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Abstract and Figures

Background and Study Aim: The main questions put by the investigators were: a) what was the competitors' approach to the sport fight along the whole course in alpine skiing, and b) was the information of the runs of the previous competitors important for the next competitors. The first aim of the investigations was acquiring a knowledge on the tactical manner of skiing competitors. The second aim was a proposition of inclusion of some aspects of martial arts into training of skiers. Material and Methods: Competitions of Alpine Ski FIS World Cup in: downhill, super giant, giant slalom, slalom were evaluated. Altogether 798 starting applications of skiers were noted. Basic geometry of the gates was obtained. All runs were recorded with video camera. Velocities and accelerations of the runs were calculated. Two biomechanical indices were introduced. Results: Index of skiers' level was highly correlated with the starting numbers. Index of velocity deviations was higher in technical disciplines comparing to the speedy ones. There is significant difference between better and the worse competitors taking into account tactical approach to the run. Better skiers ran specific fragments of the course with different velocity, hence they obtained shorter time of running. Conclusions: Some gates were set in wrong manner. Skiers took into account knowledge of the tough fragment of the track and ran it in different way. It would be worthy to implement to the skiers' training elements of martial arts.
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Sport ght during alpine skiing course running –martial
arts can increase the efciency of skiers training
Vasilios Giovanis1AE, Piotr Aschenbrenner2ABCD, Włodzimierz S. Erdmann2ABDE
1Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens-Daphne, Greece
2Department of Biomechanics and Sport Engineering, Jędrzej Śniadecki University of Physical Education and Sport, Gdansk, Poland
Source of support: authors’ resources
Received: 18 April 2013; Accepted: 16 August 2013; Published online: 20 August 2013
ICID: 1063458
Background e main questions put by the investigators were: a) what was the competitors’ approach to the sport ght
along the whole course in alpine skiing, and b) was the information of the runs of the previous competitors
important for the next competitors. e rst aim of the investigations was acquiring a knowledge on the tac-
tical manner of skiing competitors. e second aim was a proposition of inclusion of some aspects of martial
arts into training of skiers.
Material & Methods: Competitions of Alpine Ski FIS World Cup in: downhill, super-giant, giant slalom, slalom were evaluated.
Altogether 798 starting applications of skiers were noted. Basic geometry of the gates was obtained. All runs
were recorded with video camera. Velocities and accelerations of the runs were calculated. Two biomechani-
cal indices were introduced.
Results: Index of skiers’ level was highly correlated with the starting numbers. Index of velocity deviations was higher
in technical disciplines comparing to the speedy ones. ere is signicant dierence between better and the
worse competitors taking into account tactical approach to the run. Better skiers ran specic fragments of the
course with dierent velocity, hence they obtained shorter time of running.
Some gates were set in wrong manner. Skiers took into account knowledge of the tough fragment of the track
and ran it in dierent way. It would be worthy to implement to the skiers’ training elements of martial arts.
Keywords: alpine skiing • world cup • ghting • sport tactics • biomechanics • martial arts
Author’s address: Vassilios Giovanis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Science, Ethnikis Antistasis 41, 17237 Dafni, Athens, Greece; e-mail:
Authors’ Contribution:
A Study Design
B Data Collection
C Statistical Analysis
D Manuscript Preparation
EFunds Collection
& Study Aim:
Competition is deep-rooted in man’s mind. It shows
up in almost every kind of human activity. During
peaceful time competition takes into account econ-
omy of the country or region, and also individual or
group activity, including eciency of mind and body.
e latter deals especially with sport activity.
ere are dierent kinds of sport competition (rivalry,
ght): 1) direct, e.g. in ghting sports, 2) indirect
– parallel in time or one by one (as in alpine skiing);
3) corresponding – on separate sport arenas. Another
division of sport proposed Naglak [1]. According to
him there are several sport disciplines where motor,
cognitive, or perceptive characteristics are dominant:
1) games (cognitive, perceptive); 2) games with a ball
or a puck, etc. (cognitive, perceptive, motor); 3) shows
(motor, cognitive); 4) direct confrontation (perceptive,
cognitive, motor); 5) races (motor, perceptive, cog-
nitive). Alpine skiing can be categorized as a sport
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VOLUME 9 | 2013
Original Article
racing activity where motor factor dominates over
perception and cognition. is is a hard psycholog-
ical approach to rivalry. During the run competitor
depends only on his own tactical decisions, with-
out feedback of time data, coach’s advice, spectators’
screams. e only knowledge competitor has before
his or her run at the particular competition are con-
guration of gates (which is seen before the run) and
time data (intermediate and the end time) of his or
her predecessors in the competition.
