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Hemostasis profile and clinical outcome of acute ischemic stroke patients treated with oral lumbrokinase DLBS1033: A comparative study versus aspirin and clopidogrel


Abstract and Figures

Objectives: This clinical study was conducted to determine the hemostasis profile and clinical outcome of acute ischemic stroke patients treated with DLBS1033 in comparison with aspirin or clopidogrel. DLBS1033 is a proprietary bioactive protein fraction derived from the earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus) that possesses both fibrinolytic and antithrombotic properties. Methods: This was a 3-arm, parallel, randomized, controlled, open-label, blinded-evaluation study involving 126 acute ischemic stroke patients. Each subject received any of the following study medication within 96 hrs after the stroke onset: Aspirin 80 mg daily (Group 1), or clopidogrel 75 mg daily (Group 2), DLBS1033 490 mg 3 times daily (Group 3), for 90 days. Hemostasis parameters evaluated were prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), and international normalized ratio (INR), while the clinical outcomes were measured using Gadjah Mada Stroke Scale (SSGM) and Barthel index (BI). Results: Baseline characteristics, including the hemostasis and clinical profiles, were comparable between groups. At the end of the study, PT, aPTT, and INR values were not significantly different between groups, which were all within the normal ranges. There was a significant improvement of BI as well as SSGM from baseline in each group. The improvement size of BI was found similar between groups (p=0.098). However, a significantly better improvement of SSGM was observed in those received DLBS1033 (6.98±4.90; p=0.001 vs. aspirin [3.74±3.66], p=0.006 vs. clopidogrel [4.26±4.21]). Conclusion: It was concluded that DLBS1033 provided a safe hemostasis profile (PT, aPTT, and INR) comparable to that of aspirin or clopidogrel in ischemic stroke patients. Treatment with DLBS1033 improved clinical outcomes indicated by the BI and SSGM, and the improvement size of SSGM was even better than that of aspirin or clopidogrel treatment. © 2016, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. All rights reserved.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2016 ISSN - 0974-2441
1Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Gadjah Mada/Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 2Dexa
Laboratories of Biomolecular Sciences, Dexa Medica Group, Indonesia. Email:
Received: 20 August 2015, Revised and Accepted: 30 September 2015
Objectives: This clinical study was conducted to determine the hemostasis profile and clinical outcome of acute ischemic stroke patients treated with
DLBS1033 in comparison with aspirin or clopidogrel. DLBS1033 is a proprietary bioactive protein fraction derived from the earthworms (Lumbricus
rubellus) that possesses both fibrinolytic and antithrombotic properties.
Methods: This was a 3-arm, parallel, randomized, controlled, open-label, blinded-evaluation study involving 126 acute ischemic stroke patients. Each
subject received any of the following study medication within 96 hrs after the stroke onset: Aspirin 80 mg daily (Group 1), or clopidogrel 75 mg daily
(Group 2), DLBS1033 490 mg 3 times daily (Group 3), for 90 days. Hemostasis parameters evaluated were prothrombin time (PT), activated partial
thromboplastin time (aPTT), and international normalized ratio (INR), while the clinical outcomes were measured using Gadjah Mada Stroke Scale
(SSGM) and Barthel index (BI).
Results: Baseline characteristics, including the hemostasis and clinical profiles, were comparable between groups. At the end of the study, PT, aPTT,
and INR values were not significantly different between groups, which were all within the normal ranges. There was a significant improvement of BI
as well as SSGM from baseline in each group. The improvement size of BI was found similar between groups (p=0.098). However, a significantly better
improvement of SSGM was observed in those received DLBS1033 (6.98±4.90; p=0.001 vs. aspirin [3.74±3.66], p=0.006 vs. clopidogrel [4.26±4.21]).
Conclusion: It was concluded that DLBS1033 provided a safe hemostasis profile (PT, aPTT, and INR) comparable to that of aspirin or clopidogrel in
ischemic stroke patients. Treatment with DLBS1033 improved clinical outcomes indicated by the BI and SSGM, and the improvement size of SSGM was
even better than that of aspirin or clopidogrel treatment.
Keywords: Acute ischemic stroke, Barthel index, DLBS1033, Hemostasis, Gadjah Mada Stroke Scale, Oral lumbrokinase.
Thrombosis remains involved in the pathological course of some most
common vascular diseases, including ischemic stroke [1,2]. Substantial
progress has been made in understanding the biology of thrombus
formation and the pathophysiology of thrombosis. Several more established
pharmacologic agents, including thrombolytic therapy, antiplatelet agents,
and anticoagulants, have been recommended for the early management
of acute ischemic stroke [3]. However, all the recommended, as well as
neuro-protective agents available for prevention or treatment that have
been in use for decades, have currently been replaced with newer variants
that offer a modest incremental improvement [4-10]. Yet, the ideal drug
for prophylaxis and treatment of thrombotic disease that will inhibit
the thrombosis but not the hemostasis remains scarce. This situation is
complicated further by the emerging resistance to therapy with the most
established antiplatelets, aspirin, and clopidogrel that brings potentially
severe consequences such as recurrent myocardial infarction, stroke, or
death [11-13]. Such a reduced sensitivity to antiplatelet drugs was even
reported to be more remarkable in diabetic as compared to non-diabetic
patients [14]. Thus, an expedite translation of new knowledge from test-
tube,” and animal studies to bedside pharmaceutical development should
be pursued for new and more strategic advances in the prevention of
thrombotic diseases.
For thousands of years, earthworms have widely been used in Indonesia,
China, Japan, and the Far East to treat various chronic diseases.
A group of serine protease enzymes collectively called lumbrokinase
extracted from the earthworms of Lumbricidae family could directly
dissolve fibrin and activate plasminogen [15,16]. Lumbrokinase
possesses strong fibrinolytic and fibrinogenolytic properties, lowers
blood viscosity, markedly inhibits platelet aggregation, and promotes
thrombus degradation without causing excessive bleeding [17-19].
Lumbrokinase is stable over a wide range of pH and temperature; thus,
it can be administered orally [20].
DLBS1033 investigated in this clinical study is a lumbrokinase
fractionated from the earthworms, Lumbricus rubellus, through a
proprietary technology of extraction. DLBS1033 possesses eight
major proteins, each with a molecular weight below 100 kDa, named
as Lumbricus low-molecular-weight proteins [21]. This specific
pattern of proteins confers a unique characteristic of DLBS1033
with its mechanism of action as an antithrombotic and thrombolytic
agent. The antithrombotic and thrombolytic activities of the bioactive
protein fraction have been demonstrated in vitro and ex vivo [21].
