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Abstract and Figures

Modern architecture has dedicated much of its discourse to crystal-ball gazing - dwelling on the visionary and the speculative. Conversely, Kevin Nute, Professor of Architecture at the University of Oregon, puts the case for the present over the future and the past. To enhance experiences of the present, he describes how architects can harness the effects of changing temporal and weather conditions - sun and shadow, wind and rain. Design can heighten the sensory stimuli these conditions generate, keeping us 'in the moment' while still enjoying the comfort of being indoors.
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The Presence
of the
Kevin Nute
Standrst to come: Kevin Nute
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consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Aenean commodo ligula eget
dolor. Aenean massa. Cum
sociis natoque penatibus et
magnis dis parturient montes,
nascetur ridiculus mus.
Donec quam felis, ultricies
nec, pellentesque eu, pretium
quis, sem. Nulla consequat
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venenatis vitae, justo. Integer
While much attention has been given to the past and
future in building design, the one temporal domain in
which life takes place – the present – has tended to be
overlooked. As writers such as Eckhart Tolle and Jon
Kabat-Zinn have pointed out, however, most human stress
stems from thoughts of past or future events, and staying
in the here and now improves our concentration.1 Yet the
‘mindful’ approach these authors advocate for remaining
present relies on meditative techniques that are not always
practical in many everyday situations. This essay explores
a potential alternative that is much more readily available:
the animation of the weather.2
Here But Not Present
Recollection and anticipation are essential to everyday
survival, and yet for millennia thinkers from a wide range
of contexts have been pointing out the folly of spending
most of our lives contemplating the unchangeable past
or the uncertain future at the expense of the reality of
the present. Indeed, the very existence of the past and
future has been questioned since classical times. Aristotle,
for example, considered time to be nothing more than
a ‘succession of nows’, and seven centuries later St
Augustine described the past and future similarly, as ‘mere
thoughts’.3 The modern Israeli philosopher Martin Buber
came to much the same conclusion – that the passing
moment is all we really have – famously declaring that
‘every living situation … demands … a reaction that cannot
be prepared beforehand … presence’. 4
Yet much of the time we are notoriously absent, lost
in thoughts of other times or places, and seemingly
increasingly so. Mobile devices now allow us to receive
live information from almost anywhere on earth, all of the
time, but in the process they remove us ever further from
the world immediately around us.
We interact with that world – ‘the present’ – principally
through our bodies. The body is not only our primary
means of effecting change in the world, but also,
conversely, of detecting variations in that environment. In
contrast to the past and the future, which are accessible
only through thought, it is via the physical senses alone
that we are able to engage with the here and now.
Sensory stimuli from our surroundings serve to make us
aware of where we are, while variations in those stimuli
help to keep us in the moment. Perceptible change in
our immediate environment, then, is essential to our
remaining fully present. As Diane Ackerman explains: ‘Our
senses crave novelty … If there’s no change … they doze
and register little or nothing … A constant state – even
of excitement – in time becomes tedious, fades into the
background, because our senses have evolved to report
Unfortunately most of us now spend more than 90 per
cent of our lives in places that are essentially static –
inside buildings. As Judith Heerwagen writes: ‘Our indoor
environments are largely devoid of sensory change,
and deliberately so. Buildings are kept at constant
Aritomo Yamagata
and Jihei Ogawa,
Internal courtyard
Murin-an Villa,
Enclosure of weather-
generated movement in an
internal courtyard designed
to seem like part of the
surrounding interior space.
temperatures and ventilation rates, the light
from overhead uorescent lights is the same
day in and day out, the furnishings and colors in
the environment remain constant.6
There is, however, a freely available source of
almost perpetual change immediately outside
most buildings – the weather. The elements
are both omni- and ever-present, in the sense
of being everywhere and in a constant state of
ux. Because most of the changes they generate
are so familiar, moreover, they are also capable
of keeping us alert without being distracting – a
key requirement in most work settings.7
The only problem is that most buildings are
designed to exclude the weather. It is the
perceptible change they generate, however,
rather than the elements themselves that we
need in order to remain present. Transmitting
weather-generated change across the envelope
of a building, then, could effectively improve
the habitability of indoor environments
without compromising shelter. Analysis of
existing buildings reveals three simple ways of
achieving this: enclosure of weather-generated
movement in internal courtyards designed
to seem continuous with their surrounding
interior space; projection of weather-generated
movement directly onto interior surfaces; and
back projection of weather-generated movement
onto translucent external cladding materials.