Competitors in alpine skiing usually run individu-
ally. Time of one or two runs is taken into account. A
number of runs depends on a discipline. In downhill
(DH) and super-giant (SG) there is one run and in
giant slalom (GS) and slalom (SL) there are two of
them. Here only the rst 30 skiers from the rst run
qualied to the second run.
A competitor at the start line possesses information only
on times obtained by preceding skiers. During the run
there is no possibility to have additional information on
how the run is performed. ere is no pressure from
other competitors who accelerate their movement before
the nish line as it is e.g. during athletic runs. Only at
parallel slalom a competitor can observe his direct oppo-
nent. Spectators have information on the actual position
of a skier based on two or three intermediate times but
they do not have information what happens between
measuring points. An additional specicity of alpine
skiing is that every competition is situated at another
course, so a skier cannot compare his own run based
on time of running as it is e.g. in athletic marathon run.
Technique and tactics in competitive alpine skiing
are subordinate to just one aim – obtaining the short-
est time of running a course. is time is dependent
directly on mean velocity and a distance covered. e
competitor tries to maintain the optimal track and opti-
mal velocity which gives safe running and the shortest
time. Appropriate tactics should take into account opti-
mal distribution of eort along the whole course. is
prevents against incidents at the end of a run (running
o the course, hitting a pole, falling down etc.) [2, 3].
ere were several investigations on how skiers run
the course. Taking into account tactics of running
the rst approaches dealt with runs through just few
gates only [4, 5]. is approach could not help the
coach to assess the skier during the whole perfor-
mance – which fragment was wrong run, where he
or she gained or where he or she lost comparing to
other competitors. Further investigations of Erdmann
and his group took into account running along the
entire course of giant slalom [e.g. 6, 7]. is approach
allowed full tactical assessment of the skiers.
e setting of gates along the course constrains
acquiring specic tactics of running by the com-
petitor which relies on accelerating and decelerat-
ing in proper fragments of the course. e specicity
of these changes reects how the competitor fought
along the course. Analysis of a distribution of veloc-
ity and biomechanical indices would allow to assess
objectively whether a run was active or passive, or
maybe it was with too big risk leading to falling down.
Concept of the investigations
e main questions put by the investigators were: a)
what was the competitors’ approach to the sport ght
along the whole course in alpine skiing, and also b)
was the information of the runs of the previous com-
petitors important for the next competitors. erefore
the aim of the investigations was acquiring a knowl-
edge on the tactical manner of skiing competitors
applied during their runs along the whole course.
We hypothesized: 1) there is signicant dierence
between the better and the worse competitors in alpine
skiing taking into account tactical approach to the run;
2) competitors take into account current results of pre-
vious runners before their run in the same competition,
3) competitors in technical disciplines while running the
second leg take into account results of the rst leg.
We put the following detailed questions: 1) What
are geometric dimensions of the setting of gates? 2)
What are the time data from gate to gate and of the
whole course? 3) What velocities obtained skiers for
all inter-gate distances, 4) How skiers run specic
fragments of the course? 5) Do skiers run smoothly
along the whole course? 6) Is it worthy to introduce
martial arts activities into the skiers training?
MaterIal and Methods
Alpine Skiing FIS World Cup competitions were taken
into account. ere were 12 competitions in four disci-
plines (three competitions for every discipline) of the
season 2006/2007. Authors were present in Austria,
Germany, Italy, Norway, Slovenia at the following loca-
tions: 1) DH – Val Gardena 15.12.2006, Garmisch-
Partenkirchen 24.02.2007, Kvitell 10.03.2007; 2) SG
– Val Gardena 16.12.2006, Hinterstoder 20.12.2006,
Kvitell 11.03.2007; 3) GS – Alta Badia 17.12.2006,
Hinterstoder 21.12.2006, Kranjska Gora 03.03.2007); 4)
SL – Alta Badia 18.12.2006, Garmisch-Partenkirchen
25.02.2007, Kranjska Gora 04.03.2007.