Furthermore, DLBS1033 has also been proven for its safety profile,
through toxicological studies in animal [22], and safety studies in
human [23,24]. To date, DLBS1033 has been approved by National
Agency of Drug and Food Control, Republic of Indonesia, to be marketed
as Indonesian standardized herbal medicine. Since then, no clinically
significant adverse drug reactions have been reported.
This current study was conducted to investigate whether the virtues
of DLBS1033 that have been demonstrated preclinically would also
be translated into clinical benefits for ischemic stroke patients. In this
study, we evaluated the hemostasis profile as well as functional and
neurological outcomes of ischemic stroke patients receiving DLBS1033,
in comparison with the more established antiplatelet agents used in
such cases, aspirin and clopidogrel.
Research Article
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 9, Issue 1, 2016, 171-177
Setyopranoto et al.
Study design
This study was conducted in compliance with the Declaration of
Helsinki and the Good Clinical Practice. The study protocol was
reviewed and approved by the Independent Ethics Committee of
Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, prior to trial initiation.
This was a 3-arm, parallel, randomized, controlled, open-label,
blinded-evaluation (PROBE-designed) clinical study, over 90 days of
treatment, to determine the hemostasis profile as well as functional
and neurological outcomes of ischemic stroke patients. Eligible subjects
were randomly allocated to receive any of the following regimens:
Aspirin 80 mg once daily (Group 1, Aspirin), clopidogrel 75 mg once
daily (Group 2, Clopidogrel), or DLBS1033 490 mg three times daily
(Group 3, DLBS1033). In this study, both aspirin and clopidogrel served
as the positive controls to examine the efficacy and safety of the new
treatment with DLBS1033.
Subjects were acute ischemic stroke patients admitted in the Stroke
Unit or Neurology-Ward of the Central General Hospital Dr. Sardjito
Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The inclusion criteria included: (1) adult male
or female; (2) acute ischemic stroke diagnosed by cranial CT-scan;
(3) having admitted in the hospital within less than 96 hrs after the
onset of stroke; and (4) willingness to participate in the study and give
subject’s written informed consent. The patients were excluded if any
of the following criteria was met: (1) recurrent stroke; (2) transient
ischemic attack; (3) intra-cerebral or subarachnoid hemorrhagic stroke;
(4) undefinable stroke onset; (5) regular therapy with antiplatelets,
anticoagulants; (6) hemostasis or coagulation disorders; (7) major
surgery within the last 6 months or having to have a surgery within
the next 3 months; (8) renal impairment defined as serum creatinine
level >3× upper limit of normal or history of hemodialysis; (9) systemic
inflammatory response syndrome; (10) unconsciousness; or
(11) uncontrolled hypertension (systolic blood pressure > 185 mmHg
or diastolic blood pressure > 110 mmHg).
Subjects were withdrawn from the study if any of the following
conditions applied during the course of the subject’s participation:
(1) Worsened prognosis, unconsciousness, and neurological deficits;
(2) hypersensitive to any of the study medication; (3) bleeding adverse
events, including nausea and vomiting, severe headache, gastrointestinal
pain, hematoma, and any of bleeding signs; and (3) subjects were
suffering from any disease, including physical accidents that would
interfere with the evaluation of the hemostasis profile.
Study medication
The management of acute ischemic stroke in the Unit Stroke of
Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta Hospital was in accordance with the acquired
hemophilia A (AHA)/ASA Guidelines for the Early The Management
of Patients with acute ischemic stroke.3 Aspirin (Thrombo Aspilets®
enteric-coated tablets, Medifarma Laboratories Inc., Jakarta, Indonesia)
at the dose of 80 mg once daily, clopidogrel (Vaclo® film-coated
tablets, Dexa Medica, Palembang, Indonesia) 75 mg [25], once daily,
or DLBS1033 490 mg (Disolf® enteric-coated tablets, Dexa Medica,
Palembang, Indonesia) three times daily was initially administered to
the eligible subjects within 96 hrs after the stroke onset, to be taken
for the next 90 days. Concomitant medications taken by study subjects
along the study were valsartan 80/160 mg daily and/or amlodipin
5/10 mg daily (by hypertensive subjects); (2) insulin therapy (by
diabetic subjects); (3) simvastatin 20 mg daily (all subjects); and (4) oral
citicholine 1000 mg twice daily (all subjects). After study completion,
subjects continued their therapy in accordance with the management
for ischemic stroke applicable in the hospital.
Characterization of DLBS1033 was as previously described by Trisina
et al. [21]. A pharmaceutical study has also been conducted to support
its oral enteric-coated formulation and dosing regimen [26].
Randomization code was prepared using the permuted 3-block-
allocation and random numbers generator. In order to keep the
blinded-evaluation procedures, the study products were administered
by a particularly designated nurse, and the Investigator who evaluated
the outcomes was blind of the subject allocation. Blinding codes
were disclosed when the study had been completed, and trial-related
database had been frozen.
Hemostasis profile and clinical outcomes
Hemostasis parameters evaluated in this study were prothrombin time
(PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), and international
normalized ratio (INR). Adverse events were observed and recorded
during the study conduct. The aPTT is an appropriate parameter to
evaluate the intrinsic and common pathways of the coagulation cascade.
The PT (or can be expressed as INR) evaluates the extrinsic and common
pathways [27]. Therefore, measurement of PT (or INR), or aPTT can be
beneficial to detect the abnormal steps in the coagulation cascade, for the
diagnosis of coagulation disorders [28]. Since we expected that therapy
with DLBS1033 as an antithrombotic/thrombolytic agent should not
impair the hemostasis profile, we hypothesized that the bioactive fraction
would not significantly interfere with those coagulation parameters.
The functional outcomes evaluated in this study were Barthel index
(BI) [29-33]. All variables were measured at baseline (day 0, before
study medication) and day 90 (end of study). The BI is based on a rating
scale that is completed by an observer, and it has a good inter-rater
reliability [30]. The items can be divided into a group that is related to
self-care (feeding, grooming, bathing, dressing, bowel and bladder care,
and toilet use) and a group related to mobility (ambulation, transfers,
and stair climbing). A total of 10 activities are scored, and the values are
then added to give a total score ranging from 0 (totally dependent) to 100
(completely independent). Lower scores indicate greater dependency.
