MIS conferences is richer than for journals but partly contradictory. In the most comprehensive survey of
more than 7,500 papers published from 1999 to 2008, Olbrich (2009) reported quite high percentages for
ICIS (25%), AMCIS (9%), and ECIS (35%). However, these findings are inconsistent with the perceptions
Design Science Research within the BISE Community
Thirty Fifth International Conference on Information Systems, Auckland 2014 11
articulated by eminent supporters of DSR as well as the survey by Indulska and Recker (2008), which
covered the more recent period from 2005 to 2007. From a sample of 3,284 papers contained in the
proceedings of ACIS, AMCIS, ECIS, ICIS and PACIS, they found only 2.5% DSR papers. Indulska and
Recker also noted an over-proportional share of DSR contributions from European authors, in particular,
authors from German-speaking countries.
IT Artifacts and Foundations
The main research outputs of the BISE community are methods, which account for about two thirds of all
artifacts (though this has dropped in the past two years for the journal). A comparison with findings from
the only existing survey that also considered artifact types (Samuel-Ojo et al. 2008) suggests significant
differences. This survey examined all 92 papers that were presented at DESRIST conferences between
2006 and 2009. DESRIST is the first conference series in MIS that is exclusively dedicated to DSR. The
survey reported models in the first place (40.2%), followed by methods at 23.9%. In the design-science
paradigm, methods are the ultimate means for problem solving, since they provide specific guidance on
how to solve problems and rely on representations such as models. Following this view, the dominance of
methods in DSR by the BISE community suggests a closer orientation towards the problem solving
criteria and the applicability of these artifacts than DESRIST.
In carrying out the content analysis, we observed not only a wide range of methods but also noted an
emphasis on methods that assist in strategic decision making by the IT and business executives rather
than operational decisions. The proposed methods are more frequently targeted at the organizational level
than the individual level (difference in unit of analysis). In many cases, these methods were developed in
close cooperation with domain experts, underwent several iterations of build-evaluate processes, and
were evaluated with respect to requirements posited by these domain experts. Actually, specific research
methods have been proposed by BISE researchers for conducting this form of research. Of particular
significance is the so called “consortium research” approach (Österle and Otto 2010), which is intended to
support the researcher in accessing and capturing knowledge from practitioners. While this method has
been applied and refined for more than 20 years, it was also proposed as a method artifact of DSR,
evaluated by means of a longitudinal field survey, and presented by referring to Hevner et al.’s guidelines
on design-oriented research.
Consortium research stresses the importance of knowledge from artifacts that are already in use, and that
researchers must assess this knowledge to be able to make any meaningful contribution to solving
practical problems. This view of knowledge has also found its way into the BISE memorandum by stating
that the body of knowledge is constituted by the literature but “to a much larger extent […] by the
experiences and knowledge accumulated in business” (Österle et al. 2011, p. 8). Our content analysis
provides evidence for the broad foundations that BISE researchers use when building artifacts. On the
other hand, explanatory theories played a marginal role and were only found in a handful of journal and
conference papers. Particular MIS theories were not observed at all. This interpretation of foundations is
much more extensive than the DSR conception of Hevner et al. In particular, the ISR framework indicates
that foundations are provided by “IS research and results from reference disciplines” (Hevner et al. 2004,
p. 80). Thus, has theory no place in BISE research? If we rely on the memorandum, then theory serves the
underlying design decisions. Yet, our survey found little evidence for deriving design elements from
existing theories. This assessment, however, must be seen in the general context of the range and role of
theory in DSR.
In an ideal world, theoretical propositions guide design research and justify elements of the design.
However, a field study of 68 cross-discipline DSR scholars identified a great variety of theory use, ranging
from theory as being implicit or tacit, and theory as ontology that provides constructs for representing
domain phenomena, and finally theory as concrete descriptions for building artifacts (Haynes and Carroll
2010). In the BISE samples, we found a similar array of theory use. The current minimal role of theory
may be due to limited power of extant theories to explain and predict new domain phenomena that arise
from advancements in IT and business practices (Lee 2010). BISE researchers are more exposed to these
advancements than MIS researchers (Steininger et al. 2009). The foundations that we identified from the
samples were referring to IT artifacts for topical problems of urgency for practitioners.
IS Design Science
12 Thirty Fifth International Conference on Information Systems, Auckland 2014
Evaluation Methods
Of particular importance are evaluation methods that allow BISE researchers to engage with
practitioners. Assuming that methods follow topics and the problem that the IT artifacts address,
prototyping has been put forward as a specific method of utmost importance. The role of prototyping in
engaged scholarship was emphasized in all recent surveys on the BISE community (e.g., Becker et al.
2009; Heinrich 2005; Heinrich and Riedl 2013; Wilde and Hess 2007) as well as in the BISE
memorandum. With respect to the more commonly acknowledged definition of evaluation processes in
Hevner et al.’s essay, a terminological problem surrounds prototyping as a specific research method. The
problem manifests in the definition used in the study by Wilde and Hess, which reads as follows:
“development and evaluation of a preliminary version of an application system.” (2010, p. 282, translated
from German). This seems to suggest that prototyping does not prescribe how to evaluate the application
and what specific method to use for conducting the evaluation. For instance, the prototype system could
be implemented in an organization (case study), used in a controlled environment (experiment) or tested
with artificial data (simulation).
