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Abstract and Figures

Additive manufacturing (AM) is expanding the range of designable geometries, but to exploit this evolving design space new methods are required to find optimum solutions. Finite element based topology optimisation (TO) is a powerful method of structural optimization, however the results obtained tend to be dependent on the algorithm used, the algorithm parameters and the finite element mesh. This paper will discuss these issues as it relates to the SIMP and BESO algorithms. An example of the application of topological optimization to the design of improved structures is given.
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Suitability of SIMP and BESO Topology
Optimization Algorithms for Additive Manufacture
Aremu A., Ashcroft I., Hague R., Wildman R., Tuck C.
Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,
Loughborough University, Loughborough, LE11 3TU, UK
Additive manufacturing (AM) is expanding the range of designable geometries,
but to exploit this evolving design space new methods are required to find
optimum solutions. Finite element based topology optimisation (TO) is a
powerful method of structural optimization, however the results obtained tend to
be dependent on the algorithm used, the algorithm parameters and the finite
element mesh. This paper will discuss these issues as it relates to the SIMP and
BESO algorithms. An example of the application of topological optimization to
the design of improved structures is given.
FR = Filter radius
ER = Evolution rate
VF = Volume Fraction
= Sensitivity of node b
V = Volume of element a
= Sensitivity of element a
s = Number of elements connected to node
V = Iterative new target volume
V = Current volume
d = Distance between centre of an element a and node b
= Element sensitivity threshold value (deleting)
= Element sensitivity threshold value (adding)
tol = Convergence tolerance, 1e-5
m = Current iteration number
T = Number of iterations over which convergence is measured, 5
E = Young’s Modulus Solid
E = Young’s Modulus Void
TO = Topology Optimization
V* = Volume fraction constraint
SE = Strain Energy
= change in strain energy
y = Distance between the centre and a node of same element.
= Elemental displacement vector
= Elemental stiffness matrix
P = Penalization factor
= Elemental density distribution
Reviewed, accepted September 23, 2010
= Displacement field at iteration m
= Parameter used to prevent singularity
= Density at the previous cycle
= Move limit
= Tuning parameter
= Lagrange multiplier at cycle m
= Convolution operator
),( yxL = Distance between centres of element x and y.
I Introduction
Additive manufacturing (AM) is a relatively recent approach to manufacturing
whereby a component is built up [1-3] layer by layer, usually from sliced 3D CAD
data. It is a contrasting approach to traditional manufacturing techniques such as
subtractive (e.g. machining) or formative (e.g. casting). This layer by layer approach
requires less manufacturing constraints. Its ability to build components with intricate
complexities opens up the design domain significantly, enabling the production of
optimal parts with improved structural performance. Established topology
optimization algorithms (TO) could be adopted for AM by relaxing constraints within
these algorithms originally meant for traditional manufacturing routes.
TO is a type of structural optimization that seeks the optimum layout of a design
by determining the number of members required and the manner in which these
members are connected. Unlike shape and size optimization, TO achieve designs that
are not greatly constrained by the nature of the initial design. Hence, TO is a better
route to take towards optimum parts. Several algorithms have been developed for TO.
These include homogenization [4, 5], solid isotropic microstructure with penalization
(SIMP) [6-8], and bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization (BESO) [9-11].
Stochastic algorithms used in the broader field of optimization have also been adopted
for TO, among which are genetic algorithms [12-14] and ant colony optimization
[15]. Optimum topologies depend on which of these algorithm is used, starting
design, finite element mesh, parametric settings. A detailed study of these is necessary
if AM’s design flexibility is to be completely exploited. In this paper, we investigate
the effects of these factors on optimum achieved by the SIMP and BESO algorithm,
since they have been widely implemented in literature to achieve practical designs.
II Method
SIMP and BESO are the most widely used TO algorithms, owing to their
efficiency and simplicity. The section describes the main features of these two
The BESO algorithm is a combination of additive evolutionary structural
optimization (AESO) [9] and evolutionary structural optimization (ESO) [16]. Querin
et al [9, 11] originally proposed and implemented BESO to improve results and
convergence time of both AESO and ESO. Huang and Xie [10] presented a different
version to BESO to solve compliance problems. BESO is a finite element based TO
method, where inefficient material is iteratively removed from a structure as efficient
material is simultaneously added to the structure. Figure 1 show a BESO flow chart
for the minimization of strain energy (SE) for a given volume fraction constraint (V*).