Scoring on the BI can be interpreted as follows: Independent (BI score
of 80-100), needs minimal help (60-79), partially dependent (40-59),
very dependent (20-39), and totally dependent (<20). The BI measures
what the patient actually does rather than what they can do [30-32].
Neurological outcome in this study was measured by the validated
Gadjah Mada Stroke Scale (SSGM) [34]. The SSGM consists of 14 items,
including level of consciousness, orientation, language, visual field, eye
movement, facial movement, motoric function of the arms and limbs
both the passive and active (affected) sides, each of which is scored 0
(severe impairment) to 2 or 3 (normal, without impairment), resulting
in a total score ranging from 0 (the most severe neurological deficit)
to 38 (complete recovery) as shown in Table 1. The interpretation of
the SSGM is that a score of ≥23 means mild to moderate neurological
deficits, and a score of <23 means severe neurological deficits [34].
Statistical analysis
Demography and baseline characteristics were tabulated and
summarized by the group. Analyzes on hemostatic parameters as well as
clinical outcomes were carried out on intent-to-treat (ITT) population,
consisting of all patients who were randomized, exposed to at least one
dose of the study product, and then returned for at least one visit after
treatment-initiation. This would include data from withdrawn subjects.
All of the data are expressed as mean±standard deviation unless
otherwise is specified. Comparability of baseline characteristics
between groups was statistically analyzed by Kruskal–Wallis and Chi-
square, for continuous and categorical data, respectively. Hemostasis
and efficacy parameters (PT, aPTT, INR, SSGM, and BI) were statistically
analyzed between groups using Kruskal–Wallis and within-group using
Wilcoxon signed-rank. All statistical tests were at 5% significance level.
The SPSS® version 14.0 was used for the analyzes.
The clinical study had been conducted in the Stroke Unit or Neurology-
Ward of the Central General Hospital Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta since May
2012 until December 2013. A total of 129 subjects were enrolled and
randomly allocated into any of the 3 arms, each of which consisted of
43 subjects. Of 129 subjects, only 126 were available for ITT analysis.
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 9, Issue 1, 2016, 171-177
Setyopranoto et al.
Three subjects (one subject in each group) moved out of town and were
lost to follow-up. They did not have any post-treatment data, thus were
not evaluable.
Baseline characteristics of the study subjects were comparable between
groups as shown in Table 2. In all groups, subjects were aged between
50 and 65 years old, with male predominance (around 70% of subjects
in each group).
Onset of stroke, BI, PT, aPTT, and INR, as well as other risk factors, such
as plasma glucose, lipid profile, blood pressure, were also comparable
between groups at baseline. In terms of SSGM, at baseline, subjects in
DLBS1033 Group showed a slightly lower (worse) score (p=0.030) than
those in the aspirin group. Therefore, the real between-group difference
in neurological outcome was also evaluated by comparing the size of
improvement of SSGM from baseline, in addition to the final score of
SSGM at the end of study.
Table 1: SSGM [34]
Tested item Responses and scores
Level of consciousness 3 - Alert
2 - Drowsy, somnolent
1 - Obtunded, stupor
0 - Coma/unresponsive
Orientation (time, space, people) questions 3 - Answers each of all three questions correctly
2 - Answers two of three questions correctly
1 - Answers one of three questions correctly
0 - Answers neither correctly
Articulation 3 - Normal
2 - Mild dysarthria
1 - Severe dysarthria
0 - Mute or global aphasia
Gaze 3 - Normal horizontal movements
2 - Eyeball in medial position, able to deviate to either side
1 - Eyeball in lateral position, able to return to medial position
0 - Complete gaze palsy (conjugate deviation)
Facial movement 2 - Normal
1 - Partial facial weakness (paresis)
0 - Complete unilateral palsy (paralysis)
Visual fields 2 - Normal
1 - Partial hemanopia
0 - Complete hemanopia
Arm’s motoric function - Passive (unaffected side) 3 - No drift
Examiner raises both subject’s arms to a position of 45°
(if the subject is in a supine position), or 90° (if seated).
Subject is asked to hold such a position for 10 seconds
2 - Falls before10 seconds
1 - Unable to hold, but performs noticeable effort against gravity
0 - No effort against gravity
Arm’s motor function - Active (affected side) 3 - Able to raise perfectly
Examiner raises both subject’s arms to a position of 45°
(if the subject is in a supine position), or 90° (if seated).
Subject is asked to hold such a position for 10 seconds
2 - Able to raise
1 - Able to raise with flexed arm
0 - No movement
Extension of wrist 3 - Full extension, full strength
2 - Full extension, less strength
1 - Partial extension
0 - Unable to extend
Fingers strength 2 - Balanced strength of both hands
Subject is asked to perform pinch (squeeze between
the finger and thumb) with both hands, and the
examiner has to release the squeeze with one finger
1- Less strength on the affected hand
0 - Unable to perform pinching
Limb’s motoric function - Passive (unaffected side) 3 - No drift
Examiner raises both subject’s limbs to a position of 30°
(with the subject in a supine position). Subject is asked
to hold such a position for 5 seconds
2 - Falls before 5 seconds
1 - Unable to hold, but performs noticeable effort against gravity
0 - No effort against gravity
Limb’s motoric function - Active (affected side) 2 - Full flexion
Subject is asked to perform thigh and knee flexion 1 - Partial flexion
0 - No flexion
Dorsiflexion 2 - Normal strength to perform dorsiflexion
1 - Less strength to perform dorsiflexion
0 - Unable to perform dorsiflexion
Gait 4 - Walks 5 m long without aid or other person’s assistance
3 - Walks with aid (no assistance from other person)
2 - Walks with assistance from other person
1 - Unable to walk, but able to stand with aid
0 - Neither walks or stands
SSGM: Gadjah Mada Stroke Scale
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 9, Issue 1, 2016, 171-177
Setyopranoto et al.
After 90 days of treatment, we found no difference in hemostasis
profile between groups as shown by PT, aPTT, and INR values (Table 3).
Within-group analysis showed that there was a bit of shortened PT
with DLBS1033, but of no clinical importance. The aPTT and INR in
each group did not change from their respective baseline values. All
measured hemostasis parameters in each group remained within their
respective normal ranges.
Hemostasis profile at the end of the study demonstrated that
administration of DLBS1033 at the dose of 3 × 490 mg daily for 90 days
in ischemic stroke subjects was safe and comparable to aspirin 80 mg
daily or clopidogrel 75 mg daily. There was no significant prolongation
of hemostasis parameters found. Neither were there bleeding adverse
events in any groups observed during the study conduct.