Sport race – indirect
confrontation usually on separate
tracks or one after one
Sport tactics – a manner of
realizing sport ght taking
into account an opponent,
surrounding, phase of
Alpine skiing – running down
the hill on snow or other surface
Skiing course – geometrical
surface where skier should run
between gates made of poles
Velocity – distance covered
in time
Acceleration – change of
velocity in time
Falling exercises – acquiring
manner of falling with
deceleration by using muscles
and activity to harden the body
to the ground forces
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Giovanis V. et al. – Sport fight during alpine skiing course running...
e best skiers in the world were investigated. In dif-
ferent competitions mostly the same skiers partici-
pated. At every competition there were present 60-80
skiers. Altogether 798 starting applications of ski-
ers were noted. Including two runs during technical
competitions there were 978 runs taken into account.
From this number 160 (16 %) runs were not nished.
Based on geodetic measurements coordinates of gates
and therefore basic inter-gate distances (from pole to
pole), angles of inclination (up and down) and angles
of deviation (left and right) were calculated. All runs
were recorded with video camera (from the monitor
situated at the nish area of every competition) and
then all-time data when skier passed every gate pole
were obtained using AS-1 computer program (writ-
ten by the second co-author). Dividing basic distance
by time velocities and accelerations for all inter-gate
distances were calculated.
Successive start of the rst 30 competitors in downhill
depends on the last training’s times and in super-G is
based on the actual FIS ranking. ey start in oppo-
site manner, i.e. the 30th at the training or in ranking
starts the rst. e next skiers (beyond the rst 30)
start according to FIS ranking. Within technical dis-
ciplines the succession at the start of the rst 15 ski-
ers within the FIS ranking is set by drawing and the
rest runs according to FIS ranking.
e manner of a skier’s run can be described using
some of the following biomechanical indices [7-9]:
1) index of skiers’ level (for particular geometry of a
course and weather conditions skiers should obtain
particular velocity): = v.mean / W.geom.
where: – index of skiers’ level, v.mean – mean
velocity of the entire course, W.geom. – index of the
course geometry (a function of inter-gate distance,
angles of inclination and deviation [8]).
2) Index of velocity deviations (smaller the velocity
deviations the better):
W.vd = ½a½ / v.mean
where: W.vd – index of velocity deviations, ½a½
absolute value of acceleration, v.mean – mean veloc-
ity of the entire course.
e alpine ski running is a highly individual
approach – some skiers run aggressively, others run
more smoothly. Specic competitors were taken into
account who were at dierent competitions within
dierent groups and their manner of runs was ana-
lysed in details. In downhill and super-G and also
in the rst runs of giant slalom and slalom succeed-
ing skiers at the start were taken into account. Here,
information from the course while other skiers were
running was important to assess whether the next
skiers took this information into account while they
were running the course. Within technical disciplines
where the rst 30 skiers participate in the second run,
competitors were divided on those who should attack
(positions 15-30 after the rst run) and those who
are in advantage and could run more safely (positions
1-15 after the rst run).
Data were analysed using standard statistics. For all
material data distribution was checked by K-S and
Lillefors tests. When material was near the normal
distribution mean, standard deviation, coecients of
variation, and dispersion (minimum and maximum)
were calculated. For comparison of groups consistence
of distribution was checked using χ2 and ANOVA
tests. If signicant dierences were found post-hoc and
NIR tests were used to show the dierences among the
groups. For biomechanical indices Pearson’s correlation
analysis was obtained with main kinematical quanti-
ties, i.e. mean velocity of the whole run and with time
obtained at the nish line. Correlation was acquired as
signicant when according to t-Student distribution
critical value was α ≥ 0.05.
Relationship of starting numbers and the
positions at the nish
Signicant correlations were found between nal
positions at the nish and the starting numbers.
Figure 1 presents mean positions at the nish accord-
ing to successive starting numbers within six compe-
titions in speed disciplines (Figure 1 A) and within
six competitions in technical disciplines (Figure 1 B).
For the further analysis only data of the 30 rst ski-
ers at the nish line were taken into account with the
assumption they represent similar sport level.
Biomechanical indices and starting numbers
Data of index of skiers’ level ( were highly correlated
with the starting numbers (0.63 < r < 0.87). is was due
to the acquired system of succession at the start, i.e. within
the technical disciplines the best skiers run with the rst
numbers (later runners have worse course surface) and
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VOLUME 9 | 2013
Original Article
within the speed disciplines starting number is not asso-
ciated with the state of the course surface and a skier with
the 25th or 30th number can be the rst at the nish.