An evolution rate (ER), filter radius (FR), V* and design domain are supplied to the
algorithm. The ER is the rate at which the volume is allowed to change per iteration.
FR is a distance limit. Sensitivity values of nodes within FR from the centre of an
element are used to recalculate elemental sensitivity values of the same element when
filtering sensitivities. This is done to eliminate the occurrence of undesired
checkerboard patterns in optima.
Figure 1: BESO Flow chart
The design domain is discretized and a finite element analysis (FEA) is
performed. An initially fully (fig 2a) or partially (fig 2b) solid design domain has
often been used in past works. Where a partially solid design domain has been used,
the solid elements have been concentrated in a particular region of the design domain.
This sort of starting design is intuitive in nature and might have constrained the
ER, V*,
Set Property
to void
Set Property
to Solid
New Tar
topology to a local minimum
. This is illustrated later by stochastically distributing
solid elements in the design domain.
Fig 2: Starting designs (a) fully solid start design
(b) Partially solid start design
Elemental sensitivities are then filtered by first distributing them into nodes, to
which they are connected using equation 1,
The sensitivity of node b,
is computed by finding all elements a connected to this
node, and averaging their sensitivities values
according to equation 1. Elemental
sensitivities are then recomputed by finding nodes whose distance to the centre of an
element a, is less than or equal to FR. Sensitivity values of these nodes are averaged
according to equation 2 to obtain elemental sensitivity values.
)( .
Structural detail might be lost while eliminating
checkerboards in this manner
. These filtered sensitivities are averaged with values
they assumed in the previous optimization iteration to further improve these
sensitivities. The volume fraction (VF) of the design domain is checked against the
target volume fraction V*, if they were not equal a new iterative target volume is
computed equation 3,
(1±ER) (3)
Elemental sensitivity values can then be ranked. Solid elements having sensitivity
values below
are reclassified as having void property. Void elements have been
modelled in this work by multiplying the elemental stiffness matrix of element
concerned by 1e-12. This is done to reduce the stiffness contribution of these elements
before the global stiffness matrix is assembled. Reducing the structural stiffness this
way is a soft kill approach to TO. This has been adopted in this work to avoid
connectivity problems associated with hard kill [10] optimization procedures. The
numbers of void elements reclassified as solid brings the current volume of solid
elements to
V at iteration m. The TO is repeated until SE
is less than a specified
tolerance (tol) and the specified volume fraction is reached. SE
is computed using
equation 4,
( )
The mesh does not change from the start to the end of the TO. BESO algorithm might
be constrained by the starting design, ER, FR and the finite element mesh. In the next
sections we investigate these effects.
Rozvany et al [7] developed the SIMP algorithm to achieve practical designs for
generalized shape optimization (optimization involving higher volume fraction).
Figure 3 shows flow chart for the SIMP algorithm to minimize SE for a volume
fraction constraint. Sigmund [17] implementation of SIMP is described in this paper.
The compliance problem can be expressed mathematically as,
)(:min ,
subject to *
)( V
= 10
The penalty factor P is a main feature of the SIMP algorithm. This factor
suppresses the occurrence of fractional densities in the optimum design. Its inclusion
has been justified by assuming a high expense of making fractional densities.
Figure 3: SIMP flow chart
According to Zhou and Rozvany [6],
the extra manufacturing cost of cavities
would increase with the size of the cavities if we consider a casting process
requiring some sort of formwork for the cavities”.
This is not true for AM, since
manufacturing cost of AM is independent [2] of part complexity. Most commercial
TO software have implemented SIMP for TO, hence raising questions about their
suitability for AM.
An initial distribution of density in the design domain is used as the starting
design. Sigmund suggests [17] an initial even distribution of these densities, Bendsoe
[4] terms it an initial guess.
There isn’t any rigorous mathematical proof for
choosing an even density distribution
It is unclear the sort of initial density
distribution implemented in commercial TO software.