All subjects in all groups received simvastatin 20 mg daily and
citicholine 1000 mg twice daily during the study participation. For the
antihypertensive agents, subjects might receive amlodipine, valsartan
or a combination of both, depending on their individual condition. All
diabetic subjects received insulin therapy.
In terms of clinical outcome, each group demonstrated a significant
improvement of BI (p<0.001) from baseline to day 90, with a
mean score of >85 in all groups at the end of study. The greatest
improvement was observed in DLBS1033 Group, with the size of
improvement of 23.09±19.16 from baseline, but it was not significantly
different (p=0.098) with that of aspirin (15.12±15.71) or clopidogrel
(17.98±19.03), as shown in Fig. 1.
In line with the improvement of BI, DLBS1033 Group demonstrated
the greatest improvement of SSGM (6.98±4.90) from baseline that was
also significantly greater (p=0.002) than that of aspirin (3.74±3.66) or
Clopidogrel (4.26±4.21) (Fig. 2).
We also found there were similar percentages of subject in DLBS1033
Group (83.3% and 100%) to those in aspirin (92.9% and 100%) who
achieved BI of ≥85 and SSGM of ≥23, respectively, at the end of study;
both of which were slightly higher than those in clopidogrel (73.8% and
97.6%, respectively), even though they were not statistically different
(Fig. 3). Compared to aspirin, treatment with DLBS1033 for 90 days
seemed to be effectively comparable in achieving BI ≥85 (odds ratio
Table 2: Baseline characteristics
Variable Group 1 Aspirin (n=42) Group 2 Clopidogrel (n=42) Group 3 DLBS1033 (n=42) p
Age (year) 58.81±9.40 62.45±10.54 61.29±8.73 0.210
Gender (%)
Male 31 (73.8) 29 (69.0) 31 (73.%) 0.854
Female 11 (26.2) 13 (31.0) 11 (26.2)
Onset of stroke (hours before
initial dose of study medication)
25.26±32.85 23.24±26.75 33.52±47.41 0.399
Blood pressure (mmHg)
Systolic 166.90±35.97 162.74±26.09 168.45±29.39 0.570
Diastolic 98.69±18.45 93.93±11.77 95.60±13.58 0.356
Concomitant diseases (%)
Hypertension 22 (52.4) 15 (35.7) 21 (50.0) 0.253
Diabetes mellitus 18 (42.9) 14 (33.3) 19 (45.2) 0.501
Dyslipidemia 32 (76.2) 24 (57.1) 20 (47.6) 0.024*
Concomitant medication (%)
Amlodipine 15 (35.7) 10 (23.8) 13 (31.0) 0.489
Valsartan 11 (26.2) 6 (14.3) 11 (26.2) 0.317
Insulin 18 (42.9) 14 (33.3) 19 (45.2) 0.501
Clinical outcomes
Barthel index 81.43±23.07 73.57±28.14 71.55±27.42 0.262
SSGM 32.05±5.66 29.64±7.37 28.52±6.67 0.030*
Laboratoric parameters
FPG (mg/dl) 143.36±68.44 144.36±80.23 141.74±69.03 0.927
Hemoglobin (g/dl) 14.58±1.52 13.88±1.76 14.28±1.57 0.365
Total cholesterol (mg/dl) 226.21±43.84 217.69±48.02 214.28±45.61 0.222
HDL (mg/dl) 42.81±9.36 43.71±11.96 44.41±9.99 0.876
LDL (mg/dl) 160.08±36.74 140.79±35.63 142.24±32.03 0.044*
Triglyceride (mg/dl) 173.40±90.83 154.17±80.92 147.27±61.66 0.559
BUN (mg/dl) 13.10±3.93 12.55±3.18 12.80±3.07 0.908
Serum creatinin (mg/dl) 1.23±0.70 1.17±0.41 1.09±0.51 0.766
Uric acid (mg/dl) 6.48±1.42 6.20±1.72 6.50±1.50 0.748
PT (seconds) 12.98±1.22 13.07±1.15 13.09±1.29 0.866
aPTT (seconds) 29.66±1.22 29.39±3.39 29.65±4.73 0.978
INR 0.94±0.16 0.93±0.13 0.97±0.15 0.545
Continuous data are expressed in mean±SD. Categorical data are expressed in a number of subjects (n) and percentage (%). Between-group analysis: Categorical
variables were analyzed using Chi-square; while the continuous ones using Kruskal–Wallis. aPTT: Activated partial thromboplastin time, BUN: Blood urea nitrogen,
FPG: Fasting plasma glucose, HDL: High-density lipoprotein cholesterol, INR: International normalized ratio, LDL: Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, PT: Prothrombin
time, SSGM: Gadjah Mada Stroke Scale, SD: Standard deviation
Table 3: Hemostasis profile between groups at baseline and day 90
Hemostasis profile Baseline pDay 90 pp
PT (second)
Aspirin (n=42) 12.98±1.22 0.866 12.36±1.39 0.788 0.080
Clopidogrel (n=42) 13.07±1.15 12.53±1.19 0.076
DLBS1033 (n=42) 13.09±1.29 12.67±1.55 0.039*
aPTT (second)
Aspirin (n=42) 29.66±5.49 0.978 29.59±4.25 0.619 0.523
Clopidogrel (n=42) 29.39±3.39 29.96±4.16 0.302
DLBS1033 (n=42) 29.65±4.73 30.54±4.41 0.096
Aspirin (n=42) 0.94±0.16 0.545 0.94±0.13 0.154 0.318
Clopidogrel (n=42) 0.93±0.13 0.96±0.11 0.051
DLBS1033 (n=42) 0.97±0.15 0.99±0.13 0.132
Data are expressed in mean±SD. Within-group analysis using Wilcoxon
Signed-Rank. Between-group analysis using Kruskal–Wallis. *Statistically
significant (p<0.05). aPTT: Activated partial thromboplastin time,
INR: International normalized ratio, PT: Prothrombin time, SSGM: Gadjah
Mada Stroke Scale, SD: Standard deviation
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 9, Issue 1, 2016, 171-177
Setyopranoto et al.
[OR]=0.38; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.09-1.60; p=0.189). That
was also the case with DLBS1033 in comparison with clopidogrel
(OR= 1.77; 95% CI, 0.61-5.14; p=0.291). DLBS1033 treatment was
also effectively comparable in achieving SSGM ≥23, either compared
to aspirin (OR=1.00; 95% CI, 0.019-51.57; p=1.000) or clopidogrel
(OR=3.07; 95% CI, 0.12-77.60; p=0.496).