While our needs for both nature and change
in our surroundings have been repeatedly
conrmed scientically over the last half
century, there has been little investigation of the
effects of natural change on building occupants.8
In an effort to remedy this, between 2008 and
2012 a series of controlled experiments was
conducted in collaboration with psychologists
at the University of Oregon, designed to test
the potential benets of weather-generated
indoor change. One of the key ndings was that
wind-animated sunlight is both more calming
and less distracting than similar, articially
generated movement.9 This was consistent
with the results of other studies indicating the
benecial effects of contact with nature on
human stress and attention, and suggested that
weather-generated indoor movement could help
to improve both the health and effectiveness
of building occupants.10 The following is a
brief survey of how such benets might be
practically accessed using the movements of the
three most available elements of the weather:
sunlight, wind and rain.
There are several ways of bringing the
natural migration of sunlight over the earth
to the attention of building occupants. One
of the simplest is to isolate a distinctively
shaped shadow or patch of light on an indoor
surface. In order for change to keep us alert,
however, it has to be perceptible in real time.
The slowest visible movement we can detect
is approximately 1 millimetre (0.04 inches)
per second, and as the Samrat Yantra – the
giant equatorial sundial built in 18th-century
Delhi – demonstrates, the projection distance
needed to achieve this for a solar shadow is in
the region of 15 metres (50 feet).11 The famous
disc of sunlight that travels across the ceiling
of the Pantheon in Rome, for example, is often
projected well beyond this distance, meaning
that from a few metres away – on the oor, for
example – its movement is clearly discernible.
The natural migration of sunlight can also be
made more noticeable through differential
refraction. As the earth rotates the various
wavelengths of light in a regular solar
spectrum move in unison, but as Janet Saad-
Cook’s ‘Sun Drawings’ demonstrate, a simple
sheet of warped dichroic glass can separate
sunlight into differently coloured caustic
patterns that move independently of one
another. Such movement is still dependent
on the slow, smooth rotation of the earth,
however, making it relatively difcult to see
in real time. Secondary motions generated
by the heating effects of sunlight, on the
other hand, tend to be both faster and less
predictable. Air convection currents generated
by the sun’s heating of metal or asphalt roof
nishes, for example, produce much more
obviously moving shadows that can be sun-
projected onto indoor surfaces through roof
lights or clerestory windows.
Sawai Jai Singh,
Samrat Yantra
Equatorial Sundial,
At a speed of just over 1
millimetre (0.04 inches) per
second, the movement of
the gnomon shadow along
the time-measuring surface
is clearly perceptible to
those watching from nearby.
ad 126
At the approximately
26-metre (85-foot) projection
distance shown, the disc
of sunlight is travelling at
roughly 1.5 millimetres (0.06
inches) per second, meaning
its movement would be
immediately obvious to
someone watching from 2 to
3 metres (6 to 10 feet) away.
Janet Saad-Cook,
Essentia Exaltata,
One of Janet-Saad Cook's
‘Sun Drawing’ instruments
and the independently
moving coloured caustic
patterns it reects on a
nearby wall.
Kevin Nute and
Jake Weber,
Interior projection
of air convection
current shadows from
a sun-heated roof
surface, 2014
Convection shadows
are only visible through
direction projection.
The natural migration of
sunlight can also be made
more noticeable through
differential refraction.
