
Repercussion of smoking on the pulmonary functions of active smokers

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Introduction: in this century has been an unusual increase of smoking, habit that is the more important risk factor for development of ventilatory limitation, such action has became a problem in the health staff. Objective: to determine the possible repercussion of smoking on the pulmonary function. A cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted in smokers working in the Dr. Carlos J. Finlay Central and Military Hospital. Sixty smokers underwent a spirometry study. Results: there was predominance of female sex from the 40 and 49 age-groups. The assistant staff was the group with a greater figure of smokers. Cigarette was the more consumed toxic agent. Also, there was predominance of moderate smokers (11-20 cigarettes by day) during more of 21 years with the greater figure of patients with respiratory symptoms. Conclusions: the predominant spirometry pattern was normal, but there was a significant percentage of smokers presenting with an obstructive ventilatory dysfunction, showing the damage to pulmonary function in the smokers staff.

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Introduction: Smoking is an addictive disease remains difficult for many smoking cessation. For prevention and control in Cuba multiple measures ranging from increasing the price of cigarettes to provide desestimulación treatments are taken. Objective: To characterize smokers seeking help to quit, according to sociodemographic variables, consumption characteristics, associates and people that influenced the decision to stop diseases. Methods: A descriptive investigation was conducted with 103 patients who came in 2012 to serve desensitization of smoking behavior the Community Mental Health Center Square of the Revolution in Havana. They conducted a questionnaire and informed the Fagerström test for identifying the degree of nicotine dependence prior consent. Results: The prevalence of patients older than 45 years with an average education level and higher employment relationship was found. Most smokers had family confirming the high significance of learning by imitation. Predominated smoking initiation in adolescence and sociocultural pathogenic pathway. Prevailed a degree of severe respiratory and smoking being the most reported cardiovascular disorders. Family and friends were the most influential people for leaving. The guidance by family doctors was limited. Conclusions: Seek help for smoking cessation middle-aged, dependent on nicotine, with high consumption, early initiation to smoking-related diseases psychotherapeutic strategies needed to be consistent with this characterization. It was limited in primary care, medical advice.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) causes substantial morbidity and mortality. More than 18,000 people die from COPD each year in Spain. This disease is the fifth cause of death among men, with an annual rate of 60 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, and the seventh among women, with an annual rate of 17 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. These figures place Spain in an intermediate position within the European Union, in a ranking topped by some Eastern European and English speaking countries. The prevalence of COPD in Spain, as reported by the epidemiological COPD in Spain (IBERPOC), was 9.1% of the adult population, affecting 14.3% of men and 3.9% of women. Among smokers, the prevalence of COPD was 15% in smokers, 12.8% in ex-smokers and 4.1% in non-smokers. The IBERPOC study is perhaps one of the most widely referenced reports in the global literature on the population distribution of COPD and has served as a model for other epidemiological studies, which are discussed in the present chapter.
Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en el ámbito de la atención primaria. En él se incluyo a 444 personas de 40 años de edad o mayores que fumaban o habían fumado. A todos se les realizó una espirometría. Si la relación volumen espiratorio forzado en el primer segundo/porcentaje de la capacidad vital forzada era menor del 70%, se realizaba una prueba de broncodilatación y se repetía la espirometría a los 15-20 min tras dos inhalaciones de terbutalina (500 µg/dosis). Si la relación volumen espiratorio forzado en el primer segundo/porcentaje de la capacidad vital forzada seguía siendo inferior al 70% y el volumen espiratorio forzado en el primer segundo menor del 80% del teórico, se diagnosticaba EPOC. También se recogieron edad, sexo, consumo de tabaco, edad de inicio, índice tabáquico (paquetes/día x años de consumo) e intentos de abandono. Resultados: La edad media de los pacientes era de 53,5 años, y un 65,8% eran varones. En el momento del realizar el estudio fumaban 248 sujetos (55,9%). La mediana de inicio del consumo resultó de 16,5 años, y la del índice tabáquido fue de 26,7. El 72,1% había realizado al menos un intento de abandono. Se diagnosticó de EPOC a 70 personas (24 ya conocidas), lo que supone una prevalencia del 16,4% (intervalo de confianza del 95%, 12,9-19,9). Un 10% eran casos graves. Tras el análisis multifactorial resultaron significativamente asociadas a EPOC la edad y el índice tabáquico. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de EPOC hallada es ligeramente superior a la de otros estudios, si bien puede existir un sesgo en los resultados obtenidos al no haber podido establecer contacto con el 11,9% de la población objeto del estudio. Casi dos tercios de los casos eran desconocidos. Son claros factores de riesgo la edad y el consumo acumulado de tabaco.
The aim of this study was to investigate the sociodemographic characteristics, smoking habits, the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in four groups of smokers: of cigarettes (SCt), of cigars (SCigar), of both (SB), of cigars currently but of cigarettes in the past (SCigarExCt) and of cigarettes currently but of cigars in the past (SCtExCigar). A multicenter epidemiological study enrolling 4,035 subjects aged between 40 and 69 years. One thousand nine hundred sixty-three were non-smokers and 1,146 were current smokers. Among the smokers, 869 were SCt, 37 were SCigar, 97 were SB, 86 were SCigarExCt and 57 were SCtExCigar. We analyzed sociodemographic characteristics, smoking and the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and COPD. Cigar smokers were usually men, of lower socioeconomic status (p < 0.001) and older than cigarette smokers (p < 0.001), but CO concentrations in expired air were lower in the SCigar group than in the SCt group (5 ppm vs 15.7; p < 0.001). Informants who believed their smoking was not detrimental to their health or to that of second-hand smokers made up 86.5% of the SCigar group and 79.1% of the SCigarExCt group. COPD was diagnosed in 13.2% of the SCt group, in 24.7% of the SB group, and in 12.8% of the SCigarExCt group, in comparison with 4% of the non-smokers (p < 0.001 for all comparisons). SCigar are mainly older men with lower educational levels. Their concentrations of CO in expired air are low and they have little awareness of the health risks posed by their habit. SCigar who were once smokers of cigarettes have a higher prevalence of respiratory symptoms and COPD than non-smokers and the same prevalence of COPD as SCt.
Worldwide, smoking is the main avoidable cause of death among adults. To study smoking habits among health care workers in Chile. A national survey about smoking among subjects working in the Chilean Ministry of Health. An anonymous and self administered enquiry was used. The enquiry was answered by 20,848 employees, corresponding to 58% of the total universe of workers. There was an overall prevalence of smoking of 40.7%. Sixty four percent of smokers did it daily and their mean consumption was 7 cigarettes per day. Smoking was more common among men than women (43 and 39.6%, respectively). Also, nicotine addiction was also more common among men (16.5 and 11.7%, respectively). The prevalence of smoking decreased along with age. Journalists, guards, students and paramedics had the higher prevalence of smoking. Physicians, teachers and nutritionists had the lower prevalence. Although physicians had the lower frequency of smoking, they had the higher prevalence of nicotine addiction. Forty five percent of smokers were interested in therapies to quit, 69% did not allow smoking at home and 89% agreed with smoking restrictions in work places. The prevalence of smoking among health care workers is similar to that of the general population in Chile.