This study demonstrated that DLBS1033 therapy in ischemic stroke
patients provided a safe hemostatic profile, which was comparable
to that of aspirin or clopidogrel therapy (Table 3). All measured
parameters, i.e., PT, aPTT, and INR, were within the normal range at the
Fig. 1: Effect of aspirin, clopidogrel, and DLBS1033 treatment on the functional outcome measured by Barthel index. The error bars
represent the standard errors; Wilcoxon signed-rank was used in within-group analysis; Kruskal–Wallis was used in between-group
Fig. 2. Effect of aspirin, clopidogrel, and DLBS1033 treatment on the neurological outcome measured by Gadjah Mada Stroke Scale. The
error bars represent the standard errors; Wilcoxon signed-rank was used in within-group analysis; Kruskal–Wallis was used in between-
group analysis
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 9, Issue 1, 2016, 171-177
Setyopranoto et al.
end of the study, suggesting that there were no deficient coagulation
factors observed during therapy with DLBS1033, aspirin, and
clopidogrel. Furthermore, the result of this study also indicates that the
risk for bleeding due to the administration of DLBS1033 was evidently
low, similar to that of aspirin or clopidogrel at their respective usual
dose regimen. This was also clinically proven by zero bleeding event
in all groups observed during the study conduct. The safety profile of
DLBS1033 was aligned to that reported by Zhang in a former study with
a similar protease enzymes, lumbrokinase [20], demonstrating that the
proteases did not affect hemostasis profile measured by PT or aPTT,
thus did not interfere with the INR.
With respect to aspirin and clopidogrel treatment, our current
3-month-study showed no prolongation of aPTT. Neither did it show the
increase of INR nor any bleeding events. This was somewhat different
with a former report by Tamura et al, in which aspirin and clopidogrel
treatment were reported associated with bleeding complications
(hemorrhage, melaena, and hematochezia). Aspirin was also reported
associated with prolongation of aPTT, but not with increased INR.
While clopidogrel treatment was associated neither with prolongation
of aPTT nor increased INR [35]. However, in the report, aspirin might be
used concomitantly with warfarin and/or clopidgrel and for a long-term
therapy as well, while the observation in our study was limited only
to the first 3 months of therapy. That may explain the difference with
the former report. In this study, we found neither clinically significant
bleeding events nor adverse changes of the laboratory hemostatic
parameters. A case study also reported that clopidogrel treatment was
associated with prolonged aPTT and induced AHA in a patient with
cerebellar infarction, but the mechanism of how the drug could induce
the event is unknown [36], and thus, the adverse effect was likely to be
an anecdotal case.
In addition to its promisingly safe hemostatic profile, DLBS1033 also
improved the clinical outcomes. A significant improvement of BI from
baseline occurred in each treatment group. The improvement was
similar across all groups (Fig. 2). This result suggested that DLBS1033
was as efficacious as aspirin or clopidogrel in improving functional
outcome of patients with ischemic stroke. This study also demonstrated
that DLBS1033 treatment was effectively comparable to aspirin or
clopidogrel in achieving BI of ≥85 that means DLBS1033 treatment
effectively improved subjects’ daily performance from disability or
necessity for other people’s assistance to becoming independence.
A score of 85 of BI usually corresponded to independence with minimal
assistance that the majority of patients were able to get dressed and to
move from armchair to bed without assistance [37]. Score of <85 also
corresponded to a dependent state in which patients reported needing
assistance in performing daily living activities, with a sensitivity of 94-
95% and a specificity of 80-86% [38-40].
Further, even though that the efficacy of DLBS1033 treatment seemed
to be comparable to aspirin or clopidogrel in achieving SSGM of ≥23,
the size of improvement of the neurological function was significantly
greater with DLBS1033 than that with aspirin or clopidogrel (Fig. 2).
In this study, the improvement of both functional and neurological
outcome with DLBS1033 treatment was likely due to DLBS1033
activities as both the antithrombotic and thrombolytic agent [21,41].
In vitro studies demonstrated reduced expression of several genes
involved in inflammatory and atherogenic reaction by DLBS1033,
such as nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB), tumor necrosis factor-alpha
(TNF-α), vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), and P-selectin.
The down-regulation of NF-κB has a link to the inhibition of atheroma
formation, suggesting that DLBS1033 works as an anti-atherogenesis
agent. DLBS1033 can inhibit the progression of other cytokines that
are activated by TNF-α and adherence of leukocytes to endothelium.
Activity of DLBS1033 in decreasing the expression of P-selectin may be
related to the suppression of de novo synthesis of P-selectin mediated by
cytokine. DLBS1033 suppressed the expression of VCAM-1, a member
of the immunoglobulin gene superfamily that mediates leukocyte
binding to the endothelial cell. In the same study, it was shown that
DLBS1033 suppressed the expression of MMP-9 gene, a marker of
plaque instability, suggesting that this bioactive protein fraction has
the ability to control plaque stabilization. MMP-9 is a protease that
degrades extracellular matrix proteins including gelatin, collagen,
elastin, and laminin that are important in tissue destruction; and
also in tissue remodeling and inflammation. This study indicated that
DLBS1033 could regulate the uncontrolled event of plaque rupture by
inhibiting the expression of MMP-9 [21,41]. Our current clinical findings
indicate that DLBS1033 is promising in accommodating the necessity
of treatment for acute ischemic diseases, due to its dual features Asan
antiplatelet and thrombolytic agent and the oral formulation offers
more practical administration.
Due to the limited scope of our study, we did not discuss to what extent
other variables such as age, NIHSS score at admission, cardio-/cerebro-
vascular history (such as myocardial infarction and stroke), dementia,
socio-economic status, presence of fever, undernutrition, as were also
reported in former studies [42-47], might influence the outcomes.
However, random allocation applied in this study allowed a comparable
distribution of those confounding factors between groups; therefore,
a valid and reliable interpretation could still be made as previously
The study concluded that treatment with DLBS1033 at the dose
of 490 mg 3 times daily for 90 days in ischemic stroke subjects
demonstrated a safe hemostatic profile, which was comparable to that
of aspirin 80 mg once daily or clopidogrel 75 mg once daily. In terms
of functional and neurological outcomes, the study indicated that
DLBS1033 clinically benefitted the ischemic stroke subjects.
The study was supported by Dexa Medica, Indonesia. The technical
assistance of Liana W. Susanto, MBiomed., in the statistical analysis of
the data as well as manuscript preparation is gratefully appreciated.