Kengo Kuma and Associates,
Temple of Baisou-in,
Back Projection of weather-
generated movement onto
translucent cladding.
Tadao Ando Architect & Associates,
Chapel of the Wind,
Projection of weather-
generated movement directly
onto an interior surface.
From indoors we are often made aware of
outdoor air movement through its effects
on external surfaces. Of these, foliage is
probably the most common, and since
familiarity makes perceptible change less
distracting, planting can be an especially
useful source of wind-generated indoor
animation. One of the simplest ways of
effectively bringing the movement of
outdoor air inside without the moving air
itself is to arrange for the sun to project the
shadows of wind-animated foliage onto
interior surface. If direct sunlight is not
available, placing planting in an internal
courtyard made to seem continuous with
the surrounding interiors can be equally
effective. Alternatively, two layers of a
lightweight mesh placed outside a window
will reveal even the slightest external air
movement in the form of changing moiré
patterns. The most effective wind-revealing
device of all, however, is probably a simple
surface of standing water in an internal
courtyard, which can reveal both local
and high-altitude air movement as well as
reecting wind-animated sunlight patterns
onto interior surfaces.
John Pawson,
Palmgren House,
Visual continuity between
an internal and external
room, created by
continuing surface nishes
through the glazing
between the two.
Kevin Nute,
Wind-animated moiré
Changing moiré patterns
created by wind-induced
movement of a net curtain
outside a xed insect
Kengo Kuma and
Water Glass House,
Ground-level and high-
altitude wind revealed
in a water-lled veranda
as ripples and reected
cloud movement.
From indoors we are often made
aware of outdoor air movement
through its effects on external
Nikken Sekkei,
Mitsui Sumitomo
Chiba New Town,
Wind-animated sunlight
reected from the
surface of a courtyard
Sustaining the Earth as Well as Ourselves
The natural movements of the sun, wind
and rain are compatible with a range of
important but underused sustainable building
practices, many of which might be more
widely employed if they were recongured to
help sustain building occupants as well as the
environment. This would be consistent with
Martin Heidegger’s argument that human
wellbeing does not depend on the health
of the planet alone, but also on our actively
‘saving’ it. Signicantly, for Heidegger, the
wellbeing of both relied on a reciprocal
process of ‘making present’. As he explained:
‘Mortals dwell in that they save the earth
… Saving does not only snatch something
from a danger. To save really means to set
something free into its own presencing.12
For him, such saving afrmed the presence
of both the perceived and the perceiver.13
And since we are predisposed to perceive
live change, such variation is also the most
direct afrmation of our existence. Heidegger
might well have agreed with Marcel Proust’s
suggestion, then – and the underlying
message of this essay – that ‘a change in the
weather is sufcient to create the world and
oneself anew’.14
Buildings embody our ambivalent
relationship with nature. Even as we seek to
escape its discomforts by retreating indoors,
we remain irresistibly drawn back to it.
The built reconciliations with the weather
illustrated here stem from the simple
realisation that in being primarily a means
of intercepting the elements, buildings are
also an ideal means of making them, and
ourselves, more present. 3
Kevin Nute,
Intersections between
sustainable practices
and weather-generated
indoor movement,
Grey ticks indicate combinations in which
the indoor animation can successfully
coexist with the sustainable practice,
but does not draw attention to it. Black
ticks indicate combinations in which the
indoor animation can help to reveal the
sustainable practice.
Rain is usually considered one of the elements
that buildings have to exclude at all times.
Yet there is a long tradition of rainwater being
actively collected from roofs. The impluvium, the
shallow pool at the centre of the Roman atrium,
for example, did just this in gathering water for
a range of domestic purposes. And even the
gentlest of rainfall can be made noticeable by
funnelling it through narrow roof outlets. Making
the roof surface itself transparent, however, is
probably the most effective means of bringing
the animation of rain to the immediate attention
of those indoors.
House of the Silver
c 300 bc
The rain-collecting pool at
the centre of the domestic
Roman atrium.