Values of index of velocity deviations was quite higher
in technical disciplines comparing to the speedy ones.
is was due to the higher values of absolute accel-
erations and smaller mean velocities. In slalom mean
acceleration at the inter-gate distances equalled 3.49
and in giant slalom 1.41 m/s
. In the speedy dis-
ciplines it equalled below 1 m/s2. ere were higher
values of W.vd in technical disciplines for competitors
of the better group (starting numbers 1-30) – Table 1.
ere was negative correlation of index of velocity
deviation and starting number in technical disci-
plines (r = –0.33 in the rst leg and –0.28 in the sec-
ond leg), however in downhill and super-giant there
were no signicant dierences of the index of veloc-
ity deviation between the rst 30 competitors and the
rest of them. Dierent tactics was necessary within
speed and technical running. Within downhill there
was important to maintain high velocity at the long
inter-gate distances with small velocity deviations and
within slalom active run was necessary with change
of velocity at every possible fragment of the course.
Changes in manner of running after situations of
running o the track by previous competitors
No signicant dierence was found between man-
ner of running for a group before an incident and for
a group after an incident taking into account indices
for the whole track. However, when the track’s frag-
ment just before the incident was concerned signi-
cant lowering of velocity and lowering of the index
of velocity deviations were found.
At one of the tracks there was dicult set of gates
number 20-21. Seven competitors ran o the track
in this place. Runners with lower numbers had high
Figure 1. Relationship of starting numbers and the positions at the nish: A – speed disciplines (DH and SG) – for the
rst 30 skiers r = -0.612 and for the rest r = 0.702; B – technical disciplines (GS and SL) – for both disciplines
r = 0.944.
Table 1. Index of velocity deviations (three runs in each discipline).
Competitors SL GS SG DH
All at the Finish
(n = 3´30)
min 0.110 0.033 0.021 0.010
max 0.590 0.154 0.070 0.078
x 0.262 0.071 0.038 0.031
SD 0.066 0.017 0.008 0.009
V 25.1 24.3 22.4 29.5
Finish places 1-15
(n = 3´15)
x 0.266* 0.072* 0.037 0.031
SD 0.062 0.018 0.005 0.007
V 23.3 25.9 12.5 22.0
Finish places 16-30
(n = 3´15)
x 0.255* 0.070* 0.039 0.031
SD 0.068 0.016 0.005 0.007
V 26.9 22.7 17.5 23.3
*signicant dierences p<0.05
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Giovanis V. et al. – Sport fight during alpine skiing course running...
velocity at the gate numbers 20 and 21 hence they
had problems and velocity at the gate number 23 was
smaller. Next competitors just before the start have the
possibility to watch at the television screen runs of pre-
ceding competitors. ey could also have information
from the coaches and other members of the team situ-
ated along the track on the manner other skiers ran the
course. So, it was very probable that competitors who
possessed knowledge on dicult fragment of the track
at gates 21 and 22 after gate number 19 they ran slower
and due to this after quiet running of the gate number
21 at gate 23 they had higher velocity. An example of
such a situation was shown in the Figure 2.
Changes of values of indices in the case when
competitor had time advantage within the second leg
Within the technical disciplines at the second run
competitors had higher values of investigated indi-
ces. No relations were found between values of indi-
ces and advantage after the rst leg.
Based on the analysis of kinematics indices one can
see the inuence of succession of start on the end
results. e information on the situation at the course
reaching a competitor before the start can inuence
the decision he or she would make according to his
or her running. e assessment of the run was based,
among other quantities, on velocity deviations. ese
deviations are important from the energetic point of
view because accelerations and decelerations engage
signicantly the muscle system. ey are also impor-
tant from the tactical point of view since a ght for a
victory needs active run.
When a competitor stays at the starting gate he or
she is there alone. If there is a shorter course the only
success would be to run at maximum of his or her
possibilities almost from the very beginning. When
a course is long and tough optimal velocity tactics
should be applied. At the beginning a bit slower
velocity could be used with a gain of smaller load.
In addition some sets of gates are of such congu-
ration that there is better to run previous inter-gate
distances with lower velocity and the next set of dis-
tances with higher velocity. In this way the whole set
of gates would be run with shorter time. A competitor
planning tactics of running needs to take into account
possible risk and to estimate what risk can acquire
other competitors. Often there are risk decisions but
in order to win they need to risk. Unfortunately, not
rarely it ends with incidents or injuries.