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... National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) were used to evaluate clinical outcomes in study by Cao et al. (2013). Study by Setyopranoto et al. (2016) used Barthel Index (BI) to measure clinical outcomes. Table 3 summarized the conclusion of every study. ...
... Study by Setyopranoto et al. (2016) was using BI. BI consists of 10 item-scale (Mahoney and Barthel, 1965). ...
... Scoring on the BI can be classi ied into: patient able to live independently, dependent (either minimally, partially, or totally), and total dependence (Shinar et al., 1988). (Setyopranoto et al., 2016). ...
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DLBS1033 is a lumbrokinase earned from extraction of earthworms, Lumbricus rubellus. Lumbrokinase has 2 main activities: fibrinolytic and fibrinogenolytic – these activities reduce blood viscosity and platelet aggregation. With all of those properties, DLBS1033 will be a promising agent in patients with ischemic stroke. The objective of this research is to identify the advantage of DLBS1033 in ischemic stroke patients’ clinical outcome. We used Pub Med, Cochrane, and Clinical Key as our major database for this systematic review. ”DLBS1033”, ”lumbrokinase”, and ”stroke” keywords selected to particularize the search. The 2 authors calculated each of the studies using Jadad score. Only certain studies with scores above 3 will be included for further review using PRISMA checklist. There were 27 studies relating to DLBS1033 or lumbrokinase and stroke. Further examination by 2 authors resulted in 23 articles being removed leaving 2 studies. Subjects in all of the said studies are ischemic stroke patients; predominantly male patients. All of the said studies compare DLBS1033 with standard therapy; either utilizing DLBS1033 as an additional therapy or as a separate therapy. Clinical outcomes were measured using NIHSS and BI. Compared to standard therapy, DLBS1033 proved successful in improving clinical outcomes among patients with ischemic stroke. It’s also found to be safe with none serious adverse events and significantly has lower bleeding events.
... 25 Sebuah penelitian lain yang dilakukan secara acak dan terkontrol membandingkan aspirin, clopidogrel, dan lumbrokinase (DLBS1033) pada 129 pasien stroke iskemik di RS Sardjito Yogyakarta. 26 Subjek dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok, yaitu kelompok 1 mendapat aspirin 1x80 mg /hari, kelompok 2 mendapat clopidogrel 1x75 mg /hari, dan kelompok 3 mendapat DLBS1033 3x490 mg/hari. Obat diberikan dalam 96 jam pertama sejak onset stroke, selama 90 hari. ...
... Barthel index dan SSGM ketiga kelompok menunjukkan perbaikan signifikan pada hari ke-90, paling signifikan pada kelompok DLBS1033. 26 Zuo menemukan bahwa kombinasi lumbrokinase dengan aspirin menurunkan konsentrasi fibrinogen plasma, viskositas darah, dan viskositas plasma. Pasien yang diberi kombinasi lumbrokinase dengan aspirin memiliki skor NIHSS lebih rendah 12 bulan kemudian; juga memiliki hasil skor Barthel index (BI) dan Chinese Stroke Scale (CSS) lebih baik. ...
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Stroke is a major cause of disability and cognitive impairment, accounting for 5.2% deaths worldwide. Antiplatelets and anticoagulants have been widely used as prevention of recurrent stroke. Recently, lumbrokinase has been used in stroke and other cardiovascular patients, but further research is needed.
... Currently, EFEs products in the market are crude earthworms protein without fractionation and containing many other proteins or impurities. DLBS1033 has been clinically tested and concluded that at the dose of 490 mg 3 times daily was safe in healthy adults [35] and provided a safe hemostasis profile in ischemic stroke patients [36]. The F85 fraction of DLBS1033P, which only contains EFEs protein, is suggested to have better safety and pharmacological effects compared to DLBS1033. ...
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Background Lumbrokinase derived from earthworms, Lumbricus rubellus is known to have fibrinolytic enzymes that have potential as therapeutic drugs due to its ability to dissolve fibrin. The current study is aimed to purify the Lumbrokinase from L. rubellus and identify its protein component. Methods Water extract of local earthworm Lumbricus rubellus revealed several proteins. Therefore, to identify its protein component, purification through HiPrep DEAE fast flow and proteomic analysis were conducted prior to identifications. A combination of two-dimension gel electrophoresis (2DE) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry analysis was used to identify the purified fractions. Results The purified fractions contain five protein bands, namely F25-1, F25-2, F85-1, F85-2, and F85-3, which displayed strong fibrinogenolytic activity. F25 fractions showed fibrinogenolytic activity of 974.85 U/mg, while F85 fractions showed higher activity of 1,484.11 U/mg. Fractions F85-1, F85-2, and F85-3 showed molecular weights of 42.6 kDa, 27.03 kDa, and 14 kDa, respectively and were identified as Lumbrokinase iso-enzymes. Conclusion This preliminary study indicates that the F25 and F85 fractions are similar to published fibrinolytic protease-1 and lumbrokinase, respectively, in terms of their amino acid sequence.
... Another study in 2016 showed the highest increase in BI scores starting from the beginning of the study until the 90th day was found in the group of patients given DLBS1033. However, the increase in BI scores in the DLBS1033 group did not have a significant difference with the aspirin group or the clopidogrel group [29]. The improvements of functional outcomes were better in experimental group because of these main activities of DLBS1033: fibrinolytic, fibrigenolytic, reduce blood viscosity, and reduce platelet aggregation [5]. ...
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Background: DLBS0133 – a lumbrokinase fractionated from the earthworms, Lumbricus rubellus – was a promising agent in patients with ischemic stroke. Aims: Measure the benefit of DLBS1033 as add on therapy for ischemic stroke patients. Methods: This was randomized, controlled, open-label study from the period of November 2019 - April 2020 at Bethesda Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The subjects were randomized into 2 groups: control group who received standard therapy or experimental group who received standard therapy and DLBS1033 3 times daily. Disabilities were measured with modified Rankin Scale (mRS), National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score, and Barthel Index (BI) between 2 groups. The analysis is intention to treat based. Results: The data were obtained from 60 ischemic stroke patients, consist of 36 male and 24 female. The mean age was 61.9±12.462 years old. There were significant improvements in mRS (3.30±0.724 vs 1.78±0.974) (p <0.001), NIHSS (7.11±2.806 vs 2±2.787) (p <0.001) and BI (4.63±3.53 vs 14.52±5.199) (p <0.001) scores after treatment in experimental group. The improvements of mRS (3.11±0.801 vs 2.26±1.059) (p <0.001), NIHSS (6.19±2.788 vs 2.52±3.227) (p <0.001), and BI (6.59±4.693 vs 13.44± 5.905) (p <0.001) in control group were also significant. Differences of mRS (1.52±0.643 vs 0.85±0.534) (p <0,001), NIHSS (5.11±1.826 vs 3.67±1.941) (p: 0,012), and BI (9.96±3.716 vs 6.85±3.146) (p: 0,001) scores between 2 groups were significantly different. Conclusion: DLBS1033 has proven to improve functional outcomes better than standard therapy. This study did not find any adverse events related to DLBS1033.