Eimar Boesjes and
Anita Van Asperdt/
LandCurrent Landscape
Rainwater Residence,
A plunge waterfall created by
funnelling rainwater run-off
from a large roof through a
single corner spout.
Coburn, Sheldon,
Lutes and Amundsen,
Erb Memorial Union
University of Oregon,
The rain-shedding role of a
pitched roof directly revealed
to those below.
1. See Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now,
New World Library (Novato, CA), 1999, pp
50–51; Jon Kabat-Zinn, Coming to Our Senses:
Healing Ourselves and the World Through
Mindfulness, Hyperion (New York), 2005; and
Kirk Warren Brown and Richard M Ryan, ‘The
Benets of Being Present: Mindfulness and Its
Role in Psychological Well-Being,Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 84, 2003,
pp 822–48.
2. This essay is extracted from the author’s book
Vital: Using the Weather to Bring Buildings and
Sustainability to Life, Apple iBookstore, 2014.
3. Aristotle, Physics, trans WD Ross, Clarendon
Press (Oxford), 1960, Book IV, pp 10–14; and
Augustine, Confessions, trans FJ Sheed, Hackett
Publishing (Indianapolis, IN), 1942, Book II, pp
20, 223.
4. Martin Buber, Between Man and Man, Taylor
& Francis (London), 2002, p 114.
5. Diane Ackerman, A Natural History of the
Senses, Vintage Books (New York), 1990, p 305.
6. Judith Heerwagen, ‘The Psychological
Aspects of Windows and Window Design’,
Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual
Conference of the Environmental Design
Research Association, EDRA (Oklahoma City),
1990, p 270.
7. The Kaplans argue that this is the basis of
the attention-restoring effects of nature. See
Rachel and Stephen Kaplan, The Experience of
Nature: A Psychological Perspective, Cambridge
University Press (Cambridge), 1989, pp 184–93.
8. See, for example, Edward O Wilson,
Biophilia: The Human Bond with Other Species,
Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA),
1984, and DO Hebb, ‘Drives and the CNS
(Conceptual Nervous System)’, Psychological
Review, 62, July 1955, pp 243–54.
9. See Kevin Nute et al, ‘The Animation of the
Weather as a Means of Sustaining Building
Occupants and the Natural Environment’,
International Journal of Environmental
Sustainability, 1, December 2012, pp 27–40.
10. See, for example, RS Ulrich, ‘View Through
a Window May Inuence Recovery from
Surgery’, Science, 224, 27 April 1984, pp 420–22,
and Stephen Kaplan, ‘The Restorative Benets
of Nature: Toward an Integrative Framework’,
Journal of Environmental Psychology, 15, 1995,
pp 169–82.
11. Under controlled laboratory conditions the
slowest speed of movement we are able to
see is around 0.6 millimetres (0.02 inches) per
second, but for most practical purposes it is
closer to 1 millimetre (0.04 inches) per second.
The projection distance required to generate
a solar shadow or patch of sunlight moving at
this speed varies with the distance from the
equator, and is approximately 12 divided by the
cosine of the latitude, measured in metres.
12. Martin Heidegger, Poetry, Language,
Thought, trans Albert Hofstadter, Harper
Colophon (New York), 1975, p 150.
13. Martin Heidegger, Being and Time (1927),
trans John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson,
Basil Blackwell (London), 1962, pp 383–423.
Heidegger may well have been inuenced by
George Berkeley’s thesis that it is perception
that brings phenomena into existence. See
George Berkeley, A Treatise Concerning Human
Knowledge, Jeremy Pepyat (Dublin), 1710.
14. Marcel Proust, In Search of Lost Time, Vol 3:
The Guermantes Way, trans CK Scott Moncrieff,
Thomas Seltzer (New York), 1925, p 49.