In later sections we
investigate the effect of random density distribution. Using these densities, an FEA is
performed; the displacement vector from the FEA is used to calculate the SE
(equation 6) and sensitivities. These sensitivities are calculated by differentiating
equation 6 to get
Finite Element Analysis
Sensitivity Analysis
Low pass filtering
Update Elemental
Sensitivities are filtered to eliminate the existence of checker board patterns in
the optima using equation 7,
),( yxLFRH
Other methods to eliminate checkerboard patterns [4, 18, 19] include perimeter
control, filtering the densities, patch smoothing, image processing, higher order
elements and monotonic scale length based control. Each of these techniques bring
new challenges into the TO. Filtered sensitivities are then used to update densities
using the optimality criteria method as expressed in equation 8. The process is
continued until convergence is reached.
Again as with BESO, most applications of SIMP in the literature has been with a
constant mesh. The continuous change in topology during a TO suggest results might
by improved by an iterative mesh improvement.
III 2D Example
A cantilever plate problem (figure 4) is solved to show the effect of the different
aspects of the BESO and SIMP algorithm on the optimum topologies.
Figure 4: Cantilever plate
The objective is to minimize
for a
constraint of 0.5. The cantilever plate
was meshed with 16000 quadrilateral elements. The left side of the plate is fixed
while a 100N force is imposed at the middle of the right side of the plate.
Figure 5 shows results of BESO algorithm at different parametric settings and starting
point. FR was set at 3mm for ER=10% to achieve figure 5a. Reducing both FR and
ER to 1mm and 0.5% results in topology shown in figure 5b. Figure 5c is for a
random starting point where solid elements are randomly distributed in the design
domain. It can be seen from this figure that the parametric settings does affect the
nature of an optimal topology since figure 5a and 5c and different.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 5: BESO topologies
(a) FR=3mm, ER=10%, solid start, SE=1.87Nmm
(b) FR=1mm, ER=0.5%, solid start, SE=1.84Nmm
(c) FR=3mm, ER=1%, random start, SE=1.82Nmm
Also, the random start converged to a different topology with lower SE. Hence the
starting point also affects the nature of the optima. Starting with a fully solid domain
moved the TO towards a local minimum. Figure 5c might not be the best design
possible for this problem as it differ from known Mitchell’s [7] analytical solutions to
this problem. A detail study of the parameters and starting point might improve the
BESO algorithm.
Figure 6 shows the SIMP topologies for different starting points and parametric
values. As shown in Figure 6a, a low FR of 1mm does not totally eliminate
checkerboard pattern. If both the FR and P are kept at 1 (Figure 6b), checkerboards
disappear but there is a large grey region owing to unpenalized intermediate densities.
While the main feature of SIMP is to steer TO towards feasible topologies without
grey region, there might be an interpretation for intermediate densities in AM as this
has the lowest SE.
If P=3 and FR=1.5, the grey regions disappear (Figure 6c).
Unlike figure 6(a-c), figure 6d was carried out with a random starting point. As
before symmetrical constraint were imposed to attain figure 6d by ensuring the
density distribution of the upper half of the plate was a mirror image of the lower half.
This topology (figure 6d) is characterized by an SE of 3.8Nmm which is lower than
for figure 6a and 6c where and even density distribution was used at the start of
the TO.
(c) (d)
Figure 6: SIMP topologies
(a) P=3, FR=1mm,
=4.0Nmm, 0.5 even density start
(b) P=1, FR=1mm,
=3.3Nmm, 0.5 even density start
(c) P=3, FR=1.5mm,
=3.9Nmm, 0.5 even density start
(d) P=3, FR=1.5mm,
=3.8Nmm, Random density start
IV 3D BESO application
The BESO algorithm is used to solve a practical 3D problem of an aerospace
arm shown in figure 7. All degrees of freedom are constrained in surface A, while
pressure of 594KPa is imposed on surface B. This arm is meshed with approximately
300,000 tetrahedral elements to investigate the effects of changing FR and ER on the
optima. The red part is set to non-design while the green is the design domain.
Figure 7: 3D Aerospace metallic arm
Two sets of experiments are conducted, in the first set the ER is set at 5%, while
the FR is varied by setting it as a multiple (FRF-filter radius factor) of the distance
between the centroid of a tetrahedral element and a node on that element. This factor
is set at 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0. The FRF is fixed at 2.0 while the ER is set at 1%, 3%, 7%
and 10% in the second set experiments.