Training of competitors at the highest level is per-
formed with the best coach’s knowledge, all needed
facilities, high nancial support. But still new ways of
improvement could be added. One of those is imple-
menting to the skiers’ training elements of ght-
ing sports (martial arts). Similar approach described
Foretić et al. [10] who presented implementation of
wrestling to the handball players. rough frequent
contact with the body of an opponent in wrestling
they had less fear in contacting opponent’s body
Figure 2. Mean velocity data at the intergate distances 20-23 for competitors who ran before and after incidents (SG
track in Kvitel, NOR).
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VOLUME 9 | 2013
Original Article
in handball. It is very important to acquire knowl-
edge and skills on falling in skiing competitors. e
knowledge of falling acquired through participation in
ghting art like judo should give less fear while fall-
ing on snow during high speed at the competition.
More over the body accustomed to the falls should
be more resistant to forces acting during contact with
the ground.
Training of ghting arts should improve very impor-
tant psychological approach to the competition. A
competitor should have great motivation to the activ-
ity he or she is performing. Martial arts have long
tradition of implementing to the mind of a competi-
tor such an approach. High level of combination of
motivation to achieve success and motivation to avoid
failure provide better psychophysiological states [11].
In order to improve mentality of alpine skiers, i.e.
perception and cognition of his or her own body and
circumstances of activity it would be worthy to train
some aspects of martial arts. In this way a competitor
will be more condent in his or her abilities and will
better cope with defeat.
Martial arts give also an example of a good relation
‘master-pupil’. Coach like a good master should edu-
cate a novice in a sense of self-esteem through club
discipline [12].
Proposed method of analysis of kinematics of running
gives a possibility of assessment of tactics and would
show real process of competition along the course. It
would show a sport ght which is not seen during
television coverage. Another possibility is application
of obtained results for better pageantry of skiers’ per-
formance. is can be done through visualization of
comparison of a run of particular skier with the best
one up to now using computer animation [13].
Competitors take into account the manner previous
skiers ran the course, especially when some incident
occurred, and change their manner of running
Within technical disciplines while running the second
leg it seams competitors take into account the results
of the rst leg in such a way that if there is a large dif-
ference in time results those from further places need
to risk faster running in order to be closer to the win-
ning positions. Probably this is a cause of incidents at
the course. Nevertheless this shows a ght along the
course without direct contact with opponents.
Since setting of gates sometimes is wrong it would be
worthy to check this setting before running of skiers,
e.g. by a team of sport analysts. All fragments that
could be too tough for skiers could be re-set.
e authors would like to give an advice to the skiers’
coaches to introduce to the training some activities of
sports of direct ghting, e.g. discipline manner of con-
duct, mental activities, and falling exercises.
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Cite this article as: Giovanis V, Aschenbrenner P, Erdmann WS. Sport ght during alpine skiing course running – martial arts can increase the eciency of skiers
training. Arch Budo, 2013; 3: 189–194
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... One 65 30 15 14 10 7 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 concerns the implementation of elements of wrestling for training of handball players [18]. The other is a venture proposal to use elements of judo and other martial arts in the training of alpine skiers [19]. In another paper, the authors use elements of the theory of combat sports [3] while analysing the efficiency of football players in one-on-one games [20]. ...
The mission of the Archives of Budo is to promote martial arts and combat sports based on scientific evidence and to take the opportunity to develop all dimensions of positive health (somatic, mental, social) and survival capabilities in a manner worthy of man. It is not easy to define the science of martial arts as a separate scientific specialty. It remains unclear that besides this unique knowledge, the specialist must accumulate experience and qualifications based on the widely understood practice of martial arts. The Editorial Board will not accept contemporary forms of gladiatorial contests (e.g., MMA) as sport. UNIFIGHT (of Russian origin) is a counterbalance to this negative trend. Unfortunately, it is not recognisable on a global scale, although it enables universal human development via combat sports. At the beginning of 2013, we initiated a parallel edition of the Archives of Budo Science of Martial Arts and Extreme Sports as a branch journal. The papers published are all original to some extent and are clinical because the practice of training is our main concern.