... There are no significant parameters of hemostasis parameters. No adverse events of bleeding in any group were observed during the study [23]. ...
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Objective: This study was conducted to determine the effect of clopidogrel on the prevention of recurrent stroke.Methods: This study used case–control study; data were taken from patient’s medical record of DR. Moewardi Regional General Hospital in the period of January 2013 – February 2017. Case group is a recurrent stroke patient receiving an acetosal or clopidogrel. The control group is a nonrecurrent stroke patient who receives an acetosal or clopidogrel.Results: During the period of study, the number of medical sample record data are 177 samples from the entire study subjects that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 50 medical records entered as subject of case study, 32 medical record samples was excluded because medical record data at the first stroke was gone (obselete), 35 medical record was excluded because medical record data at first stroke was not at of DR. Moewardi Regional General Hospital, 4 samples of medical records was excluded for using a combination of acetosal and clopidogrel, 55 samples of medical records as control subjects. Patients who use clopidogrel have a tendency to prevent recurrent stroke, but statistically not significantly different. This study shows that men tend to suffer more recurrent ischemic stroke (64.0%) than women. While in the control group of recurrent ischemic stroke of women (56.4%) more experienced the first stroke than men. Patients who had a stroke almost all had a history of hypertension (90.2%). Recurrent stroke patients in this study almost all had a history of hypertension. Bivariate analysis was showed that gender, history of diabetes mellitus (DM) and history of hypertension had an effect on recurrent stroke events. From the multivariate analysis, it was found that men had a risk of 2.328 for recurrent stroke (p=0.047), the history of DM had a risk of 3.975 times for recurrent stroke (p=0.016) and history of hypertension was 4.021 times for recurrent stroke (p=0.03)
... In addition, this triple antiplatelet reduced long-term cardiac and cerebral events after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) [2]. Cilostazol is a phospodiesterase III inhibitor (PDE III inhibitor) that has been approved by the FDA in 1999, the therapeutic target focus on cyclic adenosine monophosphate with the main effect is inhibited platelet aggregation (thrombosis), and dilation of the arteries contributes to supply blood to the legs [3][4][5][6]. Nevertheless, cilostazol contraindicated in patients with congestive heart failure and associated with increased mortality and adverse reactions such as cardiac arrhythmia, palpitation, tachycardia, and edema [3,7]. ...
The study to monitor the adverse reactions related to cilostazol used in coronary arterial disease with congestive heart failure comorbidity. This case report describes monitored 63-year-old males with dyspnea that had recently begun using cilostazol after switched from aspirin caused by asthma related to aspirin. After 10 days monitored for adverse reactions of cilostazol used, revealed there was no adverse reaction to be related to cilostazol and the patient came home with improvement. Cilostazol did not show any adverse reactions in this report. However, more data and long-term monitoring will needed. In addition, biologic variations may influence. Therefore, need to determine which population do not affect the harm of cilostazol.
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There is accumulating evidence suggesting that cardio- and cerebrovascular diseases have a positive correlation with the events of inflammation that in addition to plaque instability occurs in the vasculature. Providing a therapy that exerts its anti-inflammatory action and inhibition of proliferation and migration of smooth muscle cells may be promising and effective in fighting the cardiovascular disease (CVD). The bioactive protein fraction DLBS1033 is shown to posses such activities. DLBS1033 down-regulates inflammatory markers including JAK1, STAT1, TNFα, NF-kB as well as decreasing vascular smooth muscle cells proliferation and migration. As Matrix Metaloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) expression was downregulated by DLBS1033, it was suggested that DLBS1033 also permitted plaque stabilization to occur in the vasculature. Taken together, these data suggest DLBS1033 exerts its positive pleiotropic effects on the vascular cells primarily via its anti inflammatory activities, plaque stabilization, vascular smooth muscle cells inhibition of proliferation and migration.
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DLBS1033 is a bioactive protein fraction isolated from Lumbricus rubellus that tends to be unstable when exposed to the gastrointestinal environment. Accordingly, appropriate pharmaceutical development is needed to maximize absorption of the protein fraction in the gastrointestinal tract. In vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo stability assays were performed to study the stability of the bioactive protein fraction in gastric conditions. The bioactive protein fraction DLBS1033 was found to be unstable at low pH and in gastric fluid. The “enteric coating” formulation showed no leakage in gastric fluid–like medium and possessed a good release profile in simulated intestinal medium. DLBS1033 was absorbed through the small intestine in an intact protein form, confirmed by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE) analysis. This result confirmed that an enteric coating formula using methacrylic acid copolymer could protect DLBS1033 from the acidic condition of the stomach by preventing the release of DLBS1033 in the stomach, while promoting its release when reaching the intestine. From the blood concentration–versus-time curve, 99mTc-DLBS1033 showed a circulation half-life of 70 minutes. This relatively long biological half-life supports its function as a thrombolytic protein. Thus, an enteric delivery system is considered the best approach for DLBS1033 as an oral thrombolytic agent.
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DLBS1033 is a bioactive protein extract containing Lumbricus rubellus and has been known to have antithrombotic/thrombolytic activity. The present study was aimed to assess the safety aspect of DLBS1033 in a preclinical setting, which included observation on toxic signs after acute and repeated administrations, and the drug’s effect on prenatal development and drug interaction. In acute toxicity study, a high dose level (16.2 g/kg) of DLBS1033 was well tolerated. In subchronic toxicity study, after the doses of 270, 540 and 1080 mg/kg of DLBS1033 per day, no mortality was observed and other parameters were all observed to be normal. In prenatal developmental toxicity, no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) of DLBS1033 was observed at a moderate dose (540 mg/kg). Coadministration of DLBS1033 with clopidogrel or aspirin did not cause gastric lesions, except when all three drugs were coadministrated. Taken together, results of the present study suggested that DLBS1033 is safe for long-term administration, with a caution at a high dose used during pregnancy, and can be used in combination with one of the antiplatelet drugs.