A FR Results
Figure 8 shows the optimum topologies for the different FRF. A plot of
against iteration is shown in figure 9.
(c) (d)
Figure 8: Optimum topologies for FR Experiment (ER=5%)
(a) FRF=1.5, (b) FRF=2.0, (c) FRF=2.5, (d) FRF=3.0 (e) Unfiltered
Figure 9:
against iteration (FR)
The Structures appear truss-like but are significant different since the location and
number of trusses are significantly different. The number of trusses decrease as the
FRF is increased. This orients the BESO algorithm towards a less optimal part as
shown in Figure 9 and 10.
Figure 10:
and Number of members against FRF
B ER Results
Fig 11 shows the results for the ER experiments. Optimum topologies appear
truss-like, similar to results for FR experiments. The locations of these trusses are
again different, significantly dependent on the ER. Though the graph of
ER suggest a quadratic relationship (figure 12), the TO is less sensitive to increasing
ER as compared to FR.
Fig 11: Optimum topologies for ER Experiments (FRF=2):
ER=1%, (b) ER=3%, (c) ER=7%, (d) ER=10%
Figure 12:
and Number of members against ER
IV Conclusion
Though BESO and SIMP attains optimal topologies efficiently, these topologies
are often local since the TO is constrained by starting design, finite element mesh and
parametric values. These less complex optima are suitable for traditional
manufacturing; AM’s ability to make complex parts allows the production of truly
optimal parts. Hence this algorithms needs to be improved for AM.
In the BESO algorithm an increase in FR decrease the complexity in the part
and orients the TO towards less optimum topologies. In the three dimensional case,
the FR has a greater influence on the TO than the ER. The optimum ER occurs at 6%,
though more data point is needed to confirm this.
The basis for inclusion of a penalty factor in the SIMP might be inappropriate
for AM, since its manufacturing cost is independent of complexity. A different
penalization approach might resolve this problem.
The stagnant mesh often used for the iterative FEA in both BESO and SIMP
needs to be improved. Numerical errors might have constrained the TO, since
topologies achieved while solving the cantilever problem differ significantly from
Michell’s analytically optima [7]. Also, the issue of different optima topology for
different starting point might have been caused by these errors. While mesh
refinement might solve this, computational cost limits resolution attainable. An
adaptive mesh improvement strategy could be incorporated in these algorithms to
focus refined elements at new boundaries and coarsen mesh away from boundaries.
Old void elements could be purge from the design domain to allow the introduction of
smaller new elements at the boundaries while reducing computational cost. Further
work would investigate these proposed amendments.
These improvement might cause the TO to efficiently attain highly complex
topologies with improved performance. These topologies can be made via AM.
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... Furthermore, stochastic algorithms such as genetic algorithms, and ant colony optimization can be used for TO purposes [126]. The outcome of TO is highly dependent on the selected algorithm, initial design, finite element mesh resolution, and the involved parameters [127]. In the following sections, research on three of well-known TO methods will be presented. ...
... The BESO method (developed by Huang and Xie [128]) is a combination of additive evolutionary structural optimization (AESO) and evolutionary structural optimization (ESO) in which inefficient material is iteratively removed from (or added to) the initial design to meet the desired expectations (i.e., void-solid) [127]. Because of its void-solid nature, it is easier to identify boundaries and computationally cheaper than the density variable methods like SIMP [126,129]. ...
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The use of support structures is an essential requirement for powder-bed fusion additive manufacturing (AM) processes. Supports are responsible for fixing the component on the build plate, carrying the weight of the structure, providing heat dissipation from the component to the build plate and preventing distortion during the process. Support efficiency and performance can be evaluated through the ease of removability, strength, thermal management, cost-effectiveness, and material consumption. As the support structures are the waste material during manufacturing of metal AM components, their design has a significant impact on the productivity and cost of the manufacturing process. Due to lack of concentrated information on the effect of each mentioned support function, this paper aims to gather studies and innovations in support design and production, specifically for the powder-bed fusion methods. At first, the effect of support type and contributing geometrical parameters on the overall performance of support structures is discussed. Then, an in-detail approach is taken to categorize each key characteristics of metallic support structures and reinforce the discussion with related published papers. Finally, the role of topology optimization (TO) in designing optimum support geometry is presented. The overall conclusion is that unless there are several studies on design and manufacturing of support structures, achieving the best setup has not been guaranteed by the existing tools. The research trend is toward developing more cost-effective optimization methods based on genetic algorithms (GA) and multi-objective functions to generate automated and high-performance supports, especially for complex geometries. Furthermore, integrating AM constraints with GA and TO can be achieved through defining self-supporting index or coupling with multi-objective optimization methods, which leads to a more efficient solution.