Text © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Images:
pp 66, 68, 69(cb&b), 70(c&b), 71, 72(c&b),
73© Kevin Nute; p 69(t) © The British Library
Board X432/5(19); p 69(ct) © Photo by David
Worth; p 70(t) © Åke Eison Lindman; p 72(t)
© Jackie and Bob Dunn. Pompeiiinpictures.
com. Su concessione del Ministero dei Beni
e delle Attivta Culturali e del Turismo—
Superintendenza Speciale per i Beni
Archeologici di Pompeii, Ercolano e Stabia
A change in
the weather
is sufcient
to create
the world
and oneself
... • The capacity of the form to provoke a spatialization of time produces an association of the form with the conditions of its context that overcome the pretension of autonomy by caring for its environment in a contextualizing practice that replaces the objective of achieving immutable configurations in its corporeality in favor of a materiality capable of including the passage of time [78,79]. • The capacity of the form to provoke an awareness of the passage of time through the experience of lived space surpasses the search for forms proposed from their functional value in favor of a search for the fundamental experience of a duration that assigns an intensity to the form as a felt interlude [22]. ...
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In 1994, Enric Miralles published From what time is this place?, a brief text where the relationship between space and time is claimed through the form of the Igualada Cemetery Park and different conditions of time are considered. The title is presumably written after the book by Kevin Lynch What time is this place?, where the human sense of time and the relationship between the innate consciousness of time and place and the objective time of the world are addressed. Related to this concept arises the notion of the chronotope—from kronos, time, and topos, place; literally timeplace, defined by Mikhail Bakhtin as the intrinsic connectedness of spatial and temporal relationships assimilated in the artistic form. Approaching Miralles’ own words, this text examines the condition of architectural form as a chronotope in the Igualada Cemetery Park and in three of his projects to analyze, firstly, the strategies used and, secondly, the consequences of the connection of space and time in the form and in space and time themselves: the spatialization of time, temporalization of space, and temporalization of time. As a result, some reflections contribute to the contemporary debate on form in architecture as a spatiotemporal discipline: a chronotopic architecture.
... Nature is only seen as consumption and continuously exploited in the name of human 'sustainability' or aesthetics [27], instead of Animated nature produces temporality providing an experience of change that occurs across days, seasons, years, and decades [28]. Nature consist of an ever-shifting relations with each other, kinetically alive and moving, requiring architecture as a medium that enable such relations [1], [12], [29]. ...
... -Por medio de la alteración de la apariencia de la vegetación, la forma del lugar establece una relación del espacio con las condiciones temporales del contexto, vinculando el parque-cementerio a los fenómenos estacionales en una práctica contextualizadora que lo relaciona con un tiempo fluido y transitorio (Nute, 2016). ...
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Frente a la interpretación moderna de la arquitectura como una disciplina espacial, en las últimas décadas han emergido nuevas aproximaciones que suponen su entendimiento como una práctica conjunta del espacio y el tiempo. En este contexto, el concepto de cronotopo ha sido aplicado al análisis de la arquitectura como vinculación entre el espacio y el tiempo en el lugar. El concepto de cronotopo histórico arquitectónico, derivado del anterior, no ha sido aún desarrollado en profundidad.Entre las aproximaciones a la condición espaciotemporal de la arquitectura, la obra de Enric Miralles supone una arquitectura en la que espacio y tiempo adquieren una importancia equivalente, permitiendo una conciencia de este último a través de la experiencia del espacio. Entre sus obras, el parque-cementerio de Igualada, proyectado con Carme Pinós, configura un lugar donde el espacio y el tiempo se vinculan de manera indisoluble a través de la forma, construyendo un cronotopo.Este artículo contribuye al debate contemporáneo acerca de la arquitectura como disciplina espacio­temporal desde el concepto de cronotopo histórico, tomando como caso de estudio el parque-cementerio de Igualada. Desde la interpretación de la forma como huella, se argumenta su condición como cronotopo histórico capaz de vincular el tiempo crónico del mundo y el tiempo biológico del hombre mediante la condición calendaria y funeraria del lugar. A través del análisis del discurso de las palabras de Miralles, se muestra su voluntad de configurar el lugar como un cronotopo histórico. A partir de la interpretación reflexiva de la condición de la forma como huella histórica, se enuncian rasgos característicos del concepto de cronotopo histórico.