The antiplatelet drug cilostazol is efficacious for prevention of stroke recurrence compared with placebo. We designed the second Cilostazol Stroke Prevention Study (CSPS 2) to establish non-inferiority of cilostazol versus aspirin for prevention of stroke, and to compare the efficacy and safety of cilostazol and aspirin in patients with non-cardioembolic ischaemic stroke. Patients aged 20-79 years who had had a cerebral infarction within the previous 26 weeks were enrolled at 278 sites in Japan and allocated to receive 100 mg cilostazol twice daily or 81 mg aspirin once daily for 1-5 years. Patients were allocated according to a computer-generated randomisation sequence by means of a dynamic balancing method using patient information obtained at registration. All patients, study personnel, investigators, and the sponsor were masked to treatment allocation. The primary endpoint was the first occurrence of stroke (cerebral infarction, cerebral haemorrhage, or subarachnoid haemorrhage). The predefined margin of non-inferiority was an upper 95% CI limit for the hazard ratio of 1·33. Analyses were by full-analysis set. This trial is registered with, number NCT00234065. Between December, 2003, and October, 2006, 2757 patients were enrolled and randomly allocated to receive cilostazol (n=1379) or aspirin (n=1378), of whom 1337 on cilostazol and 1335 on aspirin were included in analyses; mean follow-up was 29 months (SD 16). The primary endpoint occurred at yearly rates of 2·76% (n=82) in the cilostazol group and 3·71% (n=119) in the aspirin group (hazard ratio 0·743, 95% CI 0·564-0·981; p=0·0357). Haemorrhagic events (cerebral haemorrhage, subarachnoid haemorrhage, or haemorrhage requiring hospital admission) occurred in fewer patients on cilostazol (0·77%, n=23) than on aspirin (1·78%, n=57; 0·458, 0·296-0·711; p=0·0004), but headache, diarrhoea, palpitation, dizziness, and tachycardia were more frequent in the cilostazol group than in the aspirin group. Cilostazol seems to be non-inferior, and might be superior, to aspirin for prevention of stroke after an ischaemic stroke, and was associated with fewer haemorrhagic events. Therefore, cilostazol could be used for prevention of stroke in patients with non-cardioembolic stroke. Otsuka Pharmaceutical.
Background: Many clinical trials have evaluated the benefit of long-term use of antiplatelet drugs in reducing the risk of clinical thrombotic events. Aspirin and ticlopidine have been shown to be effective, but both have potentially serious adverse effects. Clopidogrel, a new thienopyridine derivative similar to ticlopidine, is an inhibitor of platelet aggregation induced by adenosine diphosphate. Methods: CAPRIE was a randomised, blinded, international trial designed to assess the relative efficacy of clopidogrel (75 mg once daily) and aspirin (325 mg once daily) in reducing the risk of a composite outcome cluster of ischaemic stroke, myocardial infarction, or vascular death; their relative safety was also assessed. The population studied comprised subgroups of patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease manifested as either recent ischaemic stroke, recent myocardial infarction, or symptomatic peripheral arterial disease. Patients were followed for 1 to 3 years. Findings: 19,185 patients, with more than 6300 in each of the clinical subgroups, were recruited over 3 years, with a mean follow-up of 1.91 years. There were 1960 first events included in the outcome cluster on which an intention-to-treat analysis showed that patients treated with clopidogrel had an annual 5.32% risk of ischaemic stroke, myocardial infarction, or vascular death compared with 5.83% with aspirin. These rates reflect a statistically significant (p = 0.043) relative-risk reduction of 8.7% in favour of clopidogrel (95% Cl 0.3-16.5). Corresponding on-treatment analysis yielded a relative-risk reduction of 9.4%. There were no major differences in terms of safety. Reported adverse experiences in the clopidogrel and aspirin groups judged to be severe included rash (0.26% vs 0.10%), diarrhoea (0.23% vs 0.11%), upper gastrointestinal discomfort (0.97% vs 1.22%), intracranial haemorrhage (0.33% vs 0.47%), and gastrointestinal haemorrhage (0.52% vs 0.72%), respectively. There were ten (0.10%) patients in the clopidogrel group with significant reductions in neutrophils (< 1.2 x 10(9)/L) and 16 (0.17%) in the aspirin group. Interpretation: Long-term administration of clopidogrel to patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease is more effective than aspirin in reducing the combined risk of ischaemic stroke, myocardial infarction, or vascular death. The overall safety profile of clopidogrel is at least as good as that of medium-dose aspirin.
Background: In patients with a first unprovoked venous thromboembolism (VTE) the risk of recurrent VTE remains high after anticoagulant treatment is discontinued. The Aspirin for the Prevention of Recurrent Venous Thromboembolism (the Warfarin and Aspirin [WARFASA]) and the Aspirin to Prevent Recurrent Venous Thromboembolism (ASPIRE) trials showed that aspirin reduces this risk, but they were not individually powered to detect treatment effects for particular outcomes or subgroups. Methods and results: An individual patient data analysis of these trials was planned, before their results were known, to assess the effect of aspirin versus placebo on recurrent VTE, major vascular events (recurrent VTE, myocardial infarction, stroke, and cardiovascular disease death) and bleeding, overall and within predefined subgroups. The primary analysis, for VTE, was by intention to treat using time-to-event data. Of 1224 patients, 193 had recurrent VTE over 30.4 months' median follow-up. Aspirin reduced recurrent VTE (7.5%/yr versus 5.1%/yr; hazard ratio [HR], 0.68; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.51-0.90; P=0.008), including both deep-vein thrombosis (HR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.47-0.92; P=0.01) and pulmonary embolism (HR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.41-1.06; P=0.08). Aspirin reduced major vascular events (8.7%/yr versus 5.7%/yr; HR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.50-0.86; P=0.002). The major bleeding rate was low (0.4%/yr for placebo and 0.5%/yr for aspirin). After adjustment for treatment adherence, recurrent VTE was reduced by 42% (HR, 0.58; 95% CI, 0.40-0.85; P=0.005). Prespecified subgroup analyses indicate similar relative, but larger absolute, risk reductions in men and older patients. Conclusions: Aspirin after anticoagulant treatment reduces the overall risk of recurrence by more than a third in a broad cross-section of patients with a first unprovoked VTE, without significantly increasing the risk of bleeding. Clinical trial registration url: Unique identifier: ACTRN12611000684921.