... Moreover, design-optimised parts can also significantly lower the part-production costs [2]. Out of the several TO techniques, Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization (SIMP) and Bidirectional Evolutionary Structural Optimisation (BESO) are widely popular in generating designs that are suitable for practical applications [3][4][5]. ...
... Ono [38] found that, out of the different strain-hardening equations, Ludwig's strain-hardening equation could be used to predict the plastic behaviour of a wider range of experimental data. The Ludwig's equation is described in Equation (5). However, the challenge with the Ludwig's equation is that an optimum selection of three parameters is required to predict the plasticity of experimental data accurately. ...
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The laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) method, more commonly known as selective laser melting (SLM), is one of the most common metal additive manufacturing (AM) processes. It is a layer-by-layer fabrication process where each powder layer is melted and fused by a laser beam, which traverses over the designated part geometry cross-section, as defined by a sliced CAD model. The LPBF process is being popularly used to manufacture end products of intricate geometry for various industries, such as the automobile, aerospace, defence, and biomedical industries. In designing parts, the topology optimisation (TO) technique can be effectively employed to optimise the distribution of material throughout the part and obtain the minimum volume/weight without compromising the mechanical performance of the component. This study focusses on the design optimisation and validation of the optimisation approaches used for LPBF-printed AlSi12 metal parts. The mechanical performance of three different topologically optimised lattice beams, viz. 1 × 1, 8 × 3, and 12 × 3, printed using the LPBF process, was investigated. When the beams were tested in bending, it was found that these TO LPBF-printed beams behaved differently when compared to the LPBF-printed solid beam. The 1 × 1 lattice beam performed better than the other two lattice beams due to the lower number of links where premature failure was delayed. The 1 × 1 lattice beam exhibited a load-bearing capacity of 17 ± 2 kN, whereas the 8 × 3 and 12 × 3 lattice beams showed load capacities of 13 ± 1 kN and 10 ± 1 kN, respectively. This mechanical behaviour was modelled and simulated by using a finite element analysis, and it was found that the LPBF-printed material property was affected by the design elements present in the beam. It was also found that each topology-optimised beam fits a different material model when compared to the SLM-printed solid beam. Therefore, a new material model or simulation technique needs to be developed to overcome this issue.
... For given loads and supports, the algorithm will refine material distribution to meet a prescribed set of performance targets. There are a number of different topology optimization algorithms, including Solid Isotropic Microstructure with Penalization (SIMP), Evolutionary Structural Optimization (ESO), and Topological Derivatives (Rozvany, 2009;Aremu, 2010). Despite the computational differences between these algorithms, they all produce a family of typical geometric features: interconnected networks of thin ribs and narrow tubular structures with dynamic changes in porosity (Jipa etl., 2016). ...
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The 3D printing technologies have been initially developed in the 1980s. Currently, these technologies have become an integral part of modern product development and have been successfully applied in a wide range of industries including automotive manufacturing, biomedical, consumer, food, and construction. Since material efficiency is becoming a critical design driver in the construction industry, many strategies for improving material efficiency have been developed such as recycling materials, reusing components, reducing waste, extending life spans, etc. Furthermore, in the design phases, there are different design models that reduce the use of materials such as hollow‐core and pre‐stressing construction systems, or by applying concept of Topological Optimization. Topology optimization is a design method used in 3D printing technologies to reduce material without affecting the functionality of an object.
... For given loads and supports, the algorithm will refine material distribution to meet a prescribed set of performance targets. There are a number of different topology optimization algorithms, including Solid Isotropic Microstructure with Penalization (SIMP), Evolutionary Structural Optimization (ESO), and Topological Derivatives (Rozvany, 2009;Aremu, 2010). Despite the computational differences between these algorithms, they all produce a family of typical geometric features: interconnected networks of thin ribs and narrow tubular structures with dynamic changes in porosity (Jipa etl., 2016). ...