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Many of the indoor spaces where most people now spend the majority of their time inadvertently deprive them of contact with two key requirements for their long-term well-being- nature and change. With the aim of improving the health and effectiveness of people in buildings at the same time as helping to sustain the natural environment, the research presented examines the feasibility of using the movements of the sun, wind and rain to naturally animate building interiors via passive energy and rainwater saving techniques that rely on the same natural elements. Explorations in a series of architectural design studios indicate that simple strategies for bringing the natural movements of the weather indoors are compatible with a range of proven passive energy and rainwater saving techniques, offering a potential means of raising public awareness of these important, but currently underused sustainable practices. The authors found that one such combination-wind-animated indoor daylighting-had a calming effect on building occupants, and attentional tests indicated that its natural movement also seemed to be less distracting than artificially generated change. Although further testing is needed, initial results suggest that weather-generated indoor animation could be helpful in reducing stress in building occupants at the same time as increasing the visibility of passive energy and rainwater saving in buildings, but its calming effect may also act to lower occupant alertness. © Common Ground, Kevin Nute, Aaron Weiss, Jagdeep Kaur-Bala, Richard Marrocco, All Rights Reserved.
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Records on recovery after cholecystectomy of patients in a suburban Pennsylvania hospital between 1972 and 1981 were examined to determine whether assignment to a room with a window view of a natural setting might have restorative influences. Twenty-three surgical patients assigned to rooms with windows looking out on a natural scene had shorter postoperative hospital stays, received fewer negative evaluative comments in nurses' notes, and took fewer potent analgesics than 23 matched patients in similar rooms with windows facing a brick building wall.
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Mindfulness is an attribute of consciousness long believed to promote well-being. This research provides a theoretical and empirical examination of the role of mindfulness in psychological well-being. The development and psychometric properties of the dispositional Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) are described. Correlational, quasi-experimental, and laboratory studies then show that the MAAS measures a unique quality of consciousness that is related to a variety of well-being constructs, that differentiates mindfulness practitioners from others, and that is associated with enhanced self-awareness. An experience-sampling study shows that both dispositional and state mindfulness predict self-regulated behavior and positive emotional states. Finally, a clinical intervention study with cancer patients demonstrates that increases in mindfulness over time relate to declines in mood disturbance and stress.
It is held that many of the current problems in the field of motivation arise from the acceptance of a conceptual nervous system of an earlier day. To develop this thesis, the author examines the concept of motivation as it relates to the conceptual nervous systems of the period before 1930, of the period 10 years ago, and of today. It is shown that today's physiology provides common ground for communication among the differing conceptions of motivation. 51 references. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved).
Directed attention plays an important role in human information processing; its fatigue, in turn, has far-reaching consequences. Attention Restoration Theory provides an analysis of the kinds of experiences that lead to recovery from such fatigue. Natural environments turn out to be particularly rich in the characteristics necessary for restorative experiences. An integrative framework is proposed that places both directed attention and stress in the larger context of human-environment relationships.
  • Physics Aristotle
  • Ross
Aristotle, Physics, trans WD Ross, Clarendon Press (Oxford), 1960, Book IV, pp 10-14; and Augustine, Confessions, trans FJ Sheed, Hackett Publishing (Indianapolis, IN), 1942, Book II, pp 20, 223.
1984, and DO Hebb, 'Drives and the CNS (Conceptual Nervous System
  • See
  • O Edward
  • Biophilia Wilson
See, for example, Edward O Wilson, Biophilia: The Human Bond with Other Species, Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA), 1984, and DO Hebb, 'Drives and the CNS (Conceptual Nervous System)', Psychological Review, 62, July 1955, pp 243-54.