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Background The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of learning of some wrestling techniques on the efficiency in a contact game. Material/Methods: The research was conducted on a sample of 20 handball players (10-12 years). Experimental and control group rated the effectiveness in contact play before and after the treatment. The treatment consisted of learning and practicing five wrestling techniques applied on the preparation part of the training session. Results: Initial testing did not show statistically significant differences in efficiency between groups in defense and in attack. Results of the final testing showed that statistically significant differences between the experimental (defense p=0.04, attack p=0.02) and control group (defense p<0.01, attack p=0.03). Analysis of differences between groups show that the experimental group achieved statistically significant (p<0.01) better results in defense and attack performance. Conclusions: The research has shown that teaching young handball players wrestling techniques can significantly improve their performance. and Study Aim: copy is for personal use only-distribution prohibited. This copy is for personal use only-distribution prohibited. This copy is for personal use only-distribution prohibited. This copy is for personal use only-distribution prohibited. This copy is for personal use only-distribution
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Background It is believed that martial arts can produce educational opportunities for youth. Therefore, some critical success factors have to be taken into account. One of these factors is considered as the type of guidance. However in martial arts research, there is a lack of research examining the role of the martial arts teacher. Study aim and methods Therefore, a study was set-up to analyse different teaching approaches used in martial arts and to develop a framework aiming to identify these teaching methods. In the present study several research methods were used to collect the data (i.e., interviews, observations and questionnaires). In total, 20 teachers in aikido, karate or kick-/Thai boxing were involved. Results and conclusions Based on the results of this study, all teachers were classified into three groups based on their teaching approach (i.e., traditional, sporting and efficiency). Findings revealed differences in the teaching approach used by teachers of different martial arts (i.e., aikido teachers use a traditional approach and kick-/Thai boxing teachers an efficiency approach), as well as within one martial art (i.e., karate teachers use all three approaches). In future research it will be relevant to examine the extent to which a variation in teaching approaches might have an impact on the experiences of young martial artists.
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There is little information available on injuries to World Cup skiers and snowboarders. The aim of this study was to describe and compare the injury risk to World Cup athletes in alpine skiing, freestyle skiing, snowboarding, ski jumping, Nordic combined and cross country skiing. We performed retrospective interviews with the International Ski Federation (FIS) World Cup athletes from selected nations during the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 winter seasons and recorded all acute injuries occurring during the seasons. We interviewed 2121 athletes and recorded 705 injuries. There were 520 (72%) time-loss injuries and 196 (28%) severe injuries (absence >28 days). In freestyle skiing, alpine skiing and snowboarding, there were 27.6, 29.8 and 37.8 time-loss and 14.4, 11.3 and 13.8 severe injuries per 100 athletes per season, respectively. In Nordic combined, ski jumping and cross country skiing, there were 15.8, 13.6 and 6.3 time-loss and 3.3, 5.6 and 0.7 severe injuries per 100 athletes per season, respectively. In conclusion about 1/3 of the World Cup alpine, freestyle and snowboard athletes sustain a time-loss injury each season, while the risk is low in the Nordic disciplines. A particular concern was the high proportion of severe injuries observed among alpine, freestyle and snowboard athletes, which is in contrast to most other sports.
Background and Study Aim: Examine the effects of different level combination of motivation to achieve success and motivation to avoid failure on psychophysiological states in elite judokas. Material/Methods: Neuropsychological evaluation methods as simple (SRT) and choice reaction-time (CRT) tests, heart rate variability (HRV) measurements, psychological questionnaires. To explore obtained data methods of statistical analysis were used. Results: Obtained data show that different combinations of levels of motivation to achieve success and motivation to avoid failure provoke different psychophysiological states. Conducted experiment revealed that combination of high levels of both motivation to achieve success and motivation to avoid failure provides better psychophysiological state in elite judokas compared to other groups with different combinations of motivational variables. It was shown that motivation to avoid failures had been formed as a personality formation, which compensates excessive tension, caused by high level of motivation to achieve and regulates the psychophysiological state. This phenomenon can be viewed as an effect of training in judokas. Conclusions: Consideration of motivation as a complex multilevel functional system with integrated affective and cognitive processes allows considering this psychic process to regulate activity of a person in actual situation. Obtained data show that different combinations of levels of motivation to achieve success and motivation to avoid failure provoke different psychophysiological states. Conducted experiment revealed that combination of high levels of both motivation to achieve and motivation to avoid provides the high level of the psychophysiological state in elite judokas (psychophysiological state which maintains high level of efficient activity during trainings and competitions). The process of forming of the psychophysiological states in subjects is characterized by the cognitive-regulatory functional system.
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Investigations on kinematics of tactics of giant slalom in alpine skiing
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Kształcenie gracza na podstawowym poziomie [Education of a player on basic level] Wrocław: University School of Physical Education
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