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Digital production has been applied in many branches of the industry; however, the construction industry was an exception. Applying this new technology could help to reshape the construction world as we know it today. Using 3D printing technologies in construction offers significant potential to increase efficiency in terms of speed construction, waste reduction, design freedom, reduce human error as well as green building construction materials. In the current research, the authors review the structural and non-structural applications of the 3D concrete printing, as well as the potential applications, challenges, and possible solutions, respectively.
Conference Paper
3D Concrete Printing (3DCP) offers design freedom to develop and implement complex and unique geometries in concrete structures. This technology also allows printing optimized cross-sections and member profiles to ensure material and structural efficiency. Further, lower self-weight of the structure leads to reduced cost of foundations and seismic forces. This study attempts to integrate topology optimization with 3DCP for columns subjected primarily to axial compression. The bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization (BESO) framework is employed by including concrete printing constraints. The anisotropic material properties of layered concrete printing are included using the transverse isotropic material model. The stability during and post-printing are verified through the optimization iterations. The optimized cross-sections and member profiles for columns subject to axial compression and accidental bi-directional eccentricities under different volume fractions are proposed. These topologically optimized geometries provide a ready reference and also a starting point (if alternate profiles are to be verified) for designers and architects working in the domain of 3D concrete printing.
Additive manufacturing is entering its mature age. Since the early eighties when the rapid prototyping first technologies were developed by Charles Hull and Scott Crump, these technologies have been continuously evolving introducing new processes and improving the existing ones. This evolution is reflected in a better reliability that results in the real application of AM in the production chains of certain industries. All these technologies may differ in the technological approach, with different energy sources and materials, but they all share a common factor, that is the layer by layer construction approach. In this work a brief review of the state of the art of large format additive manufacturing will be presented, identifying the most remarkable existing equipments in this context. INNANOMAT research group from Cadiz University has been several years working with this technology using a combined approach of material developments and product design. One of the main tasks of the presented project is to identify potential uses and applications of this material by the large format additive manufacturing. Specific research has been done to identify areas of interest such as aeronautics, maritime, domestic appliances, habitat, sports and leisure or automotive. Some interesting developments and design applications have been done in the habitat sector, obtaining one to one scale prototypes of furniture that match the potential that these technologies offer when dealing with complex shapes exploiting their capabilities. These specific design tools in the context of Design for Additive manufacturing will be also presented.KeywordsAdditive manufacturingDesign for additive manufacturingFurniture designProduct designSustainable materials
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The paper presents a compact Matlab implementation of a topology optimization code for compliance minimization of statically loaded structures. The total number of Matlab input lines is 99 including optimizer and Finite Element subroutine. The 99 lines are divided into 36 lines for the main program, 12 lines for the Optimality Criteria based optimizer, 16 lines for a mesh-independency filter and 35 lines for the finite element code. In fact, excluding comment lines and lines associated with output and finite element analysis, it is shown that only 49 Matlab input lines are required for solving a well-posed topology optimization problem. By adding three additional lines, the program can solve problems with multiple load cases. The code is intended for educational purposes. The complete Matlab code is given in the Appendix and can be down-loaded from the web-site
Rapid Manufacturing is a new area of manufacturing developed from a family of technologies known as Rapid Prototyping. These processes have already had the effect of both improving products and reducing their development time; this in turn resulted in the development of the technology of Rapid Tooling, which implemented Rapid Prototyping techniques to improve its own processes. Rapid Manufacturing has developed as the next stage, in which the need for tooling is eliminated. It has been shown that it is economically feasible to use existing commercial Rapid Prototyping systems to manufacture series parts in quantities of up to 20,000 and customised parts in quantities of hundreds of thousands. This form of manufacturing can be incredibly cost-effective and the process is far more flexible than conventional manufacturing. Rapid Manufacturing: An Industrial Revolution for the Digital Age addresses the academic fundamentals of Rapid Manufacturing as well as focussing on case studies and applications across a wide range of industry sectors. As a technology that allows manufacturers to create products without tools, it enables previously impossible geometries to be made. This book is abundant with images depicting the fantastic array of products that are now being commercially manufactured using these technologies. Includes contributions from leading researchers working at the forefront of industry. Features detailed illustrations throughout. Rapid Manufacturing: An Industrial Revolution for the Digital Age is a groundbreaking text that provides excellent coverage of this fast emerging industry. It will interest manufacturing industry practitioners in research and development, product design and materials science, as well as having a theoretical appeal to researchers and post-graduate students in manufacturing engineering, product design, CAD/CAM and CIFM.