The mismatch of the memorandum’s conceptualization with the ISR framework also affected our content
analysis, which had to relate the terminology found in BISE papers to the taxonomy of evaluation
methods in the ISR framework. While this could be resolved, to a large extent, by the procedures used in
the survey method, these differences might undermine the ability of the global MIS community to directly
interpret outcomes from BISE research. The survey results, however, suggest that BISE researchers have
started to align their terminology with the global definition of methods. As for the relevance of particular
evaluation methods, we noticed a preference for experimental methods over descriptive evaluation, which
prevailed in the past. This observation corroborates the recent suggestions within the BISE community to
pay more attention to rigor in conducting the evaluation process (Buhl et al., 2012).
Preference is given to simulation and controlled experiment but our data is still ambiguous about the role
of expert evaluations. The increasing importance of controlled experiments involving subjects may in the
long run affect the problems addressed by the individual as the unit of analysis instead of the
organization. In earlier times, many BISE researchers were reluctant to examine artifacts first in a
laboratory setting but favored a real-world setting of an organization (Heinrich and Riedl 2013). This
stance was largely due to the nature and relevance of problems addressed and the institutional context of
BISE research. Our findings suggest that BISE researchers recently tend to put more emphasis on the
control of confounding factors for internal validity than in the past, which was guided by external validity.
Lessons Learned
Our analysis of the literature from the BISE community reveals that while DSR has been widely adopted,
the approaches used vary quite a bit because the research has been driven by specific industry needs and
different problems being solved. Most of the research has also been centered on facilitating strategic
decision making at the organizational level. One of the lessons learned is that this “consortium approach”
to DSR did not take into account the typical controls and explanatory theories that are an integral part of
DSR and hence the research may not be considered rigorous by the main stream MIS community.
The understanding of what theoretical propositions are relevant to DSR and how to translate theory into
activities by the researcher is still limited. The DSR literature does not sufficiently inform the general
procedures as well as provide many instances of applying successful theory to design. A rich body of
frameworks, principles, procedures, and guidelines for theory-led design has emerged (Carlsson et al.
2011; Gleasure et al. 2012; Kuechler and Vaishnavi 2012). While the more recent papers from the two
BISE samples contained several adoptions of this body of knowledge, still only a handful of articles
provided thorough reasoning about the theory-component of their design but rather framed their research
approach on a higher level of abstraction.
Another lesson learned is that the DSR researchers haven’t been consistent in the use of terminology and
hence their works run the risk of being misinterpreted by the global DSR community. Very often, the
practice-driven nature of DSR is evident from the outset of the papers and the way they articulated the
research design. While most DSR papers claim to follow the DSR methodology by referring to Hevner et
al.’s article, the actual impact of their specific ISR framework is still low. That is, few articles subscribe to
the DSR terminology and then use its concepts correctly. We found such deviations for artifact types,
Design Science Research within the BISE Community
Thirty Fifth International Conference on Information Systems, Auckland 2014 13
evaluation methods, and foundations. For instance, some BISE researchers mixed up the terminology into
custom descriptions of their evaluation approach such as “case-study-based simulation” and “illustrative
case example”, or regarded controlled experiments as an ideal that couldn’t effectively be achieved by
research (stated in a BISE journal article of 2010). Quite often, DSR appears to serve as a “label” used for
“selling” the research but doesn’t consistently materialize throughout the presented research.
Sufficient care has to be taken to ensure that the basic tenets of the DSR methodology are strictly followed
in order to gain credibility outside the BISE community. While the DSR research within the BISE
community has led to some ingenious solutions to some complex problems, the lack of rigor in some cases
limits them from being generalizable and broadly applicable. Based on these observations, our study acts
as a magnifying glass for various facets of general DSR in MIS. Unlike behavioral research, and in
particular quantitative positivist research, very few articles have a recognizable publication formula. The
diversity is not limited to the range of problems addressed but also concerns the types of knowledge
contributions and the means used for validating and presenting the research (Dwivedi et al. 2014). We
hope that recent debates within the DSR communities to clarify the knowledge contributions, research
processes, and presentation, such as the DSR communication schema proposed by Gregor and Hevner
(2013), will result in more effective articulation of DSR efforts, and thus improve DSR appreciation within
the MIS community.
This paper has investigated the use of design science research methodology within the BISE community
by adopting Hevner et al.’s ISR framework (2004). Specifically, we focused on understanding the types of
artifacts created, the foundations used to build these artifacts, and the evaluation methods used. We
examined two sets of journal and conference papers, which included 48 and 97 DSR papers, respectively.
While design-oriented research is predominant within the BISE community, the applications tended to
have a managerial focus and the development of the artifacts don’t necessarily have well-articulated
theoretical underpinnings. In other words, the rigor aspect of DSR is somewhat lacking. On the other
hand, the contributions of DSR emanating from the BISE community are as follows: A broader view of the
foundations for DSR appears which incorporates artifacts that are not described in extant literature but
used in practice and provides means for accessing and appraising this part of the knowledge base. The
focus on the organization as the unit of analysis may complement findings from extensive MIS studies on
the individual and group level, and thus also contribute to theory. A pluralism of research methods may
better cater to the timeliness of problems addressed and allow the researcher to engage with practice.
There is still a need for further aligning these specific DSR contributions with terminology and
developments in the global DSR and MIS communities (e.g., conceptualization of research methods,
adoption of practices for conducting experimental research, instrumentation of theoretical constructs,
and data analysis).
We like to thank Marvin Hubl, Johannes Merkert, and Martin Riekert for their assistance in the document
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