Most AM processes require post-processing after part building to prepare the part for its intended form, fit and/or function. Depending upon the AM technique, the reason for post-processing varies. For purposes of simplicity, this chapter will focus on post-processing techniques which are used to enhance components or overcome AM limitations. These include:
The evolutionary structural optimization (ESO) and basic ESO (BESO) processes and given various illustrative examples are described. Such processes are based on the concept of slowly removing inefficient materials from a structures so that the residual structure evolves towards the optimum. It is shown that the simple ESO and BESO algorithms are capable of solving a wide range of shape and topology optimization problems.
The genetic algorithm (GA), an optimization technique based on the theory of natural selection, is applied to structural topology design problems. After reviewing the genetic algorithm and previous research in structural topology optimization, we detail the chromosome-to-design representation which enables the genetic algorithm to perform structural topology optimization. Extending our prior investigations, this article first compares our genetic-algorithm-based technique with homogenization methods in the minimization of a structure's compliance subject to a maximum volume constraint. We then use our technique to generate topologies combining high structural performance with a variety of material connectivity characteristics which arise directly from our discretized design representation. After discussing our findings, we describe potential future work.
The evolutionary structural optimisation (ESO) method has been under continuous development since 1992. Traditionally, the method was conceived from the engineering perspective that the topology and shape of structures were naturally conservative for safety reasons and therefore contained an excess of material. To move from the conservative design to a more optimum design would therefore involve the removal of material. Thus the ESO method started from a design space much bigger than the optimum and the final topology or shape emerged by a process of removal of unwanted/inefficient/lowly stresses material. The original algorithms allowed for two forms of evolution. One was there the understressed material could be removed from anywhere in the allowable design space, and with compensation for checker-boarding this produces an optimum topology under the prescribed environments. The second form only allows removal from the surface or parts of the surface (called nibbling in the ESO lexicon); this produces a Min–Max situation where the maximum surface stress is reduced to a minimum. It has been demonstrated that the ESO process produces a surface that is an iso-stress contour thus satisfying the Min–Max optimality criterion. The present paper addresses the opposite evolutionary process whereby the structure evolves from a base which is the minimum structural form required to carry the load regardless of the magnitude of the stress levels. Material is added in the proximity of high stress to ameliorate its effect and hence the final structural form emerges. Only singly connected regions are formed in the present analysis and thus the additive ESO process is the opposite of the nibbling SO, mentioned above, that produces optimum surface shapes. The paper presents a brief background to the current state of structural optimisation research. This is followed by a discussion of the strategies for the additive ESO (AESO) algorithm and two examples are presented.
The aim of this article is to evaluate and compare established numerical methods of structural topology optimization that have reached the stage of application in industrial software. It is hoped that our text will spark off a fruitful and constructive debate on this important topic.
Checkerboard-like material distributions are frequently encountered in topology optimization of continuum structures, especially when first order finite elements are used. It has been shown that this phenomenon is caused by errors in the finite element formulation. Minimum member size control is closely related to the problem of mesh dependency of solutions in topology optimization. With increasing mesh density, the solution of a broad class of problems tends to form an increasing number of members with decreasing size. Different approaches have been developed in recent years to overcome these numerical difficulties. However, limitations exist for those methods, either in generality or in efficiency. In this paper, a new algorithm for checkerboard and direct minimum member size control has been developed that is applicable to the general problem formulation involving multiple constraints. This method is implemented in the commercial software Altair OptiStruct.
Two types of solutions may be considered in generalized shape optimization. Absolute minimum weight solutions, which are rather unpractical, consist of solid, empty and porous regions. In more practical solutions of shape optimization, porous regions are suppressed and only solid and empty regions remain. This note discusses this second class of problems and shows that a solid, isotropic microstructure with an adjustable penalty for intermediate densities is efficient in generating optimal topologies.